资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /**********************************************************************
- * ISO MPEG Audio Subgroup Software Simulation Group (1996)
- * ISO 13818-3 MPEG-2 Audio Encoder - Lower Sampling Frequency Extension
- *
- **********************************************************************/
- /*
- Revision History:
- Date Programmer Comment
- ========== ========================= ===============================
- 1995/08/06 mc@fivebats.com created
- 1995/09/06 mc@fivebats.com modified to use formatBitstream
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "lame.h"
- #include "l3bitstream.h" /* the public interface */
- #include "encoder.h"
- #include "quantize.h"
- #include "quantize-pvt.h"
- #include "formatBitstream.h"
- #include "tables.h"
- #include <assert.h>
- #include "l3bitstream-pvt.h"
- static Bit_stream_struc *bs = NULL;
- BF_FrameData *frameData = NULL;
- BF_FrameResults *frameResults = NULL;
- int PartHoldersInitialized = 0;
- BF_PartHolder *headerPH;
- BF_PartHolder *frameSIPH;
- BF_PartHolder *channelSIPH[ MAX_CHANNELS ];
- BF_PartHolder *spectrumSIPH[ MAX_GRANULES ][ MAX_CHANNELS ];
- BF_PartHolder *scaleFactorsPH[ MAX_GRANULES ][ MAX_CHANNELS ];
- BF_PartHolder *codedDataPH[ MAX_GRANULES ][ MAX_CHANNELS ];
- BF_PartHolder *userSpectrumPH[ MAX_GRANULES ][ MAX_CHANNELS ];
- BF_PartHolder *userFrameDataPH;
- void putMyBits( u_int val, u_int len )
- {
- putbits( bs, val, len );
- }
- /*
- III_format_bitstream()
- This is called after a frame of audio has been quantized and coded.
- It will write the encoded audio to the bitstream. Note that
- from a layer3 encoder's perspective the bit stream is primarily
- a series of main_data() blocks, with header and side information
- inserted at the proper locations to maintain framing. (See Figure A.7
- in the IS).
- */
- void
- III_format_bitstream( lame_global_flags *gfp,
- int bitsPerFrame,
- int l3_enc[2][2][576],
- III_side_info_t *l3_side,
- III_scalefac_t scalefac[2][2],
- Bit_stream_struc *in_bs)
- {
- int gr, ch;
- bs = in_bs;
- if ( frameData == NULL )
- {
- frameData = calloc( 1,sizeof *frameData);
- assert( frameData );
- }
- if ( frameResults == NULL )
- {
- frameResults = calloc( 1,sizeof *frameResults);
- assert( frameResults );
- }
- if ( !PartHoldersInitialized )
- {
- headerPH = BF_newPartHolder( 14 );
- frameSIPH = BF_newPartHolder( 12 );
- for ( ch = 0; ch < MAX_CHANNELS; ch++ )
- channelSIPH[ch] = BF_newPartHolder( 8 );
- for ( gr = 0; gr < MAX_GRANULES; gr++ )
- for ( ch = 0; ch < MAX_CHANNELS; ch++ )
- {
- spectrumSIPH[gr][ch] = BF_newPartHolder( 32 );
- scaleFactorsPH[gr][ch] = BF_newPartHolder( 64 );
- codedDataPH[gr][ch] = BF_newPartHolder( 576 );
- userSpectrumPH[gr][ch] = BF_newPartHolder( 4 );
- }
- userFrameDataPH = BF_newPartHolder( 8 );
- PartHoldersInitialized = 1;
- }
- encodeSideInfo( gfp,l3_side );
- encodeMainData( gfp,l3_enc, l3_side, scalefac );
- drain_into_ancillary_data( l3_side->resvDrain );
- /*
- Put frameData together for the call
- to BitstreamFrame()
- */
- frameData->frameLength = bitsPerFrame;
- frameData->nGranules = gfp->mode_gr;
- frameData->nChannels = gfp->stereo;
- frameData->header = headerPH->part;
- frameData->frameSI = frameSIPH->part;
- for ( ch = 0; ch < gfp->stereo; ch++ )
- frameData->channelSI[ch] = channelSIPH[ch]->part;
- for ( gr = 0; gr < gfp->mode_gr; gr++ )
- for ( ch = 0; ch < gfp->stereo; ch++ )
- {
- frameData->spectrumSI[gr][ch] = spectrumSIPH[gr][ch]->part;
- frameData->scaleFactors[gr][ch] = scaleFactorsPH[gr][ch]->part;
- frameData->codedData[gr][ch] = codedDataPH[gr][ch]->part;
