资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- // CTestContainer98Doc.cpp : implementation of the CTestContainer98Doc class
- //
- #include "StdAfx.H"
- #include "TestCon.H"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CTestContainer98Doc
- IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE( CTestContainer98Doc, COleDocument )
- BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CTestContainer98Doc, COleDocument)
- //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CTestContainer98Doc)
- // Enable default OLE container implementation
- ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_EDIT_PASTE, COleDocument::OnUpdatePasteMenu)
- ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_OLE_EDIT_LINKS, COleDocument::OnUpdateEditLinksMenu)
- ON_COMMAND(ID_OLE_EDIT_LINKS, COleDocument::OnEditLinks)
- BEGIN_CONNECTION_MAP( CTestContainer98Doc, COleDocument )
- CONNECTION_PART( CTestContainer98Doc, __uuidof( ITestContainer98Events ), TC98CP )
- BEGIN_DISPATCH_MAP( CTestContainer98Doc, COleDocument )
- //{{AFX_DISPATCH_MAP(CTestContainer98Doc)
- DISP_PROPERTY_EX(CTestContainer98Doc, "PrimarySelection", GetPrimarySelection, SetPrimarySelection, VT_DISPATCH)
- DISP_FUNCTION(CTestContainer98Doc, "FindControl", FindControl, VT_DISPATCH, VTS_BSTR)
- DISP_FUNCTION(CTestContainer98Doc, "Log", Log, VT_EMPTY, VTS_BSTR)
- DISP_FUNCTION(CTestContainer98Doc, "InsertControl", InsertControl, VT_DISPATCH, VTS_BSTR VTS_BSTR)
- BEGIN_INTERFACE_MAP( CTestContainer98Doc, COleDocument )
- INTERFACE_PART( CTestContainer98Doc, __uuidof( ITestContainer98 ), Dispatch )
- INTERFACE_PART( CTestContainer98Doc, IID_IConnectionPointContainer, ConnPtContainer )
- const IID LIBID_TestContainer98 = {0x198184FB,0xB837,0x11D0,{0x8D,0xF1,0x00,0xC0,0x4F,0xB6,0x8D,0x60}};
- IMPLEMENT_OLETYPELIB( CTestContainer98Doc, LIBID_TestContainer98, 1, 0 )
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CTestContainer98Doc construction/destruction
- CTestContainer98Doc::CTestContainer98Doc() :
- m_pFontHolder( NULL ),
- m_tUserMode( FALSE ),
- m_tFreezeEvents( FALSE ),
- m_tAllowWindowless( TRUE ),
- m_tTwoPassDrawing( TRUE ),
- m_tSlowDrawing( FALSE ),
- m_tHonorIgnoreActivateWhenVisible( TRUE ),
- m_tUseIPointerInactive( TRUE ),
- m_tUseQuickActivation( TRUE ),
- m_tIOleInPlaceSiteWindowless( TRUE ),
- m_tIOleInPlaceSiteEx( TRUE ),
- m_tIAdviseSinkEx( TRUE ),
- m_tSBindHost( TRUE ),
- m_pLog( NULL ),
- m_pScriptManager( NULL )
- {
- m_descFont.lpstrName = NULL;
- // Use OLE compound files
- EnableCompoundFile();
- EnableConnections();
- EnableAutomation();
- AfxOleLockApp();
- }
- CTestContainer98Doc::~CTestContainer98Doc()
- {
- Cleanup();
- AfxOleUnlockApp();
- }
- void CTestContainer98Doc::Cleanup()
- {
- int iProp;
- if( m_pScriptManager != NULL )
- {
- delete m_pScriptManager;
- m_pScriptManager = NULL;
- }
- delete m_pLog;
- m_pLog = NULL;
- for( iProp = 0; iProp < m_apAmbientProperties.GetSize(); iProp++ )
- {
- delete m_apAmbientProperties[iProp];
- }
- m_apAmbientProperties.SetSize( 0 );
- delete m_pFontHolder;
- m_pFontHolder = NULL;
- delete[] m_descFont.lpstrName;
- m_descFont.lpstrName = NULL;
- }
- void CTestContainer98Doc::CreateUniqueItemName( CTestContainer98Item* pItem,
- LPCTSTR pszBaseName, CString& strUniqueName )
- {
- POSITION posItem;
- CTestContainer98Item* pSearchItem;
- ULONG nTag;
- BOOL tCollisionFound;
- ASSERT( pszBaseName != NULL );
- // Assume the name is already unique
- strUniqueName = pszBaseName;
- nTag = 1;
- do
- {
- tCollisionFound = FALSE;
- posItem = GetStartPosition();
- while( (posItem != NULL) && !tCollisionFound )
- {
- pSearchItem = (CTestContainer98Item*)GetNextItem( posItem );
- if( pSearchItem != pItem )
- {
- if( strUniqueName == pSearchItem->GetDisplayName() )
- {
- // This name is already in use.
