资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*************************************************************************
- This software module was originally developed by
- Chuang Gu (chuanggu@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- (date: Auguest, 1997)
- and also edited by
- Yoshinori Suzuki (Hitachi, Ltd.)
- Yuichiro Nakaya (Hitachi, Ltd.)
- in the course of development of the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2).
- This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 Video tools
- as specified by the MPEG-4 Video.
- ISO/IEC gives users of the MPEG-4 Video free license to this software module or modifications
- thereof for use in hardware or software products claiming conformance to the MPEG-4 Video.
- Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software products are advised that its use may infringe existing patents.
- The original developer of this software module and his/her company,
- the subsequent editors and their companies,
- and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or modifications thereof in an implementation.
- Copyright is not released for non MPEG-4 Video conforming products.
- Microsoft retains full right to use the code for his/her own purpose,
- assign or donate the code to a third party and to inhibit third parties from using the code for non <MPEG standard> conforming products.
- This copyright notice must be included in all copies or derivative works.
- Copyright (c) 1996, 1997.
- Module Name:
- spt.cpp
- Abstract:
- Functions for sprite warping
- Revision History:
- Nov. 14, 1997: Fast Affine Warping functions added by Hitachi, Ltd.
- Jan. 13, 1999: Code for disallowing zero demoninators in perspective
- warping added by Hitachi, Ltd.
- *************************************************************************/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "typeapi.h"
- #include "mode.hpp"
- #include "vopses.hpp"
- #include "codehead.h"
- #ifdef __MFC_
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif // __MFC_
- #define _FOR_GSSP_
- Void CVideoObject::warpYA (const CPerspective2D& persp, const CRct& rctWarpedBound, UInt accuracy)
- // warp m_pvopcSptQ's Y and A components to m_pvopcCurrQs
- {
- assert (m_pvopcCurrQ -> whereY ().includes (rctWarpedBound));
- const CU8Image* puciCurrY = m_pvopcCurrQ -> getPlane (Y_PLANE);
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- const CU8Image* puciCurrBY = m_pvopcCurrQ -> getPlane (BY_PLANE);
- #endif
- const CU8Image* puciCurrA = (m_pvopcSptQ -> fAUsage () == EIGHT_BIT)? m_pvopcCurrQ -> getPlane (A_PLANE) : m_pvopcCurrQ -> getPlane (BY_PLANE);
- const CU8Image* puciSptY = m_pvopcSptQ -> getPlane (Y_PLANE);
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- const CU8Image* puciSptBY = m_pvopcSptQ -> getPlane (BY_PLANE);
- #endif
- const CU8Image* puciSptA = (m_pvopcSptQ -> fAUsage () == EIGHT_BIT)? m_pvopcSptQ -> getPlane (A_PLANE) : m_pvopcSptQ -> getPlane (BY_PLANE);
- const CRct rctSptY = m_pvopcSptQ -> whereY ();
- const UInt offsetSlice = m_pvopcCurrQ -> whereY ().width * MB_SIZE;
- UInt accuracy1 = accuracy + 1;
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrQYSlice = (PixelC*) puciCurrY -> pixels ();
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrQBYSlice = (PixelC*) puciCurrBY -> pixels ();
- #endif
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrQASlice = (PixelC*) puciCurrA -> pixels ();
- memset (ppxlcCurrQYSlice, 0, puciCurrY -> where ().area () * sizeof(PixelC));
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- memset (ppxlcCurrQBYSlice, 0, puciCurrBY -> where ().area () * sizeof(PixelC));
- #endif
- memset (ppxlcCurrQASlice, 0, puciCurrA -> where ().area () * sizeof(PixelC));
- ppxlcCurrQYSlice = (PixelC*) puciCurrY -> pixels (rctWarpedBound.left, rctWarpedBound.top);
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- ppxlcCurrQBYSlice = (PixelC*) puciCurrBY -> pixels (rctWarpedBound.left, rctWarpedBound.top);
- #endif
- ppxlcCurrQASlice = (PixelC*) puciCurrA -> pixels (rctWarpedBound.left, rctWarpedBound.top);
- for (Int topMB = rctWarpedBound.top; topMB < rctWarpedBound.bottom; topMB += MB_SIZE) {
- PixelC * ppxlcCurrQYBlock = ppxlcCurrQYSlice;
- PixelC * ppxlcCurrQABlock = ppxlcCurrQASlice;
- PixelC * ppxlcCurrQBYBlock = ppxlcCurrQBYSlice;
- for (Int leftMB = rctWarpedBound.left; leftMB < rctWarpedBound.right; leftMB += MB_SIZE) {
- UInt offsetLine = m_pvopcCurrQ -> whereY ().width - min(MB_SIZE, rctWarpedBound.right - leftMB);
- Bool existOpaguePixelMB = (m_pvopcSptQ -> fAUsage () == RECTANGLE);
- Bool existZeroDenomMB = FALSE;
- PixelC * ppxlcCurrQY = ppxlcCurrQYBlock;
- PixelC * ppxlcCurrQBY = ppxlcCurrQBYBlock;
- PixelC * ppxlcCurrQA = ppxlcCurrQABlock;
- for (CoordI y = topMB; y < min(topMB + MB_SIZE, rctWarpedBound.bottom); y++) {
- for (CoordI x = leftMB; x < min(leftMB + MB_SIZE, rctWarpedBound.right); x++) {
