- /*
- * Note: this file originally auto-generated by mib2c using
- * : mib2c.access_functions.conf,v 1.3 2003/05/31 00:11:57 hardaker Exp $
- */
- #include <net-snmp/net-snmp-config.h>
- #include <net-snmp/net-snmp-includes.h>
- #include <net-snmp/agent/net-snmp-agent-includes.h>
- #include "netSnmpHostsTable_access.h"
- #include "netSnmpHostsTable_enums.h"
- #include <netinet/in.h>
- #include <arpa/inet.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #define MAX_HOSTS_LINE 4096
- /* XXX: make .conf token */
- #define HOSTS_FILE "/etc/hosts"
- typedef struct my_loop_info_s {
- FILE *filep;
- in_addr_t theaddr;
- char line[MAX_HOSTS_LINE];
- char hostname[64];
- int lineno;
- char *current_ptr;
- } my_loop_info;
- typedef struct my_data_info_s {
- in_addr_t theaddr;
- in_addr_t theoldaddr;
- char hostname[64];
- int lineno;
- } my_data_info;
- /** NOTE:
- * - these get_ routines MUST return data that will not be freed (ie,
- * use static variables or persistent data). It will be copied, if
- * needed, immediately after the get_ routine has been called.
- * - these SET routines must copy the incoming data and can not take
- * ownership of the memory passed in by the val pointer.
- */
- /** returns the first data point within the netSnmpHostsTable table data.
- Set the my_loop_context variable to the first data point structure
- of your choice (from which you can find the next one). This could
- be anything from the first node in a linked list, to an integer
- pointer containing the beginning of an array variable.
- Set the my_data_context variable to something to be returned to
- you later that will provide you with the data to return in a given
- row. This could be the same pointer as what my_loop_context is
- set to, or something different.
- The put_index_data variable contains a list of snmp variable
- bindings, one for each index in your table. Set the values of
- each appropriately according to the data matching the first row
- and return the put_index_data variable at the end of the function.
- */
- netsnmp_variable_list *
- netSnmpHostsTable_get_first_data_point(void **my_loop_context,
- void **my_data_context,
- netsnmp_variable_list *
- put_index_data,
- netsnmp_iterator_info *mydata)
- {
- my_loop_info *loopctx;
- loopctx = SNMP_MALLOC_TYPEDEF(my_loop_info);
- if (!loopctx)
- return NULL; /*XXX log err */
- loopctx->filep = fopen("/etc/hosts","r");
- if (!loopctx->filep) {
- free(loopctx);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* at this point, we need to get the first name and address from
- the file. But since our get_next_data_point function does
- this, we'll use it instead of duplicating code */
- *my_loop_context = loopctx;
- return netSnmpHostsTable_get_next_data_point(my_loop_context,
- my_data_context,
- put_index_data,
- mydata);
- }
- /** functionally the same as netSnmpHostsTable_get_first_data_point, but
- my_loop_context has already been set to a previous value and should
- be updated to the next in the list. For example, if it was a
- linked list, you might want to cast it to your local data type and
- then return my_loop_context->next. The my_data_context pointer
- should be set to something you need later and the indexes in
- put_index_data updated again. */
- netsnmp_variable_list *
- netSnmpHostsTable_get_next_data_point(void **my_loop_context,
- void **my_data_context,
- netsnmp_variable_list *
- put_index_data,
- netsnmp_iterator_info *mydata)
- {
- my_loop_info *loopctx = *my_loop_context;
- char tmpstring[64];
- if (!loopctx)
- return NULL;
- while(loopctx->filep) {
- if (!loopctx->current_ptr) {
- if (!fgets(loopctx->line, sizeof(loopctx->line), loopctx->filep)) {
- /* we're done */
- fclose(loopctx->filep);
- loopctx->filep = NULL;
- return NULL;
- }
- loopctx->lineno++;
- loopctx->current_ptr = loopctx->line;
- loopctx->current_ptr = skip_white(loopctx->current_ptr);
- if (loopctx->current_ptr == NULL || *loopctx->current_ptr == '#') {
- loopctx->current_ptr = NULL;
- continue;
- }
- loopctx->current_ptr =
- copy_nword(loopctx->current_ptr, tmpstring, sizeof(tmpstring));
- loopctx->theaddr = inet_addr(tmpstring);
- if (!loopctx->current_ptr)
- continue;
- }
- loopctx->current_ptr =
- copy_nword(loopctx->current_ptr, loopctx->hostname, sizeof(loopctx->hostname));
- snmp_set_var_value(put_index_data, (u_char *) loopctx->hostname,
- strlen(loopctx->hostname));
- return put_index_data;
- }
- /* we're out of data */
- *my_loop_context = NULL;
- return NULL;
- }
- void *
- netSnmpHostsTable_context_convert_function(void *loop_context,
- netsnmp_iterator_info *iinfo)
- {
- my_loop_info *loopctx = loop_context;
- my_data_info *datactx = SNMP_MALLOC_TYPEDEF(my_data_info);
- if (!datactx)
- return NULL;
- datactx->theoldaddr = datactx->theaddr = loopctx->theaddr;
- datactx->lineno = loopctx->lineno;
- strcpy(datactx->hostname, loopctx->hostname);
- return datactx;
- }
- /** Create a data_context for non-existent rows that SETs are performed on.
- * return a void * pointer which will be passed to subsequent get_XXX
- * and set_XXX functions for data retrival and modification during
- * this SET request.
- *
- * The indexs are encoded (in order) into the index_data pointer if it
- * would be helpful to use that information.
