资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*+==========================================================================
- File: BALL.CPP
- Summary: Implementation file for the COBall COM Object Class (for
- aggregatable COBall COM Objects). This module provides a free
- threaded virtual ball object. The ball has internal
- algorithms that determine its position within a bounded two
- dimensional area. No display or other GUI behavior is done in
- this ball. It is a mathematical entity. Clients of this ball
- can command it to reset, move, and reveal its current
- position, size, and color. These last are used by a client
- that displays images of this ball. The color in particular is
- an internal property maintained by the ball that indicates
- the thread of execution that last moved this ball.
- COBall offers a main standard IUnknown interface (basic COM
- object features) and the custom IBall interface (Moving Ball
- related features). This multiple interface COM Object Class
- is achieved via the technique of nested classes. The
- implementation of the IBall interface is nested inside the
- COBall Class.
- This file also implements some internal C++ classes (CXForm
- and CBallThread) that provide internal support for the custom
- IBall interface.
- For a comprehensive tutorial code tour of this module's
- contents and offerings see the accompanying FRESERVE.TXT
- file. For more specific technical details on the internal
- workings see the comments dispersed throughout the module's
- source code.
- Classes: CXForm, CBallThread, COBall.
- Functions: none.
- Origin: 4-5-96: atrent - Editor-inheritance from CAR.CPP in
- the DLLSERVE OLE Tutorial Code Sample. Also borrows from
- the GDIDEMO sample in the Win32 samples of the Win32 SDK.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This file is part of the Microsoft OLE Tutorial Code Samples.
- Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996. All rights reserved.
- This source code is intended only as a supplement to Microsoft
- Development Tools and/or on-line documentation. See these other
- materials for detailed information regarding Microsoft code samples.
- ==========================================================================+*/
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- We include WINDOWS.H for all Win32 applications.
- We include OLE2.H because we will be making calls to the OLE Libraries.
- We include APPUTIL.H because we will be building this application using
- the convenient Virtual Window and Dialog classes and other
- utility functions in the APPUTIL Library (ie, APPUTIL.LIB).
- We include IBALL.H and BALLGUID.H for the common Ball-related Interface
- class, GUID, and CLSID specifications.
- We include SERVER.H because it has internal class declarations and
- resource ID definitions specific for this DLL.
- We include BALL.H because it has the class COBall declarations.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include "preserve.h"
- #include "ball.h"
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- COBall's implementation of its internal utility class CXForm.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: CXForm::Clear
- Summary: Clears and initializes the transformation matrix.
- Args: void
- Modifies: ...
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- void CXForm::Clear(void)
- {
- int Row,Col;
- for(Row=0; Row < 3; Row++)
- for(Col=0; Col < 3; Col++)
- if(Row == Col)
- XForm[Row][Col] = 1;
- else
- XForm[Row][Col] = 0;
- return;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: CXForm::Scale
- Summary: Method to allow setting the transformation to multiply
- by a scale factor.
- Args: int xScale
- x Scale factor.
- int yScale
- y Scale factor.
- Modifies: ...
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- void CXForm::Scale(int xScale, int yScale)
- {
- int idx;
- for(idx=0; idx < 3; idx++)
- {
- XForm[idx][0] = XForm[idx][0] * xScale;
- XForm[idx][1] = XForm[idx][1] * yScale;
- }
- return;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: CXForm::Trans
- Summary: Perform the transform uing the internal matrix.
- Args: int xTrans
- x coordinate.
- int yTrans
- y coordinate.
- Modifies: ...
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- void CXForm::Trans(int xTrans, int yTrans)
- {
- XForm[2][0] = XForm[2][0] + xTrans;
- XForm[2][1] = XForm[2][1] + yTrans;
- return;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: CXForm::Point
- Summary: Transform a point.
- Args: POINT* pPoint
- Pointer to the point.
- Modifies: ...
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- void CXForm::Point(POINT* pPoint)
- {
- int x,y;
- x = (XForm[0][0] * pPoint->x) + (XForm[1][0] * pPoint->y) + XForm[2][0];
- y = (XForm[0][1] * pPoint->x) + (XForm[1][1] * pPoint->y) + XForm[2][1];
- pPoint->x = x;
- pPoint->y = y;
- return;
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- COBall's implementation of its main COM object class including
- Constructor, Destructor, QueryInterface, AddRef, and Release.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COBall::COBall
- Summary: COBall Constructor. Note the member initializer:
- "m_ImpIBall(this, pUnkOuter)" which is used to pass the 'this'
- and pUnkOuter pointers of this constructor function to the
- constructor in the instantiation of the implementation of the
- CImpIBall interface (which is nested inside this present
- COBall Object Class).
