资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*************************************************************************
- This software module was originally developed by
- Ming-Chieh Lee (, Microsoft Corporation
- Wei-ge Chen (, Microsoft Corporation
- Bruce Lin (, Microsoft Corporation
- Chuang Gu (, Microsoft Corporation
- (date: March, 1996)
- and edited by
- Hiroyuki Katata (, Sharp Corporation
- Norio Ito (, Sharp Corporation
- Shuichi Watanabe (, Sharp Corporation
- (date: October, 1997)
- and also edited by
- Dick van Smirren (, KPN Research
- Cor Quist (, KPN Research
- (date: July, 1998)
- in the course of development of the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2).
- This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 Video tools
- as specified by the MPEG-4 Video.
- ISO/IEC gives users of the MPEG-4 Video free license to this software module or modifications
- thereof for use in hardware or software products claiming conformance to the MPEG-4 Video.
- Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software products are advised that its use may infringe existing patents.
- The original developer of this software module and his/her company,
- the subsequent editors and their companies,
- and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or modifications thereof in an implementation.
- Copyright is not released for non MPEG-4 Video conforming products.
- Sharp retains full right to use the code for his/her own purpose,
- assign or donate the code to a third party and to inhibit third parties from using the code for non <MPEG standard> conforming products.
- This copyright notice must be included in all copies or derivative works.
- Copyright (c) 1997.
- Module Name:
- tps_decoder.cpp
- Abstract:
- caller for decoder for temporal scalability
- Revision History:
- *************************************************************************/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <iostream.h>
- #include <fstream.h>
- #ifdef __PC_COMPILER_
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <mmsystem.h>
- #endif // __PC_COMPILER_
- #include "typeapi.h"
- #include "mode.hpp"
- #include "vopses.hpp"
- #include "entropy/bitstrm.hpp"
- #include "tps_enhcbuf.hpp"
- #include "decoder/enhcbufdec.hpp"
- #include "decoder/vopsedec.hpp"
- #include "dataStruct.hpp"
- #ifndef __GLOBAL_VAR_
- #define __GLOBAL_VAR_
- #endif
- #include "global.hpp"
- #ifdef __MFC_
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif // __MFC_
- Void dumpFrame (const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcQuant, FILE* pfYUV, FILE* pfSeg, AlphaUsage, CRct& rct, UInt nBits, Int iAlphaScale, Int DumpSkip);
- #define MAX_TIME 99999 // for bitstreams stopped at BVOP
- #define USAGE "Usage: tDECODER bitstream_file [enhn_layer_bitstream_file] output_file width heightn
- or: tDECODER -vtc bitstream_file output_file target_spatial_layer target_snr_layern"
- // Main Routine
- int main(int argc, char* argv[])
- {
- Bool bScalability = 0;
- Bool bWavelet = 0;
- Bool main_short_video_header; // Added by KPN for short headers [FDS]
- main_short_video_header = FALSE;
- if(argc>1 && strcmp(argv[1],"-vtc")==0)
- {
- bWavelet = 1;
- if(argc != 6)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,USAGE);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (argc < 5 || argc > 6) {
- fprintf (stderr,USAGE);
