资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /************************* MPEG-2 NBC Audio Decoder **************************
- * *
- "This software module was originally developed by
- AT&T, Dolby Laboratories, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft IIS and edited by
- Yoshiaki Oikawa (Sony Corporation),
- Mitsuyuki Hatanaka (Sony Corporation)
- in the course of development of the MPEG-2 NBC/MPEG-4 Audio standard ISO/IEC 13818-7,
- 14496-1,2 and 3. This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more
- MPEG-2 NBC/MPEG-4 Audio tools as specified by the MPEG-2 NBC/MPEG-4
- Audio standard. ISO/IEC gives users of the MPEG-2 NBC/MPEG-4 Audio
- standards free license to this software module or modifications thereof for use in
- hardware or software products claiming conformance to the MPEG-2 NBC/MPEG-4
- Audio standards. Those intending to use this software module in hardware or
- software products are advised that this use may infringe existing patents.
- The original developer of this software module and his/her company, the subsequent
- editors and their companies, and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software
- module or modifications thereof in an implementation. Copyright is not released for
- non MPEG-2 NBC/MPEG-4 Audio conforming products.The original developer
- retains full right to use the code for his/her own purpose, assign or donate the
- code to a third party and to inhibit third party from using the code for non
- MPEG-2 NBC/MPEG-4 Audio conforming products. This copyright notice must
- be included in all copies or derivative works."
- Copyright(c)1996.
- * *
- ****************************************************************************/
- /*
- * $Id: huffdec.c,v 1.6 2002/01/09 22:25:41 wmay Exp $
- */
- #ifdef WIN32
- #define WIN32_MEAN_AND_LEAN
- #include <windows.h>
- #endif
- #include <math.h>
- #include "all.h"
- #include "port.h"
- #include "bits.h"
- #include "util.h"
- // wmay - add statics
- static int extension_payload(faacDecHandle hDecoder, int cnt, byte *data);
- static int getescape(faacDecHandle hDecoder, int q);
- static void getgroup(faacDecHandle hDecoder, Info *info, byte *group);
- static int getics(faacDecHandle hDecoder, Info *info, int common_window, byte *win, byte *wshape,
- byte *group, byte *max_sfb, int *lpflag, int *prstflag,
- byte *cb_map, Float *coef, int *global_gain,
- int *factors,
- NOK_LT_PRED_STATUS *nok_ltp_status,
- TNS_frame_info *tns);
- static int get_ics_info(faacDecHandle hDecoder, byte *win, byte *wshape,
- byte *group, byte *max_sfb,
- int *lpflag, int *prstflag,
- NOK_LT_PRED_STATUS *nok_ltp_status,
- NOK_LT_PRED_STATUS *nok_ltp_status_right,
- int stereo_flag);
- static int getmask(faacDecHandle hDecoder, Info *info, byte *group, byte max_sfb, byte *mask);
- static void get_sign_bits(faacDecHandle hDecoder, int *q, int n);
- static int huffcb(faacDecHandle hDecoder, byte *sect, int *sectbits,
- int tot_sfb, int sfb_per_sbk, byte max_sfb);
- static int hufffac(faacDecHandle hDecoder, Info *info, byte *group, int nsect, byte *sect,
- int global_gain, int *factors);
- static int huffspec(faacDecHandle hDecoder, Info *info, int nsect, byte *sect,
- int *factors, Float *coef);
- void getfill(faacDecHandle hDecoder, byte *data)
- {
- int cnt;
- if ((cnt = faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, LEN_F_CNT)) == (1<<LEN_F_CNT)-1)
- cnt += faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, LEN_F_ESC) - 1;
- while (cnt > 0)
- cnt -= extension_payload(hDecoder, cnt, data);
- }
- int getdata(faacDecHandle hDecoder, int *tag, int *dt_cnt, byte *data_bytes)
- {
- int i, align_flag, cnt;
- *tag = faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, LEN_TAG);
- align_flag = faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, LEN_D_ALIGN);
- if ((cnt = faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, LEN_D_CNT)) == (1<<LEN_D_CNT)-1)
- cnt += faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, LEN_D_ESC);
- *dt_cnt = cnt;
- if (align_flag)
