- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %无编码同步CDMA系统的多用户检测仿真
- %1 单用户
- %2 匹配滤波检测
- %3 线性解相关检测器
- %4 线性MMSE检测器
- %5 PIC检测器
- %5 SIC检测器
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- clear;
- nUser = 8; %Number of users
- L_total = 100; % infomation bits plus tail bits
- bias_dB = 10; % user power bias in dB
- bias_A = sqrt(10^(bias_dB/10)); % user amplitude bias
- %A = [1 bias_A 1 bias_A 1]; %Amplitude of the nUsers:Diagonal matrix
- A= eye(nUser); %Euqal power
- A(nUser,nUser) = bias_A;
- for i = 6:nUser
- A(i,i) = bias_A;
- end
- %rou = 0.3; %cross-correlation coefficient
- %R = rou*ones(nUser)+(1-rou)*diag(ones(nUser,1)); %normalized cross-correlation matrix
- %Generate cross-correlation matrix for Gold code
- gold_seq = gold_sequence([1 0 1 0 0],[1 1 1 0 1]);
- gold_seq = 2*gold_seq -1;
- L = length(gold_seq(1,:));
- gold_seq = 1/sqrt(L)*gold_seq;
- %S = gold_seq(1:nUser,:)';
- %R = S'*S;
- % Random Phase
- for i =1:nUser
- m = randint(1,1,31);
- gold(i,:) =[gold_seq(i,m+1:L) gold_seq(i,1:m)];
- end
- S = gold(1:nUser,:)';
- R = S'*S;
- invR = inv(R);
- eMatrix = eye(nUser);
- e1 = eMatrix(:,1);
- e2 = eMatrix(:,nUser);
- decor1 = S*invR*e1;
- decor2 = S*invR*e2;
- errlim = 1000;% Number of bit errors to count as a stop criterior
- %ferrlim = 2;% Number of frame errors to count as a stop criterior
- infolim = 1E8; % Number of info bits to count as a stop criterior
- EbN0db = [0:2:10];
- % Clear bit error counter and frame error counter
- nCal = 2; %Number of Calculate users
- errs1 = zeros(1,length(EbN0db)); %single user
- errs2 = zeros(1,length(EbN0db)); %multiuser: match filter
- errs3 = zeros(1,length(EbN0db)); %multiuser: linear decorrelating multiuser detector
- errs4 = zeros(1,length(EbN0db)); % linear MMSE multiuser detector
- errs5 = zeros(1,length(EbN0db)); % Multistage PIC multiuser detector
- errs6 = zeros(1,length(EbN0db)); % SIC multiuser detector
- nferr = zeros(1,length(EbN0db));
- for nEN = 1:length(EbN0db)
- en = 10^(EbN0db(nEN)/10); % convert Eb/N0 from unit db to normal numbers
- sgma = 1/sqrt(2*en); % standard deviation of AWGN noise
- %Single User Bound with match filter detector
- % nframe = 0; % clear counter of transmitted frames
- % while (errs1(nEN)< errlim )
- % nframe = nframe + 1;
- % x = round(rand(1,L_total)); % info. bits
- % en_output = 2*x-1; % antipodal:+1/-1
- % en_output = S(:,1)*en_output;
- % en_output = reshape(en_output,1,L*L_total);
- %single user communication
- % single = en_output+sgma*randn(L,L_total);
- % single = S(:,1)'*single;
- % xSingle = (sign(single)+1)/2; % output of a match filter detector(Single user)
- % err1 = length(find(xSingle ~= x)); % Number of bit errors in current frame
- % errs1(nEN) = errs1(nEN) + err1; % Total number of bit errors for all frame
- % end %end while
- % ber1(nEN) = errs1(nEN)/nframe/L_total; % Bit error rate
- % Multiuser Match Filter Detector
- nframe = 0; % clear counter of transmitted frames
- while (errs2(nEN)< errlim )
- nframe = nframe + 1;
- x = round(rand(nUser, L_total)); % info. bits
- en_output = 2*x-ones(size(x)); % antipodal:+1/-1
- %multiuser communication
- % spread_output = 0;
- % for i = 1:nUser
- % spread_output =spread_output + gold_seq(i,:)'*A(i)*en_output(i,:)+sgma*sqrt(L)*randn(L,L_total);
- % end %end nUser
- r = S*A*en_output + sgma*randn(L,L_total);
- % y = S(:,1)'*r;
- y = S(:,nUser)'*r; %strong power
- xMatch = (sign(y)+1)/2;
- err2 = length(find(xMatch ~= x(1,:))); % Number of bit errors in current frame
- %err2 = length(find(xMatch ~= x(nUser,:))); % Number of bit errors in current frame
- errs2(nEN) = errs2(nEN) + err2; % Total number of bit errors for all frame
- end %end while
- ber2(nEN) = errs2(nEN)/nframe/L_total; % Bit error rate
- % linear decorrelating multiuser detector
- nframe = 0; % clear counter of transmitted frames
- while (errs3(nEN)< errlim )
- nframe = nframe + 1;
- x = round(rand(nUser, L_total)); % info. bits