- exit(1);
- }
- else if (argc == 6)
- bScalability = 1;
- }
- FILE *pfBits;
- if ((pfBits = fopen (argv [bWavelet + 1], "rb")) == NULL )
- fatal_error("Bitstream File Not Found");
- fclose (pfBits);
- if (bScalability) {
- if ((pfBits = fopen (argv [2], "rb")) == NULL )
- fatal_error("Bitstream File for Enhancement Layer Not Foundn");
- fclose (pfBits);
- }
- if(bWavelet)
- {
- ///// WAVELET VTC: begin /////////////////////////
- CVTCDecoder vtcdec;
- // start VTC decoding
- // argv[1]: "-vtc"
- // argv[2]: bitstream file
- // argv[3]: decoded image file
- // argv[4]: target spatial layer
- // argv[5]: target SNR layer
- vtcdec.decode(argv[2], argv[3], atoi(argv[4]), atoi(argv[5]) );
- return 0;
- /////// WAVELET VTC: end /////////////////////////
- }
- CRct rctDisplay (0, 0, atoi (argv [3 + bScalability]), atoi (argv [4 + bScalability]));
- /*Added */
- CRct rctDisplay_SSenh (0, 0, atoi (argv [3 + bScalability]), atoi (argv [4 + bScalability]));
- Bool bTemporalScalability = 0;
- if (bScalability){
- CVideoObjectDecoder* pvodec_tps[2];
- cout << "Checking scalability type...n";
- pvodec_tps[BASE_LAYER] = new CVideoObjectDecoder (argv[1], rctDisplay.width, rctDisplay.height (), NULL, &main_short_video_header);
- pvodec_tps[ENHN_LAYER] = new CVideoObjectDecoder (argv[2], rctDisplay.width, rctDisplay.height (), NULL, &main_short_video_header);
- pvodec_tps[BASE_LAYER]->setClockRateScale( pvodec_tps[ENHN_LAYER] ); // added by Sharp (98/6/26)
- Time FirstBase = pvodec_tps[BASE_LAYER] -> senseTime ();
- Time FirstEnhn = pvodec_tps[ENHN_LAYER] -> senseTime ();
- if ( FirstBase != FirstEnhn ){
- bTemporalScalability = 1;
- cout << "Starting temporal scalability decoding...nn";
- }
- else{
- bTemporalScalability = 0;
- cout << "Starting spatial scalability decoding...nn";
- }
- delete pvodec_tps[BASE_LAYER];
- delete pvodec_tps[ENHN_LAYER];
- }
- if ( !bScalability || !bTemporalScalability ){
- CVideoObjectDecoder* pvodec [2];
- Bool bSpatialScalable = FALSE;
- //CRct rctDisplayBackup = rctDisplay; // for recovery from sprite decoding
- pvodec [BASE_LAYER] = new CVideoObjectDecoder (argv [1], rctDisplay.width, rctDisplay.height(), &bSpatialScalable, &main_short_video_header);
- // NBIT: get nBits information
- UInt nBits = pvodec [BASE_LAYER]->volmd ().nBits;
- /* Added*/
- if (bScalability){
- pvodec [ENHN_LAYER] = new CVideoObjectDecoder (argv [2], rctDisplay.width, rctDisplay.height(), &bSpatialScalable, &main_short_video_header);
- /*Added*/
- if(bSpatialScalable)
- pvodec[ENHN_LAYER]->set_enh_display_size(rctDisplay, &rctDisplay_SSenh);
- }
- if (pvodec [BASE_LAYER] -> fSptUsage () == 1) {
- // decode the initial sprite: //wchen: instead of calling decode ()
- pvodec [BASE_LAYER] -> decodeInitSprite ();
- }
- FILE* pfReconYUV [2];
- Char pchTmp [100];
- sprintf (pchTmp, "%s.yuv", argv [2 + bScalability]);
- pfReconYUV [BASE_LAYER] = fopen (pchTmp, "wb");
- fatal_error("cant open output yuv file",pfReconYUV [BASE_LAYER] != NULL);
- if (bScalability) {
- sprintf (pchTmp, "%s_e.yuv", argv [2 + bScalability]);
- pfReconYUV [ENHN_LAYER]= fopen (pchTmp, "wb");
- fatal_error("cant open enhancement layer output yuv file",pfReconYUV [ENHN_LAYER] != NULL);
- }
- sprintf (pchTmp, "%s.seg", argv [2 + bScalability]);
- FILE* pfReconSeg = NULL;
- if (pvodec [BASE_LAYER]-> volmd ().fAUsage != RECTANGLE) {