- tCollisionFound = TRUE;
- strUniqueName.Format( "%s%u", pszBaseName, nTag );
- nTag++;
- }
- }
- }
- } while( tCollisionFound );
- }
- BOOL CTestContainer98Doc::Initialize()
- {
- CLSID clsid;
- HRESULT hResult;
- CMainFrame* pMainFrame;
- CTestContainer98App* pApp;
- CFileLog* pFileLog;
- BOOL tSuccess;
- pApp = (CTestContainer98App*)AfxGetApp();
- m_tUserMode = pApp->m_options.m_tUserMode;
- m_tFreezeEvents = FALSE;
- m_tAllowWindowless = pApp->m_options.m_tAllowWindowless;
- m_tTwoPassDrawing = pApp->m_options.m_tTwoPassDrawing;
- m_tSlowDrawing = FALSE;
- m_tHonorIgnoreActivateWhenVisible =
- pApp->m_options.m_tHonorIgnoreActivateWhenVisible;
- m_tUseIPointerInactive = pApp->m_options.m_tUseIPointerInactive;
- m_tUseQuickActivation = pApp->m_options.m_tQuickActivation;
- m_tIOleInPlaceSiteWindowless = pApp->m_options.m_tIOleInPlaceSiteWindowless;
- m_tIOleInPlaceSiteEx = pApp->m_options.m_tIOleInPlaceSiteEx;
- m_tIAdviseSinkEx = pApp->m_options.m_tIAdviseSinkEx;
- m_tSBindHost = pApp->m_options.m_tSBindHost;
- m_pLog = NULL;
- pMainFrame = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST( CMainFrame, AfxGetMainWnd() );
- switch( pApp->m_options.m_iLogType )
- {
- case TCLOG_NULL:
- m_pLog = new CNullLog;
- break;
- m_pLog = new COutputWindowLog( GetOutputEditControl() );
- break;
- m_pLog = new CDebugLog;
- break;
- case TCLOG_FILE:
- pFileLog = new CFileLog;
- tSuccess = pFileLog->Create( pApp->m_options.m_strLogFileName );
- if( !tSuccess )
- {
- delete pFileLog;
- }
- m_pLog = pFileLog;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if( m_pLog == NULL )
- {
- return( FALSE );
- }
- hResult = InitDefaultAmbientProperties();
- if( FAILED( hResult ) )
- {
- return( FALSE );
- }
- if( !pApp->m_options.m_strProgID.IsEmpty() )
- {
- try
- {
- hResult = CLSIDFromProgID( T2COLE( pApp->m_options.m_strProgID ),
- &clsid );
- if( FAILED( hResult ) )
- {
- AfxThrowOleException( hResult );
- }
- AddControl( clsid, NULL );
- }
- catch( CException* pException )
- {
- pException->Delete();
- TCTrace( TRACELEVEL_NORMAL, "Failed to load control.n" );
- }
- pApp->m_options.m_strProgID.Empty();
- }
- return( TRUE );
- }
- BOOL CTestContainer98Doc::OnNewDocument()
- {
- if( !COleDocument::OnNewDocument() )
- {
- return( FALSE );
- }
- return( Initialize() );
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CTestContainer98Doc serialization
- void CTestContainer98Doc::Serialize( CArchive& ar )
- {
- POSITION posScript;
- CScript* pScript;
- int nScripts;
- int iScript;
- CString strScriptName;
- CString strScriptPath;
- CScriptManager* pScriptManager;
- CString strErrorMessage;
- HRESULT hResult;
- int iProp;
- CAmbientProperty* pUserMode;
- if( ar.IsLoading() )
- {
- Initialize();
- for( iProp = 0; iProp < m_apAmbientProperties.GetSize(); iProp++ )
- {
- delete m_apAmbientProperties[iProp];
- }
- m_apAmbientProperties.SetSize( 0 );
- m_apAmbientProperties.Serialize( ar );
- pUserMode = FindAmbientProperty( DISPID_AMBIENT_USERMODE );
- if( pUserMode != NULL )
- {
- if( pUserMode->GetValue().vt == VT_BOOL )
- {
- m_tUserMode = pUserMode->GetValue().boolVal;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- m_apAmbientProperties.Serialize( ar );
- }
- // Calling the base class COleDocument enables serialization
- // of the container document's COleClientItem objects.
- COleDocument::Serialize( ar );
- if( ar.IsStoring() )
- {
- pScriptManager = GetScriptManager( FALSE );
- if( pScriptManager != NULL )
- {
- ar<<pScriptManager->GetNumScripts();
- posScript = pScriptManager->GetFirstScriptPosition();
- while( posScript != NULL )
- {
- pScript = pScriptManager->GetNextScript( posScript );
- ar<<pScript->GetName();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ar<<int( 0 );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ar>>nScripts;
- if( nScripts > 0 )
- {
- pScriptManager = GetScriptManager();
- if( pScriptManager != NULL )
- {
- for( iScript = 0; iScript < nScripts; iScript++ )
- {
- ar>>strScriptName;
- strScriptPath = m_strDirectory+strScriptName+_T( ".dsm" );
- hResult = pScriptManager->LoadScript( strScriptPath,
- strScriptName );
- if( FAILED( hResult ) )
- {
- _com_error error( hResult );
- AfxFormatString2( strErrorMessage, IDS_ERRORLOADINGSCRIPT,
- strScriptName, error.ErrorMessage() );
- AfxMessageBox( strErrorMessage );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CTestContainer98Doc diagnostics
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- void CTestContainer98Doc::AssertValid() const
- {
- COleDocument::AssertValid();
- }
- void CTestContainer98Doc::Dump( CDumpContext& dc ) const
- {
- COleDocument::Dump(dc);
- }
- #endif //_DEBUG
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CTestContainer98Doc commands
- void CTestContainer98Doc::BringToFront( CDocItem* pItem )
- {
- POSITION posItem;
- ASSERT( pItem != NULL );
- posItem = m_docItemList.Find( pItem );
- ASSERT( posItem != NULL );
- m_docItemList.RemoveAt( posItem );
- m_docItemList.AddHead( pItem );
