- /*
- * qWikiOffice Desktop 0.8.1
- * Copyright(c) 2007-2008, Integrated Technologies, Inc.
- * licensing@qwikioffice.com
- *
- * http://www.qwikioffice.com/license
- */
- Ext.override(QoDesk.QoPreferences, {
- actions : null,
- cards : [
- 'pref-win-card-1', // navigation
- 'pref-win-card-2', // quickstart
- 'pref-win-card-3', // color and appearance
- 'pref-win-card-4', // wallpaper
- 'pref-win-card-5', // autorun
- 'pref-win-card-6' // shortcuts
- ],
- contentPanel : null,
- cardHistory : [
- 'pref-win-card-1' // default
- ],
- layout: null,
- win : null,
- createWindow : function(){
- var desktop = this.app.getDesktop();
- this.win = desktop.getWindow(this.moduleId);
- if(!this.win){
- var winWidth = 610;
- var winHeight = 460;
- this.contentPanel = new Ext.Panel({
- activeItem: 0,
- border: false,
- id: 'pref-win-content',
- items: [
- new QoDesk.QoPreferences.NavPanel({owner: this, id: 'pref-win-card-1'}),
- new QoDesk.QoPreferences.Shortcuts({owner: this, id: 'pref-win-card-6'}),
- new QoDesk.QoPreferences.AutoRun({owner: this, id: 'pref-win-card-5'}),
- new QoDesk.QoPreferences.QuickStart({owner: this, id: 'pref-win-card-2'}),
- new QoDesk.QoPreferences.Appearance({owner: this, id: 'pref-win-card-3'}),
- new QoDesk.QoPreferences.Background({owner: this, id: 'pref-win-card-4'})
- ],
- layout: 'card',
- tbar: [{
- disabled: true,
- handler: this.navHandler.createDelegate(this, [-1]),
- id: 'back',
- scope: this,
- text: 'Back'
- },{
- disabled: true,
- handler: this.navHandler.createDelegate(this, [1]),
- id: 'next',
- scope: this,
- text: 'Next'
- }]
- });
- this.win = desktop.createWindow({
- animCollapse: false,
- constrainHeader: true,
- id: this.moduleId,
- height: winHeight,
- iconCls: 'pref-icon',
- items: this.contentPanel,
- layout: 'fit',
- shim: false,
- taskbuttonTooltip: '<b>Preferences</b><br />Allows you to modify your desktop',
- title: 'Preferences',
- width: winWidth
- });
- this.layout = this.contentPanel.getLayout();
- }
- this.win.show();
- },
- handleButtonState : function(){
- var cards = this.cardHistory, activeId = this.layout.activeItem.id,
- items = this.contentPanel.getTopToolbar().items, back = items.get(0), next = items.get(1);
- for(var i = 0, len = cards.length; i < len; i++){
- if(cards[i] === activeId){
- if(i <= 0){
- back.disable();
- next.enable();
- }else if(i >= (len-1)){
- back.enable();
- next.disable();
- }else{
- back.enable();
- next.enable();
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- },
- navHandler : function(index){
- var cards = this.cardHistory,
- activeId = this.layout.activeItem.id,
- nextId;
- for(var i = 0, len = cards.length; i < len; i++){
- if(cards[i] === activeId){
- nextId = cards[i+index];
- break;
- }
- }
- this.layout.setActiveItem(nextId);
- this.handleButtonState();
- },
- save : function(params){
- var desktop = this.app.getDesktop();
- var notifyWin = desktop.showNotification({
- html: 'Saving your data...'
- , title: 'Please wait'
- });
- var callback = params.callback || null;
- var callbackScope = params.callbackScope || this;
- params.moduleId = this.moduleId;
- Ext.Ajax.request({
- url: this.app.connection,
- /* Could also pass moduleId and action in querystring like this
- * instead of in the params config option.
