资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- This software module was originally developed by
- Ron Burns (Hughes Electronics)
- and edited by
- Naoya Tanaka (Matsushita Communication Industrial Co., Ltd.)
- Toshiyuki Nomura (NEC Corporation)
- in the course of development of the
- MPEG-2 NBC/MPEG-4 Audio standard ISO/IEC 13818-7, 14496-1,2 and 3.
- This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more
- MPEG-2 NBC/MPEG-4 Audio tools as specified by the MPEG-2 NBC/MPEG-4 Audio
- standard. ISO/IEC gives users of the MPEG-2 NBC/MPEG-4 Audio standards
- free license to this software module or modifications thereof for use in
- hardware or software products claiming conformance to the MPEG-2 NBC/
- MPEG-4 Audio standards. Those intending to use this software module in
- hardware or software products are advised that this use may infringe
- existing patents. The original developer of this software module and
- his/her company, the subsequent editors and their companies, and ISO/IEC
- have no liability for use of this software module or modifications
- thereof in an implementation. Copyright is not released for non
- MPEG-2 NBC/MPEG-4 Audio conforming products. The original developer
- retains full right to use the code for his/her own purpose, assign or
- donate the code to a third party and to inhibit third party from using
- the code for non MPEG-2 NBC/MPEG-4 Audio conforming products.
- This copyright notice must be included in all copies or derivative works.
- Copyright (c)1996.
- */
- /* MPEG-4 Audio Verification Model
- * CELP core (Ver. 3.01)
- *
- * Framework:
- * Original: 06/18/96 R. Burns (Hughes Electronics)
- * Last Modified: 10/28/96 N.Tanaka (Panasonic)
- * 01/13/97 N.Tanaka (Panasonic)
- * 02/27/97 T.Nomura (NEC)
- * 06/18/97 N.Tanaka (Panasonic)
- *
- * Used Modules:
- * abs_bitstream_demux : NEC/Panasonic
- * abs_lpc_decode : Panasonic
- * (LPC-LSP conversion) : AT&T
- * abs_excitation_generation : NEC
- * abs_lpc_synthesis_filter : Philips
- * abs_postprocessing : AT&T
- *
- * >>abs_lpc_interpolation is included in abs_lpc_decode module.
- *
- * History:
- * Ver. 0.01 07/03/96 Born
- * Ver. 1.10 07/25/96 Panasonic LPC quantizer
- * Ver. 1.11 08/06/96 I/F revision
- * Ver. 1.12 09/04/96 I/F revision
- * Ver. 1.13 09/24/96 I/F revision
- * Ver. 2.00 11/07/96 Module replacement & I/F revisions
- * Ver. 2.11 01/13/96 Added 22bits ver. of Panasonic LSPVQ
- * Ver. 3.00 02/27/97 Added NEC Rate Control Functionality
- * Ver. 3.01 06/18/97 Panasonic LSPQ in source code
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <math.h>
- /* #include "libtsp.h" */ /* HP 971117 */
- #include "buffersHandle.h" /* handler, defines, enums */
- #include "bitstream.h"
- #include "lpc_common.h"
- #include "celp_proto_dec.h"
- /* for Panasonic modules */
- #include "pan_celp_const.h"
- #include "pan_celp_proto.h"
- /* for AT&T modules */
- #include "att_proto.h"
- /* for Philips modules */
