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Visual C++
- /*
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
- * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
- * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
- * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
- * rights and limitations under the License.
- *
- * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
- * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
- * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2002. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Bill May wmay@cisco.com
- */
- /*
- * rfc3119_bytestream.cpp - an implemention of rfc 3119
- */
- #include "systems.h"
- #include <rtp/rtp.h>
- #include <rtp/memory.h>
- #include <sdp/sdp.h> // for NTP_TO_UNIX_TIME
- #include "rfc3119_bytestream.h"
- #include <mp3util/MP3Internals.hh>
- //#define DEBUG_3119 1
- //#define DEBUG_3119_INTERLEAVE 1
- #ifdef _WIN32
- DEFINE_MESSAGE_MACRO(mpa_message, "mparobust")
- #else
- #define mpa_message(loglevel, fmt...) message(loglevel, "mparobust", fmt)
- #endif
- CRfc3119RtpByteStream::CRfc3119RtpByteStream (unsigned int rtp_pt,
- format_list_t *fmt,
- int ondemand,
- uint64_t tps,
- rtp_packet **head,
- rtp_packet **tail,
- int rtp_seq_set,
- uint16_t rtp_base_seq,
- int rtp_ts_set,
- uint32_t rtp_base_ts,
- int rtcp_received,
- uint32_t ntp_frac,
- uint32_t ntp_sec,
- uint32_t rtp_ts) :
- CRtpByteStreamBase("mparobust", fmt, rtp_pt, ondemand, tps, head, tail,
- rtp_seq_set, rtp_base_seq, rtp_ts_set, rtp_base_ts,
- rtcp_received, ntp_frac, ntp_sec, rtp_ts)
- {
- m_outfile = fopen("isma.aac", "w");
- #endif
- m_adu_data_free = NULL;
- m_deinterleave_list = NULL;
- m_ordered_adu_list = NULL;
- m_pending_adu_list = NULL;
- adu_data_t *p;
- for (int ix = 0; ix < 25; ix++) {
- p = MALLOC_STRUCTURE(adu_data_t);
- p->next_adu = m_adu_data_free;
- m_adu_data_free = p;
- }
- m_rtp_ts_add = 0;
- m_recvd_first_pak = 0;
- m_got_next_idx = 0;
- m_mp3_frame = NULL;
- m_mp3_frame_size = 0;
- }
- CRfc3119RtpByteStream::~CRfc3119RtpByteStream (void)
- {
- fclose(m_outfile);
- #endif
- adu_data_t *p;
- #if 0
- if (m_frag_reass_buffer != NULL) {
- free(m_frag_reass_buffer);
- m_frag_reass_buffer = NULL;
- }
- #endif
- dump_adu_list(m_deinterleave_list);
- m_deinterleave_list = NULL;
- dump_adu_list(m_ordered_adu_list);
- m_ordered_adu_list = NULL;
- dump_adu_list(m_pending_adu_list);
- m_pending_adu_list = NULL;
- while (m_adu_data_free != NULL) {
- p = m_adu_data_free;
- m_adu_data_free = p->next_adu;
- free(p);
- }
- }
- void CRfc3119RtpByteStream::insert_interleave_adu (adu_data_t *adu)
- {
- adu_data_t *p, *q;
- #ifdef DEBUG_3119_INTERLEAVE
- mpa_message(LOG_DEBUG, "inserting interleave %d %d %d", adu->aduDataSize,
- adu->cyc_ct, adu->interleave_idx);
- #endif
- SDL_LockMutex(m_rtp_packet_mutex);
- if (m_deinterleave_list == NULL) {
- m_got_next_idx = 0;
- m_deinterleave_list = adu;
- } else {
- q = NULL;
- p = m_deinterleave_list;
- if (adu->cyc_ct != p->cyc_ct) {
- m_got_next_idx = 1;
- do {
- q = p;
- p = p->next_adu;
- } while (p != NULL && p->cyc_ct != adu->cyc_ct);
- if (p == NULL) {
- q->next_adu = adu;
- SDL_UnlockMutex(m_rtp_packet_mutex);