- *
- * url: this.app.connection+'?moduleId='+this.id+'&action=myAction', */
- params: params,
- success: function(o){
- if(o && o.responseText && Ext.decode(o.responseText).success){
- saveComplete('Finished', 'Save complete.');
- }else{
- saveComplete('Error', 'Errors encountered on the server.');
- }
- },
- failure: function(){
- saveComplete('Error', 'Lost connection to server.');
- },
- scope: this
- });
- function saveComplete(title, msg){
- notifyWin.setIconClass('x-icon-done');
- notifyWin.setTitle(title);
- notifyWin.setMessage(msg);
- desktop.hideNotification(notifyWin);
- if(callback){
- callback.call(callbackScope);
- }
- }
- },
- viewCard : function(card){
- this.layout.setActiveItem(card);
- if(this.cardHistory.length > 1){
- this.cardHistory.pop();
- }
- this.cardHistory.push(card);
- this.handleButtonState();
- }
- });
- QoDesk.QoPreferences.NavPanel = function(config){
- this.owner = config.owner;
- QoDesk.QoPreferences.NavPanel.superclass.constructor.call(this, {
- autoScroll: true,
- bodyStyle: 'padding:15px',
- border: false,
- html: '<ul id="pref-nav-panel">
- <li>
- <img src="'+Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL+'" class="icon-pref-autorun"/>
- <a id="viewShortcuts" href="#">Shortcuts</a><br />
- <span>Choose which applications appear in your shortcuts.</span>
- </li>
- <li>
- <img src="'+Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL+'" class="icon-pref-autorun"/>
- <a id="viewAutoRun" href="#">Auto Run Apps</a><br />
- <span>Choose which applications open automatically once logged in.</span>
- </li>
- <li>
- <img src="'+Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL+'" class="icon-pref-quickstart"/>
- <a id="viewQuickstart" href="#">Quick Start Apps</a><br />
- <span>Choose which applications appear in your Quick Start panel.</span>
- </li>
- <li>
- <img src="'+Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL+'" class="icon-pref-appearance"/>
- <a id="viewAppearance" href="#">Window Color and Appearance</a><br />
- <span>Fine tune window color and style of your windows.</span>
- </li>
- <li>
- <img src="'+Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL+'" class="icon-pref-wallpaper"/>
- <a id="viewWallpapers" href="#">Desktop Background</a><br />
- <span>Choose from available wallpapers or colors to decorate you desktop.</span>
- </li>
- </ul>',
- id: config.id
- });
- this.actions = {
- 'viewShortcuts' : function(owner){
- owner.viewCard('pref-win-card-6');
- },
- 'viewAutoRun' : function(owner){
- owner.viewCard('pref-win-card-5');
- },
- 'viewQuickstart' : function(owner){
- owner.viewCard('pref-win-card-2');
- },
- 'viewAppearance' : function(owner){
- owner.viewCard('pref-win-card-3');
- },
- 'viewWallpapers' : function(owner){
- owner.viewCard('pref-win-card-4');
- }
- };
- };
- Ext.extend(QoDesk.QoPreferences.NavPanel, Ext.Panel, {
- afterRender : function(){
- this.body.on({
- 'mousedown': {
- fn: this.doAction,
- scope: this,
- delegate: 'a'
- },
- 'click': {
- fn: Ext.emptyFn,
- scope: null,
- delegate: 'a',
- preventDefault: true
- }
- });
- QoDesk.QoPreferences.NavPanel.superclass.afterRender.call(this); // do sizing calcs last
- },
- doAction : function(e, t){
- e.stopEvent();
- this.actions[t.id](this.owner); // pass owner for scope
- }
- });
- QoDesk.QoPreferences.AutoRun = function(config){
- this.owner = config.owner;
- this.app = this.owner.app;
- var ms = this.app.modules,
- ids = this.app.launchers.autorun,
- nodes = expandNodes(ms, ids);
- QoDesk.QoPreferences.AutoRun.superclass.constructor.call(this, {
- autoScroll: true,
