资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /************************************************************************
- * Module: shadow.c
- *
- ***********************************************************************/
- // This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library.
- // Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Microsoft Corporation
- // All rights reserved.
- //
- // This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
- // Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and related
- // electronic documentation provided with the library.
- // See these sources for detailed information regarding the
- // Microsoft Foundation Classes product.
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "shadow.h"
- VOID NEAR PASCAL Draw3DLine1( HDC hDC, UINT x, UINT y, UINT nLen, UINT wFlags ) ;
- VOID NEAR PASCAL DrawFrame( HDC hDC, LPRECT lprc ) ;
- #define SHADOWWIDTH 1
- /****************************************************************
- * VOID WINAPI tdDraw3DCrease( HDC hDC, LPRECT lprc, UINT uiFlags )
- *
- * Description:
- *
- *
- *
- * Comments:
- *
- ****************************************************************/
- VOID WINAPI tdDraw3DCrease( HDC hDC, LPRECT lpRect, UINT uiFlags )
- {
- RECT rc ;
- COLORREF rgbOld ;
- rc = *lpRect ;
- if (uiFlags & DRAW3D_OUT)
- OffsetRect( &rc, 1, 1 ) ;
- rgbOld = SetBkColor( hDC, tdGetShadowColor( GetBkColor( hDC ) ) ) ;
- DrawFrame( hDC, &rc ) ;
- if (uiFlags & DRAW3D_OUT)
- OffsetRect( &rc, -1, -1 ) ;
- else
- OffsetRect( &rc, 1, 1 ) ;
- SetBkColor( hDC, tdGetHighlightColor( rgbOld ) ) ;
- DrawFrame( hDC, &rc ) ;
- SetBkColor( hDC, rgbOld ) ;
- } /* tdDraw3DCrease() */
- *
- * Draws a 3D rectangle that is shaded. wFlags can be used to
- * control how the rectangle looks.
- *
- * HDC hDC : Handle to the device context that will be
- * used to display the rectangle.
- *
- * RECT rect : A rectangle describing the dimensions of
- * the rectangle in device coordinates.
- *
- * UINT wShadowWidth : Width of the shadow in device coordinates.
- *
- * UINT wFlags : The following flags may be passed to describe
- * the style of the rectangle:
- *
- * DRAW3D_IN : The shadow is drawn such that
- * the box appears to be sunk in to the screen.
- * This is default if 0 is passed.
- *
- * DRAW3D_OUT : The shadow is drawn such that
- * the box appears to be sticking out of the
- * screen.
- *
- * The 3D looking rectangle will have been drawn into the DC.
- *
- * NOTES:
- *
- ** cjp */
- VOID WINAPI tdDraw3DRect( HDC hDC, LPRECT lpRect,
- UINT uiShadowWidth, UINT uiFlags )
- {
- /* sanity check--don't work if you don't have to! */
- if ( !uiShadowWidth || !RectVisible( hDC, lpRect ) )
- return ;
- if (uiFlags & DRAW3D_CREASE)
- {
- tdDraw3DCrease( hDC, lpRect, uiFlags ) ;
- return ;
- }
- /* if width is 1 use lines instead of polygons */
- if (uiShadowWidth == 1)
- {
- /* draw the top line */
- Draw3DLine1( hDC, lpRect->left, lpRect->top,
- lpRect->right - lpRect->left,
- DRAW3D_TOPLINE | uiFlags ) ;
- /* right line */
- Draw3DLine1( hDC, lpRect->right, lpRect->top,
- lpRect->bottom - lpRect->top,
- DRAW3D_RIGHTLINE | uiFlags ) ;
- /* bottom line */
- Draw3DLine1( hDC, lpRect->left, lpRect->bottom,
- lpRect->right - lpRect->left,
- DRAW3D_BOTTOMLINE | uiFlags ) ;
- /* left line */
- Draw3DLine1( hDC, lpRect->left, lpRect->top,
- lpRect->bottom - lpRect->top,
- DRAW3D_LEFTLINE | uiFlags ) ;
- }
- else
- {
- /* draw the top line */
- tdDraw3DLine( hDC, lpRect->left, lpRect->top,
- lpRect->right - lpRect->left,
- uiShadowWidth, DRAW3D_TOPLINE | uiFlags ) ;
- /* right line */
- tdDraw3DLine( hDC, lpRect->right, lpRect->top,
- lpRect->bottom - lpRect->top,
- uiShadowWidth, DRAW3D_RIGHTLINE | uiFlags ) ;
- /* bottom line */
- tdDraw3DLine( hDC, lpRect->left, lpRect->bottom,
- lpRect->right - lpRect->left,
- uiShadowWidth, DRAW3D_BOTTOMLINE | uiFlags ) ;
- /* left line */
- tdDraw3DLine( hDC, lpRect->left, lpRect->top,
- lpRect->bottom - lpRect->top,
- uiShadowWidth, DRAW3D_LEFTLINE | uiFlags ) ;
- }
- } /* Draw3DRect() */
- /** VOID WINAPI tdDraw3DLine( HDC hDC, UINT x, UINT y, UINT nLen,
- *
- * Draws a 3D line that can be used to make a 3D box.
