资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
- * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
- * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
- * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
- * rights and limitations under the License.
- *
- * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
- * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
- * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2002. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Bill May wmay@cisco.com
- */
- /*
- * ourxvid.cpp - plugin interface with xvid decoder.
- */
- #include "ourxvid.h"
- #include "codec_plugin.h"
- #include <mp4util/mpeg4_sdp.h>
- #include <gnu/strcasestr.h>
- #include <mp4v2/mp4.h>
- #include <xvid.h>
- #include <divx4.h>
- #include <mp4av/mp4av.h>
- #define xvid_message (xvid->m_vft->log_msg)
- // Convert a hex character to it's decimal value.
- static char tohex (char a)
- {
- if (isdigit(a))
- return (a - '0');
- return (tolower(a) - 'a' + 10);
- }
- // Parse the format config passed in. This is the vo vod header
- // that we need to get width/height/frame rate
- static int parse_vovod (xvid_codec_t *xvid,
- const char *vovod,
- int ascii,
- uint32_t len)
- {
- unsigned char buffer[255];
- const char *bufptr;
- int ret;
- if (ascii == 1) {
- const char *config = strcasestr(vovod, "config=");
- if (config == NULL) {
- return 0;
- }
- config += strlen("config=");
- const char *end;
- end = config;
- while (isxdigit(*end)) end++;
- if (config == end) {
- return 0;
- }
- // config string will run from config to end
- len = end - config;
- // make sure we have even number of digits to convert to binary
- if ((len % 2) == 1)
- return 0;
- unsigned char *write;
- write = buffer;
- // Convert the config= from ascii to binary
- for (uint32_t ix = 0; ix < len; ix++) {
- *write = 0;
- *write = (tohex(*config)) << 4;
- config++;
- *write += tohex(*config);
- config++;
- write++;
- }
- len /= 2;
- bufptr = (const char *)buffer;
- } else {
- bufptr = vovod;
- }
- // Get the VO/VOL header. If we fail, set the bytestream back
- ret = 0;
- frame.bitstream = (void *)bufptr;
- frame.length = len;
- ret = xvid_decore(xvid->m_xvid_handle, XVID_DEC_FIND_VOL,
- &frame, ¶m);
- if (ret == XVID_ERR_OK) {
- xvid_message(LOG_DEBUG, "xvid", "found vol %d %d",
- param.width, param.height);
- xvid->m_vft->video_configure(xvid->m_ifptr,
- param.width,
- param.height,
- }
- return ret;
- }
- static codec_data_t *xvid_create (format_list_t *media_fmt,
- video_info_t *vinfo,
- const uint8_t *userdata,
- uint32_t ud_size,
- video_vft_t *vft,
- void *ifptr)
- {
- xvid_codec_t *xvid;
- xvid = MALLOC_STRUCTURE(xvid_codec_t);
- memset(xvid, 0, sizeof(*xvid));
- xvid->m_vft = vft;
- xvid->m_ifptr = ifptr;
- XVID_INIT_PARAM xvid_param;
- xvid_param.cpu_flags = 0;
- xvid_init(NULL, 0, &xvid_param, NULL);
- XVID_DEC_PARAM dec_param;
- xvid_decore(NULL, XVID_DEC_ALLOC, &dec_param, NULL);
- xvid->m_xvid_handle = dec_param.handle;
- xvid->m_decodeState = XVID_STATE_VO_SEARCH;
- if (media_fmt != NULL && media_fmt->fmt_param != NULL) {
- // See if we can decode a passed in vovod header
- if (parse_vovod(xvid, media_fmt->fmt_param, 1, 0) == XVID_ERR_OK) {
- xvid->m_decodeState = XVID_STATE_WAIT_I;
- }
- } else if (userdata != NULL) {
- if (parse_vovod(xvid, (const char *)userdata, 0, ud_size) == XVID_ERR_OK) {
- xvid->m_decodeState = XVID_STATE_WAIT_I;
- }
- }
- xvid->m_vinfo = vinfo;
- xvid->m_num_wait_i = 0;
- xvid->m_num_wait_i_frames = 0;
- xvid->m_total_frames = 0;
- return ((codec_data_t *)xvid);
- }
- void xvid_clean_up (xvid_codec_t *xvid)
- {
- if (xvid->m_xvid_handle != NULL) {
- xvid_decore(xvid->m_xvid_handle, XVID_DEC_DESTROY, NULL, NULL);
- xvid->m_xvid_handle = NULL;
- }
- if (xvid->m_ifile != NULL) {
- fclose(xvid->m_ifile);
- xvid->m_ifile = NULL;
- }
- if (xvid->m_buffer != NULL) {
- free(xvid->m_buffer);
- xvid->m_buffer = NULL;
- }
- if (xvid->m_fpos != NULL) {
- delete xvid->m_fpos;
- xvid->m_fpos = NULL;
- }
- free(xvid);
- }
- static void xvid_close (codec_data_t *ifptr)
- {
- xvid_codec_t *xvid;
- xvid = (xvid_codec_t *)ifptr;
- xvid_message(LOG_NOTICE, "xvidif", "Xvid codec results:");