- return;
- }
- }
- while (p != NULL && p->interleave_idx < adu->interleave_idx) {
- q = p;
- p = p->next_adu;
- }
- q->next_adu = adu;
- adu->next_adu = p;
- }
- SDL_UnlockMutex(m_rtp_packet_mutex);
- }
- int CRfc3119RtpByteStream::insert_processed_adu (adu_data_t *adu)
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG_3119
- mpa_message(LOG_DEBUG, "inserting processed %d", adu->aduDataSize);
- #endif
- SDL_LockMutex(m_rtp_packet_mutex);
- if (m_ordered_adu_list == NULL) {
- m_ordered_adu_list = adu;
- } else {
- int32_t diff;
- adu_data_t *p, *q;
- q = NULL;
- p = m_ordered_adu_list;
- do {
- diff = adu->timestamp - p->timestamp;
- if (diff == 0) {
- mpa_message(LOG_ERR, "Duplicate timestamp of "LLU" found in RTP packet",
- adu->timestamp);
- mpa_message(LOG_DEBUG,
- "Seq number orig %d new %d",
- p->pak->rtp_pak_seq, adu->pak->rtp_pak_seq);
- mpa_message(LOG_ERR, "Dumping all processed packets");
- // put frame_data on free list
- if (adu->last_in_pak == 0) {
- free_adu(adu);
- } else {
- mpa_message(LOG_ERR, "Im lazy - duplicate ADU leads to memory leak");
- }
- SDL_UnlockMutex(m_rtp_packet_mutex);
- return -1;
- } else if (diff < 0) {
- #ifdef DEBUG_3119
- mpa_message(LOG_DEBUG, "Inserting in front of ts %llu", p->timestamp);
- #endif
- if (q == NULL) {
- adu->next_adu = m_ordered_adu_list;
- m_ordered_adu_list = adu;
- } else {
- q->next_adu = adu;
- adu->next_adu = p;
- }
- SDL_UnlockMutex(m_rtp_packet_mutex);
- return 0;
- }
- q = p;
- p = p->next_adu;
- } while (p != NULL);
- // insert at end;
- q->next_adu = adu;
- }
- SDL_UnlockMutex(m_rtp_packet_mutex);
- return 0;
- }
- void CRfc3119RtpByteStream::process_packet (void)
- {
- rtp_packet *pak;
- uint64_t pak_ts;
- int adu_offset;
- adu_data_t *prev_adu;
- int thisAduSize;
- do {
- /*
- * Take packet off list. Loop through, looking for ADU headersize
- * packets
- */
- pak = m_head;
- if (pak != NULL) {
- remove_packet_rtp_queue(m_head, 0);
- pak_ts = rtp_ts_to_msec(pak->rtp_pak_ts, m_wrap_offset);
- adu_offset = 0;
- prev_adu = NULL;
- #ifdef DEBUG_3119
- mpa_message(LOG_DEBUG, "Process pak seq %d", pak->rtp_pak_seq);
- #endif
- while (pak != NULL && adu_offset < pak->rtp_data_len) {
- uint8_t *ptr;
- ptr = (uint8_t *)(pak->rtp_data + adu_offset);
- if ((*ptr & 0x80) == 0x80) {
- // first one has a c field of 1 - that's bad
- xfree(pak);
- pak = NULL;
- adu_offset = 0;
- } else {
- /*
- * Get a new adu - start loading the data
- */
- adu_data_t *adu = get_adu_data();
- adu->pak = pak;
- adu->next_adu = NULL;
- adu->last_in_pak = 0;
- adu->freeframe = 0;
- if (adu_offset == 0) {
- adu->first_in_pak = 1;
- adu->timestamp = pak_ts;
- } else {
- adu->first_in_pak = 0;
- }
- /*
- * Read the ADU header. It will be 1 byte or 2
- */
- if ((*ptr & 0x40) == 0) {
- // 1 byte header
- adu->frame_ptr = ptr + 1;
- adu->aduDataSize = *ptr & 0x3f;
- adu_offset++;
- } else {
- // 2 byte header
- adu->aduDataSize = ((*ptr & 0x3f) << 8) + ptr[1];
- adu->frame_ptr = ptr + 2;
- adu_offset += 2;
- }
- /*
- * See if we're past the end of the packet
- */
- thisAduSize = adu->aduDataSize;
- if (adu_offset + adu->aduDataSize > pak->rtp_data_len) {
- // have a fragment here...
