资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*************************************************************************
- This software module was originally developed by
- Ming-Chieh Lee (, Microsoft Corporation
- Bruce Lin (, Microsoft Corporation
- Simon Winder (, Microsoft Corporation
- (date: June, 1997)
- and edited by
- Wei Wu ( Rockwell Science Center
- in the course of development of the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2).
- This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 Video tools
- as specified by the MPEG-4 Video.
- ISO/IEC gives users of the MPEG-4 Video free license to this software module or modifications
- thereof for use in hardware or software products claiming conformance to the MPEG-4 Video.
- Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software products are advised that its use may infringe existing patents.
- The original developer of this software module and his/her company,
- the subsequent editors and their companies,
- and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or modifications thereof in an implementation.
- Copyright is not released for non MPEG-4 Video conforming products.
- Microsoft retains full right to use the code for his/her own purpose,
- assign or donate the code to a third party and to inhibit third parties from using the code for non <MPEG standard> conforming products.
- This copyright notice must be included in all copies or derivative works.
- Copyright (c) 1996, 1997.
- Module Name:
- mc.cpp
- Abstract:
- Motion compensation routines (common for encoder and decoder).
- Revision History:
- December 20, 1997 Interlaced tools added by NextLevel Systems (GI)
- X. Chen ( B. Eifrig (
- `
- *************************************************************************/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "typeapi.h"
- #include "codehead.h"
- #include "mode.hpp"
- #include "vopses.hpp"
- #include "global.hpp"
- #ifdef __MFC_
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif // __MFC_
- Void CVideoObject::limitMVRangeToExtendedBBFullPel (CoordI &x,CoordI &y,CRct *prct,Int iBlkSize)
- {
- if(prct==NULL)
- return;
- if(x < prct->left)
- x=prct->left;
- else if(x > (prct->right-iBlkSize))
- x=(prct->right-iBlkSize);
- if(y < prct->top)
- y=prct->top;
- else if(y > (prct->bottom-iBlkSize))
- y=(prct->bottom-iBlkSize);
- }
- Void CVideoObject::limitMVRangeToExtendedBBHalfPel (CoordI &x,CoordI &y,CRct *prct,Int iBlkSize)
- {
- if(prct==NULL)
- return;
- if(x < prct->left*2)
- x=prct->left*2;
- else if(x > (prct->right-iBlkSize)*2)
- x=(prct->right-iBlkSize)*2;
- if(y < prct->top*2)
- y=prct->top*2;
- else if(y > (prct->bottom-iBlkSize)*2)
- y=(prct->bottom-iBlkSize)*2;
- }
- Void CVideoObject::motionCompMB (
- PixelC* ppxlcPredMB,
- const PixelC* ppxlcRefLeftTop,
- const CMotionVector* pmv, const CMBMode* pmbmd,
- Int imbX, Int imbY,
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- Bool bSkipNonOBMC,
- Bool bAlphaMB,
- CRct *prctMVLimit
- )
- {
- if (!bAlphaMB && !m_volmd.bAdvPredDisable && !pmbmd->m_bFieldMV) {
- motionCompOverLap (
- ppxlcPredMB, ppxlcRefLeftTop,
- pmv, pmbmd,
- imbX, imbY,
- x, y,
- prctMVLimit
- );
- }
- else {
- if (bSkipNonOBMC)
- return;
- if (!pmbmd -> m_bhas4MVForward && !pmbmd -> m_bFieldMV)
- motionComp (
- ppxlcPredMB, ppxlcRefLeftTop,
- x * 2 + pmv->trueMVHalfPel ().x,
- y * 2 + pmv->trueMVHalfPel ().y ,
- m_vopmd.iRoundingControl,
- prctMVLimit
- );
- else if (pmbmd -> m_bFieldMV) {
- const CMotionVector* pmv16x8 = pmv+5;
- if(pmbmd->m_bForwardTop) {
- pmv16x8++;
- motionCompYField (
- ppxlcPredMB,
- ppxlcRefLeftTop+m_iFrameWidthY,
- x * 2 + pmv16x8->trueMVHalfPel ().x,
- y * 2 + pmv16x8->trueMVHalfPel ().y
- );
- pmv16x8++;
- }
- else {
- motionCompYField (
- ppxlcPredMB,
- ppxlcRefLeftTop,
- x * 2 + pmv16x8->trueMVHalfPel ().x,
