资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- // svrdoc.h : interface of the CServerNode class
- //
- // This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library.
- // Copyright (C) 1992-1995 Microsoft Corporation
- // All rights reserved.
- //
- // This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
- // Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and Microsoft
- // QuickHelp and/or WinHelp documentation provided with the library.
- // See these sources for detailed information regarding the
- // Microsoft Foundation Classes product.
- #ifndef _SVRITEM_H
- #define _SVRITEM_H
- #define CX_MARGIN 8
- #define CY_MARGIN 4
- #define CX_INDENT 12
- #define CX_BACKDENT 5
- #define CY_SEPARATOR 4
- class CServerDoc;
- class CServerItem;
- // in this example a CServerNode represents a node in a graph
- class CServerNode : public CObject
- {
- // Constructors
- public:
- CServerNode(CServerDoc* pServerDoc = NULL);
- static CServerNode* CreateRootNode(CServerDoc* pDoc);
- void InitRootNode();
- // create from parent node
- CServerNode* CreateChildNode(LPCTSTR lpszDescription);
- CServerNode* PromptNewChildNode(); // create with user interface
- // Attributes
- CString m_strDescription; // node description/caption
- CString m_strLinkKey; // link node if different from caption
- CServerItem* m_pServerItem; // pointer to active item (may be NULL)
- CObList m_listChild; // list of children
- BOOL m_bHideChildren;
- CServerDoc* m_pDocument; // back pointer to document
- enum EShape
- {
- shapeRect,
- shapeRound,
- shapeOval,
- shapeMax
- } m_shape; // shape to draw
- CServerDoc* GetDocument() const // return type-safe container
- { return (CServerDoc*)m_pDocument; }
- BOOL HasChildren() const
- { return m_listChild.GetCount() != 0; }
- BOOL IsChild(const CServerNode* pPotentialChild) const;
- // for popup context sensitive menus (in IDR_POPUPS)
- int GetPopupMenuIndex()
- { return 0; } // 0 for simple menu
- CServerNode* GetNext(CServerNode *pItem, BOOL bInit = TRUE);
- CServerNode* GetPrev(CServerNode *pItem, BOOL bInit = TRUE);
- const CString& GetItemName();
- void UpdateItemName();
- // Operations
- // bounding rect helpers
- void CalcNodeSize(CDC* pDC, CSize& sizeNode);
- // Text view display helpers
- BOOL GetNodeText(CString *strBuf, int TAB) ;
- int GetTreeText(CString * strBuf, int TAB) ;
- // drawing helpers
- BOOL Draw(CDC* pDC, CPoint pt, BOOL bSelected, CSize sizeNode);
- BOOL FindAndDelete(CServerNode *pItem);
- // find pItem, remove it and all of its children
- void DeleteChildNodes(); // remove all child nodes from a given node
- CServerNode* FindNode(LPCTSTR pszItemName);
- // recursive bounding rect and drawing helpers
- void CalcBounding(CDC* pDC, CPoint& ptStart, CSize& sizeMax);
- int DrawTree(CDC* pDC, CPoint ptStart, CServerNode* pItemSel);
- // simple UI helpers
- BOOL PromptChangeNode();
- virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar); // for native data
- // Implementation
- public:
- ~CServerNode();
- protected:
- void SaveAsText(CArchive& ar, int nLevel);
- friend class CServerItem; // CServerItem is an extension of a CServerNode
- };
- // CServerItem represents the OLE glue to a CServerNode. Such items
- // are only allocated as necessary.
- class CServerItem : public COleServerItem
- {
- // Constructors
- public:
- CServerItem(CServerDoc* pDoc, CServerNode* pNode);
- // Attributes
- CServerNode* m_pServerNode; // back pointer to node (may be NULL)
- CServerDoc* GetDocument() const // return type-safe container
- { return (CServerDoc*)COleServerItem::GetDocument(); }
- // Overridables
- protected:
- virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar); // called for clipboard save
- virtual BOOL OnDraw(CDC* pDC, CSize& rSize);
- virtual BOOL OnGetExtent(DVASPECT dwDrawAspect, CSize& rSize);
- virtual void OnOpen(); // select the node when a link is shown
- virtual BOOL OnRenderFileData(LPFORMATETC lpFormatEtc, CFile* pFile);
- virtual COleDataSource* OnGetClipboardData(BOOL bIncludeLink,
- LPPOINT pptOffset, LPSIZE pSize);
- // Implementation
- public:
- ~CServerItem();
- protected:
- // GetNativeClipboardData called by overrided OnGetClipboardData
- void GetNativeClipboardData(COleDataSource *pDataSource);
- friend class CServerNode; // CServerNode is an extension of CServerItem
- };
- #endif
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////