资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- ***********************************************************************
- *
- * Copyright 2001, International Telecommunications Union, Geneva
- *
- *
- * These software programs are available to the user without any
- * license fee or royalty on an "as is" basis. The ITU disclaims
- * any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or
- * statutory, including any implied warranties of merchantability
- * or of fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall the
- * contributor or the ITU be liable for any incidental, punitive, or
- * consequential damages of any kind whatsoever arising from the
- * use of these programs.
- *
- * This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs
- * and user's customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors,
- * and assigns.
- *
- * The ITU does not represent or warrant that the programs furnished
- * hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party patents.
- * Commercial implementations of ITU-T Recommendations, including
- * shareware, may be subject to royalty fees to patent holders.
- * Information regarding the ITU-T patent policy is available from
- * the ITU Web site at
- *
- ************************************************************************
- */
- /*!
- *************************************************************************************
- * file cabac.c
- *
- * brief
- * CABAC entropy coding routines
- *
- * author
- * Main contributors (see contributors.h for copyright, address and affiliation details)
- * - Detlev Marpe <>
- **************************************************************************************
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <memory.h>
- #include "cabac.h"
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Allocation of contexts models for the motion info
- * used for arithmetic encoding
- ************************************************************************
- */
- MotionInfoContexts* create_contexts_MotionInfo(void)
- {
- int j;
- MotionInfoContexts *enco_ctx;
- enco_ctx = (MotionInfoContexts*) calloc(1, sizeof(MotionInfoContexts) );
- if( enco_ctx == NULL )
- no_mem_exit("create_contexts_MotionInfo: enco_ctx");
- for (j=0; j<2; j++)
- {
- enco_ctx->mb_type_contexts[j] = (BiContextTypePtr) malloc(NUM_MB_TYPE_CTX * sizeof( BiContextType ) );
- if( enco_ctx->mb_type_contexts[j] == NULL )
- no_mem_exit("create_contexts_MotionInfo: enco_ctx->mb_type_contexts");
- enco_ctx->mv_res_contexts[j] = (BiContextTypePtr) malloc(NUM_MV_RES_CTX * sizeof( BiContextType ) );
- if( enco_ctx->mv_res_contexts[j] == NULL )
- no_mem_exit("create_contexts_MotionInfo: enco_ctx->mv_res_contexts");
- }
- enco_ctx->ref_no_contexts = (BiContextTypePtr) malloc(NUM_REF_NO_CTX * sizeof( BiContextType ) );
- if( enco_ctx->ref_no_contexts == NULL )
- no_mem_exit("create_contexts_MotionInfo: enco_ctx->ref_no_contexts");
- enco_ctx->delta_qp_contexts = (BiContextTypePtr) malloc(NUM_DELTA_QP_CTX * sizeof( BiContextType ) );
- if( enco_ctx->delta_qp_contexts == NULL )
- no_mem_exit("create_contexts_MotionInfo: enco_ctx->delta_qp_contexts");
- return enco_ctx;
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Allocates of contexts models for the texture info
- * used for arithmetic encoding
- ************************************************************************
- */
- TextureInfoContexts* create_contexts_TextureInfo(void)
- {
- int j,k;
- TextureInfoContexts *enco_ctx;
- enco_ctx = (TextureInfoContexts*) calloc(1, sizeof(TextureInfoContexts) );
- if( enco_ctx == NULL )
- no_mem_exit("create_contexts_TextureInfo: enco_ctx");
- for (j=0; j < 6; j++)
- {
