资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /* MPEG/WAVE Sound library
- (C) 1997 by Jung woo-jae */
- //
- // It's for MPEG Layer 3
- // I've made array of superior functions for speed.
- // Extend TO_FOUR_THIRDS to negative.
- // Bug fix : maplay 1.2+ have wrong TO_FOUR_THIRDS ranges.
- // Force to mono!!
- // MPEG-2 is implemented
- // Speed up in fixstereo (maybe buggy)
- #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
- #include "config.h"
- #endif
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "MPEGaudio.h"
- #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_MSC_VER)
- // disable warnings about double to float conversions
- #pragma warning(disable: 4244 4305)
- #endif
- inline void Mpegbitwindow::wrap(void)
- {
- int p=bitindex>>3;
- point&=(WINDOWSIZE-1);
- if(p>=point)
- {
- for(register int i=4;i<point;i++)
- buffer[WINDOWSIZE+i]=buffer[i];
- }
- *((int *)(buffer+WINDOWSIZE))=*((int *)buffer);
- }
- #define MUL3(a) (((a)<<1)+(a))
- #define REAL0 0
- #define REALSIZE (sizeof(REAL))
- #ifdef PI
- #undef PI
- #endif
- #define PI 3.141593
- #define PI_12 (PI/12.0)
- #define PI_18 (PI/18.0)
- #define PI_24 (PI/24.0)
- #define PI_36 (PI/36.0)
- #define PI_72 (PI/72.0)
- inline void long_memset(void * s,unsigned int c,int count)
- {
- __asm__ __volatile__(
- "cldnt"
- "rep ; stoslnt"
- : /* no output */
- :"a" (c), "c" (count/4), "D" ((long) s)
- :"cx","di","memory");
- }
- #endif
- static REAL two_to_negative_half_pow[40];
- static REAL POW2[256];
- static REAL POW2_1[8][2][16];
- static REAL ca[8],cs[8];
- static REAL cos1_6=cos(PI/6.0*1.0);
- static REAL cos2_6=cos(PI/6.0*2.0);
- static REAL win[4][36];
- static REAL cos_18[9];
- static REAL hsec_36[9],hsec_12[3];
- typedef struct
- {
- REAL l,r;
- static RATIOS rat_1[16],rat_2[2][64];
- void MPEGaudio::layer3initialize(void)
- {
- static bool initializedlayer3=false;
- register int i;
- int j,k,l;
- #if 0
- double td = 0.0;
- printf( "%fn", td );
- //pow( 0.0, 1.333333 );
- printf( "An" );
- pow( td, 1.333333 );
- printf( "Bn" );
- #endif
- layer3framestart=0;
- currentprevblock=0;
- {
- for(l=0;l<2;l++)
- for(i=0;i<2;i++)
- for(j=0;j<SBLIMIT;j++)
- for(k=0;k<SSLIMIT;k++)
- prevblck[l][i][j][k]=0.0f;
- }
- bitwindow.initialize();
- if(initializedlayer3)return;
- // Calculate win
- {
- for(i=0;i<18;i++)
- win[0][i]=win[1][i]=0.5*sin(PI_72*(double)(2*i+1))/cos(PI_72*(double)(2*i+19));
- for(;i<36;i++)
- win[0][i]=win[3][i]=0.5*sin(PI_72*(double)(2*i+1))/cos(PI_72*(double)(2*i+19));
- for(i=0;i<6;i++)
- {
- win[1][i+18]=0.5/cos(PI_72*(double)(2*(i+18)+19));
- win[3][i+12]=0.5/cos(PI_72*(double)(2*(i+12)+19));
- win[1][i+24]=0.5*sin(PI_24*(double)(2*i+13))/cos(PI_72*(double)(2*(i+24)+19));
- win[1][i+30]=win[3][i]=0.0;
- win[3][i+6 ]=0.5*sin(PI_24*(double)(2*i+1))/cos(PI_72*(double)(2*(i+6)+19));
- }
- for(i=0;i<12;i++)
- win[2][i]=0.5*sin(PI_24*(double)(2*i+1))/cos(PI_24*(double)(2*i+7));
- }
- for(i=0;i<9;i++)
- cos_18[i]=cos(PI_18*double(i));
- for(i=0;i<9;i++)
- hsec_36[i]=0.5/cos(PI_36*double(i*2+1));
- for(i=0;i<3;i++)
- hsec_12[i]=0.5/cos(PI_12*double(i*2+1));
- for(i=0;i<40;i++)
- two_to_negative_half_pow[i]=(REAL)pow(2.0,-0.5*(double)i);
- {
- //KR
- for( i = 0; i < FOURTHIRDSTABLENUMBER; i++ )
- {
- TO_FOUR_THIRDS[-i]= -(TO_FOUR_THIRDS[i] = (REAL)pow((double)i,4.0/3.0));
- }
- }
- for(i=0;i<256;i++)POW2[i]=(REAL)pow(2.0,(0.25*(i-210.0)));
- for(i=0;i<8;i++)
- for(j=0;j<2;j++)
- for(k=0;k<16;k++)POW2_1[i][j][k]=pow(2.0,(-2.0*i)-(0.5*(1.0+j)*k));
- {
- static REAL TAN12[16]=
- { 0.0, 0.26794919, 0.57735027 , 1.0,
- 1.73205081, 3.73205081, 9.9999999e10,-3.73205081,
- -1.73205081,-1.01, -0.57735027, -0.26794919,
- 0.0, 0.26794919, 0.57735027, 1.0};
- for(i=0;i<16;i++)
- {
- rat_1[i].l=TAN12[i]/(1.0+TAN12[i]);
- rat_1[i].r=1.0/(1.0+TAN12[i]);
- }
- }
- #define IO0 ((double)0.840896415256)
- #define IO1 ((double)0.707106781188)
- rat_2[0][0].l=rat_2[0][0].r=
- rat_2[1][0].l=rat_2[1][0].r=1.;
- for(i=1;i<64;i++)
- if((i%2)==1)
- {
- rat_2[0][i].l=pow(IO0,(i+1)/2);
- rat_2[1][i].l=pow(IO1,(i+1)/2);
- rat_2[0][i].r=
- rat_2[1][i].r=1.;
- }
- else
- {
- rat_2[0][i].l=
- rat_2[1][i].l=1.;
- rat_2[0][i].r=pow(IO0,i/2);
- rat_2[1][i].r=pow(IO1,i/2);
- }
- {
- static REAL Ci[8]=
- {-0.6f,-0.535f,-0.33f,-0.185f,-0.095f,-0.041f,-0.0142f,-0.0037f};
- REAL sq;
- for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
- {
- sq=sqrt(1.0f+Ci[i]*Ci[i]);
- cs[i]=1.0f/sq;
- ca[i]=Ci[i]*cs[i];
- }
- }
- initializedlayer3=true;
- }
- bool MPEGaudio::layer3getsideinfo(void)
- {
- sideinfo.main_data_begin=getbits(9);
- if(!inputstereo)sideinfo.private_bits=getbits(5);
- else sideinfo.private_bits=getbits(3);
- if(inputstereo)
- {
- }
- for(int gr=0,ch;gr<2;gr++)
- for(ch=0;;ch++)
- {
- layer3grinfo *gi=&([ch].gr[gr]);
- gi->part2_3_length =getbits(12);
- gi->big_values =getbits(9);
- gi->global_gain =getbits(8);
- gi->scalefac_compress =getbits(4);
- gi->window_switching_flag=getbit();
- if(gi->window_switching_flag)
- {
- gi->block_type =getbits(2);
- gi->mixed_block_flag=getbit();
- gi->table_select[0] =getbits(5);
- gi->table_select[1] =getbits(5);
- gi->subblock_gain[0]=getbits(3);
- gi->subblock_gain[1]=getbits(3);
- gi->subblock_gain[2]=getbits(3);
- /* Set region_count parameters since they are implicit in this case. */
- if(gi->block_type==0)
- {
- /* printf("Side info bad: block_type == 0 in split block.n");
- exit(0); */
- return false;
- }
- else if (gi->block_type==2 && gi->mixed_block_flag==0)
- gi->region0_count=8; /* MI 9; */
- else gi->region0_count=7; /* MI 8; */
- gi->region1_count=20-(gi->region0_count);
- }
- else