- frameData->userSpectrum[gr][ch] = userSpectrumPH[gr][ch]->part;
- }
- frameData->userFrameData = userFrameDataPH->part;
- BF_BitstreamFrame( frameData, frameResults );
- /* we set this here -- it will be tested in the next loops iteration */
- l3_side->main_data_begin = frameResults->nextBackPtr;
- }
- void
- III_FlushBitstream(void)
- {
- if (PartHoldersInitialized!=0)
- BF_FlushBitstream( frameData, frameResults );
- }
- static unsigned slen1_tab[16] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4 };
- static unsigned slen2_tab[16] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3 };
- static void
- encodeMainData( lame_global_flags *gfp,
- int l3_enc[2][2][576],
- III_side_info_t *si,
- III_scalefac_t scalefac[2][2] )
- {
- int i, gr, ch, sfb, window;
- for ( gr = 0; gr < gfp->mode_gr; gr++ )
- for ( ch = 0; ch < gfp->stereo; ch++ )
- scaleFactorsPH[gr][ch]->part->nrEntries = 0;
- for ( gr = 0; gr < gfp->mode_gr; gr++ )
- for ( ch = 0; ch < gfp->stereo; ch++ )
- codedDataPH[gr][ch]->part->nrEntries = 0;
- if ( gfp->version == 1 )
- { /* MPEG 1 */
- for ( gr = 0; gr < 2; gr++ )
- {
- for ( ch = 0; ch < gfp->stereo; ch++ )
- {
- BF_PartHolder **pph = &scaleFactorsPH[gr][ch];
- gr_info *gi = &(si->gr[gr].ch[ch].tt);
- unsigned slen1 = slen1_tab[ gi->scalefac_compress ];
- unsigned slen2 = slen2_tab[ gi->scalefac_compress ];
- int *ix = &l3_enc[gr][ch][0];
- if (gi->block_type == SHORT_TYPE)
- {
- #ifdef ALLOW_MIXED
- if ( gi->mixed_block_flag )
- {
- for ( sfb = 0; sfb < 8; sfb++ )
- *pph = BF_addEntry( *pph, scalefac[gr][ch].l[sfb], slen1 );
- for ( sfb = 3; sfb < 6; sfb++ )
- for ( window = 0; window < 3; window++ )
- *pph = BF_addEntry( *pph, scalefac[gr][ch].s[sfb][window], slen1 );
- for ( sfb = 6; sfb < 12; sfb++ )
- for ( window = 0; window < 3; window++ )
- *pph = BF_addEntry( *pph, scalefac[gr][ch].s[sfb][window], slen2 );
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- for ( sfb = 0; sfb < 6; sfb++ )
- for ( window = 0; window < 3; window++ )
- *pph = BF_addEntry( *pph, scalefac[gr][ch].s[sfb][window], slen1 );
- for ( sfb = 6; sfb < 12; sfb++ )
- for ( window = 0; window < 3; window++ )
- *pph = BF_addEntry( *pph, scalefac[gr][ch].s[sfb][window], slen2 );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if ( (gr == 0) || (si->scfsi[ch][0] == 0) )
- for ( sfb = 0; sfb < 6; sfb++ )
- *pph = BF_addEntry( *pph, scalefac[gr][ch].l[sfb], slen1 );
- if ( (gr == 0) || (si->scfsi[ch][1] == 0) )
- for ( sfb = 6; sfb < 11; sfb++ )
- *pph = BF_addEntry( *pph, scalefac[gr][ch].l[sfb], slen1 );
- if ( (gr == 0) || (si->scfsi[ch][2] == 0) )
- for ( sfb = 11; sfb < 16; sfb++ )
- *pph = BF_addEntry( *pph, scalefac[gr][ch].l[sfb], slen2 );
- if ( (gr == 0) || (si->scfsi[ch][3] == 0) )
- for ( sfb = 16; sfb < 21; sfb++ )
- *pph = BF_addEntry( *pph, scalefac[gr][ch].l[sfb], slen2 );
- }
- Huffmancodebits( &codedDataPH[gr][ch], ix, gi );
- } /* for ch */
- } /* for gr */
- }
- else
- { /* MPEG 2 */
- gr = 0;
- for ( ch = 0; ch < gfp->stereo; ch++ )
- {
- BF_PartHolder **pph = &scaleFactorsPH[gr][ch];
- gr_info *gi = &(si->gr[gr].ch[ch].tt);
- int *ix = &l3_enc[gr][ch][0];
- int sfb_partition;
- assert( gi->sfb_partition_table );
- if (gi->block_type == SHORT_TYPE)
- {
- #ifdef ALLOW_MIXED
- if ( gi->mixed_block_flag )
- {
- sfb_partition = 0;
- for ( sfb = 0; sfb < 8; sfb++ )
- *pph = BF_addEntry( *pph, scalefac[gr][ch].l[sfb], gi->slen[sfb_partition] );
- for ( sfb = 3, sfb_partition = 1; sfb_partition < 4; sfb_partition++ )
- {
- int sfbs = gi->sfb_partition_table[ sfb_partition ] / 3;