- enco_ctx->ipr_contexts[j] = (BiContextTypePtr) malloc(NUM_IPR_CTX * sizeof( BiContextType ) );
- if( enco_ctx->ipr_contexts[j] == NULL )
- no_mem_exit("create_contexts_TextureInfo: enco_ctx->ipr_contexts");
- }
- for (k=0; k<2; k++)
- for (j=0; j<3; j++)
- {
- enco_ctx->cbp_contexts[k][j] = (BiContextTypePtr) malloc(NUM_CBP_CTX * sizeof( BiContextType ) );
- if( enco_ctx->cbp_contexts[k][j] == NULL )
- no_mem_exit("create_contexts_TextureInfo: enco_ctx->cbp_contexts");
- }
- for (j=0; j < NUM_TRANS_TYPE; j++)
- {
- enco_ctx->level_context[j] = (BiContextTypePtr) malloc(NUM_LEVEL_CTX * sizeof( BiContextType ) );
- if( enco_ctx->level_context[j] == NULL )
- no_mem_exit("create_contexts_TextureInfo: enco_ctx->level_context");
- enco_ctx->run_context[j] = (BiContextTypePtr) malloc(NUM_RUN_CTX * sizeof( BiContextType ) );
- if( enco_ctx->run_context[j] == NULL )
- no_mem_exit("create_contexts_TextureInfo: enco_ctx->run_context");
- }
- return enco_ctx;
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Initializes an array of contexts models with some pre-defined
- * counts (ini_flag = 1) or with a flat histogram (ini_flag = 0)
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void init_contexts_MotionInfo(MotionInfoContexts *enco_ctx, int ini_flag)
- {
- int i,j;
- int scale_factor;
- int qp_factor;
- int ini[3];
- if ( (img->width*img->height) <= (IMG_WIDTH * IMG_HEIGHT) ) // format <= QCIF
- scale_factor=1;
- else
- scale_factor=2;
- if(img->qp <= 10)
- qp_factor=0;
- else
- qp_factor=img->qp-10;
- for (j=0; j<2; j++)
- {
- if (ini_flag)
- {
- for (i=0; i < NUM_MB_TYPE_CTX; i++)
- {
- ini[0] = MB_TYPE_Ini[j][i][0]+(MB_TYPE_Ini[j][i][3]*qp_factor)/10;
- ini[1] = MB_TYPE_Ini[j][i][1]+(MB_TYPE_Ini[j][i][4]*qp_factor)/10;
- ini[2] = MB_TYPE_Ini[j][i][2]*scale_factor;
- biari_init_context(enco_ctx->mb_type_contexts[j] + i,ini[0],ini[1],ini[2]);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (i=0; i < NUM_MB_TYPE_CTX; i++)
- biari_init_context(enco_ctx->mb_type_contexts[j] + i,1,1,100);
- }
- if (ini_flag)
- {
- for (i=0; i < NUM_MV_RES_CTX; i++)
- biari_init_context(enco_ctx->mv_res_contexts[j] + i,MV_RES_Ini[j][i][0]*scale_factor,MV_RES_Ini[j][i][1]*scale_factor,MV_RES_Ini[j][i][2]*scale_factor);
- }
- else
- {
- for (i=0; i < NUM_MV_RES_CTX; i++)
- biari_init_context(enco_ctx->mv_res_contexts[j] + i,1,1,1000);
- }
- }
- if (ini_flag)
- {
- for (i=0; i < NUM_REF_NO_CTX; i++)
- biari_init_context(enco_ctx->ref_no_contexts + i,REF_NO_Ini[i][0]*scale_factor,REF_NO_Ini[i][1]*scale_factor,REF_NO_Ini[i][2]*scale_factor);
- }
- else
- {
- for (i=0; i < NUM_REF_NO_CTX; i++)
- biari_init_context(enco_ctx->ref_no_contexts + i,1,1,1000);
- }
- if (ini_flag)
- {
- for (i=0; i < NUM_DELTA_QP_CTX; i++)
- biari_init_context(enco_ctx->delta_qp_contexts + i,DELTA_QP_Ini[i][0]*scale_factor,DELTA_QP_Ini[i][1]*scale_factor,DELTA_QP_Ini[i][2]*scale_factor);
- }
- else
- {
- for (i=0; i < NUM_DELTA_QP_CTX; i++)
- biari_init_context(enco_ctx->delta_qp_contexts + i,1,1,1000);
- }
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Initializes an array of contexts models with some pre-defined
- * counts (ini_flag = 1) or with a flat histogram (ini_flag = 0)
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void init_contexts_TextureInfo(TextureInfoContexts *enco_ctx, int ini_flag)
- {
- int i,j,k;
- int scale_factor;
- int qp_factor;
- int ini[3];
- if ( (img->width*img->height) <= (IMG_WIDTH * IMG_HEIGHT) ) // format <= QCIF
- scale_factor=1;
- else
- scale_factor=2;
- if(img->qp <= 10)
- qp_factor=0;
- else
- qp_factor=img->qp-10;
- for (j=0; j < 6; j++)
- {
- if (ini_flag)
- {
- for (i=0; i < NUM_IPR_CTX; i++)
- biari_init_context(enco_ctx->ipr_contexts[j] + i,IPR_Ini[j][i][0]*scale_factor,IPR_Ini[j][i][1]*scale_factor,IPR_Ini[j][i][2]*scale_factor);
