资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- * FAAC - Freeware Advanced Audio Coder
- * Copyright (C) 2001 Menno Bakker
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- * $Id: huffman.c,v 1.5 2001/06/04 23:02:24 wmay Exp $
- */
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "huffman.h"
- #include "coder.h"
- #include "bitstream.h"
- #include "util.h"
- #include "hufftab.h"
- void HuffmanInit(CoderInfo *coderInfo, unsigned int numChannels)
- {
- unsigned int channel;
- for (channel = 0; channel < numChannels; channel++) {
- coderInfo[channel].data = (int*)AllocMemory(5*FRAME_LEN*sizeof(int));
- coderInfo[channel].len = (int*)AllocMemory(5*FRAME_LEN*sizeof(int));
- }
- }
- void HuffmanEnd(CoderInfo *coderInfo, unsigned int numChannels)
- {
- unsigned int channel;
- for (channel = 0; channel < numChannels; channel++) {
- if (coderInfo[channel].data) FreeMemory(coderInfo[channel].data);
- if (coderInfo[channel].len) FreeMemory(coderInfo[channel].len);
- }
- }
- int BitSearch(CoderInfo *coderInfo,
- int *quant) /* Quantized spectral values */
- /*
- This function inputs a vector of quantized spectral data, quant[][], and returns a vector,
- 'book_vector[]' that describes how to group together the scalefactor bands into a smaller
- number of sections. There are MAX_SCFAC_BANDS elements in book_vector (equal to 49 in the
- case of long blocks and 112 for short blocks), and each element has a huffman codebook
- number assigned to it.
- For a quick and simple algorithm, this function performs a binary
- search across the sfb's (scale factor bands). On the first approach, it calculates the
- needed amount of bits if every sfb were its own section and transmitted its own huffman
- codebook value side information (equal to 9 bits for a long block, 7 for a short). The
- next iteration combines adjacent sfb's, and calculates the bit rate for length two sfb
- sections. If any wider two-sfb section requires fewer bits than the sum of the two
- single-sfb sections (below it in the binary tree), then the wider section will be chosen.
- This process occurs until the sections are split into three uniform parts, each with an
- equal amount of sfb's contained.
- The binary tree is stored as a two-dimensional array. Since this tree is not full, (there
- are only 49 nodes, not 2^6 = 64), the numbering is a little complicated. If the tree were
- full, the top node would be 1. It's children would be 2 and 3. But, since this tree
- is not full, the top row of three nodes are numbered {4,5,6}. The row below it is
- {8,9,10,11,12,13}, and so on.
- The binary tree is called bit_stats[112][3]. There are 112 total nodes (some are not
- used since it's not full). bit_stats[x][0] holds the bit totals needed for the sfb sectioning
- strategy represented by the node x in the tree. bit_stats[x][1] holds the optimal huffman
- codebook table that minimizes the bit rate, given the sectioning boundaries dictated by node x.
- */
- {
- int i,j,k,n;
- int hop;
- int min_book_choice[112][3];
- int bit_stats[240][3];
- int total_bit_count;
- int levels;
- double fraction;
- /* Set local pointer to coderInfo book_vector */
- int* book_vector = coderInfo -> book_vector;
- levels = (int) ((log((double)coderInfo->nr_of_sfb)/log((double)2.0))+1);
- fraction = (pow(2,levels)+coderInfo->nr_of_sfb)/(double)(pow(2,levels));
- /* #define SLOW */
- #ifdef SLOW
- for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- #else
- i = 0;
- #endif
- hop = 1 << i;
- NoiselessBitCount(coderInfo, quant, hop, min_book_choice);
- /* load up the (not-full) binary search tree with the min_book_choice values */
- k=0;
- total_bit_count = 0;