- y * 2 + pmv16x8->trueMVHalfPel ().y
- );
- pmv16x8++;
- pmv16x8++;
- }
- if(pmbmd->m_bForwardBottom) {
- pmv16x8++;
- motionCompYField (
- ppxlcPredMB+MB_SIZE,
- ppxlcRefLeftTop+m_iFrameWidthY,
- x * 2 + pmv16x8->trueMVHalfPel ().x,
- y * 2 + pmv16x8->trueMVHalfPel ().y
- );
- }
- else {
- motionCompYField (
- ppxlcPredMB+MB_SIZE,
- ppxlcRefLeftTop,
- x * 2 + pmv16x8->trueMVHalfPel ().x,
- y * 2 + pmv16x8->trueMVHalfPel ().y
- );
- }
- }
- else {
- const CMotionVector* pmv8 = pmv;
- pmv8++;
- CoordI blkX = x + BLOCK_SIZE;
- CoordI blkY = y + BLOCK_SIZE;
- if (pmbmd->m_rgTranspStatus [Y_BLOCK1] != ALL)
- motionComp (
- ppxlcPredMB, ppxlcRefLeftTop,
- x * 2 + pmv8->trueMVHalfPel ().x,
- y * 2 + pmv8->trueMVHalfPel ().y,
- m_vopmd.iRoundingControl,
- prctMVLimit
- );
- pmv8++;
- if (pmbmd->m_rgTranspStatus [Y_BLOCK2] != ALL)
- motionComp (
- ppxlcPredMB + OFFSET_BLK1, ppxlcRefLeftTop,
- blkX * 2 + pmv8->trueMVHalfPel ().x,
- y * 2 + pmv8->trueMVHalfPel ().y,
- m_vopmd.iRoundingControl,
- prctMVLimit
- );
- pmv8++;
- if (pmbmd->m_rgTranspStatus [Y_BLOCK3] != ALL)
- motionComp (
- ppxlcPredMB + OFFSET_BLK2, ppxlcRefLeftTop,
- x * 2 + pmv8->trueMVHalfPel ().x,
- blkY * 2 + pmv8->trueMVHalfPel ().y,
- m_vopmd.iRoundingControl,
- prctMVLimit
- );
- pmv8++;
- if (pmbmd->m_rgTranspStatus [Y_BLOCK4] != ALL)
- motionComp (
- ppxlcPredMB + OFFSET_BLK3, ppxlcRefLeftTop,
- blkX * 2 + pmv8->trueMVHalfPel ().x,
- blkY * 2 + pmv8->trueMVHalfPel ().y,
- m_vopmd.iRoundingControl,
- prctMVLimit
- );
- }
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObject::motionComp (
- PixelC* ppxlcPred, // can be either Y or A
- const PixelC* ppxlcRefLeftTop, // point to left-top of the frame
- Int iSize, // either MB or BLOCK size
- CoordI xRef, CoordI yRef, // x + mvX, in half pel unit
- Int iRoundingControl,
- CRct *prctMVLimit // extended bounding box
- )
- {
- CoordI ix, iy;
- limitMVRangeToExtendedBBHalfPel(xRef,yRef,prctMVLimit,iSize);
- const PixelC* ppxlcRef =
- ppxlcRefLeftTop +
- ((yRef >> 1) + EXPANDY_REF_FRAME) * m_iFrameWidthY + (xRef >> 1) + EXPANDY_REF_FRAME;
- if(iSize==8 || iSize==16)
- {
- // optimisation
- if (!(yRef & 1)) {
- if (!(xRef & 1)) {
- Int iSz = iSize * sizeof(PixelC);
- for(iy = 0; iy < iSize; iy+=8)
- {
- memcpy (ppxlcPred, ppxlcRef, iSz);
- ppxlcRef += m_iFrameWidthY; ppxlcPred += MB_SIZE;
- memcpy (ppxlcPred, ppxlcRef, iSz);
- ppxlcRef += m_iFrameWidthY; ppxlcPred += MB_SIZE;
- memcpy (ppxlcPred, ppxlcRef, iSz);
- ppxlcRef += m_iFrameWidthY; ppxlcPred += MB_SIZE;
- memcpy (ppxlcPred, ppxlcRef, iSz);
- ppxlcRef += m_iFrameWidthY; ppxlcPred += MB_SIZE;
- memcpy (ppxlcPred, ppxlcRef, iSz);
- ppxlcRef += m_iFrameWidthY; ppxlcPred += MB_SIZE;
- memcpy (ppxlcPred, ppxlcRef, iSz);
- ppxlcRef += m_iFrameWidthY; ppxlcPred += MB_SIZE;
- memcpy (ppxlcPred, ppxlcRef, iSz);
- ppxlcRef += m_iFrameWidthY; ppxlcPred += MB_SIZE;
- memcpy (ppxlcPred, ppxlcRef, iSz);
- ppxlcRef += m_iFrameWidthY; ppxlcPred += MB_SIZE;
- }
- }
- else {
- PixelC pxlcT1,pxlcT2, *ppxlcDst;
- const PixelC *ppxlcSrc;
- Int iRndCtrl = 1 - iRoundingControl;
- for (iy = 0; iy < iSize; iy++){
- ppxlcDst = ppxlcPred;
- ppxlcSrc = ppxlcRef;
- for (ix = 0; ix < iSize; ix+=8) {
- ppxlcDst [0] = (ppxlcSrc[0] + (pxlcT1=ppxlcSrc[1]) + iRndCtrl) >> 1;
- ppxlcDst [1] = (pxlcT1 + (pxlcT2=ppxlcSrc[2]) + iRndCtrl) >> 1;
- ppxlcDst [2] = (pxlcT2 + (pxlcT1=ppxlcSrc[3]) + iRndCtrl) >> 1;
- ppxlcDst [3] = (pxlcT1 + (pxlcT2=ppxlcSrc[4]) + iRndCtrl) >> 1;
- ppxlcDst [4] = (pxlcT2 + (pxlcT1=ppxlcSrc[5]) + iRndCtrl) >> 1;
- ppxlcDst [5] = (pxlcT1 + (pxlcT2=ppxlcSrc[6]) + iRndCtrl) >> 1;
- ppxlcDst [6] = (pxlcT2 + (pxlcT1=ppxlcSrc[7]) + iRndCtrl) >> 1;
- ppxlcDst [7] = (pxlcT1 + ppxlcSrc[8] + iRndCtrl) >> 1;
- ppxlcDst += 8;
- ppxlcSrc += 8;
- }
- ppxlcRef += m_iFrameWidthY;
- ppxlcPred += MB_SIZE;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- if (!(xRef & 1)) {