- // malloc a frame pointer, and copy the rest...
- uint16_t seq = pak->rtp_pak_seq;
- uint8_t *to, *from;
- to = (uint8_t *)malloc(adu->aduDataSize);
- int copied = pak->rtp_data_len - adu_offset;
- memcpy(to, adu->frame_ptr, copied);
- if (prev_adu != NULL) {
- prev_adu->last_in_pak = 1;
- } else {
- xfree(pak);
- }
- adu->frame_ptr = to;
- adu->freeframe = 1;
- to += copied;
- while (m_head != NULL &&
- m_head->rtp_pak_seq == seq + 1 &&
- (*m_head->rtp_data & 0x80) == 0x80 &&
- copied < adu->aduDataSize) {
- uint32_t bytes;
- pak = m_head;
- remove_packet_rtp_queue(m_head, 0);
- ptr = (uint8_t *)pak->rtp_data;
- if ((*ptr & 0x40) == 0) {
- // 1 byte header
- bytes = *ptr & 0x3f;
- from = ptr++;
- } else {
- // 2 byte header
- bytes = ((*ptr & 0x3f) << 8) + ptr[1];
- from = ptr + 2;
- }
- memcpy(to, from, bytes);
- copied += bytes;
- to += bytes;
- seq++;
- adu_offset = 0;
- pak = NULL;
- }
- if (copied < adu->aduDataSize) {
- free_adu(adu);
- continue;
- }
- } else {
- /*
- * adu_offset now points past the end of this adu
- */
- adu_offset += adu->aduDataSize;
- if (adu_offset >= pak->rtp_data_len) {
- adu->last_in_pak = 1;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Calculate the interleave index and the cyc_ct count
- * Fill in those values with all 1's
- */
- adu->interleave_idx = *adu->frame_ptr;
- adu->cyc_ct = *(adu->frame_ptr + 1) >> 5;
- adu->frame_ptr[0] = 0xff;
- adu->frame_ptr[1] |= 0xe0;
- /*
- * Decode the mp3 header
- */
- adu->mp3hdr = MP4AV_Mp3HeaderFromBytes(adu->frame_ptr);
- adu->framesize = MP4AV_Mp3GetFrameSize(adu->mp3hdr);
- /*
- * Headersize, sideInfoSize and aduDataSize
- */
- adu->headerSize = 4;
- adu->sideInfoSize = MP4AV_Mp3GetSideInfoSize(adu->mp3hdr);
- adu->aduDataSize -= (adu->headerSize + adu->sideInfoSize);
- /*
- * Calculate the timestamp add
- */
- if (m_rtp_ts_add == 0) {
- m_rtp_ts_add =
- ( 1000 * MP4AV_Mp3GetHdrSamplingWindow(adu->mp3hdr));
- m_rtp_ts_add /= MP4AV_Mp3GetHdrSamplingRate(adu->mp3hdr);
- }
- // here we make a few decisions as to where the packet should
- // go.
- // Look at first packet. If it's got interleave, we're interleaved
- // if not, set up the timestamp, put it in the ordered_adu_list.
- // (Don't set recvd_first pak). If it's the 2nd, and not interleaved,
- // leave the first, go on non-interleaved
- // If the first isn't, and the 2nd is, move the first to the
- // m_deinterleave_list, put the 2nd on the deinterleave list,
- // continue.