- CSiteWFlag src = persp * (CSite (x, y));
- if (src.f) {
- existZeroDenomMB = TRUE;
- continue;
- }
- CoordD dx = (CoordD)src.s.x / (1 << accuracy1);
- CoordD dy = (CoordD)src.s.y / (1 << accuracy1);
- CoordI fx = (CoordI) floor (dx);
- CoordI fy = (CoordI) floor (dy);
- CoordI cx = (CoordI) ceil (dx);
- CoordI cy = (CoordI) ceil (dy);
- if (rctSptY.includes (fx, fy) && rctSptY.includes (fx, cy) && rctSptY.includes (cx, fy) && rctSptY.includes (cx, cy)) {
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- PixelC pxlcWarpedBY = puciSptBY -> pixel (src.s, accuracy);
- if (pxlcWarpedBY >= 128) {
- *ppxlcCurrQBY = MPEG4_OPAQUE;
- #else
- PixelC pxlcWarpedA = puciSptA -> pixel (src.s, accuracy);
- if (pxlcWarpedA >= 128) {
- *ppxlcCurrQA = MPEG4_OPAQUE;
- #endif
- existOpaguePixelMB = TRUE;
- *ppxlcCurrQY = puciSptY -> pixel (src.s, accuracy);
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- if(m_pvopcSptQ -> fAUsage () == EIGHT_BIT)
- *ppxlcCurrQA = puciSptA -> pixel (src.s, accuracy);
- #endif
- }
- }
- ppxlcCurrQY++;
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- ppxlcCurrQBY++;
- #endif
- ppxlcCurrQA++;
- }
- ppxlcCurrQY += offsetLine;
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- ppxlcCurrQBY += offsetLine;
- #endif
- ppxlcCurrQA += offsetLine;
- }
- assert (!(existOpaguePixelMB && existZeroDenomMB));
- ppxlcCurrQYBlock += MB_SIZE;
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- ppxlcCurrQBYBlock += MB_SIZE;
- #endif
- ppxlcCurrQABlock += MB_SIZE;
- }
- ppxlcCurrQYSlice += offsetSlice;
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- ppxlcCurrQBYSlice += offsetSlice;
- #endif
- ppxlcCurrQASlice += offsetSlice;
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObject::warpUV (const CPerspective2D& persp, const CRct& rctWarpedBound, UInt accuracy)
- // warp m_pvopcSptQ's U and V components to m_pvopcCurrQs
- {
- assert (m_pvopcCurrQ -> whereUV ().includes (rctWarpedBound));
- const CU8Image* puciCurrU = m_pvopcCurrQ -> getPlane (U_PLANE);
- const CU8Image* puciCurrV = m_pvopcCurrQ -> getPlane (V_PLANE);
- const CU8Image* puciCurrBY = m_pvopcCurrQ -> getPlane (BY_PLANE);
- const CU8Image* puciSptU = m_pvopcSptQ -> getPlane (U_PLANE);
- const CU8Image* puciSptV = m_pvopcSptQ -> getPlane (V_PLANE);
- const CRct rctSptUV = m_pvopcSptQ -> whereUV ();
- const UInt offsetSliceUV = m_pvopcCurrQ -> whereUV ().width * BLOCK_SIZE;
- const UInt offsetSliceBY = m_pvopcCurrQ -> whereY ().width * MB_SIZE;
- const UInt nextRowBY = m_pvopcCurrQ -> whereY ().width;
- UInt accuracy1 = accuracy + 1;
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrQUSlice = (PixelC*) puciCurrU -> pixels ();
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrQVSlice = (PixelC*) puciCurrV -> pixels ();
- PixelC pxlcVal = 128;
- // not sure if this is needed swinder
- if(m_volmd.nBits>8)
- pxlcVal = 1<<(m_volmd.nBits - 1);
- pxlcmemset (ppxlcCurrQUSlice, pxlcVal, puciCurrU -> where ().area ());
- pxlcmemset (ppxlcCurrQVSlice, pxlcVal, puciCurrV -> where ().area ());
- ppxlcCurrQUSlice = (PixelC*) puciCurrU -> pixels (rctWarpedBound.left, rctWarpedBound.top);
- ppxlcCurrQVSlice = (PixelC*) puciCurrV -> pixels (rctWarpedBound.left, rctWarpedBound.top);
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrQBYSlice = (PixelC*) puciCurrBY -> pixels (2 * rctWarpedBound.left, 2 * rctWarpedBound.top);
- for (Int topMB = rctWarpedBound.top; topMB < rctWarpedBound.bottom; topMB += BLOCK_SIZE) {
- PixelC * ppxlcCurrQUBlock = ppxlcCurrQUSlice;
- PixelC * ppxlcCurrQVBlock = ppxlcCurrQVSlice;
- PixelC * ppxlcCurrQBYBlock = ppxlcCurrQBYSlice;
- for (Int leftMB = rctWarpedBound.left; leftMB < rctWarpedBound.right; leftMB += BLOCK_SIZE) {
- PixelC *ppxlcCurrQU = ppxlcCurrQUBlock;
- PixelC *ppxlcCurrQV = ppxlcCurrQVBlock;
- PixelC *ppxlcCurrQBY = ppxlcCurrQBYBlock;
- PixelC *ppxlcCurrQBYNextRow = ppxlcCurrQBYBlock + nextRowBY;
- UInt offsetLineUV = m_pvopcCurrQ -> whereUV ().width - min(BLOCK_SIZE, rctWarpedBound.right - leftMB);
- UInt offsetLineBY = 2 * (m_pvopcCurrQ -> whereY ().width - min(BLOCK_SIZE, rctWarpedBound.right - leftMB));
- Bool existOpaguePixelMBUV = (m_pvopcSptQ -> fAUsage () == RECTANGLE);
- Bool existZeroDenomMBUV = FALSE;
- for (CoordI y = topMB; y < min(topMB + BLOCK_SIZE, rctWarpedBound.bottom); y++) {
- for (CoordI x = leftMB; x < min(leftMB + BLOCK_SIZE, rctWarpedBound.right); x++) {
- CSiteWFlag src = persp * (CSite (x, y));
- if (src.f) {
- existZeroDenomMBUV = TRUE;
- continue;
- }
- CoordD dx = (CoordD)src.s.x / (1 << accuracy1);
- CoordD dy = (CoordD)src.s.y / (1 << accuracy1);
- CoordI fx = (CoordI) floor (dx);
- CoordI fy = (CoordI) floor (dy);
- CoordI cx = (CoordI) ceil (dx);
- CoordI cy = (CoordI) ceil (dy);
- if (rctSptUV.includes (fx, fy) && rctSptUV.includes (fx, cy) && rctSptUV.includes (cx, fy) && rctSptUV.includes (cx, cy)) {