- {
- gi->table_select[0] =getbits(5);
- gi->table_select[1] =getbits(5);
- gi->table_select[2] =getbits(5);
- gi->region0_count =getbits(4);
- gi->region1_count =getbits(3);
- gi->block_type =0;
- gi->mixed_block_flag = 0;
- }
- gi->preflag =getbit();
- gi->scalefac_scale =getbit();
- gi->count1table_select=getbit();
- gi->generalflag=gi->window_switching_flag && (gi->block_type==2);
- if(!inputstereo || ch)break;
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool MPEGaudio::layer3getsideinfo_2(void)
- {
- sideinfo.main_data_begin=getbits(8);
- if(!inputstereo)sideinfo.private_bits=getbit();
- else sideinfo.private_bits=getbits(2);
- for(int ch=0;;ch++)
- {
- layer3grinfo *gi=&([ch].gr[0]);
- gi->part2_3_length =getbits(12);
- gi->big_values =getbits(9);
- gi->global_gain =getbits(8);
- gi->scalefac_compress =getbits(9);
- gi->window_switching_flag=getbit();
- if(gi->window_switching_flag)
- {
- gi->block_type =getbits(2);
- gi->mixed_block_flag=getbit();
- gi->table_select[0] =getbits(5);
- gi->table_select[1] =getbits(5);
- gi->subblock_gain[0]=getbits(3);
- gi->subblock_gain[1]=getbits(3);
- gi->subblock_gain[2]=getbits(3);
- /* Set region_count parameters since they are implicit in this case. */
- if(gi->block_type==0)
- {
- /* printf("Side info bad: block_type == 0 in split block.n");
- exit(0); */
- return false;
- }
- else if (gi->block_type==2 && gi->mixed_block_flag==0)
- gi->region0_count=8; /* MI 9; */
- else gi->region0_count=7; /* MI 8; */
- gi->region1_count=20-(gi->region0_count);
- }
- else
- {
- gi->table_select[0] =getbits(5);
- gi->table_select[1] =getbits(5);
- gi->table_select[2] =getbits(5);
- gi->region0_count =getbits(4);
- gi->region1_count =getbits(3);
- gi->block_type =0;
- gi->mixed_block_flag = 0;
- }
- gi->scalefac_scale =getbit();
- gi->count1table_select=getbit();
- gi->generalflag=gi->window_switching_flag && (gi->block_type==2);
- if(!inputstereo || ch)break;
- }
- return true;
- }
- void MPEGaudio::layer3getscalefactors(int ch,int gr)
- {
- static int slen[2][16]={{0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4},
- {0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3}};
- layer3grinfo *gi=&([ch].gr[gr]);
- register layer3scalefactor *sf=(&scalefactors[ch]);
- int l0,l1;
- {
- int scale_comp=gi->scalefac_compress;
- l0=slen[0][scale_comp];
- l1=slen[1][scale_comp];
- }
- if(gi->generalflag)
- {
- if(gi->mixed_block_flag)
- { /* MIXED */ /* NEW-ag 11/25 */
- sf->l[0]=wgetbits9(l0);sf->l[1]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->l[2]=wgetbits9(l0);sf->l[3]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->l[4]=wgetbits9(l0);sf->l[5]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->l[6]=wgetbits9(l0);sf->l[7]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->s[0][ 3]=wgetbits9(l0);sf->s[1][ 3]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->s[2][ 3]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->s[0][ 4]=wgetbits9(l0);sf->s[1][ 4]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->s[2][ 4]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->s[0][ 5]=wgetbits9(l0);sf->s[1][ 5]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->s[2][ 5]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->s[0][ 6]=wgetbits9(l1);sf->s[1][ 6]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->s[2][ 6]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->s[0][ 7]=wgetbits9(l1);sf->s[1][ 7]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->s[2][ 7]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->s[0][ 8]=wgetbits9(l1);sf->s[1][ 8]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->s[2][ 8]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->s[0][ 9]=wgetbits9(l1);sf->s[1][ 9]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->s[2][ 9]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->s[0][10]=wgetbits9(l1);sf->s[1][10]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->s[2][10]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->s[0][11]=wgetbits9(l1);sf->s[1][11]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->s[2][11]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->s[0][12]=sf->s[1][12]=sf->s[2][12]=0;
- }
- else
- { /* SHORT*/
- sf->s[0][ 0]=wgetbits9(l0);sf->s[1][ 0]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->s[2][ 0]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->s[0][ 1]=wgetbits9(l0);sf->s[1][ 1]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->s[2][ 1]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->s[0][ 2]=wgetbits9(l0);sf->s[1][ 2]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->s[2][ 2]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->s[0][ 3]=wgetbits9(l0);sf->s[1][ 3]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->s[2][ 3]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->s[0][ 4]=wgetbits9(l0);sf->s[1][ 4]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->s[2][ 4]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->s[0][ 5]=wgetbits9(l0);sf->s[1][ 5]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->s[2][ 5]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->s[0][ 6]=wgetbits9(l1);sf->s[1][ 6]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->s[2][ 6]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->s[0][ 7]=wgetbits9(l1);sf->s[1][ 7]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->s[2][ 7]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->s[0][ 8]=wgetbits9(l1);sf->s[1][ 8]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->s[2][ 8]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->s[0][ 9]=wgetbits9(l1);sf->s[1][ 9]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->s[2][ 9]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->s[0][10]=wgetbits9(l1);sf->s[1][10]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->s[2][10]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->s[0][11]=wgetbits9(l1);sf->s[1][11]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->s[2][11]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->s[0][12]=sf->s[1][12]=sf->s[2][12]=0;
