资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- ***********************************************************************
- *
- * Copyright 2001, International Telecommunications Union, Geneva
- *
- *
- * These software programs are available to the user without any
- * license fee or royalty on an "as is" basis. The ITU disclaims
- * any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or
- * statutory, including any implied warranties of merchantability
- * or of fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall the
- * contributor or the ITU be liable for any incidental, punitive, or
- * consequential damages of any kind whatsoever arising from the
- * use of these programs.
- *
- * This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs
- * and user's customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors,
- * and assigns.
- *
- * The ITU does not represent or warrant that the programs furnished
- * hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party patents.
- * Commercial implementations of ITU-T Recommendations, including
- * shareware, may be subject to royalty fees to patent holders.
- * Information regarding the ITU-T patent policy is available from
- * the ITU Web site at
- *
- ************************************************************************
- */
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * file refbuf.c
- *
- * brief
- * Declarations of teh reference frame buffer types and functions
- ************************************************************************
- */
- #define HACK
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <memory.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include "refbuf.h"
- #define CACHELINESIZE 32
- #ifdef HACK
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Reference buffer write routines
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void PutPel_14 (pel_t **Pic, int y, int x, pel_t val)
- {
- Pic [IMG_PAD_SIZE*4+y][IMG_PAD_SIZE*4+x] = val;
- }
- void PutPel_11 (pel_t *Pic, int y, int x, pel_t val)
- {
- Pic [y*img->width+x] = val;
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Reference buffer read, Full pel
- ************************************************************************
- */
- pel_t FastPelY_11 (pel_t *Pic, int y, int x)
- {
- return Pic [y*img->width+x];
- }
- pel_t *FastLine16Y_11 (pel_t *Pic, int y, int x)
- {
- return &Pic [y*img->width+x];
- }
- pel_t UMVPelY_11 (pel_t *Pic, int y, int x)
- {
- if (x < 0)
- {
- if (y < 0)
- return Pic [0];
- if (y >= img->height)
- return Pic [(img->height-1) * img->width];
- return Pic [y*img->width];
- }
- if (x >= img->width)
- {
- if (y < 0)
- return Pic [img->width-1];
- if (y >= img->height)
- return Pic [img->height * img->width -1];
- return Pic [(y+1)*img->width -1 ];
- }
- if (y < 0) // note: corner pixels were already processed
- return Pic [x];
- if (y >= img->height)
- return Pic [(img->height-1)*img->width+x];
- return Pic [y*img->width+x];
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * note
- * The following function is NOT reentrant! Use a buffer
- * provided by the caller to change that (but it costs a memcpy()...
- ************************************************************************
- */
- static pel_t line[16];
- #if 0
- pel_t *UMVLine16Y_11 (pel_t *Pic, int y, int x)
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<16; i++)
- line[i] = UMVPelY_11 (Pic, y, x+i);
- return line;
- }
- #else
- pel_t *UMVLine16Y_11 (pel_t *Pic, int y, int x)
- {
- int i, maxx;
- pel_t *Picy;
- Picy = &Pic [max(0,min(img->height-1,y)) * img->width];
- if (x < 0) { // Left edge ?
- maxx = min(0,x+16);
- for (i = x; i < maxx; i++)
- line[i-x] = Picy [0]; // Replicate left edge pixel
- maxx = x+16;
- for (i = 0; i < maxx; i++) // Copy non-edge pixels
- line[i-x] = Picy [i];
- }
- else if (x > img->width-16) { // Right edge ?
