资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- * Xing VBR tagging for LAME.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999 A.L. Faber
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the
- * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- #include "machine.h"
- #include <math.h>
- #include "VbrTag.h"
- #include "version.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- /* #define DEBUG_VBRTAG */
- #endif
- int SizeOfEmptyFrame[2][2]=
- {
- {32,17},
- {17,9},
- };
- static u_char pbtStreamBuffer[216];
- static long g_Position[NUMTOCENTRIES];
- static int nZeroStreamSize=0;
- static int TotalFrameSize=0;
- static char VBRTag[]={"Xing"};
- int* pVbrFrames=NULL;
- int nVbrNumFrames=0;
- int nVbrFrameBufferSize=0;
- /****************************************************************************
- * AddVbrFrame: Add VBR entry, used to fill the VBR the TOC entries
- * Paramters:
- * nStreamPos: how many bytes did we write to the bitstream so far
- * (in Bytes NOT Bits)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- void AddVbrFrame(int nStreamPos)
- {
- /* Simple exponential growing buffer */
- if (pVbrFrames==NULL || nVbrFrameBufferSize==0)
- {
- /* Start with 100 frames */
- nVbrFrameBufferSize=100;
- /* Allocate them */
- pVbrFrames=(int*)malloc((size_t)(nVbrFrameBufferSize*sizeof(int)));
- }
- /* Is buffer big enough to store this new frame */
- if (nVbrNumFrames==nVbrFrameBufferSize)
- {
- /* Guess not, double th e buffer size */
- nVbrFrameBufferSize*=2;
- /* Allocate new buffer */
- pVbrFrames=(int*)realloc(pVbrFrames,(size_t)(nVbrFrameBufferSize*sizeof(int)));
- }
- /* Store values */
- pVbrFrames[nVbrNumFrames++]=nStreamPos;
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/
- static int ExtractI4(unsigned char *buf)
- {
- int x;
- /* big endian extract */
- x = buf[0];
- x <<= 8;
- x |= buf[1];
- x <<= 8;
- x |= buf[2];
- x <<= 8;
- x |= buf[3];
- return x;
- }
- void CreateI4(unsigned char *buf, int nValue)
- {
- /* big endian create */
- buf[0]=(nValue>>24)&0xff;
- buf[1]=(nValue>>16)&0xff;
- buf[2]=(nValue>> 8)&0xff;
- buf[3]=(nValue )&0xff;
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Same as GetVbrTag below, but only checks for the Xing tag.
- requires buf to contain only 40 bytes */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/
- int CheckVbrTag(unsigned char *buf)
- {
- int h_id, h_mode, h_sr_index;
- /* get selected MPEG header data */
- h_id = (buf[1] >> 3) & 1;
- h_sr_index = (buf[2] >> 2) & 3;
- h_mode = (buf[3] >> 6) & 3;
- /* determine offset of header */
- if( h_id )
- {
- /* mpeg1 */
- if( h_mode != 3 ) buf+=(32+4);
- else buf+=(17+4);
- }
- else
- {
- /* mpeg2 */
- if( h_mode != 3 ) buf+=(17+4);
- else buf+=(9+4);
- }
- if( buf[0] != VBRTag[0] ) return 0; /* fail */
- if( buf[1] != VBRTag[1] ) return 0; /* header not found*/
- if( buf[2] != VBRTag[2] ) return 0;
- if( buf[3] != VBRTag[3] ) return 0;
- return 1;
- }
- int GetVbrTag(VBRTAGDATA *pTagData, unsigned char *buf)
- {
- int i, head_flags;
- int h_id, h_mode, h_sr_index;
- static int sr_table[4] = { 44100, 48000, 32000, 99999 };
- /* get Vbr header data */
- pTagData->flags = 0;
- /* get selected MPEG header data */
- h_id = (buf[1] >> 3) & 1;
- h_sr_index = (buf[2] >> 2) & 3;
- h_mode = (buf[3] >> 6) & 3;
- /* determine offset of header */
- if( h_id )
- {
- /* mpeg1 */
- if( h_mode != 3 ) buf+=(32+4);
- else buf+=(17+4);
- }
- else
- {
- /* mpeg2 */
- if( h_mode != 3 ) buf+=(17+4);
- else buf+=(9+4);
- }
- if( buf[0] != VBRTag[0] ) return 0; /* fail */
- if( buf[1] != VBRTag[1] ) return 0; /* header not found*/
- if( buf[2] != VBRTag[2] ) return 0;
- if( buf[3] != VBRTag[3] ) return 0;
- buf+=4;
- pTagData->h_id = h_id;
- pTagData->samprate = sr_table[h_sr_index];