- }
- else
- {
- for (i=0; i < NUM_IPR_CTX; i++)
- biari_init_context(enco_ctx->ipr_contexts[j] + i,2,1,50);
- }
- }
- for (k=0; k<2; k++)
- for (j=0; j<3; j++)
- {
- if (ini_flag)
- {
- for (i=0; i < NUM_CBP_CTX; i++)
- {
- ini[0] = CBP_Ini[k][j][i][0]+(CBP_Ini[k][j][i][3]*qp_factor)/10;
- ini[1] = CBP_Ini[k][j][i][1]+(CBP_Ini[k][j][i][4]*qp_factor)/10;
- ini[2] = CBP_Ini[k][j][i][2]*scale_factor;
- biari_init_context(enco_ctx->cbp_contexts[k][j] + i,ini[0],ini[1],ini[2]);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (i=0; i < NUM_CBP_CTX; i++)
- biari_init_context(enco_ctx->cbp_contexts[k][j] + i,1,1,100);
- }
- }
- for (j=0; j < NUM_TRANS_TYPE; j++)
- {
- if (ini_flag)
- {
- for (i=0; i < NUM_LEVEL_CTX; i++)
- {
- ini[0] = (Level_Ini[j][i][0]+(Level_Ini[j][i][3]*qp_factor)/10)*scale_factor;
- ini[1] = (Level_Ini[j][i][1]+(Level_Ini[j][i][4]*qp_factor)/10)*scale_factor;
- ini[2] = Level_Ini[j][i][2]*scale_factor;
- biari_init_context(enco_ctx->level_context[j] + i,ini[0],ini[1],ini[2]);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (i=0; i < NUM_LEVEL_CTX; i++)
- biari_init_context(enco_ctx->level_context[j] + i,1,1,100);
- }
- if (ini_flag)
- {
- for (i=0; i < NUM_RUN_CTX; i++)
- {
- ini[0] = Run_Ini[j][i][0]*scale_factor;
- ini[1] = Run_Ini[j][i][1]*scale_factor;
- ini[2] = Run_Ini[j][i][2]*scale_factor;
- biari_init_context(enco_ctx->run_context[j] + i,ini[0],ini[1],ini[2]);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (i=0; i < NUM_RUN_CTX; i++)
- biari_init_context(enco_ctx->run_context[j] + i,1,1,100);
- }
- }
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Frees the memory of the contexts models
- * used for arithmetic encoding of the motion info.
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void delete_contexts_MotionInfo(MotionInfoContexts *enco_ctx)
- {
- int j;
- if( enco_ctx == NULL )
- return;
- for (j=0; j<2; j++)
- {
- if (enco_ctx->mb_type_contexts[j] != NULL)
- free(enco_ctx->mb_type_contexts[j] );
- if (enco_ctx->mv_res_contexts[j] != NULL)
- free(enco_ctx->mv_res_contexts[j] );
- }
- if (enco_ctx->ref_no_contexts != NULL)
- free(enco_ctx->ref_no_contexts);
- if (enco_ctx->delta_qp_contexts != NULL)
- free(enco_ctx->delta_qp_contexts);
- free( enco_ctx );
- return;
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Frees the memory of the contexts models
- * used for arithmetic encoding of the texture info.
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void delete_contexts_TextureInfo(TextureInfoContexts *enco_ctx)
- {
- int j,k;
- if( enco_ctx == NULL )
- return;
- for (j=0; j < 6; j++)
- {
- if (enco_ctx->ipr_contexts[j] != NULL)
- free(enco_ctx->ipr_contexts[j]);
- }
- for (k=0; k<2; k++)
- for (j=0; j<3; j++)
- {
- if (enco_ctx->cbp_contexts[k][j] != NULL)
- free(enco_ctx->cbp_contexts[k][j]);
- }
- for (j=0; j < NUM_TRANS_TYPE; j++)
- {
- if (enco_ctx->level_context[j] != NULL)
- free(enco_ctx->level_context[j]);
- if (enco_ctx->run_context[j] != NULL)
- free(enco_ctx->run_context[j]);
- }
- free( enco_ctx );
- return;
- }
- /*!
- **************************************************************************
- * brief
- * generates arithmetic code and passes the code to the buffer
- **************************************************************************
- */
- int writeSyntaxElement_CABAC(SyntaxElement *se, DataPartition *this_dataPart)
- {
- int curr_len;
- EncodingEnvironmentPtr eep_dp = &(this_dataPart->ee_cabac);
- curr_len = arienco_bits_written(eep_dp);
- // perform the actual coding by calling the appropriate method
- se->writing(se, eep_dp);
- return (se->len = (arienco_bits_written(eep_dp) - curr_len));
- }
- /*!
