资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
- * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
- * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
- * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
- * rights and limitations under the License.
- *
- * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
- * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
- * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2000, 2001. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Bill May wmay@cisco.com
- */
- /*
- * rtsp_resp.c - process rtsp response
- */
- #include "rtsp_private.h"
- static const char *end2 = "nr";
- static const char *end1 = "rn";
- static const char *end3 = "r";
- static const char *end4 = "n";
- /*
- * find_end_seperator()
- * Will search through the string pointer to by ptr, and figure out
- * what character is being used as a seperator - either r n, rn
- * or nr.
- *
- * Inputs:
- * ptr - string to decode
- * len - pointer to end seperator len
- *
- * Outputs:
- * pointer to character to use as end seperator. Dividing the len
- * by 2, and adding to the return pointer will give the normal
- * line seperator.
- */
- static const char *find_seperator (const char *ptr)
- {
- while (*ptr != ' ') {
- if (*ptr == 'r') {
- if (*(ptr + 1) == 'n') {
- return (end1);
- } else {
- return (end3);
- }
- } else if (*ptr == 'n') {
- if (*(ptr + 1) == 'r') {
- return (end2);
- } else {
- return (end4);
- }
- }
- ptr++;
- }
- return (NULL);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * Decode rtsp header lines.
- *
- * These routines will decode the various RTSP header lines, setting the
- * correct information in the rtsp_decode_t structure.
- *
- * DEC_DUP_WARN macro will see if the field is already set, and send a warning
- * if it is. If the cont_line field is set, it will append the next line
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- #define RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(a) static void a (const char *lptr, rtsp_decode_t *dec, int cont_line)
- static void dec_dup_warn (char **location,
- const char *lptr,
- const char *warn,
- int cont_line)
- {
- if (*location == NULL) {
- *location = strdup(lptr);
- } else if (cont_line != 0) {
- uint32_t len = strlen(*location);
- len += strlen(lptr);
- len++;
- *location = realloc(*location, len);
- strcat(*location, lptr);
- } else {
- rtsp_debug(LOG_WARNING, "2nd %s %s", warn, lptr);
- }
- }
- #define DEC_DUP_WARN(a, b) dec_dup_warn(&dec->a, lptr, b, cont_line)
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_allow_public)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(allow_public, "allow public");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_connection)
- {
- if (strncasecmp(lptr, "close", strlen("close")) == 0) {
- dec->close_connection = TRUE;
- }
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_cookie)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(cookie, "cookie");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_content_base)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(content_base, "Content-Base");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_content_length)
- {
- dec->content_length = strtoul(lptr, NULL, 10);
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_content_loc)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(content_location, "Content-Location");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_content_type)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(content_type, "Content-Type");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_cseq)
- {
- dec->cseq = strtoul(lptr, NULL, 10);
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_location)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(location, "Location");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_range)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(range, "Range");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_retry_after)
- {
- // May try strptime if we need to convert
- DEC_DUP_WARN(retry_after, "Retry-After");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_rtp)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(rtp_info, "RtpInfo");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_session)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(session, "Session");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_speed)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(speed, "Speed");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_transport)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(transport, "Transport");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_www)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(www_authenticate, "WWW-Authenticate");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_accept)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(accept, "Accept");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_accept_enc)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(accept_encoding, "Accept-Encoding");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_accept_lang)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(accept_language, "Accept-Language");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