- pfReconSeg = fopen (pchTmp, "wb");
- fatal_error("cant open output seg file",pfReconSeg != NULL);
- }
- Int iEof = 1;
- Int nFrames = 0;
- const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcQuant;
- #ifdef __PC_COMPILER_
- Int tickBegin = ::GetTickCount ();
- #endif // __PC_COMPILER_
- Bool bCachedRefFrame = FALSE;
- Bool bCachedRefFrameCoded = FALSE;
- while (iEof != EOF)
- {
- if (main_short_video_header) // Added by KPN for short headers
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Frame number: %dn", nFrames);
- iEof = pvodec [BASE_LAYER] -> h263_decode ();
- }
- else
- iEof = pvodec [BASE_LAYER] -> decode ();
- if (iEof != EOF)
- nFrames++;
- if(pvodec [BASE_LAYER] -> fSptUsage () == 1)
- {
- // sprite
- if(iEof != EOF)
- {
- pvopcQuant = pvodec [BASE_LAYER]->pvopcReconCurr();
- dumpFrame (pvopcQuant, pfReconYUV [BASE_LAYER], pfReconSeg, pvodec[BASE_LAYER]->volmd().fAUsage, rctDisplay,
- nBits, pvodec [BASE_LAYER]->vopmd().iVopConstantAlphaValue, 0);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(iEof == EOF)
- {
- // dump final cached frame if present
- if(bCachedRefFrame)
- {
- bCachedRefFrame = FALSE;
- if(bCachedRefFrameCoded)
- {
- pvopcQuant = pvodec [BASE_LAYER]->pvopcRefQLater(); // future reference
- dumpFrame (pvopcQuant, pfReconYUV [BASE_LAYER], pfReconSeg, pvodec[BASE_LAYER]->volmd().fAUsage, rctDisplay,
- nBits, pvodec [BASE_LAYER]->vopmd().iVopConstantAlphaValue, 0);
- }
- else // non coded
- dumpNonCodedFrame(pfReconYUV [BASE_LAYER], pfReconSeg, rctDisplay, nBits);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // dump if bvop
- if(pvodec[BASE_LAYER]->vopmd().vopPredType == BVOP)
- {
- // BVOP
- if(iEof != FALSE)
- {
- pvopcQuant = pvodec [BASE_LAYER]->pvopcReconCurr(); // current vop
- dumpFrame (pvopcQuant, pfReconYUV [BASE_LAYER], pfReconSeg, pvodec[BASE_LAYER]->volmd().fAUsage, rctDisplay,
- nBits, pvodec [BASE_LAYER]->vopmd().iVopConstantAlphaValue, 0);
- }
- else // non coded BVOP
- dumpNonCodedFrame(pfReconYUV [BASE_LAYER], pfReconSeg, rctDisplay, nBits);
- }
- else
- {
- // not a BVOP, so dump any previous cached frame
- if(bCachedRefFrame)
- {
- bCachedRefFrame = FALSE;
- if(bCachedRefFrameCoded)
- {
- pvopcQuant = pvodec [BASE_LAYER]->pvopcRefQPrev(); // past reference
- dumpFrame (pvopcQuant, pfReconYUV [BASE_LAYER], pfReconSeg, pvodec[BASE_LAYER]->volmd().fAUsage, rctDisplay,
- nBits, pvodec [BASE_LAYER]->vopmd().iVopConstantAlphaValue, 0);
- }
- else // non coded
- dumpNonCodedFrame(pfReconYUV [BASE_LAYER], pfReconSeg, rctDisplay, nBits);
- }
- // cache current reference
- bCachedRefFrame = TRUE;
- bCachedRefFrameCoded = (iEof != FALSE);
- }
- }
- }
- if (bSpatialScalable == TRUE) {
- // if base layer is non coded, pvopcQuant=NULL, but enh layer should also be non coded.
- if(iEof == FALSE)
- pvopcQuant = NULL;
- else
- pvopcQuant = pvodec [BASE_LAYER]->pvopcReconCurr();
- iEof = pvodec [ENHN_LAYER] -> decode (pvopcQuant);
- if(iEof!=EOF)
- nFrames++; // include enhancement layer
- if(iEof==FALSE)
- dumpNonCodedFrame(pfReconYUV [ENHN_LAYER], NULL, rctDisplay_SSenh, nBits);
- /* dumpNonCodedFrame(pfReconYUV [ENHN_LAYER], NULL, rctDisplay * 2, nBits);*/
- if (iEof != EOF && iEof!=FALSE)
- /*Added*/
- dumpFrame (pvodec [ENHN_LAYER]->pvopcReconCurr (), pfReconYUV [ENHN_LAYER], NULL, RECTANGLE, rctDisplay_SSenh,
- nBits, pvodec [BASE_LAYER]->vopmd().iVopConstantAlphaValue, 0); // still base layer