- *
- * HDC hDC : Handle to the device context that will be
- * used to display the 3D line.
- *
- * UINT x, y : Coordinates of the beginning of the line.
- * These coordinates are in device UINTs and
- * represent the _outside_ most point. Horiz-
- * ontal lines are drawn from left to right and
- * vertical lines are drawn from top to bottom.
- *
- * UINT uiShadowWidth : Width of the shadow in device coordinates.
- *
- * UINT uiFlags : The following flags may be passed to
- * describe the style of the 3D line:
- *
- * DRAW3D_IN : The shadow is drawn such that
- * the box appears to be sunk in to the screen.
- * This is default if 0 is passed.
- *
- * DRAW3D_OUT : The shadow is drawn such that
- * the box appears to be sticking out of the
- * screen.
- *
- * _RIGHTLINE : Specifies that a "top",
- * "Bottom", "Left", or"Right" line is to be
- * drawn.
- *
- * The line will have been drawn into the DC.
- *
- * NOTES:
- *
- ** cjp */
- VOID WINAPI tdDraw3DLine( HDC hDC, UINT x, UINT y, UINT uiLen,
- UINT uiShadowWidth, UINT uiFlags )
- {
- HBRUSH hBrush ;
- BOOL fDark ;
- POINT Point[ 4 ] ; /* define a polgon with 4 points */
- /* if width is zero, don't do nothin'! */
- if ( !uiShadowWidth )
- return ;
- /* if width is 1 use lines instead of polygons */
- if (uiShadowWidth == 1)
- {
- Draw3DLine1( hDC, x, y, uiLen, uiFlags ) ;
- return ;
- }
- /* define shape of polygon--origin is always the same */
- Point[0].x = x ;
- Point[0].y = y ;
- /* To do this we'll simply draw a polygon with four sides, using
- * the appropriate brush. I dare you to ask me why this isn't a
- * switch/case!
- */
- if ( uiFlags & DRAW3D_TOPLINE )
- {
- /* across to right */
- Point[1].x = x + uiLen - (uiShadowWidth == 1 ? 1 : 0) ;
- Point[1].y = y ;
- /* down/left */
- Point[2].x = x + uiLen - uiShadowWidth ;
- Point[2].y = y + uiShadowWidth ;
- /* accross to left */
- Point[3].x = x + uiShadowWidth ;
- Point[3].y = y + uiShadowWidth ;
- /* select 'dark' brush if 'in'--'light' for 'out' */
- fDark = ( uiFlags & DRAW3D_IN ) ? TRUE : FALSE ;
- }
- /* possibly the bottom? */
- else if ( uiFlags & DRAW3D_BOTTOMLINE )
- {
- /* across to right */
- Point[1].x = x + uiLen ;
- Point[1].y = y ;
- /* up/left */
- Point[2].x = x + uiLen - uiShadowWidth ;
- Point[2].y = y - uiShadowWidth ;
- /* accross to left */
- Point[3].x = x + uiShadowWidth ;
- Point[3].y = y - uiShadowWidth ;
- /* select 'light' brush if 'in' */
- fDark = ( uiFlags & DRAW3D_IN ) ? FALSE : TRUE ;
- }
- /* ok, it's gotta be left? */
- else if ( uiFlags & DRAW3D_LEFTLINE )
- {
- /* down */
- Point[1].x = x ;
- Point[1].y = y + uiLen - (uiShadowWidth == 1 ? 1 : 0) ;
- /* up/right */
- Point[2].x = x + uiShadowWidth ;
- Point[2].y = y + uiLen - uiShadowWidth ;
- /* down */
- Point[3].x = x + uiShadowWidth ;
- Point[3].y = y + uiShadowWidth ;
- /* select 'dark' brush if 'in'--'light' for 'out' */
- fDark = ( uiFlags & DRAW3D_IN ) ? TRUE : FALSE ;
- }
- /* well maybe it's for the right side? */
- else if ( uiFlags & DRAW3D_RIGHTLINE )
- {
- /* down */
- Point[1].x = x ;
- Point[1].y = y + uiLen ;
- /* up/left */
- Point[2].x = x - uiShadowWidth ;
- Point[2].y = y + uiLen - uiShadowWidth ;
- /* up */
- Point[3].x = x - uiShadowWidth ;
- Point[3].y = y + uiShadowWidth ;
- /* select 'light' brush if 'in' */
- fDark = ( uiFlags & DRAW3D_IN ) ? FALSE : TRUE ;
- }
- else
- return ;
- /* select NULL_PEN for no borders */
- SelectObject( hDC, GetStockObject( NULL_PEN ) ) ;
- /* select the appropriate color for the fill */
- hBrush = CreateSolidBrush( GetNearestColor( hDC, fDark ?