- ***************************************************************************
- * brief
- * This function is used to arithmetically encode the macroblock
- * type info of a given MB.
- ***************************************************************************
- */
- void writeMB_typeInfo2Buffer_CABAC(SyntaxElement *se, EncodingEnvironmentPtr eep_dp)
- {
- int l;
- int a, b;
- int act_ctx;
- int act_sym;
- int log_sym;
- int mode_sym=0;
- int mask;
- int mode16x16;
- MotionInfoContexts *ctx = (img->currentSlice)->mot_ctx;
- Macroblock *currMB = &img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr];
- int curr_mb_type = se->value1;
- if(img->type == INTRA_IMG) // INTRA-frame
- {
- if (currMB->mb_available[0][1] == NULL)
- b = 0;
- else
- b = (( (currMB->mb_available[0][1])->mb_type != 0) ? 1 : 0 );
- if (currMB->mb_available[1][0] == NULL)
- a = 0;
- else
- a = (( (currMB->mb_available[1][0])->mb_type != 0) ? 1 : 0 );
- act_ctx = a + b;
- act_sym = curr_mb_type;
- se->context = act_ctx; // store context
- if (act_sym==0) // 4x4 Intra
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 0, ctx->mb_type_contexts[0] + act_ctx );
- else // 16x16 Intra
- {
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 1, ctx->mb_type_contexts[0] + act_ctx );
- mode_sym=act_sym-1; // Values in the range of 0...23
- act_ctx = 4;
- act_sym = mode_sym/12;
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, (unsigned char) act_sym, ctx->mb_type_contexts[0] + act_ctx ); // coding of AC/no AC
- mode_sym = mode_sym % 12;
- act_sym = mode_sym / 4; // coding of cbp: 0,1,2
- act_ctx = 5;
- if (act_sym==0)
- {
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 0, ctx->mb_type_contexts[0] + act_ctx );
- }
- else
- {
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 1, ctx->mb_type_contexts[0] + act_ctx );
- act_ctx=6;
- if (act_sym==1)
- {
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 0, ctx->mb_type_contexts[0] + act_ctx );
- }
- else
- {
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 1, ctx->mb_type_contexts[0] + act_ctx );
- }
- }
- mode_sym = mode_sym % 4; // coding of I pred-mode: 0,1,2,3
- act_sym = mode_sym/2;
- act_ctx = 7;
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, (unsigned char) act_sym, ctx->mb_type_contexts[0] + act_ctx );
- act_ctx = 8;
- act_sym = mode_sym%2;
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, (unsigned char) act_sym, ctx->mb_type_contexts[0] + act_ctx );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (currMB->mb_available[0][1] == NULL)
- b = 0;
- else
- b = (( (currMB->mb_available[0][1])->mb_type != 0) ? 1 : 0 );
- if (currMB->mb_available[1][0] == NULL)
- a = 0;
- else
- a = (( (currMB->mb_available[1][0])->mb_type != 0) ? 1 : 0 );
- act_sym = curr_mb_type;
- if(act_sym>=(mode16x16=(8*img->type+1))) // 16x16 Intra-mode: mode16x16=9 (P-frame) mode16x16=17 (B-frame)
- {
- mode_sym=act_sym-mode16x16;
- act_sym=mode16x16; // 16x16 mode info
- }
- act_sym++;
- for (log_sym = 0; (1<<log_sym) <= act_sym; log_sym++);
- log_sym--;
- act_ctx = a + b;
- se->context = act_ctx; // store context
- if (log_sym==0)
- {
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 0, &ctx->mb_type_contexts[1][act_ctx] );
- }
- else
- {
- // code unary part
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 1, &ctx->mb_type_contexts[1][act_ctx] );
- act_ctx=4;
- if (log_sym==1)
- {
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 0, &ctx->mb_type_contexts[1][act_ctx ] );
- }
- else
- {
- for(l=0;l<log_sym-1;l++)
- {
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 1, &ctx->mb_type_contexts[1][act_ctx] );
- if (l==0) act_ctx=5;
- }
- if ( log_sym < (3+((img->type == B_IMG)?1:0)) ) // maximum mode no. is 9 (P-frame) or 17 (B-frame)
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 0, &ctx->mb_type_contexts[1][act_ctx ] );