- /*
- dumpFrame (pvodec [ENHN_LAYER]->pvopcReconCurr (), pfReconYUV [ENHN_LAYER], NULL, RECTANGLE, rctDisplay * 2,
- nBits, pvodec [BASE_LAYER]->vopmd().iVopConstantAlphaValue, 0); // still base layer
- */
- }
- }
- #ifdef __PC_COMPILER_
- Int tickAfter = ::GetTickCount ();
- printf ("Total time: %dn", tickAfter - tickBegin);
- Double dAverage = (Double) (tickAfter - tickBegin) / (Double) (nFrames);
- printf ("Total frames: %dtAverage time: %.6lfn", nFrames, dAverage);
- printf ("FPS %.6lfn", 1000.0 / dAverage);
- #endif // __PC_COMPILER_
- fclose (pfReconYUV [BASE_LAYER]);
- if (pvodec [BASE_LAYER]->volmd ().fAUsage != RECTANGLE)
- fclose (pfReconSeg);
- delete pvodec [BASE_LAYER];
- if (bScalability) {
- fclose (pfReconYUV [ENHN_LAYER]);
- delete pvodec [ENHN_LAYER];
- }
- }
- else { // loop for temporal scalability
- CVideoObjectDecoder* pvodec[2];
- pvodec[BASE_LAYER] = new CVideoObjectDecoder (argv[1], rctDisplay.width, rctDisplay.height (), NULL, &main_short_video_header); // modified by Sharp (98/7/16)
- UInt nBits = pvodec [BASE_LAYER]->volmd ().nBits; // added by Sharp (98/11/11)
- if(bScalability){
- pvodec[ENHN_LAYER] = new CVideoObjectDecoder (argv[2], rctDisplay.width, rctDisplay.height (), NULL, &main_short_video_header); // modified by Sharp (98/7/16)
- // for back/forward shape
- pvodec[ENHN_LAYER]->rgpbfShape[0] = new CVideoObjectDecoder (rctDisplay.width, rctDisplay.height ());
- pvodec[ENHN_LAYER]->rgpbfShape[1] = new CVideoObjectDecoder (rctDisplay.width, rctDisplay.height ());
- pvodec[BASE_LAYER]->setClockRateScale( pvodec[ENHN_LAYER] );
- // copy pointers
- pvodec[ENHN_LAYER]->copyTobfShape ();
- }
- Char pchTmp [100];
- FILE* pfReconYUV [2]; // following two lines are swapped by Sharp (98/10/26)
- #ifndef __OUT_ONE_FRAME_
- sprintf (pchTmp, "%s.yuv", argv [2 + bScalability]);
- pfReconYUV [BASE_LAYER] = fopen (pchTmp, "wb");
- fatal_error("cant open output yuv file",pfReconYUV [BASE_LAYER] != NULL);
- if (bScalability) {
- // sprintf (pchTmp, "%s_e.yuv", argv [2 + bScalability]); // deleted by Sharp (98/10/26)
- // pfReconYUV [ENHN_LAYER]= fopen (pchTmp, "wb"); // deleted by Sharp (98/10/26)
- pfReconYUV [ENHN_LAYER] = pfReconYUV [BASE_LAYER]; // added by Sharp (98/10/26)
- fatal_error("cant open enhancement layer output yuv file",pfReconYUV [ENHN_LAYER] != NULL);
- }
- sprintf (pchTmp, "%s.seg", argv [2 + bScalability]);
- FILE* pfReconSeg [2];
- if (pvodec [BASE_LAYER]-> volmd ().fAUsage != RECTANGLE) {
- pfReconSeg [BASE_LAYER] = fopen (pchTmp, "wb");
- fatal_error("cant open output seg file",pfReconSeg [BASE_LAYER] != NULL);
- }
- if (bScalability) {
- if (pvodec [ENHN_LAYER]-> volmd ().fAUsage != RECTANGLE) {
- if (pvodec [ENHN_LAYER]-> volmd ().iEnhnType == 1) { // added by Sharp (98/10/26)
- sprintf (pchTmp, "%s_e.seg", argv [2 + bScalability]);
- pfReconSeg [ENHN_LAYER]= fopen (pchTmp, "wb");
- } else // added by Sharp (98/10/26)
- pfReconSeg [ENHN_LAYER]= pfReconSeg [BASE_LAYER]; // added by Sharp (98/10/26)
- fatal_error("cant open output enhancement layer seg file",pfReconSeg [ENHN_LAYER] != NULL);
- }
- }
- // begin: deleted by Sharp (98/10/26)
- // if (bScalability)
- // if (pvodec [ENHN_LAYER]-> volmd ().iEnhnType == 1) {
- // FILE *pfTemp;
- // sprintf (pchTmp, "%s_bgc.yuv", argv [2 + bScalability]);
- // pfTemp = fopen (pchTmp, "wb"); // clear file pointer for background composition