- tdGetShadowColor( GetBkColor( hDC ) ) :
- tdGetHighlightColor( GetBkColor( hDC ) ) ) ) ;
- hBrush = (HBRUSH)SelectObject( hDC, hBrush ) ;
- /* finally, draw the dern thing */
- Polygon( hDC, (LPPOINT)&Point, 4 ) ;
- /* restore what we killed */
- hBrush = (HBRUSH)SelectObject( hDC, hBrush ) ;
- DeleteObject( hBrush ) ;
- } /*tdDraw3DLine() */
- /****************************************************************
- * COLORREF WINAPI tdGetHighLightColor( COLORREF rgb )
- *
- * Description:
- *
- * This function returns the highlight color that corresponds
- * to the given rgb value. If there is no "high intensity"
- * color that matches, white is used (or yellow if the color
- * is white).
- *
- * Comments:
- *
- ****************************************************************/
- COLORREF WINAPI tdGetHighlightColor( COLORREF rgb )
- {
- BYTE cRed, cGreen, cBlue ;
- #if _MFC_VER >= 0x0300
- if (rgb == GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNFACE ))
- return GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT ) ;
- #endif
- if (rgb == RGBLTRED ||
- rgb == RGBLTGREEN ||
- rgb == RGBLTBLUE ||
- rgb == RGBLTMAGENTA ||
- rgb == RGBLTCYAN ||
- rgb == RGBLTGRAY ||
- rgb == RGBYELLOW)
- return RGBWHITE ;
- if (rgb == RGBWHITE)
- return RGBLTGRAY ;
- if (rgb == RGBBLACK || rgb == RGBGRAY)
- return RGBLTGRAY ;
- cRed = (BYTE)(rgb & 0x000000FF) ;
- cGreen = (BYTE)((rgb & 0x0000FF00) >> 8) ;
- cBlue = (BYTE)((rgb & 0x00FF0000) >> 16) ;
- if (cRed == 128)
- cRed += 64 ;
- if (cGreen == 128)
- cGreen += 64 ;
- if (cBlue == 128)
- cBlue += 64 ;
- return RGB( cRed, cGreen, cBlue ) ;
- } /* tdGetHighlightColor() */
- /****************************************************************
- * COLORREF WINAPI tdGetShadowColor( COLORREF rgb )
- *
- * Description:
- *
- * Returns an appropriate shadow color for the given rgb.
- *
- * Comments:
- *
- ****************************************************************/
- COLORREF WINAPI tdGetShadowColor( COLORREF rgb )
- {
- if (rgb == GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNFACE ))
- return GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNSHADOW ) ;
- BYTE cRed, cGreen, cBlue ;
- if (rgb == RGBBLACK)
- return RGBGRAY ;
- if (rgb == RGBRED ||
- rgb == RGBGREEN ||
- rgb == RGBBLUE ||
- rgb == RGBBROWN ||
- rgb == RGBMAGENTA ||
- rgb == RGBCYAN ||
- rgb == RGBWHITE ||
- rgb == RGBGRAY)
- return RGBBLACK ;
- if (rgb == RGBLTGRAY)
- return RGBGRAY ;
- cRed = (BYTE)(rgb & 0x000000FF) ;
- cGreen = (BYTE)((rgb & 0x0000FF00) >> 8) ;
- cBlue = (BYTE)((rgb & 0x00FF0000) >> 16) ;
- if (cRed > 128)
- cRed -= 64 ;
- if (cGreen > 128)
- cGreen -= 64 ;
- if (cBlue > 128)
- cBlue -= 64 ;
- return RGB( cRed, cGreen, cBlue ) ;
- } /* tdGetShadowColor() */
- /*
- *====================================================================
- * Internal functions
- *====================================================================
- */
- /****************************************************************
- * Draw3DLine1( HDC hDC, UINT x, UINT y, UINT uiLen, UINT uiFlags )
- *
- * Description:
- *
- * Does the same thing astdDraw3DLine but for single width lines.