- int slen = gi->slen[ sfb_partition ];
- for ( i = 0; i < sfbs; i++, sfb++ )
- for ( window = 0; window < 3; window++ )
- *pph = BF_addEntry( *pph, scalefac[gr][ch].s[sfb][window], slen );
- }
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- for ( sfb = 0, sfb_partition = 0; sfb_partition < 4; sfb_partition++ )
- {
- int sfbs = gi->sfb_partition_table[ sfb_partition ] / 3;
- int slen = gi->slen[ sfb_partition ];
- for ( i = 0; i < sfbs; i++, sfb++ )
- for ( window = 0; window < 3; window++ )
- *pph = BF_addEntry( *pph, scalefac[gr][ch].s[sfb][window], slen );
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for ( sfb = 0, sfb_partition = 0; sfb_partition < 4; sfb_partition++ )
- {
- int sfbs = gi->sfb_partition_table[ sfb_partition ];
- int slen = gi->slen[ sfb_partition ];
- for ( i = 0; i < sfbs; i++, sfb++ )
- *pph = BF_addEntry( *pph, scalefac[gr][ch].l[sfb], slen );
- }
- }
- Huffmancodebits( &codedDataPH[gr][ch], ix, gi );
- } /* for ch */
- }
- } /* main_data */
- static unsigned int crc = 0; /* (jo) current crc */
- /* (jo) this wrapper function for BF_addEntry() updates also the crc */
- static BF_PartHolder *CRC_BF_addEntry( BF_PartHolder *thePH, u_int value, u_int length )
- {
- u_int bit = 1 << length;
- while((bit >>= 1)){
- crc <<= 1;
- if (!(crc & 0x10000) ^ !(value & bit))
- crc ^= CRC16_POLYNOMIAL;
- }
- crc &= 0xffff;
- return BF_addEntry(thePH, value, length);
- }
- static int encodeSideInfo( lame_global_flags *gfp,III_side_info_t *si )
- {
- int gr, ch, scfsi_band, region, window, bits_sent;
- crc = 0xffff; /* (jo) init crc16 for error_protection */
- headerPH->part->nrEntries = 0;
- headerPH = BF_addEntry( headerPH, 0xfff, 12 );
- headerPH = BF_addEntry( headerPH, gfp->version, 1 );
- headerPH = BF_addEntry( headerPH, 1, 2 );
- headerPH = BF_addEntry( headerPH, !gfp->error_protection, 1 );
- /* (jo) from now on call the CRC_BF_addEntry() wrapper to update crc */
- headerPH = CRC_BF_addEntry( headerPH, gfp->bitrate_index, 4 );
- headerPH = CRC_BF_addEntry( headerPH, gfp->samplerate_index, 2 );
- headerPH = CRC_BF_addEntry( headerPH, gfp->padding, 1 );
- headerPH = CRC_BF_addEntry( headerPH, gfp->extension, 1 );
- headerPH = CRC_BF_addEntry( headerPH, gfp->mode, 2 );
- headerPH = CRC_BF_addEntry( headerPH, gfp->mode_ext, 2 );
- headerPH = CRC_BF_addEntry( headerPH, gfp->copyright, 1 );
- headerPH = CRC_BF_addEntry( headerPH, gfp->original, 1 );
- headerPH = CRC_BF_addEntry( headerPH, gfp->emphasis, 2 );
- bits_sent = 32;
- /* (jo) see below for BF_addEntry( headerPH, crc, 16 ); */
- frameSIPH->part->nrEntries = 0;
- for (ch = 0; ch < gfp->stereo; ch++ )
- channelSIPH[ch]->part->nrEntries = 0;
- for ( gr = 0; gr < gfp->mode_gr; gr++ )
- for ( ch = 0; ch < gfp->stereo; ch++ )
- spectrumSIPH[gr][ch]->part->nrEntries = 0;
- if ( gfp->version == 1 )
- { /* MPEG1 */
- frameSIPH = CRC_BF_addEntry( frameSIPH, si->main_data_begin, 9 );
- if ( gfp->stereo == 2 )
- frameSIPH = CRC_BF_addEntry( frameSIPH, si->private_bits, 3 );
- else
- frameSIPH = CRC_BF_addEntry( frameSIPH, si->private_bits, 5 );
- for ( ch = 0; ch < gfp->stereo; ch++ )
- for ( scfsi_band = 0; scfsi_band < 4; scfsi_band++ )
- {
- BF_PartHolder **pph = &channelSIPH[ch];
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, si->scfsi[ch][scfsi_band], 1 );
- }
- for ( gr = 0; gr < 2; gr++ )
- for ( ch = 0; ch < gfp->stereo; ch++ )
- {
- BF_PartHolder **pph = &spectrumSIPH[gr][ch];
- gr_info *gi = &(si->gr[gr].ch[ch].tt);
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, gi->part2_3_length, 12 );
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, gi->big_values, 9 );