- // If not the first, put on the interleaved or deinterleaved list.
- int insert_interleaved = 0;
- if (m_recvd_first_pak == 0) {
- if (adu->interleave_idx == 0xff &&
- adu->cyc_ct == 0x7) {
- /*
- * Have an packet all 1's. It's either the last of the
- * sequence for interleave, or indicates no interleave.
- * Put it on the ordered list if there's nothing there.
- * If there is something on the ordered list, we're not doing
- * interleaved.
- */
- if (m_ordered_adu_list == NULL) {
- insert_interleaved = 0;
- } else {
- // this is the 2nd packet with the regular
- // header - we're not doing interleaved
- insert_interleaved = 0;
- m_recvd_first_pak = 1;
- m_have_interleave = 0;
- }
- } else {
- /*
- * Have an interleaved packet
- * If there was something on the ordered list, move it to
- * the deinterleaved list
- */
- m_recvd_first_pak = 1;
- if (m_ordered_adu_list != NULL) {
- m_deinterleave_list = m_ordered_adu_list;
- m_ordered_adu_list = NULL;
- }
- m_have_interleave = 1;
- insert_interleaved = 1;
- mpa_message(LOG_INFO, "mpa robust format is interleaved");
- }
- } else {
- insert_interleaved = m_have_interleave;
- }
- adu->backpointer = MP4AV_Mp3GetAduOffset(adu->frame_ptr,
- thisAduSize);
- if (insert_interleaved) {
- insert_interleave_adu(adu);
- } else {
- // calculate timestamp
- if (adu->first_in_pak == 0) {
- adu->timestamp = prev_adu->timestamp + m_rtp_ts_add;
- }
- insert_processed_adu(adu);
- }
- prev_adu = adu;
- }
- }
- } else if (m_have_interleave && m_deinterleave_list != NULL) {
- m_got_next_idx = 1;
- }
- // done with packet. If we're interleaved, move things down
- // to ordered ADU list.
- // continue until we've got the cycct index number.
- // For non-interleaved, skip this step
- if (m_have_interleave != 0) {
- if (m_got_next_idx == 1) {
- // okay - we received the next index - we can move everything
- // from the interleaved list to the processed list.
- adu_data_t *p, *q;
- int cur_cyc_ct;
- int ts_index;
- uint64_t ts = 0;
- m_got_next_idx = 0;
- q = NULL;
- p = m_deinterleave_list;
- ts_index = -1;
- cur_cyc_ct = p->cyc_ct;
- do {
- if (ts_index == -1 && p->first_in_pak) {
- ts = p->timestamp;
- ts_index = p->interleave_idx;
- }
- q = p;
- p = p->next_adu;
- } while (p != NULL && p->cyc_ct == cur_cyc_ct);
- q->next_adu = NULL;
- m_ordered_adu_list = m_deinterleave_list;
- m_deinterleave_list = p;
- // We've figured out that at least 1 packet has a valid timestamp.
- // Figure out the starting timestamp, then go ahead and set the
- // timestamps for the rest.