- *
- * Comments:
- *
- ****************************************************************/
- Draw3DLine1( HDC hDC, UINT x, UINT y, UINT uiLen, UINT uiFlags )
- {
- BOOL fDark ;
- RECT rc ;
- COLORREF rgbOld ;
- if ( uiFlags & DRAW3D_TOPLINE )
- {
- rc.left = x ;
- rc.right = rc.left + uiLen - 1 ;
- = y ;
- rc.bottom = y + 1 ;
- fDark = ( uiFlags & DRAW3D_IN ) ? TRUE : FALSE ;
- }
- /* possibly the bottom? */
- else if ( uiFlags & DRAW3D_BOTTOMLINE )
- {
- rc.left = x ;
- rc.right = rc.left + uiLen - 1 ;
- = y - 1 ;
- rc.bottom = y ;
- fDark = ( uiFlags & DRAW3D_IN ) ? FALSE : TRUE ;
- }
- /* ok, it's gotta be left? */
- else if ( uiFlags & DRAW3D_LEFTLINE )
- {
- rc.left = x ;
- rc.right = x + 1 ;
- = y ;
- rc.bottom = y + uiLen ;
- fDark = ( uiFlags & DRAW3D_IN ) ? TRUE : FALSE ;
- }
- /* well maybe it's for the right side? */
- else if ( uiFlags & DRAW3D_RIGHTLINE )
- {
- rc.left = x - 1 ;
- rc.right = x ;
- = y ;
- rc.bottom = y + uiLen ;
- fDark = ( uiFlags & DRAW3D_IN ) ? FALSE : TRUE ;
- }
- /* bad drugs? */
- else return ;
- /* select the appropriate color for the fill */
- if ( fDark )
- rgbOld = SetBkColor( hDC,
- GetNearestColor( hDC, tdGetShadowColor( GetBkColor( hDC ) ) ) ) ;
- else
- rgbOld = SetBkColor( hDC,
- GetNearestColor( hDC, tdGetHighlightColor( GetBkColor( hDC ) ) ) ) ;
- /* finally, draw the dern thing */
- ExtTextOut( hDC, x, y, ETO_OPAQUE, &rc, NULL, 0, NULL ) ;
- SetBkColor( hDC, rgbOld ) ;
- } /* Draw3DLine1() */
- {
- RECT rc1 ;
- /* perform CopyRect w/o bloody windows style overhead */
- rc1 = *lprc ;
- /* top */
- = lprc->top ;
- rc1.left = lprc->left ;
- rc1.bottom = lprc->top + 1 ;
- rc1.right = lprc->right ;
- /* blast it out */
- ExtTextOut( hDC, rc1.left,, ETO_OPAQUE, &rc1, NULL, 0, NULL ) ;
- /* right */
- rc1.left = lprc->right - 1 ;
- rc1.bottom = lprc->bottom ;
- /* blast this part now */
- ExtTextOut( hDC, rc1.left,, ETO_OPAQUE, &rc1, NULL, 0, NULL ) ;
- /* left */
- rc1.left = lprc->left ;
- rc1.right = lprc->left + 1 ;
- /* and another part */
- ExtTextOut( hDC, rc1.left,, ETO_OPAQUE, &rc1, NULL, 0, NULL ) ;
- /* bottom */
- rc1.right = lprc->right ;
- = lprc->bottom - 1 ;
- /* finish it off */
- ExtTextOut( hDC, rc1.left,, ETO_OPAQUE, &rc1, NULL, 0, NULL ) ;
- } /* DrawFaceFrame() */
- /************************************************************************
- * End of File: shadow.c
- ***********************************************************************/