_auth)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(authorization, "Authorization");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_bandwidth)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(bandwidth, "Bandwidth");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_blocksize)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(blocksize, "blocksize");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_cache_control)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(cache_control, "Cache-control:");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_content_enc)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(content_encoding, "Content-Encoding:");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_content_lang)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(content_language, "Content-Language:");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_date)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(date, "Date:");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_expires)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(expires, "Expires:");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_from)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(from, "From:");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_ifmod)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(if_modified_since, "If-Modified-Since:");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_lastmod)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(last_modified, "Last-Modified:");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_proxyauth)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(proxy_authenticate, "Proxy-Authenticate:");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_proxyreq)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(proxy_require, "Proxy-Require:");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_referer)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(referer, "Referer:");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_scale)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(scale, "Scale:");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_server)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(server, "Server:");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_unsup)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(unsupported, "Unsupported:");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_uagent)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(user_agent, "User-Agent:");
- }
- RTSP_HEADER_FUNC(rtsp_header_via)
- {
- DEC_DUP_WARN(via, "Via:");
- }
- /*
- * header_types structure will provide a lookup between certain headers
- * in RTSP, and the function routines (above) that deal with actions based
- * on the response
- */
- static struct {
- const char *val;
- uint32_t val_length;
- void (*parse_routine)(const char *lptr, rtsp_decode_t *decode, int cont_line);
- } header_types[] =
- {
- #define HEAD_TYPE(a, b) { a, sizeof(a), b }
- HEAD_TYPE("Allow:", rtsp_header_allow_public),
- HEAD_TYPE("Public:", rtsp_header_allow_public),
- HEAD_TYPE("Connection:", rtsp_header_connection),
- HEAD_TYPE("Content-Base:", rtsp_header_content_base),
- HEAD_TYPE("Content-Length:", rtsp_header_content_length),
- HEAD_TYPE("Content-Location:", rtsp_header_content_loc),
- HEAD_TYPE("Content-Type:", rtsp_header_content_type),
- HEAD_TYPE("CSeq:", rtsp_header_cseq),
- HEAD_TYPE("Location:", rtsp_header_location),
- HEAD_TYPE("Range:", rtsp_header_range),
- HEAD_TYPE("Retry-After:", rtsp_header_retry_after),
- HEAD_TYPE("RTP-Info:", rtsp_header_rtp),
- HEAD_TYPE("Session:", rtsp_header_session),
- HEAD_TYPE("Set-Cookie:", rtsp_header_cookie),
- HEAD_TYPE("Speed:", rtsp_header_speed),
- HEAD_TYPE("Transport:", rtsp_header_transport),
- HEAD_TYPE("WWW-Authenticate:", rtsp_header_www),
- // None of these are needed for client, but are included for completion
- HEAD_TYPE("Accept:", rtsp_header_accept),
- HEAD_TYPE("Accept-Encoding:", rtsp_header_accept_enc),
- HEAD_TYPE("Accept-Language:", rtsp_header_accept_lang),
- HEAD_TYPE("Authorization:", rtsp_header_auth),
- HEAD_TYPE("Bandwidth:", rtsp_header_bandwidth),
- HEAD_TYPE("Blocksize:", rtsp_header_blocksize),
- HEAD_TYPE("Cache-Control:", rtsp_header_cache_control),
- HEAD_TYPE("Content-Encoding:", rtsp_header_content_enc),
- HEAD_TYPE("Content-Language:", rtsp_header_content_lang),
- HEAD_TYPE("Date:", rtsp_header_date),
- HEAD_TYPE("Expires:", rtsp_header_expires),
- HEAD_TYPE("From:", rtsp_header_from),
- HEAD_TYPE("If-Modified-Since:", rtsp_header_ifmod),
- HEAD_TYPE("Last-Modified:", rtsp_header_lastmod),
- HEAD_TYPE("Proxy-Authenticate:", rtsp_header_proxyauth),
- HEAD_TYPE("Proxy-Require:", rtsp_header_proxyreq),
- HEAD_TYPE("Referer:", rtsp_header_referer),
- HEAD_TYPE("Scale:", rtsp_header_scale),
- HEAD_TYPE("Server:", rtsp_header_server),
- HEAD_TYPE("Unsupported:", rtsp_header_unsup),
- HEAD_TYPE("User-Agent:", rtsp_header_uagent),
- HEAD_TYPE("Via:", rtsp_header_via),
- { NULL, 0, NULL },
- };
- // We don't care about the following: Cache-control, date, expires,
- // Last-modified, Server, Unsupported, Via
- /*
- * rtsp_decode_header - header line pointed to by lptr. will be