- Args: IUnknown* pUnkOuter,
- Pointer to the the outer Unknown. NULL means this COM Object
- is not being Aggregated. Non NULL means it is being created
- on behalf of an outside COM object that is reusing it via
- aggregation.
- CServer* pServer)
- Pointer to the server's control object.
- Modifies: m_cRefs, m_pUnkOuter, m_pServer.
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- COBall::COBall(
- IUnknown* pUnkOuter,
- CServer* pServer) :
- m_ImpIBall(this, pUnkOuter)
- {
- // Zero the COM object's reference count.
- m_cRefs = 0;
- // No AddRef necessary if non-NULL, as we're nested.
- m_pUnkOuter = pUnkOuter;
- // Assign the pointer to the server control object.
- m_pServer = pServer;
- return;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COBall::~COBall
- Summary: COBall Destructor.
- Args: void
- Modifies: .
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- COBall::~COBall(void)
- {
- return;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COBall::QueryInterface
- Summary: QueryInterface of the COBall non-delegating
- IUnknown implementation.
- Args: REFIID riid,
- [in] GUID of the Interface being requested.
- PPVOID ppv)
- [out] Address of the caller's pointer variable that will
- receive the requested interface pointer.
- Modifies: .
- Returns: HRESULT
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- STDMETHODIMP COBall::QueryInterface(
- REFIID riid,
- PPVOID ppv)
- {
- if (OwnThis())
- {
- *ppv = NULL;
- if (IID_IUnknown == riid)
- *ppv = this;
- else if (IID_IBall == riid)
- *ppv = &m_ImpIBall;
- if (NULL != *ppv)
- {
- // We've handed out a pointer to the interface so obey the COM rules
- // and AddRef the reference count.
- ((LPUNKNOWN)*ppv)->AddRef();
- hr = NOERROR;
- }
- UnOwnThis();
- }
- return (hr);
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COBall::AddRef
- Summary: AddRef of the COBall non-delegating IUnknown implementation.
- Args: void
- Modifies: m_cRefs.
- Returns: ULONG
- New value of m_cRefs (COM object's reference count).
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- {
- ULONG cRefs;
- if (OwnThis())
- {
- cRefs = ++m_cRefs;
- UnOwnThis();
- }
- return cRefs;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COBall::Release
- Summary: Release of the COBall non-delegating IUnknown implementation.
- Args: void
- Modifies: m_cRefs.
- Returns: ULONG
- New value of m_cRefs (COM object's reference count).
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) COBall::Release(void)
- {
- ULONG cRefs;
- if (OwnThis())
- {
- cRefs = --m_cRefs;
- if (0 == cRefs)
- {
- // We've reached a zero reference count for this COM object.
- // So we tell the server housing to decrement its global object
- // count so that the server will be unloaded if appropriate.
- if (NULL != m_pServer)
- m_pServer->ObjectsDown();
- // We artificially bump the main ref count to prevent reentrancy
- // via the main object destructor. Not really needed in this
- // COBall but a good practice because we are aggregatable and
- // may at some point in the future add something entertaining like
- // some Releases to the COBall destructor. We relinquish thread
- // ownership of this object before deleting it--a good practice.
- m_cRefs++;
- UnOwnThis();
- delete this;
- }
- else
- UnOwnThis();
- }
- return cRefs;
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- COBall's nested implementation of the IBall interface including
- Constructor, Destructor, QueryInterface, AddRef, Release, Reset, Move,
- and GetBall. This interface implementation also has internal methods
- that are not particulary intended for outside clients: GetDimensions,
- SetDimensions, GetDirection, SetDirection, GetPosition, SetPostion,
- CheckBounce, and FindThread. The IBall interface only provides client
- access to the IUnknown methods and the Reset, Move, and GetBall methods.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COBall::CImpIBall::CImpIBall
- Summary: Constructor for the CImpIBall interface instantiation.
- Args: COBall* pBackObj,
- Back pointer to the parent outer object.
- IUnknown* pUnkOuter
- Pointer to the outer Unknown. For delegation.
- Modifies: m_pBackObj, m_pUnkOuter.
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- COBall::CImpIBall::CImpIBall(
- COBall* pBackObj,
- IUnknown* pUnkOuter)
- {
- size_t i;
- BYTE r=128, g=128, b=128;
- // Init the Back Object Pointer to point to the parent object.
