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Visual C++
- /*
- ***********************************************************************
- *
- * Copyright 2001, International Telecommunications Union, Geneva
- *
- *
- * These software programs are available to the user without any
- * license fee or royalty on an "as is" basis. The ITU disclaims
- * any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or
- * statutory, including any implied warranties of merchantability
- * or of fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall the
- * contributor or the ITU be liable for any incidental, punitive, or
- * consequential damages of any kind whatsoever arising from the
- * use of these programs.
- *
- * This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs
- * and user's customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors,
- * and assigns.
- *
- * The ITU does not represent or warrant that the programs furnished
- * hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party patents.
- * Commercial implementations of ITU-T Recommendations, including
- * shareware, may be subject to royalty fees to patent holders.
- * Information regarding the ITU-T patent policy is available from
- * the ITU Web site at http://www.itu.int.
- *
- ************************************************************************
- */
- /*!
- ***************************************************************************
- * file leaky_bucket.c
- *
- * brief
- * calculate Leaky Buffer parameters
- *
- * author
- * Main contributors (see contributors.h for copyright, address and affiliation details)
- * - Shankar Regunathan <shanre@microsoft.com>
- ***************************************************************************
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include "contributors.h"
- #include "global.h"
- #ifdef _LEAKYBUCKET_
- long Bit_Buffer[10000];
- unsigned long total_frame_buffer = 0;
- /*!
- ***********************************************************************
- * brief
- * Function to get Leaky Bucket rates from rate file
- * param NumberLeakyBuckets
- * Number of Leaky Bucket Parameters
- * param Rmin
- * Rate values for each Bucket.
- * return
- * returns 1 if successful; else returns zero.
- * para SideEffects
- * None.
- * para Notes
- * Failure if LeakyBucketRate is missing or if it does not have
- * the correct number of entries.
- * author
- * Shankar Regunathan shanre@microsoft.com
- * date
- * December 06, 2001.
- ***********************************************************************
- */
- int get_LeakyBucketRate(unsigned long NumberLeakyBuckets, unsigned long *Rmin)
- {
- FILE *f;
- unsigned long i, buf;
- if((f = fopen(input->LeakyBucketRateFile, "r")) == NULL)
- {
- printf(" LeakyBucketRate File does not exist; using rate calculated from avg. rate n");
- return 0;
- }
- for(i=0; i<NumberLeakyBuckets; i++)
- {
- if(1 != fscanf(f, "%ld", &buf))
- {
- printf(" Leaky BucketRateFile does not have valid entries;n using rate calculated from avg. rate n");
- return 0;
- }
- Rmin[i] = buf;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- /*!
- ***********************************************************************
- * brief
- * Writes one unsigned long word in big endian order to a file.
- * param dw
- * Value to be written
- * param fp
- * File pointer
- * return
- * None.
- * para SideEffects
- * None.
- * author
- * Shankar Regunathan shanre@microsoft.com
- * date
- * December 06, 2001.
- ***********************************************************************
- */
- void PutBigDoubleWord(unsigned long dw, FILE *fp)
- {
- fputc((dw >> 0x18) & 0xFF, fp);
- fputc((dw >> 0x10) & 0xFF, fp);
- fputc((dw >> 0x08) & 0xFF, fp);
- fputc(dw & 0xFF, fp);
- }
- /*!
- ***********************************************************************
- * brief
- * Stores the Leaky BucketParameters in file input->LeakyBucketParamFile.
- * param NumberLeakyBuckets
- * Number of LeakyBuckets.
- * param Rmin
- * Rate values of the buckets.
- * param Bmin
- * Minimum buffer values of the buckets.
- * param Fmin
- * Minimum initial buffer fullness of the buckets
- * return
- * None.
- * para
- * Returns error if LeakyBucketParamFile cannot be opened.
- * para SideEffects
- * Prints the LeakyBucket Parameters in standard output.
- * author
- * Shankar Regunathan shanre@microsoft.com
- * date
- * December 06, 2001.
- ***********************************************************************
- */
- void write_buffer(unsigned long NumberLeakyBuckets, unsigned long Rmin[], unsigned long Bmin[], unsigned long Fmin[])
- {
- #ifndef H26L_LIB
- FILE *outf;
- unsigned long iBucket;
- if ((outf=fopen(input->LeakyBucketParamFile,"wb"))==NULL)
- {
- snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Error open file %s n",input->outfile);
- error(errortext,1);
- }
- PutBigDoubleWord(NumberLeakyBuckets, outf);
- printf(" Number Leaky Buckets: %ld n Rmin Bmin Fmin n", NumberLeakyBuckets);
- for(iBucket =0; iBucket < NumberLeakyBuckets; iBucket++)
- {
- assert(Rmin[iBucket]<4294967296); //Overflow should be corrected already.
- assert(Bmin[iBucket]<4294967296);
- assert(Fmin[iBucket]<4294967296);
- PutBigDoubleWord(Rmin[iBucket], outf);
- PutBigDoubleWord(Bmin[iBucket], outf);
- PutBigDoubleWord(Fmin[iBucket], outf);
- printf(" %8ld %8ld %8ld n", Rmin[iBucket], Bmin[iBucket], Fmin[iBucket]);
- }
- fclose(outf);
- #endif
- }
- /*!
- ***********************************************************************
- * brief
- * Sorts the rate array in ascending order.