- // fclose(pfTemp);
- // }
- // end: delted by Sharp (98/10/26)
- #endif
- // for back/forward shape output
- FILE* pfTestSeg = NULL;
- if (bScalability)
- if (pvodec [ENHN_LAYER]-> volmd ().iEnhnType == 1) {
- sprintf (pchTmp, "%s.bfseg", argv [2 + bScalability]);
- pfTestSeg = fopen (pchTmp, "wb"); //reconstructed Seg file(bfShape)
- fatal_error("cant open output bfseg file",pfTestSeg!=NULL);
- }
- int iEof = 1;
- #ifdef __PC_COMPILER_
- Int tickBegin = ::GetTickCount ();
- #endif // __PC_COMPILER_
- Time tPvopBase, tNextBase, tNextEnhc = 0;
- int nBaseFrames = 0;
- int nEnhcFrames = 0;
- Bool bCacheRefFrame = FALSE; // added by Sharp (98/11/18)
- Bool bCachedRefFrameCoded = FALSE; // added by Sharp (99/1/28)
- tNextBase = pvodec[BASE_LAYER] -> senseTime();
- while (iEof != EOF) {
- if (pvodec[BASE_LAYER] -> getPredType () != BVOP) { // for bitstreams stopped at BVOP
- iEof = pvodec[BASE_LAYER] -> decode ();
- if(iEof == EOF)
- break;
- if(bScalability)
- pvodec[BASE_LAYER] -> updateBuffVOPsBase (pvodec[ENHN_LAYER]);
- nBaseFrames ++;
- // Output BASE_LAYER
- #ifndef __OUT_ONE_FRAME_
- // begin: added by Sharp (98/11/11)
- if ( bCacheRefFrame ) { // modified by by Sharp (98/11/18)
- if ( bCachedRefFrameCoded ) // added by Sharp (99/1/28)
- dumpFrame (pvodec[BASE_LAYER]->pvopcRefQPrev() , pfReconYUV [BASE_LAYER], pfReconSeg[BASE_LAYER], pvodec[BASE_LAYER]->volmd().fAUsage, rctDisplay,
- nBits, pvodec [BASE_LAYER]->vopmd().iVopConstantAlphaValue, 0 );
- else // added by Sharp (99/1/28)
- dumpNonCodedFrame( pfReconYUV[BASE_LAYER], pfReconSeg[BASE_LAYER], rctDisplay, nBits); // added by Sharp (99/1/28)
- }
- // begin: added by Sharp (98/11/18)
- else {
- bCacheRefFrame = TRUE;
- }
- // end: added by Sharp (98/11/18)
- // end: added by Sharp (98/11/11)
- // pvodec [BASE_LAYER]->dumpDataAllFrame (pfReconYUV [BASE_LAYER], pfReconSeg [BASE_LAYER], rctDisplay); // deleted by Sharp (98/11/11)
- #else
- pvodec [BASE_LAYER]->dumpDataOneFrame(argv, bScalability, rctDisplay);
- #endif
- bCachedRefFrameCoded = (iEof != FALSE); // added by Sharp(99/1/28)
- tPvopBase = pvodec[BASE_LAYER] -> getTime ();
- }
- else { // for bitstreams stopped at BVOP
- tPvopBase = MAX_TIME;
- pvodec[BASE_LAYER] -> copyRefQ1ToQ0 ();
- }
- tNextBase = pvodec[BASE_LAYER] -> senseTime ();
- while((tPvopBase > tNextBase) && (tNextBase != EOF)) {
- iEof = pvodec[BASE_LAYER] -> decode ();
- if(bScalability)
- pvodec[BASE_LAYER] -> updateBuffVOPsBase (pvodec[ENHN_LAYER]);
- // Output BASE_LAYER
- if (iEof != EOF) {
- nBaseFrames ++;
- // begin: deleted by Sharp (98/11/11)
- // #ifndef __OUT_ONE_FRAME_
- // pvodec [BASE_LAYER]->dumpDataAllFrame (pfReconYUV [BASE_LAYER], pfReconSeg [BASE_LAYER], rctDisplay); // deleted by Sharp (98/11/11)
- // #else
- // end: deleted by Sharp (98/11/11)
- #ifdef __OUT_ONE_FRAME_ // added by Sharp (98/11/11)
- pvodec [BASE_LAYER]->dumpDataOneFrame(argv, bScalability, rctDisplay);
- #endif
- }
- if(bScalability && tNextEnhc != EOF) {
- tNextEnhc = pvodec[ENHN_LAYER] -> senseTime ();
- while((tNextBase > tNextEnhc) && (tNextEnhc != EOF)) {
- iEof = pvodec[ENHN_LAYER] -> decode ();
- nEnhcFrames ++;
- if (pvodec [ENHN_LAYER] -> volmd ().fAUsage != RECTANGLE) {
- // for background composition
- if(pvodec [ENHN_LAYER] -> volmd ().iEnhnType == 1) {
- // should be changed to background_composition flag later.
