资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- // ADOSamp.idl : IDL source for ADOSamp.dll
- //
- import "oaidl.idl";
- // This file will be processed by the MIDL tool to
- // produce the type library (ADOSamp.tlb) and marshalling code.
- enum DataTypeEnum
- {
- adEmpty = 0,
- adTinyInt = 16,
- adSmallInt = 2,
- adInteger = 3,
- adBigInt = 20,
- adUnsignedTinyInt = 17,
- adUnsignedSmallInt = 18,
- adUnsignedInt = 19,
- adUnsignedBigInt = 21,
- adSingle = 4,
- adDouble = 5,
- adCurrency = 6,
- adDecimal = 14,
- adNumeric = 131,
- adBoolean = 11,
- adError = 10,
- adUserDefined = 132,
- adVariant = 12,
- adIDispatch = 9,
- adIUnknown = 13,
- adGUID = 72,
- adDate = 7,
- adDBDate = 133,
- adDBTime = 134,
- adDBTimeStamp = 135,
- adBSTR = 8,
- adChar = 129,
- adVarChar = 200,
- adLongVarChar = 201,
- adWChar = 130,
- adVarWChar = 202,
- adLongVarWChar = 203,
- adBinary = 128,
- adVarBinary = 204,
- adLongVarBinary = 205
- };
- enum ParameterDirectionEnum
- {
- adParamUnknown = 0,
- adParamInput = 1,
- adParamOutput = 2,
- adParamInputOutput = 3,
- adParamReturnValue = 4
- };
- [
- object,
- uuid(7A319993-48C0-11D0-AE70-00C04FD7D06E),
- dual,
- helpstring("IADOTier Interface"),
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IADOTier : IDispatch
- {
- [id(1), helpstring("method Open")] HRESULT Open([in] BSTR source, [in] BSTR user, [in] BSTR pwd);
- [id(3), helpstring("method OpenRecordset")] HRESULT OpenRecordset([in] VARIANT query);
- [id(4), helpstring("method CloseRecordset")] HRESULT CloseRecordset(void);
- [id(5), helpstring("method ExecuteConnection")] HRESULT ExecuteConnection([in] BSTR query, [in] VARIANT_BOOL bChangeRec);
- [id(6), helpstring("method ExecuteCommand")] HRESULT ExecuteCommand([in] VARIANT_BOOL bStoredProcedure, [in] VARIANT_BOOL bChangeRec);
- [propget, id(7), helpstring("property CommandText")] HRESULT CommandText([out, retval] BSTR *newVal);
- [propput, id(7), helpstring("property CommandText")] HRESULT CommandText([in] BSTR newVal);
- [id(8), helpstring("method AppendParameter")] HRESULT AppendParameter([in] enum DataTypeEnum type, [in] VARIANT value, [in] enum ParameterDirectionEnum where, [in] long size);
- [id(9), helpstring("method Update")] HRESULT Update();
- [id(10), helpstring("method Delete")] HRESULT Delete();
- [propget, id(11), helpstring("property Field")] HRESULT Field([in] VARIANT idx, [out, retval] VARIANT *newVal);
- [propput, id(11), helpstring("property Field")] HRESULT Field([in] VARIANT idx, [in] VARIANT newVal);
- [propget, id(12), helpstring("property FieldCount")] HRESULT FieldCount([out, retval] long *newVal);
- [id(13), helpstring("method Close")] HRESULT Close();
- [id(14), helpstring("method First")] HRESULT First();
- [id(15), helpstring("method Next")] HRESULT Next();
- [id(16), helpstring("method Last")] HRESULT Last();
- [id(17), helpstring("method Prev")] HRESULT Prev();
- [propget, id(18), helpstring("property EOF")] HRESULT EOF([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *newVal);
- [propget, id(19), helpstring("property BOF")] HRESULT BOF([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *newVal);
- [id(20), helpstring("method ParamQuery")] HRESULT ParamQuery([in] BSTR query, [in] long idx1, [in] BSTR idx2, [in] BSTR idx3);
- [id(21), helpstring("method CallStoredProc")] HRESULT CallStoredProc([in] long idx1, [in] BSTR idx2, [in] BSTR idx3);
- [propput, id(22), helpstring("property StoredProc")] HRESULT StoredProc([in] BSTR newVal);
- [id(23), helpstring("method ChangeParameter")] HRESULT ChangeParameter([in] long idx, [in] enum DataTypeEnum type, [in] VARIANT value, [in] enum ParameterDirectionEnum where, [in] long size);
- [id(24), helpstring("method Requery")] HRESULT Requery();
- [id(25), helpstring("method ADORelease")] HRESULT ADORelease();
- [propget, id(26), helpstring("property Empty")] HRESULT Empty([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* bEmpty);
- };
- [
- uuid(7A319991-48C0-11D0-AE70-00C04FD7D06E),
- version(1.0),
- helpstring("ADOSamp 1.0 Type Library")
- ]
- library ADOSAMPLib
- {
- importlib("stdole32.tlb");
- [
- uuid(7A319997-48C0-11D0-AE70-00C04FD7D06E),
- helpstring("ADOTier Class")
- ]
- coclass CADOTier
- {
- [default] interface IADOTier;
- };
- };