- Int iRndCtrl = 1 - iRoundingControl;
- const PixelC *ppxlcSrc, *ppxlcSrc2;
- PixelC *ppxlcDst;
- for (iy = 0; iy < iSize; iy++) {
- ppxlcDst = ppxlcPred;
- ppxlcSrc = ppxlcRef;
- ppxlcSrc2 = ppxlcRef + m_iFrameWidthY;
- for (ix = 0; ix < iSize; ix+=8) {
- ppxlcDst [0] = (ppxlcSrc [0] + ppxlcSrc2 [0] + iRndCtrl) >> 1;
- ppxlcDst [1] = (ppxlcSrc [1] + ppxlcSrc2 [1] + iRndCtrl) >> 1;
- ppxlcDst [2] = (ppxlcSrc [2] + ppxlcSrc2 [2] + iRndCtrl) >> 1;
- ppxlcDst [3] = (ppxlcSrc [3] + ppxlcSrc2 [3] + iRndCtrl) >> 1;
- ppxlcDst [4] = (ppxlcSrc [4] + ppxlcSrc2 [4] + iRndCtrl) >> 1;
- ppxlcDst [5] = (ppxlcSrc [5] + ppxlcSrc2 [5] + iRndCtrl) >> 1;
- ppxlcDst [6] = (ppxlcSrc [6] + ppxlcSrc2 [6] + iRndCtrl) >> 1;
- ppxlcDst [7] = (ppxlcSrc [7] + ppxlcSrc2 [7] + iRndCtrl) >> 1;
- ppxlcDst += 8;
- ppxlcSrc += 8;
- ppxlcSrc2 += 8;
- }
- ppxlcRef += m_iFrameWidthY;
- ppxlcPred += MB_SIZE;
- }
- }
- else {
- Int iRndCtrl = 2 - iRoundingControl;
- PixelC pxlcT1, pxlcT2, pxlcT3, pxlcT4, *ppxlcDst;
- const PixelC *ppxlcSrc, *ppxlcSrc2;
- for (iy = 0; iy < iSize; iy++) {
- ppxlcDst = ppxlcPred;
- ppxlcSrc = ppxlcRef;
- ppxlcSrc2 = ppxlcRef + m_iFrameWidthY;
- for (ix = 0; ix < iSize; ix+=8) {
- ppxlcDst [0] = (ppxlcSrc[0] + (pxlcT1=ppxlcSrc[1]) + ppxlcSrc2[0] + (pxlcT3=ppxlcSrc2[1]) + iRndCtrl) >> 2;
- ppxlcDst [1] = (pxlcT1 + (pxlcT2=ppxlcSrc[2]) + pxlcT3 + (pxlcT4=ppxlcSrc2[2]) + iRndCtrl) >> 2;
- ppxlcDst [2] = (pxlcT2 + (pxlcT1=ppxlcSrc[3]) + pxlcT4 + (pxlcT3=ppxlcSrc2[3]) + iRndCtrl) >> 2;
- ppxlcDst [3] = (pxlcT1 + (pxlcT2=ppxlcSrc[4]) + pxlcT3 + (pxlcT4=ppxlcSrc2[4]) + iRndCtrl) >> 2;
- ppxlcDst [4] = (pxlcT2 + (pxlcT1=ppxlcSrc[5]) + pxlcT4 + (pxlcT3=ppxlcSrc2[5]) + iRndCtrl) >> 2;
- ppxlcDst [5] = (pxlcT1 + (pxlcT2=ppxlcSrc[6]) + pxlcT3 + (pxlcT4=ppxlcSrc2[6]) + iRndCtrl) >> 2;
- ppxlcDst [6] = (pxlcT2 + (pxlcT1=ppxlcSrc[7]) + pxlcT4 + (pxlcT3=ppxlcSrc2[7]) + iRndCtrl) >> 2;
- ppxlcDst [7] = (pxlcT1 + ppxlcSrc[8] + pxlcT3 + ppxlcSrc2[8] + iRndCtrl) >> 2;
- ppxlcDst += 8;
- ppxlcSrc += 8;
- ppxlcSrc2 += 8;
- }
- ppxlcRef += m_iFrameWidthY;
- ppxlcPred += MB_SIZE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- if (!(yRef & 1)) {
- if (!(xRef & 1)) { //!bXSubPxl && !bYSubPxl
- for (iy = 0; iy < iSize; iy++) {
- memcpy (ppxlcPred, ppxlcRef, iSize*sizeof(PixelC));
- ppxlcRef += m_iFrameWidthY;
- ppxlcPred += MB_SIZE;
- }
- }
- else { //bXSubPxl && !bYSubPxl
- for (iy = 0; iy < iSize; iy++){
- for (ix = 0; ix < iSize; ix++)
- ppxlcPred [ix] = (ppxlcRef [ix] + ppxlcRef [ix + 1] + 1 - iRoundingControl) >> 1;
- ppxlcRef += m_iFrameWidthY;
- ppxlcPred += MB_SIZE;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- const PixelC* ppxlcRefBot;
- if (!(xRef & 1)) { //!bXSubPxl&& bYSubPxl
- for (iy = 0; iy < iSize; iy++) {
- ppxlcRefBot = ppxlcRef + m_iFrameWidthY; //UPln -> pixels (xInt,yInt+1);
- for (ix = 0; ix < iSize; ix++)
- ppxlcPred [ix] = (ppxlcRef [ix] + ppxlcRefBot [ix] + 1 - iRoundingControl) >> 1;
- ppxlcRef = ppxlcRefBot;
- ppxlcPred += MB_SIZE;
- }
- }
- else { // bXSubPxl && bYSubPxl
- for (iy = 0; iy < iSize; iy++) {
- ppxlcRefBot = ppxlcRef + m_iFrameWidthY; //UPln -> pixels (xInt,yInt+1);
- for (ix = 0; ix < iSize; ix++){
- ppxlcPred [ix] = (
- ppxlcRef [ix + 1] + ppxlcRef [ix] +
- ppxlcRefBot [ix + 1] + ppxlcRefBot [ix] + 2 - iRoundingControl
- ) >> 2;
- }
- ppxlcRef = ppxlcRefBot;
- ppxlcPred += MB_SIZE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObject::motionCompDirectMode( // Interlaced direct mode
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- CMBMode *pmbmd,
- const CMotionVector *pmvRef,
- CRct *prctMVLimitFwd, CRct *prctMVLimitBak,
- Int plane // plane=1 for grey scale, plane=0 for texture, 02-17-99
- )
- {
- Int* rgiMvRound = NULL;
- UInt uiDivisor = 0;
- Int xRefUVF,yRefUVF,xRefUVB,yRefUVB;
- // begin of new changes 10/21/98
- Int iMBX,iMBY;