- /* Modified AG: 28-nov-96 */
- #include "phi_cons.h"
- #include "phi_lpc.h"
- /* for NEC modules */
- #include "nec_abs_const.h"
- #include "nec_abs_proto.h"
- /* -------------- */
- /* Initialization */
- /* -------------- */
- void nb_abs_lpc_decode(
- unsigned long lpc_indices[], /* in: LPC code indices */
- float int_Qlpc_coefficients[], /* out: quantized & interpolated LPC*/
- long lpc_order, /* in: order of LPC */
- long n_subframes, /* in: number of subframes */
- float *prev_Qlsp_coefficients
- )
- {
- #include "inc_lsp22.tbl"
- float *Qlsp_coefficients;
- float *int_Qlsp_coefficients;
- float *tmp_lpc_coefficients;
- long i, j;
- static float p_factor=PAN_LSP_AR_R_CELP;
- static float min_gap=PAN_MINGAP_CELP;
- float *lsp_tbl;
- float *d_tbl;
- float *pd_tbl;
- long *dim_1;
- long *dim_2;
- long *ncd_1;
- long *ncd_2;
- /* Memory allocation */
- if((Qlsp_coefficients=(float *)calloc(lpc_order, sizeof(float)))==NULL) {
- printf("n Memory allocation error in abs_lpc_quantizern");
- exit(1);
- }
- if((int_Qlsp_coefficients=(float *)calloc(lpc_order, sizeof(float)))==NULL) {
- printf("n Memory allocation error in abs_lpc_quantizern");
- exit(2);
- }
- if((tmp_lpc_coefficients=(float *)calloc(lpc_order+1, sizeof(float)))==NULL) {
- printf("n Memory allocation error in abs_lpc_quantizern");
- exit(3);
- }
- /* LSP decode */
- lsp_tbl = lsp_tbl22;
- d_tbl = d_tbl22;
- pd_tbl = pd_tbl22;
- dim_1 = dim22_1;
- dim_2 = dim22_2;
- ncd_1 = ncd22_1;
- ncd_2 = ncd22_2;
- pan_lspdec(prev_Qlsp_coefficients, Qlsp_coefficients,
- p_factor, min_gap, lpc_order, lpc_indices,
- lsp_tbl, d_tbl, pd_tbl, dim_1, ncd_1, dim_2, ncd_2, 1, 1);
- /* for Testing
- for(i=0;i<lpc_order;i++) printf("%7.5f ", Qlsp_coefficients[i]);
- printf("n");
- */
- /* Interpolation & LSP -> LPC conversion */
- for(i=0;i<n_subframes;i++) {
- pan_lsp_interpolation(prev_Qlsp_coefficients, Qlsp_coefficients,
- int_Qlsp_coefficients, lpc_order, n_subframes, i);
- for(j=0;j<lpc_order;j++) int_Qlsp_coefficients[j] *= PAN_PI;
- lsf2pc(tmp_lpc_coefficients, int_Qlsp_coefficients, lpc_order);
- /* reverse the sign of input LPCs */
- /* Philips: A(z) = 1+a1z^(-1)+ ... +apz^(-p) */
- /* AT&T, Panasonic: A(z) = 1-a1z^(-1)+ ... +apz^(-p) */
- for(j=0;j<lpc_order;j++)
- int_Qlpc_coefficients[lpc_order*i+j]
- = -tmp_lpc_coefficients[j+1];
- }
- pan_mv_fdata(prev_Qlsp_coefficients, Qlsp_coefficients, lpc_order);
- FREE(Qlsp_coefficients);
- FREE(int_Qlsp_coefficients);
- FREE(tmp_lpc_coefficients);
- }
- void bws_lpc_decoder(
- unsigned long lpc_indices_16[],
- float int_Qlpc_coefficients_16[],
- long lpc_order_8,
- long lpc_order_16,
- long n_subframes_16,
- float buf_Qlsp_coefficients_8[],
- float prev_Qlsp_coefficients_16[]
- )
- {
- float *Qlsp_coefficients_16;
- float *int_Qlsp_coefficients_16;
- float *tmp_lpc_coefficients_16;
- long i,j;
- /*Memory allocation*/
- if((Qlsp_coefficients_16 = (float *)calloc(lpc_order_16, sizeof(float))) == NULL){