- maxx = img->width;
- for (i = x; i < maxx; i++)
- line[i-x] = Picy [i]; // Copy non-edge pixels
- maxx = x+16;
- for (i = max(img->width,x); i < maxx; i++)
- line[i-x] = Picy [img->width-1]; // Replicate right edge pixel
- }
- else // No edge
- return &Picy [x];
- return line;
- }
- #endif
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Reference buffer read, 1/2 pel
- ************************************************************************
- */
- pel_t FastPelY_12 (pel_t **Pic, int y, int x)
- {
- return Pic [IMG_PAD_SIZE*4+(y<<1)][IMG_PAD_SIZE*4+(x<<1)];
- }
- pel_t UMVPelY_12 (pel_t **Pic, int y, int x)
- {
- return UMVPelY_14 (Pic, y*2, x*2);
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Reference buffer, 1/4 pel
- ************************************************************************
- */
- pel_t UMVPelY_14 (pel_t **Pic, int y, int x)
- {
- int width4 = ((img->width+2*IMG_PAD_SIZE-1)<<2);
- int height4 = ((img->height+2*IMG_PAD_SIZE-1)<<2);
- x = x + IMG_PAD_SIZE*4;
- y = y + IMG_PAD_SIZE*4;
- if (x < 0)
- {
- if (y < 0)
- return Pic [y&3][x&3];
- if (y > height4)
- return Pic [height4+(y&3)][x&3];
- return Pic [y][x&3];
- }
- if (x > width4)
- {
- if (y < 0)
- return Pic [y&3][width4+(x&3)];
- if (y > height4)
- return Pic [height4+(y&3)][width4+(x&3)];
- return Pic [y][width4+(x&3)];
- }
- if (y < 0) // note: corner pixels were already processed
- return Pic [y&3][x];
- if (y > height4)
- return Pic [height4+(y&3)][x];
- return Pic [y][x];
- }
- pel_t FastPelY_14 (pel_t **Pic, int y, int x)
- {
- return Pic [IMG_PAD_SIZE*4+y][IMG_PAD_SIZE*4+x];
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Reference buffer, 1/8th pel
- ************************************************************************
- */
- pel_t UMVPelY_18 (pel_t **Pic, int y, int x)
- {
- byte out;
- int yfloor, xfloor, xq, yq;
- /* Maximum values (padding included) */
- int maxx8 = (img->width +2*IMG_PAD_SIZE-2)*8;
- int maxy8 = (img->height+2*IMG_PAD_SIZE-2)*8;
- /* Compensate for frame padding */
- x = x + IMG_PAD_SIZE*8;
- y = y + IMG_PAD_SIZE*8;
- if (x < 0)
- x = x&7;
- else if (x > maxx8)
- x = maxx8 + (x&7);
- if (y < 0)
- y = y&7;
- else if (y > maxy8)
- y = maxy8 + (y&7);
- xfloor = x>>1;
- yfloor = y>>1;
- if( (x&1) && (y&1) )
- {
- xq = x&7;
- yq = y&7;
- if ((xq<4 && yq<4) || (xq>=4 && yq>=4)){
- if (xq==3 && yq==3){
- out=(Pic[yfloor-1][xfloor-1] + 3*Pic[yfloor+1][xfloor+1] + 2) / 4;
- }
- else if (xq==5 && yq==5){
- out=(3*Pic[yfloor][xfloor] + Pic[yfloor+2][xfloor+2] + 2) / 4;
- }
- else if ((xq==3 && yq==1) || (xq==7 && yq==5)){
- out=(3*Pic[yfloor][xfloor+1] + Pic[yfloor+2][xfloor-1] + 2) / 4;
- }
- else if ((xq==1 && yq==3) || (xq==5 && yq==7)){
- out=(3*Pic[yfloor+1][xfloor] + Pic[yfloor-1][xfloor+2] + 2) / 4;
- }
- else {
- out=(Pic[yfloor+1][xfloor] + Pic[yfloor][xfloor+1]) / 2;
- }
- }
- else{
- if (xq==5 && yq==3){
- out=(3*Pic[yfloor+1][xfloor] + Pic[yfloor-1][xfloor+2] + 2) / 4;