- printf("============== background composition (1)n");
- pvodec [ENHN_LAYER] -> BackgroundComposition(argv, bScalability, rctDisplay.width, rctDisplay.height (), pfReconYUV[ENHN_LAYER]); // modified by Sharp (98/10/26)
- }
- // for back/forward shape
- if(pvodec [ENHN_LAYER] -> vopmd ().iLoadBakShape) {
- printf("---------- output backward shapen");
- const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcQuant = pvodec [ENHN_LAYER]->rgpbfShape[0]->pvopcReconCurr ();
- pvopcQuant->getPlane (BY_PLANE)->dump (pfTestSeg, rctDisplay);
- }
- if(pvodec [ENHN_LAYER] -> vopmd ().iLoadForShape) {
- printf("---------- output forward shapen");
- const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcQuant = pvodec [ENHN_LAYER]->rgpbfShape[1]->pvopcReconCurr ();
- pvopcQuant->getPlane (BY_PLANE)->dump (pfTestSeg, rctDisplay);
- }
- }
- // Output ENHN_LAYER
- if (iEof != EOF) {
- // if ( pvodec [ENHN_LAYER] -> volmd ().iEnhnType != 1 ){ // added by Sharp (98/10/26) //deleted by Sharp (99/1/25)
- #ifndef __OUT_ONE_FRAME_
- // begin: added by Sharp (99/1/28)
- if ( iEof != FALSE ){
- dumpFrame (pvodec[ENHN_LAYER]->pvopcReconCurr(), pfReconYUV [ENHN_LAYER], pfReconSeg[ENHN_LAYER], pvodec[ENHN_LAYER]->volmd().fAUsage, rctDisplay,
- nBits, pvodec [ENHN_LAYER]->vopmd().iVopConstantAlphaValue, pvodec[ENHN_LAYER]->volmd().iEnhnType );
- }
- else
- dumpNonCodedFrame(pfReconYUV[ENHN_LAYER], pfReconSeg[ENHN_LAYER], rctDisplay, nBits);
- // end: added by Sharp (99/1/28)
- // pvodec [ENHN_LAYER]->dumpDataAllFrame (pfReconYUV [ENHN_LAYER], pfReconSeg [ENHN_LAYER], rctDisplay); // deleted by Sharp (99/1/28)
- #else
- pvodec [ENHN_LAYER]->dumpDataOneFrame(argv, bScalability, rctDisplay);
- #endif
- // } // added by Sharp (98/10/26) // deleted by Sharp (99/1/25)
- }
- tNextEnhc = pvodec[ENHN_LAYER] -> senseTime ();
- }
- }
- // begin: added by Sharp (98/11/11)
- #ifndef __OUT_ONE_FRAME_
- if ( iEof != FALSE )
- dumpFrame (pvodec[BASE_LAYER]->pvopcReconCurr() , pfReconYUV [BASE_LAYER], pfReconSeg[BASE_LAYER], pvodec[BASE_LAYER]->volmd().fAUsage, rctDisplay,
- nBits, pvodec [BASE_LAYER]->vopmd().iVopConstantAlphaValue, 0 );
- else
- dumpNonCodedFrame(pfReconYUV[BASE_LAYER], pfReconSeg[BASE_LAYER], rctDisplay, nBits);
- #endif
- // end: added by Sharp (98/11/11)
- tNextBase = pvodec[BASE_LAYER] -> senseTime ();
- }
- if(bScalability && (tNextEnhc = pvodec[ENHN_LAYER] -> senseTime ()) != EOF) { // modified by Sharp (99/1/25)
- pvodec[ENHN_LAYER] -> bufferB2flush ();
- // tNextEnhc = pvodec[ENHN_LAYER] -> senseTime (); // deleted by Sharp (99/1/25)
- while((tPvopBase > tNextEnhc) && (tNextEnhc != EOF)) {
- iEof = pvodec[ENHN_LAYER] -> decode ();
- nEnhcFrames ++;
- if (pvodec [ENHN_LAYER] -> volmd ().fAUsage != RECTANGLE) {
- // for background composition
- if(pvodec [ENHN_LAYER] -> volmd ().iEnhnType == 1) {
- // should be changed to background_composition flag later.