- if( h_id == 0 )
- pTagData->samprate >>= 1;
- head_flags = pTagData->flags = ExtractI4(buf); buf+=4; /* get flags */
- if( head_flags & FRAMES_FLAG )
- {
- pTagData->frames = ExtractI4(buf); buf+=4;
- }
- if( head_flags & BYTES_FLAG )
- {
- pTagData->bytes = ExtractI4(buf); buf+=4;
- }
- if( head_flags & TOC_FLAG )
- {
- if( pTagData->toc != NULL )
- {
- for(i=0;i<NUMTOCENTRIES;i++)
- pTagData->toc[i] = buf[i];
- }
- }
- pTagData->vbr_scale = -1;
- if( head_flags & VBR_SCALE_FLAG )
- {
- pTagData->vbr_scale = ExtractI4(buf); buf+=4;
- }
- printf("nn********************* VBR TAG INFO *****************n");
- printf("tag :%sn",VBRTag);
- printf("head_flags :%dn",head_flags);
- printf("bytes :%dn",pTagData->bytes);
- printf("frames :%dn",pTagData->frames);
- printf("VBR Scale :%dn",pTagData->vbr_scale);
- printf("toc:n");
- if( pTagData->toc != NULL )
- {
- for(i=0;i<NUMTOCENTRIES;i++)
- {
- if( (i%10) == 0 ) printf("n");
- printf(" %3d", (int)(pTagData->toc[i]));
- }
- }
- printf("n***************** END OF VBR TAG INFO ***************n");
- #endif
- return 1; /* success */
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- * InitVbrTag: Initializes the header, and write empty frame to stream
- * Paramters:
- * fpStream: pointer to output file stream
- * nVersion: 0= MPEG1 1=MPEG2
- * nMode : Channel Mode: 0=STEREO 1=JS 2=DS 3=MONO
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- int InitVbrTag(Bit_stream_struc* pBs,int nVersion, int nMode, int SampIndex)
- {
- int i;
- /* Clear Frame position array variables */
- pVbrFrames=NULL;
- nVbrNumFrames=0;
- nVbrFrameBufferSize=0;
- /* Clear struct */
- memset(g_Position,0x00,sizeof(g_Position));
- /* Clear stream buffer */
- memset(pbtStreamBuffer,0x00,sizeof(pbtStreamBuffer));
- /* Set TOC values to 255 */
- for (i=0;i<NUMTOCENTRIES;i++)
- {
- g_Position[i]=-1;
- }
- /* Reserve the proper amount of bytes */
- if (nMode==3)
- {
- nZeroStreamSize=SizeOfEmptyFrame[nVersion][1]+4;
- }
- else
- {
- nZeroStreamSize=SizeOfEmptyFrame[nVersion][0]+4;
- }
- /*
- // Xing VBR pretends to be a 48kbs layer III frame. (at 44.1kHz).
- // (at 48kHz they use 56kbs since 48kbs frame not big enough for
- // table of contents)
- // let's always embed Xing header inside a 64kbs layer III frame.
- // this gives us enough room for a LAME version string too.
- // size determined by sampling frequency (MPEG1)
- // 32kHz: 216 bytes@48kbs 288bytes@ 64kbs
- // 44.1kHz: 156 bytes 208bytes@64kbs (+1 if padding = 1)
- // 48kHz: 144 bytes 192
- //
- // MPEG 2 values are the since the framesize and samplerate
- // are each reduced by a factor of 2.
- */
- {
- int tot;
- static const int framesize[3]={208,192,288}; /* 64kbs MPEG1 or MPEG2 framesize */
- /* static int framesize[3]={156,144,216}; */ /* 48kbs framesize */
- if (SampIndex>2) {
- fprintf(stderr,"illegal sampling frequency indexn");
- exit(-1);
- }
- TotalFrameSize= framesize[SampIndex];
- tot = (nZeroStreamSize+VBRHEADERSIZE);
- tot += 20; /* extra 20 bytes for LAME & version string */
- if (TotalFrameSize < tot ) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Xing VBR header problem...use -tn");
- exit(-1);
- }
- }
- /* Put empty bytes into the bitstream */
- for (i=0;i<TotalFrameSize;i++)
- {
- /* Write a byte to the bitstream */
- putbits(pBs,0,8);
- }
- /* Success */
- return 0;
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- * PutVbrTag: Write final VBR tag to the file
- * Paramters:
- * lpszFileName: filename of MP3 bit stream
- * nVersion: 0= MPEG1 1=MPEG2
- * nVbrScale : encoder quality indicator (0..100)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- int PutVbrTag(char* lpszFileName,int nVbrScale,int nVersion)
- {
- int i;
- long lFileSize;
- int nStreamIndex;
- char abyte;
- u_char btToc[NUMTOCENTRIES];
- FILE *fpStream;
- char str1[80];
- if (nVbrNumFrames==0 || pVbrFrames==NULL)
- return -1;
- /* Open the bitstream again */
- fpStream=fopen(lpszFileName,"rb+");
- /* Assert stream is valid */
- if (fpStream==NULL)
- return -1;
- /* Clear stream buffer */
- memset(pbtStreamBuffer,0x00,sizeof(pbtStreamBuffer));
- /* Seek to end of file*/
- fseek(fpStream,0,SEEK_END);
- /* Get file size */
- lFileSize=ftell(fpStream);
- /* Abort if file has zero length. Yes, it can happen :) */
- if (lFileSize==0)
- return -1;
- /* Seek to first real frame */
- fseek(fpStream,(long)TotalFrameSize,SEEK_SET);
- /* Read the header (first valid frame) */
- fread(pbtStreamBuffer,4,1,fpStream);
- /* the default VBR header. 48kbs layer III, no padding, no crc */
- /* but sampling freq, mode andy copyright/copy protection taken */
- /* from first valid frame */
- pbtStreamBuffer[0]=(u_char) 0xff;
- if (nVersion==0) {
- pbtStreamBuffer[1]=(u_char) 0xfb;
- abyte = pbtStreamBuffer[2] & (char) 0x0c;
- pbtStreamBuffer[2]=(char) 0x50 | abyte; /* 64kbs MPEG1 frame */
- }else{
- pbtStreamBuffer[1]=(u_char) 0xf3;
- abyte = pbtStreamBuffer[2] & (char) 0x0c;
- pbtStreamBuffer[2]=(char) 0x80 | abyte; /* 64kbs MPEG2 frame */
- }
- /*Seek to the beginning of the stream */
- fseek(fpStream,0,SEEK_SET);
- /* Clear all TOC entries */
- memset(btToc,0,sizeof(btToc));
- for (i=1;i<NUMTOCENTRIES;i++) /* Don't touch zero point... */
- {
- /* Calculate frame from given percentage */
- int frameNum=(int)(floor(0.01*i*nVbrNumFrames));
- /* Calculate relative file postion, normalized to 0..256!(?) */
- float fRelStreamPos=(float)256.0*(float)pVbrFrames[frameNum]/(float)lFileSize;
- /* Just to be safe */
- if (fRelStreamPos>255) fRelStreamPos=255;
- /* Assign toc entry value */
- btToc[i]=(u_char) fRelStreamPos;
- }
- /* Start writing the tag after the zero frame */
- nStreamIndex=nZeroStreamSize;
- /* Put Vbr tag */
- pbtStreamBuffer[nStreamIndex++]=VBRTag[0];
- pbtStreamBuffer[nStreamIndex++]=VBRTag[1];
- pbtStreamBuffer[nStreamIndex++]=VBRTag[2];
- pbtStreamBuffer[nStreamIndex++]=VBRTag[3];
- /* Put header flags */
- CreateI4(&pbtStreamBuffer[nStreamIndex],FRAMES_FLAG+BYTES_FLAG+TOC_FLAG+VBR_SCALE_FLAG);
- nStreamIndex+=4;
- /* Put Total Number of frames */
- CreateI4(&pbtStreamBuffer[nStreamIndex],nVbrNumFrames);
- nStreamIndex+=4;
- /* Put Total file size */
- CreateI4(&pbtStreamBuffer[nStreamIndex],(int)lFileSize);
- nStreamIndex+=4;
- /* Put TOC */
- memcpy(&pbtStreamBuffer[nStreamIndex],btToc,sizeof(btToc));
- nStreamIndex+=sizeof(btToc);
- /* Put VBR SCALE */
- CreateI4(&pbtStreamBuffer[nStreamIndex],nVbrScale);
- nStreamIndex+=4;
- /* Put LAME id */
- sprintf(str1,"LAME%s",get_lame_version());
- strncpy((char *)&pbtStreamBuffer[nStreamIndex],str1,(size_t) 20);
- nStreamIndex+=20;
- {
- VBRTAGDATA TestHeader;
- GetVbrTag(&TestHeader,pbtStreamBuffer);
- }
- #endif
- /* Put it all to disk again */
- if (fwrite(pbtStreamBuffer,TotalFrameSize,1,fpStream)!=1)
- {
- return -1;
- }
- fclose(fpStream);
- /* Save to delete the frame buffer */
- free(pVbrFrames);
- pVbrFrames=NULL;
- return 0; /* success */
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/
- int SeekPoint(unsigned char TOC[NUMTOCENTRIES], int file_bytes, float percent)
- {
- /* interpolate in TOC to get file seek point in bytes */
- int a, seekpoint;
- float fa, fb, fx;
- if( percent < (float)0.0 ) percent = (float)0.0;
- if( percent > (float)100.0 ) percent = (float)100.0;
- a = (int)percent;
- if( a > 99 ) a = 99;
- fa = TOC[a];
- if( a < 99 ) {
- fb = TOC[a+1];
- }
- else {
- fb = (float)256.0;
- }
- fx = fa + (fb-fa)*(percent-a);
- seekpoint = (int)(((float)(1.0/256.0))*fx*file_bytes);
- return seekpoint;
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/