资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- #ifndef __MSMASK_H__
- #define __MSMASK_H__
- // Machine generated IDispatch wrapper class(es) created by Microsoft Visual C++
- // NOTE: Do not modify the contents of this file. If this class is regenerated by
- // Microsoft Visual C++, your modifications will be overwritten.
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CMSMask wrapper class
- class CMSMask : public CWnd
- {
- protected:
- public:
- CLSID const& GetClsid()
- {
- static CLSID const clsid
- = { 0xc932ba85, 0x4374, 0x101b, { 0xa5, 0x6c, 0x0, 0xaa, 0x0, 0x36, 0x68, 0xdc } };
- return clsid;
- }
- virtual BOOL Create(LPCTSTR lpszClassName,
- LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, DWORD dwStyle,
- const RECT& rect,
- CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID,
- CCreateContext* pContext = NULL)
- { return CreateControl(GetClsid(), lpszWindowName, dwStyle, rect, pParentWnd, nID); }
- BOOL Create(LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, DWORD dwStyle,
- const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID,
- CFile* pPersist = NULL, BOOL bStorage = FALSE,
- BSTR bstrLicKey = NULL)
- { return CreateControl(GetClsid(), lpszWindowName, dwStyle, rect, pParentWnd, nID,
- pPersist, bStorage, bstrLicKey); }
- // Attributes
- public:
- // Operations
- public:
- long GetClipMode();
- void SetClipMode(long nNewValue);
- BOOL GetPromptInclude();
- void SetPromptInclude(BOOL bNewValue);
- BOOL GetAllowPrompt();
- void SetAllowPrompt(BOOL bNewValue);
- BOOL GetAutoTab();
- void SetAutoTab(BOOL bNewValue);
- long GetMousePointer();
- void SetMousePointer(long nNewValue);
- BOOL GetHideSelection();
- void SetHideSelection(BOOL bNewValue);
- short GetMaxLength();
- void SetMaxLength(short nNewValue);
- CString GetFormat();
- void SetFormat(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
- CString GetMask();
- void SetMask(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
- CString GetFormattedText();
- void SetFormattedText(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
- long GetSelLength();
- void SetSelLength(long nNewValue);
- long GetSelStart();
- void SetSelStart(long nNewValue);
- CString GetSelText();
- void SetSelText(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
- CString GetClipText();
- void SetClipText(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
- CString GetPromptChar();
- void SetPromptChar(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
- CString GetText();
- void SetText(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
- LPDISPATCH GetMouseIcon();
- void SetMouseIcon(LPDISPATCH newValue);
- void SetRefMouseIcon(LPDISPATCH newValue);
- long GetAppearance();
- void SetAppearance(long nNewValue);
- unsigned long GetBackColor();
- void SetBackColor(unsigned long newValue);
- void SetRefFont(LPDISPATCH newValue);
- unsigned long GetForeColor();
- void SetForeColor(unsigned long newValue);
- BOOL GetEnabled();
- void SetEnabled(BOOL bNewValue);
- long GetHWnd();
- void SetHWnd(long nNewValue);
- long GetBorderStyle();
- void SetBorderStyle(long nNewValue);
- long GetOLEDragMode();
- void SetOLEDragMode(long nNewValue);
- long GetOLEDropMode();
- void SetOLEDropMode(long nNewValue);
- void Refresh();
- void OLEDrag();
- };
- // Microsoft Developer Studio will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
- #endif // __MSMASK_H__