- const CMBMode *pmbmdRef;
- if(m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE)
- {
- iMBX=(x-m_rctCurrVOPY.left)/MB_SIZE;
- iMBY=(;
- pmbmdRef= m_rgmbmdRef +
- (iMBX+iMBY*m_iNumMBXRef);
- }
- else
- {
- pmbmdRef= m_rgmbmdRef +
- iMBX+iMBY*m_iNumMBXRef;
- }
- // end of new changes 10/21/98
- if (pmbmdRef->m_rgTranspStatus[0]==ALL) {
- static CMotionVector mvZero[5];
- pmvRef = mvZero;
- }
- if ((iMBX<m_iNumMBXRef && iMBX>=0 && iMBY<m_iNumMBYRef && iMBY>=0)&& // new change 10/21/98
- (pmbmdRef->m_bFieldMV&&pmbmdRef->m_rgTranspStatus[0]!=ALL)) {
- static I8 iTROffsetTop[] = { 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, -1, -1 };
- static I8 iTROffsetBot[] = { -1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 };
- CoordI iXFwdTop, iXFwdBot, iXBakTop, iXBakBot;
- CoordI iYFwdTop, iYFwdBot, iYBakTop, iYBakBot;
- const CMotionVector *pmvRefTop, *pmvRefBot;
- Int iTopRefFldOffset = 0, iBotRefFldOffset = 0;
- Int iCode = (Int)(vopmd().bTopFieldFirst) << 2;
- pmbmd->m_bFieldMV = 1; // set field direct mode for grey scale // new change 02-19-99
- assert((pmbmdRef->m_dctMd != INTRA) && (pmbmdRef->m_dctMd != INTRAQ));
- if (pmbmdRef->m_bForwardTop) {
- iCode |= 2;
- iTopRefFldOffset = 1;
- pmvRefTop = pmvRef + 6;
- } else
- pmvRefTop = pmvRef + 5;
- if (pmbmdRef->m_bForwardBottom) {
- iCode |= 1;
- iBotRefFldOffset = 1;
- pmvRefBot = pmvRef + 8;
- } else
- pmvRefBot = pmvRef + 7;
- Int iTempRefDTop = 2*(m_tFutureRef - m_tPastRef) + iTROffsetTop[iCode];
- Int iTempRefDBot = 2*(m_tFutureRef - m_tPastRef) + iTROffsetBot[iCode];
- Int iTempRefBTop = 2*(m_t - m_tPastRef) + iTROffsetTop[iCode];
- Int iTempRefBBot = 2*(m_t - m_tPastRef) + iTROffsetBot[iCode];
- assert(iTempRefDTop > 0); assert(iTempRefDBot > 0); assert(iTempRefBTop > 0); assert(iTempRefBBot > 0);
- // Find MVs for the top field
- iXFwdTop = (pmvRefTop->m_vctTrueHalfPel.x * iTempRefBTop) / iTempRefDTop + pmbmd->m_vctDirectDeltaMV.x;
- iYFwdTop = (pmvRefTop->m_vctTrueHalfPel.y * iTempRefBTop) / iTempRefDTop + pmbmd->m_vctDirectDeltaMV.y;
- iXBakTop = pmbmd->m_vctDirectDeltaMV.x ? (iXFwdTop - pmvRefTop->m_vctTrueHalfPel.x) :
- ((pmvRefTop->m_vctTrueHalfPel.x * (iTempRefBTop - iTempRefDTop)) / iTempRefDTop);
- iYBakTop = pmbmd->m_vctDirectDeltaMV.y ? (iYFwdTop - pmvRefTop->m_vctTrueHalfPel.y) :
- ((pmvRefTop->m_vctTrueHalfPel.y * (iTempRefBTop - iTempRefDTop)) / iTempRefDTop);
- // Find MVs for the bottom field
- iXFwdBot = (pmvRefBot->m_vctTrueHalfPel.x * iTempRefBBot) / iTempRefDBot + pmbmd->m_vctDirectDeltaMV.x;
- iYFwdBot = (pmvRefBot->m_vctTrueHalfPel.y * iTempRefBBot) / iTempRefDBot + pmbmd->m_vctDirectDeltaMV.y;
- iXBakBot = pmbmd->m_vctDirectDeltaMV.x ? (iXFwdBot - pmvRefBot->m_vctTrueHalfPel.x) :
- ((pmvRefBot->m_vctTrueHalfPel.x * (iTempRefBBot - iTempRefDBot)) / iTempRefDBot);
- iYBakBot = pmbmd->m_vctDirectDeltaMV.y ? (iYFwdBot - pmvRefBot->m_vctTrueHalfPel.y) :
- ((pmvRefBot->m_vctTrueHalfPel.y * (iTempRefBBot - iTempRefDBot)) / iTempRefDBot);
- // Motion compensate the top field forward
- iXFwdTop += 2*x; iYFwdTop += 2*y;
- limitMVRangeToExtendedBBHalfPel(iXFwdTop, iYFwdTop, prctMVLimitFwd, MB_SIZE);
- if (plane==0) { // texture MC // new change 02-19-99
- motionCompYField(m_ppxlcPredMBY,
- m_pvopcRefQ0->pixelsY() + iTopRefFldOffset * m_iFrameWidthY, iXFwdTop, iYFwdTop);
- iXFwdTop -= 2*x; iYFwdTop -= 2*y;
- motionCompFieldUV(m_ppxlcPredMBU, m_ppxlcPredMBV, m_pvopcRefQ0, x, y,
- (iXFwdTop & 3) ? ((iXFwdTop >> 1) | 1) : (iXFwdTop >> 1),
- (iYFwdTop & 6) ? ((iYFwdTop >> 1) | 2) : (iYFwdTop >> 1), iTopRefFldOffset);
- }
- else { // plane=1, grey scale MC // begin of new change 02-19-99
- motionCompYField(m_ppxlcPredMBA,
- m_pvopcRefQ0->pixelsA() + iTopRefFldOffset * m_iFrameWidthY, iXFwdTop, iYFwdTop);
- iXFwdTop -= 2*x; iYFwdTop -= 2*y;
- } // end of new change 02-19-99
- // Motion compensate the top field backward