- }
- void CTestContainer98Doc::SendToBack( CDocItem* pItem )
- {
- POSITION posItem;
- ASSERT( pItem != NULL );
- posItem = m_docItemList.Find( pItem );
- ASSERT( posItem != NULL );
- m_docItemList.RemoveAt( posItem );
- m_docItemList.AddTail( pItem );
- }
- HRESULT CTestContainer98Doc::InitDefaultAmbientProperties()
- {
- CString strName;
- LPCOLESTR pszFaceName;
- CAmbientProperty* pProp;
- if( m_tUserMode )
- {
- tUserMode = VAR_TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- tUserMode = VAR_FALSE;
- }
- strName.LoadString( IDS_APROPNAME_USERMODE );
- pProp = new CAmbientProperty( DISPID_AMBIENT_USERMODE, strName, COleVariant(
- tUserMode, VT_BOOL ), VTI_BOOL, TRUE );
- m_apAmbientProperties.Add( pProp );
- strName.LoadString( IDS_APROPNAME_UIDEAD );
- pProp = new CAmbientProperty( DISPID_AMBIENT_UIDEAD, strName, COleVariant(
- m_apAmbientProperties.Add( pProp );
- pProp = new CAmbientProperty( DISPID_AMBIENT_SHOWHATCHING, strName,
- COleVariant( VARIANT_BOOL( -1 ), VT_BOOL ), VTI_BOOL, TRUE );
- m_apAmbientProperties.Add( pProp );
- pProp = new CAmbientProperty( DISPID_AMBIENT_SHOWGRABHANDLES, strName,
- COleVariant( VARIANT_BOOL( -1 ), VT_BOOL ), VTI_BOOL, TRUE );
- m_apAmbientProperties.Add( pProp );
- strName.LoadString( IDS_APROPNAME_TEXTALIGN );
- pProp = new CAmbientProperty( DISPID_AMBIENT_TEXTALIGN, strName,
- COleVariant( short( 0 ), VT_I2 ), VTI_I2, TRUE );
- m_apAmbientProperties.Add( pProp );
- strName.LoadString( IDS_APROPNAME_BACKCOLOR );
- pProp = new CAmbientProperty( DISPID_AMBIENT_BACKCOLOR, strName,
- COleVariant( long( GetSysColor( COLOR_WINDOW ) ), VT_I4 ), VTI_COLOR,
- TRUE );
- m_apAmbientProperties.Add( pProp );
- delete m_pFontHolder;
- m_pFontHolder = new CFontHolder( NULL );
- if( m_pFontHolder == NULL )
- {
- AfxThrowMemoryException();
- }
- m_descFont.cbSizeofstruct = sizeof( m_descFont );
- pszFaceName = L"MS Sans Serif";
- delete[] m_descFont.lpstrName;
- m_descFont.lpstrName = new OLECHAR[ocslen( pszFaceName )+1];
- if( m_descFont.lpstrName == NULL )
- {
- AfxThrowMemoryException();
- }
- ocscpy( m_descFont.lpstrName, pszFaceName );
- m_descFont.cySize.Lo = 80000L;
- m_descFont.cySize.Hi = 0;
- m_descFont.sWeight = FW_BOLD;
- m_descFont.sCharset = 0;
- m_descFont.fItalic = FALSE;
- m_descFont.fUnderline = FALSE;
- m_descFont.fStrikethrough = FALSE;
- m_pFontHolder->InitializeFont( &m_descFont );
- COleVariant varFont;
- varFont.vt = VT_DISPATCH;
- varFont.pdispVal = m_pFontHolder->GetFontDispatch();
- strName.LoadString( IDS_APROPNAME_FONT );
- pProp = new CAmbientProperty( DISPID_AMBIENT_FONT, strName, varFont,
- m_apAmbientProperties.Add( pProp );
- strName.LoadString( IDS_APROPNAME_FORECOLOR );
- pProp = new CAmbientProperty( DISPID_AMBIENT_FORECOLOR, strName,
- COleVariant( long( GetSysColor( COLOR_WINDOWTEXT ) ), VT_I4 ), VTI_COLOR,
- TRUE );
- m_apAmbientProperties.Add( pProp );
- pProp = new CAmbientProperty( DISPID_AMBIENT_SCALEUNITS, strName,
- COleVariant( _T( "" ), VT_BSTR ), VTI_BSTR, TRUE );
- m_apAmbientProperties.Add( pProp );
- pProp = new CAmbientProperty( DISPID_AMBIENT_DISPLAYNAME, strName,
- COleVariant( _T( "" ), VT_BSTR ), VTI_BSTR, TRUE );
- m_apAmbientProperties.Add( pProp );
- strName.LoadString( IDS_APROPNAME_LOCALEID );
- pProp = new CAmbientProperty( DISPID_AMBIENT_LOCALEID, strName, COleVariant(
- long( GetUserDefaultLCID() ), VT_I4 ), VTI_I4, TRUE );
- m_apAmbientProperties.Add( pProp );
- pProp = new CAmbientProperty( DISPID_AMBIENT_MESSAGEREFLECT, strName,
- m_apAmbientProperties.Add( pProp );
- pProp = new CAmbientProperty( DISPID_AMBIENT_SUPPORTSMNEMONICS, strName,
- COleVariant( VARIANT_BOOL( -1 ), VT_BOOL ), VTI_BOOL, TRUE );
- m_apAmbientProperties.Add( pProp );
- return( S_OK );
- }
- BOOL CTestContainer98Doc::CanWindowlessActivate() const
- {
- return( m_tAllowWindowless );
- }
- BOOL CTestContainer98Doc::UseIPointerInactive() const
- {
- return( m_tUseIPointerInactive );
- }
- BOOL CTestContainer98Doc::UseQuickActivation() const
- {
- return( m_tUseQuickActivation );
- }
- BOOL CTestContainer98Doc::UseSlowDrawing() const
- {
- return( m_tSlowDrawing );
- }
- BOOL CTestContainer98Doc::UseTwoPassDrawing() const
- {
- return( m_tTwoPassDrawing );
- }
- BOOL CTestContainer98Doc::HonorIgnoreActivateWhenVisible() const
- {
- return( m_tHonorIgnoreActivateWhenVisible );
- }
- int CTestContainer98Doc::AddAmbientProperty( DISPID dispid, LPCTSTR pszName,
- const VARIANT& var, int vti )
- {
- CAmbientProperty* pProp;
- int iProp;
- pProp = new CAmbientProperty( dispid, pszName, var, vti );
- if( pProp == NULL )
- {
- AfxThrowMemoryException();
- }
- iProp = m_apAmbientProperties.Add( pProp );
- return( iProp );
- }
- CAmbientProperty* CTestContainer98Doc::FindAmbientProperty( DISPID dispid )
- {
- int iProp;
- for( iProp = 0; iProp < m_apAmbientProperties.GetSize(); iProp++ )
- {
- if( m_apAmbientProperties[iProp]->GetID() == dispid )
- {
- return( m_apAmbientProperties[iProp] );
- }
- }
- // We didn't find the property.