- for (j=(int)(pow(2,levels-i)); j<(int)(fraction*pow(2,levels-i)); j++)
- {
- bit_stats[j][0] = min_book_choice[k][0]; /* the minimum bit cost for this section */
- bit_stats[j][1] = min_book_choice[k][1]; /* used with this huffman book number */
- if (i>0){ /* not on the lowest level, grouping more than one signle scalefactor band per section*/
- if (bit_stats[j][0] < bit_stats[2*j][0] + bit_stats[2*j+1][0]){
- /* it is cheaper to combine surrounding sfb secionts into one larger huffman book section */
- for(n=k;n<k+hop;n++) { /* write the optimal huffman book value for the new larger section */
- if ( (book_vector[n]!=INTENSITY_HCB)&&(book_vector[n]!=INTENSITY_HCB2) ) { /* Don't merge with IS bands */
- book_vector[n] = bit_stats[j][1];
- }
- }
- } else { /* it was cheaper to transmit the smaller huffman table sections */
- bit_stats[j][0] = bit_stats[2*j][0] + bit_stats[2*j+1][0];
- }
- } else { /* during the first stage of the iteration, all sfb's are individual sections */
- if ( (book_vector[k]!=INTENSITY_HCB)&&(book_vector[k]!=INTENSITY_HCB2) ) {
- book_vector[k] = bit_stats[j][1]; /* initially, set all sfb's to their own optimal section table values */
- }
- }
- total_bit_count = total_bit_count + bit_stats[j][0];
- k=k+hop;
- }
- #ifdef SLOW
- }
- #endif
- /* book_vector[k] = book_vector[k-1]; */
- return(total_bit_count);
- }
- int NoiselessBitCount(CoderInfo *coderInfo,
- int *quant,
- int hop,
- int min_book_choice[112][3])
- {
- int i,j,k;
- /*
- This function inputs:
- - the quantized spectral data, 'quant[]';
- - all of the huffman codebooks, 'huff[][]';
- - the size of the sections, in scalefactor bands (SFB's), 'hop';
- - an empty matrix, min_book_choice[][] passed to it;
- This function outputs:
- - the matrix, min_book_choice. It is a two dimensional matrix, with its
- rows corresponding to spectral sections. The 0th column corresponds to
- the bits needed to code a section with 'hop' scalefactors bands wide, all using
- the same huffman codebook. The 1st column contains the huffman codebook number
- that allows the minimum number of bits to be used.
- Other notes:
- - Initally, the dynamic range is calculated for each spectral section. The section
- can only be entropy coded with books that have an equal or greater dynamic range
- than the section's spectral data. The exception to this is for the 11th ESC codebook.
- If the dynamic range is larger than 16, then an escape code is appended after the
- table 11 codeword which encodes the larger value explicity in a pseudo-non-uniform
- quantization method.
- */
- int max_sb_coeff;
- int book_choice[12][2];
- int total_bits_cost = 0;
- int offset, length, end;
- int q;
- /* set local pointer to sfb_offset */
- int *sfb_offset = coderInfo->sfb_offset;
- int nr_of_sfb = coderInfo->nr_of_sfb;
- /* each section is 'hop' scalefactor bands wide */
- for (i=0; i < nr_of_sfb; i=i+hop){
- if ((i+hop) > nr_of_sfb)
- q = nr_of_sfb;
- else
- q = i+hop;
- {
- /* find the maximum absolute value in the current spectral section, to see what tables are available to use */
- max_sb_coeff = 0;
- for (j=sfb_offset[i]; j<sfb_offset[q]; j++){ /* snl */
- if (ABS(quant[j]) > max_sb_coeff)
- max_sb_coeff = ABS(quant[j]);
- }
- j = 0;
- offset = sfb_offset[i];
- if ((i+hop) > nr_of_sfb){
- end = sfb_offset[nr_of_sfb];
- } else
- end = sfb_offset[q];
- length = end - offset;
- /* all spectral coefficients in this section are zero */
- if (max_sb_coeff == 0) {
- book_choice[j][0] = CalcBits(coderInfo,0,quant,offset,length);
- book_choice[j++][1] = 0;
- }
- else { /* if the section does have non-zero coefficients */
- if(max_sb_coeff < 2){
- book_choice[j][0] = CalcBits(coderInfo,1,quant,offset,length);