- printf("nMemory allocation err in lpc_decoder_16.n");
- exit(1);
- }
- if((int_Qlsp_coefficients_16 = (float *)calloc(lpc_order_16, sizeof(float))) == NULL){
- printf("nMemory allocation err in lpc_decoder_16.n");
- exit(1);
- }
- if((tmp_lpc_coefficients_16 = (float *)calloc(lpc_order_16 + 1, sizeof(float))) == NULL){
- printf("nMemory allocation err in lpc_quantizer_16.n");
- exit(1);
- }
- /* LSP Decode*/
- nec_bws_lsp_decoder( lpc_indices_16, buf_Qlsp_coefficients_8,
- Qlsp_coefficients_16,
- lpc_order_16, lpc_order_8 );
- /*Interpolation & LSP -> LPC conversion*/
- for( i = 0; i < n_subframes_16; i++){
- pan_lsp_interpolation(prev_Qlsp_coefficients_16,
- Qlsp_coefficients_16,
- int_Qlsp_coefficients_16,
- lpc_order_16, n_subframes_16, i);
- lsf2pc(tmp_lpc_coefficients_16, int_Qlsp_coefficients_16,
- lpc_order_16);
- for( j = 0; j < lpc_order_16; j++)
- int_Qlpc_coefficients_16[lpc_order_16 * i + j] = -tmp_lpc_coefficients_16[j+1];
- }
- pan_mv_fdata(prev_Qlsp_coefficients_16, Qlsp_coefficients_16, lpc_order_16);
- FREE(Qlsp_coefficients_16);
- FREE(int_Qlsp_coefficients_16);
- FREE(tmp_lpc_coefficients_16);
- return;
- }
- void nb_abs_excitation_generation(
- unsigned long shape_indices[], /* in: shape code indices */
- unsigned long gain_indices[], /* in: gain code indices */
- long num_shape_cbks, /* in: number of shape codebooks */
- long num_gain_cbks, /* in: number of gain codebooks */
- unsigned long rms_index, /* in: RMS code index */
- float int_Qlpc_coefficients[], /* in: interpolated LPC */
- long lpc_order, /* in: order of LPC */
- long sbfrm_size, /* in: subframe size */
- long n_subframes, /* in: number of subframes */
- unsigned long signal_mode, /* in: signal mode */
- long org_frame_bit_allocation[], /* in: bit number for each index */
- float excitation[], /* out: decoded excitation */
- float bws_mp_exc[], /* out: decoded excitation */
- long *acb_delay, /* out: adaptive code delay */
- float *adaptive_gain, /* out: adaptive code gain */
- long dec_enhstages,
- long postfilter,
- long SampleRateMode
- )
- {
- float *tmp_lpc_coefficients;
- long i;
- long num_lpc_indices;
- if(fs8kHz==SampleRateMode) {
- num_lpc_indices = PAN_NUM_LPC_INDICES;
- }else {
- num_lpc_indices = PAN_NUM_LPC_INDICES_W;
- }
- if((tmp_lpc_coefficients=(float *)calloc(lpc_order, sizeof(float)))==NULL) {
- printf("n Memory allocation error in abs_exc_generationn");
- exit(1);
- }
- for(i=0;i<lpc_order;i++)
- tmp_lpc_coefficients[i] = -int_Qlpc_coefficients[i];
- nec_abs_excitation_generation(
- tmp_lpc_coefficients, /* in: interpolated LPC */
- shape_indices, /* in: shape code indices */
- gain_indices, /* in: gain code indices */
- rms_index, /* in: RMS code index */
- signal_mode, /* in: signal mode */
- excitation, /* out: decoded excitation */
- adaptive_gain, /* out: adaptive code gain */
- acb_delay, /* out: adaptive code delay */
- lpc_order, /* in: order of LPC */
- sbfrm_size, /* in: subframe size */
- n_subframes, /* in: number of subframes */
- org_frame_bit_allocation+num_lpc_indices,
- num_shape_cbks, /* in: number of shape codebooks */
- num_gain_cbks, /* in: number of gain codebooks */
- dec_enhstages, /* in: number of enhancement stages */
- bws_mp_exc,
- postfilter,
- SampleRateMode );
- if ( tmp_lpc_coefficients != NULL)FREE(tmp_lpc_coefficients);
- }
- void bws_excitation_generation(
- unsigned long shape_indices[], /* in: shape code indices */
- unsigned long gain_indices[], /* in: gain code indices */
- long num_shape_cbks, /* in: number of shape codebooks */
- long num_gain_cbks, /* in: number of gain codebooks */
- unsigned long rms_index, /* in: RMS code index */
- float int_Qlpc_coefficients[], /* in: interpolated LPC */
- long lpc_order, /* in: order of LPC */
- long sbfrm_size, /* in: subframe size */
- long n_subframes, /* in: number of subframes */
- unsigned long signal_mode, /* in: signal mode */
- long org_frame_bit_allocation[], /* in: bit number for each index */
- float excitation[], /* out: decoded excitation */
- float bws_mp_exc[], /* in: decoded mp excitation */
- long acb_indx_8[], /* in: acb_delay */
- long *acb_delay, /* out: adaptive code delay */
- float *adaptive_gain, /* out: adaptive code gain */
- long postfilter
- )
- {
- float *tmp_lpc_coefficients;
- long i;
- if((tmp_lpc_coefficients=(float *)calloc(lpc_order, sizeof(float)))==NULL) {
- printf("n Memory allocation error in abs_exc_generationn");
- exit(1);
- }
- for(i=0;i<lpc_order;i++)
- tmp_lpc_coefficients[i] = -int_Qlpc_coefficients[i];
- nec_bws_excitation_generation(
- tmp_lpc_coefficients, /* in: interpolated LPC */
- shape_indices, /* in: shape code indices */
- gain_indices, /* in: gain code indices */
- rms_index, /* in: RMS code index */
- signal_mode, /* in: signal_mode */
- excitation, /* out: decoded excitation */
- adaptive_gain, /* out: adaptive code gain */
- acb_delay, /* out: adaptive code delay */
- lpc_order, /* in: order of LPC */
- sbfrm_size, /* in: subframe size */
- n_subframes, /* in: number of subframes */
- org_frame_bit_allocation,
- num_shape_cbks, /* in: number of shape codebooks */
- num_gain_cbks, /* in: number of gain codebooks */
- bws_mp_exc,
- acb_indx_8, postfilter );
- FREE(tmp_lpc_coefficients);
- }
- void nb_abs_postprocessing(
- float synth_signal[], /* input */
- float PP_synth_signal[], /* output */
- float int_Qlpc_coefficients[], /* input */
- long lpc_order, /* configuration input */
- long sbfrm_sizes, /* configuration input */
- long acb_delay, /* input */
- float adaptive_gain /* input */
- )
- {
- float *tmp_lpc_coefficients;
- long i;
- if((tmp_lpc_coefficients=(float *)calloc(lpc_order, sizeof(float)))==NULL) {
- printf("n Memory allocation error in abs_postprocessingn");
- exit(1);
- }
- for(i=0;i<lpc_order;i++)
- tmp_lpc_coefficients[i] = -int_Qlpc_coefficients[i];
- att_abs_postprocessing(
