资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- #!/bin/sh
- # mp4encode <avi-file>
- # Initialize default values for options
- convertRgb=0
- videoWidth=320
- videoHeight=240
- fps=24
- aspectRatio=1.33 # 4:3 standard definition TV aspect ratio
- use_iso=0
- vbitRate=500
- use_mp3=0
- abitRate=96
- debug=0
- # Process command line options
- while getopts "A:IMRV:a:dh:r:w:" opt; do
- case $opt in
- A ) abitRate=$OPTARG ;;
- I ) use_iso=1 ;;
- M ) use_mp3=1 ;;
- R ) convertRgb=1 ;;
- V ) vbitRate=$OPTARG ;;
- a ) aspectRatio=$OPTARG ;;
- d ) debug=1 ;;
- h ) videoHeight=$OPTARG ;;
- r ) fps=$OPTARG ;;
- w ) videoWidth=$OPTARG ;;
- ? ) echo "usage: $0 [-w width] [-h height] [-r fps] [-a ratio] [-I] [-V kbps] [-M] [-A kbps] [-d] avifile [mp4file]"
- exit 1 ;;
- esac
- done
- shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`
- if [ $debug = 1 ]; then
- set -x
- fi
- # The name of the AVI input file
- avifile=$1
- prefix=`expr $avifile : '(.*).avi'`
- # The name of the MP4 output file
- if [ -n "$2" ] ; then
- mp4file=$2
- else
- mp4file=${prefix}.mp4
- fi
- # Check that the input AVI file exists
- if [ ! -f "$avifile" ] ; then
- echo "Input file $avifile does not exist"
- exit 2
- fi
- # A few more initializations
- rawframesize=`expr ${videoWidth} * ${videoHeight} * 3 / 2`
- here=`pwd`
- # For Divx encoder, this generates 1 I frame every two seconds
- ifrequency=`expr $fps * 2`
- if [ $use_iso = 1 ]; then
- # For ISO encoder, these default values
- # yield I P B B P B B ... for every 1 second period
- bfrequency=2
- pfrequency=`expr ( $fps / ( $bfrequency + 1 ) ) - 1`
- fi
- # Create output directories for ISO video encoder if necessary
- if [ $use_iso = 1 ]; then
- if [ ! -d mp4vout ]; then
- mkdir mp4vout
- fi
- if [ ! -d yuvout ]; then
- mkdir yuvout
- fi
- fi
- date
- echo "Starting encode of ${mp4file}"
- if [ ! -f $prefix.yuv ] || [ $prefix.avi -nt $prefix.yuv ]; then
- echo "Extracting video from avi"
- tmpfile=./.tmp$$
- avi2raw -v $prefix.avi $prefix.yuv > $tmpfile
- # Convert from RGB24 to YUV12 if desired
- if [ $convertRgb = 1 ]; then
- mv $prefix.yuv $prefix.rgb
- echo "Converting video from RGB24 to YUV12"
- rgb2yuv -w $videoWidth -h $videoHeight $prefix.rgb $prefix.yuv
- fi
- # Perform simple check that we do indeed have raw YUV12 video
- numframes=`awk '{print $1}' $tmpfile`
- targetbytes=`expr ${numframes} * ${rawframesize}`
- numbytes=`wc -c < ${prefix}.yuv`
- rm -f ${tmpfile}
- if [ $targetbytes != $numbytes ]; then
- echo "Extracted video isn't correct size for YUV12 ${videoWidth}x${videoHeight}"
- echo "Please check specified video frame size and YUV12 format"
- exit 2
- fi
- # Crop video if desired
- if [ $aspectRatio != 1.33 ] ; then
- echo "Cropping video to ${aspectRatio}:1"
- lboxcrop -w ${videoWidth} -h ${videoHeight} -a ${aspectRatio} ${prefix}.yuv ${prefix}_crop.yuv
- mv ${prefix}_crop.yuv ${prefix}.yuv
- fi
- fi
- if [ $aspectRatio != 1.33 ] ; then
- videoHeight=`dc -e"$videoWidth $aspectRatio / p"`
- temp=`dc -e"$videoHeight 16 % p"`
- if [ $temp != 0 ] ; then
- videoHeight=`dc -e"16 $temp - $videoHeight + p"`
- fi
- fi
- numbytes=`wc -c < ${prefix}.yuv`
- numframes=`expr ${numbytes} / ${rawframesize}`
- lastframe=`expr ${numframes} - 1`
- echo "Encoding ${numframes} frames of video"
- if [ $use_iso = 0 ]; then
- vfile=${prefix}.divx
- xvidenc -b ${vbitRate} -h ${videoHeight} -w ${videoWidth} -r ${fps} -i ${ifrequency} ${prefix}.yuv ${vfile}
- else
- # Create video encoder parameters file from template
- isoBitRate=`expr ${vbitRate} * 100000`
- sed -e "s?BASEDIR?${here}?" -e "s/FILEPREFIX/${prefix}/" -e "s/LASTFRAME/${lastframe}/" -e "s/FRAMEWIDTH/${videoWidth}/" -e "s/FRAMEHEIGHT/${videoHeight}/" -e "s/FRAMERATE/${fps}/" -e "s/BFREQUENCY/${bfrequency}/" -e "s/PFREQUENCY/${pfrequency}/" -e "s/BITRATE/${isoBitRate}/" /usr/local/share/mp4venc_template.par > ${prefix}.par
- mp4venc ${prefix}.par
- vfile=${prefix}.cmp
- mv ./mp4vout/01/${vfile} ./${vfile}
- rm ./yuvout/01/${prefix}.yuv
- fi
- if [ $debug = 0 ]; then
- rm -f ${prefix}.yuv
- fi
- echo "Finished encoding video"
- if [ ! -f $prefix.pcm ] || [ $prefix.avi -nt $prefix.pcm ]; then
- echo "Splitting out audio from avi"
- avi2raw -a ${prefix}.avi ${prefix}.pcm
- fi
- echo "Encoding audio"
- if [ $use_mp3 = 0 ]; then
- afile=${prefix}.aac
- faac -r -m4 -pLC -b${abitRate} ${prefix}.pcm ${afile}
- else
- afile=${prefix}.mp3
- lame -r -x -h -b ${abitRate} ${prefix}.pcm ${afile}
- fi
- if [ $debug = 0 ]; then
- rm -f ${prefix}.pcm
- fi
- rm -f ${mp4file}
- echo "Creating mp4 file with video"
- mp4creator -c ${vfile} -rate=${fps} -H ${mp4file}
- if [ $debug = 0 ]; then
- rm -f ${vfile}
- fi
- echo "Merging audio with video in mp4 file"
- mp4creator -c ${afile} -H -O ${mp4file}
- if [ $debug = 0 ]; then
- rm -f ${afile}
- fi
- if [ $debug = 1 ]; then
- set +o xtrace
- fi
- date
- echo "Finished, results are in ${mp4file}"