- printf("============== background composition (2)n");
- pvodec [ENHN_LAYER] -> BackgroundComposition(argv, bScalability, rctDisplay.width, rctDisplay.height (), pfReconYUV [ENHN_LAYER]); // modified by Sharp (98/10/26)
- }
- // for back/forward shape
- if(pvodec [ENHN_LAYER] -> vopmd ().iLoadBakShape) {
- printf("---------- output backward shapen");
- const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcQuant = pvodec [ENHN_LAYER]->rgpbfShape[0]->pvopcReconCurr ();
- pvopcQuant->getPlane (BY_PLANE)->dump (pfTestSeg, rctDisplay);
- }
- if(pvodec [ENHN_LAYER] -> vopmd ().iLoadForShape) {
- printf("---------- output forward shapen");
- const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcQuant = pvodec [ENHN_LAYER]->rgpbfShape[1]->pvopcReconCurr ();
- pvopcQuant->getPlane (BY_PLANE)->dump (pfTestSeg, rctDisplay);
- }
- }
- // Output ENHN_LAYER
- if (iEof != EOF) {
- // if ( pvodec [ENHN_LAYER] -> volmd ().iEnhnType != 1 ){ // added by Sharp (98/11/18) // deleted by Sharp (99/1/25)
- #ifndef __OUT_ONE_FRAME_
- // begin: added by Sharp (99/1/28)
- if ( iEof != FALSE )
- dumpFrame (pvodec[ENHN_LAYER]->pvopcReconCurr(), pfReconYUV [ENHN_LAYER], pfReconSeg[ENHN_LAYER], pvodec[ENHN_LAYER]->volmd().fAUsage, rctDisplay,
- nBits, pvodec [ENHN_LAYER]->vopmd().iVopConstantAlphaValue, pvodec[ENHN_LAYER]->volmd().iEnhnType );
- else
- dumpNonCodedFrame(pfReconYUV[ENHN_LAYER], pfReconSeg[ENHN_LAYER], rctDisplay, nBits);
- // end: added by Sharp (99/1/28)
- // pvodec [ENHN_LAYER]->dumpDataAllFrame (pfReconYUV [ENHN_LAYER], pfReconSeg [ENHN_LAYER], rctDisplay); // deleted by Sharp (99/1/28)
- #else
- pvodec [ENHN_LAYER]->dumpDataOneFrame(argv, bScalability, rctDisplay);
- #endif
- // }// added by Sharp (98/11/18) // deleted by Sharp (99/1/25)
- }
- tNextEnhc = pvodec[ENHN_LAYER] -> senseTime ();
- }
- // begin: deleted by Sharp (99/1/25)
- /*
- if((tPvopBase == tNextEnhc) && (tNextEnhc != EOF)) { // for Spatial Scalability
- pvodec[ENHN_LAYER] -> copyBufP2ToB1 ();
- iEof = pvodec[ENHN_LAYER] -> decode ();
- nEnhcFrames ++;
- }
- */
- // end: deleted by Sharp (99/1/25)
- // begin: added by Sharp (99/1/20)
- iEof = tNextBase;
- #ifndef __OUT_ONE_FRAME_
- // begin: added by Sharp (99/1/28)
- if ( iEof == EOF )
- if ( bCachedRefFrameCoded )
- // end: added by Sharp (99/1/28)
- dumpFrame (pvodec[BASE_LAYER]->pvopcRefQLater() , pfReconYUV [BASE_LAYER], pfReconSeg[BASE_LAYER], pvodec[BASE_LAYER]->volmd().fAUsage, rctDisplay,
- nBits, pvodec [BASE_LAYER]->vopmd().iVopConstantAlphaValue, 0 );
- // begin: added by Sharp (99/1/28)
- else
- dumpNonCodedFrame(pfReconYUV[BASE_LAYER], pfReconSeg[BASE_LAYER], rctDisplay, nBits);
- // end: added by Sharp (99/1/28)
- #endif
- // end: added by Sharp (99/1/20)
- pvodec[ENHN_LAYER] -> bufferB1flush ();
- // Enhancement Layer after Base BVOP
- if (tNextBase == EOF && tNextEnhc != EOF) {
- pvodec[ENHN_LAYER] -> copyBufP2ToB1 ();
- while(tNextEnhc != EOF) {
- iEof = pvodec[ENHN_LAYER] -> decode ();
- nEnhcFrames ++;
- if (pvodec [ENHN_LAYER] -> volmd ().fAUsage != RECTANGLE) {
- // for background composition
- if(pvodec [ENHN_LAYER] -> volmd ().iEnhnType == 1) {
- // should be changed to background_composition flag later.