- return( NULL );
- }
- CAmbientProperty* CTestContainer98Doc::FindAmbientProperty( LPCOLESTR pszName )
- {
- int iProp;
- LPCTSTR pszNameT;
- pszNameT = OLE2CT( pszName );
- for( iProp = 0; iProp < m_apAmbientProperties.GetSize(); iProp++ )
- {
- if( m_apAmbientProperties[iProp]->GetName() == pszNameT )
- {
- return( m_apAmbientProperties[iProp] );
- }
- }
- // We didn't find the property.
- return( NULL );
- }
- CAmbientProperty* CTestContainer98Doc::GetAmbientProperty( int iProp )
- {
- return( m_apAmbientProperties[iProp] );
- }
- int CTestContainer98Doc::GetNumAmbientProperties() const
- {
- return( m_apAmbientProperties.GetSize() );
- }
- POSITION CTestContainer98Doc::FindItem( CDocItem* pItem ) const
- {
- return( m_docItemList.Find( pItem ) );
- }
- POSITION CTestContainer98Doc::GetTailPosition() const
- {
- return( m_docItemList.GetTailPosition() );
- }
- CDocItem* CTestContainer98Doc::GetPrevItem( POSITION& pos ) const
- {
- return( (CDocItem*)m_docItemList.GetPrev( pos ) );
- }
- CTestContainer98Item* CTestContainer98Doc::GetNextTabItem(
- CTestContainer98Item* pItem ) const
- {
- POSITION posItem;
- if( pItem == NULL )
- {
- if( m_lpTabOrder.IsEmpty() )
- {
- return( NULL );
- }
- return( m_lpTabOrder.GetHead() );
- }
- posItem = m_lpTabOrder.Find( pItem );
- ASSERT( posItem != NULL );
- m_lpTabOrder.GetNext( posItem );
- if( posItem == NULL )
- {
- // Wrap around to the beginning of the list.
- return( m_lpTabOrder.GetHead() );
- }
- return( m_lpTabOrder.GetAt( posItem ) );
- }
- void CTestContainer98Doc::SetItemTabOrder( CTestContainer98Item* pItem,
- int iTabOrder )
- {
- POSITION posItem;
- ASSERT( pItem != NULL );
- posItem = FindItem( pItem );
- ASSERT( posItem != NULL );
- posItem = m_lpTabOrder.Find( pItem );
- ASSERT( posItem != NULL );
- m_lpTabOrder.RemoveAt( posItem );
- posItem = m_lpTabOrder.FindIndex( iTabOrder );
- if( posItem == NULL )
- {
- // We went off the end of the list.
- m_lpTabOrder.AddTail( pItem );
- }
- else
- {
- m_lpTabOrder.InsertBefore( posItem, pItem );
- }
- }
- BOOL CTestContainer98Doc::GetUserMode() const
- {
- return( m_tUserMode );
- }
- void CTestContainer98Doc::SetUserMode( BOOL tUserMode )
- {
- CAmbientProperty* pProp;
- if( (m_tUserMode && tUserMode) || (!m_tUserMode && !tUserMode) )
- {
- // No change
- return;
- }
- m_tUserMode = tUserMode;
- pProp = FindAmbientProperty( DISPID_AMBIENT_USERMODE );
- ASSERT( pProp != NULL );
- if( m_tUserMode )
- {
- pProp->SetValue( COleVariant( VARIANT_BOOL( -1 ), VT_BOOL ) );
- }
- else
- {
- pProp->SetValue( COleVariant( VARIANT_FALSE, VT_BOOL ) );
- }
- if( pProp->IsEnabled() )
- {
- BroadcastAmbientPropertyChange( pProp->GetID() );
- }
- }
- void CTestContainer98Doc::BroadcastAmbientPropertyChange( DISPID dispid )
- {
- POSITION posItem;
- CTestContainer98Item* pItem;
- "Broadcasting ambient property change. DISPID=%dn", dispid );
- posItem = GetStartPosition();
- while( posItem != NULL )
- {
- pItem = (CTestContainer98Item*)GetNextItem( posItem );
- pItem->OnAmbientPropertyChange( dispid );
- }
- if( (dispid == DISPID_AMBIENT_USERMODE) || (dispid == DISPID_UNKNOWN) )
- {
- // Invalidate the view, since some objects need to be rendered
- // differently in design mode vs. user mode.
- UpdateAllViews( NULL );
- }
- }
- BOOL CTestContainer98Doc::SupportsInterface( REFIID iid )
- {
- if( iid == IID_IOleInPlaceSiteEx )
- {
- return( m_tIOleInPlaceSiteEx || m_tIOleInPlaceSiteWindowless );
- }
- else if( iid == IID_IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless )
- {
- return( m_tIOleInPlaceSiteWindowless );
- }
- else if( iid == IID_IAdviseSinkEx )
- {
- return( m_tIAdviseSinkEx );
- }
- return( FALSE );
- }
- BOOL CTestContainer98Doc::SupportsService( REFGUID sid )
- {
- if( sid == SID_SBindHost )
- {
- return( m_tSBindHost );
- }
- return( FALSE );
- }
- void CTestContainer98Doc::PreCloseFrame( CFrameWnd* pFrame )
- {
- POSITION posItem;
- CTestContainer98Item* pItem;
- posItem = GetStartPosition();
- while( posItem != NULL )
- {
- pItem = (CTestContainer98Item*)GetNextItem( posItem );
- if( pItem != NULL )
- {
- if( pItem->IsInPlaceActive() )
- {
- pItem->Deactivate();
- }
- }
- }
- COleDocument::PreCloseFrame( pFrame );
- }
- BOOL CTestContainer98Doc::CanCloseFrame( CFrameWnd* pFrame )
- {
- return( COleDocument::CanCloseFrame( pFrame ) );
- }
- BOOL CTestContainer98Doc::OnSaveDocument( LPCTSTR pszPathName )
- {
- return( COleDocument::OnSaveDocument( pszPathName ) );
- }
- void CTestContainer98Doc::AddItem( CDocItem* pItem )
- {
- COleDocument::AddItem( pItem );
- m_lpTabOrder.AddTail( (CTestContainer98Item*)pItem );
- }
- CLog* CTestContainer98Doc::GetLog() const
- {
- return( m_pLog );
- }
- void CTestContainer98Doc::DeleteContents()
- {
- Cleanup();
- COleDocument::DeleteContents();
- }
- void CTestContainer98Doc::OnOptionsFreezeEvents()
- {
- POSITION posItem;
- CTestContainer98Item* pItem;
- m_tFreezeEvents = !m_tFreezeEvents;
- posItem = GetStartPosition();
- while( posItem != NULL )
- {
- // Set the item's FreezeEvents status.
- pItem = (CTestContainer98Item*)GetNextItem( posItem );
- pItem->FreezeEvents( m_tFreezeEvents );
- }
- }
- void CTestContainer98Doc::OnUpdateOptionsFreezeEvents( CCmdUI* pCmdUI )
- {
- if( m_tFreezeEvents )
- {
- pCmdUI->SetCheck( 1 );
- }
- else
- {
- pCmdUI->SetCheck( 0 );
- }
- }
- void CTestContainer98Doc::OnOptionsSlowDrawing()
- {
- m_tSlowDrawing = !m_tSlowDrawing;
- }
- void CTestContainer98Doc::OnUpdateOptionsSlowDrawing( CCmdUI* pCmdUI )
- {
- pCmdUI->SetCheck( m_tSlowDrawing == TRUE );
- }
- void CTestContainer98Doc::OnOptionsTwoPassDrawing()
- {
- m_tTwoPassDrawing = !m_tTwoPassDrawing;
- }
- void CTestContainer98Doc::OnUpdateOptionsTwoPassDrawing( CCmdUI* pCmdUI )
- {
- pCmdUI->SetCheck( m_tTwoPassDrawing == TRUE );
- }
- void CTestContainer98Doc::OnOptionsLogging()
- {
- CLoggingDlg dlg;
- CFileLog* pFileLog;
- int nResult;
- int iOldLogType;
- BOOL tSuccess;
- if( m_pLog->IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS( CNullLog ) ) )
- {
- dlg.m_iLogType = TCLOG_NULL;
- }
- else if( m_pLog->IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS( COutputWindowLog ) ) )
- {
- dlg.m_iLogType = TCLOG_OUTPUTWINDOW;
- }
- else if( m_pLog->IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS( CDebugLog ) ) )
- {
- dlg.m_iLogType = TCLOG_DEBUG;
- }
- else if( m_pLog->IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS( CFileLog ) ) )
- {
- pFileLog = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST( CFileLog, m_pLog );
- dlg.m_iLogType = TCLOG_FILE;
- dlg.m_strFileName = pFileLog->GetFileName();
- }
- iOldLogType = dlg.m_iLogType;
- nResult = dlg.DoModal();
- if( nResult != IDOK )
- {
- return;
- }
- switch( dlg.m_iLogType )
- {
- case TCLOG_NULL:
- if( iOldLogType != TCLOG_NULL )
- {
- delete m_pLog;
- m_pLog = new CNullLog;
- }
- break;
- if( iOldLogType != TCLOG_OUTPUTWINDOW )
- {
- CMainFrame* pMainFrame;
- delete m_pLog;
- pMainFrame = STATIC_DOWNCAST( CMainFrame, AfxGetMainWnd() );
- m_pLog = new COutputWindowLog( GetOutputEditControl() );
- }
- break;
- if( iOldLogType != TCLOG_DEBUG )
- {
- delete m_pLog;
- m_pLog = new CDebugLog;
- }
- break;
- case TCLOG_FILE:
- if( (iOldLogType != TCLOG_FILE) || ((iOldLogType == TCLOG_FILE) &&
- ((DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST( CFileLog, m_pLog ))->GetFileName() !=
- dlg.m_strFileName)) )
- {
- delete m_pLog;
- m_pLog = new CFileLog;
- pFileLog = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST( CFileLog, m_pLog );
- tSuccess = pFileLog->Create( dlg.m_strFileName );
- if( !tSuccess )
- {
- TRACE( "Failed to create log file.n" );
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- void CTestContainer98Doc::OnContainerOptions()
- {
- int nResult;
- CFeaturesPage pageFeatures;
- CInterfacesPage pageInterfaces;
- CServicesPage pageServices;
- CPropertySheet sheet( IDS_CONTAINEROPTIONS );
- pageFeatures.m_tAllowWindowless = m_tAllowWindowless;
- pageFeatures.m_tTwoPassDrawing = m_tTwoPassDrawing;
- pageFeatures.m_tHonorIgnoreActivateWhenVisible =
- m_tHonorIgnoreActivateWhenVisible;
- pageFeatures.m_tUseIPointerInactive = m_tUseIPointerInactive;
- pageFeatures.m_tUseQuickActivation = m_tUseQuickActivation;
- sheet.AddPage( &pageFeatures );
- pageInterfaces.m_tIOleInPlaceSiteEx = m_tIOleInPlaceSiteEx;
- pageInterfaces.m_tIOleInPlaceSiteWindowless = m_tIOleInPlaceSiteWindowless;
- pageInterfaces.m_tIAdviseSinkEx = m_tIAdviseSinkEx;
- sheet.AddPage( &pageInterfaces );
- pageServices.m_tSBindHost = m_tSBindHost;
- sheet.AddPage( &pageServices );
- sheet.m_psh.dwFlags &= ~PSH_HASHELP;
- sheet.m_psh.dwFlags |= PSH_NOAPPLYNOW;
- nResult = sheet.DoModal();
- if( nResult != IDOK )
- {
- return;
- }
- m_tAllowWindowless = pageFeatures.m_tAllowWindowless;
- m_tTwoPassDrawing = pageFeatures.m_tTwoPassDrawing;
- m_tHonorIgnoreActivateWhenVisible =
- pageFeatures.m_tHonorIgnoreActivateWhenVisible;
- m_tUseIPointerInactive = pageFeatures.m_tUseIPointerInactive;
- m_tUseQuickActivation = pageFeatures.m_tUseQuickActivation;
- m_tIOleInPlaceSiteEx = pageInterfaces.m_tIOleInPlaceSiteEx;
- m_tIOleInPlaceSiteWindowless = pageInterfaces.m_tIOleInPlaceSiteWindowless;
- m_tIAdviseSinkEx = pageInterfaces.m_tIAdviseSinkEx;
- m_tSBindHost = pageServices.m_tSBindHost;
- }
- void CTestContainer98Doc::OnContainerAmbientProperties()
- {
- DISPID dispidChanged;
- BOOL tChanged;
- CAmbientProperty* pProperty;
- CAmbientPropertiesDlg dlg( NULL, this );
- dlg.DoModal();
- // Check for changes.
- tChanged = dlg.GetChangedPropertyID( &dispidChanged );
- if( tChanged )
- {
- if( (dispidChanged == DISPID_AMBIENT_USERMODE) || (dispidChanged ==
- {
- // Update our cached version of the UserMode property.
- pProperty = FindAmbientProperty( DISPID_AMBIENT_USERMODE );
- ASSERT( pProperty != NULL );
- ASSERT( pProperty->GetValue().vt == VT_BOOL );
- m_tUserMode = pProperty->GetValue().bVal;
- }
- BroadcastAmbientPropertyChange( dispidChanged );
- }
- }
- void CTestContainer98Doc::OnContainerInfo()
- {
- CContainerInfoDlg dlg( NULL, this );
- dlg.DoModal();
- }
- void CTestContainer98Doc::OnEditDeleteAll()
- {
- CTestContainer98Item* pItem;
- POSITION posItem;
- POSITION posView;
- CTestContainer98View* pView;
- posView = GetFirstViewPosition();
- ASSERT( posView != NULL );
- pView = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST( CTestContainer98View, GetNextView( posView ) );
- pView->ClearSelection();
- do
- {
- posItem = GetStartPosition();
- if( posItem != NULL )
- {
- pItem = (CTestContainer98Item*)GetNextItem( posItem );
- ASSERT( pItem != NULL );
- pItem->Delete();
- }
- } while( posItem != NULL );
- UpdateAllViews( NULL );
- }
- void CTestContainer98Doc::OnUpdateEditDeleteAll( CCmdUI* pCmdUI )
- {
- POSITION posItem;
- posItem = GetStartPosition();
- pCmdUI->Enable( posItem != NULL );
- }
- void CTestContainer98Doc::RemoveItem( CDocItem* pItem )
- {
- POSITION posItem;
- posItem = m_lpTabOrder.Find( DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST( CTestContainer98Item,
- pItem ) );
- ASSERT( posItem != NULL );
- m_lpTabOrder.RemoveAt( posItem );
- COleDocument::RemoveItem( pItem );
- }
- void CTestContainer98Doc::OnContainerTabOrder()
- {
- POSITION posItem;
- CTabOrderDlg dlg;
- int nResult;
- CTestContainer98Item* pItem;
- posItem = m_lpTabOrder.GetHeadPosition();
- while( posItem != NULL )
- {
- pItem = m_lpTabOrder.GetNext( posItem );
- ASSERT( pItem != NULL );
- dlg.m_lpTabOrder.AddTail( pItem );
- }
- nResult = dlg.DoModal();
- if( nResult != IDOK )
- {
- return;
- }
- m_lpTabOrder.RemoveAll();
- posItem = dlg.m_lpTabOrder.GetHeadPosition();
- while( posItem != NULL )
- {
- pItem = dlg.m_lpTabOrder.GetNext( posItem );
- m_lpTabOrder.AddTail( pItem );
- }
- }
- CEdit* CTestContainer98Doc::GetOutputEditControl()
- {
- POSITION posView;
- CView* pView;
- posView = GetFirstViewPosition();
- ASSERT( posView != NULL );
- while( posView != NULL )
- {
- pView = GetNextView( posView );
- ASSERT( pView != NULL );
- if( pView->IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS( CEditView ) ) )
- {
- return( &(STATIC_DOWNCAST( CEditView, pView )->GetEditCtrl()) );
- }
- }
- return( NULL );
- }
- CTestContainer98View* CTestContainer98Doc::GetView() const
- {
- POSITION posView;
- CView* pView;
- posView = GetFirstViewPosition();
- ASSERT( posView != NULL );
- while( posView != NULL )
- {
- pView = GetNextView( posView );
- ASSERT( pView != NULL );
- if( pView->IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS( CTestContainer98View ) ) )
- {
- return( STATIC_DOWNCAST( CTestContainer98View, pView ) );
- }
- }
- return( NULL );
- }
- CTestContainer98Item* CTestContainer98Doc::AddControl( REFCLSID clsid,
- LPCTSTR pszName, REFIID iidPersistanceMedium, IUnknown* pPersistanceMedium )
- {
- CTestContainer98Item* pItem;
- pItem = NULL;
- try
- {
- pItem = new CTestContainer98Item( this );
- ASSERT_VALID( pItem );
- if( !pItem->CreateOrLoad( clsid, pszName, iidPersistanceMedium,
- pPersistanceMedium ) )
- {
- AfxThrowOleException( E_FAIL );
- }
- ASSERT_VALID( pItem );
- pItem->InvalidateItem();
- }
- catch( ... )
- {
- pItem->Delete();
- throw;
- }
- ASSERT( pItem != NULL );
- return( pItem );
- }
- LPDISPATCH CTestContainer98Doc::InsertControl( LPCTSTR pszProgID,
- LPCTSTR pszName )
- {
- CLSID clsid;
- HRESULT hResult;
- CTestContainer98Item* pItem;
- IDispatch* pDispatch;
- CScriptManager* pScriptManager;
- TRACE( "InsertControl: %sn", pszProgID );
- hResult = CLSIDFromProgID( T2COLE( pszProgID ), &clsid );
- if( FAILED( hResult ) )
- {
- TRACE( "CLSIDFromProgID failedn" );
- return( NULL );
- }
- pItem = NULL;
- try
- {
- pItem = AddControl( clsid, pszName );
- ASSERT_VALID( pItem );
- pItem->InvalidateItem();
- }
- catch( COleException* pException )
- {
- ASSERT( pItem == NULL );
- hResult = pException->m_sc;
- pException->Delete();
- return( NULL );
- }
- catch( CException* pException )
- {
- ASSERT( pItem == NULL );
- pException->Delete();
- return( NULL );
- }
- ASSERT( pItem != NULL );
- pDispatch = NULL;
- hResult = pItem->m_lpObject->QueryInterface( IID_IDispatch,
- (void**)&pDispatch );
- if( FAILED( hResult ) )
- {
- pItem->Delete();
- return( NULL );
- }
- ASSERT( pDispatch != NULL );
- pScriptManager = GetScriptManager( FALSE );
- if( pScriptManager != NULL )
- {
- pScriptManager->AddNamedItem( pszName, pDispatch );
- }
- FireOnNewControl( pDispatch );
- return( pDispatch );
- }
- LPDISPATCH CTestContainer98Doc::GetPrimarySelection()
- {
- IDispatch* pDispatch;
- POSITION posView;
- CTestContainer98View* pView;
- HRESULT hResult;
- posView = GetFirstViewPosition();
- ASSERT( posView != NULL );
- pView = (CTestContainer98View*)GetNextView( posView );
- ASSERT( posView == NULL );
- if( pView->m_pSelection == NULL )
- {
- return( NULL );
- }
- pDispatch = NULL;
- hResult = pView->m_pSelection->m_lpObject->QueryInterface( IID_IDispatch,
- (void**)&pDispatch );
- if( FAILED( hResult ) )
- {
- return( NULL );
- }
- return( pDispatch );
- }
- void CTestContainer98Doc::SetPrimarySelection( LPDISPATCH pNewSelection )
- {
- IUnknownPtr punkItem;
- IUnknownPtr punkNewSelection;
- POSITION posItem;
- CTestContainer98Item* pItem;
- if( pNewSelection == NULL )
- {
- GetView()->ClearSelection();
- }
- else
- {
- punkNewSelection = pNewSelection;
- ASSERT( punkNewSelection != NULL );
- posItem = GetStartPosition();
- while( posItem != NULL )
- {
- pItem = (CTestContainer98Item*)GetNextItem( posItem );
- punkItem = pItem->m_lpObject;
- ASSERT( punkItem != NULL );
- if( punkItem == punkNewSelection )
- {
- GetView()->SetSelection( pItem );
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- LPDISPATCH CTestContainer98Doc::FindControl( LPCTSTR pszName )
- {
- POSITION posItem;
- CTestContainer98Item* pItem;
- IDispatch* pDispatch;
- HRESULT hResult;
- posItem = GetStartPosition();
- while( posItem != NULL )
- {
- pItem = (CTestContainer98Item*)GetNextItem( posItem );
- if( pItem->GetDisplayName() == pszName )
- {
- hResult = pItem->m_lpObject->QueryInterface( IID_IDispatch,
- (void**)&pDispatch );
- if( FAILED( hResult ) )
- {
- return( NULL );
- }
- return( pDispatch );
- }
- }
- return( NULL );
- }
- void CTestContainer98Doc::OnToolsMacros()
- {
- CMacroDlg dlg;
- int nResult;
- HRESULT hResult;
- CScriptManager* pScriptManager;
- pScriptManager = GetScriptManager();
- if( pScriptManager == NULL )
- {
- return;
- }
- dlg.m_pScriptManager = m_pScriptManager;
- nResult = dlg.DoModal();
- if( nResult != IDOK )
- {
- return;
- }
- hResult = dlg.m_pScript->RunMacro( dlg.m_strMacroName );
- if( FAILED( hResult ) )
- {
- TRACE( "Script failedn" );
- return;
- }
- }
- HRESULT CTestContainer98Doc::InitScriptManager()
- {
- POSITION posItem;
- CTestContainer98Item* pItem;
- IDispatchPtr pDispatch;
- m_pScriptManager = new CScriptManager( this );
- if( m_pScriptManager == NULL )
- {
- return( E_OUTOFMEMORY );
- }
- posItem = GetStartPosition();
- while( posItem != NULL )
- {
- pItem = (CTestContainer98Item*)GetNextItem( posItem );
- pDispatch = pItem->m_lpObject;
- if( pDispatch == NULL )
- {
- return( E_NOINTERFACE );
- }
- m_pScriptManager->AddNamedItem( pItem->GetDisplayName(), pDispatch );
- }
- return( S_OK );
- }
- void CTestContainer98Doc::Log( LPCTSTR pszMessage )
- {
- CLog* pLog;
- pLog = GetLog();
- (*pLog)<<pszMessage;
- }
- void CTestContainer98Doc::FireOnNewControl( IDispatch* pControl )
- {
- int iSink;
- IDispatch* pSink;
- COleDispatchDriver driver;
- const CPtrArray* pConnections = m_xTC98CP.GetConnections();
- ASSERT( pConnections != NULL );
- for( iSink = 0; iSink < pConnections->GetSize(); iSink++ )
- {
- pSink = (IDispatch*)(pConnections->GetAt( iSink ));
- ASSERT( pSink != NULL );
- driver.AttachDispatch( pSink, FALSE );
- try
- {
- driver.InvokeHelper( 1, DISPATCH_METHOD, VT_EMPTY, NULL, LPBYTE(
- VTS_DISPATCH ), pControl );
- }
- catch( CException* pException )
- {
- pException->Delete();
- }
- }
- }
- BOOL CTestContainer98Doc::GetDispatchIID( IID* piid )
- {
- ASSERT( piid != NULL );
- *piid = __uuidof( ITestContainer98 );
- return( TRUE );
- }
- BOOL CTestContainer98Doc::OnOpenDocument( LPCTSTR pszPathName )
- {
- int iChar;
- ASSERT( pszPathName != NULL );
- iChar = lstrlen( pszPathName )-1;
- while( (iChar >= 0) && (pszPathName[iChar] != _T( '\' )) )
- {
- iChar--;
- }
- m_strDirectory = CString( pszPathName ).Left( iChar+1 );
- if( !COleDocument::OnOpenDocument( pszPathName ) )
- {
- return( FALSE );
- }
- return( TRUE );
- }
- CScriptManager* CTestContainer98Doc::GetScriptManager( BOOL tCreate )
- {
- HRESULT hResult;
- if( m_pScriptManager == NULL )
- {
- if( tCreate )
- {
- hResult = InitScriptManager();
- if( FAILED( hResult ) )
- {
- AfxMessageBox( IDS_NOSCRIPTING );
- }
- else
- {
- ASSERT( m_pScriptManager != NULL );
- }
- }
- }
- return( m_pScriptManager );
- }
- void CTestContainer98Doc::OnRunMacro()
- {
- CScript* pScript;
- CString strMacroName;
- CMainFrame* pMainFrame;
- CComboBox* pComboBox;
- HRESULT hResult;
- CScriptManager* pScriptManager;
- pScriptManager = GetScriptManager();
- if( pScriptManager == NULL )
- {
- return;
- }
- pMainFrame = STATIC_DOWNCAST( CMainFrame, AfxGetMainWnd() );
- pComboBox = STATIC_DOWNCAST( CComboBox,
- pMainFrame->m_wndMacroBar.GetDlgItem( IDC_MACRO ) );
- pComboBox->GetLBText( 0, strMacroName );
- TRACE( "Macro: %sn", LPCTSTR( strMacroName ) );
- pScript = pScriptManager->FindMacro( strMacroName );
- if( pScript != NULL )
- {
- hResult = pScript->RunMacro( strMacroName );
- if( FAILED( hResult ) )
- {
- }
- }
- }