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, gi->global_gain, 8 );
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, gi->scalefac_compress, 4 );
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, gi->window_switching_flag, 1 );
- if ( gi->window_switching_flag )
- {
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, gi->block_type, 2 );
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, gi->mixed_block_flag, 1 );
- for ( region = 0; region < 2; region++ )
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, gi->table_select[region], 5 );
- for ( window = 0; window < 3; window++ )
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, gi->subblock_gain[window], 3 );
- }
- else
- {
- assert( gi->block_type == NORM_TYPE );
- for ( region = 0; region < 3; region++ )
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, gi->table_select[region], 5 );
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, gi->region0_count, 4 );
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, gi->region1_count, 3 );
- }
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, gi->preflag, 1 );
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, gi->scalefac_scale, 1 );
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, gi->count1table_select, 1 );
- }
- if ( gfp->stereo == 2 )
- bits_sent += 256;
- else
- bits_sent += 136;
- }
- else
- { /* MPEG2 */
- frameSIPH = CRC_BF_addEntry( frameSIPH, si->main_data_begin, 8 );
- if ( gfp->stereo == 2 )
- frameSIPH = CRC_BF_addEntry( frameSIPH, si->private_bits, 2 );
- else
- frameSIPH = CRC_BF_addEntry( frameSIPH, si->private_bits, 1 );
- gr = 0;
- for ( ch = 0; ch < gfp->stereo; ch++ )
- {
- BF_PartHolder **pph = &spectrumSIPH[gr][ch];
- gr_info *gi = &(si->gr[gr].ch[ch].tt);
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, gi->part2_3_length, 12 );
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, gi->big_values, 9 );
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, gi->global_gain, 8 );
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, gi->scalefac_compress, 9 );
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, gi->window_switching_flag, 1 );
- if ( gi->window_switching_flag )
- {
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, gi->block_type, 2 );
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, gi->mixed_block_flag, 1 );
- for ( region = 0; region < 2; region++ )
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, gi->table_select[region], 5 );
- for ( window = 0; window < 3; window++ )
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, gi->subblock_gain[window], 3 );
- }
- else
- {
- for ( region = 0; region < 3; region++ )
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, gi->table_select[region], 5 );
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, gi->region0_count, 4 );
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, gi->region1_count, 3 );
- }
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, gi->scalefac_scale, 1 );
- *pph = CRC_BF_addEntry( *pph, gi->count1table_select, 1 );
- }
- if ( gfp->stereo == 2 )
- bits_sent += 136;
- else
- bits_sent += 72;
- }
- if ( gfp->error_protection )
- { /* (jo) error_protection: add crc16 information to header */
- headerPH = BF_addEntry( headerPH, crc, 16 );
- bits_sent += 16;
- }
- return bits_sent;
- }
- /*
- Some combinations of bitrate, Fs, and stereo make it impossible to stuff
- out a frame using just main_data, due to the limited number of bits to
- indicate main_data_length. In these situations, we put stuffing bits into
- the ancillary data...