- iXBakTop += 2*x; iYBakTop += 2*y;
- limitMVRangeToExtendedBBHalfPel(iXBakTop, iYBakTop, prctMVLimitBak, MB_SIZE);
- if (plane==0) { // texture MC // new change 02-19-99
- motionCompYField(m_ppxlcPredMBBackY, m_pvopcRefQ1->pixelsY(), iXBakTop, iYBakTop);
- iXBakTop -= 2*x; iYBakTop -= 2*y;
- motionCompFieldUV(m_ppxlcPredMBBackU, m_ppxlcPredMBBackV, m_pvopcRefQ1, x, y,
- (iXBakTop & 3) ? ((iXBakTop >> 1) | 1) : (iXBakTop >> 1),
- (iYBakTop & 6) ? ((iYBakTop >> 1) | 2) : (iYBakTop >> 1), 0);
- }
- else { // plane=1, grey scale MC // begin of new change 02-19-99
- motionCompYField(m_ppxlcPredMBBackA, m_pvopcRefQ1->pixelsA(), iXBakTop, iYBakTop);
- iXBakTop -= 2*x; iYBakTop -= 2*y;
- } // end of new change 02-19-99
- // Motion compensate the bottom field forward
- iXFwdBot += 2*x; iYFwdBot += 2*y;
- limitMVRangeToExtendedBBHalfPel(iXFwdBot, iYFwdBot, prctMVLimitFwd, MB_SIZE);
- if (plane==0) { // texture MC // new change 02-19-99
- motionCompYField(m_ppxlcPredMBY + MB_SIZE,
- m_pvopcRefQ0->pixelsY() + iBotRefFldOffset * m_iFrameWidthY, iXFwdBot, iYFwdBot);
- iXFwdBot -= 2*x; iYFwdBot -= 2*y;
- motionCompFieldUV(m_ppxlcPredMBU + BLOCK_SIZE, m_ppxlcPredMBV + BLOCK_SIZE, m_pvopcRefQ0, x, y,
- (iXFwdBot & 3) ? ((iXFwdBot >> 1) | 1) : (iXFwdBot >> 1),
- (iYFwdBot & 6) ? ((iYFwdBot >> 1) | 2) : (iYFwdBot >> 1), iBotRefFldOffset);
- }
- else { // plane=1, grey scale MC // begin of new change 02-19-99
- motionCompYField(m_ppxlcPredMBA + MB_SIZE,
- m_pvopcRefQ0->pixelsA() + iBotRefFldOffset * m_iFrameWidthY, iXFwdBot, iYFwdBot);
- iXFwdBot -= 2*x; iYFwdBot -= 2*y;
- } // end of new change 02-19-99
- // Motion compensate the bottom field backward
- iXBakBot += 2*x; iYBakBot += 2*y;
- limitMVRangeToExtendedBBHalfPel(iXBakBot, iYBakBot, prctMVLimitBak, MB_SIZE);
- if (plane==0) { // texture MC // new change 02-19-99
- motionCompYField(m_ppxlcPredMBBackY + MB_SIZE, m_pvopcRefQ1->pixelsY() + m_iFrameWidthY,
- iXBakBot, iYBakBot);
- iXBakBot -= 2*x; iYBakBot -= 2*y;
- motionCompFieldUV(m_ppxlcPredMBBackU + BLOCK_SIZE, m_ppxlcPredMBBackV + BLOCK_SIZE, m_pvopcRefQ1, x, y,
- (iXBakBot & 3) ? ((iXBakBot >> 1) | 1) : (iXBakBot >> 1),
- (iYBakBot & 6) ? ((iYBakBot >> 1) | 2) : (iYBakBot >> 1), 1);
- }
- else { // plane=1, grey scale MC // begin of new change 02-19-99
- motionCompYField(m_ppxlcPredMBBackA + MB_SIZE, m_pvopcRefQ1->pixelsA() + m_iFrameWidthY,
- iXBakBot, iYBakBot);
- iXBakBot -= 2*x; iYBakBot -= 2*y;
- } // end of new change 02-19-99
- } else {
- Int iTempRefD = m_tFutureRef - m_tPastRef;
- Int iTempRefB = m_t - m_tPastRef;
- assert(iTempRefD > 0); assert(iTempRefB > 0);
- Int iChromaFwdX = 0, iChromaFwdY = 0, iChromaBakX = 0, iChromaBakY = 0;
- CVector vctFwd, vctBak;
- static I8 iBlkXOffset[] = { 0, 2*BLOCK_SIZE, 0, 2*BLOCK_SIZE };
- static I8 iBlkYOffset[] = { 0, 0, 2*BLOCK_SIZE, 2*BLOCK_SIZE };
- if ((pmbmdRef->m_dctMd == INTRA) || (pmbmdRef->m_dctMd == INTRAQ)) {
- static CMotionVector mvZero[5];
- pmvRef = mvZero;
- }
- if(iMBX<m_iNumMBXRef && iMBX>=0 && iMBY<m_iNumMBYRef && iMBY>=0) // new changes 10/21/98
- {
- if (pmbmdRef -> m_bhas4MVForward) {
- for (Int iBlk = 0; iBlk < 4; iBlk++) {
- if(pmbmd->m_rgTranspStatus[iBlk+1]!=ALL) {
- vctFwd = (pmvRef[iBlk + 1].m_vctTrueHalfPel * iTempRefB) / iTempRefD + pmbmd->m_vctDirectDeltaMV;
- vctBak.x = pmbmd->m_vctDirectDeltaMV.x ? (vctFwd.x - pmvRef[iBlk + 1].m_vctTrueHalfPel.x) :
- ((pmvRef[iBlk + 1].m_vctTrueHalfPel.x * (iTempRefB - iTempRefD)) / iTempRefD);
- vctBak.y = pmbmd->m_vctDirectDeltaMV.y ? (vctFwd.y - pmvRef[iBlk + 1].m_vctTrueHalfPel.y) :
- ((pmvRef[iBlk + 1].m_vctTrueHalfPel.y * (iTempRefB - iTempRefD)) / iTempRefD);
- // rounding control is messed up here
- motionComp(m_ppxlcPredMBY + iMBOffset[iBlk], m_pvopcRefQ0->pixelsY(), BLOCK_SIZE,
- x * 2 + iBlkXOffset[iBlk] + vctFwd.x, y * 2 + iBlkYOffset[iBlk] + vctFwd.y, 0, prctMVLimitFwd);