- }
- else if (xq==3 && yq==5){
- out=(3*Pic[yfloor][xfloor+1]+Pic[yfloor+2][xfloor-1] + 2) / 4;
- }
- else if ((xq==1 && yq==5) || (xq==5 && yq==1)){
- out=(3*Pic[yfloor][xfloor]+Pic[yfloor+2][xfloor+2] + 2) / 4;
- }
- else if ((xq==3 && yq==7) || (xq==7 && yq==3)){
- out=(3*Pic[yfloor+1][xfloor+1]+Pic[yfloor-1][xfloor-1] + 2) / 4;
- }
- else{
- out=( Pic[yfloor][xfloor] + Pic[yfloor+1][xfloor+1] ) / 2;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (x&1)
- {
- out=( Pic[yfloor ][xfloor ] + Pic[yfloor ][xfloor+1] ) / 2;
- }
- else if (y&1)
- {
- out=( Pic[yfloor ][xfloor ] + Pic[yfloor+1][xfloor ] ) / 2;
- }
- else
- out= Pic[yfloor ][xfloor ];
- return(out);
- }
- pel_t FastPelY_18 (pel_t **Pic, int y, int x)
- {
- byte out;
- int yfloor, xfloor, xq, yq;
- /* Compensate for frame padding */
- x = x + IMG_PAD_SIZE*8;
- y = y + IMG_PAD_SIZE*8;
- xfloor = x>>1;
- yfloor = y>>1;
- if( (x&1) && (y&1) )
- {
- xq = x&7;
- yq = y&7;
- if ((xq<4 && yq<4) || (xq>=4 && yq>=4)){
- if (xq==3 && yq==3){
- out=(Pic[yfloor-1][xfloor-1] + 3*Pic[yfloor+1][xfloor+1] + 2) / 4;
- }
- else if (xq==5 && yq==5){
- out=(3*Pic[yfloor][xfloor] + Pic[yfloor+2][xfloor+2] + 2) / 4;
- }
- else if ((xq==3 && yq==1) || (xq==7 && yq==5)){
- out=(3*Pic[yfloor][xfloor+1] + Pic[yfloor+2][xfloor-1] + 2) / 4;
- }
- else if ((xq==1 && yq==3) || (xq==5 && yq==7)){
- out=(3*Pic[yfloor+1][xfloor] + Pic[yfloor-1][xfloor+2] + 2) / 4;
- }
- else {
- out=(Pic[yfloor+1][xfloor] + Pic[yfloor][xfloor+1]) / 2;
- }
- }
- else{
- if (xq==5 && yq==3){
- out=(3*Pic[yfloor+1][xfloor] + Pic[yfloor-1][xfloor+2] + 2) / 4;
- }
- else if (xq==3 && yq==5){
- out=(3*Pic[yfloor][xfloor+1]+Pic[yfloor+2][xfloor-1] + 2) / 4;
- }
- else if ((xq==1 && yq==5) || (xq==5 && yq==1)){
- out=(3*Pic[yfloor][xfloor]+Pic[yfloor+2][xfloor+2] + 2) / 4;
- }
- else if ((xq==3 && yq==7) || (xq==7 && yq==3)){
- out=(3*Pic[yfloor+1][xfloor+1]+Pic[yfloor-1][xfloor-1] + 2) / 4;
- }
- else{
- out=( Pic[yfloor][xfloor] + Pic[yfloor+1][xfloor+1] ) / 2;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (x&1)
- {
- out=( Pic[yfloor ][xfloor ] + Pic[yfloor ][xfloor+1] ) / 2;
- }
- else if (y&1)
- {
- out=( Pic[yfloor ][xfloor ] + Pic[yfloor+1][xfloor ] ) / 2;
- }
- else
- out= Pic[yfloor ][xfloor ];
- return(out);
- }
- void InitRefbuf ()
- {
- int width = img->width;
- int height = img->height;
- int num_frames = img->buf_cycle;
- int i;
- if (NULL == (Refbuf11_P = malloc ((width * height + 4711) * sizeof (pel_t))))
- no_mem_exit ("InitRefbuf: Refbuf11_P");
- if (NULL == (Refbuf11 = malloc (num_frames * sizeof (pel_t *))))
- no_mem_exit ("InitRefbuf: Refbuf11");
- for (i=0; i<num_frames; i++)
- if (NULL == (Refbuf11[i] = malloc ((width * height + 4711) * sizeof (pel_t))))
- no_mem_exit ("InitRefbuf: Refbuf11");
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Substitutes function oneforthpix_2. It should be worked
- * out how this copy procedure can be avoided.