- book_choice[j++][1] = 1;
- book_choice[j][0] = CalcBits(coderInfo,2,quant,offset,length);
- book_choice[j++][1] = 2;
- book_choice[j][0] = CalcBits(coderInfo,3,quant,offset,length);
- book_choice[j++][1] = 3;
- }
- else if (max_sb_coeff < 3){
- book_choice[j][0] = CalcBits(coderInfo,3,quant,offset,length);
- book_choice[j++][1] = 3;
- book_choice[j][0] = CalcBits(coderInfo,4,quant,offset,length);
- book_choice[j++][1] = 4;
- book_choice[j][0] = CalcBits(coderInfo,5,quant,offset,length);
- book_choice[j++][1] = 5;
- }
- else if (max_sb_coeff < 5){
- book_choice[j][0] = CalcBits(coderInfo,5,quant,offset,length);
- book_choice[j++][1] = 5;
- book_choice[j][0] = CalcBits(coderInfo,6,quant,offset,length);
- book_choice[j++][1] = 6;
- book_choice[j][0] = CalcBits(coderInfo,7,quant,offset,length);
- book_choice[j++][1] = 7;
- }
- else if (max_sb_coeff < 8){
- book_choice[j][0] = CalcBits(coderInfo,7,quant,offset,length);
- book_choice[j++][1] = 7;
- book_choice[j][0] = CalcBits(coderInfo,8,quant,offset,length);
- book_choice[j++][1] = 8;
- book_choice[j][0] = CalcBits(coderInfo,9,quant,offset,length);
- book_choice[j++][1] = 9;
- }
- else if (max_sb_coeff < 13){
- book_choice[j][0] = CalcBits(coderInfo,9,quant,offset,length);
- book_choice[j++][1] = 9;
- book_choice[j][0] = CalcBits(coderInfo,10,quant,offset,length);
- book_choice[j++][1] = 10;
- }
- /* (max_sb_coeff >= 13), choose table 11 */
- else {
- book_choice[j][0] = CalcBits(coderInfo,11,quant,offset,length);
- book_choice[j++][1] = 11;
- }
- }
- /* find the minimum bit cost and table number for huffman coding this scalefactor section */
- min_book_choice[i][0] = 100000;
- for(k=0;k<j;k++){
- if (book_choice[k][0] < min_book_choice[i][0]){
- min_book_choice[i][1] = book_choice[k][1];
- min_book_choice[i][0] = book_choice[k][0];
- }
- }
- total_bits_cost += min_book_choice[i][0];
- }
- }
- return(total_bits_cost);
- }
- static int CalculateEscSequence(int input, int *len_esc_sequence)
- /*
- This function takes an element that is larger than 16 and generates the base10 value of the
- equivalent escape sequence. It returns the escape sequence in the variable, 'output'. It
- also passed the length of the escape sequence through the parameter, 'len_esc_sequence'.
- */
- {
- float x,y;
- int output;
- int N;
- N = -1;
- y = (float)ABS(input);
- x = y / 16;
- while (x >= 1) {
- N++;
- x = x/2;
- }
- *len_esc_sequence = 2*N + 5; /* the length of the escape sequence in bits */
- output = (int)((pow(2,N) - 1)*pow(2,N+5) + y - pow(2,N+4));
- return(output);
- }
- int OutputBits(CoderInfo *coderInfo,
- int book,
- int *quant,
- int offset,
- int length)
- {
- /*
- This function inputs
- - a specific codebook number, 'book'
- - the quantized spectral data, 'quant[][]'
- - the offset into the spectral data to begin scanning, 'offset'
- - the 'length' of the segment to huffman code
- -> therefore, the segment quant[offset] to quant[offset+length-1]
- is huffman coded.
- This function outputs
- - the number of bits required, 'bits' using the prescribed codebook, book applied to
- the given segment of spectral data.
- There are three parameters that are passed back and forth into this function. data[]
- and len[] are one-dimensional arrays that store the codebook values and their respective
- bit lengths. These are used when packing the data for the bitstream in OutputBits(). The
- index into these arrays is 'coderInfo->spectral_count''. It gets incremented internally in this
- function as counter, then passed to the outside through outside_counter. The next time
- OutputBits() is called, counter starts at the value it left off from the previous call.
