资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- * Filtered Image Rescaling
- *
- Additional changes by Ray Gardener, Daylon Graphics Ltd.
- December 4, 1999
- Summary:
- - Horizontal filter contributions are calculated on the fly,
- as each column is mapped from src to dst image. This lets
- us omit having to allocate a temporary full horizontal stretch
- of the src image.
- - If none of the src pixels within a sampling region differ,
- then the output pixel is forced to equal (any of) the source pixel.
- This ensures that filters do not corrupt areas of constant color.
- - Filter weight contribution results, after summing, are
- rounded to the nearest pixel color value instead of
- being casted to Pixel (usually an int or char). Otherwise,
- artifacting occurs.
- - All memory allocations checked for failure; scale() returns
- error code. new_image() returns NULL if unable to allocate
- pixel storage, even if Image struct can be allocated.
- Some assertions added.
- - load_image(), save_image() take filenames, not file handles.
- - TGA bitmap format available. If you want to add a filetype,
- extend the gImageHandlers array, and factor in your load_image_xxx()
- and save_image_xxx() functions. Search for string 'add your'
- to find appropriate code locations.
- - The 'input' and 'output' command-line arguments do not have
- to specify .bm files; any supported filetype is okay.
- - Added implementation of getopt() if compiling under Windows.
- */
- #include "mp4live.h"
- #include "video_util_resize.h"
- #ifndef M_PI
- #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
- #endif
- #define WHITE_PIXEL (255)
- #define BLACK_PIXEL (0)
- #define CLAMP(v) (((v) < (BLACK_PIXEL)) ?
- (((v) > (WHITE_PIXEL)) ? (WHITE_PIXEL) : (v)))
- #define get_pixel(image, y, x) ((image)->data[(x) + (y) * image->span])
- #define put_pixel(image, y, x, p) ((image)->data[(x) + (y) * image->span] = (p))
- /* Helper data structures: */
- typedef struct {
- int pixel;
- fixdouble weight;
- typedef struct {
- int n; /* number of contributors */
- CONTRIB *p; /* pointer to list of contributions */
- } CLIST;
- void scale_setup_image(image_t *img, int w, int h, int depth, pixel_t *data)
- {
- img->xsize = h;
- img->ysize = w;
- img->pixspan = depth;
- img->span = w * depth;
- img->data = data;
- }
- image_t *scale_new_image(int w, int h, int depth) /* create a blank image */
- {
- image_t *image;
- if((image = (image_t *)malloc(sizeof(image_t))))
- {
- image->xsize = h;
- image->ysize = w;
- image->span = w * depth;
- image->pixspan = depth;
- image->data = NULL;
- }
- return image;
- }
- void scale_free_image(image_t *image)
- {
- free(image);
- }
- /*
- * filter function definitions
- */
- double Hermite_filter(double t)
- {
- // f(t) = 2|t|^3 - 3|t|^2 + 1, -1 <= t <= 1
- if(t < 0.0) t = -t;
- if(t < 1.0) return((2.0 * t - 3.0) * t * t + 1.0);
- return(0.0);
- }
- double Box_filter(double t)
- {
- if((t > -0.5) && (t <= 0.5)) return(1.0);
- return(0.0);
- }
- double Triangle_filter(double t)
- {
- if(t < 0.0) t = -t;
- if(t < 1.0) return(1.0 - t);
- return(0.0);
- }
- double Bell_filter(double t) /* box (*) box (*) box */
- {
- if(t < 0) t = -t;
- if(t < .5) return(.75 - (t * t));
- if(t < 1.5) {
- t = (t - 1.5);
- return(.5 * (t * t));
- }
- return(0.0);
- }
- double B_spline_filter(double t) /* box (*) box (*) box (*) box */
- {
- double tt;
- if(t < 0) t = -t;
- if(t < 1) {
- tt = t * t;
- return((.5 * tt * t) - tt + (2.0 / 3.0));
- } else if(t < 2) {
- t = 2 - t;
- return((1.0 / 6.0) * (t * t * t));
- }
- return(0.0);
- }
- static double sinc(double x)
- {
- x *= M_PI;
- if(x != 0) return(sin(x) / x);
- return(1.0);
- }
- double Lanczos3_filter(double t)
- {
- if(t < 0) t = -t;
- if(t < 3.0) return(sinc(t) * sinc(t/3.0));
- return(0.0);
- }
- #define B (1.0 / 3.0)
- #define C (1.0 / 3.0)
- double Mitchell_filter(double t)
- {
- double tt;
- tt = t * t;
- if(t < 0) t = -t;
- if(t < 1.0) {
- t = (((12.0 - 9.0 * B - 6.0 * C) * (t * tt))
- + ((-18.0 + 12.0 * B + 6.0 * C) * tt)
- + (6.0 - 2 * B));
- return(t / 6.0);
- } else if(t < 2.0) {
- t = (((-1.0 * B - 6.0 * C) * (t * tt))
- + ((6.0 * B + 30.0 * C) * tt)
- + ((-12.0 * B - 48.0 * C) * t)
- + (8.0 * B + 24 * C));
- return(t / 6.0);
- }
- return(0.0);
- }
- /*
- * image rescaling routine
- */
- /*
- calc_x_contrib(
- CLIST* contribX; * Receiver of contrib info
- double xscale; * Horizontal scaling
- double fwidth; * Filter sampling width
- int dstwidth; * Target bitmap width
- int srcwidth; * Source bitmap width
- double (*filterf)(double); * Filter proc
- int i; * pixel_t column in source bitmap being processed
- )
- Calculates the filter weights for a single target column.
- contribX->p must be freed afterwards.
- Returns -1 if error, 0 otherwise.
- */
- static int calc_x_contrib(CLIST* contribX, double xscale, double fwidth, int dstwidth, int srcwidth,
- double (*filterf)(double), int i)
- {
- double width;
- double fscale;
- double center, left, right;
- double weight;
- int j, k, n;
- if(xscale < 1.0)
- {
- /* Shrinking image */
- width = fwidth / xscale;
- fscale = 1.0 / xscale;
- contribX->n = 0;
- contribX->p = (CONTRIB *)calloc((int) (width * 2 + 1),
- sizeof(CONTRIB));
- if(contribX->p == NULL)
- return -1;
- center = (double) i / xscale;
- left = ceil(center - width);
- right = floor(center + width);
- for(j = (int)left; j <= right; ++j)
- {
- weight = center - (double) j;
- weight = (*filterf)(weight / fscale) / fscale;
- if(j < 0)
- n = -j;
- else if(j >= srcwidth)
- n = (srcwidth - j) + srcwidth - 1;
- else
- n = j;
- k = contribX->n++;
- contribX->p[k].pixel = n;
- contribX->p[k].weight = double2fixdouble(weight);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Expanding image */
- contribX->n = 0;
- contribX->p = (CONTRIB *)calloc((int) (fwidth * 2 + 1),
- sizeof(CONTRIB));
- if(contribX->p == NULL)
- return -1;
- center = (double) i / xscale;
- left = ceil(center - fwidth);
- right = floor(center + fwidth);
- for(j = (int)left; j <= right; ++j)
- {
- weight = center - (double) j;
- weight = (*filterf)(weight);
- if(j < 0) {
- n = -j;
- } else if(j >= srcwidth) {
- n = (srcwidth - j) + srcwidth - 1;
- } else {
- n = j;
- }
- k = contribX->n++;
- contribX->p[k].pixel = n;
- contribX->p[k].weight = double2fixdouble(weight);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- } /* calc_x_contrib */
- scaler_t *
- scale_image_init(image_t *dst, image_t *src, double (*filterf)(double), double fwidth)
- {
- scaler_t *scaler;
- int i, j, k; /* loop variables */
- int n; /* pixel number */
- int xx;
- double center = 0.0, left, right; /* filter calculation variables */
- double width, fscale, weight; /* filter calculation variables */
- double xscale, yscale;
- double maxwidth;
- CLIST contribX;
- CLIST *contribY;
- instruction_t *prg;
- scaler = (scaler_t*)malloc(sizeof(scaler_t));
- scaler->src = src;
- scaler->dst = dst;
- /* create intermediate column to hold horizontal dst column scale */
- scaler->tmp = (pixel_t*)malloc(src->ysize * sizeof(pixel_t));
- if(scaler->tmp == NULL)
- {
- free(scaler);
- return 0;
- }
- xscale = (double) dst->xsize / (double) src->xsize;
- /* Build y weights */
- /* pre-calculate filter contributions for a column */
- contribY = (CLIST *)calloc(dst->ysize, sizeof(CLIST));
- if(contribY == NULL)
- {
- free(scaler->tmp);
- free(scaler);
- return 0;
- }
- yscale = (double) dst->ysize / (double) src->ysize;
- if(yscale < 1.0)
- {
- width = fwidth / yscale;
- fscale = 1.0 / yscale;
- for(i = 0; i < dst->ysize; ++i)
- {
- contribY[i].n = 0;
- contribY[i].p = (CONTRIB *)calloc((int) (width * 2 + 1), sizeof(CONTRIB));
- if(contribY[i].p == NULL)
- {
- free(scaler->tmp);
- free(contribY);
- free(scaler);
- return 0;
- }
- center = (double) i / yscale;
- left = ceil(center - width);
- right = floor(center + width);
- for(j = (int)left; j <= right; ++j) {
- weight = center - (double) j;
- weight = (*filterf)(weight / fscale) / fscale;
- if(j < 0) {
- n = -j;
- } else if(j >= src->ysize) {
- n = (src->ysize - j) + src->ysize - 1;
- } else {
- n = j;
- }
- k = contribY[i].n++;
- contribY[i].p[k].pixel = n;
- contribY[i].p[k].weight = double2fixdouble(weight);
- }
- }
- } else {
- for(i = 0; i < dst->ysize; ++i) {
- contribY[i].n = 0;
- contribY[i].p = (CONTRIB *)calloc((int) (fwidth * 2 + 1), sizeof(CONTRIB));
- if(contribY[i].p == NULL)
- {
- free(scaler->tmp);
- free(scaler);
- return 0;
- }
- center = (double) i / yscale;