- if (*ppxlcCurrQBY | *(ppxlcCurrQBY + 1) | *ppxlcCurrQBYNextRow | *(ppxlcCurrQBYNextRow+1)) {
- existOpaguePixelMBUV = TRUE;
- *ppxlcCurrQU = puciSptU -> pixel (src.s, accuracy);
- *ppxlcCurrQV = puciSptV -> pixel (src.s, accuracy);
- }
- }
- ppxlcCurrQBY += 2;
- ppxlcCurrQBYNextRow += 2;
- ppxlcCurrQU++;
- ppxlcCurrQV++;
- }
- ppxlcCurrQBY += offsetLineBY;
- ppxlcCurrQBYNextRow += offsetLineBY;
- ppxlcCurrQU += offsetLineUV;
- ppxlcCurrQV += offsetLineUV;
- }
- assert (!(existOpaguePixelMBUV && existZeroDenomMBUV));
- ppxlcCurrQBYBlock += MB_SIZE;
- ppxlcCurrQUBlock += BLOCK_SIZE;
- ppxlcCurrQVBlock += BLOCK_SIZE;
- }
- ppxlcCurrQBYSlice += offsetSliceBY;
- ppxlcCurrQUSlice += offsetSliceUV;
- ppxlcCurrQVSlice += offsetSliceUV;
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObject::FastAffineWarp (const CRct& rctWarpedBound,
- const CRct& rctWarpedBoundUV, UInt accuracy, UInt pntNum)
- {
- assert (m_pvopcCurrQ -> whereY ().includes (rctWarpedBound));
- const CU8Image* puciCurrY = m_pvopcCurrQ -> getPlane (Y_PLANE);
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- const CU8Image* puciCurrBY = m_pvopcCurrQ -> getPlane (BY_PLANE);
- #endif
- const CU8Image* puciCurrA = (m_pvopcSptQ -> fAUsage () == EIGHT_BIT)? m_pvopcCurrQ -> getPlane (A_PLANE) : m_pvopcCurrQ -> getPlane (BY_PLANE);
- const CU8Image* puciSptY = m_pvopcSptQ -> getPlane (Y_PLANE);
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- const CU8Image* puciSptBY = m_pvopcSptQ -> getPlane (BY_PLANE);
- #endif
- const CU8Image* puciSptA = (m_pvopcSptQ -> fAUsage () == EIGHT_BIT)? m_pvopcSptQ -> getPlane (A_PLANE) : m_pvopcSptQ -> getPlane (BY_PLANE);
- const UInt offset = m_pvopcCurrQ -> whereY ().width - rctWarpedBound.width;
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrQY = (PixelC*) puciCurrY -> pixels ();
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrQBY = (PixelC*) puciCurrBY -> pixels ();
- #endif
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrQA = (PixelC*) puciCurrA -> pixels ();
- memset (ppxlcCurrQY, 0, puciCurrY -> where ().area () * sizeof(PixelC));
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- memset (ppxlcCurrQBY, 0, puciCurrBY -> where ().area () * sizeof(PixelC));
- #endif
- memset (ppxlcCurrQA, 0, puciCurrA -> where ().area () * sizeof(PixelC));
- ppxlcCurrQY = (PixelC*) puciCurrY -> pixels (rctWarpedBound.left, rctWarpedBound.top);
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- ppxlcCurrQBY = (PixelC*) puciCurrBY -> pixels (rctWarpedBound.left, rctWarpedBound.top);
- #endif
- ppxlcCurrQA = (PixelC*) puciCurrA -> pixels (rctWarpedBound.left, rctWarpedBound.top);
- PixelC* ppxlcSptQY = (PixelC*) puciSptY -> pixels ();
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- PixelC* ppxlcSptQBY = (PixelC*) puciSptBY -> pixels ();
- #endif
- PixelC* ppxlcSptQA = (PixelC*) puciSptA -> pixels ();
- Int sprite_left_edge = m_pvopcSptQ -> whereY ().left;
- Int sprite_top_edge = m_pvopcSptQ -> whereY ().top;
- ppxlcSptQY = (PixelC*) puciSptY -> pixels (sprite_left_edge, sprite_top_edge);
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- ppxlcSptQBY = (PixelC*) puciSptBY -> pixels (sprite_left_edge, sprite_top_edge);
- #endif
- ppxlcSptQA = (PixelC*) puciSptA -> pixels (sprite_left_edge, sprite_top_edge);
- assert (m_pvopcCurrQ -> whereUV ().includes (rctWarpedBoundUV));
- const CU8Image* puciCurrU = m_pvopcCurrQ -> getPlane (U_PLANE);
- const CU8Image* puciCurrV = m_pvopcCurrQ -> getPlane (V_PLANE);
- #ifndef _FOR_GSSP_
- const CU8Image* puciCurrBY = m_pvopcCurrQ -> getPlane (BY_PLANE);
- #endif
- const CU8Image* puciSptU = m_pvopcSptQ -> getPlane (U_PLANE);
- const CU8Image* puciSptV = m_pvopcSptQ -> getPlane (V_PLANE);
- const UInt offsetUV = m_pvopcCurrQ -> whereUV ().width - rctWarpedBoundUV.width;
- const UInt offsetBY = 2 * (m_pvopcCurrQ -> whereY ().width - rctWarpedBoundUV.width);
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrQU = (PixelC*) puciCurrU -> pixels ();
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrQV = (PixelC*) puciCurrV -> pixels ();
- PixelC pxlcVal = 128;
- // not sure if this is needed swinder
- if(m_volmd.nBits>8)
- pxlcVal = 1<<(m_volmd.nBits - 1);
- memset (ppxlcCurrQU, pxlcVal, puciCurrU -> where ().area () * sizeof(PixelC));
- memset (ppxlcCurrQV, pxlcVal, puciCurrV -> where ().area () * sizeof(PixelC));
- ppxlcCurrQU = (PixelC*) puciCurrU -> pixels (rctWarpedBoundUV.left, rctWarpedBoundUV.top);
- ppxlcCurrQV = (PixelC*) puciCurrV -> pixels (rctWarpedBoundUV.left, rctWarpedBoundUV.top);
- PixelC* ppxlcSptQU = (PixelC*) puciSptU -> pixels ();
- PixelC* ppxlcSptQV = (PixelC*) puciSptV -> pixels ();
- ppxlcSptQU = (PixelC*) puciSptU -> pixels (sprite_left_edge/2, sprite_top_edge/2);
- ppxlcSptQV = (PixelC*) puciSptV -> pixels (sprite_left_edge/2, sprite_top_edge/2);
- UInt accuracy1 = accuracy + 1;
- UInt uiScale = 1 << accuracy1;