- }
- // code binary part
- act_ctx=6;
- if (log_sym==(3+((img->type == B_IMG)?1:0)) ) log_sym=2; // only 2 LSBs are actually set for mode 7-9 (P-frame) or 15-17 (B-frame)
- mask = (1<<log_sym); // MSB
- for(l=0;l<log_sym;l++)
- {
- mask >>=1;
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, (unsigned char) (act_sym & mask), &ctx->mb_type_contexts[1][act_ctx] );
- }
- }
- if(act_sym==(mode16x16+1)) // additional info for 16x16 Intra-mode
- {
- act_ctx = 7;
- act_sym = mode_sym/12;
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, (unsigned char) act_sym, ctx->mb_type_contexts[1] + act_ctx ); // coding of AC/no AC
- mode_sym = mode_sym % 12;
- act_sym = mode_sym / 4; // coding of cbp: 0,1,2
- act_ctx = 8;
- if (act_sym==0)
- {
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 0, ctx->mb_type_contexts[1] + act_ctx );
- }
- else
- {
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 1, ctx->mb_type_contexts[1] + act_ctx );
- if (act_sym==1)
- {
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 0, ctx->mb_type_contexts[1] + act_ctx );
- }
- else
- {
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 1, ctx->mb_type_contexts[1] + act_ctx );
- }
- }
- mode_sym = mode_sym % 4; // coding of I pred-mode: 0,1,2,3
- act_ctx = 9;
- act_sym = mode_sym/2;
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, (unsigned char) act_sym, ctx->mb_type_contexts[1] + act_ctx );
- act_sym = mode_sym%2;
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, (unsigned char) act_sym, ctx->mb_type_contexts[1] + act_ctx );
- }
- }
- }
- /*!
- ****************************************************************************
- * brief
- * This function is used to arithmetically encode a pair of
- * intra prediction modes of a given MB.
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- void writeIntraPredMode2Buffer_CABAC(SyntaxElement *se, EncodingEnvironmentPtr eep_dp)
- {
- static int prev_sym = 0;
- static int count = 0; // to detect a new row of intra prediction modes
- TextureInfoContexts *ctx = img->currentSlice->tex_ctx;
- if (count % 2 == 0)
- prev_sym = 0;
- unary_bin_max_encode(eep_dp,(unsigned int) se->value1,ctx->ipr_contexts[prev_sym],1,5);
- prev_sym = se->value1;
- unary_bin_max_encode(eep_dp,(unsigned int) se->value2,ctx->ipr_contexts[prev_sym],1,5);
- prev_sym = se->value2;
- if(++count == MB_BLOCK_SIZE/2) // all modes of one MB have been processed
- count=0;
- }
- /*!
- ****************************************************************************
- * brief
- * This function is used to arithmetically encode the reference
- * parameter of a given MB.
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- void writeRefFrame2Buffer_CABAC(SyntaxElement *se, EncodingEnvironmentPtr eep_dp)
- {
- MotionInfoContexts *ctx = img->currentSlice->mot_ctx;
- Macroblock *currMB = &img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr];
- int a, b;
- int act_ctx;
- int act_sym;
- if (currMB->mb_available[0][1] == NULL)
- b = 0;
- else
- b = ( ((currMB->mb_available[0][1])->ref_frame != 0) ? 1 : 0);
- if (currMB->mb_available[1][0] == NULL)
- a = 0;
- else
- a = ( ((currMB->mb_available[1][0])->ref_frame != 0) ? 1 : 0);
- act_ctx = a + 2*b;
- se->context = act_ctx; // store context
- act_sym = se->value1;
- if (act_sym==0)
- {
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 0, ctx->ref_no_contexts + act_ctx );
- }
- else
- {
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 1, ctx->ref_no_contexts + act_ctx);
- act_sym--;
- act_ctx=4;
- unary_bin_encode(eep_dp, act_sym,ctx->ref_no_contexts+act_ctx,1);
- }
- }
- /*!
- ****************************************************************************
- * brief
- * This function is used to arithmetically encode the motion
- * vector data of a given MB.
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- void writeMVD2Buffer_CABAC(SyntaxElement *se, EncodingEnvironmentPtr eep_dp)
- {
- int step_h, step_v;
- int i = img->subblock_x;
- int j = img->subblock_y;
- int a, b;
- int act_ctx;
- int act_sym;
- int mv_pred_res;
- int mv_local_err;
- int mv_sign;
- int k = se->value2; // MVD component
- MotionInfoContexts *ctx = img->currentSlice->mot_ctx;
- Macroblock *currMB = &img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr];
- int curr_mb_type = currMB->mb_type;
- step_h=input->blc_size[curr_mb_type][0]/BLOCK_SIZE;
- step_v=input->blc_size[curr_mb_type][1]/BLOCK_SIZE;
- if (j==0)
- {
- if (currMB->mb_available[0][1] == NULL)
- b = 0;
- else
- b = absm((currMB->mb_available[0][1])->mvd[0][BLOCK_SIZE-1][i][k]);
- }
- else
- b = absm(currMB->mvd[0][j-step_v][i][k]);
- if (i==0)
- {
- if (currMB->mb_available[1][0] == NULL)
- a = 0;
- else
- a = absm((currMB->mb_available[1][0])->mvd[0][j][BLOCK_SIZE-1][k]);
- }
- else
- a = absm(currMB->mvd[0][j][i-step_h][k]);
- if ((mv_local_err=a+b)<3)
- act_ctx = 5*k;
- else
- {
- if (mv_local_err>32)
- act_ctx=5*k+3;
- else
- act_ctx=5*k+2;
- }
- mv_pred_res = se->value1;
- se->context = act_ctx;
- act_sym = absm(mv_pred_res);
- if (act_sym == 0)
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 0, &ctx->mv_res_contexts[0][act_ctx] );
- else
- {
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 1, &ctx->mv_res_contexts[0][act_ctx] );
- mv_sign = (mv_pred_res<0) ? 1: 0;
- act_ctx=5*k+4;
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, (unsigned char) mv_sign, &ctx->mv_res_contexts[1][act_ctx] );
- act_sym--;
- act_ctx=5*k;
- unary_mv_encode(eep_dp,act_sym,ctx->mv_res_contexts[1]+act_ctx,3);
- }
- }
- /*!
- ****************************************************************************
- * brief
- * This function is used to arithmetically encode the coded
- * block pattern of a given delta quant.
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- void writeDquant_CABAC(SyntaxElement *se, EncodingEnvironmentPtr eep_dp)
- {
- MotionInfoContexts *ctx = img->currentSlice->mot_ctx;
- Macroblock *currMB = &img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr];
- int act_ctx;
- int act_sym;
- int dquant = se->value1;
- int sign=0;
- if (dquant <= 0)
- sign = 1;
- act_sym = abs(dquant) << 1;
- act_sym += sign;
- act_sym --;
- if (currMB->mb_available[1][0] == NULL)
- act_ctx = 0;
- else
- act_ctx = ( ((currMB->mb_available[1][0])->delta_qp != 0) ? 1 : 0);
- if (act_sym==0)
- {
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 0, ctx->delta_qp_contexts + act_ctx );
- }
- else
- {
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 1, ctx->delta_qp_contexts + act_ctx);
- act_ctx=2;
- act_sym--;
- unary_bin_encode(eep_dp, act_sym,ctx->delta_qp_contexts+act_ctx,1);
- }
- }
- /*!
- ****************************************************************************
- * brief
- * This function is used to arithmetically encode the motion
- * vector data of a B-frame MB.
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- void writeBiMVD2Buffer_CABAC(SyntaxElement *se, EncodingEnvironmentPtr eep_dp)
- {
- int step_h, step_v;
- int i = img->subblock_x;
- int j = img->subblock_y;
- int a, b;
- int act_ctx;
- int act_sym;
- int mv_pred_res;
- int mv_local_err;
- int mv_sign;
- int backward = se->value2 & 0x01;
- int k = (se->value2>>1); // MVD component
- MotionInfoContexts *ctx = img->currentSlice->mot_ctx;
- Macroblock *currMB = &img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr];
- if(backward == 0)
- {
- step_h=img->fw_blc_size_h/BLOCK_SIZE; // horizontal stepsize
- step_v=img->fw_blc_size_v/BLOCK_SIZE; // vertical stepsize
- }
- else
- {
- step_h=img->bw_blc_size_h/BLOCK_SIZE; // horizontal stepsize
- step_v=img->bw_blc_size_v/BLOCK_SIZE; // vertical stepsize
- }
- if (j==0)
- {
- if (currMB->mb_available[0][1] == NULL)
- b = 0;
- else
- b = absm((currMB->mb_available[0][1])->mvd[backward][BLOCK_SIZE-1][i][k]);
- }
- else
- b = absm(currMB->mvd[backward][j-step_v][i][k]);
- if (i==0)
- {
- if (currMB->mb_available[1][0] == NULL)
- a = 0;
- else
- a = absm((currMB->mb_available[1][0])->mvd[backward][j][BLOCK_SIZE-1][k]);
- }
- else
- a = absm(currMB->mvd[backward][j][i-step_h][k]);
- if ((mv_local_err=a+b)<3)
- act_ctx = 5*k;
- else
- {
- if (mv_local_err>32)
- act_ctx=5*k+3;
- else
- act_ctx=5*k+2;
- }
- mv_pred_res = se->value1;
- se->context = act_ctx;
- act_sym = absm(mv_pred_res);
- if (act_sym == 0)
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 0, &ctx->mv_res_contexts[0][act_ctx] );
- else
- {
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 1, &ctx->mv_res_contexts[0][act_ctx] );
- mv_sign = (mv_pred_res<0) ? 1: 0;
- act_ctx=5*k+4;
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, (unsigned char) mv_sign, &ctx->mv_res_contexts[1][act_ctx] );
- act_sym--;
- act_ctx=5*k;
- unary_mv_encode(eep_dp,act_sym,ctx->mv_res_contexts[1]+act_ctx,3);
- }
- }
- /*!
- ****************************************************************************
- * brief
- * This function is used to arithmetically encode the forward
- * or backward bidirectional blocksize (for B frames only)
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- void writeBiDirBlkSize2Buffer_CABAC(SyntaxElement *se, EncodingEnvironmentPtr eep_dp)
- {
- int act_ctx;
- int act_sym;
- MotionInfoContexts *ctx = img->currentSlice->mot_ctx;
- act_sym = se->value1; // maximum is 6
- act_ctx=4;
- // using the context models of mb_type
- unary_bin_max_encode(eep_dp,(unsigned int) act_sym,ctx->mb_type_contexts[1]+act_ctx,1,6);
- }
- /*!
- ****************************************************************************
- * brief
- * This function is used to arithmetically encode the coded
- * block pattern of a given MB.
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- void writeCBP2Buffer_CABAC(SyntaxElement *se, EncodingEnvironmentPtr eep_dp)
- {
- TextureInfoContexts *ctx = img->currentSlice->tex_ctx;
- Macroblock *currMB = &img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr];
- int mb_x, mb_y;
- int a, b;
- int curr_cbp_ctx, curr_cbp_idx;
- int cbp = se->value1; // symbol to encode
- int mask;
- int cbp_bit;
- if ( se->type == SE_CBP_INTRA )
- curr_cbp_idx = 0;
- else
- curr_cbp_idx = 1;
- // coding of luma part (bit by bit)
- for (mb_y=0; mb_y < 4; mb_y += 2)
- {
- for (mb_x=0; mb_x < 4; mb_x += 2)
- {
- if (mb_y == 0)
- {
- if (currMB->mb_available[0][1] == NULL)
- b = 0;
- else
- b = (( ((currMB->mb_available[0][1])->cbp & (1<<(2+mb_x/2))) == 0) ? 1 : 0);
- }
- else
- b = ( ((cbp & (1<<(mb_x/2))) == 0) ? 1: 0);
- if (mb_x == 0)
- {
- if (currMB->mb_available[1][0] == NULL)
- a = 0;
- else
- a = (( ((currMB->mb_available[1][0])->cbp & (1<<(mb_y+1))) == 0) ? 1 : 0);
- }
- else
- a = ( ((cbp & (1<<mb_y)) == 0) ? 1: 0);
- curr_cbp_ctx = a+2*b;
- mask = (1<<(mb_y+mb_x/2));
- cbp_bit = cbp & mask;
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, (unsigned char) cbp_bit, ctx->cbp_contexts[curr_cbp_idx][0] + curr_cbp_ctx );
- }
- }
- // coding of chroma part
- b = 0;
- if (currMB->mb_available[0][1] != NULL)
- b = ((currMB->mb_available[0][1])->cbp > 15) ? 1 : 0;
- a = 0;
- if (currMB->mb_available[1][0] != NULL)
- a = ((currMB->mb_available[1][0])->cbp > 15) ? 1 : 0;
- curr_cbp_ctx = a+2*b;
- cbp_bit = (cbp > 15 ) ? 1 : 0;
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, (unsigned char) cbp_bit, ctx->cbp_contexts[curr_cbp_idx][1] + curr_cbp_ctx );
- if (cbp > 15)
- {
- b = 0;
- if (currMB->mb_available[0][1] != NULL)
- if ((currMB->mb_available[0][1])->cbp > 15)
- b = (( ((currMB->mb_available[0][1])->cbp >> 4) == 2) ? 1 : 0);
- a = 0;
- if (currMB->mb_available[1][0] != NULL)
- if ((currMB->mb_available[1][0])->cbp > 15)
- a = (( ((currMB->mb_available[1][0])->cbp >> 4) == 2) ? 1 : 0);
- curr_cbp_ctx = a+2*b;
- cbp_bit = ((cbp>>4) == 2) ? 1 : 0;
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, (unsigned char) cbp_bit, ctx->cbp_contexts[curr_cbp_idx][2] + curr_cbp_ctx );
- }
- }
- /*!