- faad_byte_align(&hDecoder->ld);
- for (i=0; i<cnt; i++)
- data_bytes[i] = faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, LEN_BYTE);
- return 0;
- }
- static int extension_payload(faacDecHandle hDecoder, int cnt, byte *data)
- {
- int type, i;
- /* fill bytes should not emulate any EX types below! */
- type = faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, LEN_EX_TYPE);
- switch(type) {
- case EX_FILL_DATA:
- faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, LEN_NIBBLE);
- for (i=0; i<cnt-1; i++)
- data[i] = faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, LEN_BYTE);
- return cnt;
- default:
- faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, LEN_NIBBLE);
- for (i=0; i<cnt-1; i++)
- faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, LEN_BYTE);
- return cnt;
- }
- }
- /*
- * read and decode the data for the next 1024 output samples
- * return -1 if there was an error
- */
- int huffdecode(faacDecHandle hDecoder, int id, MC_Info *mip, byte *win,
- Wnd_Shape *wshape,
- byte **cb_map, int **factors,
- byte **group, byte *hasmask, byte **mask, byte *max_sfb,
- int **lpflag, int **prstflag,
- NOK_LT_PRED_STATUS **nok_ltp_status,
- TNS_frame_info **tns, Float **coef)
- {
- int i, tag, common_window, ch, widx, first=0, last=0;
- int global_gain; /* not used in this routine */
- Info info;
- tag = faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, LEN_TAG);
- switch(id) {
- case ID_SCE:
- common_window = 0;
- break;
- case ID_CPE:
- common_window = faad_get1bit(&hDecoder->ld); /* common_window */
- break;
- default:
- /* CommonWarning("Unknown id"); */
- return(-1);
- }
- if ((ch = chn_config(hDecoder, id, tag, common_window, mip)) < 0)
- return -1;
- switch(id) {
- case ID_SCE:
- widx = mip->ch_info[ch].widx;
- first = ch;
- last = ch;
- hasmask[widx] = 0;
- break;
- case ID_CPE:
- first = ch;
- last = mip->ch_info[ch].paired_ch;
- if (common_window) {
- widx = mip->ch_info[ch].widx;
- if (!get_ics_info(hDecoder, &win[widx], &wshape[widx].this_bk, group[widx],
- &max_sfb[widx], lpflag[widx], prstflag[widx],
- nok_ltp_status[widx],nok_ltp_status[mip->ch_info[ch].paired_ch], common_window))
- return -1;
- hasmask[widx] = getmask(hDecoder, hDecoder->winmap[win[widx]], group[widx],
- max_sfb[widx], mask[widx]);
- }
- else {
- hasmask[mip->ch_info[first].widx] = 0;
- hasmask[mip->ch_info[last].widx] = 0;
- }
- break;
- }
- for (i=first; i<=last; i++) {
- widx = mip->ch_info[i].widx;
- SetMemory(coef[i], 0, LN2*sizeof(Float));
- if(!getics(hDecoder, &info, common_window, &win[widx], &wshape[widx].this_bk,
- group[widx], &max_sfb[widx], lpflag[widx], prstflag[widx],
- cb_map[i], coef[i], &global_gain, factors[i], nok_ltp_status[widx],
- tns[i]))
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int get_ics_info(faacDecHandle hDecoder, byte *win, byte *wshape, byte *group, byte *max_sfb,
- int *lpflag, int *prstflag, NOK_LT_PRED_STATUS *nok_ltp_status,
- NOK_LT_PRED_STATUS *nok_ltp_status_right, int stereo_flag)
- {
- Info *info;
- int i, j;
- int max_pred_sfb = pred_max_bands(hDecoder);
- faad_get1bit(&hDecoder->ld); /* reserved bit */
- *win = (unsigned char)faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, LEN_WIN_SEQ);
- *wshape = (unsigned char)faad_get1bit(&hDecoder->ld); /* window shape */
- if ((info = hDecoder->winmap[*win]) == NULL)
- /* CommonExit(1, "bad window code"); */
- return 0;
- /*
- * max scale factor, scale factor grouping and prediction flags
- */
- prstflag[0] = 0;
- if (info->islong) {
- *max_sfb = (unsigned char)faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, LEN_MAX_SFBL);
- group[0] = 1;
- if (hDecoder->mc_info.object_type != AACLTP) {
- if ((lpflag[0] = faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, LEN_PRED_PRES))) {
- if ((prstflag[0] = faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, LEN_PRED_RST))) {
- for(i=1; i<LEN_PRED_RSTGRP+1; i++)
- prstflag[i] = faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, LEN_PRED_RST);
- }
- j = ( (*max_sfb < max_pred_sfb) ?