- synth_signal, /* input */
- PP_synth_signal, /* output */
- tmp_lpc_coefficients, /* input */
- lpc_order, /* configuration input */
- sbfrm_sizes, /* configuration input */
- acb_delay, /* input */
- adaptive_gain /* input */
- );
- FREE(tmp_lpc_coefficients);
- }
- void wb_celp_lsp_decode(
- unsigned long lpc_indices[], /* in: LPC code indices */
- float int_Qlpc_coefficients[], /* out: quantized & interpolated LPC*/
- long lpc_order, /* in: order of LPC */
- long n_subframes, /* in: number of subframes */
- float *prev_Qlsp_coefficients
- )
- {
- #include "inc_lsp46w.tbl"
- float *Qlsp_coefficients;
- float *int_Qlsp_coefficients;
- float *tmp_lpc_coefficients;
- long i, j;
- float *lsp_tbl;
- float *d_tbl;
- float *pd_tbl;
- long *dim_1;
- long *dim_2;
- long *ncd_1;
- long *ncd_2;
- long offset;
- long orderLsp;
- /* Memory allocation */
- if((Qlsp_coefficients=(float *)calloc(lpc_order, sizeof(float)))==NULL) {
- printf("n Memory allocation error in abs_lpc_quantizern");
- exit(1);
- }
- if((int_Qlsp_coefficients=(float *)calloc(lpc_order, sizeof(float)))==NULL) {
- printf("n Memory allocation error in abs_lpc_quantizern");
- exit(2);
- }
- if((tmp_lpc_coefficients=(float *)calloc(lpc_order+1, sizeof(float)))==NULL) {
- printf("n Memory allocation error in abs_lpc_quantizern");
- exit(3);
- }
- /* LSP decode - lower part */
- orderLsp = dim46w_L1[0]+dim46w_L1[1];
- lsp_tbl = lsp_tbl46w_L;
- d_tbl = d_tbl46w_L;
- pd_tbl = pd_tbl46w_L;
- dim_1 = dim46w_L1;
- dim_2 = dim46w_L2;
- ncd_1 = ncd46w_L1;
- ncd_2 = ncd46w_L2;
- pan_lspdec(prev_Qlsp_coefficients, Qlsp_coefficients,
- PAN_LSP_AR_R_CELP_W, PAN_MINGAP_CELP_W, orderLsp, lpc_indices,
- lsp_tbl, d_tbl, pd_tbl, dim_1, ncd_1, dim_2, ncd_2, 0, 1);
- /* LSP decode - upper part */
- offset = dim46w_L1[0]+dim46w_L1[1];
- orderLsp = dim46w_U1[0]+dim46w_U1[1];
- lsp_tbl = lsp_tbl46w_U;
- d_tbl = d_tbl46w_U;
- pd_tbl = pd_tbl46w_U;
- dim_1 = dim46w_U1;
- dim_2 = dim46w_U2;
- ncd_1 = ncd46w_U1;
- ncd_2 = ncd46w_U2;
- pan_lspdec(prev_Qlsp_coefficients+offset, Qlsp_coefficients+offset,
- PAN_LSP_AR_R_CELP_W, PAN_MINGAP_CELP_W, orderLsp, lpc_indices+5,
- lsp_tbl, d_tbl, pd_tbl, dim_1, ncd_1, dim_2, ncd_2, 0, 1);
- pan_stab(Qlsp_coefficients, PAN_MINGAP_CELP_W, lpc_order);
- /* for Testing
- for(i=0;i<lpc_order;i++) printf("%7.5f ", Qlsp_coefficients[i]);
- printf("n");
- */
- /* Interpolation & LSP -> LPC conversion */
- for(i=0;i<n_subframes;i++) {
- pan_lsp_interpolation(prev_Qlsp_coefficients, Qlsp_coefficients,
- int_Qlsp_coefficients, lpc_order, n_subframes, i);
- for(j=0;j<lpc_order;j++) int_Qlsp_coefficients[j] *= PAN_PI;
- lsf2pc(tmp_lpc_coefficients, int_Qlsp_coefficients, lpc_order);
- for(j=0;j<lpc_order;j++)
- int_Qlpc_coefficients[lpc_order*i+j]
- = -tmp_lpc_coefficients[j+1];
- }
- pan_mv_fdata(prev_Qlsp_coefficients, Qlsp_coefficients, lpc_order);
- FREE(Qlsp_coefficients);
- FREE(int_Qlsp_coefficients);
- FREE(tmp_lpc_coefficients);
- }