- 'Eigenface' Face Recognition System
- Written by: Amir Hossein Omidvarnia
- Email:
- This package implements a well-known PCA-based face recognition
- method, which is called 'Eigenface' [1].
- All functions are easy to use, as they are heavy commented.
- Furthermore, a sample script is included to show their usage.
- In general, you should follow this order:
- 1. Select training and test database paths.
- 2. Select path of the test image.
- 3. Run 'CreateDatabase' function to create 2D matrix of all training images.
- 4. Run 'EigenfaceCore' function to produce basis's of facespace.
- 5. Run 'Recognition' function to get the name of equivalent image in training database.
- For your convenience, I have prepared sample training and test databases, which are parts
- of 'face94' Essex face database [2]. You just need to copy the above functions, along with
- the training and test databases into a specified path (for example 'work' path of your
- MATLAB root). Then follow dialog boxes, which will appear upon running 'example.m'.
- Enjoy it!
- References:
- [1] P. N. Belhumeur, J. Hespanha, and D. J. Kriegman. Eigenfaces vs. Fisherfaces: Recognition
- using class specific linear projection. In ECCV (1), pages 45--58, 1996.
- [2] Available at: