资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- ***********************************************************************
- *
- * Copyright 2001, International Telecommunications Union, Geneva
- *
- *
- * These software programs are available to the user without any
- * license fee or royalty on an "as is" basis. The ITU disclaims
- * any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or
- * statutory, including any implied warranties of merchantability
- * or of fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall the
- * contributor or the ITU be liable for any incidental, punitive, or
- * consequential damages of any kind whatsoever arising from the
- * use of these programs.
- *
- * This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs
- * and user's customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors,
- * and assigns.
- *
- * The ITU does not represent or warrant that the programs furnished
- * hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party patents.
- * Commercial implementations of ITU-T Recommendations, including
- * shareware, may be subject to royalty fees to patent holders.
- * Information regarding the ITU-T patent policy is available from
- * the ITU Web site at
- *
- ************************************************************************
- */
- /*!
- *************************************************************************************
- * file image.c
- *
- * brief
- * Code one image/slice
- *
- * author
- * Main contributors (see contributors.h for copyright, address and affiliation details)
- * - Inge Lille-Lang鴜 <>
- * - Rickard Sjoberg <>
- * - Jani Lainema <>
- * - Sebastian Purreiter <>
- * - Byeong-Moon Jeon <>
- * - Yoon-Seong Soh <>
- * - Thomas Stockhammer <>
- * - Detlev Marpe <>
- * - Guido Heising <>
- * - Thomas Wedi <>
- * - Ragip Kurceren <>
- * - Antti Hallapuro <>
- *************************************************************************************
- */
- #include "contributors.h"
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <sys/time.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <memory.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include "global.h"
- #include "image.h"
- #include "refbuf.h"
- int *last_P_no;
- #endif
- //! The followibng two variables are used for debug purposes. They store
- //! the status of the currStream data structure elements after the header
- //! writing, and are used whether any MB bits were written during the
- //! macroblock coding stage. We need to worry about empty slices!
- static int Byte_Pos_After_Header;
- static int Bits_To_Go_After_Header;
- static void UnifiedOneForthPix (pel_t **imgY, pel_t** imgU, pel_t **imgV,
- pel_t **out4Y, pel_t **outU, pel_t **outV, pel_t *ref11);
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Encodes one frame
- ************************************************************************
- */
- int encode_one_frame()
- {
- #ifdef _LEAKYBUCKET_
- extern long Bit_Buffer[10000];
- extern unsigned long total_frame_buffer;
- #endif
- Boolean end_of_frame = FALSE;
- SyntaxElement sym;
- time_t ltime1; // for time measurement
- time_t ltime2;
- #ifdef WIN32
- struct _timeb tstruct1;
- struct _timeb tstruct2;
- #else
- struct timeval tstruct1;
- struct timeval tstruct2;
- #endif
- int tmp_time;
- #ifdef WIN32
- _ftime( &tstruct1 ); // start time ms
- #else
- gettimeofday(&tstruct1, NULL);
- #endif
- time( <ime1 ); // start time s
- // Initialize frame with all stat and img variables
- img->total_number_mb = (img->width * img->height)/(MB_BLOCK_SIZE*MB_BLOCK_SIZE);
- init_frame();
- // Read one new frame
- #ifndef H26L_LIB
- read_one_new_frame();
- #endif
- if (img->type == B_IMG)
- Bframe_ctr++;
- while (end_of_frame == FALSE) // loop over slices
- {
- // Encode the current slice
- encode_one_slice(&sym);
- // Proceed to next slice
- img->current_slice_nr++;
- stat->bit_slice = 0;
- if (img->current_mb_nr == img->total_number_mb) // end of frame reached?
- end_of_frame = TRUE;
- }
- // in future only one call of oneforthpix() for all frame tyoes will be necessary, because
- // mref buffer will be increased by one frame to store also the next P-frame. Then mref_P
- // will not be used any more
- if (img->type != B_IMG) //all I- and P-frames
- {
- if (input->successive_Bframe == 0 || img->number == 0)
- interpolate_frame(); // I- and P-frames:loop-filtered imgY, imgUV -> mref[][][], mcef[][][][]
- else
- interpolate_frame_2(); // I- and P-frames prior a B-frame:loop-filtered imgY, imgUV -> mref_P[][][], mcef_P[][][][]
- // I- and P-frames prior a B-frame:loop-filtered imgY, imgUV -> mref_P[][][], mcef_P[][][][]
- }
- else
- if (img->b_frame_to_code == input->successive_Bframe)
- copy2mref(img); // last successive B-frame: mref_P[][][], mcef_P[][][][] (loop-filtered imgY, imgUV)-> mref[][][], mcef[][][][]
- if (input->rdopt==2)
- UpdateDecoders(); // simulate packet losses and move decoded image to reference buffers
- find_snr(snr,img);
- time(<ime2); // end time sec
- #ifdef WIN32
- _ftime(&tstruct2); // end time ms
- tmp_time=(ltime2*1000+tstruct2.millitm) - (ltime1*1000+tstruct1.millitm);
- #else
- gettimeofday(&tstruct2, NULL); // end time ms
- tmp_time=(ltime2*1000+tstruct2.tv_usec/1000) - (ltime1*1000+(tstruct1.tv_usec / 1000));
- #endif
- tot_time=tot_time + tmp_time;
- #ifndef H26L_LIB
- // Write reconstructed images
- write_reconstructed_image();
- #endif
- #ifdef _LEAKYBUCKET_
- // Store bits used for this frame and increment counter of no. of coded frames
- Bit_Buffer[total_frame_buffer] = stat->bit_ctr - stat->bit_ctr_n;
- total_frame_buffer++;
- #endif
- if(img->number == 0)
- {
- printf("%3d(I) %8d %4d %7.4f %7.4f %7.4f %5d n",
- frame_no, stat->bit_ctr-stat->bit_ctr_n,
- img->qp, snr->snr_y, snr->snr_u, snr->snr_v, tmp_time);
- stat->bitr0=stat->bitr;
- stat->bit_ctr_0=stat->bit_ctr;
- stat->bit_ctr=0;
- }
- else
- {
- if (img->type == INTRA_IMG)
- {
- stat->bit_ctr_P += stat->bit_ctr-stat->bit_ctr_n;
- printf("%3d(I) %8d %4d %7.4f %7.4f %7.4f %5d n",
- frame_no, stat->bit_ctr-stat->bit_ctr_n,
- img->qp, snr->snr_y, snr->snr_u, snr->snr_v, tmp_time);
- }
- else if (img->type != B_IMG)
- {
- stat->bit_ctr_P += stat->bit_ctr-stat->bit_ctr_n;
- if(img->types == SP_IMG)
- printf("%3d(SP) %8d %4d %7.4f %7.4f %7.4f %5d %3dn",
- frame_no, stat->bit_ctr-stat->bit_ctr_n,
- img->qp, snr->snr_y, snr->snr_u, snr->snr_v, tmp_time, intras);
- else
- printf("%3d(P) %8d %4d %7.4f %7.4f %7.4f %5d %3dn",
- frame_no, stat->bit_ctr-stat->bit_ctr_n,
- img->qp, snr->snr_y, snr->snr_u, snr->snr_v, tmp_time, intras);
- }
- else
- {
- stat->bit_ctr_B += stat->bit_ctr-stat->bit_ctr_n;
- printf("%3d(B) %8d %4d %7.4f %7.4f %7.4f %5d n",
- frame_no, stat->bit_ctr-stat->bit_ctr_n, img->qp,
- snr->snr_y, snr->snr_u, snr->snr_v, tmp_time);
- }
- }
- stat->bit_ctr_n=stat->bit_ctr;
- if(img->number == 0)
- return 0;
- else
- return 1;
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Encodes one slice
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void encode_one_slice(SyntaxElement *sym)
- {
- Boolean end_of_slice = FALSE;
- Boolean recode_macroblock;
- int len;
- img->cod_counter=0;
- // Initializes the parameters of the current slice
- init_slice();
- // Write slice or picture header
- len = start_slice(sym);
- Byte_Pos_After_Header = img->currentSlice->partArr[0].bitstream->byte_pos;
- Bits_To_Go_After_Header = img->currentSlice->partArr[0].bitstream->bits_to_go;
- if (input->of_mode==PAR_OF_RTP)
- {
- assert (Byte_Pos_After_Header > 0); // there must be a header
- assert (Bits_To_Go_After_Header == 8); // byte alignment must have been established
- }
- // Update statistics
- stat->bit_slice += len;
- stat->bit_use_header[img->type] += len;
- while (end_of_slice == FALSE) // loop over macroblocks
- {
- // recode_macroblock is used in slice mode two and three where
- // backing of one macroblock in the bitstream is possible
- recode_macroblock = FALSE;
- // Initializes the current macroblock
- start_macroblock();
- // Encode one macroblock
- encode_one_macroblock();
- // Pass the generated syntax elements to the NAL
- write_one_macroblock();
- // Terminate processing of the current macroblock
- terminate_macroblock(&end_of_slice, &recode_macroblock);
- if (recode_macroblock == FALSE) // The final processing of the macroblock has been done
- proceed2nextMacroblock(); // Go to next macroblock
- }
- terminate_slice();
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Initializes the parameters for a new frame
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void init_frame()
- {
- int i,j,k;
- int prevP_no, nextP_no;
- img->current_mb_nr=0;
- img->current_slice_nr=0;
- stat->bit_slice = 0;
- if(input->UseConstrainedIntraPred)
- {
- for (i=0; i<img->total_number_mb; i++)
- img->intra_mb[i] = 1; // default 1 = intra mb
- }
- img->mhor = img->width *4-1;
- img->mvert = img->height*4-1;
- img->mb_y = img->mb_x = 0;
- img->block_y = img->pix_y = img->pix_c_y = 0; // define vertical positions
- img->block_x = img->pix_x = img->block_c_x = img->pix_c_x = 0; // define horizontal positions
- if (input->intra_upd > 0 && img->mb_y <= img->mb_y_intra)
- img->height_err=(img->mb_y_intra*16)+15; // for extra intra MB
- else
- img->height_err=img->height-1;
- if(img->type != B_IMG)
- {
- img->refPicID ++;
- img->tr=img->number*(input->jumpd+1);
- if (input->last_frame && img->number+1 == input->no_frames)
- img->tr=input->last_frame;
- #endif
- if(img->number!=0 && input->successive_Bframe != 0) // B pictures to encode
- nextP_tr=img->tr;
- if (img->type == INTRA_IMG)
- img->qp = input->qp0; // set quant. parameter for I-frame
- else
- {
- #ifdef _CHANGE_QP_
- if (input->qp2start > 0 && img->tr >= input->qp2start)
- img->qp = input->qpN2;
- else
- #endif
- img->qp = input->qpN;
- if (img->types==SP_IMG)
- {
- img->qp = input->qpsp;
- img->qpsp = input->qpsp_pred;
- }
- }
- img->mb_y_intra=img->mb_y_upd; // img->mb_y_intra indicates which GOB to intra code for this frame
- if (input->intra_upd > 0) // if error robustness, find next GOB to update
- {
- img->mb_y_upd=(img->number/input->intra_upd) % (img->height/MB_BLOCK_SIZE);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- img->p_interval = input->jumpd+1;
- prevP_no = (img->number-1)*img->p_interval;
- nextP_no = img->number*img->p_interval;
- last_P_no[0] = prevP_no; for (i=1; i<img->buf_cycle; i++) last_P_no[i] = last_P_no[i-1]-img->p_interval;
- if (input->last_frame && img->number+1 == input->no_frames)
- {
- nextP_no =input->last_frame;
- img->p_interval =nextP_no - prevP_no;
- }
- #endif
- img->b_interval = (int)((float)(input->jumpd+1)/(input->successive_Bframe+1.0)+0.49999);
- img->tr= prevP_no+img->b_interval*img->b_frame_to_code; // from prev_P
- if(img->tr >= nextP_no)
- img->tr=nextP_no-1; // ?????
- #ifdef _CHANGE_QP_
- if (input->qp2start > 0 && img->tr >= input->qp2start)
- img->qp = input->qpB2;
- else
- #endif
- img->qp = input->qpB;
- // initialize arrays
- for(k=0; k<2; k++)
- for(i=0; i<img->height/BLOCK_SIZE; i++)
- for(j=0; j<img->width/BLOCK_SIZE+4; j++)
- {
- tmp_fwMV[k][i][j]=0;
- tmp_bwMV[k][i][j]=0;
- dfMV[k][i][j]=0;
- dbMV[k][i][j]=0;
- }
- for(i=0; i<img->height/BLOCK_SIZE; i++)
- for(j=0; j<img->width/BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
- {
- fw_refFrArr[i][j]=bw_refFrArr[i][j]=-1;
- }
- }
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Initializes the parameters for a new slice
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void init_slice()
- {
- int i;
- Slice *curr_slice = img->currentSlice;
- DataPartition *dataPart;
- Bitstream *currStream;
- curr_slice->picture_id = img->tr%256;
- curr_slice->slice_nr = img->current_slice_nr;
- curr_slice->qp = img->qp;
- curr_slice->start_mb_nr = img->current_mb_nr;
- curr_slice->dp_mode = input->partition_mode;
- curr_slice->slice_too_big = dummy_slice_too_big;
- for (i=0; i<curr_slice->max_part_nr; i++)
- {
- dataPart = &(curr_slice->partArr[i]);
- // in priciple it is possible to assign to each partition
- // a different entropy coding method
- if (input->symbol_mode == UVLC)
- dataPart->writeSyntaxElement = writeSyntaxElement_UVLC;
- else
- dataPart->writeSyntaxElement = writeSyntaxElement_CABAC;
- // A little hack until CABAC can handle non-byte aligned start positions StW!
- // For UVLC, the stored_ positions in the bit buffer are necessary. For CABAC,
- // the buffer is initialized to start at zero.
- if (input->symbol_mode == UVLC && input->of_mode == PAR_OF_26L) // Stw: added PAR_OF_26L check
- {
- currStream = dataPart->bitstream;
- currStream->bits_to_go = currStream->stored_bits_to_go;
- currStream->byte_pos = currStream->stored_byte_pos;
- currStream->byte_buf = currStream->stored_byte_buf;
- }
- else // anything but UVLC and PAR_OF_26L
- {
- currStream = dataPart->bitstream;
- currStream->bits_to_go = 8;
- currStream->byte_pos = 0;
- currStream->byte_buf = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Reads new frame from file and sets frame_no
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void read_one_new_frame()
- {
- int i, j, uv;
- int status; // frame_no;
- int frame_size = img->height*img->width*3/2;
- if(img->type == B_IMG)
- frame_no = (img->number-1)*(input->jumpd+1)+img->b_interval*img->b_frame_to_code;
- else
- {
- frame_no = img->number*(input->jumpd+1);
- if (input->last_frame && img->number+1 == input->no_frames)
- frame_no=input->last_frame;
- #endif
- }
- rewind (p_in);
- status = fseek (p_in, frame_no * frame_size + input->infile_header, 0);
- if (status != 0)
- {
- snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Error in seeking frame no: %dn", frame_no);
- error(errortext,1);
- }
- for (j=0; j < img->height; j++)
- for (i=0; i < img->width; i++)
- imgY_org[j][i]=fgetc(p_in);
- for (uv=0; uv < 2; uv++)
- for (j=0; j < img->height_cr ; j++)
- for (i=0; i < img->width_cr; i++)
- imgUV_org[uv][j][i]=fgetc(p_in);
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Writes reconstructed image(s) to file
- * This can be done more elegant!
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void write_reconstructed_image()
- {
- int i, j, k;
- if (p_dec != NULL)
- {
- if(img->type != B_IMG)
- {
- // write reconstructed image (IPPP)
- if(input->successive_Bframe==0)
- {
- for (i=0; i < img->height; i++)
- for (j=0; j < img->width; j++)
- fputc(min(imgY[i][j],255),p_dec);
- for (k=0; k < 2; ++k)
- for (i=0; i < img->height/2; i++)
- for (j=0; j < img->width/2; j++)
- fputc(min(imgUV[k][i][j],255),p_dec);
- }
- // write reconstructed image (IBPBP) : only intra written
- else if (img->number==0 && input->successive_Bframe!=0)
- {
- for (i=0; i < img->height; i++)
- for (j=0; j < img->width; j++)
- fputc(min(imgY[i][j],255),p_dec);
- for (k=0; k < 2; ++k)
- for (i=0; i < img->height/2; i++)
- for (j=0; j < img->width/2; j++)
- fputc(min(imgUV[k][i][j],255),p_dec);
- }
- // next P picture. This is saved with recon B picture after B picture coding
- if (img->number!=0 && input->successive_Bframe!=0)
- {
- for (i=0; i < img->height; i++)
- for (j=0; j < img->width; j++)
- nextP_imgY[i][j]=imgY[i][j];
- for (k=0; k < 2; ++k)
- for (i=0; i < img->height/2; i++)
- for (j=0; j < img->width/2; j++)
- nextP_imgUV[k][i][j]=imgUV[k][i][j];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (i=0; i < img->height; i++)
- for (j=0; j < img->width; j++)
- fputc(min(imgY[i][j],255),p_dec);
- for (k=0; k < 2; ++k)
- for (i=0; i < img->height/2; i++)
- for (j=0; j < img->width/2; j++)
- fputc(min(imgUV[k][i][j],255),p_dec);
- // If this is last B frame also store P frame
- if(img->b_frame_to_code == input->successive_Bframe)
- {
- // save P picture
- for (i=0; i < img->height; i++)
- for (j=0; j < img->width; j++)
- fputc(min(nextP_imgY[i][j],255),p_dec);
- for (k=0; k < 2; ++k)
- for (i=0; i < img->height/2; i++)
- for (j=0; j < img->width/2; j++)
- fputc(min(nextP_imgUV[k][i][j],255),p_dec);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Choose interpolation method depending on MV-resolution
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void interpolate_frame()
- { // write to mref[]
- int rpic;
- rpic = img->frame_cycle = img->number % img->buf_cycle;
- if(input->mv_res)
- oneeighthpix(0);
- else
- UnifiedOneForthPix(imgY, imgUV[0], imgUV[1],
- mref[rpic], mcef[rpic][0], mcef[rpic][1],
- Refbuf11[rpic]);
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Choose interpolation method depending on MV-resolution
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void interpolate_frame_2() // write to mref_P
- {
- if(input->mv_res)
- oneeighthpix(1);
- else
- UnifiedOneForthPix(imgY, imgUV[0], imgUV[1], mref_P, mcef_P[0], mcef_P[1], Refbuf11_P);
- }
- static void GenerateFullPelRepresentation (pel_t **Fourthpel, pel_t *Fullpel, int xsize, int ysize)
- {
- int x, y;
- for (y=0; y<ysize; y++)
- for (x=0; x<xsize; x++)
- PutPel_11 (Fullpel, y, x, FastPelY_14 (Fourthpel, y*4, x*4));
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Upsample 4 times, store them in out4x. Color is simply copied
- *
- * par Input:
- * srcy, srcu, srcv, out4y, out4u, out4v
- *
- * par Side Effects_
- * Uses (writes) img4Y_tmp. This should be moved to a static variable
- * in this module
- ************************************************************************/
- void UnifiedOneForthPix (pel_t **imgY, pel_t** imgU, pel_t **imgV,
- pel_t **out4Y, pel_t **outU, pel_t **outV,
- pel_t *ref11)
- {
- int is;
- int i,j,j4;
- int ie2,je2,jj,maxy;
- for (j=-IMG_PAD_SIZE; j < img->height+IMG_PAD_SIZE; j++)
- {
- for (i=-IMG_PAD_SIZE; i < img->width+IMG_PAD_SIZE; i++)
- {
- jj = max(0,min(img->height-1,j));
- is=(ONE_FOURTH_TAP[0][0]*(imgY[jj][max(0,min(img->width-1,i ))]+imgY[jj][max(0,min(img->width-1,i+1))])+
- ONE_FOURTH_TAP[1][0]*(imgY[jj][max(0,min(img->width-1,i-1))]+imgY[jj][max(0,min(img->width-1,i+2))])+
- ONE_FOURTH_TAP[2][0]*(imgY[jj][max(0,min(img->width-1,i-2))]+imgY[jj][max(0,min(img->width-1,i+3))]));
- img4Y_tmp[j+IMG_PAD_SIZE][(i+IMG_PAD_SIZE)*2 ]=imgY[jj][max(0,min(img->width-1,i))]*1024; // 1/1 pix pos
- img4Y_tmp[j+IMG_PAD_SIZE][(i+IMG_PAD_SIZE)*2+1]=is*32; // 1/2 pix pos
- }
- }
- for (i=0; i < (img->width+2*IMG_PAD_SIZE)*2; i++)
- {
- for (j=0; j < img->height+2*IMG_PAD_SIZE; j++)
- {
- j4=j*4;
- maxy = img->height+2*IMG_PAD_SIZE-1;
- // change for TML4, use 6 TAP vertical filter
- is=(ONE_FOURTH_TAP[0][0]*(img4Y_tmp[j ][i]+img4Y_tmp[min(maxy,j+1)][i])+
- ONE_FOURTH_TAP[1][0]*(img4Y_tmp[max(0,j-1)][i]+img4Y_tmp[min(maxy,j+2)][i])+
- ONE_FOURTH_TAP[2][0]*(img4Y_tmp[max(0,j-2)][i]+img4Y_tmp[min(maxy,j+3)][i]))/32;
- PutPel_14 (out4Y, (j-IMG_PAD_SIZE)*4, (i-IMG_PAD_SIZE*2)*2,(pel_t) max(0,min(255,(int)((img4Y_tmp[j][i]+512)/1024)))); // 1/2 pix
- PutPel_14 (out4Y, (j-IMG_PAD_SIZE)*4+2, (i-IMG_PAD_SIZE*2)*2,(pel_t) max(0,min(255,(int)((is+512)/1024)))); // 1/2 pix
- }
- }
- /* 1/4 pix */
- /* luma */
- ie2=(img->width+2*IMG_PAD_SIZE-1)*4;
- je2=(img->height+2*IMG_PAD_SIZE-1)*4;
- for (j=0;j<je2+4;j+=2)
- for (i=0;i<ie2+3;i+=2) {
- /* '-' */
- PutPel_14 (out4Y, j-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4, i-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4+1, (pel_t) (max(0,min(255,(int)(FastPelY_14(out4Y, j-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4, i-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4)+FastPelY_14(out4Y, j-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4, min(ie2+2,i+2)-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4))/2))));
- }
- for (i=0;i<ie2+4;i++)
- {
- for (j=0;j<je2+3;j+=2)
- {
- if( i%2 == 0 ) {
- /* '|' */
- PutPel_14 (out4Y, j-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4+1, i-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4, (pel_t)(max(0,min(255,(int)(FastPelY_14(out4Y, j-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4, i-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4)+FastPelY_14(out4Y, min(je2+2,j+2)-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4, i-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4))/2))));
- }
- else if( ((i&3) == 3)&&(((j+1)&3) == 3))
- {
- /* "funny posision" */
- PutPel_14 (out4Y, j-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4+1, i-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4, (pel_t) ((
- FastPelY_14 (out4Y, j-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4-2, i-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4-3) +
- FastPelY_14 (out4Y, min(je2,j+2)-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4, i-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4-3) +
- FastPelY_14 (out4Y, j-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4-2, min(ie2,i+1)-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4) +
- FastPelY_14 (out4Y, min(je2,j+2)-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4, min(ie2,i+1)-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4)
- + 2 )/4));
- }
- else if ((j%4 == 0 && i%4 == 1) || (j%4 == 2 && i%4 == 3)) {
- /* '/' */
- PutPel_14 (out4Y, j-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4+1, i-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4, (pel_t)(max(0,min(255,(int)(
- FastPelY_14 (out4Y, j-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4, min(ie2+2,i+1)-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4) +
- FastPelY_14(out4Y, min(je2+2,j+2)-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4, i-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4-1))/2))));
- }
- else {
- /* '' */
- PutPel_14 (out4Y, j-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4+1, i-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4, (pel_t)(max(0,min(255,(int)(
- FastPelY_14 (out4Y, j-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4, i-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4-1) +
- FastPelY_14(out4Y, min(je2+2,j+2)-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4, min(ie2+2,i+1)-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4))/2))));
- }
- }
- }
- /* Chroma: */
- for (j=0; j < img->height_cr; j++) {
- memcpy(outU[j],imgUV[0][j],img->width_cr); // just copy 1/1 pix, interpolate "online"
- memcpy(outV[j],imgUV[1][j],img->width_cr);
- }
- // Generate 1/1th pel representation (used for integer pel MV search)
- GenerateFullPelRepresentation (out4Y, ref11, img->width, img->height);
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Upsample 4 times for 1/8-pel estimation and store in buffer
- * for multiple reference frames. 1/8-pel resolution is calculated
- * during the motion estimation on the fly with bilinear interpolation.
- *
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void oneeighthpix(int prior_B_frame)
