资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- // stdreg.cpp : Defines the class behaviors for the application.
- //
- // This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library.
- // Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Microsoft Corporation
- // All rights reserved.
- //
- // This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
- // Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and related
- // electronic documentation provided with the library.
- // See these sources for detailed information regarding the
- // Microsoft Foundation Classes product.
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "stdreg.h"
- #include "typeinfo.h"
- #include "dialog.h"
- #include "columdlg.h"
- #include "coursset.h"
- #include "stdset.h"
- #include "instrset.h"
- #include "sectset.h"
- #include "dsectset.h"
- #include "enrolset.h"
- #include "initdata.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CStdRegSetupApp
- //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CStdRegSetupApp)
- //}}AFX_MSG
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CStdRegSetupApp construction
- CStdRegSetupApp::CStdRegSetupApp()
- {
- }
- CStdRegSetupApp::~CStdRegSetupApp()
- {
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // The one and only CStdRegSetupApp object
- CStdRegSetupApp theApp;
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CStdRegSetupApp initialization
- BOOL CStdRegSetupApp::InitInstance()
- {
- #ifdef _AFXDLL
- Enable3dControls(); // Call this when using MFC in a shared DLL
- #else
- Enable3dControlsStatic(); // Call this when linking to MFC statically
- #endif
- LoadStdProfileSettings();
- m_mapSQLTypeToSyntax[SQL_VARCHAR] = "varchar(50)";
- m_mapSQLTypeToSyntax[SQL_INTEGER] = "int";
- m_mapSQLTypeToSyntax[SQL_SMALLINT] = "smallint";
- CStdRegSetupDlg dlg;
- m_pMainWnd = &dlg;
- int nResponse = dlg.DoModal();
- if (nResponse == IDOK)
- {
- }
- else if (nResponse == IDCANCEL)
- {
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- void CStdRegSetupApp::AddDataSource()
- {
- return;
- CString strDSN;
- if (SQLCreateDataSource(m_pMainWnd->m_hWnd, strDSN))
- else
- }
- BOOL CStdRegSetupApp::GetColumnSyntax()
- {
- CColSyntaxDlg dlgColSyntax;
- dlgColSyntax.m_pMapSQLTypeToSyntax = &m_mapSQLTypeToSyntax;
- if (dlgColSyntax.DoModal() != IDOK)
- return FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- void CStdRegSetupApp::InitializeData()
- {
- CString strDSN;
- if (!m_db.Open(strDSN))
- {
- return;
- }
- if (!GetColumnSyntax())
- return;
- BeginWaitCursor();
- if (AddCourseTable()
- && AddStudentTable()
- && AddInstructorTable()
- && AddSectionTable()
- && AddDynabindSectionTable()
- && AddEnrollmentTable())
- {
- }
- else
- {
- }
- ShowProgress(0);
- m_db.Close();
- EndWaitCursor();
- }
- void CStdRegSetupApp::ShowProgress(int nTablesDone)
- {
- CStdRegSetupDlg* pDlg = (CStdRegSetupDlg*)m_pMainWnd;
- CString strProgress;
- if (nTablesDone > 0)
- {
- CString strProgressFormat;
- strProgressFormat.LoadString(IDS_PROGRESS);
- strProgress.Format(strProgressFormat, nTablesDone, 6);
- }
- pDlg->m_ctlProgress.SetWindowText(strProgress);
- }
- BOOL CStdRegSetupApp::ExecuteSQLAndReportFailure(const CString& strSQL)
- {
- {
- m_db.ExecuteSQL(strSQL);
- }
- CATCH(CDBException, e)
- {
- CString strMsg;
- strMsg.LoadString(IDS_EXECUTE_SQL_FAILED);
- strMsg += strSQL;
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CStdRegSetupApp::DropThenAddTable(const CString& strTableName, const CString& strColumns)
- {
- CString strSQL;
- {
- strSQL = "DROP TABLE ";
- strSQL += strTableName;
- m_db.ExecuteSQL(strSQL); // failure is ok, for example, if table doesn't already exist
- }
- CATCH(CDBException,e)
- {
- // It is ok if table does not already exist.