- *max_sfb : max_pred_sfb ) + 1;
- for (i = 1; i < j; i++)
- lpflag[i] = faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, LEN_PRED_ENAB);
- for ( ; i < max_pred_sfb+1; i++)
- lpflag[i] = 0;
- }
- } else { /* AAC LTP */
- if(faad_get1bit(&hDecoder->ld))
- {
- nok_lt_decode(hDecoder, *max_sfb, nok_ltp_status->sbk_prediction_used,
- nok_ltp_status->sfb_prediction_used,
- &nok_ltp_status->weight,
- nok_ltp_status->delay);
- if(stereo_flag)
- nok_lt_decode(hDecoder, *max_sfb, nok_ltp_status_right->sbk_prediction_used,
- nok_ltp_status_right->sfb_prediction_used,
- &nok_ltp_status_right->weight,
- nok_ltp_status_right->delay);
- } else {
- nok_ltp_status->sbk_prediction_used[0] = 0;
- if(stereo_flag)
- nok_ltp_status_right->sbk_prediction_used[0] = 0;
- }
- }
- } else {
- *max_sfb = (unsigned char)faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, LEN_MAX_SFBS);
- getgroup(hDecoder, info, group);
- lpflag[0] = 0;
- nok_ltp_status->sbk_prediction_used[0] = 0;
- if(stereo_flag)
- nok_ltp_status_right->sbk_prediction_used[0] = 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- static void deinterleave(int inptr[], int outptr[], int ngroups,
- int nsubgroups[], int ncells[], int cellsize[])
- {
- int i, j, k, l;
- int *start_inptr, *start_subgroup_ptr, *subgroup_ptr;
- int cell_inc, subgroup_inc;
- start_subgroup_ptr = outptr;
- for (i = 0; i < ngroups; i++)
- {
- cell_inc = 0;
- start_inptr = inptr;
- /* Compute the increment size for the subgroup pointer */
- subgroup_inc = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < ncells[i]; j++) {
- subgroup_inc += cellsize[j];
- }
- /* Perform the deinterleaving across all subgroups in a group */
- for (j = 0; j < ncells[i]; j++)
- {
- subgroup_ptr = start_subgroup_ptr;
- for (k = 0; k < nsubgroups[i]; k++) {
- outptr = subgroup_ptr + cell_inc;
- for (l = 0; l < cellsize[j]; l++) {
- *outptr++ = *inptr++;
- }
- subgroup_ptr += subgroup_inc;
- }
- cell_inc += cellsize[j];
- }
- start_subgroup_ptr += (inptr - start_inptr);
- }
- }
- static void calc_gsfb_table(Info *info, byte *group)
- {
- int group_offset;
- int group_idx;
- int offset;
- int *group_offset_p;
- int sfb,len;
- /* first calc the group length*/
- if (info->islong){
- return;
- } else {
- group_offset = 0;
- group_idx =0;
- do {
- info->group_len[group_idx] = group[group_idx]-group_offset;
- group_offset=group[group_idx];
- group_idx++;
- } while (group_offset<8);
- info->num_groups=group_idx;
- group_offset_p = info->bk_sfb_top;
- offset=0;
- for (group_idx=0;group_idx<info->num_groups;group_idx++){
- len = info->group_len[group_idx];
- for (sfb=0;sfb<info->sfb_per_sbk[group_idx];sfb++){
- offset += info->sfb_width_128[sfb] * len;
- *group_offset_p++ = offset;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- static void getgroup(faacDecHandle hDecoder, Info *info, byte *group)
- {
- int i, j, first_short;
- first_short=1;