- {
- static int h1[8] = { -3, 12, -37, 229, 71, -21, 6, -1 };
- static int h2[8] = { -3, 12, -39, 158, 158, -39, 12, -3 };
- static int h3[8] = { -1, 6, -21, 71, 229, -37, 12, -3 };
- int uv,x,y,y1,x4,y4,x4p;
- int nx_out, ny_out, nx_1, ny_1, maxy;
- int i0,i1,i2,i3;
- img->frame_cycle=img->number % img->buf_cycle; /*GH input->no_multpred used insteadof MAX_MULT_PRED
- frame buffer size = input->no_multpred+1*/
- nx_out = 4*img->width;
- ny_out = 4*img->height;
- nx_1 = img->width-1;
- ny_1 = img->height-1;
- //horizontal filtering filtering
- for(y=-IMG_PAD_SIZE;y<img->height+IMG_PAD_SIZE;y++)
- {
- for(x=-IMG_PAD_SIZE;x<img->width+IMG_PAD_SIZE;x++)
- {
- y1 = max(0,min(ny_1,y));
- i0=(256*imgY[y1][max(0,min(nx_1,x))]);
- i1=(
- h1[0]* imgY[y1][max(0,min(nx_1,x-3))] +
- h1[1]* imgY[y1][max(0,min(nx_1,x-2))] +
- h1[2]* imgY[y1][max(0,min(nx_1,x-1))] +
- h1[3]* imgY[y1][max(0,min(nx_1,x ))] +
- h1[4]* imgY[y1][max(0,min(nx_1,x+1))] +
- h1[5]* imgY[y1][max(0,min(nx_1,x+2))] +
- h1[6]* imgY[y1][max(0,min(nx_1,x+3))] +
- h1[7]* imgY[y1][max(0,min(nx_1,x+4))] );
- i2=(
- h2[0]* imgY[y1][max(0,min(nx_1,x-3))] +
- h2[1]* imgY[y1][max(0,min(nx_1,x-2))] +
- h2[2]* imgY[y1][max(0,min(nx_1,x-1))] +
- h2[3]* imgY[y1][max(0,min(nx_1,x ))] +
- h2[4]* imgY[y1][max(0,min(nx_1,x+1))] +
- h2[5]* imgY[y1][max(0,min(nx_1,x+2))] +
- h2[6]* imgY[y1][max(0,min(nx_1,x+3))] +
- h2[7]* imgY[y1][max(0,min(nx_1,x+4))] );
- i3=(
- h3[0]* imgY[y1][max(0,min(nx_1,x-3))] +
- h3[1]* imgY[y1][max(0,min(nx_1,x-2))] +
- h3[2]* imgY[y1][max(0,min(nx_1,x-1))] +
- h3[3]* imgY[y1][max(0,min(nx_1,x ))] +
- h3[4]* imgY[y1][max(0,min(nx_1,x+1))] +
- h3[5]* imgY[y1][max(0,min(nx_1,x+2))] +
- h3[6]* imgY[y1][max(0,min(nx_1,x+3))] +
- h3[7]* imgY[y1][max(0,min(nx_1,x+4))] );
- x4=(x+IMG_PAD_SIZE)*4;
- img4Y_tmp[y+IMG_PAD_SIZE][x4 ] = i0;
- img4Y_tmp[y+IMG_PAD_SIZE][x4+1] = i1;
- img4Y_tmp[y+IMG_PAD_SIZE][x4+2] = i2;
- img4Y_tmp[y+IMG_PAD_SIZE][x4+3] = i3;
- }
- }
- maxy = img->height+2*IMG_PAD_SIZE-1;
- for(x4=0;x4<nx_out+2*IMG_PAD_SIZE*4;x4++)
- {
- for(y=0;y<=maxy;y++)
- {
- i0=(long int)(img4Y_tmp[y][x4]+256/2)/256;
- i1=(long int)(
- h1[0]* img4Y_tmp[max(0 ,y-3)][x4]+
- h1[1]* img4Y_tmp[max(0 ,y-2)][x4]+
- h1[2]* img4Y_tmp[max(0 ,y-1)][x4]+
- h1[3]* img4Y_tmp[y][x4] +
- h1[4]* img4Y_tmp[min(maxy,y+1)][x4]+
- h1[5]* img4Y_tmp[min(maxy,y+2)][x4]+
- h1[6]* img4Y_tmp[min(maxy,y+3)][x4]+
- h1[7]* img4Y_tmp[min(maxy,y+4)][x4]+ 256*256/2 ) / (256*256);
- i2=(long int)(
- h2[0]* img4Y_tmp[max(0 ,y-3)][x4]+
- h2[1]* img4Y_tmp[max(0 ,y-2)][x4]+
- h2[2]* img4Y_tmp[max(0 ,y-1)][x4]+
- h2[3]* img4Y_tmp[y][x4] +
- h2[4]* img4Y_tmp[min(maxy,y+1)][x4]+
- h2[5]* img4Y_tmp[min(maxy,y+2)][x4]+
- h2[6]* img4Y_tmp[min(maxy,y+3)][x4]+
- h2[7]* img4Y_tmp[min(maxy,y+4)][x4]+ 256*256/2 ) / (256*256);
- i3=(long int)(
- h3[0]* img4Y_tmp[max(0 ,y-3)][x4]+
- h3[1]* img4Y_tmp[max(0 ,y-2)][x4]+
- h3[2]* img4Y_tmp[max(0 ,y-1)][x4]+
- h3[3]* img4Y_tmp[y][x4] +
- h3[4]* img4Y_tmp[min(maxy,y+1)][x4]+
- h3[5]* img4Y_tmp[min(maxy,y+2)][x4]+
- h3[6]* img4Y_tmp[min(maxy,y+3)][x4]+
- h3[7]* img4Y_tmp[min(maxy,y+4)][x4]+ 256*256/2 ) / (256*256);
- y4 = (y-IMG_PAD_SIZE)*4;
- x4p = x4-IMG_PAD_SIZE*4;
- if(prior_B_frame)
- {
- PutPel_14 (mref_P, y4, x4p, (pel_t) max(0,min(255,i0)));
- PutPel_14 (mref_P, y4+1, x4p, (pel_t) max(0,min(255,i1)));
- PutPel_14 (mref_P, y4+2, x4p, (pel_t) max(0,min(255,i2)));
- PutPel_14 (mref_P, y4+3, x4p, (pel_t) max(0,min(255,i3)));