- Int a = 0, b = 0, c, d = 0, e = 0, f;
- Int cyy = 0, cxy = 0, dnm_pwr = 0; //wchen: get rid of unreferenced local variable cxx and cyx
- Int width = rctWarpedBound.right - rctWarpedBound.left;
- Int height = rctWarpedBound.bottom - rctWarpedBound.top;
- Int W, H, VW, VH = 0, VWH = 0, vh_pwr, vw_pwr, vwh_pwr = 0;
- Int r_pwr = 3 - accuracy;
- Int r = 1 << r_pwr;
- Int x0p = (Int)(m_rgstDstQ [0].x * uiScale * r);
- Int y0p = (Int)(m_rgstDstQ [0].y * uiScale * r);
- Int x1p = (Int)(m_rgstDstQ [1].x * uiScale * r);
- Int y1p = (Int)(m_rgstDstQ [1].y * uiScale * r);
- W = width;
- VW = 1;
- vw_pwr = 0;
- while (VW < W) {
- VW <<= 1;
- vw_pwr++;
- }
- Int ex2p = 0, ey2p = 0;
- Int x0 = 0;
- Int y0 = 0;
- Int x1 = W;
- Int y1 = 0;
- Int ex1p = LinearExtrapolation(x0, x1, x0p, x1p, W, VW) + ((x0+VW)<<4);
- Int ey1p = LinearExtrapolation(y0, y1, y0p, y1p, W, VW) + (y0<<4);
- if (pntNum==3) {
- Int x2p = (Int)(m_rgstDstQ [2].x * uiScale * r);
- Int y2p = (Int)(m_rgstDstQ [2].y * uiScale * r);
- H = height;
- VH = 1;
- vh_pwr = 0;
- while (VH < H) {
- VH <<= 1;
- vh_pwr++;
- }
- VWH = VW * VH;
- vwh_pwr = vw_pwr + vh_pwr;
- Int x2 = 0;
- Int y2 = H;
- ex2p = LinearExtrapolation(x0, x2, x0p, x2p, H, VH) + (x0<<4);
- ey2p = LinearExtrapolation(y0, y2, y0p, y2p, H, VH) + ((y0+VH)<<4);
- if (vw_pwr<=vh_pwr) {
- VH /= VW;
- VWH /= VW;
- VW=1;
- vh_pwr -= vw_pwr;
- vwh_pwr -= vw_pwr;
- vw_pwr=0;
- }
- else {
- VW /= VH;
- VWH /= VH;
- VH=1;
- vw_pwr -= vh_pwr;
- vwh_pwr -= vh_pwr;
- vh_pwr=0;
- }
- ex2p -= (sprite_left_edge * 16);
- ey2p -= (sprite_top_edge * 16);
- }
- x0p -= (sprite_left_edge * 16);
- y0p -= (sprite_top_edge * 16);
- ex1p -= (sprite_left_edge * 16);
- ey1p -= (sprite_top_edge * 16);
- if (pntNum == 2) {
- a = ex1p - x0p ;
- b = y0p - ey1p ;
- c = x0p * VW;
- d = -b ;
- e = a ;
- f = y0p * VW;
- dnm_pwr = r_pwr + vw_pwr;
- cxy = c + r*VW/2;
- cyy = f + r*VW/2;
- }
- else if (pntNum == 3) {
- a = (ex1p - x0p) * VH;
- b = (ex2p - x0p) * VW;
- c = x0p * VWH;
- d = (ey1p - y0p) * VH;
- e = (ey2p - y0p) * VW;
- f = y0p * VWH;
- dnm_pwr = r_pwr + vwh_pwr;
- cxy = c + r*VWH/2;
- cyy = f + r*VWH/2;
- }
- Int sprite_width = m_pvopcSptQ -> whereY ().width;
- Int sprite_height = m_pvopcSptQ -> whereY ().bottom
- - m_pvopcSptQ -> whereY ().top;
- sprite_left_edge *= (1 << accuracy1);
- sprite_top_edge *= (1 << accuracy1);
- Int cxx_i, cxx_f, cyx_i, cyx_f, cxy_i, cxy_f, cyy_i, cyy_f;
- Int a_i, a_f, b_i, b_f, d_i, d_f, e_i, e_f;
- FourSlashes(cxy, 1<<dnm_pwr, &cxy_i, &cxy_f);
- FourSlashes(cyy, 1<<dnm_pwr, &cyy_i, &cyy_f);
- FourSlashes(a, 1<<dnm_pwr, &a_i, &a_f);
- FourSlashes(b, 1<<dnm_pwr, &b_i, &b_f);
- FourSlashes(d, 1<<dnm_pwr, &d_i, &d_f);
- FourSlashes(e, 1<<dnm_pwr, &e_i, &e_f);
- Int fracmask = (1 << dnm_pwr) - 1;
- Int y,x;
- UInt accuracy2 = accuracy1 << 1;
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- PixelC pxlcWarpedBY;
- #else
- PixelC pxlcWarpedA;
- #endif
- Int rx,ry;
- Int addr_offset;
- Int warpmask = uiScale -1;
- Int bias = 1<<(accuracy2-1);
- for (y = 0; y < height;
- cxy_i += b_i, cxy_f += b_f, cyy_i += e_i, cyy_f += e_f, y++) {
- cxy_i += cxy_f >> dnm_pwr;
- cyy_i += cyy_f >> dnm_pwr;
- cxy_f &= fracmask;
- cyy_f &= fracmask;
- for (x = 0, cxx_i = cxy_i, cxx_f = cxy_f,
- cyx_i = cyy_i, cyx_f = cyy_f;
- x < width; cxx_i += a_i, cxx_f += a_f,
- cyx_i += d_i, cyx_f += d_f, x++) {
- cxx_i += cxx_f >> dnm_pwr;
- cyx_i += cyx_f >> dnm_pwr;
- cxx_f &= fracmask;
- cyx_f &= fracmask;
- if (cxx_i >= EXPANDY_REFVOP && cyx_i >= EXPANDY_REFVOP
- && cxx_i <= ((sprite_width-1-EXPANDY_REFVOP)<<accuracy1)
- && cyx_i <= ((sprite_height-1-EXPANDY_REFVOP)<<accuracy1)) {
- addr_offset = (cyx_i>>accuracy1) * sprite_width + (cxx_i>>accuracy1);
- rx = cxx_i & warpmask;
- ry = cyx_i & warpmask;
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- pxlcWarpedBY = CInterpolatePixelValue ( ppxlcSptQBY,
- #else
- pxlcWarpedA = CInterpolatePixelValue ( ppxlcSptQA,
- #endif
- addr_offset,sprite_width, rx, ry,
- uiScale, bias, accuracy2);
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- if (pxlcWarpedBY >= 128) {
- *ppxlcCurrQBY = MPEG4_OPAQUE;
- #else
- if (pxlcWarpedA >= 128) {
- *ppxlcCurrQA = MPEG4_OPAQUE;
- #endif
- *ppxlcCurrQY = CInterpolatePixelValue ( ppxlcSptQY,
- addr_offset, sprite_width, rx, ry,
- uiScale, bias, accuracy2);
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- if(m_pvopcSptQ -> fAUsage () == EIGHT_BIT)
- *ppxlcCurrQA = CInterpolatePixelValue ( ppxlcSptQA,
- addr_offset, sprite_width, rx, ry,
- uiScale, bias, accuracy2);
- #endif
- }
- }
- ppxlcCurrQY++;
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- ppxlcCurrQBY++;
- #endif
- ppxlcCurrQA++;
- }
- ppxlcCurrQY += offset;
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- ppxlcCurrQBY += offset;
- #endif
- ppxlcCurrQA += offset;
- }