- }
- }
- else
- { /* LONG types 0,1,3 */
- if(gr==0)
- {
- sf->l[ 0]=wgetbits9(l0);sf->l[ 1]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->l[ 2]=wgetbits9(l0);sf->l[ 3]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->l[ 4]=wgetbits9(l0);sf->l[ 5]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->l[ 6]=wgetbits9(l0);sf->l[ 7]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->l[ 8]=wgetbits9(l0);sf->l[ 9]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->l[10]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->l[11]=wgetbits9(l1);sf->l[12]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->l[13]=wgetbits9(l1);sf->l[14]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->l[15]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->l[16]=wgetbits9(l1);sf->l[17]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->l[18]=wgetbits9(l1);sf->l[19]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->l[20]=wgetbits9(l1);
- }
- else
- {
- if([ch].scfsi[0]==0)
- {
- sf->l[ 0]=wgetbits9(l0);sf->l[ 1]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->l[ 2]=wgetbits9(l0);sf->l[ 3]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->l[ 4]=wgetbits9(l0);sf->l[ 5]=wgetbits9(l0);
- }
- if([ch].scfsi[1]==0)
- {
- sf->l[ 6]=wgetbits9(l0);sf->l[ 7]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->l[ 8]=wgetbits9(l0);sf->l[ 9]=wgetbits9(l0);
- sf->l[10]=wgetbits9(l0);
- }
- if([ch].scfsi[2]==0)
- {
- sf->l[11]=wgetbits9(l1);sf->l[12]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->l[13]=wgetbits9(l1);sf->l[14]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->l[15]=wgetbits9(l1);
- }
- if([ch].scfsi[3]==0)
- {
- sf->l[16]=wgetbits9(l1);sf->l[17]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->l[18]=wgetbits9(l1);sf->l[19]=wgetbits9(l1);
- sf->l[20]=wgetbits9(l1);
- }
- }
- sf->l[21]=sf->l[22]=0;
- }
- }
- void MPEGaudio::layer3getscalefactors_2(int ch)
- {
- static int sfbblockindex[6][3][4]=
- {
- {{ 6, 5, 5, 5},{ 9, 9, 9, 9},{ 6, 9, 9, 9}},
- {{ 6, 5, 7, 3},{ 9, 9,12, 6},{ 6, 9,12, 6}},
- {{11,10, 0, 0},{18,18, 0, 0},{15,18, 0, 0}},
- {{ 7, 7, 7, 0},{12,12,12, 0},{ 6,15,12, 0}},
- {{ 6, 6, 6, 3},{12, 9, 9, 6},{ 6,12, 9, 6}},
- {{ 8, 8, 5, 0},{15,12, 9, 0},{ 6,18, 9, 0}}
- };
- int sb[54];
- layer3grinfo *gi=&([ch].gr[0]);
- register layer3scalefactor *sf=(&scalefactors[ch]);
- {
- int blocktypenumber,sc;
- int blocknumber;
- int slen[4];
- if(gi->block_type==2)blocktypenumber=1+gi->mixed_block_flag;
- else blocktypenumber=0;
- sc=gi->scalefac_compress;
- if(!((extendedmode==1 || extendedmode==3) && (ch==1)))
- {
- if(sc<400)
- {
- slen[0]=(sc>>4)/5;
- slen[1]=(sc>>4)%5;
- slen[2]=(sc%16)>>2;
- slen[3]=(sc%4);
- gi->preflag=0;
- blocknumber=0;
- }
- else if(sc<500)
- {
- sc-=400;
- slen[0]=(sc>>2)/5;
- slen[1]=(sc>>2)%5;
- slen[2]=sc%4;
- slen[3]=0;
- gi->preflag=0;
- blocknumber=1;
- }
- else // if(sc<512)
- {
- sc-=500;
- slen[0]=sc/3;
- slen[1]=sc%3;
- slen[2]=0;
- slen[3]=0;
- gi->preflag=1;
- blocknumber=2;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- sc>>=1;
- if(sc<180)
- {
- slen[0]=sc/36;
- slen[1]=(sc%36)/6;
- slen[2]=(sc%36)%6;
- slen[3]=0;
- gi->preflag=0;
- blocknumber=3;
- }
- else if(sc<244)
- {
- sc-=180;
- slen[0]=(sc%64)>>4;
- slen[1]=(sc%16)>>2;
- slen[2]=sc%4;
- slen[3]=0;
- gi->preflag=0;
- blocknumber=4;
- }
- else // if(sc<255)
- {
- sc-=244;
- slen[0]=sc/3;
- slen[1]=sc%3;
- slen[2]=
- slen[3]=0;
- gi->preflag=0;
- blocknumber=5;
- }
- }
- {
- int i,j,k,*si;
- si=sfbblockindex[blocknumber][blocktypenumber];
- for(i=0;i<45;i++)sb[i]=0;
- for(k=i=0;i<4;i++)
- for(j=0;j<si[i];j++,k++)
- if(slen[i]==0)sb[k]=0;
- else sb[k]=wgetbits(slen[i]);
- }
- }
- {
- int sfb,window;
- int k=0;
- if(gi->window_switching_flag && (gi->block_type==2))
- {
- if(gi->mixed_block_flag)
- {
- for(sfb=0;sfb<8;sfb++)sf->l[sfb]=sb[k++];
- sfb=3;
- }
- else sfb=0;
- for(;sfb<12;sfb++)
- for(window=0;window<3;window++)
- sf->s[window][sfb]=sb[k++];
- sf->s[0][12]=sf->s[1][12]=sf->s[2][12]=0;
- }
- else
- {
- for(sfb=0;sfb<21;sfb++)
- sf->l[sfb]=sb[k++];
- sf->l[21]=sf->l[22]=0;
- }
- }
- }
- typedef unsigned int HUFFBITS;
- #define MXOFF 250
- /* do the huffman-decoding */
- /* note! for counta,countb -the 4 bit value is returned in y, discard x */
- // Huffman decoder for tablename<32
- void MPEGaudio::huffmandecoder_1(const HUFFMANCODETABLE *h,int *x,int *y)
- {
- HUFFBITS level=(1<<(sizeof(HUFFBITS)*8-1));
- int point=0;
- /* Lookup in Huffman table. */
- for(;;)
- {
- if(h->val[point][0]==0)
- { /*end of tree*/
- int xx,yy;
- xx=h->val[point][1]>>4;
- yy=h->val[point][1]&0xf;
- if(h->linbits)
- {
- if((h->xlen)==(unsigned)xx)xx+=wgetbits(h->linbits);
- if(xx)if(wgetbit())xx=-xx;
- if((h->ylen)==(unsigned)yy)yy+=wgetbits(h->linbits);
- if(yy)if(wgetbit())yy=-yy;
- }
- else
- {
- if(xx)if(wgetbit())xx=-xx;
- if(yy)if(wgetbit())yy=-yy;
- }
- *x=xx;*y=yy;
- break;
- }
- point+=h->val[point][wgetbit()];
- level>>=1;
- if(!(level || ((unsigned)point<ht->treelen)))
- {
- register int xx,yy;
- xx=(h->xlen<<1);// set x and y to a medium value as a simple concealment
