资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // counter.cpp : Defines the initialization routines for the DLL.
- //
- // Written by Jeff Miller
- // of Microsoft Product Support Services, Languages Developer Support
- //
- // This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library.
- // Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Microsoft Corporation
- // All rights reserved.
- //
- // This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
- // Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and related
- // electronic documentation provided with the library.
- // See these sources for detailed information regarding the
- // Microsoft Foundation Classes product.
- // This ISAPI DLL can be called in three ways:
- // <IMG SRC="/scripts/counter.dll?clock">
- // will return an x-bitmap image containing the current system time
- // <IMG SRC="/scripts/counter.dll/mydir/mypage.htm">
- // will return an x-bitmap image containing the accumulated
- // count for the identifier /mydir/mypage.htm
- // <IMG SRC="/scripts/counter.dll">
- // will return an x-bitmap image containing the accumulated
- // count for the page which called the DLL.
- #include <afx.h>
- #include <afxdb.h>
- #include <afxisapi.h>
- #include "resource.h"
- #include "counter.h"
- #include "charset.h"
- // This program sends back xbitmap images rather than HTML.
- static const TCHAR szContentType[] = _T("Content-Type: image/x-xbitmaprn");
- // The following defines the location and filename for the log file.
- // This should be placed in a location that can be read and written to.
- static const TCHAR szLogFile[] = _T("C:\counter.log");
- // The following two headers will tell the client never to cache
- // this information, as it is dynamic.
- static const TCHAR szExpires[] = _T("Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1995 01:00:00 GMTrn");
- static const TCHAR szNoCache[] = _T("Pragma: no-cachern");
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // command-parsing map
- BEGIN_PARSE_MAP(CCounterExtension, CHttpServer)
- ON_PARSE_COMMAND(Clock, CCounterExtension, ITS_EMPTY)
- ON_PARSE_COMMAND(Default, CCounterExtension, ITS_EMPTY)
- DEFAULT_PARSE_COMMAND(Default, CCounterExtension)
- END_PARSE_MAP(CCounterExtension)
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // The one and only CCounterExtension object
- CCounterExtension theExtension;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CCounterExtension implementation
- CCounterExtension::CCounterExtension()
- {
- }
- CCounterExtension::~CCounterExtension()
- {
- }
- BOOL CCounterExtension::GetExtensionVersion(HSE_VERSION_INFO* pVer)
- {
- // Call default implementation for initialization
- CHttpServer::GetExtensionVersion(pVer);
- // Load description string
- ISAPIVERIFY(::LoadString(AfxGetResourceHandle(),
- _tcscpy(pVer->lpszExtensionDesc, sz);
- return TRUE;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CCounterExtension command handlers
- void CCounterExtension::Default(CHttpServerContext* pCtxt)
- {
- // We don't call StartContent() or WriteTitle() here due to the
- // fact that those will send back tags appropriate only to
- // HTML pages. We will be sending back an image.
- // Don't allow these pages to be cached
- AddHeader(pCtxt, szExpires);
- AddHeader(pCtxt, szNoCache);
- TCHAR pstrBuffer[1024];
- // Check to see if a path was given after the DLL's name,
- // such as <IMG SRC="/scripts/counter.dll/mydir/mypage.htm">
- // If so, use the given path. Otherwise, use the URL of
- // the page which called this DLL.
- if (_tcsclen(pCtxt->m_pECB->lpszPathInfo) != 0)
- {
- _tcscpy(pstrBuffer, pCtxt->m_pECB->lpszPathInfo);
- }
- else
- {
- // HTTP_REFERER contains the full URL of the page which
- // called this DLL.
- DWORD dwSize = 1024;
- pCtxt->GetServerVariable(_T("HTTP_REFERER"), pstrBuffer, &dwSize);
- }
- // Call member function to see how many times the requested
- // page has been accessed and update that count.
- // GetPageCount will return -1 if there was a problem reading the
- // counter log file.
- CString szPath(pstrBuffer);
- int nCount = GetPageCount(szPath);
- if (nCount != -1)
- {
- // call member function to output an xbitmap image
- // containing the digits
- CString szCount;
- szCount.Format(_T("%d"), nCount);
- OutputXBM(pCtxt, szCount);
- }
- // EndContent() is only appropriate for HTML files, so we
- // don't call it here.
- }
- void CCounterExtension::Clock(CHttpServerContext* pCtxt)
- {
- // Clock
- // Called when DLL is accessed using the format
- // <IMG SRC="/scripts/counter.dll?Clock">
- // We don't call StartContent() or WriteTitle() here due to the
- // fact that those will send back tags appropriate only to
- // HTML pages. We will be sending back an image.
- // Don't allow these pages to be cached
- AddHeader(pCtxt, szExpires);
- AddHeader(pCtxt, szNoCache);
- // Get the current system time, and put it into a form
- // which our function will accept.
- CTime time = CTime::GetCurrentTime();
- CString szTime = time.Format(_T("%H%%%M"));
- // call member function to output an xbitmap image
- // containing the digits
- OutputXBM(pCtxt, szTime);
- // EndContent() is only appropriate for HTML files, so we
- // don't call it here.