- bodyStyle: 'padding:10px',
- border: false,
- buttons: [{
- disabled: this.app.isAllowedTo('saveAutorun', this.owner.moduleId) ? false : true,
- handler: onSave,
- scope: this,
- text: 'Save'
- },{
- handler: onClose,
- scope: this,
- text: 'Close'
- }],
- cls: 'pref-card pref-check-tree',
- id: config.id,
- lines: false,
- listeners: {
- 'checkchange': {
- fn: onCheckChange,
- scope: this
- }
- },
- loader: new Ext.tree.TreeLoader(),
- rootVisible: false,
- root: new Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode({
- text: 'Auto Run Apps',
- children: nodes
- }),
- title: 'Auto Run Apps'
- });
- new Ext.tree.TreeSorter(this, {dir: "asc"});
- function expandNodes(ms, ids){
- var nodes = [];
- for(var i = 0, len = ms.length; i < len; i++){
- if(ms[i].moduleType === 'menu'){
- /* nodes.push({
- leaf: false,
- text: ms[i].launcher.text,
- children: this.expandNodes(o.menu.items, ids)
- }); */
- }else{
- nodes.push({
- checked: isChecked(ms[i].moduleId, ids) ? true : false,
- iconCls: ms[i].launcher.iconCls,
- id: ms[i].moduleId,
- leaf: true,
- selected: true,
- text: ms[i].launcher.text
- });
- }
- }
- return nodes;
- }
- function isChecked(id, ids){
- for(var i = 0, len = ids.length; i < len; i++){
- if(id == ids[i]){
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- function onCheckChange(node, checked){
- if(node.leaf && node.id){
- if(checked){
- this.app.desktop.addAutoRun(node.id, true);
- }else{
- this.app.desktop.removeAutoRun(node.id, true);
- }
- }
- node.ownerTree.selModel.select(node);
- }
- function onClose(){
- this.owner.win.close();
- }
- function onSave(){
- this.buttons[0].disable();
- this.owner.save({
- action: 'saveAutorun'
- , callback: function(){
- this.buttons[0].enable();
- }
- , callbackScope: this
- , ids: Ext.encode(this.app.launchers.autorun)
- });
- }
- };
- Ext.extend(QoDesk.QoPreferences.AutoRun, Ext.tree.TreePanel);
- QoDesk.QoPreferences.Shortcuts = function(config){
- this.owner = config.owner;
- this.app = this.owner.app;
- var ms = this.app.modules,
- ids = this.app.launchers.shortcut,
- nodes = expandNodes(ms, ids);
- QoDesk.QoPreferences.Shortcuts.superclass.constructor.call(this, {
- autoScroll: true,
- bodyStyle: 'padding:10px',
- border: false,
- buttons: [{
- disabled: this.app.isAllowedTo('saveShortcut', this.owner.moduleId) ? false : true,
- handler: onSave,
- scope: this,
- text: 'Save'
- },{
- handler: onClose,
- scope: this,
- text: 'Close'
- }],
- cls: 'pref-card pref-check-tree',
- id: config.id,
- lines: false,
- listeners: {
- 'checkchange': {
- fn: onCheckChange,
- scope: this
- }
- },
- loader: new Ext.tree.TreeLoader(),
- rootVisible: false,
- root: new Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode({
- text: 'Shortcuts',
- children: nodes
- }),
- title: 'Shortcuts'
- });
- new Ext.tree.TreeSorter(this, {dir: "asc"});
- function expandNodes(ms, ids){
- var nodes = [];
- for(var i = 0, len = ms.length; i < len; i++){
- if(ms[i].moduleType === 'menu'){
- /* nodes.push({
- leaf: false,
- text: ms[i].launcher.text,
- children: this.expandNodes(o.menu.items, ids)
- }); */
- }else{
- nodes.push({
- checked: isChecked(ms[i].moduleId, ids) ? true : false,
- iconCls: ms[i].launcher.iconCls,
- id: ms[i].moduleId,
- leaf: true,
- selected: true,
- text: ms[i].launcher.text
- });
- }
- }
- return nodes;
- }
- function isChecked(id, ids){
- for(var i = 0, len = ids.length; i < len; i++){
- if(id == ids[i]){
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- function onCheckChange(node, checked){
- if(node.leaf && node.id){
- if(checked){
- this.app.desktop.addShortcut(node.id, true);
