资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- // ReqSock.h : interface of the CRequestSocket class
- //
- // This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library.
- // Copyright (C) 1997-1998 Microsoft Corporation
- // All rights reserved.
- //
- // This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
- // Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and related
- // electronic documentation provided with the library.
- // See these sources for detailed information regarding the
- // Microsoft Foundation Classes product.
- #define MAX_DIR_FILENAME 24
- class CRequest;
- class CHttpSvrDoc;
- class CRequestSocket : public CAsyncSocket
- {
- CRequestSocket( void );
- protected:
- void StuffFileType( void );
- BOOL m_bKeepOpen;
- BOOL m_bWantKeepOpen;
- {
- };
- CRequest* m_pRequest; // request object
- CByteArray m_buf;
- int m_cbOut;
- CString m_strLine;
- REQSTATUS m_reqStatus;
- HANDLE m_hFile;
- int m_nRefs;
- BOOL m_bKilled;
- public:
- CHttpSvrDoc* m_pDoc;
- BOOL CheckExt( const CString& strExt, CString& strAvail, DWORD dwType );
- BOOL IsSvrApp( void );
- BOOL CheckDefault( UINT uList, BOOL bExecute );
- CString StripLast( CString& strPath );
- int StuffStatus( const CString& strStatus );
- CRequestSocket( CHttpSvrDoc* pDoc );
- ~CRequestSocket( void );
- virtual int AddRef( void );
- virtual int Release( void );
- #ifdef IMPL_CGI
- BOOL CGIStart( void );
- void CGIDone( void );
- CWinThread* m_pThread;
- CEvent* m_pCancel;
- #endif // IMPL_CGI
- protected:
- BOOL StartSvrApp( void );
- BOOL FromHttpTime( const CString& strHttp, CTime& timeHttp );
- BOOL IfModSince( const CTime& timeIfMod );
- CString GetHttpDate( LPFILETIME pft = NULL );
- BOOL GetLine( const CByteArray& bytes, int nBytes, int& ndx );
- void ProcessLine( void );
- BOOL BodySent( void );
- void AddToBody( int nBytes, int ndx );
- BOOL StartResponse( void );
- BOOL FindTarget( CString& strFile );
- BOOL URLtoPath( CString& strFile );
- BOOL PathToURL( CString& strFile );
- BOOL StuffHeading( void );
- void StartTargetStuff( void );
- int StuffString( const CString& );
- int StuffString( UINT uId );
- int StuffStatus( UINT uMsg );
- int StuffError( UINT uMsg );
- int StuffHeader( CString strName, CString strValue );
- int StuffHeader( CString strName, int nValue );
- // methods not supported by Mac version....
- void StuffListing( void );
- int StuffListingFile( WIN32_FIND_DATA* fd, const CString& strDir, BOOL bIcons );
- protected:
- virtual void OnReceive(int nErrorCode);
- virtual void OnSend(int nErrorCode);
- virtual void OnClose(int nErrorCode);
- friend UINT CGIThread( LPVOID );
- };
- CString Decode( const CString& str, BOOL bQuery = FALSE );
- #ifdef IMPL_CGI
- void HeaderToEnvVar( CString& strVar );
- class CEnvironment
- {
- public:
- CStringList m_list;
- int m_nSize;
- CEnvironment( void );
- ~CEnvironment( void );
- BOOL Add( CString name, CString value );
- LPVOID GetBlock( void );
- };
- #endif