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void copy2mref()
- {
- int j, uv;
- img->frame_cycle=img->number % img->buf_cycle; /*GH img->no_multpred used insteadof MAX_MULT_PRED
- frame buffer size = img->no_multpred+1*/
- // Luma
- for (j=0; j < (img->height+2*IMG_PAD_SIZE)*4; j++)
- memcpy(mref[img->frame_cycle][j],mref_P[j], (img->width+2*IMG_PAD_SIZE)*4);
- // Chroma:
- for (uv=0; uv < 2; uv++)
- for (j=0; j < img->height_cr; j++)
- memcpy(mcef[img->frame_cycle][uv][j],mcef_P[uv][j],img->width_cr);
- // Full pel represnetation for MV search
- memcpy (Refbuf11[img->frame_cycle], Refbuf11_P, (img->width*img->height));
- }
- #endif
- #ifndef HACK
- // Alloc and free for reference buffers
- refpic_t *AllocRefPic (int Id,
- int NumCols,
- int NumRows,
- int MaxMotionVectorX, // MV Size may be used to allocate additional
- int MaxMotionVectorY) // memory around boundaries fro UMV search
- {
- refpic_t *pic;
- int xs, ys;
- if (NULL == (pic = malloc (sizeof (refpic_t))))
- no_mem_exit("AllocRefPic: pic");
- if (NumCols %2 != 0)
- error ("AllocRefPic: Number of columns must be divisible by two, exiting",600);
- if (NumRows %2 != 0)
- error ("AllocRefPic: Number of rows must be divisible by two, exiting",600);
- pic->Id = Id;
- xs = NumCols + MaxMotionVectorX + MaxMotionVectorX;
- if (xs % (CACHELINESIZE/sizeof (pel_t)) != 0)
- xs = ((xs / (CACHELINESIZE/sizeof (pel_t)))+1) * (CACHELINESIZE/sizeof (pel_t));
- ys = NumRows + MaxMotionVectorY + MaxMotionVectorY;
- pic->x_ysize = xs * 4;
- pic->y_ysize = (NumRows + MaxMotionVectorY + MaxMotionVectorY) * 4;
- pic->x_yfirst = MaxMotionVectorX * 4;
- pic->x_ylast = (NumCols + MaxMotionVectorX) * 4;
- pic->y_yfirst = MaxMotionVectorY * 4;
- pic->x_ylast = (NumRows + MaxMotionVectorY) * 4;
- pic->x_uvsize = xs/2;
- pic->y_uvsize = ys/2;
- pic->x_uvfirst = MaxMotionVectorX/2;
- pic->x_uvlast = (NumCols + MaxMotionVectorX)/2;
- pic->y_uvfirst = MaxMotionVectorY/2;
- pic->y_uvlast = (NumRows + MaxMotionVectorY)/2;
- if (NULL == (pic->y = malloc (16 * sizeof (pel_t)* xs * ys)))
- no_mem_exit ("AllocRefPic: pic->y");
- if (NULL == (pic->u = malloc (sizeof (pel_t) * (xs/2) * (ys/2))))
- no_mem_exit ("AllocRefPic: pic->u");
- if (NULL == (pic->v = malloc (sizeof (pel_t) * (xs/2) * (ys/2))))
- no_mem_exit ("AllocRefPic: pic->v");
- return pic;
- }
- int FreeRefPic (refpic_t *Pic)
- {
- if (Pic == NULL)
- return 0;
- if (Pic->y != NULL)
- free (Pic->y);
- if (Pic->u != NULL)
- free (Pic->u);
- if (Pic->v != NULL)
- free (Pic->v);
- free (Pic);
- return (0);
- }
- // Access functions for full pel (1/1 pel)
- pel_t PelY_11 (refpic_t *Pic, int x, int y)
- {
- register int pos;
- pos = x<<2+Pic->x_yfirst; // Y Structures are 1/4 pel, hence *4
- pos += (Pic->x_ysize * (Pic->y_yfirst + y<<2));
- return Pic->y[pos];
- }
- pel_t PelU_11 (refpic_t *Pic, int x, int y)
- {
- register int pos;
- pos = x+Pic->x_uvfirst; // UV Structures are 1/1 pel
- pos += Pic->x_uvsize * (Pic->y_uvfirst + y);
- return Pic->u[pos];
- }
- pel_t PelV_11 (refpic_t *Pic, int x, int y)
- {
- register int pos;
- pos = x+Pic->x_uvfirst; // UV Structures are 1/1 pel
- pos += Pic->x_uvsize * (Pic->y_uvfirst + y);
- return Pic->v[pos];
- }
- pel_t *MBLineY_11 (refpic_t *Pic, int x, int y)
- {
- error ("MBLineY_11: net yet implemented.", 600);
- }
- // Access functions for half pel (1/2 pel)
- pel_t PelY_12 (refpic_t *Pic, int x, int y)
- {
- register int pos;
- pos = (x<<1+Pic->x_yfirst); // Structures are 1/4 pel, hence *4
- pos += (Pic->x_ysize * (Pic->y_yfirst + y<<1));
- return (Pic->v[pos]);
- };
- // Access functions for quater pel (1/4 pel)
- pel_t PelY_14 (refpic_t *Pic, int x, int y)
- {
- return (Pic->y[ (Pic->y_yfirst+y)*Pic->x_ysize + x + Pic->x_yfirst]);
- }
- // Access functions for one-eigths pel (1/8 pel)
- pel_t PelY_18 (refpic_t *Pic, int x, int y)
- {
- error ("PelY_18: No 1/8th pel support yet", 600);
- }
- #endif