- * param NumberLeakyBuckets
- * Number of LeakyBuckets.
- * param Rmin
- * Rate values of the buckets.
- * return
- * None.
- * author
- * Shankar Regunathan shanre@microsoft.com
- * date
- * December 06, 2001.
- ***********************************************************************
- */
- void Sort(unsigned long NumberLeakyBuckets, unsigned long *Rmin)
- {
- unsigned long i, j;
- unsigned long temp;
- for(i=0; i< NumberLeakyBuckets-1; i++)
- {
- for(j=i+1; j<NumberLeakyBuckets; j++)
- {
- if(Rmin[i] > Rmin[j]) {
- temp = Rmin[i];
- Rmin[i] = Rmin[j];
- Rmin[j] = temp;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*!
- ***********************************************************************
- * brief
- * Main Routine to calculate Leaky Buffer parameters
- * param NumberLeakyBuckets
- * None.
- * return
- * None.
- * author
- * Shankar Regunathan shanre@microsoft.com
- * date
- * December 06, 2001.
- ***********************************************************************
- */
- void calc_buffer()
- {
- unsigned long AvgRate, TotalRate, NumberLeakyBuckets;
- long *buffer_frame, minB;
- unsigned long iBucket, iFrame, FrameIndex;
- long maxBuffer, actualBuffer, InitFullness, iChannelRate;
- unsigned long *Rmin, *Bmin, *Fmin;
- fprintf(stdout,"--------------------------------------------------------------------------n");
- printf(" Total Frames: %ld (%d) n", total_frame_buffer, input->no_frames);
- NumberLeakyBuckets = (unsigned long) input->NumberLeakyBuckets;
- buffer_frame = calloc(total_frame_buffer, sizeof(long));
- if(!buffer_frame)
- no_mem_exit("init_buffer: buffer_frame");
- Rmin = calloc(NumberLeakyBuckets, sizeof(unsigned long));
- if(!Rmin)
- no_mem_exit("init_buffer: Rmin");
- Bmin = calloc(NumberLeakyBuckets, sizeof(unsigned long));
- if(!Bmin)
- no_mem_exit("init_buffer: Bmin");
- Fmin = calloc(NumberLeakyBuckets, sizeof(unsigned long));
- if(!Fmin)
- no_mem_exit("init_buffer: Fmin");
- TotalRate = 0;
- for(iFrame=0; iFrame < total_frame_buffer; iFrame++)
- {
- TotalRate += (unsigned long) Bit_Buffer[iFrame];
- }
- AvgRate = (unsigned long) ((float) TotalRate/ total_frame_buffer);
- if(1 != get_LeakyBucketRate(NumberLeakyBuckets, Rmin))
- { /* if rate file is not present, use default calculated from avg.rate */
- for(iBucket=0; iBucket < NumberLeakyBuckets; iBucket++)
- {
- if(iBucket == 0)
- Rmin[iBucket] = (AvgRate * img->framerate)/(input->jumpd+1); /* convert bits/frame to bits/second */
- else
- Rmin[iBucket] = Rmin[iBucket-1] + (AvgRate/4) * (img->framerate) / (input->jumpd+1);
- }
- }
- Sort(NumberLeakyBuckets, Rmin);
- maxBuffer = AvgRate * 20; /* any initialization is good. */
- for(iBucket=0; iBucket< NumberLeakyBuckets; iBucket++)
- {
- iChannelRate = (long) Rmin[iBucket] * (input->jumpd+1)/(img->framerate); /* converts bits/second to bits/frame */
- /* To calculate initial buffer size */
- InitFullness = maxBuffer; /* set Initial Fullness to be buffer size */
- buffer_frame[0] = InitFullness;
- minB = maxBuffer;
- for(iFrame=0; iFrame<total_frame_buffer ; iFrame++)
- {
- buffer_frame[iFrame] = buffer_frame[iFrame] - Bit_Buffer[iFrame];
- if(buffer_frame[iFrame] < minB)
- {
- minB = buffer_frame[iFrame];
- FrameIndex = iFrame;
- }
- buffer_frame[iFrame+1] = buffer_frame[iFrame] + iChannelRate;
- if(buffer_frame[iFrame+1] > maxBuffer)
- buffer_frame[iFrame+1] = maxBuffer;
- }
- actualBuffer = (maxBuffer - minB);
- /* To calculate initial buffer Fullness */
- InitFullness = Bit_Buffer[0];
- buffer_frame[0] = InitFullness;
- for(iFrame=0; iFrame < FrameIndex+1; iFrame++)
- {
- buffer_frame[iFrame] = buffer_frame[iFrame] - Bit_Buffer[iFrame];
- if(buffer_frame[iFrame] < 0) {
- InitFullness -= buffer_frame[iFrame];
- buffer_frame[iFrame] = 0;
- }
- buffer_frame[iFrame+1] = buffer_frame[iFrame] + iChannelRate;
- if(buffer_frame[iFrame+1] > actualBuffer)
- break;
- }
- Bmin[iBucket] = (unsigned long) actualBuffer;
- Fmin[iBucket] = (unsigned long) InitFullness;
- }
- write_buffer(NumberLeakyBuckets, Rmin, Bmin, Fmin);
- free(Rmin);
- free(Bmin);
- free(Fmin);
- return;
- }
- #endif