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- ppxlcCurrQBY = (PixelC*) puciCurrBY -> pixels (rctWarpedBound.left, rctWarpedBound.top);
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrQBYNextRow = ppxlcCurrQBY + puciCurrBY -> where ().width;
- #else
- ppxlcCurrQA = (PixelC*) puciCurrA -> pixels (rctWarpedBound.left, rctWarpedBound.top);
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrQANextRow = ppxlcCurrQA + puciCurrA -> where ().width;
- #endif
- sprite_left_edge /= 2;
- sprite_top_edge /= 2;
- width /= 2;
- height /= 2;
- sprite_width /= 2;
- sprite_height /= 2;
- if (pntNum == 2) {
- c = 2 * x0p * VW - 16*VW ;
- f = 2 * y0p * VW - 16*VW ;
- cxy = a + b + c + 2*r*VW;
- cyy = d + e + f + 2*r*VW;
- }
- else if (pntNum == 3) {
- c = 2 * x0p * VWH - 16*VWH ;
- f = 2 * y0p * VWH - 16*VWH ;
- cxy = a + b + c + 2*VWH*r;
- cyy = d + e + f + 2*VWH*r;
- }
- a_f *= 4;
- b_f *= 4;
- d_f *= 4;
- e_f *= 4;
- dnm_pwr += 2;
- FourSlashes(cxy, 1<<dnm_pwr, &cxy_i, &cxy_f);
- FourSlashes(cyy, 1<<dnm_pwr, &cyy_i, &cyy_f);
- fracmask = (1 << dnm_pwr) - 1;
- for (y = 0; y < height;
- cxy_i+=b_i, cxy_f+=b_f, cyy_i+=e_i, cyy_f+=e_f, y++) {
- cxy_i += cxy_f >> dnm_pwr;
- cyy_i += cyy_f >> dnm_pwr;
- cxy_f &= fracmask;
- cyy_f &= fracmask;
- for (x = 0, cxx_i = cxy_i, cxx_f = cxy_f,
- cyx_i = cyy_i, cyx_f = cyy_f;
- x < width; cxx_i += a_i, cxx_f += a_f,
- cyx_i += d_i, cyx_f += d_f, x++) {
- cxx_i += cxx_f >> dnm_pwr;
- cyx_i += cyx_f >> dnm_pwr;
- cxx_f &= fracmask;
- cyx_f &= fracmask;
- if ( cxx_i >= EXPANDUV_REFVOP && cyx_i >= EXPANDUV_REFVOP
- && cxx_i <= ((sprite_width-1-EXPANDUV_REFVOP)<<accuracy1)
- && cyx_i <= ((sprite_height-1-EXPANDUV_REFVOP)<<accuracy1)) {
- addr_offset = (cyx_i>>accuracy1) * sprite_width + (cxx_i>>accuracy1);
- rx = cxx_i & warpmask;
- ry = cyx_i & warpmask;
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- if (*ppxlcCurrQBY | *(ppxlcCurrQBY + 1) | *ppxlcCurrQBYNextRow | *(ppxlcCurrQBYNextRow+1)) {
- #else
- if (*ppxlcCurrQA | *(ppxlcCurrQA + 1) | *ppxlcCurrQANextRow | *(ppxlcCurrQANextRow+1)) {
- #endif
- *ppxlcCurrQU = CInterpolatePixelValue ( ppxlcSptQU, addr_offset,
- sprite_width, rx, ry, uiScale,
- bias, accuracy2);
- *ppxlcCurrQV = CInterpolatePixelValue ( ppxlcSptQV, addr_offset,
- sprite_width, rx, ry, uiScale,
- bias, accuracy2);
- }
- }
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- ppxlcCurrQBY += 2;
- ppxlcCurrQBYNextRow += 2;
- #else
- ppxlcCurrQA += 2;
- ppxlcCurrQANextRow += 2;
- #endif
- ppxlcCurrQU++;
- ppxlcCurrQV++;
- }
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- ppxlcCurrQBY += offsetBY;
- ppxlcCurrQBYNextRow += offsetBY;
- #else
- ppxlcCurrQA += offsetBY;
- ppxlcCurrQANextRow += offsetBY;
- #endif
- ppxlcCurrQU += offsetUV;
- ppxlcCurrQV += offsetUV;
- }
- }
- PixelC CVideoObject:: CInterpolatePixelValue(PixelC* F, Int pos, Int width,
- Int rx, Int ry, Int wpc, Int bias, Int pow_denom)
- {
- PixelC* Fp;
- Int rxc, ryc;
- Int hstep, vstep;
- Fp = F + pos;
- rxc = wpc - rx;
- ryc = wpc - ry;
- hstep = rx ? 1 : 0;
- vstep = ry ? width : 0;
- return ((PixelC) (((ryc * (rxc * *Fp + rx * *(Fp+hstep))
- + ry * (rxc * *(Fp+vstep) + rx * *(Fp+vstep+hstep))) + bias)
- >> pow_denom));
- }
- Int CVideoObject:: LinearExtrapolation(Int x0, Int x1, Int x0p, Int x1p, Int W, Int VW)
- {
- Int quot, res, ressum, extrapolated;
- FourSlashes(x0p - (x0 << 4), W, ", &res);
- extrapolated = quot * (W - VW);
- FourSlashes(res * (W - VW), W, ", &res);
- extrapolated += quot;
- ressum = res;
- FourSlashes(x1p - (x1 << 4), W, ", &res);
- extrapolated += quot * VW + res;
- FourSlashes(res * (VW - W), W, ", &res);
- extrapolated += quot;
- ressum += res;
- FourSlashes(ressum, W, ", &res);
- extrapolated += quot;
- if(extrapolated >= 0) {
- if(res >= (W+1) / 2)
- extrapolated++;
- }
- else
- if(res > W / 2)
- extrapolated++;
- return(extrapolated);
- }
- Void CVideoObject::FourSlashes(Int num, Int denom, Int *quot, Int *res)
- {
- *quot = num / denom;
- if (*quot * denom == num)
- *res = 0;
- else
- {
- if (num < 0) /* denom is larger than zero */
- *quot -= 1;
- *res = num - denom * *quot;
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObject::swapRefQ1toSpt ()
- {
- m_pvopcSptQ = m_pvopcRefQ1;
- m_pvopcSptQ -> shift (m_rctSpt.left, m_rctSpt.top);
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- if(m_pvopcSptQ -> fAUsage () == EIGHT_BIT){
- CU8Image* puciSptBY = (CU8Image *) m_pvopcSptQ -> getPlane (BY_PLANE);
- puciSptBY -> shift (m_rctSpt.left, m_rctSpt.top);
- }
- #endif
- m_pvopcRefQ1 = NULL;
- }
- Void CVideoObject::changeSizeofCurrQ (CRct rctOrg)
- {
- delete m_pvopcCurrQ;
- rctOrg.expand (EXPANDY_REF_FRAME);
- m_pvopcCurrQ = new CVOPU8YUVBA (m_pvopcSptQ -> fAUsage (), rctOrg);
- }
- Bool CVideoObject::SptPieceMB_NOT_HOLE(Int iMBXoffset, Int iMBYoffset, CMBMode* pmbmd)
- // In a given Sprite object piece, Check whether current macroblock is not a hole and should be coded ?