- for (i = 0; i < info->nsbk; i++) {
- if (info->bins_per_sbk[i] > SN2) {
- /* non-short windows are always their own group */
- *group++ = i+1;
- } else {
- /* only short-window sequences are grouped! */
- if (first_short) {
- /* first short window is always a new group */
- first_short=0;
- } else {
- if((j = faad_get1bit(&hDecoder->ld)) == 0) {
- *group++ = i;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- *group = i;
- }
- /*
- * read a synthesis mask
- * and grouped mask
- */
- static int getmask(faacDecHandle hDecoder, Info *info, byte *group, byte max_sfb, byte *mask)
- {
- int b, i, mp;
- mp = faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, LEN_MASK_PRES);
- /* special EXTENDED_MS_MASK cases */
- if(mp == 0) { /* no ms at all */
- return 0;
- }
- if(mp == 2) {/* MS for whole spectrum on, mask bits set to 1 */
- for(b = 0; b < info->nsbk; b = *group++)
- for(i = 0; i < info->sfb_per_sbk[b]; i ++)
- *mask++ = 1;
- return 2;
- }
- /* otherwise get mask */
- for(b = 0; b < info->nsbk; b = *group++){
- for(i = 0; i < max_sfb; i ++) {
- *mask = (byte)faad_get1bit(&hDecoder->ld);
- mask++;
- }
- for( ; i < info->sfb_per_sbk[b]; i++){
- *mask = 0;
- mask++;
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- static void clr_tns( Info *info, TNS_frame_info *tns_frame_info )
- {
- int s;
- tns_frame_info->n_subblocks = info->nsbk;
- for (s=0; s<tns_frame_info->n_subblocks; s++)
- tns_frame_info->info[s].n_filt = 0;
- }
- static int get_tns(faacDecHandle hDecoder, Info *info, TNS_frame_info *tns_frame_info)
- {
- int f, t, top, res, res2, compress;
- int short_flag, s;
- int *sp, tmp, s_mask, n_mask;
- TNSfilt *tns_filt;
- TNSinfo *tns_info;
- static int sgn_mask[] = { 0x2, 0x4, 0x8 };
- static int neg_mask[] = { 0xfffc, 0xfff8, 0xfff0 };
- short_flag = (!info->islong);
- tns_frame_info->n_subblocks = info->nsbk;
- for (s=0; s<tns_frame_info->n_subblocks; s++) {
- tns_info = &tns_frame_info->info[s];
- if (!(tns_info->n_filt = faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, short_flag ? 1 : 2)))
- continue;
- tns_info -> coef_res = res = faad_get1bit(&hDecoder->ld) + 3;
- top = info->sfb_per_sbk[s];
- tns_filt = &tns_info->filt[ 0 ];
- for (f=tns_info->n_filt; f>0; f--) {
- tns_filt->stop_band = top;
- top = tns_filt->start_band = top - faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, short_flag ? 4 : 6);
- tns_filt->order = faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, short_flag ? 3 : 5);
- if (tns_filt->order) {
- tns_filt->direction = faad_get1bit(&hDecoder->ld);
- compress = faad_get1bit(&hDecoder->ld);
- res2 = res - compress;
- s_mask = sgn_mask[ res2 - 2 ];
- n_mask = neg_mask[ res2 - 2 ];
- sp = tns_filt->coef;
- for (t=tns_filt->order; t>0; t--) {
- tmp = (short)faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, res2);
- *sp++ = (tmp & s_mask) ? (short)(tmp | n_mask) : (short)tmp;
- }
- }