- m_pBackObj = pBackObj;
- // Init the CImpIBall interface's delegating Unknown pointer. We use
- // the Back Object pointer for IUnknown delegation here if we are not
- // being aggregated. If we are being aggregated we use the supplied
- // pUnkOuter for IUnknown delegation. In either case the pointer
- // assignment requires no AddRef because the CImpIBall lifetime is
- // quaranteed by the lifetime of the parent object in which
- // CImpIBall is nested.
- if (NULL == pUnkOuter)
- m_pUnkOuter = pBackObj;
- else
- m_pUnkOuter = pUnkOuter;
- // Now initialize the Ball application entity data.
- m_bAlive = TRUE;
- m_xDirection = 0;
- m_yDirection = 0;
- m_bNewPosition = FALSE;
- m_xPosition = 0;
- m_yPosition = 0;
- m_nWidth = 30;
- m_nHeight = 30;
- m_xSkew = BALL_MOVE_SKEW;
- m_ySkew = BALL_MOVE_SKEW;
- m_crColor = RGB(0,0,0);
- // Clear point transformation array.
- m_XForm.Clear();
- // Init BallThread array--init colors and clear thread Ids.
- // The BallThreads are the threads that contend to move and/or
- // paint the ball object.
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_BALLTHREADS; i++)
- m_aBallThreads[i].Id = 0;
- m_aBallThreads[0].Color = RGB(0 , 0,255); // Blue
- m_aBallThreads[1].Color = RGB(255, 0, 0); // Red
- m_aBallThreads[2].Color = RGB(0 ,255, 0); // Green
- m_aBallThreads[3].Color = RGB(0 , 0, 0); // Black
- m_aBallThreads[4].Color = RGB(255, 0,255); // Purple
- m_aBallThreads[5].Color = RGB(0 ,255,255); // Aqua
- m_aBallThreads[6].Color = RGB(255,255, 0); // Brown
- for (i=7; i<MAX_BALLTHREADS; i++)
- {
- // Fill the remainder with some random colors.
- m_aBallThreads[i].Color = RGB(r,g,b);
- r = (BYTE) lRandom() % 255;
- g = (BYTE) lRandom() % 255;
- b = (BYTE) lRandom() % 255;
- }
- return;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COBall::CImpIBall::~CImpIBall
- Summary: Destructor for the CImpIBall interface instantiation.
- Args: void
- Modifies: .
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- COBall::CImpIBall::~CImpIBall(void)
- {
- return;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COBall::CImpIBall::GetDimensions
- Summary: Internal utility method to get the ball x,y dimensions.
- Args: POINT* pDimension
- Pointer to the point that will contain the dimensions.
- Modifies: *pDimension.
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- void COBall::CImpIBall::GetDimensions(POINT* pDimension)
- {
- pDimension->x = m_nWidth;
- pDimension->y = m_nHeight;
- return;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COBall::CImpIBall::SetDimensions
- Summary: Internal utility method to set the ball x,y dimensions.
- Args: int nWidth
- New Ball width.
- int nHeight
- New Ball Height.
- Modifies: .
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- void COBall::CImpIBall::SetDimensions(int nWidth, int nHeight)
- {
- m_nWidth = nWidth;
- m_nHeight = nHeight;
- return;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COBall::CImpIBall::GetDirection
- Summary: Internal utility method to get the ball direction.
- Args: POINT* pDirection
- Pointer to the Point that will contain the x,y direction
- data.
- Modifies: ...
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- void COBall::CImpIBall::GetDirection(POINT* pDirection)
- {
- pDirection->x = m_xDirection;
- pDirection->y = m_yDirection;
- return;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COBall::CImpIBall::SetDirection
- Summary: Internal utility method to set the ball direction.
- Args: int xDirection
- x coordinate of the new direction.
- int yDirection
- y coordinate of the new direction.
- Modifies: ...
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- void COBall::CImpIBall::SetDirection(int xDirection, int yDirection)
- {
- m_xDirection = xDirection;
- m_yDirection = yDirection;
- return;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COBall::CImpIBall::GetPosition
- Summary: Internal utility method to get current the ball position.
- Args: POINT* pPosition
- Pointer to the Point that is the position.
- Modifies: *pPostion.
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- void COBall::CImpIBall::GetPosition(POINT* pPosition)
- {
- POINT Org;
- Org.x = 0;
- Org.y = 0;
- m_XForm.Point(&Org);
- pPosition->x = Org.x;
- pPosition->y = Org.y;
- return;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COBall::CImpIBall::SetPosition
- Summary: Internal utility method to set current the ball position.
