资源名称:p2p_vod.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Softelf Inc. All rights reserved.
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Author : Telan
- // Date : 2000-10-04
- // Purpose : Encapsulate winsock2 functions to make it more easily used
- // History :
- // 1.0 : 2000-03-10 - First Edition of this source code ( called:FE_SOCKET )
- // 2.0 : 2000-06-25 - Second Edition ( name changed to TE_SOCKET )
- // - Add Error Control
- // 3.0 : 2000-09-21 - Third Edition ( name changed to TE_SOCKET )
- // - Change the errors' process mechanism
- // - Add BufSocket Model
- // - Add TE_ConnectEx(...)
- // - Add TE_BSocketGetData(...) for specail usage
- // 3.1 : 2000-10-04 - Add TE_AcceptEx(...)
- // - Add TE_GetIP(...) to fix NT DNS resolve cache problem
- // - Modify TE_ConnectEx
- // - Fix several bugs in NetEvent process
- //
- // Mailto : telan@263.net ( Bugs' Report or Comments )
- // Notes : This source code may be used in any form in any way you desire. It is
- // provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. Use it at your own
- // risk! The author accepts no liability for any damage/loss of business
- // that this product may cause.
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #ifndef __TE__SOCKET__H__INCLUDED__
- #define __TE__SOCKET__H__INCLUDED__
- //包含必要的头文件
- #include <winsock2.h> // Winsock2
- //宏
- #define Min(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a): (b))
- #define Max(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a): (b))
- #define INext(i, n) ((((i) + 1) < (n)) ? ((i) + 1): 0)
- #define IPrev(i, n) (((i) > 0) ? ((i) - 1): ((n) - 1))
- // 常量定义
- const int TE_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096;// 缓冲区缺省大小
- const int TE_EOF = 0x100;// 无效接收字符
- const int SOCKET_SUCCESS = 0;
- const int TE_SOCKET_MAJOR_VERSION = 2;
- const int TE_SOCKET_MINOR_VERSION = 2;
- // 缺省超时参数 (超时单位:毫秒 )
- const DWORD TE_SHUTDOWN_RECV_TIMEOUT = 4*1000; // 优雅关闭时延迟4秒
- const DWORD TE_BLOCKED_SNDRCV_SLEEP = 100; // 100毫秒(发生阻塞时等待[睡眠]时间)
- const DWORD TE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 120*1000;// 120秒 缺省超时
- const DWORD TE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 120*1000;// 120秒 连接超时
- const DWORD TE_SEND_TIMEOUT = 120*1000;// 120秒 发送超时
- const DWORD TE_RECV_TIMEOUT = 120*1000;// 120秒 接收超时
- // 数据结构(缓冲区循环使用)
- typedef struct _tagBufSocketData
- {
- SOCKET hSocket; // SOCKET
- int iBufferSize; // 数据缓冲大小
- char* pszBuffer; // 数据缓冲
- int iBytesInBuffer; // 缓冲区已有数据长度(字节)
- int iReadIndex; // 可以读取的下一缓冲区位置
- int iBufferIndex; // 可以使用的下一缓冲区位置
- // 获取及设置错误/内存管理辅助函数
- int TE_GetLastError(void);
- void TE_SetLastError(int iErrorCode);
- // SOCKET函数 (基于Winsock2)
- int TE_InitLibrary();
- void TE_CleanupLibrary();
- SOCKET TE_CreateSocket(int iAddressFamily = AF_INET,
- int iType = SOCK_STREAM,
- int iProtocol = 0);
- void TE_CloseSocket(SOCKET hSocket, BOOL bHardClose = FALSE);
- int TE_SetSocketOption(SOCKET hSocket);
- int TE_RecvLL(SOCKET hSocket, char *pszBuffer, int iBufferSize);
- int TE_RecvData(SOCKET hSocket, char *pszBuffer, int iBufferSize, DWORD dwTimeout = TE_RECV_TIMEOUT);
- int TE_Recv(SOCKET hSocket, char *pszBuffer, int iBufferSize, DWORD dwTimeout = TE_RECV_TIMEOUT);
- int TE_SendLL(SOCKET hSocket, char const * pszBuffer, int iBufferSize);
- int TE_SendData(SOCKET hSocket, char const * pszBuffer, int iBufferSize, DWORD dwTimeout = TE_SEND_TIMEOUT);
- int TE_Send(SOCKET hSocket, char const * pszBuffer, int iBufferSize, DWORD dwTimeout = TE_SEND_TIMEOUT);
- int TE_Connect(SOCKET hSocket, const struct sockaddr * pSockName, int iNameLen,DWORD dwTimeout = TE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT);
- int TE_BindSocket(SOCKET hSocket, const struct sockaddr * SockName, int iNameLen);
- int TE_ListenSocket(SOCKET hSocket, int iConnections);
- SOCKET TE_Accept(SOCKET hSocket, struct sockaddr * pSockName, int *iNameLen,DWORD dwTimeout = TE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
- SOCKET TE_AcceptEx(SOCKET hSocket, struct sockaddr * pSockName, int *iNameLen,HANDLE hEndEvent,DWORD dwTimeout = TE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
- int TE_BlockSocket(SOCKET hSocket, BOOL bBlock);
- int TE_RecvDataFrom(SOCKET hSocket, struct sockaddr * pFrom, int iFromlen,
- char *pszBuffer, int iBufferSize, DWORD dwTimeout = TE_RECV_TIMEOUT);
- int TE_SendDataTo(SOCKET hSocket, const struct sockaddr * pTo,int iToLen,
- char const * pszBuffer, int iBufferSize, DWORD dwTimeout = TE_RECV_TIMEOUT);
- // 扩展函数
- int TE_BindSocketEx(SOCKET hSocket,int nPort);
- int TE_ConnectEx(SOCKET hSocket, char const * pServer, int nPort,DWORD dwTimeout = TE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT,BOOL fFixNtDNS = FALSE);
- // BufSocket函数
- PBSD TE_BSocketAttach(SOCKET hSocket, int iBufferSize = TE_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE);
- SOCKET TE_BSocketDetach(PBSD pBSD, BOOL bCloseSocket = FALSE);
- int TE_BSocketReadData(PBSD pBSD, DWORD dwTimeout = TE_RECV_TIMEOUT);
- int TE_BSocketGetChar(PBSD pBSD, DWORD dwTimeout = TE_RECV_TIMEOUT);
- int TE_BSocketGetString(PBSD pBSD, char *pszBuffer, int iBufferSize,int* iStatus, DWORD dwTimeout = TE_RECV_TIMEOUT);
- int TE_BSocketSendString(PBSD pBSD, const char *pszBuffer, DWORD dwTimeout = TE_SEND_TIMEOUT);
- SOCKET TE_BSocketGetAttachedSocket(PBSD pBSD);
- int TE_BSocketGetStringEx(PBSD pBSD, char *pszBuffer, int iBufferSize, int* iStatus, DWORD dwTimeout = TE_RECV_TIMEOUT);
- int TE_BSocketGetData(PBSD pBSD, char *pszBuffer, int iBufferSize,DWORD dwTimeout = TE_RECV_TIMEOUT);
- // 其他
- DWORD TE_GetIP(const char* name,BOOL fFixNtDNS = FALSE); // Used to Fix NT DNS Problem
- #endif //__TE__SOCKET__H__INCLUDED__