- printf("============== background composition (2)n");
- pvodec [ENHN_LAYER] -> BackgroundComposition(argv, bScalability, rctDisplay.width, rctDisplay.height (), pfReconYUV [ENHN_LAYER]); // Modified after Sharp (98/10/26)
- }
- // for back/forward shape
- if(pvodec [ENHN_LAYER] -> vopmd ().iLoadBakShape) {
- printf("---------- output backward shapen");
- const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcQuant = pvodec [ENHN_LAYER]->rgpbfShape[0]->pvopcReconCurr ();
- pvopcQuant->getPlane (BY_PLANE)->dump (pfTestSeg, rctDisplay);
- }
- if(pvodec [ENHN_LAYER] -> vopmd ().iLoadForShape) {
- printf("---------- output forward shapen");
- const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcQuant = pvodec [ENHN_LAYER]->rgpbfShape[1]->pvopcReconCurr ();
- pvopcQuant->getPlane (BY_PLANE)->dump (pfTestSeg, rctDisplay);
- }
- }
- // Output ENHN_LAYER
- if (iEof != EOF) {
- // if ( pvodec [ENHN_LAYER] -> volmd ().iEnhnType != 1 ){ // added by Sharp (98/11/18) // deleted by Sharp (99/1/25)
- #ifndef __OUT_ONE_FRAME_
- if ( iEof != FALSE )
- dumpFrame (pvodec[ENHN_LAYER]->pvopcReconCurr(), pfReconYUV [ENHN_LAYER], pfReconSeg[ENHN_LAYER], pvodec[ENHN_LAYER]->volmd().fAUsage, rctDisplay,
- nBits, pvodec [ENHN_LAYER]->vopmd().iVopConstantAlphaValue, pvodec[ENHN_LAYER]->volmd().iEnhnType );
- else
- dumpNonCodedFrame(pfReconYUV[ENHN_LAYER], pfReconSeg[ENHN_LAYER], rctDisplay, nBits);
- // pvodec [ENHN_LAYER]->dumpDataAllFrame (pfReconYUV [ENHN_LAYER], pfReconSeg [ENHN_LAYER], rctDisplay);
- #else
- pvodec [ENHN_LAYER]->dumpDataOneFrame(argv, bScalability, rctDisplay);
- #endif
- // }// added by Sharp (98/11/18) // deleted by Sharp (99/1/25)
- }
- tNextEnhc = pvodec[ENHN_LAYER] -> senseTime ();
- }
- pvodec[ENHN_LAYER] -> bufferB1flush ();
- }
- }
- // begin: deleted by Sharp (99/1/28)
- // if (bScalability)
- // pvodec[ENHN_LAYER] -> bufferP1flush ();
- // end: deleted by Sharp (99/1/28)
- iEof = tNextBase;
- // begin: deleted by Sharp (99/1/25)
- /*
- // begin: added by Sharp (98/11/11)
- #ifndef __OUT_ONE_FRAME_
- if ( iEof == EOF )
- if ( iEof != FALSE )
- dumpFrame (pvodec[BASE_LAYER]->pvopcRefQLater() , pfReconYUV [BASE_LAYER], pfReconSeg[BASE_LAYER], pvodec[BASE_LAYER]->volmd().fAUsage, rctDisplay,
- nBits, pvodec [BASE_LAYER]->vopmd().iVopConstantAlphaValue, 0 );
- else
- dumpNonCodedFrame(pfReconYUV[ENHN_LAYER], pfReconSeg[ENHN_LAYER], rctDisplay, nBits);
- #endif
- // end: added by Sharp (98/11/11)
- */
- // end: deleted by Sharp (99/1/25)
- }
- #ifdef __PC_COMPILER_
- Int tickAfter = ::GetTickCount ();
- printf ("Total time: %dn", tickAfter - tickBegin);
- Double dAverage = (Double) (tickAfter - tickBegin) / (Double) (nBaseFrames + nEnhcFrames);
- printf ("Total frames: %dtAverage time: %.6lfn", nBaseFrames + nEnhcFrames, dAverage);
- printf ("FPS %.6lfn", 1000.0 / dAverage);
- #endif // __PC_COMPILER_
- #ifndef __OUT_ONE_FRAME_
- fclose (pfReconYUV[BASE_LAYER]);
- if (pvodec[BASE_LAYER]->volmd ().fAUsage != RECTANGLE)
- fclose (pfReconSeg [BASE_LAYER]);
- #endif
- delete pvodec[BASE_LAYER];
- if (bScalability) {
- #ifndef __OUT_ONE_FRAME_
- fclose (pfReconYUV[ENHN_LAYER]);
- if (pvodec[ENHN_LAYER]->volmd ().fAUsage != RECTANGLE)
- fclose (pfReconSeg [ENHN_LAYER]);
- #endif
- delete pvodec[ENHN_LAYER];
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- Void dumpFrame (const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcQuant, FILE* pfYUV, FILE* pfSeg, AlphaUsage fAUsage, CRct& rct, UInt nBits, Int iAlphaScale, Int DumpSkip)
- {
- if ( DumpSkip == 0 ){
- pvopcQuant->getPlane (Y_PLANE)->dump (pfYUV, rct);
- pvopcQuant->getPlane (U_PLANE)->dump (pfYUV, rct / 2);
- pvopcQuant->getPlane (V_PLANE)->dump (pfYUV, rct / 2);
- }
- if(pfSeg!=NULL)
- {
- if (fAUsage == ONE_BIT)
- pvopcQuant->getPlane (BY_PLANE)->dump (pfSeg, rct, iAlphaScale);
- else if (fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT)
- pvopcQuant->getPlane (A_PLANE)->dumpWithMask (pfSeg, pvopcQuant->getPlane (BY_PLANE),
- rct, iAlphaScale);
- }
- return;
- }