- // make sure ts_index is not -1 here
- p = m_ordered_adu_list;
- ts -= ((ts_index - p->interleave_idx) * m_rtp_ts_add);
- ts_index = p->interleave_idx;
- while (p != NULL) {
- if (p->first_in_pak == 0) {
- // calculate ts
- p->timestamp = ts + (p->interleave_idx - ts_index) * m_rtp_ts_add;
- } else {
- ts = p->timestamp;
- ts_index = p->interleave_idx;
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG_3119_INTERLEAVE
- mpa_message(LOG_DEBUG, "cyc %d index %d fip %d ts %llu %d",
- p->cyc_ct,
- p->interleave_idx,
- p->first_in_pak,
- p->timestamp,
- m_rtp_ts_add);
- #endif
- p = p->next_adu;
- }
- } // end moving from deinterleave to processed list
- }
- } while (m_head != NULL && m_ordered_adu_list == NULL);
- }
- int CRfc3119RtpByteStream::needToGetAnADU (void)
- {
- if (m_pending_adu_list == NULL)
- return 1;
- int endOfHeadFrame;
- int frameOffset = 0;
- adu_data_t *p;
- p = m_pending_adu_list;
- endOfHeadFrame = p->framesize - p->headerSize - p->sideInfoSize;
- while (p != NULL) {
- int framesize = p->framesize;
- int endOfData = frameOffset - p->backpointer + p->aduDataSize;
- #ifdef DEBUG_3119
- mpa_message(LOG_DEBUG, "add fr %d hd %d si %d bp %d adu %d",
- framesize,
- p->headerSize,
- p->sideInfoSize,
- p->backpointer, p->aduDataSize);
- mpa_message(LOG_DEBUG, "foffset %d endOfData %d eohf %d",
- frameOffset, endOfData, endOfHeadFrame);
- #endif
- if (endOfData >= endOfHeadFrame) {
- return 0;
- }
- frameOffset += framesize - p->headerSize - p->sideInfoSize;
- p = p->next_adu;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- void CRfc3119RtpByteStream::add_and_insertDummyADUsIfNecessary (void)
- {
- adu_data_t *tailADU, *prevADU;
- int prevADUend;
- tailADU = m_ordered_adu_list;
- m_ordered_adu_list = m_ordered_adu_list->next_adu;
- tailADU->next_adu = NULL;
- #ifdef DEBUG_3119
- mpa_message(LOG_DEBUG, "tail fr %d bp %d si %d",
- tailADU->framesize,
- tailADU->backpointer,
- tailADU->sideInfoSize);
- #endif
- SDL_LockMutex(m_rtp_packet_mutex);
- prevADU = m_pending_adu_list;
- while (prevADU != NULL && prevADU->next_adu != NULL)
- prevADU = prevADU->next_adu;
- if (prevADU != NULL) {
- prevADU->next_adu = tailADU;
- } else {
- m_pending_adu_list = tailADU;
- }
- SDL_UnlockMutex(m_rtp_packet_mutex);
- while (1) {
- if (m_pending_adu_list != tailADU) {
- prevADUend = prevADU->framesize +
- prevADU->backpointer -
- prevADU->headerSize -
- prevADU->sideInfoSize;
- if (prevADU->aduDataSize > prevADUend) {
- prevADUend = 0;
- } else {
- prevADUend -= prevADU->aduDataSize;
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG_3119
- mpa_message(LOG_DEBUG, "fr %d bp %d si %d",
- prevADU->framesize,
- prevADU->backpointer,
- prevADU->sideInfoSize);
- mpa_message(LOG_DEBUG, "prevADUend is %d, prev size %d tail bpointer %d",
- prevADUend, prevADU->aduDataSize,
- tailADU->backpointer);
- #endif
- } else {
- prevADUend = 0;
- }
- if (tailADU->backpointer > prevADUend) {
- uint64_t ts;
- #ifdef DEBUG_3119
- mpa_message(LOG_DEBUG, "Adding tail ts is %lld", tailADU->timestamp);
- #endif
- SDL_LockMutex(m_rtp_packet_mutex);
- if (prevADU == NULL) {
- prevADU = get_adu_data();