- */
- int esc_sequence;
- int len_esc;
- int index;
- int bits=0;
- int tmp;
- int codebook,i,j;
- int counter;
- /* Set up local pointers to coderInfo elements data and len */
- int* data= coderInfo->data;
- int* len= coderInfo->len;
- counter = coderInfo->spectral_count;
- switch (book) {
- case 0:
- /* This case also applies to intensity stereo encoding */
- coderInfo->data[counter] = 0;
- coderInfo->len[counter++] = 0;
- coderInfo->spectral_count = counter; /* send the current count back to the outside world */
- return(bits);
- case 1:
- for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+4){
- index = 27*quant[i] + 9*quant[i+1] + 3*quant[i+2] + quant[i+3] + 40;
- codebook = huff1[index][LASTINTAB];
- tmp = huff1[index][FIRSTINTAB];
- bits += tmp;
- data[counter] = codebook;
- len[counter++] = tmp;
- }
- coderInfo->spectral_count = counter; /* send the current count back to the outside world */
- return(bits);
- case 2:
- for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+4){
- index = 27*quant[i] + 9*quant[i+1] + 3*quant[i+2] + quant[i+3] + 40;
- codebook = huff2[index][LASTINTAB];
- tmp = huff2[index][FIRSTINTAB];
- bits += tmp;
- data[counter] = codebook;
- len[counter++] = tmp;
- }
- coderInfo->spectral_count = counter; /* send the current count back to the outside world */
- return(bits);
- case 3:
- for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+4){
- index = 27*ABS(quant[i]) + 9*ABS(quant[i+1]) + 3*ABS(quant[i+2]) + ABS(quant[i+3]);
- codebook = huff3[index][LASTINTAB];
- tmp = huff3[index][FIRSTINTAB];
- bits = bits + tmp;
- data[counter] = codebook;
- len[counter++] = tmp;
- for(j=0;j<4;j++){
- if(quant[i+j] > 0) { /* send out '0' if a positive value */
- data[counter] = 0;
- len[counter++] = 1;
- bits += 1;
- } else
- if(quant[i+j] < 0) { /* send out '1' if a negative value */
- data[counter] = 1;
- len[counter++] = 1;
- bits += 1;
- }
- }
- }
- coderInfo->spectral_count = counter; /* send the current count back to the outside world */
- return(bits);
- case 4:
- for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+4){
- index = 27*ABS(quant[i]) + 9*ABS(quant[i+1]) + 3*ABS(quant[i+2]) + ABS(quant[i+3]);
- codebook = huff4[index][LASTINTAB];
- tmp = huff4[index][FIRSTINTAB];
- bits = bits + tmp;
- data[counter] = codebook;
- len[counter++] = tmp;
- for(j=0;j<4;j++){
- if(quant[i+j] > 0) { /* send out '0' if a positive value */
- data[counter] = 0;
- len[counter++] = 1;
- bits += 1;
- } else
- if(quant[i+j] < 0) { /* send out '1' if a negative value */
- data[counter] = 1;
- len[counter++] = 1;
- bits += 1;
- }
- }
- }
- coderInfo->spectral_count = counter; /* send the current count back to the outside world */
- return(bits);
- case 5:
- for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+2){
- index = 9*(quant[i]) + (quant[i+1]) + 40;
- codebook = huff5[index][LASTINTAB];
- tmp = huff5[index][FIRSTINTAB];
- bits = bits + tmp;
- data[counter] = codebook;
- len[counter++] = tmp;
- }
- coderInfo->spectral_count = counter; /* send the current count back to the outside world */
- return(bits);
- case 6:
- for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+2){
- index = 9*(quant[i]) + (quant[i+1]) + 40;
- codebook = huff6[index][LASTINTAB];
- tmp = huff6[index][FIRSTINTAB];
- bits = bits + tmp;
- data[counter] = codebook;
- len[counter++] = tmp;
- }
- coderInfo->spectral_count = counter; /* send the current count back to the outside world */
- return(bits);
- case 7:
- for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+2){
- index = 8*ABS(quant[i]) + ABS(quant[i+1]);
- codebook = huff7[index][LASTINTAB];
- tmp = huff7[index][FIRSTINTAB];
- bits = bits + tmp;
- data[counter] = codebook;
- len[counter++] = tmp;
- for(j=0;j<2;j++){
- if(quant[i+j] > 0) { /* send out '0' if a positive value */
- data[counter] = 0;
- len[counter++] = 1;
- bits += 1;
- } else
- if(quant[i+j] < 0) { /* send out '1' if a negative value */
- data[counter] = 1;
- len[counter++] = 1;
- bits += 1;
- }
- }
- }
- coderInfo->spectral_count = counter; /* send the current count back to the outside world */
- return(bits);
- case 8:
- for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+2){
- index = 8*ABS(quant[i]) + ABS(quant[i+1]);
- codebook = huff8[index][LASTINTAB];
- tmp = huff8[index][FIRSTINTAB];
- bits = bits + tmp;
- data[counter] = codebook;
- len[counter++] = tmp;
- for(j=0;j<2;j++){
- if(quant[i+j] > 0) { /* send out '0' if a positive value */
- data[counter] = 0;
- len[counter++] = 1;
- bits += 1;
- } else
- if(quant[i+j] < 0) { /* send out '1' if a negative value */
- data[counter] = 1;
- len[counter++] = 1;
- bits += 1;
- }
- }
- }
- coderInfo->spectral_count = counter; /* send the current count back to the outside world */
- return(bits);
- case 9:
- for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+2){
- index = 13*ABS(quant[i]) + ABS(quant[i+1]);
- codebook = huff9[index][LASTINTAB];
- tmp = huff9[index][FIRSTINTAB];
- bits = bits + tmp;
- data[counter] = codebook;
- len[counter++] = tmp;
- for(j=0;j<2;j++){
- if(quant[i+j] > 0) { /* send out '0' if a positive value */
- data[counter] = 0;
- len[counter++] = 1;
- bits += 1;
- } else
- if(quant[i+j] < 0) { /* send out '1' if a negative value */
- data[counter] = 1;
- len[counter++] = 1;
- bits += 1;
- }
- }
- }
- coderInfo->spectral_count = counter; /* send the current count back to the outside world */
- return(bits);
- case 10:
- for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+2){
- index = 13*ABS(quant[i]) + ABS(quant[i+1]);
- codebook = huff10[index][LASTINTAB];
- tmp = huff10[index][FIRSTINTAB];
- bits = bits + tmp;
- data[counter] = codebook;
- len[counter++] = tmp;
- for(j=0;j<2;j++){
- if(quant[i+j] > 0) { /* send out '0' if a positive value */
- data[counter] = 0;
- len[counter++] = 1;
- bits += 1;
- } else
- if(quant[i+j] < 0) { /* send out '1' if a negative value */
- data[counter] = 1;
- len[counter++] = 1;
- bits += 1;
- }
- }
- }
- coderInfo->spectral_count = counter; /* send the current count back to the outside world */
- return(bits);
- case 11:
- /* First, calculate the indecies into the huffman tables */
- for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+2){
- if ((ABS(quant[i]) >= 16) && (ABS(quant[i+1]) >= 16)) { /* both codewords were above 16 */
- /* first, code the orignal pair, with the larger value saturated to +/- 16 */
- index = 17*16 + 16;
- }
- else if (ABS(quant[i]) >= 16) { /* the first codeword was above 16, not the second one */
- /* first, code the orignal pair, with the larger value saturated to +/- 16 */
- index = 17*16 + ABS(quant[i+1]);
- }
- else if (ABS(quant[i+1]) >= 16) { /* the second codeword was above 16, not the first one */
- index = 17*ABS(quant[i]) + 16;
- }
- else { /* there were no values above 16, so no escape sequences */
- index = 17*ABS(quant[i]) + ABS(quant[i+1]);
- }
- /* write out the codewords */
- tmp = huff11[index][FIRSTINTAB];
- codebook = huff11[index][LASTINTAB];
- bits += tmp;
- data[counter] = codebook;
- len[counter++] = tmp;
- /* Take care of the sign bits */
- for(j=0;j<2;j++){
- if(quant[i+j] > 0) { /* send out '0' if a positive value */
- data[counter] = 0;
- len[counter++] = 1;
- bits += 1;
- } else
- if(quant[i+j] < 0) { /* send out '1' if a negative value */
- data[counter] = 1;
- len[counter++] = 1;
- bits += 1;
- }
- }
- /* write out the escape sequences */
- if ((ABS(quant[i]) >= 16) && (ABS(quant[i+1]) >= 16)) { /* both codewords were above 16 */
- /* code and transmit the first escape_sequence */
- esc_sequence = CalculateEscSequence(quant[i],&len_esc);
- bits += len_esc;
- data[counter] = esc_sequence;
- len[counter++] = len_esc;
- /* then code and transmit the second escape_sequence */
- esc_sequence = CalculateEscSequence(quant[i+1],&len_esc);
- bits += len_esc;
- data[counter] = esc_sequence;
- len[counter++] = len_esc;
- }
- else if (ABS(quant[i]) >= 16) { /* the first codeword was above 16, not the second one */
- /* code and transmit the escape_sequence */
- esc_sequence = CalculateEscSequence(quant[i],&len_esc);
- bits += len_esc;
- data[counter] = esc_sequence;
- len[counter++] = len_esc;
- }
- else if (ABS(quant[i+1]) >= 16) { /* the second codeword was above 16, not the first one */
- /* code and transmit the escape_sequence */
- esc_sequence = CalculateEscSequence(quant[i+1],&len_esc);
- bits += len_esc;
- data[counter] = esc_sequence;
- len[counter++] = len_esc;
- }
- }
- coderInfo -> spectral_count = counter; /* send the current count back to the outside world */
- return(bits);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int CalcBits(CoderInfo *coderInfo,
- int book,
- int *quant,
- int offset,
- int length)
- {
- /*
- This function inputs
- - a specific codebook number, 'book'
- - the quantized spectral data, 'quant[]'
- - the offset into the spectral data to begin scanning, 'offset'
- - the 'length' of the segment to huffman code
- -> therefore, the segment quant[offset] to quant[offset+length-1]
- is huffman coded.
- This function outputs
- - the number of bits required, 'bits' using the prescribed codebook, book applied to
- the given segment of spectral data.
- */
- int len_esc;
- int index;
- int bits = 0;
- int i, j;
- switch (book) {
- case 1:
- for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+4){
- index = 27*quant[i] + 9*quant[i+1] + 3*quant[i+2] + quant[i+3] + 40;
- bits += huff1[index][FIRSTINTAB];
- }
- return (bits);
- case 2:
- for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+4){
- index = 27*quant[i] + 9*quant[i+1] + 3*quant[i+2] + quant[i+3] + 40;
- bits += huff2[index][FIRSTINTAB];
- }
- return (bits);
- case 3:
- for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+4){
- index = 27*ABS(quant[i]) + 9*ABS(quant[i+1]) + 3*ABS(quant[i+2]) + ABS(quant[i+3]);
- bits += huff3[index][FIRSTINTAB];
- for(j=0;j<4;j++){
- if(quant[i+j] != 0) bits += 1; /* only for non-zero spectral coefficients */
- }
- }
- return (bits);
- case 4:
- for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+4){
- index = 27*ABS(quant[i]) + 9*ABS(quant[i+1]) + 3*ABS(quant[i+2]) + ABS(quant[i+3]);
- bits += huff4[index][FIRSTINTAB];
- for(j=0;j<4;j++){
- if(quant[i+j] != 0) bits += 1; /* only for non-zero spectral coefficients */
- }
- }
- return (bits);
- case 5:
- for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+2){
- index = 9*(quant[i]) + (quant[i+1]) + 40;
- bits += huff5[index][FIRSTINTAB];
- }
- return (bits);
- case 6:
- for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+2){
- index = 9*(quant[i]) + (quant[i+1]) + 40;
- bits += huff6[index][FIRSTINTAB];
- }
- return (bits);
- case 7:
- for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+2){
- index = 8*ABS(quant[i]) + ABS(quant[i+1]);
- bits += huff7[index][FIRSTINTAB];
- for(j=0;j<2;j++){
- if(quant[i+j] != 0) bits += 1; /* only for non-zero spectral coefficients */
- }
- }
- return (bits);
- case 8:
- for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+2){
- index = 8*ABS(quant[i]) + ABS(quant[i+1]);
- bits += huff8[index][FIRSTINTAB];
- for(j=0;j<2;j++){
- if(quant[i+j] != 0) bits += 1; /* only for non-zero spectral coefficients */
- }
- }
- return (bits);
- case 9:
- for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+2){
- index = 13*ABS(quant[i]) + ABS(quant[i+1]);
- bits += huff9[index][FIRSTINTAB];
- for(j=0;j<2;j++){
- if(quant[i+j] != 0) bits += 1; /* only for non-zero spectral coefficients */
- }
- }
- return (bits);
- case 10:
- for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+2){
- index = 13*ABS(quant[i]) + ABS(quant[i+1]);
- bits += huff10[index][FIRSTINTAB];
- for(j=0;j<2;j++){
- if(quant[i+j] != 0) bits += 1; /* only for non-zero spectral coefficients */
- }
- }
- return (bits);
- case 11:
- /* First, calculate the indecies into the huffman tables */
- for(i=offset;i<offset+length;i=i+2){
- if ((ABS(quant[i]) >= 16) && (ABS(quant[i+1]) >= 16)) { /* both codewords were above 16 */
- /* first, code the orignal pair, with the larger value saturated to +/- 16 */
- index = 17*16 + 16;
- } else if (ABS(quant[i]) >= 16) { /* the first codeword was above 16, not the second one */
- /* first, code the orignal pair, with the larger value saturated to +/- 16 */
- index = 17*16 + ABS(quant[i+1]);
- } else if (ABS(quant[i+1]) >= 16) { /* the second codeword was above 16, not the first one */
- index = 17*ABS(quant[i]) + 16;
- } else { /* there were no values above 16, so no escape sequences */
- index = 17*ABS(quant[i]) + ABS(quant[i+1]);
- }
- /* write out the codewords */
- bits += huff11[index][FIRSTINTAB];
- /* Take care of the sign bits */
- for(j=0;j<2;j++){
- if(quant[i+j] != 0) bits += 1; /* only for non-zero spectral coefficients */
- }
- /* write out the escape sequences */
- if ((ABS(quant[i]) >= 16) && (ABS(quant[i+1]) >= 16)) { /* both codewords were above 16 */
- /* code and transmit the first escape_sequence */
- CalculateEscSequence(quant[i],&len_esc);
- bits += len_esc;
- /* then code and transmit the second escape_sequence */
- CalculateEscSequence(quant[i+1],&len_esc);
- bits += len_esc;
- } else if (ABS(quant[i]) >= 16) { /* the first codeword was above 16, not the second one */
- /* code and transmit the escape_sequence */
- CalculateEscSequence(quant[i],&len_esc);
- bits += len_esc;
- } else if (ABS(quant[i+1]) >= 16) { /* the second codeword was above 16, not the first one */
- /* code and transmit the escape_sequence */
- CalculateEscSequence(quant[i+1],&len_esc);
- bits += len_esc;
- }
- }
- return (bits);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int SortBookNumbers(CoderInfo *coderInfo,
- BitStream *bitStream,
- int writeFlag)
- {
- /*
- This function inputs the vector, 'book_vector[]', which is of length MAX_SCFAC_BANDS,
- and contains the optimal huffman tables of each sfb. It returns the vector, 'output_book_vector[]', which
- has it's elements formatted for the encoded bit stream. It's syntax is:
- {sect_cb[0], length_segment[0], ... ,sect_cb[num_of_sections], length_segment[num_of_sections]}
- The above syntax is true, unless there is an escape sequence. An
- escape sequence occurs when a section is longer than 2 ^ (bit_len)
- long in units of scalefactor bands. Also, the integer returned from
- this function is the number of bits written in the bitstream,
- 'bit_count'.
- This function supports both long and short blocks.