- motionComp(m_ppxlcPredMBBackY + iMBOffset[iBlk], m_pvopcRefQ1->pixelsY(), BLOCK_SIZE,
- x * 2 + iBlkXOffset[iBlk] + vctBak.x, y * 2 + iBlkYOffset[iBlk] + vctBak.y, 0, prctMVLimitBak);
- iChromaFwdX += vctFwd.x;
- iChromaFwdY += vctFwd.y;
- iChromaBakX += vctBak.x;
- iChromaBakY += vctBak.y;
- uiDivisor += 4;
- }
- }
- switch (uiDivisor) {
- case 4:
- rgiMvRound = grgiMvRound4;
- break;
- case 8:
- rgiMvRound = grgiMvRound8;
- break;
- case 12:
- rgiMvRound = grgiMvRound12;
- break;
- case 16:
- rgiMvRound = grgiMvRound16;
- break;
- }
- xRefUVF = sign (iChromaFwdX) * (rgiMvRound [abs (iChromaFwdX) % uiDivisor] + (abs (iChromaFwdX) / uiDivisor) * 2);
- yRefUVF = sign (iChromaFwdY) * (rgiMvRound [abs (iChromaFwdY) % uiDivisor] + (abs (iChromaFwdY) / uiDivisor) * 2);
- xRefUVB = sign (iChromaBakX) * (rgiMvRound [abs (iChromaBakX) % uiDivisor] + (abs (iChromaBakX) / uiDivisor) * 2);
- yRefUVB = sign (iChromaBakY) * (rgiMvRound [abs (iChromaBakY) % uiDivisor] + (abs (iChromaBakY) / uiDivisor) * 2);
- }
- else // 16x16
- {
- vctFwd = (pmvRef[0].m_vctTrueHalfPel * iTempRefB) / iTempRefD + pmbmd->m_vctDirectDeltaMV;
- vctBak.x = pmbmd->m_vctDirectDeltaMV.x ? (vctFwd.x - pmvRef[0].m_vctTrueHalfPel.x) :
- ((pmvRef[0].m_vctTrueHalfPel.x * (iTempRefB - iTempRefD)) / iTempRefD);
- vctBak.y = pmbmd->m_vctDirectDeltaMV.y ? (vctFwd.y - pmvRef[0].m_vctTrueHalfPel.y) :
- ((pmvRef[0].m_vctTrueHalfPel.y * (iTempRefB - iTempRefD)) / iTempRefD);
- // rounding control is messed up here
- motionComp(m_ppxlcPredMBY, m_pvopcRefQ0->pixelsY(), MB_SIZE,
- x * 2 + vctFwd.x, y * 2 + vctFwd.y, 0, prctMVLimitFwd);
- motionComp(m_ppxlcPredMBBackY , m_pvopcRefQ1->pixelsY(), MB_SIZE,
- x * 2 + vctBak.x, y * 2 + vctBak.y, 0, prctMVLimitBak);
- xRefUVF = sign (vctFwd.x) * (grgiMvRound4 [abs (vctFwd.x) % 4] + (abs (vctFwd.x) / 4) * 2);
- yRefUVF = sign (vctFwd.y) * (grgiMvRound4 [abs (vctFwd.y) % 4] + (abs (vctFwd.y) / 4) * 2);
- xRefUVB = sign (vctBak.x) * (grgiMvRound4 [abs (vctBak.x) % 4] + (abs (vctBak.x) / 4) * 2);
- yRefUVB = sign (vctBak.y) * (grgiMvRound4 [abs (vctBak.y) % 4] + (abs (vctBak.y) / 4) * 2);
- }
- }
- // begin of new changes 10/21/98
- else
- {
- vctFwd = pmbmd->m_vctDirectDeltaMV;
- vctBak.x = pmbmd->m_vctDirectDeltaMV.x ? vctFwd.x :0;
- vctBak.y = pmbmd->m_vctDirectDeltaMV.y ? vctFwd.y :0;
- // rounding control is messed up here
- motionComp(m_ppxlcPredMBY, m_pvopcRefQ0->pixelsY(), MB_SIZE,
- x * 2 + vctFwd.x, y * 2 + vctFwd.y, 0, prctMVLimitFwd);
- motionComp(m_ppxlcPredMBBackY , m_pvopcRefQ1->pixelsY(), MB_SIZE,
- x * 2 + vctBak.x, y * 2 + vctBak.y, 0, prctMVLimitBak);
- xRefUVF = sign (vctFwd.x) * (grgiMvRound4 [abs (vctFwd.x) % 4] + (abs (vctFwd.x) / 4) * 2);
- yRefUVF = sign (vctFwd.y) * (grgiMvRound4 [abs (vctFwd.y) % 4] + (abs (vctFwd.y) / 4) * 2);
- xRefUVB = sign (vctBak.x) * (grgiMvRound4 [abs (vctBak.x) % 4] + (abs (vctBak.x) / 4) * 2);
- yRefUVB = sign (vctBak.y) * (grgiMvRound4 [abs (vctBak.y) % 4] + (abs (vctBak.y) / 4) * 2);
- }
- // end of new changes 10/21/98
- motionCompUV(m_ppxlcPredMBU, m_ppxlcPredMBV, m_pvopcRefQ0, x, y,
- xRefUVF,
- yRefUVF,0, prctMVLimitFwd);
- motionCompUV(m_ppxlcPredMBBackU, m_ppxlcPredMBBackV, m_pvopcRefQ1, x, y,
- xRefUVB,
- yRefUVB,0, prctMVLimitBak);
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObject::motionCompOneBVOPReference(
- CVOPU8YUVBA *pvopcPred,
- MBType type,
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- const CMBMode *pmbmd,
- const CMotionVector *pmv,
- CRct *prctMVLimit
- )
- {
- CVOPU8YUVBA *pvopcRef;
- Int topRef, botRef;
- if (type == BACKWARD) {
- pvopcRef = m_pvopcRefQ1;
- topRef = (Int)pmbmd->m_bBackwardTop;
- botRef = (Int)pmbmd->m_bBackwardBottom;
- } else {
- pvopcRef = m_pvopcRefQ0;
- topRef = (Int)pmbmd->m_bForwardTop;
- botRef = (Int)pmbmd->m_bForwardBottom;
- }
- if (pmbmd->m_bFieldMV) {