- */
- static void
- drain_into_ancillary_data( int lengthInBits )
- {
- /*
- */
- int wordsToSend = lengthInBits / 32;
- int remainingBits = lengthInBits % 32;
- int i;
- /*
- userFrameDataPH->part->nrEntries set by call to write_ancillary_data()
- */
- userFrameDataPH->part->nrEntries = 0;
- for ( i = 0; i < wordsToSend; i++ )
- userFrameDataPH = BF_addEntry( userFrameDataPH, 0, 32 );
- if ( remainingBits )
- userFrameDataPH = BF_addEntry( userFrameDataPH, 0, remainingBits );
- }
- /*
- Note the discussion of huffmancodebits() on pages 28
- and 29 of the IS, as well as the definitions of the side
- information on pages 26 and 27.
- */
- static void
- Huffmancodebits( BF_PartHolder **pph, int *ix, gr_info *gi )
- {
- int L3_huffman_coder_count1( BF_PartHolder **pph, struct huffcodetab *h, int v, int w, int x, int y );
- int region1Start;
- int region2Start;
- int i, bigvalues, count1End;
- int v, w, x, y, bits, cbits, xbits, stuffingBits;
- unsigned int code, ext;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- int bvbits, c1bits;
- #endif
- int bitsWritten = 0;
- /* 1: Write the bigvalues */
- bigvalues = gi->big_values * 2;
- if ( bigvalues )
- {
- if ( !(gi->mixed_block_flag) && (gi->block_type == SHORT_TYPE) )
- { /* Three short blocks */
- /*
- Within each scalefactor band, data is given for successive
- time windows, beginning with window 0 and ending with window 2.
- Within each window, the quantized values are then arranged in
- order of increasing frequency...
