资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
- * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
- * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
- * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
- * rights and limitations under the License.
- *
- * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
- * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
- * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2000, 2001. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Bill May wmay@cisco.com
- */
- #include "rawa.h"
- #include <mp4v2/mp4.h>
- #include <SDL.h>
- #define LOGIT rawa->m_vft->log_msg
- /*
- * Create raw audio structure
- */
- static codec_data_t *rawa_codec_create (format_list_t *media_fmt,
- audio_info_t *audio,
- const uint8_t *userdata,
- uint32_t userdata_size,
- audio_vft_t *vft,
- void *ifptr)
- {
- rawa_codec_t *rawa;
- rawa = (rawa_codec_t *)malloc(sizeof(rawa_codec_t));
- memset(rawa, 0, sizeof(rawa_codec_t));
- rawa->m_vft = vft;
- rawa->m_ifptr = ifptr;
- rawa->m_initialized = 0;
- rawa->m_temp_buff = NULL;
- if (media_fmt != NULL) {
- /*
- * Raw pcm - L8 or L16
- */
- rawa->m_freq = media_fmt->rtpmap->clock_rate;
- rawa->m_chans = media_fmt->rtpmap->encode_param != 0 ?
- media_fmt->rtpmap->encode_param : 1;
- if (strcasecmp(media_fmt->rtpmap->encode_name, "L16") == 0) {
- rawa->m_bitsperchan = 16;
- rawa->m_convert_bytes = 1;
- } else if ((*media_fmt->rtpmap->encode_name == '1') &&
- (media_fmt->rtpmap->encode_name[1] == '0') ||
- (media_fmt->rtpmap->encode_name[1] == '1')) {
- rawa->m_bitsperchan = 16;
- rawa->m_convert_bytes = 1;
- rawa->m_freq = 44100;
- rawa->m_chans = media_fmt->rtpmap->encode_name[1] == '0' ? 2 : 1;
- } else
- rawa->m_bitsperchan = 8;
- } else {
- rawa->m_freq = audio->freq;
- rawa->m_chans = audio->chans;
- rawa->m_bitsperchan = audio->bitspersample;
- }
- LOGIT(LOG_DEBUG, "rawa",
- "setting freq %d chans %d bitsper %d",
- rawa->m_freq,
- rawa->m_chans,
- rawa->m_bitsperchan);
- return (codec_data_t *)rawa;
- }
- static void rawa_close (codec_data_t *ptr)
- {
- rawa_codec_t *rawa = (rawa_codec_t *)ptr;
- if (rawa->m_temp_buff != NULL) free(rawa->m_temp_buff);
- free(rawa);
- }
- /*
- * Handle pause - basically re-init the codec
- */
- static void rawa_do_pause (codec_data_t *ifptr)
- {
- rawa_codec_t *rawa = (rawa_codec_t *)ifptr;
- rawa->m_resync = 1;
- }
- /*
- * Decode task call for FAAC
- */
- static int rawa_decode (codec_data_t *ptr,
- uint64_t ts,
- int from_rtp,
- int *sync_frame,
- uint8_t *buffer,
- uint32_t buflen,
- void *ud)
- {
- rawa_codec_t *rawa = (rawa_codec_t *)ptr;
- uint32_t ix;
- unsigned short *b;
- //LOGIT(LOG_DEBUG, "rawa", "ts %llu buffer len %d", ts, buflen);
- if (rawa->m_initialized == 0) {
- if (rawa->m_chans == 0) {
- // Special mp4 case - we don't know how many channels, but we
- // do know that we've got 1 seconds worth of data...
- if (rawa->m_temp_buff == NULL) {
- rawa->m_temp_buff = (uint8_t *)malloc(buflen);
- memcpy(rawa->m_temp_buff, buffer, buflen);
- rawa->m_temp_buffsize = buflen;
- LOGIT(LOG_DEBUG, "rawaudio", "setting %d bufsize",
- rawa->m_temp_buffsize);
- return (buflen);
- } else {
- //
- if (buflen != rawa->m_temp_buffsize) {
- LOGIT(LOG_ERR, "rawaudio", "Inconsistent raw audio buffer size %d should be %d", buflen, rawa->m_temp_buffsize);
- return buflen;
- }
- uint64_t calc;
- LOGIT(LOG_DEBUG, "rawaudio",
- "freq %d ts "LLU" buffsize %d",
- rawa->m_freq, ts, rawa->m_temp_buffsize);
- calc = 1000 * rawa->m_temp_buffsize;
- calc /= rawa->m_freq;
- calc /= ts;
- calc /= 2;
- LOGIT(LOG_DEBUG, "rawaudio", "Channels is %d", calc);
- rawa->m_chans = calc;
- rawa->m_bitsperchan = 16;
- }
- }
- rawa->m_vft->audio_configure(rawa->m_ifptr,
- rawa->m_freq,
- rawa->m_chans,
- rawa->m_bitsperchan == 16 ? AUDIO_S16SYS :
- 0);
- if (rawa->m_temp_buff != NULL) {
- rawa->m_vft->audio_load_buffer(rawa->m_ifptr,
- rawa->m_temp_buff,
- rawa->m_temp_buffsize,
- 0,
- 1);
- if (ts == 0) rawa->m_bytes = rawa->m_temp_buffsize;
- free(rawa->m_temp_buff);
- rawa->m_temp_buff = NULL;
- }
- rawa->m_initialized = 1;
- }
- if (ts == rawa->m_ts) {
- uint64_t calc;
- calc = rawa->m_bytes * M_LLU;
- calc /= rawa->m_chans;
- if (rawa->m_bitsperchan == 16) calc /= 2;
- calc /= rawa->m_freq;
- ts += calc;
- rawa->m_bytes += buflen;
- } else {
- rawa->m_bytes = 0;
- rawa->m_ts = ts;
- }
- /*
- * if we're over RTP, we've got the buffer reversed...
- */
- if (rawa->m_convert_bytes) {
- for (ix = 0, b = (unsigned short *)buffer;
- ix < buflen;
- ix += 2, b++) {
- *b = ntohs(*b);
- }
- }
- rawa->m_vft->audio_load_buffer(rawa->m_ifptr,
- buffer,
- buflen,
- ts,
- rawa->m_resync);
- rawa->m_resync = 0;
- return (buflen);
- }
- static int rawa_codec_check (lib_message_func_t message,
- const char *compressor,
- int type,
- int profile,
- format_list_t *fptr,
- const uint8_t *userdata,
- uint32_t userdata_size)
- {
- if (compressor != NULL &&
- strcasecmp(compressor, "MP4 FILE") == 0 &&
- type != -1) {
- if (type == MP4_PCM16_AUDIO_TYPE)
- return 1;
- }
- if (compressor != NULL &&
- strcasecmp(compressor, "AVI FILE") == 0 &&
- type == 1) {
- return 1;
- }
- if (fptr != NULL) {
- if (fptr->rtpmap != NULL && fptr->rtpmap->encode_name != NULL) {
- if (strcasecmp(fptr->rtpmap->encode_name, "L16") == 0) {
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcasecmp(fptr->rtpmap->encode_name, "L8") == 0) {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- rawa_codec_create,
- rawa_do_pause,
- rawa_decode,
- rawa_close,
- rawa_codec_check);
- /* end file rawa.cpp */