- const CMotionVector *pmvTop = pmv + 1 + topRef;
- const CMotionVector *pmvBot = pmv + 3 + botRef;
- assert((topRef & ~1) == 0); assert((botRef & ~1) == 0);
- CoordI iMVX, iMVY;
- iMVX = 2*x + pmvTop->m_vctTrueHalfPel.x;
- iMVY = 2*y + pmvTop->m_vctTrueHalfPel.y;
- limitMVRangeToExtendedBBHalfPel(iMVX, iMVY, prctMVLimit, MB_SIZE);
- motionCompYField((PixelC *)pvopcPred->pixelsY(), // Luma top field
- pvopcRef->pixelsY() + topRef * m_iFrameWidthY, iMVX, iMVY);
- iMVX -= 2*x; iMVY -= 2*y;
- motionCompFieldUV((PixelC *)pvopcPred->pixelsU(), // Chroma top field
- (PixelC *)pvopcPred->pixelsV(), pvopcRef, x, y,
- (iMVX & 3) ? ((iMVX >> 1) | 1) : (iMVX >> 1),
- (iMVY & 6) ? ((iMVY >> 1) | 2) : (iMVY >> 1), topRef);
- iMVX = 2*x + pmvBot->m_vctTrueHalfPel.x;
- iMVY = 2*y + pmvBot->m_vctTrueHalfPel.y;
- limitMVRangeToExtendedBBHalfPel(iMVX, iMVY, prctMVLimit, MB_SIZE);
- motionCompYField((PixelC *)(pvopcPred->pixelsY()) + MB_SIZE, // Luma bottom field
- pvopcRef->pixelsY() + botRef * m_iFrameWidthY, iMVX, iMVY);
- iMVX -= 2*x; iMVY -= 2*y;
- motionCompFieldUV((PixelC *)(pvopcPred->pixelsU()) + BLOCK_SIZE, // Chroma bottom field
- (PixelC *)(pvopcPred->pixelsV()) + BLOCK_SIZE, pvopcRef, x, y,
- (iMVX & 3) ? ((iMVX >> 1) | 1) : (iMVX >> 1),
- (iMVY & 6) ? ((iMVY >> 1) | 2) : (iMVY >> 1), botRef);
- } else { // rounding control is messed up here
- motionComp((PixelC *)pvopcPred->pixelsY(), pvopcRef->pixelsY(), MB_SIZE,
- x * 2 + pmv->trueMVHalfPel().x, y * 2 + pmv->trueMVHalfPel().y, 0, prctMVLimit);
- motionCompUV((PixelC *)pvopcPred->pixelsU(), (PixelC *)pvopcPred->pixelsV(), pvopcRef, x, y,
- (pmv->m_vctTrueHalfPel.x & 3) ? ((pmv->m_vctTrueHalfPel.x >> 1) | 1) :
- (pmv->m_vctTrueHalfPel.x >> 1),
- (pmv->m_vctTrueHalfPel.y & 3) ? ((pmv->m_vctTrueHalfPel.y >> 1) | 1) :
- (pmv->m_vctTrueHalfPel.y >> 1), 0, prctMVLimit);
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObject::motionCompYField (
- PixelC* ppxlcPred, // can be either Y or A
- const PixelC* ppxlcRefLeftTop, // point to left-top of the frame
- CoordI xRef, CoordI yRef // current coordinate system
- )
- {
- CoordI ix, iy;
- const PixelC* ppxlcRef = ppxlcRefLeftTop +
- (((yRef >> 1) & ~1) + EXPANDY_REF_FRAME) * m_iFrameWidthY + (xRef >> 1) + EXPANDY_REF_FRAME;
- Int iRound = 1 - m_vopmd.iRoundingControl;
- Int iFieldStep = 2 * m_iFrameWidthY;
- if (!(yRef & 2)) {
- if (!(xRef & 1)) { //!bXSubPxl && !bYSubPxl
- for (iy = 0; iy < MB_SIZE; iy+=2) {
- memcpy (ppxlcPred, ppxlcRef, MB_SIZE*sizeof(PixelC));
- ppxlcRef += iFieldStep;
- ppxlcPred += MB_SIZE*2;
- }
- }
- else { //bXSubPxl && !bYSubPxl
- for (iy = 0; iy < MB_SIZE; iy+=2){
- for (ix = 0; ix < MB_SIZE; ix++)
- ppxlcPred [ix] = (ppxlcRef [ix] + ppxlcRef [ix + 1] + iRound) >> 1;
- ppxlcRef += iFieldStep;
- ppxlcPred += MB_SIZE*2;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- const PixelC* ppxlcRefBot;
- if (!(xRef & 1)) { //!bXSubPxl&& bYSubPxl
- for (iy = 0; iy < MB_SIZE; iy+=2) {
- ppxlcRefBot = ppxlcRef + iFieldStep; //UPln -> pixels (xInt,yInt+1);
- for (ix = 0; ix < MB_SIZE; ix++)
- ppxlcPred [ix] = (ppxlcRef [ix] + ppxlcRefBot [ix] + iRound) >> 1;
- ppxlcRef = ppxlcRefBot;
- ppxlcPred += MB_SIZE*2;
- }
- }
- else { // bXSubPxl && bYSubPxl
- iRound++;
- for (iy = 0; iy < MB_SIZE; iy+=2) {
- ppxlcRefBot = ppxlcRef + iFieldStep; //UPln -> pixels (xInt,yInt+1);
- for (ix = 0; ix < MB_SIZE; ix++){
- ppxlcPred [ix] = (ppxlcRef [ix + 1] + ppxlcRef [ix] +
- ppxlcRefBot [ix + 1] + ppxlcRefBot [ix] + iRound) >> 2;
- }
- ppxlcRef = ppxlcRefBot;
- ppxlcPred += MB_SIZE*2;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObject::motionCompFieldUV ( PixelC* ppxlcPredMBU, PixelC* ppxlcPredMBV,
- const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcRef,
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- CoordI xRefUV, CoordI yRefUV,Int iRefFieldSelect
- )
- {
- UInt ix, iy;