- en_output = 2*x-ones(size(x)); % antipodal:+1/-1
- %multiuser communication
- r = S*A*en_output + sgma*randn(L,L_total);
- y = decor1'*r;
- %y = decor2'*r;
- xDecor = (sign(y)+1)/2;
- err3 = length(find(xDecor ~= x(1,:))); % Number of bit errors in current frame
- %err3 = length(find(xDecor ~= x(nUser,:))); % Number of bit errors in current frame
- errs3(nEN) = errs3(nEN) + err3; % Total number of bit errors for all frame
- end %end while
- ber3(nEN) = errs3(nEN)/nframe/L_total; % Bit error rate
- % linear MMSE multiuser detector
- nframe = 0; % clear counter of transmitted frames
- while (errs4(nEN)< errlim )
- nframe = nframe + 1;
- x = round(rand(nUser, L_total)); % info. bits
- en_output = 2*x-ones(size(x)); % antipodal:+1/-1
- %multiuser communication
- r = S*A*en_output + sgma*randn(L,L_total);
- mmse1 = S*inv(R+diag(sgma./diag(A))^2)*e1;
- y = mmse1'*r;
- %mmse2 = S*inv(R+diag(sgma./diag(A))^2)*e2;
- %y = mmse2'*r;
- xMMSE = (sign(y)+1)/2; % output of a linear MMSE multiuser detector
- err4 = length(find(xMMSE ~= x(1,:))); % Number of bit errors in current frame
- %err4 = length(find(xMMSE ~= x(nUser,:))); % Number of bit errors in current frame
- errs4(nEN) = errs4(nEN) + err4; % Total number of bit errors for all frame
- end %end while
- ber4(nEN) = errs4(nEN)/nframe/L_total; % Bit error rate
- %Multistage parallel interference cancellation
- nframe = 0; % clear counter of transmitted frames
- while (errs5(nEN)< errlim )
- nframe = nframe + 1;
- x = round(rand(nUser, L_total)); % info. bits
- en_output = 2*x-ones(size(x)); % antipodal:+1/-1
- %multiuser communication
- r = S*A*en_output + sgma*randn(L,L_total);
- y = S'*r;
- %ydecor = decor1'*r;
- rParall = sign(y);
- rParall = sign(y-(R-eye(nUser))*A*rParall); %stage 1
- rParall = sign(y-(R-eye(nUser))*A*rParall); %stage 2
- rParall = sign(y-(R-eye(nUser))*A*rParall); %stage 3
- xParall = (sign(rParall)+1)/2;
- err5 = length(find(xParall(1,:) ~= x(1,:))); % Number of bit errors in current frame
- %err5 = length(find(xParall(nUser,:) ~= x(nUser,:))); % Number of bit errors in current frame
- errs5(nEN) = errs5(nEN) + err5; % Total number of bit errors for all frame
- end %end while
- ber5(nEN) = errs5(nEN)/nframe/L_total; % Bit error rate
- % Serial interference cancellation
- nframe = 0; % clear counter of transmitted frames
- while (errs6(nEN)< errlim )
- nframe = nframe + 1;
- x = round(rand(nUser, L_total)); % info. bits
- en_output = 2*x-ones(size(x)); % antipodal:+1/-1
- %multiuser communication
- r = S*A*en_output + sgma*randn(L,L_total);
- y = S'*r;
- %ydecor = decor1'*r;
- rSIC = sign(y);
- for k = nUser-1:-1:1
- IC = 0;
- for j = k+1:nUser
- IC = IC+A(j,j)*R(j,k)*rSIC(j,:);
- end
- rSIC(k,:) = sign(y(k,:)-IC);
- end
- xSIC = (sign(rSIC)+1)/2;
- %err6 = length(find(xSIC(1,:) ~= x(1,:))); % Number of bit errors in current frame
- err6 = length(find(xSIC(nUser,:) ~= x(nUser,:))); % Number of bit errors in current frame
- errs6(nEN) = errs6(nEN) + err6; % Total number of bit errors for all frame
- end %end while
- ber6(nEN) = errs6(nEN)/nframe/L_total; % Bit error rate
- % Display intermediate results in process
- fprintf('************** Eb/N0 = %5.2f db **************n', EbN0db(nEN));
- fprintf('Frame size = %d. n', L_total);
- fprintf('%d frames transmitted, %d frames in error.n', nframe, nferr(nEN));
- fprintf('%d bits transmitted, %d bits in error.n', nframe*L_total, errs3(nEN));
- fprintf('Bit Error Rate: %8.4e n', ber3(nEN));
- fprintf('***********************************************nn');
- end %end EN
- load singleuserbound;
- figure(1)
- semilogy(EbN0db,ber1(1:length(EbN0db)),'b-o',...
- EbN0db,ber2(1:length(EbN0db)),'b-s',...
- EbN0db,ber3(1:length(EbN0db)),'b-^',...
- EbN0db,ber4(1:length(EbN0db)),'b-d',...
- EbN0db0,ber5(1:length(EbN0db)),'b-<',...
- EbN0db,ber6(1:length(EbN0db)),'b-v' );
- legend('Single User Bound','Match Filter','Decorrelating','MMSE','PIC','SIC');
- xlabel('Eb/N0'); ylabel('Bit Error Rate');
- title('MUD');
- grid on;