- tns_filt++;
- }
- } /* subblock loop */
- return 1;
- }
- static void get_pulse_nc(faacDecHandle hDecoder, struct Pulse_Info *pulse_info)
- {
- int i;
- pulse_info->number_pulse = faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, LEN_NPULSE);
- pulse_info->pulse_start_sfb = faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, LEN_PULSE_ST_SFB);
- for(i = 0; i < pulse_info->number_pulse + 1; i++) {
- pulse_info->pulse_offset[i] = faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, LEN_POFF);
- pulse_info->pulse_amp[i] = faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, LEN_PAMP);
- }
- }
- static void pulse_nc(faacDecHandle hDecoder, int *coef, struct Pulse_Info *pulse_info)
- {
- int i, k;
- k = hDecoder->only_long_info.sbk_sfb_top[0][pulse_info->pulse_start_sfb];
- for(i = 0; i <= pulse_info->number_pulse; i++) {
- k += pulse_info->pulse_offset[i];
- if (coef[k]>0)
- coef[k] += pulse_info->pulse_amp[i];
- else
- coef[k] -= pulse_info->pulse_amp[i];
- }
- }
- static int getics(faacDecHandle hDecoder, Info *info, int common_window, byte *win, byte *wshape,
- byte *group, byte *max_sfb, int *lpflag, int *prstflag,
- byte *cb_map, Float *coef, int *global_gain,
- int *factors,
- NOK_LT_PRED_STATUS *nok_ltp_status,
- TNS_frame_info *tns)
- {
- int nsect, i, cb, top, bot, tot_sfb;
- byte sect[ 2*(MAXBANDS+1) ];
- memset(sect, 0, sizeof(sect));
- /*
- * global gain
- */
- *global_gain = (short)faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, LEN_SCL_PCM);
- if (!common_window) {
- if (!get_ics_info(hDecoder, win, wshape, group, max_sfb, lpflag, prstflag,
- nok_ltp_status, NULL, 0))
- return 0;
- }
- CopyMemory(info, hDecoder->winmap[*win], sizeof(Info));
- /* calculate total number of sfb for this grouping */
- if (*max_sfb == 0) {
- tot_sfb = 0;
- }
- else {
- i=0;
- tot_sfb = info->sfb_per_sbk[0];
- while (group[i++] < info->nsbk) {
- tot_sfb += info->sfb_per_sbk[0];
- }
- }
- /*
- * section data
- */
- nsect = huffcb(hDecoder, sect, info->sectbits, tot_sfb, info->sfb_per_sbk[0], *max_sfb);
- if(nsect==0 && *max_sfb>0)
- return 0;
- /* generate "linear" description from section info
- * stored as codebook for each scalefactor band and group
- */
- if (nsect) {
- bot = 0;
- for (i=0; i<nsect; i++) {
- cb = sect[2*i];
- top = sect[2*i + 1];
- for (; bot<top; bot++)
- *cb_map++ = cb;
- bot = top;
- }
- } else {
- for (i=0; i<MAXBANDS; i++)
- cb_map[i] = 0;
- }
- /* calculate band offsets
- * (because of grouping and interleaving this cannot be
- * a constant: store it in info.bk_sfb_top)
- */
- calc_gsfb_table(info, group);
- /*
- * scale factor data
- */
- if(!hufffac(hDecoder, info, group, nsect, sect, *global_gain, factors))
- return 0;
- /*
- * Pulse coding
- */
- if ((hDecoder->pulse_info.pulse_data_present = faad_get1bit(&hDecoder->ld))) { /* pulse data present */
- if (info->islong) {
- get_pulse_nc(hDecoder, &hDecoder->pulse_info);
- } else {
- /* CommonExit(1,"Pulse data not allowed for short blocks"); */
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /*
- * tns data
- */
- if (faad_get1bit(&hDecoder->ld)) { /* tns present */
- get_tns(hDecoder, info, tns);
- }
- else {
- clr_tns(info, tns);
- }
- if (faad_get1bit(&hDecoder->ld)) { /* gain control present */
- /* CommonExit(1, "Gain control not implemented"); */
- return 0;
- }
- return huffspec(hDecoder, info, nsect, sect, factors, coef);
- }
- /*
- * read the codebook and boundaries
- */
- static int huffcb(faacDecHandle hDecoder, byte *sect, int *sectbits,
- int tot_sfb, int sfb_per_sbk, byte max_sfb)
- {
- int nsect, n, base, bits, len;
- bits = sectbits[0];
- len = (1 << bits) - 1;
- nsect = 0;
- for(base = 0; base < tot_sfb && nsect < tot_sfb; ) {
- *sect++ = (byte)faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, LEN_CB);
- n = faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, bits);
- while(n == len && base < tot_sfb) {
- base += len;
- n = faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, bits);
- }
- base += n;
- *sect++ = base;
- nsect++;
- /* insert a zero section for regions above max_sfb for each group */
- if ((sect[-1] % sfb_per_sbk) == max_sfb) {
- base += (sfb_per_sbk - max_sfb);
- *sect++ = 0;
- *sect++ = base;
- nsect++;
- }
- }
- if(base != tot_sfb || nsect > tot_sfb)
- return 0;
- return nsect;
- }
- /*
- * get scale factors
- */
- static int hufffac(faacDecHandle hDecoder, Info *info, byte *group, int nsect, byte *sect,
- int global_gain, int *factors)
- {
- Huffscl *hcw;
- int i, b, bb, t, n, sfb, top, fac, is_pos;
- int factor_transmitted[MAXBANDS], *fac_trans;
- int noise_pcm_flag = 1;
- int noise_nrg;
- /* clear array for the case of max_sfb == 0 */
- SetMemory(factor_transmitted, 0, MAXBANDS*sizeof(int));
- SetMemory(factors, 0, MAXBANDS*sizeof(int));
- sfb = 0;
- fac_trans = factor_transmitted;
- for(i = 0; i < nsect; i++){
- top = sect[1]; /* top of section in sfb */
- t = sect[0]; /* codebook for this section */
- sect += 2;
- for(; sfb < top; sfb++) {
- fac_trans[sfb] = t;
- }
- }
- /* scale factors are dpcm relative to global gain
- * intensity positions are dpcm relative to zero
- */
- fac = global_gain;
- is_pos = 0;
- noise_nrg = global_gain - NOISE_OFFSET;
- /* get scale factors */
- hcw = bookscl;
- bb = 0;
- for(b = 0; b < info->nsbk; ){
- n = info->sfb_per_sbk[b];
- b = *group++;
- for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
- switch (fac_trans[i]) {
- case ZERO_HCB: /* zero book */
- break;
- default: /* spectral books */
- /* decode scale factor */
- t = decode_huff_cw_scl(hDecoder, hcw);
- fac += t - MIDFAC; /* 1.5 dB */
- if(fac >= 2*TEXP || fac < 0)
- return 0;
- factors[i] = fac;
- break;
- case BOOKSCL: /* invalid books */
- return 0;
- case INTENSITY_HCB: /* intensity books */
- /* decode intensity position */