- {
- if (m_tPiece < 0)
- return TRUE;
- else
- {
- CMBMode* pmbmdLeft = pmbmd - 1;
- Int iMBX = iMBXoffset + m_iPieceXoffset;
- Int iMBY = iMBYoffset + m_iPieceYoffset;
- Int iMBX1 = iMBX -1;
- // dshu: [v071] begin of modification
- Int iMod = m_rctSpt.width % MB_SIZE;
- Int iSptWidth = (iMod > 0) ? m_rctSpt.width + MB_SIZE - iMod : m_rctSpt.width;
- Int iNumMBX = iSptWidth / MB_SIZE;
- // dshu: [v071] end of modification
- IntraPredDirection* Spreddir = m_rgmbmdSpt[iMBY][iMBX1].m_preddir;
- IntraPredDirection* preddir = (*pmbmdLeft).m_preddir;
- if (iMBXoffset >0 )
- if( m_ppPieceMBstatus[iMBY][iMBX1] == NOT_DONE)
- {
- m_ppPieceMBstatus[iMBY][iMBX1] = PIECE_DONE;
- m_rgmbmdSpt[iMBY][iMBX1] = CMBMode (*pmbmdLeft);
- m_rgmbmdSprite[iMBX1 + iNumMBX * iMBY] = CMBMode (*pmbmdLeft); // dshu: [v071] added to store mbmd array for sprite
- memcpy (Spreddir, preddir, 10 * sizeof (IntraPredDirection));
- }
- else {
- *pmbmdLeft = CMBMode (m_rgmbmdSpt[iMBY][iMBX1]);
- memcpy (preddir, Spreddir, 10 * sizeof (IntraPredDirection));
- }
- // dshu: begin of modification
- if ( iMBX < (m_rctSptQ.width / MB_SIZE))
- // dshu: end of modification
- // if ( iMBX < (m_rctSptExp.width / MB_SIZE))
- return ( m_ppPieceMBstatus[iMBY][iMBX] == NOT_DONE) ;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- Bool CVideoObject::SptUpdateMB_NOT_HOLE(Int iMBXoffset, Int iMBYoffset, CMBMode* pmbmd)
- // In a given Sprite update piece, Check whether current macroblock is not a hole and should be coded ?
- {
- Int iMBX = iMBXoffset + m_iPieceXoffset;
- Int iMBY = iMBYoffset + m_iPieceYoffset;
- Int iMBX1 = iMBX -1;
- if ( (iMBXoffset >0 ) && ( m_ppUpdateMBstatus[iMBY][iMBX1] == NOT_DONE))
- m_ppUpdateMBstatus[iMBY][iMBX1] = UPDATE_DONE;
- *pmbmd = CMBMode (m_rgmbmdSpt[iMBY][iMBX]);
- return ( m_ppUpdateMBstatus[iMBY][iMBX] == NOT_DONE) ;
- }
- Void CVideoObject::SaveMBmCurrRow (Int iMBYoffset, MacroBlockMemory** rgpmbmCurr)
- {
- Int iMBX;
- Int iMBY = iMBYoffset + m_iPieceYoffset;
- Int iMB, iBlk;
- Int nBlk = (m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT) ? 10 : 6;
- Int *Dest;
- Int *Src;
- for (iMB = 0; iMB < m_iNumMBX; iMB++) {
- iMBX = iMB + m_iPieceXoffset;
- for (iBlk = 0; iBlk < nBlk; iBlk++) {
- Dest = (m_rgpmbmCurr_Spt[iMBY][iMBX]->rgblkm) [iBlk];
- Src = (rgpmbmCurr[iMB]->rgblkm) [iBlk];
- memcpy (Dest, Src, ((BLOCK_SIZE << 1) - 1) * sizeof (Int));
- }
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObject::RestoreMBmCurrRow (Int iMBYoffset, MacroBlockMemory** rgpmbmCurr)
- {
- Int iMBX;
- Int iMBY = iMBYoffset + m_iPieceYoffset;
- Int iMB, iBlk;
- Int nBlk = (m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT) ? 10 : 6;
- Int *Dest, *Src;
- for (iMB = 0; iMB < m_iNumMBX; iMB++) {
- iMBX = iMB + m_iPieceXoffset;
- for (iBlk = 0; iBlk < nBlk; iBlk++) {
- Src = (m_rgpmbmCurr_Spt[iMBY][iMBX]->rgblkm) [iBlk];
- Dest = (rgpmbmCurr[iMB]->rgblkm) [iBlk];
- memcpy (Dest, Src, ((BLOCK_SIZE << 1) - 1) * sizeof (Int));
- }
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObject::CopyCurrQToPred (
- PixelC* ppxlcQMBY,
- PixelC* ppxlcQMBU,
- PixelC* ppxlcQMBV
- )
- {
- CoordI ix, iy, ic = 0;
- for (iy = 0; iy < MB_SIZE; iy++) {
- for (ix = 0; ix < MB_SIZE; ix++, ic++) {
- m_ppxlcPredMBY [ic] = ppxlcQMBY [ix] ;
- }
- ppxlcQMBY += m_iFrameWidthY;
- }
- ic = 0;
- for (iy = 0; iy < BLOCK_SIZE; iy++) {
- for (ix = 0; ix < BLOCK_SIZE; ix++, ic++) {
- m_ppxlcPredMBU [ic] = ppxlcQMBU [ix];
- m_ppxlcPredMBV [ic] = ppxlcQMBV [ix];
- }
- ppxlcQMBU += m_iFrameWidthUV;
- ppxlcQMBV += m_iFrameWidthUV;
- }
- }
- //low latency sprite stuff
- Void CVideoObject::VOPOverlay (CVOPU8YUVBA& pvopc1, CVOPU8YUVBA& pvopc2, Int iscale)
- {
- float fscaleY = (float) ((iscale == 0) ? 0.0 : 1.0); // check whether there is a EXPANDY_REF_FRAME
- float fscaleUV = (float) ((iscale == 0) ? 0.0 : 0.5);
- CU8Image* uci1 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc1.getPlane (Y_PLANE));
- CU8Image* uci2 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc2.getPlane (Y_PLANE));
- Overlay (*uci1, *uci2, fscaleY) ;
- uci1 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc1.getPlane (U_PLANE));
- uci2 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc2.getPlane (U_PLANE));
- Overlay (*uci1, *uci2, fscaleUV) ;
- uci1 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc1.getPlane (V_PLANE));
- uci2 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc2.getPlane (V_PLANE));
- Overlay (*uci1, *uci2, fscaleUV) ;
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE) {
- uci1 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc1.getPlane (BY_PLANE));
- uci2 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc2.getPlane (BY_PLANE));
- Overlay (*uci1, *uci2, fscaleY) ;
