- function OutputName = Recognition(TestImage, m, A, Eigenfaces)
- % Recognizing step....
- %
- % Description: This function compares two faces by projecting the images into facespace and
- % measuring the Euclidean distance between them.
- %
- % Argument: TestImage - Path of the input test image
- %
- % m - (M*Nx1) Mean of the training
- % database, which is output of 'EigenfaceCore' function.
- %
- % Eigenfaces - (M*Nx(P-1)) Eigen vectors of the
- % covariance matrix of the training
- % database, which is output of 'EigenfaceCore' function.
- %
- % A - (M*NxP) Matrix of centered image
- % vectors, which is output of 'EigenfaceCore' function.
- %
- % Returns: OutputName - Name of the recognized image in the training database.
- %
- % See also: RESHAPE, STRCAT
- % Original version by Amir Hossein Omidvarnia, October 2007
- % Email:
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Projecting centered image vectors into facespace
- % All centered images are projected into facespace by multiplying in
- % Eigenface basis's. Projected vector of each face will be its corresponding
- % feature vector.
- ProjectedImages = [];
- Train_Number = size(Eigenfaces,2);
- for i = 1 : Train_Number
- temp = Eigenfaces'*A(:,i); % Projection of centered images into facespace
- ProjectedImages = [ProjectedImages temp];
- end
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Extracting the PCA features from test image
- InputImage = imread(TestImage);
- temp = InputImage(:,:,1);
- [irow icol] = size(temp);
- InImage = reshape(temp',irow*icol,1);
- Difference = double(InImage)-m; % Centered test image
- ProjectedTestImage = Eigenfaces'*Difference; % Test image feature vector
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Calculating Euclidean distances
- % Euclidean distances between the projected test image and the projection
- % of all centered training images are calculated. Test image is
- % supposed to have minimum distance with its corresponding image in the
- % training database.
- Euc_dist = [];
- for i = 1 : Train_Number
- q = ProjectedImages(:,i);
- temp = ( norm( ProjectedTestImage - q ) )^2;
- Euc_dist = [Euc_dist temp];
- end
- [Euc_dist_min , Recognized_index] = min(Euc_dist);
- OutputName = strcat(int2str(Recognized_index),'.jpg');