- */
- int i;
- int repeat_counter;
- int bit_count = 0;
- int previous;
- int max, bit_len/*,sfbs*/;
- int max_sfb,g,band;
- /* Set local pointers to coderInfo elements */
- int* book_vector = coderInfo->book_vector;
- if (coderInfo->block_type == ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW){
- max = 7;
- bit_len = 3;
- } else { /* the block_type is a long,start, or stop window */
- max = 31;
- bit_len = 5;
- }
- /* Compute number of scalefactor bands */
- max_sfb = coderInfo->nr_of_sfb / coderInfo->num_window_groups;
- for (g = 0; g < coderInfo->num_window_groups; g++) {
- band=g*max_sfb;
- repeat_counter=1;
- previous = book_vector[band];
- if (writeFlag) {
- PutBit(bitStream,book_vector[band],4);
- }
- bit_count += 4;
- for (i=band+1;i<band+max_sfb;i++) {
- if( (book_vector[i] != previous)) {
- if (writeFlag) {
- PutBit(bitStream,repeat_counter,bit_len);
- }
- bit_count += bit_len;
- if (repeat_counter == max){ /* in case you need to terminate an escape sequence */
- if (writeFlag)
- PutBit(bitStream,0,bit_len);
- bit_count += bit_len;
- }
- if (writeFlag)
- PutBit(bitStream,book_vector[i],4);
- bit_count += 4;
- previous = book_vector[i];
- repeat_counter=1;
- }
- /* if the length of the section is longer than the amount of bits available in */
- /* the bitsream, "max", then start up an escape sequence */
- else if ((book_vector[i] == previous) && (repeat_counter == max)) {
- if (writeFlag) {
- PutBit(bitStream,repeat_counter,bit_len);
- }
- bit_count += bit_len;
- repeat_counter = 1;
- }
- else {
- repeat_counter++;
- }
- }
- if (writeFlag)
- PutBit(bitStream,repeat_counter,bit_len);
- bit_count += bit_len;
- if (repeat_counter == max) { /* special case if the last section length is an */
- /* escape sequence */
- if (writeFlag)
- PutBit(bitStream,0,bit_len);
- bit_count += bit_len;
- }
- } /* Bottom of group iteration */
- return bit_count;
- }
- int WriteScalefactors(CoderInfo *coderInfo,
- BitStream *bitStream,
- int writeFlag)
- {
- /* this function takes care of counting the number of bits necessary */
- /* to encode the scalefactors. In addition, if the writeFlag == 1, */
- /* then the scalefactors are written out the bitStream output bit */
- /* stream. it returns k, the number of bits written to the bitstream*/
- int i,j,bit_count=0;
- int diff,length,codeword;
- int previous_scale_factor;
- int previous_is_factor; /* Intensity stereo */
- int index = 0;
- int nr_of_sfb_per_group;
- /* set local pointer to coderInfo elements */
- int* scale_factors = coderInfo->scale_factor;
- if (coderInfo->block_type == ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) { /* short windows */
- nr_of_sfb_per_group = coderInfo->nr_of_sfb/coderInfo->num_window_groups;
- } else {
- nr_of_sfb_per_group = coderInfo->nr_of_sfb;
- coderInfo->num_window_groups = 1;
- coderInfo->window_group_length[0] = 1;
- }
- previous_scale_factor = coderInfo->global_gain;
- previous_is_factor = 0;
- for(j=0; j<coderInfo->num_window_groups; j++){
- for(i=0;i<nr_of_sfb_per_group;i++) {
- /* test to see if any codebooks in a group are zero */
- if ( (coderInfo->book_vector[index]==INTENSITY_HCB) ||
- (coderInfo->book_vector[index]==INTENSITY_HCB2) ) {
- /* only send scalefactors if using non-zero codebooks */
- diff = scale_factors[index] - previous_is_factor;
- if ((diff < 60)&&(diff >= -60))
- length = huff12[diff+60][FIRSTINTAB];
- else length = 0;
- bit_count+=length;
- previous_is_factor = scale_factors[index];
- if (writeFlag == 1 ) {
- codeword = huff12[diff+60][LASTINTAB];
- PutBit(bitStream,codeword,length);
- }
- } else if (coderInfo->book_vector[index]) {
- /* only send scalefactors if using non-zero codebooks */
- diff = scale_factors[index] - previous_scale_factor;
- if ((diff < 60)&&(diff >= -60))
- length = huff12[diff+60][FIRSTINTAB];
- else length = 0;
- bit_count+=length;
- previous_scale_factor = scale_factors[index];
- if (writeFlag == 1 ) {
- codeword = huff12[diff+60][LASTINTAB];
- PutBit(bitStream,codeword,length);
- }
- }
- index++;
- }
- }
- return bit_count;
- }