- yy=(h->ylen<<1);
- // h->xlen and h->ylen can't be 1 under tablename 32
- // if(xx)
- if(wgetbit())xx=-xx;
- // if(yy)
- if(wgetbit())yy=-yy;
- *x=xx;*y=yy;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Huffman decoder tablenumber>=32
- void MPEGaudio::huffmandecoder_2(const HUFFMANCODETABLE *h,
- int *x,int *y,int *v,int *w)
- {
- HUFFBITS level=(1<<(sizeof(HUFFBITS)*8-1));
- int point=0;
- /* Lookup in Huffman table. */
- for(;;)
- {
- if(h->val[point][0]==0)
- { /*end of tree*/
- register int t=h->val[point][1];
- if(t&8)*v=1-(wgetbit()<<1); else *v=0;
- if(t&4)*w=1-(wgetbit()<<1); else *w=0;
- if(t&2)*x=1-(wgetbit()<<1); else *x=0;
- if(t&1)*y=1-(wgetbit()<<1); else *y=0;
- break;
- }
- point+=h->val[point][wgetbit()];
- level>>=1;
- if(!(level || ((unsigned)point<ht->treelen)))
- {
- *v=1-(wgetbit()<<1);
- *w=1-(wgetbit()<<1);
- *x=1-(wgetbit()<<1);
- *y=1-(wgetbit()<<1);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- typedef struct
- {
- int l[23];
- int s[14];
- static SFBANDINDEX sfBandIndextable[2][3]=
- {
- // MPEG 1
- {{{0,4,8,12,16,20,24,30,36,44,52,62,74,90,110,134,162,196,238,288,342,418,576},
- {0,4,8,12,16,22,30,40,52,66,84,106,136,192}},
- {{0,4,8,12,16,20,24,30,36,42,50,60,72,88,106,128,156,190,230,276,330,384,576},
- {0,4,8,12,16,22,28,38,50,64,80,100,126,192}},
- {{0,4,8,12,16,20,24,30,36,44,54,66,82,102,126,156,194,240,296,364,448,550,576},
- {0,4,8,12,16,22,30,42,58,78,104,138,180,192}}},
- // MPEG 2
- {{{0,6,12,18,24,30,36,44,54,66,80,96,116,140,168,200,238,284,336,396,464,522,576},
- {0,4,8,12,18,24,32,42,56,74,100,132,174,192}},
- {{0,6,12,18,24,30,36,44,54,66,80,96,114,136,162,194,232,278,330,394,464,540,576},
- {0,4,8,12,18,26,36,48,62,80,104,136,180,192}},
- {{0,6,12,18,24,30,36,44,54,66,80,96,116,140,168,200,238,284,336,396,464,522,576},
- {0,4,8,12,18,26,36,48,62,80,104,134,174,192}}}
- };
- void MPEGaudio::layer3huffmandecode(int ch,int gr,int out[SBLIMIT][SSLIMIT])
- {
- layer3grinfo *gi=&([ch].gr[gr]);
- int part2_3_end=layer3part2start+(gi->part2_3_length);
- int region1Start,region2Start;
- int i,e=gi->big_values<<1;
- /* Find region boundary for short block case. */
- if(gi->generalflag)
- {
- /* Region2. */
- region1Start=36; /* sfb[9/3]*3=36 */
- region2Start=576;/* No Region2 for short block case. */
- }
- else
- { /* Find region boundary for long block case. */
- region1Start=sfBandIndextable[version][frequency].l[gi->region0_count+1];
- region2Start=sfBandIndextable[version][frequency].l[gi->region0_count+
- gi->region1_count+2];
- }
- /* Read bigvalues area. */
- for(i=0;i<e;)
- {
- register int end;
- if (i<region1Start)
- {
- h=&ht[gi->table_select[0]];
- if(region1Start>e)end=e; else end=region1Start;
- }
- else if(i<region2Start)
- {
- h=&ht[gi->table_select[1]];
- if(region2Start>e)end=e; else end=region2Start;
- }
- else
- {
- h=&ht[gi->table_select[2]];
- end=e;
- }
- if(h->treelen)
- while(i<end)
- {
- huffmandecoder_1(h,&out[0][i],&out[0][i+1]);
- i+=2;
- }
- else
- for(;i<end;i+=2)
- out[0][i] =
- out[0][i+1]=0;
- }
- /* Read count1 area. */
- const HUFFMANCODETABLE *h=&ht[gi->count1table_select+32];
- while(bitwindow.gettotalbit()<part2_3_end)
- {
- huffmandecoder_2(h,&out[0][i+2],&out[0][i+3],
- &out[0][i ],&out[0][i+1]);
- i+=4;
- if(i>=ARRAYSIZE)
- {
- bitwindow.rewind(bitwindow.gettotalbit()-part2_3_end);
- return;
- }
- }
- for(;i<ARRAYSIZE;i++)out[0][i]=0;
- bitwindow.rewind(bitwindow.gettotalbit()-part2_3_end);
- }
- static int pretab[22]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3,2,0};
- REAL MPEGaudio::layer3twopow2(int scale,int preflag,
- int pretab_offset,int l)
- {
- int index=l;
- if(preflag)index+=pretab_offset;
- return(two_to_negative_half_pow[index<<scale]);
- }
- REAL MPEGaudio::layer3twopow2_1(int a,int b,int c)
- {
- return POW2_1[a][b][c];
- }
- void MPEGaudio::layer3dequantizesample(int ch,int gr,
- {
- layer3grinfo *gi=&([ch].gr[gr]);
- SFBANDINDEX *sfBandIndex=&(sfBandIndextable[version][frequency]);
- REAL globalgain=POW2[gi->global_gain];
- /* choose correct scalefactor band per block type, initalize boundary */
- /* and apply formula per block type */
- if(!gi->generalflag)
- { /* LONG blocks: 0,1,3 */
- int next_cb_boundary;
- int cb=-1,index=0;
- REAL factor;
- do
- {
- next_cb_boundary=sfBandIndex->l[(++cb)+1];
- factor=globalgain*
- layer3twopow2(gi->scalefac_scale,gi->preflag,
- pretab[cb],scalefactors[ch].l[cb]);
- for(;index<next_cb_boundary;)
- {
- out[0][index]=factor*TO_FOUR_THIRDS[in[0][index]];index++;
- out[0][index]=factor*TO_FOUR_THIRDS[in[0][index]];index++;
- }
- }while(index<ARRAYSIZE);
- }
- else if(!gi->mixed_block_flag)
- {
- int cb=0,index=0;
- int cb_width;
- do
- {
- cb_width=(sfBandIndex->s[cb+1]-sfBandIndex->s[cb])>>1;
- for(register int k=0;k<3;k++)
- {
- register REAL factor;
- register int count=cb_width;
- factor=globalgain*
- layer3twopow2_1(gi->subblock_gain[k],gi->scalefac_scale,
- scalefactors[ch].s[k][cb]);
- do{
- out[0][index]=factor*TO_FOUR_THIRDS[in[0][index]];index++;
- out[0][index]=factor*TO_FOUR_THIRDS[in[0][index]];index++;
- }while(--count);
- }
- cb++;
- }while(index<ARRAYSIZE);
- }
- else
- {
- int cb_begin=0,cb_width=0;
- int cb=0;
- int next_cb_boundary=sfBandIndex->l[1]; /* LONG blocks: 0,1,3 */
- int index;
- /* Compute overall (global) scaling. */
- {
- for(int sb=0;sb<SBLIMIT;sb++)
- {
- int *i=in[sb];
- REAL *o=out[sb];
- o[ 0]=globalgain*TO_FOUR_THIRDS[i[ 0]];o[ 1]=globalgain*TO_FOUR_THIRDS[i[ 1]];
- o[ 2]=globalgain*TO_FOUR_THIRDS[i[ 2]];o[ 3]=globalgain*TO_FOUR_THIRDS[i[ 3]];
- o[ 4]=globalgain*TO_FOUR_THIRDS[i[ 4]];o[ 5]=globalgain*TO_FOUR_THIRDS[i[ 5]];