- ts = m_pending_adu_list->timestamp - m_rtp_ts_add;
- prevADU->next_adu = m_pending_adu_list;
- m_pending_adu_list = prevADU;
- #ifdef DEBUG_3119
- mpa_message(LOG_DEBUG, "Adding zero frame front, ts %lld", ts);
- #endif
- } else {
- for (adu_data_t *p = m_pending_adu_list;
- p != tailADU;
- p = p->next_adu) {
- #ifdef DEBUG_3119
- mpa_message(LOG_DEBUG, "Adjusting %lld to %lld", p->timestamp,
- p->timestamp - m_rtp_ts_add);
- #endif
- p->timestamp -= m_rtp_ts_add;
- }
- ts = tailADU->timestamp - m_rtp_ts_add;
- prevADU->next_adu = get_adu_data();
- prevADU = prevADU->next_adu;
- #ifdef DEBUG_3119
- mpa_message(LOG_DEBUG, "Adding zero frame middle %lld", ts);
- #endif
- }
- prevADU->next_adu = tailADU;
- SDL_UnlockMutex(m_rtp_packet_mutex);
- prevADU->pak = NULL;
- prevADU->frame_ptr =
- (uint8_t *)malloc(tailADU->framesize);
- prevADU->aduDataSize = 0;
- prevADU->timestamp = ts;
- prevADU->first_in_pak = 0;
- prevADU->last_in_pak = 0;
- prevADU->freeframe = 1;
- prevADU->headerSize = tailADU->headerSize;
- prevADU->sideInfoSize = tailADU->sideInfoSize;
- memcpy(prevADU->frame_ptr,
- tailADU->frame_ptr,
- prevADU->headerSize + prevADU->sideInfoSize);
- ZeroOutMP3SideInfo((unsigned char *)prevADU->frame_ptr,
- tailADU->framesize,
- prevADUend);
- prevADU->mp3hdr = MP4AV_Mp3HeaderFromBytes(prevADU->frame_ptr);
- prevADU->framesize = MP4AV_Mp3GetFrameSize(prevADU->mp3hdr);
- prevADU->backpointer = MP4AV_Mp3GetAduOffset(prevADU->frame_ptr,
- prevADU->framesize);
- } else {
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- uint64_t CRfc3119RtpByteStream::start_next_frame (uint8_t **buffer,
- uint32_t *buflen,
- void **ud)
- {
- adu_data_t *p;
- // Free up last used...
- if (m_pending_adu_list != NULL) {
- SDL_LockMutex(m_rtp_packet_mutex);
- p = m_pending_adu_list->next_adu;
- free_adu(m_pending_adu_list);
- m_pending_adu_list = p;
- SDL_UnlockMutex(m_rtp_packet_mutex);
- }
- /*
- * load up ordered_adu_list here...
- */
- while (m_head != NULL && m_ordered_adu_list == NULL) {
- process_packet();
- }
- /*
- * Start moving things down to the pending list. If it's NULL,
- * and the ordered list has data that's not layer 3, just move the
- * first element of the ordered list to the pending list, and use that.
- */
- if (m_pending_adu_list == NULL) {
- if (MP4AV_Mp3GetHdrLayer(m_ordered_adu_list->mp3hdr) != 1) {
- //if (m_ordered_adu_list->mp3hdr.layer != 3)
- SDL_LockMutex(m_rtp_packet_mutex);
- m_pending_adu_list = m_ordered_adu_list;
- m_ordered_adu_list = m_ordered_adu_list->next_adu;
- m_pending_adu_list->next_adu = NULL;
- SDL_UnlockMutex(m_rtp_packet_mutex);
- /*
- * mpeg1 layer 1 or 2
- * No mpa robust - adu contains complete frame
- */
- #ifdef DEBUG_3119
- mpa_message(LOG_DEBUG, "Not layer 3");
- #endif
- *buffer = m_pending_adu_list->frame_ptr;
- *buflen = m_pending_adu_list->framesize;
- return m_pending_adu_list->timestamp;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Now we need to handle the mpeg1 layer 3 ADU frame to MP3
- * frame conversion
- */
- while (needToGetAnADU()) {
- if (m_ordered_adu_list == NULL) {
- // failure - we need to add, and can't
- #ifdef DEBUG_3119