- */
- void *
- netSnmpHostsTable_create_data_context(netsnmp_variable_list * index_data)
- {
- my_data_info *datactx = SNMP_MALLOC_TYPEDEF(my_data_info);
- if (!datactx)
- return NULL;
- strncpy(datactx->hostname, index_data->val.string,
- strlen(index_data->val.string));
- return datactx;
- }
- void
- netSnmpHostsTable_data_free(void *data, netsnmp_iterator_info *iinfo)
- {
- free(data);
- }
- void
- netSnmpHostsTable_loop_free(void *loopctx, netsnmp_iterator_info *iinfo)
- {
- free(loopctx);
- }
- /** If the implemented set_* functions don't operate directly on the
- real-live data (which is actually recommended), then this function
- can be used to take a given my_data_context pointer and "commit" it
- to whereever the modified data needs to be put back to. For
- example, if this was a routing table you could publish the modified
- routes back into the kernel at this point.
- rowStatus will be set to 1 if new, 0 if not or -1 if it should
- be deleted.
- If you free the data yourself, make sure to *my_data_context = NULL */
- int
- netSnmpHostsTable_commit_row(void **my_data_context, int new_or_del)
- {
- /** Add any necessary commit code here */
- FILE *in, *out;
- char line[MAX_HOSTS_LINE], line2[MAX_HOSTS_LINE];
- char myaddr[64], *cp;
- my_data_info *datactx = *my_data_context;
- size_t line2_sz;
- int foundit = 0;
- if (datactx->theaddr == datactx->theoldaddr && new_or_del != -1)
- return SNMP_ERR_NOERROR; /* no change in the value */
- if ((out = fopen(HOSTS_FILE ".snmp", "w")) == NULL)
- if ((in = fopen(HOSTS_FILE, "r")) == NULL)
- while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), in)) {
- copy_nword(line,myaddr,sizeof(myaddr));
- if (inet_addr(myaddr) == datactx->theaddr && new_or_del != -1) {
- foundit = 1;
- /* right line to append to */
- line[strlen(line)-1] = ' '; /* nuke the new line */
- fprintf(out, "%s %sn", line, datactx->hostname);
- } else if (inet_addr(myaddr) == datactx->theoldaddr) {
- /* find and remove the name from the current line */
- int count = 0;
- cp = copy_nword(line, line2, sizeof(line2)); /* pass the addr */
- if (strlen(line2) > sizeof(line2)-2) {
- errorit:
- fclose(in);
- fclose(out);
- unlink(HOSTS_FILE ".snmp");
- }
- line2_sz = strlen(line2);
- line2[line2_sz++] = 't';
- while(cp) {
- cp = copy_nword(cp, &line2[line2_sz], sizeof(line2)-line2_sz);
- if (strcmp(&line2[line2_sz], datactx->hostname) == 0) {
- /* a match, so don't add it to line2 (which means
- don't update the write line2_sz index */
- } else {
- if (strlen(line2) > sizeof(line2)-2) {
- goto errorit;
- }
- line2_sz = strlen(line2);
- line2[line2_sz++] = ' ';
- count++;
- }
- }
- if (count) {
- /* at least one name was still present on the line, so
- save it to the new file */
- line2[line2_sz] = ' ';
- fprintf(out, "%sn", line2);
- }
- } else {
- fputs(line, out);
- }
- }
- if (!foundit && new_or_del != -1) {
- /* couldn't add it to an existing line, so append a new one */
- fprintf(out, "%d.%d.%d.%dt%sn",
- (0x000000ff & datactx->theaddr),
- (0x0000ff00 & datactx->theaddr) >> 8,
- (0x00ff0000 & datactx->theaddr) >> 16,
- (0xff000000 & datactx->theaddr) >> 24,
- datactx->hostname);
- }
- fclose(out); /* close out first to minimize race condition */
- fclose(in);
- /*
- * race condition here - someone else could open the file after
- * we close it but before we can rename it.
- */
- if (!rename(HOSTS_FILE ".snmp", HOSTS_FILE))
- /*
- * return no errors. And there shouldn't be any!!! Ever!!! You
- * should have checked the values long before this.
- */
- }
- /*
- * User-defined data access functions (per column) for data in table
- * netSnmpHostsTable
- */
- long *
- get_netSnmpHostAddressType(void *data_context, size_t * ret_len)
- {
- *ret_len = sizeof(ret);
- return &ret;
- }
- int
- set_netSnmpHostAddressType(void *data_context, long *val, size_t val_len)
- {
- return SNMP_ERR_NOERROR; /* always ipv4 */
- }
- char *
- get_netSnmpHostAddress(void *data_context, size_t * ret_len)
- {
- my_data_info *datainfo = data_context;
- *ret_len = sizeof(in_addr_t); /* XXX: make sure it's 4 */
- return (char *) &datainfo->theaddr;
- }
- int
- set_netSnmpHostAddress(void *data_context, char *val, size_t val_len)
- {
- my_data_info *datainfo = data_context;
- memcpy(&datainfo->theaddr, val, val_len);
- }
- long *
- get_netSnmpHostStorage(void *data_context, size_t * ret_len)
- {
- static long ret = ST_NONVOLATILE;
- *ret_len = sizeof(ret);
- return &ret;
- }
- int
- set_netSnmpHostStorage(void *data_context, long *val, size_t val_len)
- {
- }
- long *
- get_netSnmpHostRowStatus(void *data_context, size_t * ret_len)
- {
- static long ret = RS_ACTIVE;
- *ret_len = sizeof(ret);
- return &ret;
- }
- int
- set_netSnmpHostRowStatus(void *data_context, long *val, size_t val_len)
- {
- /* XXX */
- }