- o[ 6]=globalgain*TO_FOUR_THIRDS[i[ 6]];o[ 7]=globalgain*TO_FOUR_THIRDS[i[ 7]];
- o[ 8]=globalgain*TO_FOUR_THIRDS[i[ 8]];o[ 9]=globalgain*TO_FOUR_THIRDS[i[ 9]];
- o[10]=globalgain*TO_FOUR_THIRDS[i[10]];o[11]=globalgain*TO_FOUR_THIRDS[i[11]];
- o[12]=globalgain*TO_FOUR_THIRDS[i[12]];o[13]=globalgain*TO_FOUR_THIRDS[i[13]];
- o[14]=globalgain*TO_FOUR_THIRDS[i[14]];o[15]=globalgain*TO_FOUR_THIRDS[i[15]];
- o[16]=globalgain*TO_FOUR_THIRDS[i[16]];o[17]=globalgain*TO_FOUR_THIRDS[i[17]];
- }
- }
- for(index=0;index<SSLIMIT*2;index++)
- {
- if(index==next_cb_boundary)
- {
- if(index==sfBandIndex->l[8])
- {
- next_cb_boundary=sfBandIndex->s[4];
- next_cb_boundary=MUL3(next_cb_boundary);
- cb=3;
- cb_width=sfBandIndex->s[4]-sfBandIndex->s[3];
- cb_begin=sfBandIndex->s[3];
- cb_begin=MUL3(cb_begin);
- }
- else if(index<sfBandIndex->l[8])
- next_cb_boundary=sfBandIndex->l[(++cb)+1];
- else
- {
- next_cb_boundary=sfBandIndex->s[(++cb)+1];
- next_cb_boundary=MUL3(next_cb_boundary);
- cb_begin=sfBandIndex->s[cb];
- cb_width=sfBandIndex->s[cb+1]-cb_begin;
- cb_begin=MUL3(cb_begin);
- }
- }
- /* LONG block types 0,1,3 & 1st 2 subbands of switched blocks */
- out[0][index]*=layer3twopow2(gi->scalefac_scale,gi->preflag,
- pretab[cb],scalefactors[ch].l[cb]);
- }
- for(;index<ARRAYSIZE;index++)
- {
- if(index==next_cb_boundary)
- {
- if(index==sfBandIndex->l[8])
- {
- next_cb_boundary=sfBandIndex->s[4];
- next_cb_boundary=MUL3(next_cb_boundary);
- cb=3;
- cb_width=sfBandIndex->s[4]-sfBandIndex->s[3];
- cb_begin=sfBandIndex->s[3];
- cb_begin=(cb_begin<<2)-cb_begin;
- }
- else if(index<sfBandIndex->l[8])
- next_cb_boundary=sfBandIndex->l[(++cb)+1];
- else
- {
- next_cb_boundary=sfBandIndex->s[(++cb)+1];
- next_cb_boundary=MUL3(next_cb_boundary);
- cb_begin=sfBandIndex->s[cb];
- cb_width=sfBandIndex->s[cb+1]-cb_begin;
- cb_begin=MUL3(cb_begin);
- }
- }
- {
- int t_index=(index-cb_begin)/cb_width;
- out[0][index]*=layer3twopow2_1(gi->subblock_gain[t_index],
- gi->scalefac_scale,
- scalefactors[ch].s[t_index][cb]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void MPEGaudio::layer3fixtostereo(int gr,REAL in[2][SBLIMIT][SSLIMIT])
- {
- layer3grinfo *gi=&([0].gr[gr]);
- SFBANDINDEX *sfBandIndex=&(sfBandIndextable[version][frequency]);
- int ms_stereo=(mode==joint) && (extendedmode & 0x2);
- int i_stereo =(mode==joint) && (extendedmode & 0x1);
- if(!inputstereo)
- { /* mono , bypass xr[0][][] to lr[0][][]*/
- // memcpy(out[0][0],in[0][0],ARRAYSIZE*REALSIZE);
- return;
- }
- if(i_stereo)
- {
- int i;
- int is_pos[ARRAYSIZE];
- RATIOS *ratios;
- if(version)ratios=rat_2[gi->scalefac_compress%2];
- else ratios=rat_1;
- /* initialization */
- for(i=0;i<ARRAYSIZE;i+=2)is_pos[i]=is_pos[i+1]=7;
- if(gi->generalflag)
- {
- if(gi->mixed_block_flag) // Part I
- {
- int max_sfb=0;
- for(int j=0;j<3;j++)
- {
- int sfb,sfbcnt=2;
- for(sfb=12;sfb>=3;sfb--)
- {
- int lines;
- i=sfBandIndex->s[sfb];
- lines=sfBandIndex->s[sfb+1]-i;
- i=MUL3(i)+(j+1)*lines-1;
- for(;lines>0;lines--,i--)
- if(in[1][0][i]!=0.0f)
- {
- sfbcnt=sfb;
- sfb=0;break; // quit loop
- }
- }
- sfb=sfbcnt+1;
- if(sfb>max_sfb)max_sfb=sfb;
- for(;sfb<12;sfb++)
- {
- int k,t;
- t=sfBandIndex->s[sfb];
- k=sfBandIndex->s[sfb+1]-t;
- i=MUL3(t)+j*k;
- t=scalefactors[1].s[j][sfb];
- if(t!=7)
- {
- RATIOS r=ratios[t];
- for(;k>0;k--,i++){
- is_pos[i]=t;is_ratio[i]=r;}
- }
- else
- for(;k>0;k--,i++)is_pos[i]=t;
- }
- sfb=sfBandIndex->s[10];
- sfb=MUL3(sfb)+j*(sfBandIndex->s[11]-sfb);
- {
- int k,t;
- t=sfBandIndex->s[11];
- k=sfBandIndex->s[12]-t;
- i=MUL3(t)+j*k;
- t=is_pos[sfb];
- if(t!=7)
- {
- RATIOS r=is_ratio[sfb];
- for(;k>0;k--,i++){
- is_pos[i]=t;is_ratio[i]=r;}
- }
- else
- for(;k>0;k--,i++)is_pos[i]=t;
- }
- }
- if(max_sfb<=3)
- {
- {
- REAL temp;
- int k;
- temp=in[1][0][0];in[1][0][0]=1.0;
- for(k=3*SSLIMIT-1;in[1][0][k]==0.0;k--);
- in[1][0][0]=temp;
- for(i=0;sfBandIndex->l[i]<=k;i++);
- }
- {
- int sfb=i;
- i=sfBandIndex->l[i];
- for(;sfb<8;sfb++)
- {
- int t=scalefactors[1].l[sfb];
- int k=sfBandIndex->l[sfb+1]-sfBandIndex->l[sfb];
- if(t!=7)
- {
- RATIOS r=ratios[t];
- for(;k>0;k--,i++){
- is_pos[i]=t;is_ratio[i]=r;}
- }
- else for(;k>0;k--,i++)is_pos[i]=t;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else // Part II
- {
- for(int j=0;j<3;j++)
- {
- int sfb;
- int sfbcnt=-1;
- for(sfb=12;sfb>=0;sfb--)
- {
- int lines;
- {
- int t;
- t=sfBandIndex->s[sfb];
- lines=sfBandIndex->s[sfb+1]-t;
- i=MUL3(t)+(j+1)*lines-1;
- }
- for(;lines>0;lines--,i--)
- if(in[1][0][i]!=0.0f)
- {
- sfbcnt=sfb;
- sfb=0;break; // quit loop
- }
- }
- for(sfb=sfbcnt+1;sfb<12;sfb++)
- {
- int k,t;
- t=sfBandIndex->s[sfb];
- k=sfBandIndex->s[sfb+1]-t;
- i=MUL3(t)+j*k;
- t=scalefactors[1].s[j][sfb];
- if(t!=7)
- {
- RATIOS r=ratios[t];
- for(;k>0;k--,i++){
- is_pos[i]=t;is_ratio[i]=r;}
- }
- else for(;k>0;k--,i++)is_pos[i]=t;
- }
- {
- int t1=sfBandIndex->s[10],
- t2=sfBandIndex->s[11];
- int k,tt;
- tt=MUL3(t1)+j*(t2-t1);
- k =sfBandIndex->s[12]-t2;
- if(is_pos[tt]!=7)
- {
- RATIOS r=is_ratio[tt];
- int t=is_pos[tt];
- i =MUL3(t1)+j*k;
- for(;k>0;k--,i++){
- is_pos[i]=t;is_ratio[i]=r;}
- }
- else
- for(;k>0;k--,i++)is_pos[i]=7;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else // ms-stereo (Part III)
- {
- {
- REAL temp;
- int k;
- temp=in[1][0][0];in[1][0][0]=1.0;
- for(k=ARRAYSIZE-1;in[1][0][k]==0.0;k--);
- in[1][0][0]=temp;
- for(i=0;sfBandIndex->l[i]<=k;i++);
- }
- {
- int sfb;
- sfb=i;
- i=sfBandIndex->l[i];
- for(;sfb<21;sfb++)
- {
- int k,t;
- k=sfBandIndex->l[sfb+1]-sfBandIndex->l[sfb];
- t=scalefactors[1].l[sfb];
- if(t!=7)
- {
- RATIOS r=ratios[t];
- for(;k>0;k--,i++){
- is_pos[i]=t;is_ratio[i]=r;}
- }
- else
- for(;k>0;k--,i++)is_pos[i]=t;
- }
- }
- if (i <= sfBandIndex->l[21]) {
- int k,t,tt;
- tt=sfBandIndex->l[20];
- k=576-sfBandIndex->l[21];
- t=is_pos[tt];
- if(t!=7)
- {
- RATIOS r=is_ratio[tt];
- for(;k>0;k--,i++){
- is_pos[i]=t;is_ratio[i]=r;}
- }
- else
- for(;k>0;k--,i++)is_pos[i]=t;
- }
- }
- if(ms_stereo)
- {
- do{
- if(is_pos[i]==7)
- {
- register REAL t=in[LS][0][i];
- in[LS][0][i]=(t+in[RS][0][i])*0.7071068f;
- in[RS][0][i]=(t-in[RS][0][i])*0.7071068f;
- }
- else
- {
- in[RS][0][i]=in[LS][0][i]*is_ratio[i].r;
- in[LS][0][i]*=is_ratio[i].l;
- }
- }while(i--);
- }
- else
- {
- do{
- if(is_pos[i]!=7)
- {
- in[RS][0][i]=in[LS][0][i]*is_ratio[i].r;
- in[LS][0][i]*=is_ratio[i].l;
- }
- }while(i--);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(ms_stereo)
- {
- int i=ARRAYSIZE-1;
- do{
- register REAL t=in[LS][0][i];
- in[LS][0][i]=(t+in[RS][0][i])*0.7071068f;
- in[RS][0][i]=(t-in[RS][0][i])*0.7071068f;
- }while(i--);
- }
- }
- // channels==2
- }
- inline void layer3reorder_1(int version,int frequency,
- {
- SFBANDINDEX *sfBandIndex=&(sfBandIndextable[version][frequency]);
- int sfb,sfb_start,sfb_lines;
- out[0][ 0]=in[0][ 0];out[0][ 1]=in[0][ 1];out[0][ 2]=in[0][ 2];
- out[0][ 3]=in[0][ 3];out[0][ 4]=in[0][ 4];out[0][ 5]=in[0][ 5];
- out[0][ 6]=in[0][ 6];out[0][ 7]=in[0][ 7];out[0][ 8]=in[0][ 8];
- out[0][ 9]=in[0][ 9];out[0][10]=in[0][10];out[0][11]=in[0][11];
- out[0][12]=in[0][12];out[0][13]=in[0][13];out[0][14]=in[0][14];
- out[0][15]=in[0][15];out[0][16]=in[0][16];out[0][17]=in[0][17];
- out[1][ 0]=in[1][ 0];out[1][ 1]=in[1][ 1];out[1][ 2]=in[1][ 2];
- out[1][ 3]=in[1][ 3];out[1][ 4]=in[1][ 4];out[1][ 5]=in[1][ 5];
- out[1][ 6]=in[1][ 6];out[1][ 7]=in[1][ 7];out[1][ 8]=in[1][ 8];
- out[1][ 9]=in[1][ 9];out[1][10]=in[1][10];out[1][11]=in[1][11];
- out[1][12]=in[1][12];out[1][13]=in[1][13];out[1][14]=in[1][14];
- out[1][15]=in[1][15];out[1][16]=in[1][16];out[1][17]=in[1][17];
- for(sfb=3,sfb_start=sfBandIndex->s[3],
- sfb_lines=sfBandIndex->s[4]-sfb_start;
- sfb<13;
- sfb++,sfb_start=sfBandIndex->s[sfb],
- (sfb_lines=sfBandIndex->s[sfb+1]-sfb_start))
- {
- for(int freq=0;freq<sfb_lines;freq++)
- {
- int src_line=sfb_start+(sfb_start<<1)+freq;
- int des_line=src_line+(freq<<1);
- out[0][des_line ]=in[0][src_line ];
- out[0][des_line+1]=in[0][src_line+sfb_lines ];
- out[0][des_line+2]=in[0][src_line+(sfb_lines<<1)];
- }
- }
- }
- inline void layer3reorder_2(int version,int frequency,REAL in[SBLIMIT][SSLIMIT],
- {
- SFBANDINDEX *sfBandIndex=&(sfBandIndextable[version][frequency]);
- int sfb,sfb_start,sfb_lines;
- for(sfb=0,sfb_start=0,sfb_lines=sfBandIndex->s[1];
- sfb<13;
- sfb++,sfb_start=sfBandIndex->s[sfb],
- (sfb_lines=sfBandIndex->s[sfb+1]-sfb_start))
- {
- for(int freq=0;freq<sfb_lines;freq++)
- {
- int src_line=sfb_start+(sfb_start<<1)+freq;
- int des_line=src_line+(freq<<1);
- out[0][des_line ]=in[0][src_line ];
- out[0][des_line+1]=in[0][src_line+sfb_lines ];
- out[0][des_line+2]=in[0][src_line+(sfb_lines<<1)];
- }
- }
- }
- inline void layer3antialias_1(REAL in[SBLIMIT][SSLIMIT])
- {
- for(int ss=0;ss<8;ss++)
- {
- REAL bu,bd; /* upper and lower butterfly inputs */
- bu=in[0][17-ss];bd=in[1][ss];
- in[0][17-ss]=(bu*cs[ss])-(bd*ca[ss]);
- in[1][ss] =(bd*cs[ss])+(bu*ca[ss]);
- }
- }
- inline
- void layer3antialias_2(REAL in[SBLIMIT][SSLIMIT],
- {
- out[0][0]=in[0][0];out[0][1]=in[0][1];
- out[0][2]=in[0][2];out[0][3]=in[0][3];
- out[0][4]=in[0][4];out[0][5]=in[0][5];
- out[0][6]=in[0][6];out[0][7]=in[0][7];
- for(int index=SSLIMIT;index<=(SBLIMIT-1)*SSLIMIT;index+=SSLIMIT)
- {
- for(int n=0;n<8;n++)
- {
- REAL bu,bd;
- bu=in[0][index-n-1];bd=in[0][index+n];
- out[0][index-n-1]=(bu*cs[n])-(bd*ca[n]);
- out[0][index+n ]=(bd*cs[n])+(bu*ca[n]);
- }
- out[0][index-SSLIMIT+8]=in[0][index-SSLIMIT+8];
- out[0][index-SSLIMIT+9]=in[0][index-SSLIMIT+9];
- }
- out[31][ 8]=in[31][ 8];out[31][ 9]=in[31][ 9];
- out[31][10]=in[31][10];out[31][11]=in[31][11];
- out[31][12]=in[31][12];out[31][13]=in[31][13];
- out[31][14]=in[31][14];out[31][15]=in[31][15];
- out[31][16]=in[31][16];out[31][17]=in[31][17];
- }
- void MPEGaudio::layer3reorderandantialias(int ch,int gr,
- {
- register layer3grinfo *gi=&([ch].gr[gr]);
- if(gi->generalflag)
- {
- if(gi->mixed_block_flag)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Notchecked!");
- layer3reorder_1 (version,frequency,in,out); // Not checked...
- layer3antialias_1(out);
- }
- else
- layer3reorder_2(version,frequency,in,out);
- }
- else
- layer3antialias_2(in,out);
- }
- static void dct36(REAL *inbuf,REAL *prevblk1,REAL *prevblk2,REAL *wi,REAL *out)
- {
- #define MACRO0(v) {
- REAL tmp;
- out2[9+(v)]=(tmp=sum0+sum1)*wi[27+(v)];
- out2[8-(v)]=tmp * wi[26-(v)]; }
- sum0-=sum1;
- ts[SBLIMIT*(8-(v))]=out1[8-(v)]+sum0*wi[8-(v)];
- ts[SBLIMIT*(9+(v))]=out1[9+(v)]+sum0*wi[9+(v)];
- #define MACRO1(v) {
- REAL sum0,sum1;
- sum0=tmp1a+tmp2a;
- sum1=(tmp1b+tmp2b)*hsec_36[(v)];
- MACRO0(v); }
- #define MACRO2(v) {
- REAL sum0,sum1;
- sum0=tmp2a-tmp1a;
- sum1=(tmp2b-tmp1b) * hsec_36[(v)];
- MACRO0(v); }
- {
- register REAL *in = inbuf;
- in[17]+=in[16];in[16]+=in[15];in[15]+=in[14];in[14]+=in[13];
- in[13]+=in[12];in[12]+=in[11];in[11]+=in[10];in[10]+=in[ 9];
- in[ 9]+=in[ 8];in[ 8]+=in[ 7];in[ 7]+=in[ 6];in[ 6]+=in[ 5];
- in[ 5]+=in[ 4];in[ 4]+=in[ 3];in[ 3]+=in[ 2];in[ 2]+=in[ 1];
- in[ 1]+=in[ 0];
- in[17]+=in[15];in[15]+=in[13];in[13]+=in[11];in[11]+=in[ 9];
- in[ 9]+=in[ 7];in[7] +=in[ 5];in[ 5]+=in[ 3];in[ 3]+=in[ 1];
- {
- register REAL *c = cos_18;
- register REAL *out2 = prevblk2;
- register REAL *out1 = prevblk1;
- register REAL *ts = out;
- REAL ta33,ta66,tb33,tb66;
- ta33=in[2*3+0]*c[3];
- ta66=in[2*6+0]*c[6];
- tb33=in[2*3+1]*c[3];
- tb66=in[2*6+1]*c[6];
- {
- REAL tmp1a,tmp2a,tmp1b,tmp2b;
- tmp1a= in[2*1+0]*c[1]+ta33 +in[2*5+0]*c[5]+in[2*7+0]*c[7];
- tmp1b= in[2*1+1]*c[1]+tb33 +in[2*5+1]*c[5]+in[2*7+1]*c[7];
- tmp2a=in[2*0+0]+in[2*2+0]*c[2]+in[2*4+0]*c[4]+ta66 +in[2*8+0]*c[8];
- tmp2b=in[2*0+1]+in[2*2+1]*c[2]+in[2*4+1]*c[4]+tb66 +in[2*8+1]*c[8];
- MACRO1(0);
- MACRO2(8);
- }
- {
- REAL tmp1a,tmp2a,tmp1b,tmp2b;
- tmp1a=(in[2*1+0]-in[2*5+0]-in[2*7+0])*c[3];
- tmp1b=(in[2*1+1]-in[2*5+1]-in[2*7+1])*c[3];
- tmp2a=(in[2*2+0]-in[2*4+0]-in[2*8+0])*c[6]-in[2*6+0]+in[2*0+0];
- tmp2b=(in[2*2+1]-in[2*4+1]-in[2*8+1])*c[6]-in[2*6+1]+in[2*0+1];
- MACRO1(1);
- MACRO2(7);
- }
- {
- REAL tmp1a,tmp2a,tmp1b,tmp2b;
- tmp1a= in[2*1+0]*c[5]-ta33 -in[2*5+0]*c[7]+in[2*7+0]*c[1];
- tmp1b= in[2*1+1]*c[5]-tb33 -in[2*5+1]*c[7]+in[2*7+1]*c[1];
- tmp2a=in[2*0+0]-in[2*2+0]*c[8]-in[2*4+0]*c[2]+ta66 +in[2*8+0]*c[4];
- tmp2b=in[2*0+1]-in[2*2+1]*c[8]-in[2*4+1]*c[2]+tb66 +in[2*8+1]*c[4];
- MACRO1(2);
- MACRO2(6);
- }
- {
- REAL tmp1a,tmp2a,tmp1b,tmp2b;
- tmp1a= in[2*1+0]*c[7]-ta33 +in[2*5+0]*c[1]-in[2*7+0]*c[5];
- tmp1b= in[2*1+1]*c[7]-tb33 +in[2*5+1]*c[1]-in[2*7+1]*c[5];
- tmp2a=in[2*0+0]-in[2*2+0]*c[4]+in[2*4+0]*c[8]+ta66 -in[2*8+0]*c[2];
- tmp2b=in[2*0+1]-in[2*2+1]*c[4]+in[2*4+1]*c[8]+tb66 -in[2*8+1]*c[2];
- MACRO1(3);
- MACRO2(5);
- }
- {
- REAL sum0,sum1;
- sum0= in[2*0+0]-in[2*2+0]+in[2*4+0]-in[2*6+0]+in[2*8+0];
- sum1=(in[2*0+1]-in[2*2+1]+in[2*4+1]-in[2*6+1]+in[2*8+1])*hsec_36[4];
- MACRO0(4);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- static void dct12(REAL *in,REAL *prevblk1,REAL *prevblk2,register REAL *wi,register REAL *out)
- {
- #define DCT12_PART1
- in5=in[5*3];
- in5+=(in4=in[4*3]);
- in4+=(in3=in[3*3]);
- in3+=(in2=in[2*3]);
- in2+=(in1=in[1*3]);
- in1+=(in0=in[0*3]);
- in5+=in3;in3+=in1;
- in2*=cos1_6;
- in3*=cos1_6;
- #define DCT12_PART2
- in0+=in4*cos2_6;
- in4=in0+in2;
- in0-=in2;
- in1+=in5*cos2_6;
- in5=(in1+in3)*hsec_12[0];
- in1=(in1-in3)*hsec_12[2];
- in3=in4+in5;
- in4-=in5;
- in2=in0+in1;
- in0-=in1;
- {
- REAL in0,in1,in2,in3,in4,in5;
- register REAL *pb1=prevblk1;
- out[SBLIMIT*0]=pb1[0];out[SBLIMIT*1]=pb1[1];out[SBLIMIT*2]=pb1[2];
- out[SBLIMIT*3]=pb1[3];out[SBLIMIT*4]=pb1[4];out[SBLIMIT*5]=pb1[5];
- DCT12_PART1;
- {
- REAL tmp0,tmp1=(in0-in4);
- {
- register REAL tmp2=(in1-in5)*hsec_12[1];
- tmp0=tmp1+tmp2;
- tmp1-=tmp2;
- }
- out[(17-1)*SBLIMIT]=pb1[17-1]+tmp0*wi[11-1];
- out[(12+1)*SBLIMIT]=pb1[12+1]+tmp0*wi[ 6+1];
- out[(6 +1)*SBLIMIT]=pb1[6 +1]+tmp1*wi[ 1 ];
- out[(11-1)*SBLIMIT]=pb1[11-1]+tmp1*wi[ 5-1];
- }
- DCT12_PART2;
- out[(17-0)*SBLIMIT]=pb1[17-0]+in2*wi[11-0];
- out[(12+0)*SBLIMIT]=pb1[12+0]+in2*wi[ 6+0];
- out[(12+2)*SBLIMIT]=pb1[12+2]+in3*wi[ 6+2];
- out[(17-2)*SBLIMIT]=pb1[17-2]+in3*wi[11-2];
- out[( 6+0)*SBLIMIT]=pb1[ 6+0]+in0*wi[0];
- out[(11-0)*SBLIMIT]=pb1[11-0]+in0*wi[5-0];
- out[( 6+2)*SBLIMIT]=pb1[ 6+2]+in4*wi[2];
- out[(11-2)*SBLIMIT]=pb1[11-2]+in4*wi[5-2];
- }
- in++;
- {
- REAL in0,in1,in2,in3,in4,in5;
- register REAL *pb2 = prevblk2;
- DCT12_PART1;
- {
- REAL tmp0,tmp1=(in0-in4);
- {
- REAL tmp2=(in1-in5)*hsec_12[1];
- tmp0=tmp1+tmp2;
- tmp1-=tmp2;
- }
- pb2[5-1]=tmp0*wi[11-1];
- pb2[0+1]=tmp0*wi[6+1];
- out[(12+1)*SBLIMIT]+=tmp1*wi[1];
- out[(17-1)*SBLIMIT]+=tmp1*wi[5-1];
- }
- DCT12_PART2;
- pb2[5-0]=in2*wi[11-0];
- pb2[0+0]=in2*wi[6+0];
- pb2[0+2]=in3*wi[6+2];
- pb2[5-2]=in3*wi[11-2];
- out[(12+0)*SBLIMIT]+=in0*wi[0];
- out[(17-0)*SBLIMIT]+=in0*wi[5-0];
- out[(12+2)*SBLIMIT]+=in4*wi[2];
- out[(17-2)*SBLIMIT]+=in4*wi[5-2];
- }
- in++;
- {
- REAL in0,in1,in2,in3,in4,in5;
- register REAL *pb2 = prevblk2;
- pb2[12]=pb2[13]=pb2[14]=pb2[15]=pb2[16]=pb2[17]=0.0;
- DCT12_PART1;
- {
- REAL tmp0,tmp1=(in0-in4);
- {
- REAL tmp2=(in1-in5)*hsec_12[1];
- tmp0=tmp1+tmp2;
- tmp1-=tmp2;
- }
- pb2[11-1]=tmp0*wi[11-1];
- pb2[ 6+1]=tmp0*wi[6+1];
- pb2[ 0+1]+=tmp1*wi[1];
- pb2[ 5-1]+=tmp1*wi[5-1];
- }
- DCT12_PART2;
- pb2[11-0]=in2*wi[11-0];
- pb2[ 6+0]=in2*wi[ 6+0];
- pb2[ 6+2]=in3*wi[ 6+2];
- pb2[11-2]=in3*wi[11-2];
- pb2[ 0+0]+=in0*wi[0 ];
- pb2[ 5-0]+=in0*wi[5-0];
- pb2[ 0+2]+=in4*wi[2 ];
- pb2[ 5-2]+=in4*wi[5-2];
- }
- }
- void MPEGaudio::layer3hybrid(int ch,int gr,REAL in[SBLIMIT][SSLIMIT],
- {
- layer3grinfo *gi=&([ch].gr[gr]);
- int bt1,bt2;
- REAL *prev1,*prev2;
- prev1=prevblck[ch][currentprevblock][0];
- prev2=prevblck[ch][currentprevblock^1][0];
- bt1 = gi->mixed_block_flag ? 0 : gi->block_type;
- bt2 = gi->block_type;
- {
- REAL *ci=(REAL *)in,
- *co=(REAL *)out;
- int i;
- if(downfrequency)i=(SBLIMIT/2)-2;
- else i=SBLIMIT-2;
- if(bt2==2)
- {
- if(!bt1)
- {
- dct36(ci,prev1,prev2,win[0],co);
- ci+=SSLIMIT;prev1+=SSLIMIT;prev2+=SSLIMIT;co++;
- dct36(ci,prev1,prev2,win[0],co);
- }
- else
- {
- dct12(ci,prev1,prev2,win[2],co);
- ci+=SSLIMIT;prev1+=SSLIMIT;prev2+=SSLIMIT;co++;
- dct12(ci,prev1,prev2,win[2],co);
- }
- do{
- ci+=SSLIMIT;prev1+=SSLIMIT;prev2+=SSLIMIT;co++;
- dct12(ci,prev1,prev2,win[2],co);
- }while(--i);
- }
- else
- {
- dct36(ci,prev1,prev2,win[bt1],co);
- ci+=SSLIMIT;prev1+=SSLIMIT;prev2+=SSLIMIT;co++;
- dct36(ci,prev1,prev2,win[bt1],co);
- do
- {
- ci+=SSLIMIT;prev1+=SSLIMIT;prev2+=SSLIMIT;co++;
- dct36(ci,prev1,prev2,win[bt2],co);
- }while(--i);
- }
- }
- }
- #define NEG(a) (a)=-(a)
- void MPEGaudio::extractlayer3(void)
- {
- if(version)
- {
- extractlayer3_2();
- return;
- }
- {
- int main_data_end,flush_main;
- int bytes_to_discard;
- layer3getsideinfo();
- if(issync())
- {
- for(register int i=layer3slots;i>0;i--) // read main data.