- */
- int sfb, window, line, start, end;
- I192_3 *ix_s;
- ix_s = (I192_3 *) ix;
- region1Start = 12;
- region2Start = 576;
- for ( sfb = 0; sfb < 13; sfb++ )
- {
- unsigned tableindex = 100;
- start = scalefac_band.s[ sfb ];
- end = scalefac_band.s[ sfb+1 ];
- if ( start < region1Start )
- tableindex = gi->table_select[ 0 ];
- else
- tableindex = gi->table_select[ 1 ];
- assert( tableindex < 32 );
- for ( window = 0; window < 3; window++ )
- for ( line = start; line < end; line += 2 )
- {
- x = (*ix_s)[line][window];
- y = (*ix_s)[line + 1][window];
- bits = HuffmanCode( tableindex, x, y, &code, &ext, &cbits, &xbits );
- *pph = BF_addEntry( *pph, code, cbits );
- *pph = BF_addEntry( *pph, ext, xbits );
- bitsWritten += bits;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- #ifdef ALLOW_MIXED
- if ( gi->mixed_block_flag && gi->block_type == SHORT_TYPE )
- { /* Mixed blocks long, short */
- int sfb, window, line, start, end;
- unsigned tableindex;
- I192_3 *ix_s;
- ix_s = (I192_3 *) ix;
- /* Write the long block region */
- tableindex = gi->table_select[0];
- if ( tableindex )
- for ( i = 0; i < 36; i += 2 )
- {
- x = ix[i];
- y = ix[i + 1];
- bits = HuffmanCode( tableindex, x, y, &code, &ext, &cbits, &xbits );
- *pph = BF_addEntry( *pph, code, cbits );
- *pph = BF_addEntry( *pph, ext, xbits );
- bitsWritten += bits;
- }
- /* Write the short block region */
- tableindex = gi->table_select[ 1 ];
- assert( tableindex < 32 );
- for ( sfb = 3; sfb < 13; sfb++ )
- {
- start = scalefac_band.s[ sfb ];
- end = scalefac_band.s[ sfb+1 ];
- for ( window = 0; window < 3; window++ )
- for ( line = start; line < end; line += 2 )
- {
- x = (*ix_s)[line][window];
- y = (*ix_s)[line + 1][window];
- bits = HuffmanCode( tableindex, x, y, &code, &ext, &cbits, &xbits );
- *pph = BF_addEntry( *pph, code, cbits );
- *pph = BF_addEntry( *pph, ext, xbits );
- bitsWritten += bits;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- #endif
- { /* Long blocks */
- unsigned scalefac_index = 100;
- if ( gi->mixed_block_flag )
- {
- region1Start = 36;
- region2Start = 576;
- }
- else
- {
- scalefac_index = gi->region0_count + 1;
- assert( scalefac_index < 23 );
- region1Start = scalefac_band.l[ scalefac_index ];
- scalefac_index += gi->region1_count + 1;
- assert( scalefac_index < 23 );
- region2Start = scalefac_band.l[ scalefac_index ];
- }
- for ( i = 0; i < bigvalues; i += 2 )
- {
- unsigned tableindex = 100;
- /* get table pointer */
- if ( i < region1Start )
- {
- tableindex = gi->table_select[0];
- }
- else
- if ( i < region2Start )
- {
- tableindex = gi->table_select[1];
- }
- else
- {
- tableindex = gi->table_select[2];
- }
- assert( tableindex < 32 );
- /* get huffman code */
- x = ix[i];
- y = ix[i + 1];
- if ( tableindex )
- {
- bits = HuffmanCode( tableindex, x, y, &code, &ext, &cbits, &xbits );
- *pph = BF_addEntry( *pph, code, cbits );
- *pph = BF_addEntry( *pph, ext, xbits );
- bitsWritten += bits;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- bvbits = bitsWritten;
- #endif
- /* 2: Write count1 area */
- assert( (gi->count1table_select < 2) );
- count1End = bigvalues + (gi->count1 * 4);
- assert( count1End <= 576 );
- for ( i = bigvalues; i < count1End; i += 4 )
- {
- v = ix[i];
- w = ix[i+1];
- x = ix[i+2];
- y = ix[i+3];
- bitsWritten += L3_huffman_coder_count1( pph, &ht[gi->count1table_select + 32], v, w, x, y );
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- c1bits = bitsWritten - bvbits;
- #endif