- }else{
- this.app.desktop.removeShortcut(node.id, true);
- }
- }
- node.ownerTree.selModel.select(node);
- }
- function onClose(){
- this.owner.win.close();
- }
- function onSave(){
- this.buttons[0].disable();
- this.owner.save({
- action: 'saveShortcut'
- , callback: function(){
- this.buttons[0].enable();
- }
- , callbackScope: this
- , ids: Ext.encode(this.app.launchers.shortcut)
- });
- }
- };
- Ext.extend(QoDesk.QoPreferences.Shortcuts, Ext.tree.TreePanel);
- QoDesk.QoPreferences.QuickStart = function(config){
- this.owner = config.owner;
- this.app = this.owner.app;
- var ms = this.app.modules,
- ids = this.app.launchers.quickstart,
- nodes = expandNodes(ms, ids);
- QoDesk.QoPreferences.QuickStart.superclass.constructor.call(this, {
- autoScroll: true,
- bodyStyle: 'padding:10px',
- border: false,
- buttons: [{
- disabled: this.app.isAllowedTo('saveQuickstart', this.owner.moduleId) ? false : true,
- handler: onSave,
- scope: this,
- text: 'Save'
- },{
- handler: onClose,
- scope: this,
- text: 'Close'
- }],
- cls: 'pref-card pref-check-tree',
- id: config.id,
- lines: false,
- listeners: {
- 'checkchange': {
- fn: onCheckChange,
- scope: this
- }
- },
- loader: new Ext.tree.TreeLoader(),
- rootVisible: false,
- root: new Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode({
- text: 'Quick Start Apps',
- children: nodes
- }),
- title: 'Quick Start Apps'
- });
- new Ext.tree.TreeSorter(this, {dir: "asc"});
- function expandNodes(ms, ids){
- var nodes = [];
- for(var i = 0, len = ms.length; i < len; i++){
- if(ms[i].moduleType === 'menu'){
- /* nodes.push({
- leaf: false,
- text: ms[i].launcher.text,
- children: this.expandNodes(o.menu.items, ids)
- }); */
- }else{
- nodes.push({
- checked: isChecked(ms[i].moduleId, ids) ? true : false,
- iconCls: ms[i].launcher.iconCls,
- id: ms[i].moduleId,
- leaf: true,
- selected: true,
- text: ms[i].launcher.text
- });
- }
- }
- return nodes;
- }
- function isChecked(id, ids){
- for(var i = 0, len = ids.length; i < len; i++){
- if(id == ids[i]){
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- function onCheckChange(node, checked){
- if(node.leaf && node.id){
- if(checked){
- this.app.desktop.addQuickStartButton(node.id, true);
- }else{
- this.app.desktop.removeQuickStartButton(node.id, true);
- }
- }
- node.ownerTree.selModel.select(node);
- }
- function onClose(){
- this.owner.win.close();
- }
- function onSave(){
- this.buttons[0].disable();
- this.owner.save({
- action: 'saveQuickstart'
- , callback: function(){
- this.buttons[0].enable();
- }
- , callbackScope: this
- , ids: Ext.encode(this.app.launchers.quickstart)
- });
- }
- };
- Ext.extend(QoDesk.QoPreferences.QuickStart, Ext.tree.TreePanel);
- QoDesk.QoPreferences.Appearance = function(config){
- this.owner = config.owner;
- this.app = this.owner.app;
- var desktop = this.app.getDesktop();
- var store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
- baseParams: {
- action: 'viewThemes',
- moduleId: this.owner.moduleId
- },
- fields: ['id', 'name', 'pathtothumbnail', 'pathtofile'],
- id: 'id',
- root: 'images',
- url: this.app.connection
- });
- this.store = store;
- store.on('load', function(store, records){
- if(records){
- defaults.setTitle('Themes Available (' + records.length + ')');
- var id = this.app.styles.theme.id;
- if(id){
- view.select('theme-'+id);
- }
- }
- }, this);
- var tpl = new Ext.XTemplate(
- '<tpl for=".">',
- '<div class="pref-view-thumb-wrap" id="theme-{id}">',
- '<div class="pref-view-thumb"><img src="{pathtothumbnail}" title="{name}" /></div>',
- '<span>{shortName}</span></div>',
- '</tpl>',
- '<div class="x-clear"></div>'
- );
- var view = new Ext.DataView({
- autoHeight:true,
- cls: 'pref-thumnail-view',
- emptyText: 'No themes to display',
- itemSelector:'div.pref-view-thumb-wrap',
- loadingText: 'loading...',
- singleSelect: true,
- overClass:'x-view-over',
- prepareData: function(data){
- data.shortName = Ext.util.Format.ellipsis(data.name, 17);
- return data;
- },
- store: store,
- tpl: tpl
- });
- view.on('selectionchange', onSelectionChange, this);
- var defaults = new Ext.Panel({
- animCollapse: false,
- baseCls:'collapse-group',
- border: false,
- cls: 'pref-thumbnail-viewer',
- collapsible: true,
- hideCollapseTool: true,
- id: 'pref-theme-view',
- items: view,
- title: 'Default Themes',
- titleCollapse: true
- });
- var themes = new Ext.Panel({
- autoScroll: true,
- bodyStyle: 'padding:10px',
- border: true,
- cls: 'pref-card-subpanel',
- id: 'themes',
- items: defaults,
- margins: '10 15 0 15',
- region: 'center'
- });
- this.slider = createSlider({
- handler: new Ext.util.DelayedTask(updateTransparency, this)
- , min: 0
- , max: 100
- , x: 15
- , y: 35
- , width: 100
- });
- var formPanel = new Ext.FormPanel({
- border: false,
- height: 70,
- items: [
- {x: 15, y: 15, xtype: 'label', text: 'Taskbar Transparency'},
- this.slider.slider,
- this.slider.display
- ],
- layout: 'absolute',
- split: false,
- region: 'south'
- });
- QoDesk.QoPreferences.Appearance.superclass.constructor.call(this, {
- border: false,
- buttons: [{
- disabled: this.app.isAllowedTo('saveAppearance', this.owner.moduleId) ? false : true,
- handler: onSave,
- scope: this,
- text: 'Save'
- },{
- handler: onClose,
- scope: this,
- text: 'Close'
- }],
- cls: 'pref-card',
- id: config.id,
- items: [
- themes,
- formPanel
- ],
- layout: 'border',
- title: 'Window Color And Appearance'
- });
- // private functions
- function createSlider(config){
- var handler = config.handler, min = config.min, max = config.max
- , width = config.width || 100, x = config.x, y = config.y;
- var slider = new Ext.Slider({
- minValue: min
- , maxValue: max
- , width: width
- , x: x
- , y: y
- });
- var display = new Ext.form.NumberField({
- cls: 'pref-percent-field'
- , enableKeyEvents: true
- , maxValue: max
- , minValue: min
- , width: 45
- , x: x + width + 15
- , y: y - 1
- });
- function sliderHandler(slider){
- var v = slider.getValue();
- display.setValue(v);
- handler.delay(100, null, null, [v]); // delayed task prevents IE bog
- }
- slider.on({
- 'change': { fn: sliderHandler, scope: this }
- , 'drag': { fn: sliderHandler, scope: this }
- });
- display.on({
- 'keyup': {
- fn: function(field){
- var v = field.getValue();
- if(v !== '' && !isNaN(v) && v >= field.minValue && v <= field.maxValue){
- slider.setValue(v);
- }
- }
- , buffer: 350
- , scope: this
- }
- });
- return { slider: slider, display: display }
- }
- function onClose(){
- this.owner.win.close();
- }
- function onSave(){
- var c = this.app.styles;
- this.buttons[0].disable();
- this.owner.save({
- action: 'saveAppearance'
- , callback: function(){
- this.buttons[0].enable();
- }
- , callbackScope: this
- , backgroundcolor: c.backgroundcolor
- , fontcolor: c.fontcolor
- , theme: c.theme.id
- , transparency: c.transparency
- , wallpaper: c.wallpaper.id
- , wallpaperposition: c.wallpaperposition
- });
- }
- function onSelectionChange(view, sel){
- if(sel.length > 0){
- var cId = this.app.styles.theme.id,
- r = view.getRecord(sel[0]),
- d = r.data;
- if(parseInt(cId) !== parseInt(r.id)){
- if(r && r.id && d.name && d.pathtofile){
- desktop.setTheme({
- id: r.id,
- name: d.name,
- pathtofile: d.pathtofile
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function updateTransparency(v){
- desktop.setTransparency(v);
- }
- };
- Ext.extend(QoDesk.QoPreferences.Appearance, Ext.Panel, {
- afterRender : function(){
- QoDesk.QoPreferences.Appearance.superclass.afterRender.call(this);
- this.on('show', this.loadStore, this, {single: true});
- },
- loadStore : function(){
- this.store.load();
- this.slider.slider.setValue(this.app.styles.transparency);
- }
- });
- QoDesk.QoPreferences.Background = function(config){
- this.owner = config.owner;
- this.app = this.owner.app;
- var desktop = this.app.getDesktop();
- var store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
- baseParams: {
- action: 'viewWallpapers',
- moduleId: this.owner.moduleId
- },
- fields: ['id', 'name', 'pathtothumbnail', 'pathtofile'],
- id: 'id',
- root: 'images',
- url: this.app.connection
- });
- this.store = store;
- store.on('load', function(store, records){
- if(records){
- defaults.setTitle('Default Wallpapers (' + records.length + ')');
- var id = this.app.styles.wallpaper.id;
- if(id){
- view.select('wallpaper-'+id);
- }
- }
- }, this);
- var tpl = new Ext.XTemplate(
- '<tpl for=".">',
- '<div class="pref-view-thumb-wrap" id="wallpaper-{id}">',
- '<div class="pref-view-thumb"><img src="{pathtothumbnail}" title="{name}" /></div>',
- '<span>{shortName}</span></div>',
- '</tpl>',
- '<div class="x-clear"></div>'
- );
- var view = new Ext.DataView({
- autoHeight:true,
- cls: 'pref-thumnail-view',
- emptyText: 'No wallpapers to display',
- itemSelector:'div.pref-view-thumb-wrap',
- loadingText: 'loading...',
- singleSelect: true,
- overClass:'x-view-over',
- prepareData: function(data){
- data.shortName = Ext.util.Format.ellipsis(data.name, 17);
- return data;
- },
- store: store,
- tpl: tpl
- });
- view.on('selectionchange', onSelectionChange, this);
- var defaults = new Ext.Panel({
- animCollapse: false,
- baseCls:'collapse-group',
- border: false,
- cls: 'pref-thumbnail-viewer',
- collapsible: true,
- hideCollapseTool: true,
- id: 'pref-wallpaper-view',
- items: view,
- title: 'Default Wallpapers',
- titleCollapse: true
- });
- var wallpapers = new Ext.Panel({
- autoScroll: true,
- bodyStyle: 'padding:10px',
- border: true,
- cls: 'pref-card-subpanel',
- id: 'wallpapers',
- items: defaults,
- margins: '10 15 0 15',
- region: 'center'
- });
- var wpp = this.app.styles.wallpaperposition;
- var tileRadio = createRadio('tile', wpp == 'tile' ? true : false, 90, 40);
- var centerRadio = createRadio('center', wpp == 'center' ? true : false, 200, 40);
- var position = new Ext.FormPanel({
- border: false,
- height: 140,
- id: 'position',
- items: [{
- border: false,
- items: {border: false, html:'How should the wallpaper be positioned?'},
- x: 15,
- y: 15
- },{
- border: false,
- items: {border: false, html: '<img class="bg-pos-tile" src="'+Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL+'" width="64" height="44" border="0" alt="" />'},
- x: 15,
- y: 40
- },
- tileRadio,
- {
- border: false,
- items: {border: false, html: '<img class="bg-pos-center" src="'+Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL+'" width="64" height="44" border="0" alt="" />'},
- x: 125,
- y: 40
- },
- centerRadio,
- {
- border: false,
- items: {border: false, html:'Choose a background color'},
- x: 245,
- y: 15
- },{
- border: false,
- /* items: new Ext.ColorPalette({
- listeners: {
- 'select': {
- fn: onColorSelect
- , scope: this
- }
- }
- }), */
- items: new Ext.Button({
- handler: onChangeBgColor,
- //menu: new Ext.ux.menu.ColorMenu(),
- scope: this,
- text: 'Background color'
- }),
- x: 245,
- y: 40
- },{
- border: false,
- items: {border: false, html:'Choose a font color'},
- x: 425,
- y: 15
- },{
- border: false,
- /* items: new Ext.ColorPalette({
- listeners: {
- 'select': {
- fn: onFontColorSelect
- , scope: this
- }
- }
- }), */
- items: new Ext.Button({
- handler: onChangeFontColor,
- scope: this,
- text: 'Background color'
- }),
- x: 425,
- y: 40
- }],
- layout: 'absolute',
- region: 'south',
- split: false
- });
- QoDesk.QoPreferences.Background.superclass.constructor.call(this, {
- border: false,
- buttons: [{
- disabled: this.app.isAllowedTo('saveBackground', this.owner.moduleId) ? false : true,
- handler: onSave,
- scope: this,
- text: 'Save'
- },{
- handler: onClose,
- scope: this,
- text: 'Close'
- }],
- cls: 'pref-card',
- id: config.id,
- items: [
- wallpapers,
- position
- ],
- layout: 'border',
- title: 'Desktop Background'
- });
- function createRadio(value, checked, x, y){
- if(value){
- radio = new Ext.form.Radio({
- name: 'position',
- inputValue: value,
- checked: checked,
- x: x,
- y: y
- });
- radio.on('check', togglePosition, radio);
- return radio;
- }
- }
- function onChangeBgColor(){
- var dialog = new Ext.ux.ColorDialog({
- border: false
- , closeAction: 'close'
- , listeners: {
- 'select': { fn: onColorSelect, scope: this, buffer: 350 }
- }
- , manager: this.app.getDesktop().getManager()
- , resizable: false
- , title: 'Color Picker'
- });
- dialog.show(this.app.styles.backgroundcolor);
- }
- function onColorSelect(p, hex){
- desktop.setBackgroundColor(hex);
- }
- function onChangeFontColor(){
- var dialog = new Ext.ux.ColorDialog({
- border: false
- , closeAction: 'close'
- , listeners: {
- 'select': { fn: onFontColorSelect, scope: this, buffer: 350 }
- }
- , manager: this.app.getDesktop().getManager()
- , resizable: false
- , title: 'Color Picker'
- });
- dialog.show(this.app.styles.fontcolor);
- }
- function onFontColorSelect(p, hex){
- desktop.setFontColor(hex);
- }
- function onClose(){
- this.owner.win.close();
- }
- function onSave(){
- var c = this.app.styles;
- this.buttons[0].disable();
- this.owner.save({
- action: 'saveBackground'
- , callback: function(){
- this.buttons[0].enable();
- }
- , callbackScope: this
- , backgroundcolor: c.backgroundcolor
- , fontcolor: c.fontcolor
- , theme: c.theme.id
- , transparency: c.transparency
- , wallpaper: c.wallpaper.id
- , wallpaperposition: c.wallpaperposition
- });
- }
- function onSelectionChange(view, sel){
- if(sel.length > 0){
- var cId = this.app.styles.wallpaper.id,
- r = view.getRecord(sel[0]),
- d = r.data;
- if(parseInt(cId) !== parseInt(r.id)){
- if(r && r.id && d.name && d.pathtofile){
- desktop.setWallpaper({
- id: r.id,
- name: d.name,
- pathtofile: d.pathtofile
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function togglePosition(field, checked){
- if(checked === true){
- desktop.setWallpaperPosition(field.inputValue);
- }
- }
- };
- Ext.extend(QoDesk.QoPreferences.Background, Ext.Panel, {
- afterRender : function(){
- QoDesk.QoPreferences.Background.superclass.afterRender.call(this);
- this.on('show', this.loadStore, this, {single: true});
- },
- loadStore : function(){
- this.store.load();
- }
- });
- /*
- * Will ensure that the checkchange event is fired on
- * node double click
- */
- Ext.override(Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI, {
- toggleCheck : function(value){
- var cb = this.checkbox;
- if(cb){
- cb.checked = (value === undefined ? !cb.checked : value);
- this.fireEvent('checkchange', this.node, cb.checked);
- }
- }
- });