- }
- strSQL += strTableName;
- strSQL += '(';
- strSQL += strColumns;
- strSQL += ')';
- return ExecuteSQLAndReportFailure(strSQL);
- }
- void CStdRegSetupApp::AddColumn(CString& strColumns, LPCSTR lpszColumnName, SWORD fSqlType,
- LPCSTR lpszColLength)
- {
- if (!strColumns.IsEmpty())
- strColumns += ',';
- strColumns += lpszColumnName;
- CString strDataType;
- VERIFY(m_mapSQLTypeToSyntax.Lookup(fSqlType,strDataType));
- if (fSqlType == SQL_VARCHAR)
- {
- // The Column Syntax dialog instructed the user to specify
- // the syntax for a varchar with a maximum length of 50.
- // Replace the "50" with the column-specific length.
- BOOL b50Found = FALSE;
- ASSERT(lpszColLength != NULL);
- CString strDataTypeWith50Replaced;
- for (int nPos = 0; nPos < strDataType.GetLength(); nPos++)
- {
- if (strDataType[nPos] == '5' && strDataType[nPos+1] == '0')
- {
- strDataTypeWith50Replaced += lpszColLength;
- nPos += 1;
- b50Found = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- strDataTypeWith50Replaced += strDataType[nPos];
- }
- }
- if (b50Found)
- strDataType = strDataTypeWith50Replaced;
- }
- strColumns += ' ';
- strColumns += strDataType;
- }
- BOOL CStdRegSetupApp::AddCourseTable()
- {
- ShowProgress(1);
- CString strTableName = "COURSE";
- CString strColumns;
- AddColumn(strColumns, "CourseID", SQL_VARCHAR, "8");
- AddColumn(strColumns, "CourseTitle", SQL_VARCHAR, "50");
- AddColumn(strColumns, "Hours", SQL_SMALLINT);
- if (!DropThenAddTable(strTableName, strColumns))
- return FALSE;
- CCourseSet setCourse(&m_db);
- setCourse.Open();
- for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < sizeof(courseData)/sizeof(CCourseData); nIndex++)
- {
- setCourse.AddNew();
- setCourse.m_CourseID = courseData[nIndex].m_CourseID;
- setCourse.m_CourseTitle = courseData[nIndex].m_CourseTitle;
- setCourse.m_Hours = courseData[nIndex].m_Hours;
- setCourse.Update();
- }
- setCourse.Close();
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CStdRegSetupApp::AddStudentTable()
- {
- ShowProgress(2);
- CString strTableName = "STUDENT";
- CString strColumns;
- AddColumn(strColumns, "StudentID", SQL_INTEGER);
- AddColumn(strColumns, "Name", SQL_VARCHAR, "40");
- AddColumn(strColumns, "GradYear", SQL_SMALLINT);
- if (!DropThenAddTable(strTableName, strColumns))
- return FALSE;
- CStudentSet setStudent(&m_db);
- setStudent.Open();
- for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < sizeof(studentData)/sizeof(CStudentData); nIndex++)
- {
- setStudent.AddNew();
- setStudent.m_StudentID = studentData[nIndex].m_StudentID;
- setStudent.m_Name = studentData[nIndex].m_Name;
- setStudent.m_GradYear = studentData[nIndex].m_GradYear;
- setStudent.Update();
- }
- setStudent.Close();
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CStdRegSetupApp::AddInstructorTable()
- {
- ShowProgress(3);
- CString strTableName = "INSTRUCTOR";
- CString strColumns;
- AddColumn(strColumns, "InstructorID", SQL_VARCHAR, "8");
- AddColumn(strColumns, "Name", SQL_VARCHAR, "40");
- AddColumn(strColumns, "RoomNo", SQL_VARCHAR, "10");
- if (!DropThenAddTable(strTableName, strColumns))
- return FALSE;
- CInstructorSet setInstructor(&m_db);
- setInstructor.Open();
- for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < sizeof(instructorData)/sizeof(CInstructorData); nIndex++)
- {
- setInstructor.AddNew();
- setInstructor.m_InstructorID = instructorData[nIndex].m_InstructorID;
- setInstructor.m_Name = instructorData[nIndex].m_Name;
- setInstructor.m_RoomNo = instructorData[nIndex].m_RoomNo;
- setInstructor.Update();
- }
- setInstructor.Close();
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CStdRegSetupApp::AddSectionTable()
- {