- uci1 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc1.getPlane (BUV_PLANE));
- uci2 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc2.getPlane (BUV_PLANE));
- Overlay (*uci1, *uci2, fscaleUV) ;
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT) {
- uci1 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc1.getPlane (A_PLANE));
- uci2 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc2.getPlane (A_PLANE));
- Overlay (*uci1, *uci2, fscaleY) ;
- }
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObject::Overlay (CU8Image& uci1, CU8Image& uci2, float fscale)
- {
- CRct r1 = uci1.where ();
- CRct r2 = uci2.where ();
- CoordI x = r1.left + (CoordI) (EXPANDY_REF_FRAME * fscale); // copy pixels, skip the guard band
- CoordI y = r1.top + (CoordI) (EXPANDY_REF_FRAME * fscale);
- Int cbLine = (r1.width- 2 * (Int) (EXPANDY_REF_FRAME * fscale)) * sizeof (PixelC);
- PixelC* ppxl = (PixelC*) uci2.pixels (x, y);
- const PixelC* ppxlFi = uci1.pixels (x, y);
- Int widthCurr = r2.width;
- Int widthFi = r1.width;
- for (CoordI yi = y; yi < (r1.bottom - EXPANDY_REF_FRAME * fscale); yi++) {
- memcpy (ppxl, ppxlFi, cbLine);
- ppxl += widthCurr;
- ppxlFi += widthFi;
- }
- }
- // dshu: begin of modification
- // get from pvopc2 at (rctPieceY.left,rctPieceY.right)
- Void CVideoObject::PieceGet (CVOPU8YUVBA& pvopc1, CVOPU8YUVBA& pvopc2, CRct rctPieceY)
- {
- CRct rctPieceUV = rctPieceY.downSampleBy2 ();
- CU8Image* uci1 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc1.getPlane (Y_PLANE));
- CU8Image* uci2 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc2.getPlane (Y_PLANE));
- U8iGet(*uci1, *uci2, rctPieceY) ;
- uci1 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc1.getPlane (U_PLANE));
- uci2 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc2.getPlane (U_PLANE));
- U8iGet(*uci1, *uci2, rctPieceUV) ;
- uci1 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc1.getPlane (V_PLANE));
- uci2 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc2.getPlane (V_PLANE));
- U8iGet(*uci1, *uci2, rctPieceUV) ;
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE) {
- uci1 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc1.getPlane (BY_PLANE));
- uci2 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc2.getPlane (BY_PLANE));
- U8iGet(*uci1, *uci2, rctPieceY) ;
- uci1 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc1.getPlane (BUV_PLANE));
- uci2 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc2.getPlane (BUV_PLANE));
- U8iGet(*uci1, *uci2, rctPieceUV) ;
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT) {
- uci1 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc1.getPlane (A_PLANE));
- uci2 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc2.getPlane (A_PLANE));
- U8iGet(*uci1, *uci2, rctPieceY) ;
- }
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObject::U8iGet(CU8Image& uci1, CU8Image& uci2, CRct rctPiece)
- {
- CRct r1 = uci1.where ();
- CRct r2 = uci2.where ();
- CoordI x = rctPiece.left ;
- CoordI y = rctPiece.top ;
- Int cbLine = (rctPiece.width) * sizeof (PixelC);
- PixelC* ppxl = (PixelC*) uci1.pixels (0, 0);
- const PixelC* ppxlFi = uci2.pixels (x, y);
- Int widthCurr = r2.width;
- Int widthFi = r1.width;
- for (CoordI yi = y; yi < rctPiece.bottom; yi++) {
- memcpy (ppxl, ppxlFi, cbLine);
- ppxl += widthCurr;
- ppxlFi += widthFi;
- }
- }
- // put into pvopc2 at (rctPieceY.left,rctPieceY.right)
- Void CVideoObject::PiecePut (CVOPU8YUVBA& pvopc1, CVOPU8YUVBA& pvopc2, CRct rctPieceY)
- {
- CRct rctPieceUV = rctPieceY.downSampleBy2 ();
- CU8Image* uci1 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc1.getPlane (Y_PLANE));
- CU8Image* uci2 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc2.getPlane (Y_PLANE));
- U8iPut(*uci1, *uci2, rctPieceY) ;
- uci1 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc1.getPlane (U_PLANE));
- uci2 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc2.getPlane (U_PLANE));
- U8iPut(*uci1, *uci2, rctPieceUV) ;
- uci1 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc1.getPlane (V_PLANE));
- uci2 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc2.getPlane (V_PLANE));
- U8iPut(*uci1, *uci2, rctPieceUV) ;
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE) {
- uci1 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc1.getPlane (BY_PLANE));
- uci2 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc2.getPlane (BY_PLANE));
- U8iPut(*uci1, *uci2, rctPieceY) ;
- uci1 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc1.getPlane (BUV_PLANE));
- uci2 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc2.getPlane (BUV_PLANE));
- U8iPut(*uci1, *uci2, rctPieceUV) ;
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT) {