- t = decode_huff_cw_scl(hDecoder, hcw);
- is_pos += t - MIDFAC;
- factors[i] = is_pos;
- break;
- case NOISE_HCB: /* noise books */
- /* decode noise energy */
- if (noise_pcm_flag) {
- noise_pcm_flag = 0;
- t = faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, NOISE_PCM_BITS) - NOISE_PCM_OFFSET;
- } else
- t = decode_huff_cw_scl(hDecoder, hcw) - MIDFAC;
- noise_nrg += t;
- factors[i] = noise_nrg;
- break;
- }
- }
- /* expand short block grouping */
- if (!(info->islong)) {
- for(bb++; bb < b; bb++) {
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- factors[i+n] = factors[i];
- }
- factors += n;
- }
- }
- fac_trans += n;
- factors += n;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- __inline float esc_iquant(faacDecHandle hDecoder, int q)
- {
- if (q > 0) {
- if (q < MAX_IQ_TBL) {
- return((float)hDecoder->iq_exp_tbl[q]);
- } else {
- return((float)pow(q, 4./3.));
- }
- } else {
- q = -q;
- if (q < MAX_IQ_TBL) {
- return((float)(-hDecoder->iq_exp_tbl[q]));
- } else {
- return((float)(-pow(q, 4./3.)));
- }
- }
- }
- static int huffspec(faacDecHandle hDecoder, Info *info, int nsect, byte *sect,
- int *factors, Float *coef)
- {
- Hcb *hcb;
- Huffman *hcw;
- int i, j, k, table, step, stop, bottom, top;
- int *bands, *bandp;
- int *quant, *qp;
- int *tmp_spec;
- int *quantPtr;
- int *tmp_specPtr;
- quant = AllocMemory(LN2*sizeof(int));
- tmp_spec = AllocMemory(LN2*sizeof(int));
- quantPtr = quant;
- tmp_specPtr = tmp_spec;
- #ifndef WIN32
- SetMemory(quant, 0, LN2*sizeof(int));
- #endif
- bands = info->bk_sfb_top;
- bottom = 0;
- k = 0;
- bandp = bands;
- for(i = nsect; i; i--) {
- table = sect[0];
- top = sect[1];
- sect += 2;
- if( (table == 0) || (table == NOISE_HCB) ||
- (table == INTENSITY_HCB) || (table == INTENSITY_HCB2) ) {
- bandp = bands+top;
- k = bandp[-1];
- bottom = top;
- continue;
- }
- if(table < BY4BOOKS+1) {
- step = 4;
- } else {
- step = 2;
- }
- hcb = &book[table];
- hcw = hcb->hcw;
- qp = quant+k;
- for(j = bottom; j < top; j++) {
- stop = *bandp++;
- while(k < stop) {
- decode_huff_cw(hDecoder, hcw, qp, hcb);
- if (!hcb->signed_cb)
- get_sign_bits(hDecoder, qp, step);
- if(table == ESCBOOK){
- qp[0] = getescape(hDecoder, qp[0]);
- qp[1] = getescape(hDecoder, qp[1]);
- }
- qp += step;
- k += step;
- }
- }
- bottom = top;
- }
- /* pulse coding reconstruction */
- if ((info->islong) && (hDecoder->pulse_info.pulse_data_present))
- pulse_nc(hDecoder, quant, &hDecoder->pulse_info);
- if (!info->islong) {
- deinterleave (quant,tmp_spec,
- (short)info->num_groups,
- info->group_len,
- info->sfb_per_sbk,
- info->sfb_width_128);
- for (i = LN2/16 - 1; i >= 0; --i)
- {
- *quantPtr++ = *tmp_specPtr++; *quantPtr++ = *tmp_specPtr++;
- *quantPtr++ = *tmp_specPtr++; *quantPtr++ = *tmp_specPtr++;
- *quantPtr++ = *tmp_specPtr++; *quantPtr++ = *tmp_specPtr++;
- *quantPtr++ = *tmp_specPtr++; *quantPtr++ = *tmp_specPtr++;
