资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- // AtlGLWorldImpl.h : Declaration of the CAtlGLWorld
- //
- // This is a part of the Active Template Library.
- // Copyright (C) 1996-1998 Microsoft Corporation
- // All rights reserved.
- //
- // This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
- // Active Template Library Reference and related
- // electronic documentation provided with the library.
- // See these sources for detailed information regarding the
- // Active Template Library product.
- #ifndef __ATLGLWORLD_H_
- #define __ATLGLWORLD_H_
- #include "resource.h" // main symbols
- // STL Headers
- #include <new.h>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <xmemory>
- #include <list>
- #include "TanType.h"
- #include "util.h"
- #include "CGL.h"
- #include "AtlGLWorld.h"
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Structures
- //
- typedef struct tagTangramPoint3d
- {
- double x ;
- double y ;
- double z ;
- } TangramPoint3d ;
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CAtlGLWorld
- class ATL_NO_VTABLE CAtlGLWorld :
- public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
- public CComCoClass<CAtlGLWorld, &CLSID_AtlTangramGLWorld>,
- public IAtlTangramGLWorld
- {
- public:
- CAtlGLWorld()
- : m_pCanvas(NULL),
- m_pCanvasUnknown(NULL),
- m_pGL(NULL),
- m_hdc(NULL),
- m_hMainWnd(NULL),
- m_bPicking(FALSE)
- {
- m_ptLowerLeft.x = m_ptLowerLeft.y = 0.0 ;
- m_ptUpperRight.x = m_ptUpperRight.y = 0.0;
- }
- ~CAtlGLWorld() ;
- void FinalRelease()
- {
- TCHAR buf[128];
- wsprintf(buf,_T("GLWorld: m_dwRef = %dn"), m_dwRef);
- ATLTRACE(buf);
- // Release the ICanvas interface on the aggregated object.
- if (m_pCanvas != NULL)
- {
- // Add a reference back to the outer object.
- GetControllingUnknown()->AddRef() ;
- // Remove the reference on the inner and outer objects.
- m_pCanvas->Release() ;
- m_pCanvas = NULL ;
- }
- wsprintf(buf,_T("GLWorld: m_dwRef = %dn"), m_dwRef);
- ATLTRACE(buf);
- // Release our hold on the inner object.
- if (m_pCanvasUnknown != NULL)
- {
- m_pCanvasUnknown->Release() ;
- m_pCanvasUnknown = NULL ;
- }
- wsprintf(buf,_T("GLWorld: m_dwRef = %dn"), m_dwRef);
- ATLTRACE(buf);
- }
- COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_AGGREGATE(IID_IAtlTangramCanvas, m_pCanvasUnknown )
- // Special Registration
- static void SpecialReg(BOOL bRegister) ;
- private:
- // Declare the delegating IUnknown.
- // IAtlTangramWorld Members
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall Initialize(HWND hwnd, double logicalCX, double logicalCY) ;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall DeviceToModel(POINT ptIN, TangramPoint2d* pptOut) ;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall VisualFromPoint( POINT pt,
- REFIID iid,
- IUnknown** ppIAtlTangramVisual) ;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall CreateVisualForModel(IATLTangramModel* pModel) ;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall SelectVisual(IAtlTangramVisual* pSelectedVisual, BOOL bSelect) ;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall Animate() ;
- // ITangramGLWorld
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall ModelToDevice(TangramPoint2d ptIn, TangramPoint2d* pptOut);
- public:
- // OpenGL Support Functions
- BOOL GLResize(int cx, int cy) ;
- BOOL GLSetup() ;
- BOOL GLRender() ;
- private:
- // Member Variables
- #pragma warning(disable:4786)
- typedef std::list<IAtlTangramGLVisual*> CVisualList;
- CVisualList m_VisualList ;
- #pragma warning(default:4786)
- // World Members
- HDC m_hdc ;
- // Aggregated Canvas Component
- IAtlTangramCanvas* m_pCanvas ;
- IUnknown* m_pCanvasUnknown ;
- // Handle to the main window.
- HWND m_hMainWnd ;
- // OpenGL Support Code
- CGL* m_pGL ;
- // OpenGL Picking Support
- BOOL m_bPicking ;
- int Pick(POINT pt) ;
- // Coordinates of lowerleft and upper right of the window.
- TangramPoint3d m_ptLowerLeft ;
- TangramPoint3d m_ptUpperRight ;
- };
- #endif //__ATLGLWORLD_H_