资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- #include <assert.h>
- #include "util.h"
- #include "tables.h"
- #include "reservoir.h"
- #include "quantize-pvt.h"
- FLOAT masking_lower=1;
- int convert_mdct, reduce_sidechannel;
- /*
- mt 5/99. These global flags denote 4 possibilities:
- mode l3_xmin
- 1 MDCT input L/R, quantize L/R, psy-model thresholds: L/R -m s either
- 2 MDCT input L/R, quantize M/S, psy-model thresholds: L/R -m j orig
- 3 MDCT input M/S, quantize M/S, psy-model thresholds: M/S -m f either
- 4 MDCT input L/R, quantize M/S, psy-model thresholds: M/S -m j -h m/s
- 1: convert_mdct = 0, convert_psy=0, reduce_sidechannel=0
- 2: convert_mdct = 1, convert_psy=1, reduce_sidechannel=1
- 3: convert_mdct = 0, convert_psy=0, reduce_sidechannel=1 (this mode no longer used)
- 4: convert_mdct = 1, convert_psy=0, reduce_sidechannel=1
- if (convert_mdct), then iteration_loop will quantize M/S data from
- the L/R input MDCT coefficients.
- if (convert_psy), then calc_noise will compute the noise for the L/R
- channels from M/S MDCT data and L/R psy-model threshold information.
- Distortion in ether L or R channel will be marked as distortion in
- both Mid and Side channels.
- NOTE: 3/00: this mode has been removed.
- if (reduce_sidechannel) then outer_loop will allocate less bits
- to the side channel and more bits to the mid channel based on relative
- energies.
- */
- /*
- The following table is used to implement the scalefactor
- partitioning for MPEG2 as described in section
- of the IS. The indexing corresponds to the
- way the tables are presented in the IS:
- [table_number][row_in_table][column of nr_of_sfb]
- */
- unsigned nr_of_sfb_block[6][3][4] =
- {
- {
- {6, 5, 5, 5},
- {9, 9, 9, 9},
- {6, 9, 9, 9}
- },
- {
- {6, 5, 7, 3},
- {9, 9, 12, 6},
- {6, 9, 12, 6}
- },
- {
- {11, 10, 0, 0},
- {18, 18, 0, 0},
- {15,18,0,0}
- },
- {
- {7, 7, 7, 0},
- {12, 12, 12, 0},
- {6, 15, 12, 0}
- },
- {
- {6, 6, 6, 3},
- {12, 9, 9, 6},
- {6, 12, 9, 6}
- },
- {
- {8, 8, 5, 0},
- {15,12,9,0},
- {6,18,9,0}
- }
- };
- /* Table B.6: layer3 preemphasis */
- int pretab[21] =
- {
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2
- };
- /*
- Here are MPEG1 Table B.8 and MPEG2 Table B.1
- -- Layer III scalefactor bands.
- Index into this using a method such as:
- idx = fr_ps->header->sampling_frequency
- + (fr_ps->header->version * 3)
- */
- struct scalefac_struct sfBandIndex[6] =
- {
- { /* Table B.2.b: 22.05 kHz */
- {0,6,12,18,24,30,36,44,54,66,80,96,116,140,168,200,238,284,336,396,464,522,576},
- {0,4,8,12,18,24,32,42,56,74,100,132,174,192}
- },
- { /* Table B.2.c: 24 kHz */ /* docs: 332. mpg123: 330 */
- {0,6,12,18,24,30,36,44,54,66,80,96,114,136,162,194,232,278, 332, 394,464,540,576},
- {0,4,8,12,18,26,36,48,62,80,104,136,180,192}
- },
- { /* Table B.2.a: 16 kHz */
- {0,6,12,18,24,30,36,44,54,66,80,96,116,140,168,200,238,284,336,396,464,522,576},
- {0,4,8,12,18,26,36,48,62,80,104,134,174,192}
- },
- { /* Table B.8.b: 44.1 kHz */
- {0,4,8,12,16,20,24,30,36,44,52,62,74,90,110,134,162,196,238,288,342,418,576},
- {0,4,8,12,16,22,30,40,52,66,84,106,136,192}
- },
- { /* Table B.8.c: 48 kHz */
- {0,4,8,12,16,20,24,30,36,42,50,60,72,88,106,128,156,190,230,276,330,384,576},
- {0,4,8,12,16,22,28,38,50,64,80,100,126,192}
- },
- { /* Table B.8.a: 32 kHz */
- {0,4,8,12,16,20,24,30,36,44,54,66,82,102,126,156,194,240,296,364,448,550,576},
- {0,4,8,12,16,22,30,42,58,78,104,138,180,192}
- }
- };
- struct scalefac_struct scalefac_band;
- FLOAT8 pow20[Q_MAX];
- FLOAT8 ipow20[Q_MAX];
- static FLOAT8 adj43[PRECALC_SIZE];
- static FLOAT8 adj43asm[PRECALC_SIZE];
- static FLOAT8 ATH_l[SBPSY_l];
- static FLOAT8 ATH_s[SBPSY_l];
- FLOAT8 ATH_mdct_long[576];
- FLOAT8 ATH_mdct_short[192];
- /************************************************************************/
- /* initialization for iteration_loop */
- /************************************************************************/
- void
- iteration_init( lame_global_flags *gfp,III_side_info_t *l3_side, int l3_enc[2][2][576])
- {
- gr_info *cod_info;
- int ch, gr, i;
- l3_side->resvDrain = 0;
- if ( gfp->frameNum==0 ) {
- for (i = 0; i < SBMAX_l + 1; i++) {
- scalefac_band.l[i] =
- sfBandIndex[gfp->samplerate_index + (gfp->version * 3)].l[i];
- }
- for (i = 0; i < SBMAX_s + 1; i++) {
- scalefac_band.s[i] =
- sfBandIndex[gfp->samplerate_index + (gfp->version * 3)].s[i];
- }
- l3_side->main_data_begin = 0;
- compute_ath(gfp,ATH_l,ATH_s);
- for(i=0;i<PRECALC_SIZE;i++)
- pow43[i] = pow((FLOAT8)i, 4.0/3.0);
- for (i = 0; i < PRECALC_SIZE-1; i++)
- adj43[i] = (i + 1) - pow(0.5 * (pow43[i] + pow43[i + 1]), 0.75);
- adj43[i] = 0.5;
- adj43asm[0] = 0.0;
- for (i = 1; i < PRECALC_SIZE; i++)
- adj43asm[i] = i - 0.5 - pow(0.5 * (pow43[i - 1] + pow43[i]),0.75);
- for (i = 0; i < Q_MAX; i++) {
- ipow20[i] = pow(2.0, (double)(i - 210) * -0.1875);
- pow20[i] = pow(2.0, (double)(i - 210) * 0.25);
- }
- }
- convert_mdct=0;
- reduce_sidechannel=0;
- if (gfp->mode_ext==MPG_MD_MS_LR) {
- convert_mdct = 1;
- reduce_sidechannel=1;
- }
- /* some intializations. */
- for ( gr = 0; gr < gfp->mode_gr; gr++ ){
- for ( ch = 0; ch < gfp->stereo; ch++ ){
- cod_info = (gr_info *) &(l3_side->gr[gr].ch[ch]);
- if (cod_info->block_type == SHORT_TYPE)
- {
- cod_info->sfb_lmax = 0; /* No sb*/
- cod_info->sfb_smax = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- /* MPEG 1 doesnt use last scalefactor band */
- cod_info->sfb_lmax = SBPSY_l;
- cod_info->sfb_smax = SBPSY_s; /* No sb */
- }
- }
- }
- /* dont bother with scfsi. */
- for ( ch = 0; ch < gfp->stereo; ch++ )
- for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
- l3_side->scfsi[ch][i] = 0;
- }
- /*
- compute the ATH for each scalefactor band
- cd range: 0..96db
- Input: 3.3kHz signal 32767 amplitude (3.3kHz is where ATH is smallest = -5db)
- longblocks: sfb=12 en0/bw=-11db max_en0 = 1.3db
- shortblocks: sfb=5 -9db 0db
- Input: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 (repeated)
- longblocks: amp=1 sfb=12 en0/bw=-103 db max_en0 = -92db
- amp=32767 sfb=12 -12 db -1.4db
- Input: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 (repeated)
- shortblocks: amp=1 sfb=5 en0/bw= -99 -86
- amp=32767 sfb=5 -9 db 4db
- MAX energy of largest wave at 3.3kHz = 1db
- AVE energy of largest wave at 3.3kHz = -11db
- Let's take AVE: -11db = maximum signal in sfb=12.
- Dynamic range of CD: 96db. Therefor energy of smallest audible wave
- in sfb=12 = -11 - 96 = -107db = ATH at 3.3kHz.
- ATH formula for this wave: -5db. To adjust to LAME scaling, we need
- ATH = ATH_formula - 103 (db)
- ATH = ATH * 2.5e-10 (ener)
- */
- FLOAT8 ATHformula(lame_global_flags *gfp,FLOAT8 f)
- {
- FLOAT8 ath;
- f = Max(0.02, f);
- /* from Painter & Spanias, 1997 */
- /* minimum: (i=77) 3.3kHz = -5db */
- ath=(3.640 * pow(f,-0.8)
- - 6.500 * exp(-0.6*pow(f-3.3,2.0))
- + 0.001 * pow(f,4.0));
- /* convert to energy */
- if (gfp->noATH)
- ath -= 200; /* disables ATH */
- else {
- ath -= 114; /* MDCT scaling. From tests by macik and MUS420 code */
- /* ath -= 109; */
- }
- /* purpose of RH_QUALITY_CONTROL:
- * at higher quality lower ATH masking abilities => needs more bits
- * at lower quality increase ATH masking abilities => needs less bits
- * works together with adjusted masking lowering of GPSYCHO thresholds
- * (Robert.Hegemann@gmx.de 2000-01-30)
- */
- ath -= (4-gfp->VBR_q)*4.0;
- #endif
- ath = pow( 10.0, ath/10.0 );
- return ath;
- }
- void compute_ath(lame_global_flags *gfp,FLOAT8 ATH_l[SBPSY_l],FLOAT8 ATH_s[SBPSY_l])
- {
- int sfb,i,start,end;
- FLOAT8 samp_freq = gfp->out_samplerate/1000.0;
- #ifdef RH_ATH
- /* going from average to peak level ATH masking
- */
- FLOAT8 adjust_mdct_scaling = 10.0;
- #endif
- /* last sfb is not used */
- for ( sfb = 0; sfb < SBPSY_l; sfb++ ) {
- start = scalefac_band.l[ sfb ];
- end = scalefac_band.l[ sfb+1 ];
- ATH_l[sfb]=1e99;
- for (i=start ; i < end; i++) {
- ATH_f = ATHformula(gfp,samp_freq*i/(2*576)); /* freq in kHz */
- ATH_l[sfb]=Min(ATH_l[sfb],ATH_f);
- #ifdef RH_ATH
- ATH_mdct_long[i] = ATH_f*adjust_mdct_scaling;
- #endif
- }
- /*
- printf("sfb=%i %f ATH=%f %f %f n",sfb,samp_freq*start/(2*576),
- 10*log10(ATH_l[sfb]),
- 10*log10( ATHformula(samp_freq*start/(2*576))) ,
- 10*log10(ATHformula(samp_freq*end/(2*576))));
- */
- }
- for ( sfb = 0; sfb < SBPSY_s; sfb++ ){
- start = scalefac_band.s[ sfb ];
- end = scalefac_band.s[ sfb+1 ];
- ATH_s[sfb]=1e99;
- for (i=start ; i < end; i++) {
- ATH_f = ATHformula(gfp,samp_freq*i/(2*192)); /* freq in kHz */
- ATH_s[sfb]=Min(ATH_s[sfb],ATH_f);
- #ifdef RH_ATH
- ATH_mdct_short[i] = ATH_f*adjust_mdct_scaling;
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- /* convert from L/R <-> Mid/Side */
- void ms_convert(FLOAT8 xr[2][576],FLOAT8 xr_org[2][576])
- {
- int i;
- for ( i = 0; i < 576; i++ ) {
- FLOAT8 l = xr_org[0][i];
- FLOAT8 r = xr_org[1][i];
- xr[0][i] = (l+r)*(SQRT2*0.5);
- xr[1][i] = (l-r)*(SQRT2*0.5);
- }
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * allocate bits among 2 channels based on PE
- * mt 6/99
- ************************************************************************/
- void on_pe(lame_global_flags *gfp,FLOAT8 pe[2][2],III_side_info_t *l3_side,
- int targ_bits[2],int mean_bits, int gr)
- {
- gr_info *cod_info;
- int extra_bits,tbits,bits;
- int add_bits[2];
- int ch;
- /* allocate targ_bits for granule */
- ResvMaxBits( mean_bits, &tbits, &extra_bits, gr);
- for (ch=0 ; ch < gfp->stereo ; ch ++) {
- /******************************************************************
- * allocate bits for each channel
- ******************************************************************/
- cod_info = &l3_side->gr[gr].ch[ch].tt;
- targ_bits[ch]=tbits/gfp->stereo;
- /* allocate extra bits from reservoir based on PE */
- bits=0;
- /* extra bits based on PE > 700 */
- add_bits[ch]=(pe[gr][ch]-750)/1.55; /* 1.4; */
- /* short blocks need extra, no matter what the pe */
- if (cod_info->block_type==SHORT_TYPE)
- if (add_bits[ch]<500) add_bits[ch]=500;
- if (add_bits[ch] < 0) add_bits[ch]=0;
- bits += add_bits[ch];
- if (bits > extra_bits) add_bits[ch] = (extra_bits*add_bits[ch])/bits;
- if ((targ_bits[ch]+add_bits[ch]) > 4095)
- add_bits[ch]=4095-targ_bits[ch];
- targ_bits[ch] = targ_bits[ch] + add_bits[ch];
- extra_bits -= add_bits[ch];
- }
- }
- void reduce_side(int targ_bits[2],FLOAT8 ms_ener_ratio,int mean_bits)
- {
- int ch;
- int numchn=2;
- /* ms_ener_ratio = 0: allocate 66/33 mid/side fac=.33
- * ms_ener_ratio =.5: allocate 50/50 mid/side fac= 0 */
- /* 75/25 split is fac=.5 */
- /* float fac = .50*(.5-ms_ener_ratio[gr])/.5;*/
- float fac = .33*(.5-ms_ener_ratio)/.5;
- if (fac<0) fac=0;
- if (targ_bits[1] >= 125) {
- /* dont reduce side channel below 125 bits */
- if (targ_bits[1]-targ_bits[1]*fac > 125) {
- targ_bits[0] += targ_bits[1]*fac;
- targ_bits[1] -= targ_bits[1]*fac;
- } else {
- targ_bits[0] += targ_bits[1] - 125;
- targ_bits[1] = 125;
- }
- }
- /* dont allow to many bits per channel */
- for (ch=0; ch<numchn; ch++) {
- int max_bits = Min(4095,mean_bits/2 + 1200);
- if (targ_bits[ch] > max_bits) {
- targ_bits[ch] = max_bits;
- }
- }
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- * inner_loop *
- ***************************************************************************
- * The code selects the best global gain for a particular set of scalefacs */
- int
- inner_loop( lame_global_flags *gfp,FLOAT8 xrpow[576],
- int l3_enc[576], int max_bits,
- gr_info *cod_info)
- {
- int bits;
- assert( max_bits >= 0 );
- cod_info->global_gain--;
- do
- {
- cod_info->global_gain++;
- bits = count_bits(gfp,l3_enc, xrpow, cod_info);
- }
- while ( bits > max_bits );
- return bits;
- }
- /*************************************************************************/
- /* scale_bitcount */
- /*************************************************************************/
- /* Also calculates the number of bits necessary to code the scalefactors. */
- int scale_bitcount( III_scalefac_t *scalefac, gr_info *cod_info)
- {
- int i, k, sfb, max_slen1 = 0, max_slen2 = 0, /*a, b, */ ep = 2;
- static int slen1[16] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 8, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 8, 8, 8,16,16 };
- static int slen2[16] = { 1, 2, 4, 8, 1, 2, 4, 8, 2, 4, 8, 2, 4, 8, 4, 8 };
- static int slen1_tab[16] = {0,
- 18, 36, 54, 54, 36, 54, 72, 54, 72, 90, 72, 90,108,108,126
- };
- static int slen2_tab[16] = {0,
- 10, 20, 30, 33, 21, 31, 41, 32, 42, 52, 43, 53, 63, 64, 74
- };
- int *tab;
- if ( cod_info->block_type == SHORT_TYPE )
- {
- tab = slen1_tab;
- /* a = 18; b = 18; */
- for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
- {
- for ( sfb = 0; sfb < 6; sfb++ )
- if (scalefac->s[sfb][i] > max_slen1 )
- max_slen1 = scalefac->s[sfb][i];
- for (sfb = 6; sfb < SBPSY_s; sfb++ )
- if ( scalefac->s[sfb][i] > max_slen2 )
- max_slen2 = scalefac->s[sfb][i];
- }
- }
- else
- { /* block_type == 1,2,or 3 */
- tab = slen2_tab;
- /* a = 11; b = 10; */
- for ( sfb = 0; sfb < 11; sfb++ )
- if ( scalefac->l[sfb] > max_slen1 )
- max_slen1 = scalefac->l[sfb];
- if (!cod_info->preflag) {
- for ( sfb = 11; sfb < SBPSY_l; sfb++ )
- if (scalefac->l[sfb] < pretab[sfb])
- break;
- if (sfb == SBPSY_l) {
- cod_info->preflag = 1;
- for ( sfb = 11; sfb < SBPSY_l; sfb++ )
- scalefac->l[sfb] -= pretab[sfb];
- }
- }
- for ( sfb = 11; sfb < SBPSY_l; sfb++ )
- if ( scalefac->l[sfb] > max_slen2 )
- max_slen2 = scalefac->l[sfb];
- }
- /* from Takehiro TOMINAGA <tominaga@isoternet.org> 10/99
- * loop over *all* posible values of scalefac_compress to find the
- * one which uses the smallest number of bits. ISO would stop
- * at first valid index */
- cod_info->part2_length = LARGE_BITS;
- for ( k = 0; k < 16; k++ )
- {
- if ( (max_slen1 < slen1[k]) && (max_slen2 < slen2[k]) &&
- ((int)cod_info->part2_length > tab[k])) {
- cod_info->part2_length=tab[k];
- cod_info->scalefac_compress=k;
- ep=0; /* we found a suitable scalefac_compress */
- }
- }
- return ep;
- }
- /*
- table of largest scalefactors (number of bits) for MPEG2
- */
- /*
- static unsigned max_sfac_tab[6][4] =
- {
- {4, 4, 3, 3},
- {4, 4, 3, 0},
- {3, 2, 0, 0},
- {4, 5, 5, 0},
- {3, 3, 3, 0},
- {2, 2, 0, 0}
- };
- */
- /*
- table of largest scalefactor values for MPEG2
- */
- static unsigned max_range_sfac_tab[6][4] =
- {
- { 15, 15, 7, 7},
- { 15, 15, 7, 0},
- { 7, 3, 0, 0},
- { 15, 31, 31, 0},
- { 7, 7, 7, 0},
- { 3, 3, 0, 0}
- };
- /*************************************************************************/
- /* scale_bitcount_lsf */
- /*************************************************************************/
- /* Also counts the number of bits to encode the scalefacs but for MPEG 2 */
- /* Lower sampling frequencies (24, 22.05 and 16 kHz.) */
- /* This is reverse-engineered from section of the MPEG2 IS, */
- /* "Audio Decoding Layer III" */
- int scale_bitcount_lsf(III_scalefac_t *scalefac, gr_info *cod_info)
- {
- int table_number, row_in_table, partition, nr_sfb, window, over;
- int i, sfb, max_sfac[ 4 ];
- unsigned *partition_table;
- /*
- Set partition table. Note that should try to use table one,
- but do not yet...
- */
- if ( cod_info->preflag )
- table_number = 2;
- else
- table_number = 0;
- for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
- max_sfac[i] = 0;
- if ( cod_info->block_type == SHORT_TYPE )
- {
- row_in_table = 1;
- partition_table = &nr_of_sfb_block[table_number][row_in_table][0];
- for ( sfb = 0, partition = 0; partition < 4; partition++ )
- {
- nr_sfb = partition_table[ partition ] / 3;
- for ( i = 0; i < nr_sfb; i++, sfb++ )
- for ( window = 0; window < 3; window++ )
- if ( scalefac->s[sfb][window] > max_sfac[partition] )
- max_sfac[partition] = scalefac->s[sfb][window];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- row_in_table = 0;
- partition_table = &nr_of_sfb_block[table_number][row_in_table][0];
- for ( sfb = 0, partition = 0; partition < 4; partition++ )
- {
- nr_sfb = partition_table[ partition ];
- for ( i = 0; i < nr_sfb; i++, sfb++ )
- if ( scalefac->l[sfb] > max_sfac[partition] )
- max_sfac[partition] = scalefac->l[sfb];
- }
- }
- for ( over = 0, partition = 0; partition < 4; partition++ )
- {
- if ( max_sfac[partition] > (int)max_range_sfac_tab[table_number][partition] )
- over++;
- }
- if ( !over )
- {
- /*
- Since no bands have been over-amplified, we can set scalefac_compress
- and slen[] for the formatter
- */
- static int log2tab[] = { 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 };
- unsigned slen1, slen2, slen3, slen4;
- cod_info->sfb_partition_table = &nr_of_sfb_block[table_number][row_in_table][0];
- for ( partition = 0; partition < 4; partition++ )
- cod_info->slen[partition] = log2tab[max_sfac[partition]];
- /* set scalefac_compress */
- slen1 = cod_info->slen[ 0 ];
- slen2 = cod_info->slen[ 1 ];
- slen3 = cod_info->slen[ 2 ];
- slen4 = cod_info->slen[ 3 ];
- switch ( table_number )
- {
- case 0:
- cod_info->scalefac_compress = (((slen1 * 5) + slen2) << 4)
- + (slen3 << 2)
- + slen4;
- break;
- case 1:
- cod_info->scalefac_compress = 400
- + (((slen1 * 5) + slen2) << 2)
- + slen3;
- break;
- case 2:
- cod_info->scalefac_compress = 500 + (slen1 * 3) + slen2;
- break;
- default:
- fprintf( stderr, "intensity stereo not implemented yetn" );
- exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
- break;
- }
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( over )
- printf( "---WARNING !! Amplification of some bands over limitsn" );
- #endif
- if (!over) {
- assert( cod_info->sfb_partition_table );
- cod_info->part2_length=0;
- for ( partition = 0; partition < 4; partition++ )
- cod_info->part2_length += cod_info->slen[partition] * cod_info->sfb_partition_table[partition];
- }
- return over;
- }
- /*************************************************************************/
- /* calc_xmin */
- /*************************************************************************/
- /*
- Calculate the allowed distortion for each scalefactor band,
- as determined by the psychoacoustic model.
- xmin(sb) = ratio(sb) * en(sb) / bw(sb)
- returns number of sfb's with energy > ATH
- */
- int calc_xmin( lame_global_flags *gfp,FLOAT8 xr[576], III_psy_ratio *ratio,
- gr_info *cod_info, III_psy_xmin *l3_xmin)
- {
- int start, end, bw,l, b, ath_over=0;
- u_int sfb;
- FLOAT8 en0, xmin, ener;
- if (gfp->ATHonly) {
- for ( sfb = cod_info->sfb_smax; sfb < SBPSY_s; sfb++ )
- for ( b = 0; b < 3; b++ )
- l3_xmin->s[sfb][b]=ATH_s[sfb];
- for ( sfb = 0; sfb < cod_info->sfb_lmax; sfb++ )
- l3_xmin->l[sfb]=ATH_l[sfb];
- }else{
- for ( sfb = cod_info->sfb_smax; sfb < SBPSY_s; sfb++ ) {
- start = scalefac_band.s[ sfb ];
- end = scalefac_band.s[ sfb + 1 ];
- bw = end - start;
- for ( b = 0; b < 3; b++ ) {
- for (en0 = 0.0, l = start; l < end; l++) {
- ener = xr[l * 3 + b];
- ener = ener * ener;
- en0 += ener;
- }
- en0 /= bw;
- xmin = ratio->en.s[sfb][b];
- if (xmin > 0.0)
- xmin = en0 * ratio->thm.s[sfb][b] * masking_lower / xmin;
- #ifdef RH_ATH
- /* do not mix up ATH masking with GPSYCHO thresholds
- */
- l3_xmin->s[sfb][b] = Max(1e-20, xmin);
- #else
- l3_xmin->s[sfb][b] = Max(ATH_s[sfb], xmin);
- #endif
- if (en0 > ATH_s[sfb]) ath_over++;
- }
- }
- for ( sfb = 0; sfb < cod_info->sfb_lmax; sfb++ ){
- start = scalefac_band.l[ sfb ];
- end = scalefac_band.l[ sfb+1 ];
- bw = end - start;
- for (en0 = 0.0, l = start; l < end; l++ ) {
- ener = xr[l] * xr[l];
- en0 += ener;
- }
- en0 /= bw;
- xmin = ratio->en.l[sfb];
- if (xmin > 0.0)
- xmin = en0 * ratio->thm.l[sfb] * masking_lower / xmin;
- #ifdef RH_ATH
- /* do not mix up ATH masking with GPSYCHO thresholds
- */
- l3_xmin->l[sfb]=Max(1e-20, xmin);
- #else
- l3_xmin->l[sfb]=Max(ATH_l[sfb], xmin);
- #endif
- if (en0 > ATH_l[sfb]) ath_over++;
- }
- }
- return ath_over;
- }
- /*************************************************************************/
- /* loop_break */
- /*************************************************************************/
- /* Function: Returns zero if there is a scalefac which has not been
- amplified. Otherwise it returns one.
- */
- int loop_break( III_scalefac_t *scalefac, gr_info *cod_info)
- {
- int i;
- u_int sfb;
- for ( sfb = 0; sfb < cod_info->sfb_lmax; sfb++ )
- if ( scalefac->l[sfb] == 0 )
- return 0;
- for ( sfb = cod_info->sfb_smax; sfb < SBPSY_s; sfb++ )
- for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
- if ( scalefac->s[sfb][i] == 0 )
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if someone wants to try to find a faster step search function,
- here is some code which gives a lower bound for the step size:
- for (max_xrspow = 0, i = 0; i < 576; ++i)
- {
- max_xrspow = Max(max_xrspow, xrspow[i]);
- }
- lowerbound = 210+log10(max_xrspow/IXMAX_VAL)/(0.1875*LOG2);
- Robert.Hegemann@gmx.de
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- typedef enum {
- } binsearchDirection_t;
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- int
- bin_search_StepSize2 (lame_global_flags *gfp,int desired_rate, int start, int *ix,
- FLOAT8 xrspow[576], gr_info *cod_info)
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- {
- static int CurrentStep = 4;
- int nBits;
- int flag_GoneOver = 0;
- int StepSize = start;
- binsearchDirection_t Direction = BINSEARCH_NONE;
- do
- {
- cod_info->global_gain = StepSize;
- nBits = count_bits(gfp,ix, xrspow, cod_info);
- if (CurrentStep == 1 )
- {
- break; /* nothing to adjust anymore */
- }
- if (flag_GoneOver)
- {
- CurrentStep /= 2;
- }
- if (nBits > desired_rate) /* increase Quantize_StepSize */
- {
- if (Direction == BINSEARCH_DOWN && !flag_GoneOver)
- {
- flag_GoneOver = 1;
- CurrentStep /= 2; /* late adjust */
- }
- Direction = BINSEARCH_UP;
- StepSize += CurrentStep;
- if (StepSize > 255) break;
- }
- else if (nBits < desired_rate)
- {
- if (Direction == BINSEARCH_UP && !flag_GoneOver)
- {
- flag_GoneOver = 1;
- CurrentStep /= 2; /* late adjust */
- }
- Direction = BINSEARCH_DOWN;
- StepSize -= CurrentStep;
- if (StepSize < 0) break;
- }
- else break; /* nBits == desired_rate;; most unlikely to happen.*/
- } while (1); /* For-ever, break is adjusted. */
- CurrentStep = abs(start - StepSize);
- if (CurrentStep >= 4) {
- CurrentStep = 4;
- } else {
- CurrentStep = 2;
- }
- return nBits;
- }
- #if (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386__))
- #define USE_GNUC_ASM
- #endif
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- #define USE_MSC_ASM
- #endif
- /*********************************************************************
- * XRPOW_FTOI is a macro to convert floats to ints.
- * if XRPOW_FTOI(x) = nearest_int(x), then QUANTFAC(x)=adj43asm[x]
- * ROUNDFAC= -0.0946
- *
- * if XRPOW_FTOI(x) = floor(x), then QUANTFAC(x)=asj43[x]
- * ROUNDFAC=0.4054
- *********************************************************************/
- #ifdef USE_GNUC_ASM
- # define QUANTFAC(rx) adj43asm[rx]
- # define ROUNDFAC -0.0946
- # define XRPOW_FTOI(src, dest)
- asm ("fistpl %0 " : "=m"(dest) : "t"(src) : "st")
- #elif defined (USE_MSC_ASM)
- # define QUANTFAC(rx) adj43asm[rx]
- # define ROUNDFAC -0.0946
- # define XRPOW_FTOI(src, dest) do {
- FLOAT8 src_ = (src);
- int dest_;
- {
- __asm fld src_
- __asm fistp dest_
- }
- (dest) = dest_;
- } while (0)
- #else
- # define QUANTFAC(rx) adj43[rx]
- # define ROUNDFAC 0.4054
- # define XRPOW_FTOI(src,dest) ((dest) = (int)(src))
- #endif
- #ifdef USE_MSC_ASM
- /* define F8type and F8size according to type of FLOAT8 */
- # if defined FLOAT8_is_double
- # define F8type qword
- # define F8size 8
- # elif defined FLOAT8_is_float
- # define F8type dword
- # define F8size 4
- # else
- /* only float and double supported */
- # error invalid FLOAT8 type for USE_MSC_ASM
- # endif
- #endif
- #ifdef USE_GNUC_ASM
- /* define F8type and F8size according to type of FLOAT8 */
- # if defined FLOAT8_is_double
- # define F8type "l"
- # define F8size "8"
- # elif defined FLOAT8_is_float
- # define F8type "s"
- # define F8size "4"
- # else
- /* only float and double supported */
- # error invalid FLOAT8 type for USE_GNUC_ASM
- # endif
- #endif
- /*********************************************************************
- * nonlinear quantization of xr
- * More accurate formula than the ISO formula. Takes into account
- * the fact that we are quantizing xr -> ix, but we want ix^4/3 to be
- * as close as possible to x^4/3. (taking the nearest int would mean
- * ix is as close as possible to xr, which is different.)
- * From Segher Boessenkool <segher@eastsite.nl> 11/1999
- * ASM optimization from
- * Mathew Hendry <scampi@dial.pipex.com> 11/1999
- * Acy Stapp <AStapp@austin.rr.com> 11/1999
- * Takehiro Tominaga <tominaga@isoternet.org> 11/1999
- *********************************************************************/
- void quantize_xrpow(FLOAT8 xr[576], int ix[576], gr_info *cod_info) {
- /* quantize on xr^(3/4) instead of xr */
- const FLOAT8 istep = IPOW20(cod_info->global_gain);
- #if defined (USE_GNUC_ASM)
- {
- int rx[4];
- __asm__ __volatile__(
- "nnloop1:nt"
- "fld" F8type " 0*" F8size "(%1)nt"
- "fld" F8type " 1*" F8size "(%1)nt"
- "fld" F8type " 2*" F8size "(%1)nt"
- "fld" F8type " 3*" F8size "(%1)nt"
- "fxch %%st(3)nt"
- "fmul %%st(4)nt"
- "fxch %%st(2)nt"
- "fmul %%st(4)nt"
- "fxch %%st(1)nt"
- "fmul %%st(4)nt"
- "fxch %%st(3)nt"
- "fmul %%st(4)nt"
- "addl $4*" F8size ", %1nt"
- "addl $16, %3nt"
- "fxch %%st(2)nt"
- "fistl %5nt"
- "fxch %%st(1)nt"
- "fistl 4+%5nt"
- "fxch %%st(3)nt"
- "fistl 8+%5nt"
- "fxch %%st(2)nt"
- "fistl 12+%5nt"
- "dec %4nt"
- "movl %5, %%eaxnt"
- "movl 4+%5, %%ebxnt"
- "fxch %%st(1)nt"
- "fadd" F8type " (%2,%%eax," F8size ")nt"
- "fxch %%st(3)nt"
- "fadd" F8type " (%2,%%ebx," F8size ")nt"
- "movl 8+%5, %%eaxnt"
- "movl 12+%5, %%ebxnt"
- "fxch %%st(2)nt"
- "fadd" F8type " (%2,%%eax," F8size ")nt"
- "fxch %%st(1)nt"
- "fadd" F8type " (%2,%%ebx," F8size ")nt"
- "fxch %%st(3)nt"
- "fistpl -16(%3)nt"
- "fxch %%st(1)nt"
- "fistpl -12(%3)nt"
- "fistpl -8(%3)nt"
- "fistpl -4(%3)nt"
- "jnz loop1nn"
- : /* no outputs */
- : "t" (istep), "r" (xr), "r" (adj43asm), "r" (ix), "r" (576 / 4), "m" (rx)
- : "%eax", "%ebx", "memory", "cc"
- );
- }
- #elif defined (USE_MSC_ASM)
- {
- /* asm from Acy Stapp <AStapp@austin.rr.com> */
- int rx[4];
- _asm {
- fld F8type ptr [istep]
- mov esi, dword ptr [xr]
- lea edi, dword ptr [adj43asm]
- mov edx, dword ptr [ix]
- mov ecx, 576/4
- } loop1: _asm {
- fld F8type ptr [esi+(0*F8size)] // 0
- fld F8type ptr [esi+(1*F8size)] // 1 0
- fld F8type ptr [esi+(2*F8size)] // 2 1 0
- fld F8type ptr [esi+(3*F8size)] // 3 2 1 0
- fxch st(3) // 0 2 1 3
- fmul st(0), st(4)
- fxch st(2) // 1 2 0 3
- fmul st(0), st(4)
- fxch st(1) // 2 1 0 3
- fmul st(0), st(4)
- fxch st(3) // 3 1 0 2
- fmul st(0), st(4)
- add esi, 4*F8size
- add edx, 16
- fxch st(2) // 0 1 3 2
- fist dword ptr [rx]
- fxch st(1) // 1 0 3 2
- fist dword ptr [rx+4]
- fxch st(3) // 2 0 3 1
- fist dword ptr [rx+8]
- fxch st(2) // 3 0 2 1
- fist dword ptr [rx+12]
- dec ecx
- mov eax, dword ptr [rx]
- mov ebx, dword ptr [rx+4]
- fxch st(1) // 0 3 2 1
- fadd F8type ptr [edi+eax*F8size]
- fxch st(3) // 1 3 2 0
- fadd F8type ptr [edi+ebx*F8size]
- mov eax, dword ptr [rx+8]
- mov ebx, dword ptr [rx+12]
- fxch st(2) // 2 3 1 0
- fadd F8type ptr [edi+eax*F8size]
- fxch st(1) // 3 2 1 0
- fadd F8type ptr [edi+ebx*F8size]
- fxch st(3) // 0 2 1 3
- fistp dword ptr [edx-16] // 2 1 3
- fxch st(1) // 1 2 3
- fistp dword ptr [edx-12] // 2 3
- fistp dword ptr [edx-8] // 3
- fistp dword ptr [edx-4]
- jnz loop1
- mov dword ptr [xr], esi
- mov dword ptr [ix], edx
- fstp st(0)
- }
- }
- #else
- #if 0
- { /* generic code if you write ASM for XRPOW_FTOI() */
- FLOAT8 x;
- int j, rx;
- for (j = 576 / 4; j > 0; --j) {
- x = *xr++ * istep;
- XRPOW_FTOI(x, rx);
- XRPOW_FTOI(x + QUANTFAC(rx), *ix++);
- x = *xr++ * istep;
- XRPOW_FTOI(x, rx);
- XRPOW_FTOI(x + QUANTFAC(rx), *ix++);
- x = *xr++ * istep;
- XRPOW_FTOI(x, rx);
- XRPOW_FTOI(x + QUANTFAC(rx), *ix++);
- x = *xr++ * istep;
- XRPOW_FTOI(x, rx);
- XRPOW_FTOI(x + QUANTFAC(rx), *ix++);
- }
- }
- #endif
- {/* from Wilfried.Behne@t-online.de. Reported to be 2x faster than
- the above code (when not using ASM) on PowerPC */
- int j;
- for ( j = 576/8; j > 0; --j)
- {
- FLOAT8 x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8;
- int rx1, rx2, rx3, rx4, rx5, rx6, rx7, rx8;
- x1 = *xr++ * istep;
- x2 = *xr++ * istep;
- XRPOW_FTOI(x1, rx1);
- x3 = *xr++ * istep;
- XRPOW_FTOI(x2, rx2);
- x4 = *xr++ * istep;
- XRPOW_FTOI(x3, rx3);
- x5 = *xr++ * istep;
- XRPOW_FTOI(x4, rx4);
- x6 = *xr++ * istep;
- XRPOW_FTOI(x5, rx5);
- x7 = *xr++ * istep;
- XRPOW_FTOI(x6, rx6);
- x8 = *xr++ * istep;
- XRPOW_FTOI(x7, rx7);
- x1 += QUANTFAC(rx1);
- XRPOW_FTOI(x8, rx8);
- x2 += QUANTFAC(rx2);
- XRPOW_FTOI(x1,*ix++);
- x3 += QUANTFAC(rx3);
- XRPOW_FTOI(x2,*ix++);
- x4 += QUANTFAC(rx4);
- XRPOW_FTOI(x3,*ix++);
- x5 += QUANTFAC(rx5);
- XRPOW_FTOI(x4,*ix++);
- x6 += QUANTFAC(rx6);
- XRPOW_FTOI(x5,*ix++);
- x7 += QUANTFAC(rx7);
- XRPOW_FTOI(x6,*ix++);
- x8 += QUANTFAC(rx8);
- XRPOW_FTOI(x7,*ix++);
- XRPOW_FTOI(x8,*ix++);
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- void quantize_xrpow_ISO( FLOAT8 xr[576], int ix[576], gr_info *cod_info )
- {
- /* quantize on xr^(3/4) instead of xr */
- const FLOAT8 istep = IPOW20(cod_info->global_gain);
- #if defined(USE_GNUC_ASM)
- {
- __asm__ __volatile__ (
- "nnloop0:nt"
- "fld" F8type " 0*" F8size "(%3)nt"
- "fld" F8type " 1*" F8size "(%3)nt"
- "fld" F8type " 2*" F8size "(%3)nt"
- "fld" F8type " 3*" F8size "(%3)nt"
- "addl $4*" F8size ", %3nt"
- "addl $16, %4nt"
- "fxch %%st(3)nt"
- "fmul %%st(4)nt"
- "fxch %%st(2)nt"
- "fmul %%st(4)nt"
- "fxch %%st(1)nt"
- "fmul %%st(4)nt"
- "fxch %%st(3)nt"
- "fmul %%st(4)nt"
- "dec %0nt"
- "fxch %%st(2)nt"
- "fadd %%st(5)nt"
- "fxch %%st(1)nt"
- "fadd %%st(5)nt"
- "fxch %%st(3)nt"
- "fadd %%st(5)nt"
- "fxch %%st(2)nt"
- "fadd %%st(5)nt"
- "fxch %%st(1)nt"
- "fistpl -16(%4)nt"
- "fxch %%st(2)nt"
- "fistpl -12(%4)nt"
- "fistpl -8(%4)nt"
- "fistpl -4(%4)nt"
- "jnz loop0nn"
- : /* no outputs */
- : "r" (576 / 4), "u" ((FLOAT8)(0.4054 - 0.5)), "t" (istep), "r" (xr), "r" (ix)
- : "memory", "cc"
- );
- }
- #elif defined(USE_MSC_ASM)
- {
- /* asm from Acy Stapp <AStapp@austin.rr.com> */
- const FLOAT8 temp0 = 0.4054 - 0.5;
- _asm {
- mov ecx, 576/4;
- fld F8type ptr [temp0];
- fld F8type ptr [istep];
- mov eax, dword ptr [xr];
- mov edx, dword ptr [ix];
- } loop0: _asm {
- fld F8type ptr [eax+0*F8size]; // 0
- fld F8type ptr [eax+1*F8size]; // 1 0
- fld F8type ptr [eax+2*F8size]; // 2 1 0
- fld F8type ptr [eax+3*F8size]; // 3 2 1 0
- add eax, 4*F8size;
- add edx, 16;
- fxch st(3); // 0 2 1 3
- fmul st(0), st(4);
- fxch st(2); // 1 2 0 3
- fmul st(0), st(4);
- fxch st(1); // 2 1 0 3
- fmul st(0), st(4);
- fxch st(3); // 3 1 0 2
- fmul st(0), st(4);
- dec ecx;
- fxch st(2); // 0 1 3 2
- fadd st(0), st(5);
- fxch st(1); // 1 0 3 2
- fadd st(0), st(5);
- fxch st(3); // 2 0 3 1
- fadd st(0), st(5);
- fxch st(2); // 3 0 2 1
- fadd st(0), st(5);
- fxch st(1); // 0 3 2 1
- fistp dword ptr [edx-16]; // 3 2 1
- fxch st(2); // 1 2 3
- fistp dword ptr [edx-12];
- fistp dword ptr [edx-8];
- fistp dword ptr [edx-4];
- jnz loop0;
- mov dword ptr [xr], eax;
- mov dword ptr [ix], edx;
- fstp st(0);
- fstp st(0);
- }
- }
- #else
- #if 0
- /* generic ASM */
- register int j;
- for (j=576/4;j>0;j--) {
- XRPOW_FTOI(istep * (*xr++) + ROUNDFAC, *ix++);
- XRPOW_FTOI(istep * (*xr++) + ROUNDFAC, *ix++);
- XRPOW_FTOI(istep * (*xr++) + ROUNDFAC, *ix++);
- XRPOW_FTOI(istep * (*xr++) + ROUNDFAC, *ix++);
- }
- #endif
- {
- register int j;
- const FLOAT8 compareval0 = (1.0 - 0.4054)/istep;
- /* depending on architecture, it may be worth calculating a few more compareval's.
- eg. compareval1 = (2.0 - 0.4054/istep);
- .. and then after the first compare do this ...
- if compareval1>*xr then ix = 1;
- On a pentium166, it's only worth doing the one compare (as done here), as the second
- compare becomes more expensive than just calculating the value. Architectures with
- slow FP operations may want to add some more comparevals. try it and send your diffs
- statistically speaking
- 73% of all xr*istep values give ix=0
- 16% will give 1
- 4% will give 2
- */
- for (j=576;j>0;j--)
- {
- if (compareval0 > *xr) {
- *(ix++) = 0;
- xr++;
- } else
- /* *(ix++) = (int)( istep*(*(xr++)) + 0.4054); */
- XRPOW_FTOI( istep*(*(xr++)) + ROUNDFAC , *(ix++) );
- }
- }
- #endif
- }