- Args: int x
- x-coordinate of new position.
- int y
- y-coordinate of new position.
- Modifies: ...
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- void COBall::CImpIBall::SetPosition(int x, int y)
- {
- m_bNewPosition = TRUE;
- m_xPosition = x;
- m_yPosition = y;
- return;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COBall::CImpIBall::CheckBounce
- Summary: Internal utility method to check the current ball position,
- dimension, and direction data and determine if the ball has
- hit the internal WinRect bounding rectangle. If it has then
- the ball data is recalculated to achieve a "bounce" effect
- for the ball as it moves.
- Args: void
- Modifies: ...
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- void COBall::CImpIBall::CheckBounce(void)
- {
- POINT Pos, Dir, Dim;
- int xNewPos, yNewPos, xNewDir, yNewDir;
- GetPosition(&Pos);
- GetDirection(&Dir);
- GetDimensions(&Dim);
- // Check each edge of the client rectangle. If the ball goes past the
- // boundries, reset its position and direction to give it a "bounce"
- // effect the next time it is displayed.
- xNewDir = Dir.x;
- yNewDir = Dir.y;
- xNewPos = Pos.x + Dir.x;
- yNewPos = Pos.y + Dir.y;
- if(xNewPos < m_WinRect.left)
- {
- xNewDir = ((lRandom() % m_xSkew) + m_xSkew);
- SetPosition(m_WinRect.left, Pos.y);
- }
- if((xNewPos + Dim.x) > m_WinRect.right)
- {
- xNewDir = -(((int)lRandom() % m_xSkew) + m_xSkew);
- SetPosition(m_WinRect.right - Dim.x, Pos.y);
- }
- if(yNewPos <
- {
- yNewDir = ((lRandom() % m_ySkew) + m_ySkew);
- SetPosition(Pos.x,;
- }
- if((yNewPos + Dim.y) > m_WinRect.bottom)
- {
- yNewDir = -(((int)lRandom() % m_ySkew) + m_ySkew);
- SetPosition(Pos.x, m_WinRect.bottom - Dim.y);
- }
- SetDirection(xNewDir, yNewDir);
- return;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COBall::CImpIBall::FindThread
- Summary: Internal utility method to Find the thread that is now
- executing this code. If the executing thread is not already in
- the Thread array remember the new Thread's Id and add it to the
- array. This in effect assigns the thread a color that can be
- used for tutorial display of which thread is executing on the
- ball object.
- Args: void
- Modifies: ...
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- void COBall::CImpIBall::FindThread(void)
- {
- BOOL bFound = FALSE;
- DWORD dwTId = GetCurrentThreadId();
- size_t i = 0;
- while(!bFound && i<MAX_BALLTHREADS)
- {
- if (m_aBallThreads[i].Id == 0)
- {
- // Found empty slot. This simple array logic allows no empty holes.
- m_aBallThreads[i].Id = dwTId;
- bFound = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- if (m_aBallThreads[i].Id == dwTId)
- {
- // Found previous visiting thread--use its assigned color.
- m_crColor = m_aBallThreads[i].Color;
- bFound = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- i++;
- {
- // Thread array is full--use a gray color for all other
- // excess visiting threads.
- m_crColor = RGB(127,127,127);
- bFound = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COBall::CImpIBall::QueryInterface
- Summary: The QueryInterface IUnknown member of this IBall interface
- implementation that delegates to m_pUnkOuter, whatever it is.
- Args: REFIID riid,
- [in] GUID of the Interface being requested.
- PPVOID ppv)
- [out] Address of the caller's pointer variable that will
- receive the requested interface pointer.
- Modifies: .
- Returns: HRESULT
- Returned by the delegated outer QueryInterface call.
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- STDMETHODIMP COBall::CImpIBall::QueryInterface(
- REFIID riid,
- PPVOID ppv)
- {
- // Delegate this call to the outer object's QueryInterface.
- return m_pUnkOuter->QueryInterface(riid, ppv);
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COBall::CImpIBall::AddRef
- Summary: The AddRef IUnknown member of this IBall interface
- implementation that delegates to m_pUnkOuter, whatever it is.
- Args: void
- Modifies: .
- Returns: ULONG
- Returned by the delegated outer AddRef call.
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) COBall::CImpIBall::AddRef(void)
- {
- // Delegate this call to the outer object's AddRef.
- return m_pUnkOuter->AddRef();
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COBall::CImpIBall::Release
- Summary: The Release IUnknown member of this IBall interface
- implementation that delegates to m_pUnkOuter, whatever it is.