- mpa_message(LOG_DEBUG, "need to get an adu and ordered list is NULL");
- #endif
- process_packet();
- if (m_ordered_adu_list == NULL) {
- dump_adu_list(m_pending_adu_list);
- m_pending_adu_list = NULL;
- *buffer = NULL;
- *buflen = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- add_and_insertDummyADUsIfNecessary();
- }
- uint32_t endOfHeadFrame;
- uint32_t frameOffset = 0;
- uint32_t toOffset = 0;
- /*
- * We should have enough on the pending list to fill up a frame
- */
- endOfHeadFrame = m_pending_adu_list->framesize;
- if (m_mp3_frame == NULL ||
- m_mp3_frame_size < endOfHeadFrame) {
- m_mp3_frame_size = endOfHeadFrame * 2;
- m_mp3_frame = (uint8_t *)realloc(m_mp3_frame, m_mp3_frame_size);
- }
- int copy;
- copy = m_pending_adu_list->headerSize + m_pending_adu_list->sideInfoSize;
- memcpy(m_mp3_frame, m_pending_adu_list->frame_ptr, copy);
- uint8_t *start_of_data;
- endOfHeadFrame -= copy;
- memset(m_mp3_frame + copy, 0, endOfHeadFrame);
- start_of_data = m_mp3_frame + copy;
- p = m_pending_adu_list;
- while (toOffset < endOfHeadFrame) {
- int startOfData = frameOffset - p->backpointer;
- if (startOfData > (int)endOfHeadFrame) {
- break;
- }
- int endOfData = startOfData + p->aduDataSize;
- if (endOfData > (int)endOfHeadFrame) {
- endOfData = endOfHeadFrame;
- }
- int fromOffset;
- if (startOfData <= (int)toOffset) {
- fromOffset = toOffset - startOfData;
- startOfData = toOffset;
- if (endOfData < startOfData) {
- endOfData = startOfData;
- }
- } else {
- fromOffset = 0;
- toOffset = startOfData;
- }
- int bytesUsedHere = endOfData - startOfData;
- memcpy(start_of_data + toOffset,
- p->frame_ptr + p->headerSize + p->sideInfoSize + fromOffset,
- bytesUsedHere);
- toOffset += bytesUsedHere;
- frameOffset += p->framesize - p->headerSize - p->sideInfoSize;
- p = p->next_adu;
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG_3119
- mpa_message(LOG_DEBUG, "ts %llu, framesize %d",
- m_pending_adu_list->timestamp, m_pending_adu_list->framesize);
- #endif
- *buffer = m_mp3_frame;
- *buflen = m_pending_adu_list->framesize;
- return (m_pending_adu_list->timestamp);
- }
- void CRfc3119RtpByteStream::used_bytes_for_frame (uint32_t bytes)
- {
- // we don't care - we'll move to the next frame ourselves.
- }
- void CRfc3119RtpByteStream::flush_rtp_packets (void)
- {
- SDL_LockMutex(m_rtp_packet_mutex);
- dump_adu_list(m_deinterleave_list);
- m_deinterleave_list = NULL;
- dump_adu_list(m_ordered_adu_list);
- m_ordered_adu_list = NULL;
- dump_adu_list(m_pending_adu_list);
- m_pending_adu_list = NULL;
- SDL_UnlockMutex(m_rtp_packet_mutex);
- CRtpByteStreamBase::flush_rtp_packets();
- }
- void CRfc3119RtpByteStream::reset (void)
- {
- CRtpByteStreamBase::reset();
- }
- int CRfc3119RtpByteStream::have_no_data (void)
- {
- return (m_head == NULL); // || m_pending_adu_list == NULL);
- }
- void CRfc3119RtpByteStream::free_adu (adu_data_t *adu)
- {
- if (adu->freeframe != 0) {
- free(adu->frame_ptr);
- adu->frame_ptr = NULL;
- adu->freeframe = 0;
- }
- if (adu->last_in_pak != 0 &&
- adu->pak != NULL) {
- xfree(adu->pak);
- adu->pak = NULL;
- }
- adu->next_adu = m_adu_data_free;
- m_adu_data_free = adu;
- }