- if ( (stuffingBits = gi->part2_3_length - gi->part2_length - bitsWritten) )
- {
- int stuffingWords = stuffingBits / 32;
- int remainingBits = stuffingBits % 32;
- fprintf(stderr,"opps - adding stuffing bits = %i.n",stuffingBits);
- fprintf(stderr,"this should not happen...n");
- /*
- Due to the nature of the Huffman code
- tables, we will pad with ones
- */
- while ( stuffingWords-- )
- *pph = BF_addEntry( *pph, ~(u_int)0, 32 );
- if ( remainingBits )
- *pph = BF_addEntry( *pph, ~(u_int)0, remainingBits );
- bitsWritten += stuffingBits;
- }
- assert( bitsWritten == (int)(gi->part2_3_length - gi->part2_length) );
- #ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr, "## %d Huffman bits written (%02d + %02d), part2_length = %d, part2_3_length = %d, %d stuffing ##n",
- bitsWritten, bvbits, c1bits, gi->part2_length, gi->part2_3_length, stuffingBits );
- #endif
- }
- int
- abs_and_sign( int *x )
- {
- if ( *x > 0 )
- return 0;
- *x *= -1;
- return 1;
- }
- int
- L3_huffman_coder_count1( BF_PartHolder **pph, struct huffcodetab *h, int v, int w, int x, int y )
- {
- HUFFBITS huffbits;
- unsigned int signv, signw, signx, signy, p;
- int len;
- int totalBits = 0;
- signv = abs_and_sign( &v );
- signw = abs_and_sign( &w );
- signx = abs_and_sign( &x );
- signy = abs_and_sign( &y );
- /* bug fix from Leonid A. Kulakov 9/1999:*/
- p = (v << 3) + (w << 2) + (x << 1) + y;
- huffbits = h->table[p];
- len = h->hlen[ p ];
- *pph = BF_addEntry(*pph, huffbits, len);
- totalBits= 0;
- #if 0
- if ( v )
- {
- *pph = BF_addEntry( *pph, signv, 1 );
- totalBits += 1;
- }
- if ( w )
- {
- *pph = BF_addEntry( *pph, signw, 1 );
- totalBits += 1;
- }
- if ( x )
- {
- *pph = BF_addEntry( *pph, signx, 1 );
- totalBits += 1;
- }
- if ( y )
- {
- *pph = BF_addEntry( *pph, signy, 1 );
- totalBits += 1;
- }
- #endif
- p=0;
- if ( v ) {
- p = signv;
- ++totalBits;
- }
- if ( w ){
- p = 2*p + signw;
- ++totalBits;
- }
- if ( x ) {
- p = 2*p + signx;
- ++totalBits;
- }
- if ( y ) {
- p = 2*p + signy;
- ++totalBits;
- }
- *pph = BF_addEntry(*pph, p, totalBits);
- return totalBits+len;
- }
- /*
- Implements the pseudocode of page 98 of the IS
- */
- int
- HuffmanCode( int table_select, int x, int y, unsigned int *code, unsigned int *ext, int *cbits, int *xbits )
- {
- unsigned signx, signy, linbitsx, linbitsy, linbits, idx;
- struct huffcodetab *h;
- *cbits = 0;
- *xbits = 0;
- *code = 0;
- *ext = 0;
- if ( table_select == 0 )
- return 0;
- signx = abs_and_sign( &x );
- signy = abs_and_sign( &y );
- h = &(ht[table_select]);
- if ( table_select > 15 )
- { /* ESC-table is used */
- linbits = h->xlen;
- linbitsx = linbitsy = 0;
- if ( x > 14 )
- {
- linbitsx = x - 15;
- assert( linbitsx <= h->linmax );
- x = 15;
- }
- if ( y > 14 )
- {
- linbitsy = y - 15;
- assert( linbitsy <= h->linmax );
- y = 15;
- }
- idx = x * 16 + y;
- *code = h->table[idx];
- *cbits = h->hlen[ idx ];
- if ( x > 14 )
- {
- *ext |= linbitsx;
- *xbits += linbits;
- }
- if ( x != 0 )
- {
- *ext <<= 1;
- *ext |= signx;
- *xbits += 1;
- }
- if ( y > 14 )
- {
- *ext <<= linbits;
- *ext |= linbitsy;
- *xbits += linbits;
- }
- if ( y != 0 )
- {
- *ext <<= 1;
- *ext |= signy;
- *xbits += 1;
- }
- }
- else
- { /* No ESC-words */
- idx = x * 16 + y;
- *code = h->table[idx];
- *cbits += h->hlen[ idx ];
- if ( x != 0 )
- {
- *code <<= 1;
- *code |= signx;
- *cbits += 1;
- }
- if ( y != 0 )
- {
- *code <<= 1;
- *code |= signy;
- *cbits += 1;
- }
- }
- assert( *cbits <= 32 );
- assert( *xbits <= 32 );
- return *cbits + *xbits;
- }