资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- # makefile - Handy makefile for command-line use
- #
- # Usage:
- # nmake [options] [all|clean]
- #
- # Options:
- # WIN32=0 Build 16-bit version (default)
- # WIN32=1 Build 32-bit version
- # DEBUG=0 Build retail version
- # DEBUG=1 Build debug version (default)
- # UNICODE=0 Build ANSI/DBCS version (default)
- # UNICODE=1 Build Unicode version
- # This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library.
- # Copyright (C) 1992-1997 Microsoft Corporation
- # All rights reserved.
- #
- # This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
- # Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and related
- # electronic documentation provided with the library.
- # See these sources for detailed information regarding the
- # Microsoft Foundation Classes product.
- !ifndef WIN32
- WIN32=1
- !endif
- !ifndef UNICODE
- !endif
- !ifndef DEBUG
- !endif
- !if "$(WIN32)" == "1"
- !if "$(UNICODE)" == "1"
- !if "$(DEBUG)" == "1"
- all:
- nmake -f Localize.mak CFG="Localize - Win32 Unicode Debug" NO_EXTERNAL_DEPS="1"
- clean:
- @-if exist UniDebug*.* echo y | erase UniDebug*.*
- !else
- all:
- nmake -f Localize.mak CFG="Localize - Win32 Unicode Release" NO_EXTERNAL_DEPS="1"
- clean:
- @-if exist UniRelease*.* echo y | erase UniRelease*.*
- !endif
- !else
- !if "$(DEBUG)" == "1"
- all:
- nmake -f Localize.mak CFG="Localize - Win32 Debug" NO_EXTERNAL_DEPS="1"
- nmake -f Locresde.mak CFG="Locresde - Win32 Debug" NO_EXTERNAL_DEPS="1"
- nmake -f Locresfr.mak CFG="Locresfr - Win32 Debug" NO_EXTERNAL_DEPS="1"
- clean:
- @-if exist Debug. echo y | erase Debug*.*
- !else
- all:
- nmake -f Localize.mak CFG="Localize - Win32 Release" NO_EXTERNAL_DEPS="1"
- nmake -f Locresde.mak CFG="Locresde - Win32 Release" NO_EXTERNAL_DEPS="1"
- nmake -f Locresfr.mak CFG="Locresfr - Win32 Release" NO_EXTERNAL_DEPS="1"
- clean:
- @-if exist Release. echo y | erase Release*.*
- !endif
- !endif
- !else
- all:
- nmake -f Localize.mak DEBUG=$(DEBUG) NO_EXTERNAL_DEPS="1"
- clean:
- @-if exist *.sbr erase *.sbr
- @-if exist *.pdb erase *.pdb
- @-if exist *.pch erase *.pch
- @-if exist *.obj erase *.obj
- @-if exist *.res erase *.res
- @-if exist *.dll erase *.dll
- @-if exist *.bsc erase *.bsc
- @-if exist *.lib erase *.lib
- @-if exist msvc.bnd erase msvc.bnd
- @-if exist tlb16*.tlb erase tlb16*.tlb
- !endif