- *quantPtr++ = *tmp_specPtr++; *quantPtr++ = *tmp_specPtr++;
- *quantPtr++ = *tmp_specPtr++; *quantPtr++ = *tmp_specPtr++;
- *quantPtr++ = *tmp_specPtr++; *quantPtr++ = *tmp_specPtr++;
- *quantPtr++ = *tmp_specPtr++; *quantPtr++ = *tmp_specPtr++;
- }
- }
- /* inverse quantization */
- for (i=0; i<info->bins_per_bk; i++) {
- coef[i] = esc_iquant(hDecoder, quant[i]);
- }
- /* rescaling */
- {
- int sbk, nsbk, sfb, nsfb, fac, top;
- Float *fp, scale;
- i = 0;
- fp = coef;
- nsbk = info->nsbk;
- for (sbk=0; sbk<nsbk; sbk++) {
- nsfb = info->sfb_per_sbk[sbk];
- k=0;
- for (sfb=0; sfb<nsfb; sfb++) {
- top = info->sbk_sfb_top[sbk][sfb];
- fac = factors[i++]-SF_OFFSET;
- if (fac >= 0 && fac < TEXP) {
- scale = hDecoder->exptable[fac];
- }
- else {
- if (fac == -SF_OFFSET) {
- scale = 0;
- }
- else {
- scale = (float)pow(2.0, 0.25*fac);
- }
- }
- for ( ; k<top; k++) {
- *fp++ *= scale;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (quant) FreeMemory(quant);
- if (tmp_spec) FreeMemory(tmp_spec);
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * initialize the Hcb structure and sort the Huffman
- * codewords by length, shortest (most probable) first
- */
- void hufftab(Hcb *hcb, Huffman *hcw, int dim, int signed_cb)
- {
- hcb->dim = dim;
- hcb->signed_cb = signed_cb;
- hcb->hcw = hcw;
- }
- __inline void decode_huff_cw(faacDecHandle hDecoder, Huffman *h, int *qp, Hcb *hcb)
- {
- int i, j;
- unsigned long cw;
- i = h->len;
- cw = faad_getbits_fast(&hDecoder->ld, i);
- while (cw != h->cw)
- {
- h++;
- j = h->len-i;
- if (j!=0) {
- i += j;
- while (j--)
- cw = (cw<<1)|faad_get1bit(&hDecoder->ld);
- }
- }
- if(hcb->dim == 4)
- {
- qp[0] = h->x;
- qp[1] = h->y;
- qp[2] = h->v;
- qp[3] = h->w;
- } else {
- qp[0] = h->x;
- qp[1] = h->y;
- }
- }
- __inline int decode_huff_cw_scl(faacDecHandle hDecoder, Huffscl *h)
- {
- int i, j;
- long cw;
- i = h->len;
- cw = faad_getbits_fast(&hDecoder->ld, i);
- while ((unsigned long)cw != h->cw)
- {
- h++;
- j = h->len-i;
- if (j!=0) {
- i += j;
- while (j--)
- cw = (cw<<1)|faad_get1bit(&hDecoder->ld);
- }
- }
- return h->scl;
- }
- /* get sign bits */
- static void get_sign_bits(faacDecHandle hDecoder, int *q, int n)
- {
- int i;
- for(i=0; i < n; i++)
- {
- if(q[i])
- {
- if(faad_get1bit(&hDecoder->ld) & 1)
- {
- /* 1 signals negative, as in 2's complement */
- q[i] = -q[i];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- static int getescape(faacDecHandle hDecoder, int q)
- {
- int i, off, neg;
- if(q < 0){
- if(q != -16)
- return q;
- neg = 1;
- } else{
- if(q != +16)
- return q;
- neg = 0;
- }
- for(i=4;; i++){
- if(faad_get1bit(&hDecoder->ld) == 0)
- break;
- }
- if(i > 16){
- off = faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, i-16) << 16;
- off |= faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, 16);
- } else
- off = faad_getbits(&hDecoder->ld, i);
- i = off + (1<<i);
- if(neg)
- i = -i;
- return i;
- }