- uci1 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc1.getPlane (A_PLANE));
- uci2 = const_cast<CU8Image*> (pvopc2.getPlane (A_PLANE));
- U8iPut(*uci1, *uci2, rctPieceY) ;
- }
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObject::U8iPut(CU8Image& uci1, CU8Image& uci2, CRct rctPiece)
- {
- CRct r1 = uci1.where ();
- CRct r2 = uci2.where ();
- CoordI x = rctPiece.left ;
- CoordI y = rctPiece.top ;
- Int cbLine = (rctPiece.width) * sizeof (PixelC);
- PixelC* ppxl = (PixelC*) uci2.pixels (x, y);
- const PixelC* ppxlFi = uci1.pixels (0, 0);
- Int widthCurr = r2.width;
- Int widthFi = r1.width;
- for (CoordI yi = y; yi < rctPiece.bottom; yi++) {
- memcpy (ppxl, ppxlFi, cbLine);
- ppxl += widthCurr;
- ppxlFi += widthFi;
- }
- }
- // dshu: end of modification
- // dshu: [v071] Begin of modification
- Void CVideoObject::padSprite()
- {
- m_iNumMBX = m_rctSptQ.width / MB_SIZE;
- m_iNumMBY = m_rctSptQ.height () / MB_SIZE;
- Int iMBXleft, iMBXright;
- Int iMBYup, iMBYdown;
- CMBMode* pmbmd = m_rgmbmdSprite;
- PixelC* ppxlcRefY = (PixelC*) m_pvopcSptQ->pixelsY () + m_iStartInRefToCurrRctY;
- PixelC* ppxlcRefU = (PixelC*) m_pvopcSptQ->pixelsU () + m_iStartInRefToCurrRctUV;
- PixelC* ppxlcRefV = (PixelC*) m_pvopcSptQ->pixelsV () + m_iStartInRefToCurrRctUV;
- PixelC* ppxlcRefBY = (PixelC*) m_pvopcSptQ->pixelsBY () + m_iStartInRefToCurrRctY;
- PixelC* ppxlcRefA = (PixelC*) m_pvopcSptQ->pixelsA () + m_iStartInRefToCurrRctY;
- PixelC* ppxlcRefBUV = (PixelC*) m_pvopcSptQ->pixelsBUV () + m_iStartInRefToCurrRctUV;
- for (Int iMBY = 0; iMBY < m_iNumMBY; iMBY++){
- PixelC* ppxlcRefMBY = ppxlcRefY;
- PixelC* ppxlcRefMBU = ppxlcRefU;
- PixelC* ppxlcRefMBV = ppxlcRefV;
- PixelC* ppxlcRefMBBY = ppxlcRefBY;
- PixelC* ppxlcRefMBBUV = ppxlcRefBUV;
- PixelC* ppxlcRefMBA = ppxlcRefA;
- iMBYup = iMBY -1;
- iMBYdown = iMBY +1;
- for (Int iMBX = 0; iMBX < m_iNumMBX; iMBX++)
- {
- iMBXleft = iMBX -1 ;
- iMBXright = iMBX +1 ;
- if((m_volmd.bShapeOnly==FALSE) && (m_ppPieceMBstatus[iMBY][iMBX] == PIECE_DONE))
- {
- pmbmd->m_bPadded=FALSE;
- copySptQShapeYToMb (m_ppxlcCurrMBBY, ppxlcRefMBBY);
- downSampleBY (m_ppxlcCurrMBBY, m_ppxlcCurrMBBUV); // downsample original BY now for LPE padding (using original shape)
- if (pmbmd->m_rgTranspStatus [0] != ALL)
- {
- // MC padding
- if (pmbmd -> m_rgTranspStatus [0] == PARTIAL)
- mcPadCurrMB (ppxlcRefMBY, ppxlcRefMBU, ppxlcRefMBV,
- ppxlcRefMBA);
- padNeighborTranspMBs (
- iMBX, iMBY,
- pmbmd,
- ppxlcRefMBY, ppxlcRefMBU, ppxlcRefMBV, ppxlcRefMBA
- );
- }
- else
- {
- if (iMBX > 0)
- {
- if ((pmbmd - 1)->m_rgTranspStatus [0] != ALL &&
- m_ppPieceMBstatus[iMBY][iMBX-1] == PIECE_DONE)
- {
- mcPadCurrMBFromLeft (ppxlcRefMBY, ppxlcRefMBU,
- ppxlcRefMBV, ppxlcRefMBA);
- pmbmd->m_bPadded = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if (iMBY > 0)
- {
- if ((pmbmd - m_iNumMBX)->m_rgTranspStatus [0] != ALL &&
- m_ppPieceMBstatus[iMBY-1][iMBX] == PIECE_DONE)
- {
- if (!(pmbmd->m_bPadded))
- {
- mcPadCurrMBFromTop (ppxlcRefMBY, ppxlcRefMBU,
- ppxlcRefMBV, ppxlcRefMBA);
- pmbmd->m_bPadded = TRUE;
- }
- }
- else if (!(pmbmd - m_iNumMBX)->m_bPadded)
- mcSetTopMBGray (ppxlcRefMBY, ppxlcRefMBU,
- ppxlcRefMBV, ppxlcRefMBA);
- }
- if(iMBY == m_iNumMBY-1)
- {
- if(iMBX > 0 && (pmbmd-1)->m_rgTranspStatus [0] == ALL &&
- !((pmbmd-1)->m_bPadded))
- mcSetLeftMBGray(ppxlcRefMBY, ppxlcRefMBU,
- ppxlcRefMBV, ppxlcRefMBA);
- if(iMBX == m_iNumMBX-1 && !(pmbmd->m_bPadded))
- mcSetCurrMBGray(ppxlcRefMBY, ppxlcRefMBU,
- ppxlcRefMBV, ppxlcRefMBA);
- }
- }
- }
- ppxlcRefMBA += MB_SIZE;
- ppxlcRefMBBY += MB_SIZE;
- ppxlcRefMBBUV += BLOCK_SIZE;
- pmbmd++;
- ppxlcRefMBY += MB_SIZE;
- ppxlcRefMBU += BLOCK_SIZE;
- ppxlcRefMBV += BLOCK_SIZE;
- }
- ppxlcRefY += m_iFrameWidthYxMBSize;
- ppxlcRefU += m_iFrameWidthUVxBlkSize;
- ppxlcRefV += m_iFrameWidthUVxBlkSize;
- ppxlcRefBY += m_iFrameWidthYxMBSize;
- ppxlcRefA += m_iFrameWidthYxMBSize;
- ppxlcRefBUV += m_iFrameWidthUVxBlkSize;
- }
- m_rctPrevNoExpandY = m_rctSptQ;
- m_rctPrevNoExpandUV = m_rctPrevNoExpandY.downSampleBy2 ();
- repeatPadYOrA ((PixelC*) m_pvopcSptQ->pixelsY () + m_iOffsetForPadY, m_pvopcSptQ);
- repeatPadUV (m_pvopcSptQ);
- //reset by in RefQ1 so that no left-over from last frame
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE) {
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT)
- repeatPadYOrA ((PixelC*) m_pvopcSptQ->pixelsA () + m_iOffsetForPadY, m_pvopcSptQ);
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObject::copySptQShapeYToMb (
- PixelC* ppxlcDstMB, const PixelC* ppxlcSrc)
- {
- for (Int i = 0; i < MB_SIZE; i++) {
- memcpy (ppxlcDstMB, ppxlcSrc, MB_SIZE*sizeof(PixelC));
- ppxlcSrc += m_iFrameWidthY;
- ppxlcDstMB += MB_SIZE;
- }
- }
- // dshu: [v071] end of modification