- ****************************************************************************
- * brief
- * This function is used to arithmetically encode level and
- * run of a given MB.
- ****************************************************************************
- */
- void writeRunLevel2Buffer_CABAC(SyntaxElement *se, EncodingEnvironmentPtr eep_dp)
- {
- const int level = se->value1;
- const int run = se->value2;
- const int curr_ctx_idx = se->context;
- int curr_level_ctx;
- int sign_of_level;
- int max_run;
- TextureInfoContexts *ctx = img->currentSlice->tex_ctx;
- unary_level_encode(eep_dp,(unsigned int) absm(level),ctx->level_context[curr_ctx_idx]);
- if (level!=0)
- {
- sign_of_level = ((level < 0) ? 1 : 0);
- curr_level_ctx = 3;
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, (unsigned char) sign_of_level, ctx->level_context[curr_ctx_idx] + curr_level_ctx );
- if (curr_ctx_idx != 0 && curr_ctx_idx != 6 && curr_ctx_idx != 5) // not double scan and not DC-chroma
- unary_bin_encode(eep_dp,(unsigned int) run,ctx->run_context[curr_ctx_idx],1);
- else
- {
- max_run = (curr_ctx_idx == 0) ? 7 : 3; // if double scan max_run = 7; if DC-chroma max_run = 3;
- unary_bin_max_encode(eep_dp,(unsigned int) run,ctx->run_context[curr_ctx_idx],1,max_run);
- }
- }
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Unary binarization and encoding of a symbol by using
- * one or two distinct models for the first two and all
- * remaining bins
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- void unary_bin_encode(EncodingEnvironmentPtr eep_dp,
- unsigned int symbol,
- BiContextTypePtr ctx,
- int ctx_offset)
- {
- unsigned int l;
- BiContextTypePtr ictx;
- if (symbol==0)
- {
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 0, ctx );
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 1, ctx );
- l=symbol;
- ictx=ctx+ctx_offset;
- while ((--l)>0)
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 1, ictx);
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 0, ictx);
- }
- return;
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Unary binarization and encoding of a symbol by using
- * one or two distinct models for the first two and all
- * remaining bins; no terminating "0" for max_symbol
- * (finite symbol alphabet)
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void unary_bin_max_encode(EncodingEnvironmentPtr eep_dp,
- unsigned int symbol,
- BiContextTypePtr ctx,
- int ctx_offset,
- unsigned int max_symbol)
- {
- unsigned int l;
- BiContextTypePtr ictx;
- if (symbol==0)
- {
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 0, ctx );
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 1, ctx );
- l=symbol;
- ictx=ctx+ctx_offset;
- while ((--l)>0)
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 1, ictx);
- if (symbol<max_symbol)
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 0, ictx);
- }
- return;
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Unary binarization and encoding of a symbol by using
- * three distinct models for the first, the second and all
- * remaining bins
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void unary_level_encode(EncodingEnvironmentPtr eep_dp,
- unsigned int symbol,
- BiContextTypePtr ctx)
- {
- unsigned int l;
- int bin=1;
- BiContextTypePtr ictx=ctx;
- if (symbol==0)
- {
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 0, ictx );
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 1, ictx );
- l=symbol;
- ictx++;
- while ((--l)>0)
- {
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 1, ictx );
- if ((++bin)==2) ictx++;
- }
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 0, ictx );
- }
- return;
- }
- /*!
- ************************************************************************
- * brief
- * Unary binarization and encoding of a symbol by using
- * four distinct models for the first, the second, intermediate
- * and all remaining bins
- ************************************************************************
- */
- void unary_mv_encode(EncodingEnvironmentPtr eep_dp,
- unsigned int symbol,
- BiContextTypePtr ctx,
- unsigned int max_bin)
- {
- unsigned int l;
- unsigned int bin=1;
- BiContextTypePtr ictx=ctx;
- if (symbol==0)
- {
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 0, ictx );
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 1, ictx );
- l=symbol;
- ictx++;
- while ((--l)>0)
- {
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 1, ictx );
- if ((++bin)==2) ictx++;
- if (bin==max_bin) ictx++;
- }
- biari_encode_symbol(eep_dp, 0, ictx );
- }
- return;
- }