- left = ceil(center - fwidth);
- right = floor(center + fwidth);
- for(j = (int)left; j <= right; ++j) {
- weight = center - (double) j;
- weight = (*filterf)(weight);
- if(j < 0) {
- n = -j;
- } else if(j >= src->ysize) {
- n = (src->ysize - j) + src->ysize - 1;
- } else {
- n = j;
- }
- k = contribY[i].n++;
- contribY[i].p[k].pixel = n;
- contribY[i].p[k].weight = double2fixdouble(weight);
- }
- }
- }
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------
- streamline contributions into two simple bytecode programs. This
- single optimalization nearly doubles the performance! */
- maxwidth = fwidth;
- if (xscale < 1.0 || yscale < 1.0)
- maxwidth = fwidth / (xscale < yscale ? xscale : yscale);
- prg = scaler->programX = (instruction_t*)calloc(scaler->dst->xsize *
- (2 + 2*(int)(maxwidth*2+1)),
- sizeof(instruction_t));
- for(xx = 0; xx < scaler->dst->xsize; xx++)
- {
- calc_x_contrib(&contribX, xscale, fwidth,
- scaler->dst->xsize, scaler->src->xsize,
- filterf, xx);
- /*pel = get_pixel(scaler->src, contribX.p[0].pixel, k);*/
- (prg++)->index = contribX.p[0].pixel * scaler->src->span;
- (prg++)->count = contribX.n;
- for(j = 0; j < contribX.n; ++j)
- {
- /*pel2 = get_pixel(scaler->src, contribX.p[j].pixel, k);*/
- (prg++)->index = contribX.p[j].pixel * scaler->src->span;
- /*weight += pel2 * contribX.p[j].weight;*/
- (prg++)->weight = contribX.p[j].weight;
- }
- free(contribX.p);
- }
- prg = scaler->programY = (instruction_t*)calloc(scaler->dst->ysize *
- (2 + 2*(int)(maxwidth*2+1)),
- sizeof(instruction_t));
- /* The temp column has been built. Now stretch it
- vertically into dst column. */
- for(i = 0; i < scaler->dst->ysize; ++i)
- {
- /**(prg++) = scaler->contribY[i].p[0].pixel;*/
- (prg++)->pixel = scaler->tmp + contribY[i].p[0].pixel;
- (prg++)->count = contribY[i].n;
- for(j = 0; j < contribY[i].n; ++j)
- {
- /*(prg++) = scaler->contribY[i].p[j].pixel;*/
- (prg++)->pixel = scaler->tmp + contribY[i].p[j].pixel;
- (prg++)->weight = contribY[i].p[j].weight;
- }
- } /* next dst row */
- /* ---------------------------------------------------
- free the memory allocated for vertical filter weights -- no
- longer needed, we have programX and programY */
- for(i = 0; i < scaler->dst->ysize; ++i)
- free(contribY[i].p);
- free(contribY);
- return scaler;
- }
- void scale_image_process(scaler_t *scaler)
- {
- int x;
- int i = 0, j, k; /* loop variables */
- pixel_t pel, pel2;
- int bPelDelta;
- fixdouble weight;
- pixel_t *in;
- pixel_t *out = scaler->dst->data;
- pixel_t *tmpOut;
- instruction_t *prgY, *prgX = NULL, *prgXa;
- prgXa = scaler->programX;
- for(x = scaler->dst->xsize; x; --x) {
- /* Apply horz filter to make dst column in tmp. */
- for(in = scaler->src->data, tmpOut = scaler->tmp,
- k = scaler->src->ysize; k; --k, in++) {
- prgX = prgXa;
- weight = 0;
- bPelDelta = false;
- pel = in[(prgX++)->index];
- for(j = (prgX++)->count; j; --j) {
- pel2 = in[(prgX++)->index];
- if(pel2 != pel) {
- bPelDelta = true;
- }
- weight += pel2 * (prgX++)->weight;
- }
- *(tmpOut++) =
- bPelDelta ? (pixel_t)CLAMP(fixdouble2int(weight)) : pel;
- } /* next row in temp column */
- prgXa = prgX;
- /*
- * The temp column has been built.
- * Now stretch it vertically into dst column.
- */
- prgY = scaler->programY;
- for(i = scaler->dst->ysize; i; --i) {
- weight = 0;
- bPelDelta = false;
- pel = *((prgY++)->pixel);
- for(j = (prgY++)->count; j; --j) {
- pel2 = *((prgY++)->pixel);
- if(pel2 != pel) {
- bPelDelta = true;
- }
- weight += pel2 * (prgY++)->weight;
- }
- *(out++) =
- bPelDelta ? (pixel_t)CLAMP(fixdouble2int(weight)) : pel;
- } /* next dst row */
- } /* next dst column */
- }
- void scale_image_done(scaler_t *scaler)
- {
- free(scaler->tmp);
- free(scaler->programY);
- free(scaler->programX);
- free(scaler);
- }