- }
- else
- {
- PutPel_14 (mref[img->frame_cycle], y4, x4p, (pel_t) max(0,min(255,i0)));
- PutPel_14 (mref[img->frame_cycle], y4+1, x4p, (pel_t) max(0,min(255,i1)));
- PutPel_14 (mref[img->frame_cycle], y4+2, x4p, (pel_t) max(0,min(255,i2)));
- PutPel_14 (mref[img->frame_cycle], y4+3, x4p, (pel_t) max(0,min(255,i3)));
- }
- }
- }
- if(!prior_B_frame)
- {
- for(y=0;y<img->height;y++)
- for(x=0;x<img->width;x++)
- PutPel_11 (Refbuf11[img->frame_cycle], y, x, FastPelY_14 (mref[img->frame_cycle], y*4, x*4));
- }
- // Chroma and full pel representation:
- if(prior_B_frame)
- {
- for (uv=0; uv < 2; uv++)
- for (y=0; y < img->height_cr; y++)
- memcpy(mcef_P[uv][y],imgUV[uv][y],img->width_cr); // just copy 1/1 pix, interpolate "online"
- GenerateFullPelRepresentation (mref_P, Refbuf11_P, img->width, img->height);
- }
- else
- {
- for (uv=0; uv < 2; uv++)
- for (y=0; y < img->height_cr; y++)
- memcpy(mcef[img->frame_cycle][uv][y],imgUV[uv][y],img->width_cr); // just copy 1/1 pix, interpolate "online"
- GenerateFullPelRepresentation (mref[img->frame_cycle], Refbuf11[img->frame_cycle], img->width, img->height);
- }
- // Generate 1/1th pel representation (used for integer pel MV search)
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Find SNR for all three components
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void find_snr()
- {
- int i,j;
- int diff_y,diff_u,diff_v;
- int impix;
- // Calculate PSNR for Y, U and V.
- // Luma.
- impix = img->height*img->width;
- diff_y=0;
- for (i=0; i < img->width; ++i)
- {
- for (j=0; j < img->height; ++j)
- {
- diff_y += img->quad[abs(imgY_org[j][i]-imgY[j][i])];
- }
- }
- // Chroma.
- diff_u=0;
- diff_v=0;
- for (i=0; i < img->width_cr; i++)
- {
- for (j=0; j < img->height_cr; j++)
- {
- diff_u += img->quad[abs(imgUV_org[0][j][i]-imgUV[0][j][i])];
- diff_v += img->quad[abs(imgUV_org[1][j][i]-imgUV[1][j][i])];
- }
- }
- // Collecting SNR statistics
- if (diff_y != 0)
- {
- snr->snr_y=(float)(10*log10(65025*(float)impix/(float)diff_y)); // luma snr for current frame
- snr->snr_u=(float)(10*log10(65025*(float)impix/(float)(4*diff_u))); // u croma snr for current frame, 1/4 of luma samples
- snr->snr_v=(float)(10*log10(65025*(float)impix/(float)(4*diff_v))); // v croma snr for current frame, 1/4 of luma samples
- }
- if (img->number == 0)
- {
- snr->snr_y1=(float)(10*log10(65025*(float)impix/(float)diff_y)); // keep luma snr for first frame
- snr->snr_u1=(float)(10*log10(65025*(float)impix/(float)(4*diff_u))); // keep croma u snr for first frame
- snr->snr_v1=(float)(10*log10(65025*(float)impix/(float)(4*diff_v))); // keep croma v snr for first frame
- snr->snr_ya=snr->snr_y1;
- snr->snr_ua=snr->snr_u1;
- snr->snr_va=snr->snr_v1;
- }
- // B pictures
- else
- {
- snr->snr_ya=(float)(snr->snr_ya*(img->number+Bframe_ctr)+snr->snr_y)/(img->number+Bframe_ctr+1); // average snr lume for all frames inc. first
- snr->snr_ua=(float)(snr->snr_ua*(img->number+Bframe_ctr)+snr->snr_u)/(img->number+Bframe_ctr+1); // average snr u croma for all frames inc. first
- snr->snr_va=(float)(snr->snr_va*(img->number+Bframe_ctr)+snr->snr_v)/(img->number+Bframe_ctr+1); // average snr v croma for all frames inc. first
- }
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Just a placebo
- ************************************************************************
- */
- Boolean dummy_slice_too_big(int bits_slice)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }