资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- #ifdef HAVEGTK
- #include "gpkplotting.h"
- #include "string.h"
- static gint num_plotwindows = 0;
- static gint max_plotwindows = 10;
- static GdkPixmap *pixmaps[10];
- static GtkWidget *pixmapboxes[10];
- /* compute a gdkcolor */
- void setcolor(GtkWidget *widget, GdkColor *color, gint red,gint green,gint blue)
- {
- /* colors in GdkColor are taken from 0 to 65535, not 0 to 255. */
- color->red = red * (65535/255);
- color->green = green * (65535/255);
- color->blue = blue * (65535/255);
- color->pixel = (gulong)(color->red*65536 + color->green*256 + color->blue);
- /* find closest in colormap, if needed */
- gdk_color_alloc(gtk_widget_get_colormap(widget),color);
- }
- void gpk_redraw(GdkPixmap *pixmap, GtkWidget *pixmapbox)
- {
- /* redraw the entire pixmap */
- gdk_draw_pixmap(pixmapbox->window,
- pixmapbox->style->fg_gc[GTK_WIDGET_STATE (pixmapbox)],
- pixmap,0,0,0,0,
- pixmapbox->allocation.width,
- pixmapbox->allocation.height);
- }
- static GdkPixmap **findpixmap(GtkWidget *widget)
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<num_plotwindows && widget != pixmapboxes[i] ; i++);
- if (i>=num_plotwindows) {
- g_print("findpixmap(): bad argument widget n");
- return NULL;
- }
- return &pixmaps[i];
- }
- void gpk_graph_draw(GtkWidget *widget, /* plot on this widged */
- int n, /* number of data points */
- gdouble *xcord, gdouble *ycord, /* data */
- gdouble xmn,gdouble ymn, /* coordinates of corners */
- gdouble xmx,gdouble ymx,
- int clear, /* clear old plot first */
- char *title, /* add a title (only if clear=1) */
- GdkColor *color)
- {
- GdkPixmap **ppixmap;
- GdkPoint *points;
- int i;
- gint16 width,height;
- GdkFont *fixed_font;
- GdkGC *gc;
- gc = gdk_gc_new(widget->window);
- gdk_gc_set_foreground(gc, color);
- if ((ppixmap=findpixmap(widget))) {
- width = widget->allocation.width;
- height = widget->allocation.height;
- if (clear) {
- /* white background */
- gdk_draw_rectangle (*ppixmap,
- widget->style->white_gc,
- TRUE,0, 0,width,height);
- /* title */
- #ifndef _WIN32
- fixed_font = gdk_font_load ("-misc-fixed-medium-r-*-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*");
- #else
- fixed_font = gdk_font_load ("-misc-fixed-large-r-*-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*");
- #endif
- gdk_draw_text (*ppixmap,fixed_font,
- widget->style->fg_gc[GTK_WIDGET_STATE (widget)],
- 0,10,title,strlen(title));
- }
- points = g_malloc(n*sizeof(GdkPoint));
- for (i=0; i<n ; i++) {
- points[i].x =.5+ ((xcord[i]-xmn)*(width-1)/(xmx-xmn));
- points[i].y =.5+ ((ycord[i]-ymx)*(height-1)/(ymn-ymx));
- }
- gdk_draw_lines(*ppixmap,gc,points,n);
- g_free(points);
- gpk_redraw(*ppixmap,widget);
- }
- gdk_gc_destroy(gc);
- }
- void gpk_rectangle_draw(GtkWidget *widget, /* plot on this widged */
- gdouble *xcord, gdouble *ycord, /* corners */
- gdouble xmn,gdouble ymn, /* coordinates of corners */
- gdouble xmx,gdouble ymx,
- GdkColor *color)
- {
- GdkPixmap **ppixmap;
- GdkPoint points[2];
- int i;
- gint16 width,height;
- GdkGC *gc;
- gc = gdk_gc_new(widget->window);
- gdk_gc_set_foreground(gc, color);
- if ((ppixmap=findpixmap(widget))) {
- width = widget->allocation.width;
- height = widget->allocation.height;
- for (i=0; i<2 ; i++) {
- points[i].x =.5+ ((xcord[i]-xmn)*(width-1)/(xmx-xmn));
- points[i].y =.5+ ((ycord[i]-ymx)*(height-1)/(ymn-ymx));
- }
- width=points[1].x-points[0].x + 1;
- height=points[1].y-points[0].y + 1;
- gdk_draw_rectangle(*ppixmap,gc,TRUE,
- points[0].x,points[0].y,width,height);
- gpk_redraw(*ppixmap,widget);
- }
- gdk_gc_destroy(gc);
- }
- void gpk_bargraph_draw(GtkWidget *widget, /* plot on this widged */
- int n, /* number of data points */
- gdouble *xcord, gdouble *ycord, /* data */
- gdouble xmn,gdouble ymn, /* coordinates of corners */
- gdouble xmx,gdouble ymx,
- int clear, /* clear old plot first */
- char *title, /* add a title (only if clear=1) */
- int barwidth, /* bar width. 0=compute based on window size */
- GdkColor *color)
- {
- GdkPixmap **ppixmap;
- GdkPoint points[2];
- int i;
- gint16 width,height,x,y,barheight;
- GdkFont *fixed_font;
- GdkGC *gc;
- gc = gdk_gc_new(widget->window);
- gdk_gc_set_foreground(gc, color);
- if ((ppixmap=findpixmap(widget))) {
- width = widget->allocation.width;
- height = widget->allocation.height;
- if (clear) {
- /* white background */
- gdk_draw_rectangle (*ppixmap,
- widget->style->white_gc,
- TRUE,0, 0,width,height);
- /* title */
- #ifndef _WIN32
- fixed_font = gdk_font_load ("-misc-fixed-medium-r-*-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*");
- #else
- fixed_font = gdk_font_load ("-misc-fixed-large-r-*-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*");
- #endif
- gdk_draw_text (*ppixmap,fixed_font,
- widget->style->fg_gc[GTK_WIDGET_STATE (widget)],
- 0,10,title,strlen(title));
- }
- for (i=0; i<n ; i++) {
- points[1].x =.5+ ((xcord[i]-xmn)*(width-1)/(xmx-xmn));
- points[1].y =.5+ ((ycord[i]-ymx)*(height-1)/(ymn-ymx));
- points[0].x = points[1].x;
- points[0].y = height-1;
- x = .5+ ((xcord[i]-xmn)*(width-1)/(xmx-xmn));
- y = .5+((ycord[i]-ymx)*(height-1)/(ymn-ymx));
- if (!barwidth) barwidth = (width/(n+1))-1;
- barwidth = barwidth > 5 ? 5 : barwidth;
- barwidth = barwidth < 1 ? 1 : barwidth;
- barheight = height-1 - y;
- /* gdk_draw_lines(*ppixmap,gc,points,2); */
- gdk_draw_rectangle(*ppixmap,gc,TRUE,x,y,barwidth,barheight);
- }
- gpk_redraw(*ppixmap,widget);
- }
- gdk_gc_destroy(gc);
- }
- /* Create a new backing pixmap of the appropriate size */
- static gint
- configure_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventConfigure *event, gpointer data)
- {
- GdkPixmap **ppixmap;
- if ((ppixmap=findpixmap(widget))){
- if (*ppixmap) gdk_pixmap_unref(*ppixmap);
- *ppixmap = gdk_pixmap_new(widget->window,
- widget->allocation.width,
- widget->allocation.height,
- -1);
- gdk_draw_rectangle (*ppixmap,
- widget->style->white_gc,
- 0, 0,
- widget->allocation.width,
- widget->allocation.height);
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* Redraw the screen from the backing pixmap */
- static gint
- expose_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event, gpointer data)
- {
- GdkPixmap **ppixmap;
- if ((ppixmap=findpixmap(widget))){
- gdk_draw_pixmap(widget->window,
- widget->style->fg_gc[GTK_WIDGET_STATE (widget)],
- *ppixmap,
- event->area.x, event->area.y,
- event->area.x, event->area.y,
- event->area.width, event->area.height);
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- GtkWidget *gpk_plot_new(int width, int height)
- {
- GtkWidget *pixmapbox;
- pixmapbox = gtk_drawing_area_new();
- gtk_drawing_area_size(GTK_DRAWING_AREA(pixmapbox),width,height);
- gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (pixmapbox), "expose_event",
- (GtkSignalFunc) expose_event, NULL);
- gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT(pixmapbox),"configure_event",
- (GtkSignalFunc) configure_event, NULL);
- gtk_widget_set_events (pixmapbox, GDK_EXPOSURE_MASK);
- if (num_plotwindows < max_plotwindows) {
- pixmapboxes[num_plotwindows] = pixmapbox;
- pixmaps[num_plotwindows] = NULL;
- num_plotwindows ++;
- } else {
- g_print("gtk_plotarea_new(): exceeded maximum of 10 plotarea windowsn");
- }
- return pixmapbox;
- }
- #endif