- }
- void CCounterExtension::OutputXBM(CHttpServerContext* pCtxt, CString& szDigits)
- {
- // Function to take in a string containing the digits 0..9 and the character
- // ':' and output an xbitmap image of those digits to the stream
- // Start by writing the proper content type to the client
- AddHeader(pCtxt, szContentType);
- // NOTE: this code as is will only work properly with image data
- // that has a width = 8
- int nFinalWidth = char_width * szDigits.GetLength();
- int nFinalHeight = char_height;
- // write out the XBM header. We cast to long int because there is
- // no CHttpServerContext << operator overload that accepts an
- // integer.
- *pCtxt << _T("#define counter_width ") << (long int)nFinalWidth << _T("rn");
- *pCtxt << _T("#define counter_height ") << (long int)nFinalHeight << _T("rn");
- *pCtxt << _T("static unsigned char counter_bits[] = {rn");
- // Now for each horizontal line of output, get the bitmap for each
- // character for that line and output it.
- for (int nLine=0; nLine<nFinalHeight; nLine++)
- {
- for (int nChar=0; nChar<szDigits.GetLength(); nChar++)
- {
- int nDigitOffset;
- if (szDigits[nChar] >= __TEXT('0') && szDigits[nChar] <= __TEXT('9'))
- nDigitOffset = szDigits[nChar] - __TEXT('0');
- else
- // colon is in index 10 in the bitmap array
- nDigitOffset = 10;
- CString szHex;
- szHex.Format(_T("0x%02X, "), char_bits[nDigitOffset][nLine]);
- *pCtxt << szHex;
- }
- }
- *pCtxt << _T("};rn");
- }
- int CCounterExtension::GetPageCount(CString& szPage)
- {
- // Given a unique page identifier (szPage), check our "database"
- // to see how many times this page has been accessed, then
- // return that count. If this function fails, -1 will be returned.
- CFile file;
- CFileException e;
- int nOpenAttempts = 0;
- // make sure only one thread operates on the log file at a time
- while (TRUE)
- {
- if (file.Open(szLogFile,
- CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareExclusive
- | CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeNoTruncate, &e))
- {
- // we opened the file, so continue onwards
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- // we couldn't open the file...figure out why
- if (e.m_cause == CFileException::sharingViolation)
- {
- // sharing violation
- // another thread must have the file open, so wait and retry
- ::Sleep(100);
- // increase the attempt counter
- nOpenAttempts++;
- if (nOpenAttempts == 30)
- {
- // too many retries. something's amiss
- CString szErrText;
- szErrText.LoadString(IDS_RETRYERR);
- TRACE0(szErrText);
- // return error code
- return -1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // not a sharing violation error
- // so it's probably serious
- TCHAR szCause[255];
- e.GetErrorMessage(szCause, 255);
- CString szErrText;
- szErrText.LoadString(IDS_OPENERR);
- TRACE1(szErrText, szCause);
- // return error code
- return -1;
- }
- }
- }
- // we've now successfully opened the log file so let's read it!
- CArchive archive(&file, CArchive::load);
- // Serialize in the data from the file
- try
- {
- m_Paths.Serialize(archive);
- }
- catch (CArchiveException* e)
- {
- // if we get endOfFile, it probably means that the counter
- // log file doesn't exist yet, so it's not a fatal error
- if (e->m_cause != CArchiveException::endOfFile)
- {
- TCHAR szCause[255];
- e->GetErrorMessage(szCause, 255);
- CString szErrText;
- szErrText.LoadString(IDS_SERIALIZEERR);
- TRACE1(szErrText, szCause);
- m_Paths.RemoveAll();
- archive.Close();
- file.Close();
- e->Delete();
- return -1;
- }
- e->Delete();
- }
- archive.Close();
- file.Close();
- // Try to find the page identifier in the log
- int nVal = 0;
- CString szCount;
- if (m_Paths.Lookup(szPage, szCount))
- nVal = atoi(szCount);
- // Increment the count.
- nVal++;
- // Set the new value.
- szCount.Format(_T("%d"), nVal);
- m_Paths.SetAt(szPage, szCount);
- // Write the updated log
- if ( !file.Open(szLogFile,
- CFile::modeWrite | CFile::shareExclusive
- | CFile::modeCreate, &e) )
- {
- TCHAR szCause[255];
- e.GetErrorMessage(szCause, 255);
- CString szErrText;
- szErrText.LoadString(IDS_OPENERR);
- TRACE1(szErrText, szCause);
- // return error code
- return -1;
- }
- CArchive archiveStore(&file, CArchive::store);
- try
- {
- m_Paths.Serialize(archiveStore);
- }
- catch (CArchiveException* e)
- {
- TCHAR szCause[255];
- e->GetErrorMessage(szCause, 255);
- CString szErrText;
- szErrText.LoadString(IDS_SERIALIZEERR);
- TRACE1(szErrText, szCause);
- archiveStore.Close();
- file.Close();
- e->Delete();
- // return error code
- return -1;
- }
- archiveStore.Close();
- file.Close();
- // Return the count we received
- return nVal;
- }