- xvid_message(LOG_NOTICE, "xvidif", "total frames : %u", xvid->m_total_frames);
- xvid_message(LOG_NOTICE, "xvidif", "wait for I times: %u", xvid->m_num_wait_i);
- xvid_message(LOG_NOTICE, "xvidif", "wait I frames : %u", xvid->m_num_wait_i_frames);
- xvid_clean_up(xvid);
- }
- static void xvid_do_pause (codec_data_t *ifptr)
- {
- xvid_codec_t *xvid = (xvid_codec_t *)ifptr;
- if (xvid->m_decodeState != XVID_STATE_VO_SEARCH)
- xvid->m_decodeState = XVID_STATE_WAIT_I;
- }
- static int xvid_frame_is_sync (codec_data_t *ptr,
- uint8_t *buffer,
- uint32_t buflen,
- void *userdata)
- {
- u_char vop_type;
- while (buflen > 3 &&
- !(buffer[0] == 0 && buffer[1] == 0 &&
- buffer[2] == 1 && buffer[3] == MP4AV_MPEG4_VOP_START)) {
- buffer++;
- buflen--;
- }
- vop_type = MP4AV_Mpeg4GetVopType(buffer, buflen);
- if (vop_type == 'I') return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- static int xvid_decode (codec_data_t *ptr,
- uint64_t ts,
- int from_rtp,
- int *sync_frame,
- uint8_t *buffer,
- uint32_t buflen,
- void *ud)
- {
- int ret;
- int do_wait_i = 0;
- xvid_codec_t *xvid = (xvid_codec_t *)ptr;
- #if 0
- xvid->m_vft->log_msg(LOG_DEBUG, "xvid", " %d frame %llu len %u %d",
- xvid->m_total_frames, ts, buflen,
- xvid->m_decodeState);
- #endif
- xvid->m_total_frames++;
- frame.bitstream = buffer;
- frame.length = buflen;
- switch (xvid->m_decodeState) {
- ret = xvid_decore(xvid->m_xvid_handle,
- &frame,
- ¶m);
- if (ret > 0) {
- xvid->m_decodeState = XVID_STATE_WAIT_I;
- xvid->m_vft->video_configure(xvid->m_ifptr,
- param.width,
- param.height,
- } else {
- xvid_decore(xvid->m_xvid_handle, XVID_DEC_DESTROY, NULL, NULL);
- xvid->m_xvid_handle = NULL;
- XVID_DEC_PARAM dec_param;
- dec_param.width = xvid->m_vinfo->width;
- dec_param.height = xvid->m_vinfo->height;
- xvid_decore(NULL, XVID_DEC_CREATE, &dec_param, NULL);
- xvid->m_xvid_handle = dec_param.handle;
- xvid->m_vft->video_configure(xvid->m_ifptr,
- xvid->m_vinfo->width,
- xvid->m_vinfo->height,
- xvid->m_decodeState = XVID_STATE_NORMAL;
- }
- break;
- do_wait_i = 1;
- break;
- break;
- }
- frame.colorspace = XVID_CSP_USER;
- DEC_PICTURE decpict;
- frame.image = &decpict;
- ret = xvid_decore(xvid->m_xvid_handle, XVID_DEC_DECODE, &frame, NULL);
- if (ret == XVID_ERR_OK) {
- xvid->m_vft->video_have_frame(xvid->m_ifptr,
- (const uint8_t *)decpict.y,
- (const uint8_t *)decpict.u,
- (const uint8_t *)decpict.v,
- decpict.stride_y,
- decpict.stride_uv,
- ts);
- ret = frame.length;
- } else {
- #if 0
- xvid->m_vft->log_msg(LOG_DEBUG, "xvid", "error returned %d", ret);
- #endif
- }
- return (ret);
- }
- static int xvid_skip_frame (codec_data_t *ifptr)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- static const char *xvid_compressors[] = {
- "xvid",
- "divx",
- "dvx1",
- "div4",
- };
- static int xvid_codec_check (lib_message_func_t message,
- const char *compressor,
- int type,
- int profile,
- format_list_t *fptr,
- const uint8_t *userdata,
- uint32_t userdata_size)
- {
- if (compressor != NULL &&
- (strcasecmp(compressor, "MP4 FILE") == 0)) {
- if ((type == MP4_MPEG4_VIDEO_TYPE) &&
- (profile >= 1 && profile <= 3)) {
- return 3;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- if (fptr != NULL) {
- // find format. If matches, call parse_fmtp_for_mpeg4, look at
- // profile level.
- if (fptr->rtpmap != NULL && fptr->rtpmap->encode_name != NULL) {
- if (strcasecmp(fptr->rtpmap->encode_name, "MP4V-ES") == 0) {
- fmtp_parse_t *fmtp;
- fmtp = parse_fmtp_for_mpeg4(fptr->fmt_param, message);
- if (fmtp != NULL) {
- int profile = fmtp->profile_level_id;
- free_fmtp_parse(fmtp);
- if (profile >= 1 && profile <= 3) return 3;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- if (compressor != NULL) {
- const char **lptr = xvid_compressors;
- while (*lptr != NULL) {
- if (strcasecmp(*lptr, compressor) == 0) {
- return 3;
- }
- lptr++;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- xvid_create,
- xvid_do_pause,
- xvid_decode,
- xvid_close,
- xvid_codec_check,
- xvid_frame_is_sync,
- xvid_file_check,
- xvid_file_next_frame,
- xvid_file_used_for_frame,
- xvid_file_seek_to,
- xvid_skip_frame,
- xvid_file_eof);