资源名称:p2p_vod.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- [Main]
- 请关闭正在播放的内容后再退出。=Please first close all playing contents before exit.
- 找不到windows media player播放器=Can't not find windows media player
- 更新程序将中断当前的播放过程,确定要更新吗?=Update program will end the playing programs. Are you sure?
- 错误=Error
- [LocalServer Msg]
- 当前没有频道=You have not open any channel yet, press right button to show channel menu
- 个频道正在播放= channels are playing
- [About]
- 版本:=Version
- 关于MySee=About Mysee
- 高维视讯 版权所有=Gaov INC. TM
- [Menu]
- 更新频道列表=Update Channel List
- 频道文件解析失败=Channel list file error
- 数据读取中...=Data Reading
- 数据读取失败!=Data reading fail!
- 空=Empty
- 设置(&S)=&Setting
- 关于(&A)=&About
- 帮助(&H)=&Help
- 使用帮助(&H)=Visit &Help
- 判定网络(&N)=Select &Network
- 电子邮件(&E)=&Contact us
- 首页(&P)=Home&page
- 检查更新(&U)=&Update
- 选择语言(&L)=&Language
- 退出(&E)=&Exit
- [Language Name]
- 简体中文(&S)=简体中文(&S)
- 繁体中文(&T)=羉砰いゅ(&T)
- 英文(&E)=&English
- [ErrorMsg in ChannelMgr]
- 正在播放=Channel is playing
- 正在打开=Channel opening
- 无法登陆服务器,可能是服务暂时停止,或者是本台机器的防火墙在捣乱。=Cann't login, the server may stop temporarily or blocked by thefirewall
- 没有数据服务器,请联系服务商。=There is no dataserver, please contact to your customer service
- 此频道已经关闭,清尝试其他打开的频道。=This channel has closed.
- 服务器上没有这个频道,请确认你打开的URL或者GTV文件是最新的。=There is no such a channel in the server. You should use a up-to-date url or gtv file.
- 此频道到此结束,谢谢观看。=This channel has finnished, thank you for your watching.
- 您使用的是旧版客户端,请到www.mysee.com下载最新版的客户端。=The version of this software is too old, you can download new version in www.mysee.com
- 将数据写入磁盘时出错,请检查是否磁盘已满。=Data writing error, disk may be full.
- 未知类型的错误,请重新播放此频道!=Unknown error, please try again.
- [ErrorMsg in Request and GetData]
- 正在缓冲数据中=Buffering...
- 内存分配错误=Memory alloc error
- 错误的参数=Error parameter
- 尚未初始化=Not initial yet
- 重复初始化=An initial is performed again
- 无法初始化windows socket=Can't init windows socket
- 非法的TrackServer地址=Error address for trackserver
- 无法绑定网络端口=Can't bind to the port
- 不支持的资源类型=Unsupport resource type
- 调用了错误的接口,因为当前资源并非支持所有接口=A error interface has been call, the current resource don't support this interface
- 磁盘空间不足=No enough disk space
- 缓冲区已满=Buffer has been full
- 正在SEEK,不能读取数据=Can't read data while seeking
- 块没有找到=Can't find the block
- 出现了两个资源的hashcode相同,但是参数却不尽相同的情况=Two resources has the same hascode but different parameters
- 无法打开缓冲文件=Can't open buffer files
- 错误的直播媒体类型=Error media types
- 切换节目的过程中,视音频正在同步=Program is openning...
- 错误的Block=Error block
- 错误URL地址=Error url
- 系统错误=System error
- 网络错误=Network error