- ShowProgress(4);
- CString strTableName = "SECTION";
- CString strColumns;
- AddColumn(strColumns, "CourseID", SQL_VARCHAR, "8");
- AddColumn(strColumns, "SectionNo", SQL_VARCHAR, "4");
- AddColumn(strColumns, "InstructorID", SQL_VARCHAR, "8");
- AddColumn(strColumns, "RoomNo", SQL_VARCHAR, "10");
- AddColumn(strColumns, "Schedule", SQL_VARCHAR, "24");
- AddColumn(strColumns, "Capacity", SQL_SMALLINT);
- if (!DropThenAddTable(strTableName, strColumns))
- return FALSE;
- CSectionSet setSection(&m_db);
- setSection.Open();
- for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < sizeof(sectionData)/sizeof(CSectionData); nIndex++)
- {
- setSection.AddNew();
- setSection.m_CourseID =sectionData[nIndex].m_CourseID;
- setSection.m_SectionNo =sectionData[nIndex].m_SectionNo;
- setSection.m_InstructorID =sectionData[nIndex].m_InstructorID;
- setSection.m_RoomNo =sectionData[nIndex].m_RoomNo;
- setSection.m_Schedule =sectionData[nIndex].m_Schedule;
- setSection.m_Capacity =sectionData[nIndex].m_Capacity;
- setSection.Update();
- }
- setSection.Close();
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CStdRegSetupApp::AddDynabindSectionTable()
- {
- ShowProgress(5);
- CString strTableName = "DYNABIND_SECTION";
- CString strColumns;
- AddColumn(strColumns, "CourseID", SQL_VARCHAR, "8");
- AddColumn(strColumns, "SectionNo", SQL_VARCHAR, "4");
- AddColumn(strColumns, "InstructorID", SQL_VARCHAR, "8");
- AddColumn(strColumns, "RoomNo", SQL_VARCHAR, "10");
- AddColumn(strColumns, "Schedule", SQL_VARCHAR, "24");
- AddColumn(strColumns, "Capacity", SQL_SMALLINT);
- AddColumn(strColumns, "LabRoomNo", SQL_VARCHAR, "10");
- AddColumn(strColumns, "LabSchedule", SQL_VARCHAR, "24");
- if (!DropThenAddTable(strTableName,strColumns))
- return FALSE;
- CDynabindSectionSet setDynabindSection(&m_db);
- setDynabindSection.Open();
- for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < sizeof(dynabindSectionData)/sizeof(CDynabindSectionData); nIndex++)
- {
- setDynabindSection.AddNew();
- setDynabindSection.m_CourseID = dynabindSectionData[nIndex].m_CourseID;
- setDynabindSection.m_SectionNo = dynabindSectionData[nIndex].m_SectionNo;
- setDynabindSection.m_InstructorID = dynabindSectionData[nIndex].m_InstructorID;
- setDynabindSection.m_RoomNo = dynabindSectionData[nIndex].m_RoomNo;
- setDynabindSection.m_Schedule = dynabindSectionData[nIndex].m_Schedule;
- setDynabindSection.m_Capacity = dynabindSectionData[nIndex].m_Capacity;
- setDynabindSection.m_LabRoomNo = dynabindSectionData[nIndex].m_LabRoomNo;
- setDynabindSection.m_LabSchedule = dynabindSectionData[nIndex].m_LabSchedule;
- setDynabindSection.Update();
- }
- setDynabindSection.Close();
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CStdRegSetupApp::AddEnrollmentTable()
- {
- ShowProgress(6);
- CString strTableName = "ENROLLMENT";
- CString strColumns;
- AddColumn(strColumns, "StudentID", SQL_INTEGER);
- AddColumn(strColumns, "CourseID", SQL_VARCHAR, "8");
- AddColumn(strColumns, "SectionNo", SQL_VARCHAR, "4");
- AddColumn(strColumns, "Grade", SQL_VARCHAR, "1");
- if (!DropThenAddTable(strTableName,strColumns))
- return FALSE;
- CEnrollmentSet setEnrollment(&m_db);
- setEnrollment.Open();
- for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < sizeof(enrollmentData)/sizeof(CEnrollmentData); nIndex++)
- {
- setEnrollment.AddNew();
- setEnrollment.m_StudentID = enrollmentData[nIndex].m_StudentID;
- setEnrollment.m_CourseID = enrollmentData[nIndex].m_CourseID;
- setEnrollment.m_SectionNo = enrollmentData[nIndex].m_SectionNo;
- setEnrollment.m_Grade = enrollmentData[nIndex].m_Grade;
- setEnrollment.Update();
- }
- setEnrollment.Close();
- return TRUE;
- }