- bitwindow.putbyte(getbyte());
- }
- else
- {
- for(register int i=layer3slots;i>0;i--) // read main data.
- bitwindow.putbyte(getbits8());
- }
- main_data_end=bitwindow.gettotalbit()>>3;// of previous frame
- if (main_data_end < 0) // Fix from Michael Vogt
- {
- return;
- }
- if((flush_main=(bitwindow.gettotalbit() & 0x7)))
- {
- bitwindow.forward(8-flush_main);
- main_data_end++;
- }
- bytes_to_discard=layer3framestart-(main_data_end+sideinfo.main_data_begin);
- if(main_data_end>WINDOWSIZE)
- {
- layer3framestart-=WINDOWSIZE;
- bitwindow.rewind(WINDOWSIZE*8);
- }
- layer3framestart+=layer3slots;
- bitwindow.wrap();
- if(bytes_to_discard<0)return;
- bitwindow.forward(bytes_to_discard<<3);
- }
- for(int gr=0;gr<2;gr++)
- {
- union
- {
- int is [SBLIMIT][SSLIMIT];
- }b1;
- union
- {
- }b2;
- layer3part2start=bitwindow.gettotalbit();
- layer3getscalefactors (LS,gr);
- layer3huffmandecode (LS,gr ,;
- layer3dequantizesample(LS,gr,,[LS]);
- if(inputstereo)
- {
- layer3part2start=bitwindow.gettotalbit();
- layer3getscalefactors (RS,gr);
- layer3huffmandecode (RS,gr ,;
- layer3dequantizesample(RS,gr,,[RS]);
- }
- layer3fixtostereo(gr,; // ->
- currentprevblock^=1;
- layer3reorderandantialias(LS,gr,[LS],b1.hin[LS]);
- layer3hybrid (LS,gr,b1.hin[LS],b2.hout[LS]);
- if(outputstereo)
- {
- layer3reorderandantialias(RS,gr,[RS],b1.hin[RS]);
- layer3hybrid (RS,gr,b1.hin[RS],b2.hout[RS]);
- register int i=2*SSLIMIT*SBLIMIT-1;
- do{
- NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i ]);NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i- 2]);
- NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i- 4]);NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i- 6]);
- NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i- 8]);NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-10]);
- NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-12]);NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-14]);
- NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-16]);NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-18]);
- NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-20]);NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-22]);
- NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-24]);NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-26]);
- NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-28]);NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-30]);
- }while((i-=2*SBLIMIT)>0);
- }
- else
- {
- register int i=SSLIMIT*SBLIMIT-1;
- do{
- NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i ]);NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i- 2]);
- NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i- 4]);NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i- 6]);
- NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i- 8]);NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-10]);
- NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-12]);NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-14]);
- NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-16]);NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-18]);
- NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-20]);NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-22]);
- NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-24]);NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-26]);
- NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-28]);NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-30]);
- }while((i-=2*SBLIMIT)>0);
- }
- for(int ss=0;ss<SSLIMIT;ss++)
- subbandsynthesis(b2.hout[LS][ss],b2.hout[RS][ss]);
- }
- }
- void MPEGaudio::extractlayer3_2(void)
- {
- {
- int main_data_end,flush_main;
- int bytes_to_discard;
- layer3getsideinfo_2();
- if(issync())
- {
- for(register int i=layer3slots;i>0;i--) // read main data.
- bitwindow.putbyte(getbyte());
- }
- else
- {
- for(register int i=layer3slots;i>0;i--) // read main data.
- bitwindow.putbyte(getbits8());
- }
- bitwindow.wrap();
- main_data_end=bitwindow.gettotalbit()>>3;// of previous frame
- if((flush_main=(bitwindow.gettotalbit() & 0x7)))
- {
- bitwindow.forward(8-flush_main);
- main_data_end++;
- }
- bytes_to_discard=layer3framestart-main_data_end-sideinfo.main_data_begin;
- if(main_data_end>WINDOWSIZE)
- {
- layer3framestart-=WINDOWSIZE;
- bitwindow.rewind(WINDOWSIZE*8);
- }
- layer3framestart+=layer3slots;
- if(bytes_to_discard<0) return;
- bitwindow.forward(bytes_to_discard<<3);
- }
- // for(int gr=0;gr<2;gr++)
- {
- union
- {
- int is [SBLIMIT][SSLIMIT];
- }b1;
- union
- {
- }b2;
- layer3part2start=bitwindow.gettotalbit();
- layer3getscalefactors_2(LS);
- layer3huffmandecode (LS,0 ,;
- layer3dequantizesample (LS,0,,[LS]);
- if(inputstereo)
- {
- layer3part2start=bitwindow.gettotalbit();
- layer3getscalefactors_2(RS);
- layer3huffmandecode (RS,0 ,;
- layer3dequantizesample (RS,0,,[RS]);
- }
- layer3fixtostereo(0,; // ->
- currentprevblock^=1;
- layer3reorderandantialias(LS,0,[LS],b1.hin[LS]);
- layer3hybrid (LS,0,b1.hin[LS],b2.hout[LS]);
- if(outputstereo)
- {
- layer3reorderandantialias(RS,0,[RS],b1.hin[RS]);
- layer3hybrid (RS,0,b1.hin[RS],b2.hout[RS]);
- register int i=2*SSLIMIT*SBLIMIT-1;
- do{
- NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-16]);NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-18]);
- NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-20]);NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-22]);
- NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-24]);NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-26]);
- NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-28]);NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-30]);
- }while((i-=2*SBLIMIT)>0);
- }
- else
- {
- register int i=SSLIMIT*SBLIMIT-1;
- do{
- NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-16]);NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-18]);
- NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-20]);NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-22]);
- NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-24]);NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-26]);
- NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-28]);NEG(b2.hout[0][0][i-30]);
- }while((i-=2*SBLIMIT)>0);
- }
- for(int ss=0;ss<SSLIMIT;ss++)
- subbandsynthesis(b2.hout[LS][ss],b2.hout[RS][ss]);
- }
- }