- Args: void
- Modifies: .
- Returns: ULONG
- Returned by the delegated outer Release call.
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) COBall::CImpIBall::Release(void)
- {
- // Delegate this call to the outer object's Release.
- return m_pUnkOuter->Release();
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COBall::CImpIBall::Reset
- Summary: The Reset member method of the IBall interface implementation.
- Called by outside clients of a COBall object to reset the
- virtual ball. It is restored to the upper left corner.
- Args: RECT* pNewRect,
- Pointer to a RECT structure. Tells the COBall the bounding
- rectangle within which the ball can move.
- short nBallSize,
- The size of the ball in pixels. nBallSize == Width == Height
- meaning that a circle is assumed.
- Modifies: ...
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- STDMETHODIMP COBall::CImpIBall::Reset(
- RECT* pNewRect,
- short nBallSize)
- {
- int nDim, xDirection, yDirection;
- if (OwnThis())
- {
- // Find the thread who is executing this and remember its color.
- FindThread();
- m_xSkew = m_ySkew = BALL_MOVE_SKEW;
- m_WinRect.left = pNewRect->left;
- = pNewRect->top;
- m_WinRect.right = pNewRect->right;
- m_WinRect.bottom = pNewRect->bottom;
- nDim = nBallSize ? nBallSize : max(5, m_WinRect.right / 13);
- SetDimensions(nDim, nDim);
- SetPosition(0, 0);
- xDirection = ((lRandom() % m_xSkew) + m_xSkew);
- yDirection = ((lRandom() % m_ySkew) + m_ySkew);
- SetDirection(xDirection, yDirection);
- hr = NOERROR;
- UnOwnThis();
- }
- return hr;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COBall::CImpIBall::Move
- Summary: The Move member method of this IBall interface implementation.
- Called by outside clients of a COBall object to advance the
- "motion" of this COBall virtual ball entity.
- Args: BOOL bAlive
- TRUE means stay alive; FALSE means don't move but die.
- Modifies: m_bAlive.
- Returns: BOOL
- TRUE means the move was done and the ball is still alive.
- FALSE means the move was not done and the ball has been
- killed.
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- STDMETHODIMP COBall::CImpIBall::Move(BOOL bAlive, BOOL* bRet)
- {
- *bRet = FALSE;
- if (OwnThis())
- {
- if (bAlive)
- {
- // Find thread that is now executing this code. Remember its Id and
- // assign it a color. If this thread previously visited here then
- // use its remembered values. In any case, set a color value in
- // m_crColor of its existing or newly assigned color.
- FindThread();
- // Ask the Ball if it has hit any of the edges of the current window
- // rectangle. If so, it will recalculate its position and direction to
- // achieve a "bounce" effect in its motion the next time it is painted.
- CheckBounce();
- // Calculate and set new ball position.
- if(m_bNewPosition)
- {
- m_bNewPosition = FALSE;
- m_XForm.Clear();
- m_XForm.Trans(m_xPosition, m_yPosition);
- }
- else
- m_XForm.Trans(m_xDirection, m_yDirection);
- }
- else
- m_bAlive = FALSE;
- *bRet = m_bAlive;
- UnOwnThis();
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COBall::CImpIBall::GetBall
- Summary: The GetBall member method of this IBall interface
- implementation. Called by outside clients of a COBall object
- to get the necessary data on the moving ball to enable GUI
- display of an actual image of this virtual ball. This COBall
- is a data entity only that is kept alive by client threads
- that call Move. A GUI client can independently call GetBall
- to allow it to display some visual representation of the Ball.
- Args: POINT* pOrg,
- Pointer to a point that will contain the current origin
- position of the ball.
- POINT* pExt,
- Pointer to a point that will contain the current extent
- size of the ball.
- COLORREF* pcrColor)
- Pointer to a COLORREF that will contain the current color
- of the ball. This color is determined by the last thread
- that was executing in the ball before this call is made.
- Modifies: ...
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- STDMETHODIMP COBall::CImpIBall::get_Ball(
- POINT* pOrg,
- POINT* pExt,
- COLORREF* pcrColor)
- {
- if (OwnThis())
- {
- *pcrColor = m_crColor;
- pOrg->x = 0;
- pOrg->y = 0;
- m_XForm.Point(pOrg);
- pExt->x = m_nWidth;
- pExt->y = m_nHeight;
- m_XForm.Point(pExt);
- hr = NOERROR;
- UnOwnThis();
- }
- return hr;
- }