- // delete by Hyundai for Microsoft and MoMusys alignment
- //Int iPxLoc = ((((y + yRefUV) >> 1) & ~1) + EXPANDUV_REF_FRAME) * m_iFrameWidthUV + ((x + xRefUV) >> 1) + EXPANDUV_REF_FRAME;
- // insert by Hyundai for Microsoft and MoMusys alignment
- Int iPxLoc = (y/2 + ((yRefUV >> 1) & ~1) + EXPANDUV_REF_FRAME) * m_iFrameWidthUV + ((x + xRefUV) >> 1) + EXPANDUV_REF_FRAME;
- const PixelC* ppxlcPrevU = pvopcRef->pixelsU () + iPxLoc + iRefFieldSelect*m_iFrameWidthUV;
- const PixelC* ppxlcPrevV = pvopcRef->pixelsV () + iPxLoc + iRefFieldSelect*m_iFrameWidthUV;
- Int iRound = 1 - m_vopmd.iRoundingControl;
- Int iFieldStep = 2 * m_iFrameWidthUV;
- if (!(yRefUV & 2)) {
- if (!(xRefUV & 1)) { //!bXSubPxl && !bYSubPxl
- for (iy = 0; iy < BLOCK_SIZE; iy+=2) {
- memcpy (ppxlcPredMBU, ppxlcPrevU, BLOCK_SIZE*sizeof(PixelC));
- memcpy (ppxlcPredMBV, ppxlcPrevV, BLOCK_SIZE*sizeof(PixelC));
- ppxlcPrevU += iFieldStep;
- ppxlcPrevV += iFieldStep;
- ppxlcPredMBU += 2*BLOCK_SIZE;
- ppxlcPredMBV += 2*BLOCK_SIZE;
- }
- }
- else { //bXSubPxl && !bYSubPxl
- for (iy = 0; iy < BLOCK_SIZE; iy+=2) {
- for (ix = 0; ix < BLOCK_SIZE; ix++) {
- ppxlcPredMBU [ix] = (ppxlcPrevU [ix + 1] + ppxlcPrevU [ix] + iRound) >> 1;
- ppxlcPredMBV [ix] = (ppxlcPrevV [ix + 1] + ppxlcPrevV [ix] + iRound) >> 1;
- }
- ppxlcPrevU += iFieldStep;
- ppxlcPrevV += iFieldStep;
- ppxlcPredMBU += 2*BLOCK_SIZE;
- ppxlcPredMBV += 2*BLOCK_SIZE;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- const PixelC* ppxlcPrevUBot;
- const PixelC* ppxlcPrevVBot;
- if (!(xRefUV & 1)) { //!bXSubPxl&& bYSubPxl
- for (iy = 0; iy < BLOCK_SIZE; iy+=2) {
- ppxlcPrevUBot = ppxlcPrevU + iFieldStep; //UPln -> pixels (xInt,yInt+1);
- ppxlcPrevVBot = ppxlcPrevV + iFieldStep; //VPln -> pixels (xInt,yInt+1);
- for (ix = 0; ix < BLOCK_SIZE; ix++) {
- ppxlcPredMBU [ix] = (ppxlcPrevU [ix] + ppxlcPrevUBot [ix] + iRound) >> 1;
- ppxlcPredMBV [ix] = (ppxlcPrevV [ix] + ppxlcPrevVBot [ix] + iRound) >> 1;
- }
- ppxlcPredMBU += 2*BLOCK_SIZE;
- ppxlcPredMBV += 2*BLOCK_SIZE;
- ppxlcPrevU = ppxlcPrevUBot;
- ppxlcPrevV = ppxlcPrevVBot;
- }
- }
- else { // bXSubPxl && bYSubPxl
- iRound++;
- for (iy = 0; iy < BLOCK_SIZE; iy+=2){
- ppxlcPrevUBot = ppxlcPrevU + iFieldStep; //UPln -> pixels (xInt,yInt+1);
- ppxlcPrevVBot = ppxlcPrevV + iFieldStep; //VPln -> pixels (xInt,yInt+1);
- for (ix = 0; ix < BLOCK_SIZE; ix++){
- ppxlcPredMBU [ix] = (ppxlcPrevU [ix + 1] + ppxlcPrevU [ix] +
- ppxlcPrevUBot [ix + 1] + ppxlcPrevUBot [ix] + iRound) >> 2;
- ppxlcPredMBV [ix] = (ppxlcPrevV [ix + 1] + ppxlcPrevV [ix] +
- ppxlcPrevVBot [ix + 1] + ppxlcPrevVBot [ix] + iRound) >> 2;
- }
- ppxlcPredMBU += 2*BLOCK_SIZE;
- ppxlcPredMBV += 2*BLOCK_SIZE;
- ppxlcPrevU = ppxlcPrevUBot;
- ppxlcPrevV = ppxlcPrevVBot;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // #endif // INTERLACE
- Void CVideoObject::motionCompUV (
- PixelC* ppxlcPredMBU, PixelC* ppxlcPredMBV,
- const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcRef,
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- CoordI xRefUV, CoordI yRefUV,
- Int iRoundingControl,
- CRct *prctMVLimit
- )
- {
- UInt ix, iy;
- CoordI iTmpX = x + xRefUV;
- CoordI iTmpY = y + yRefUV;
- limitMVRangeToExtendedBBFullPel (iTmpX,iTmpY,prctMVLimit,MB_SIZE);
- xRefUV = iTmpX - x;
- yRefUV = iTmpY - y;
- Int iPxLoc = (((y + yRefUV) >> 1) + EXPANDUV_REF_FRAME) * m_iFrameWidthUV + ((x + xRefUV) >> 1) + EXPANDUV_REF_FRAME;
- const PixelC* ppxlcPrevU = pvopcRef->pixelsU () + iPxLoc;
- const PixelC* ppxlcPrevV = pvopcRef->pixelsV () + iPxLoc;
- if (!(yRefUV & 1)) {
- if (!(xRefUV & 1)) { //!bXSubPxl && !bYSubPxl
- for (iy = 0; iy < BLOCK_SIZE; iy++) {
- memcpy (ppxlcPredMBU, ppxlcPrevU, BLOCK_SIZE*sizeof(PixelC));
- memcpy (ppxlcPredMBV, ppxlcPrevV, BLOCK_SIZE*sizeof(PixelC));
- ppxlcPrevU += m_iFrameWidthUV;
- ppxlcPrevV += m_iFrameWidthUV;
- ppxlcPredMBU += BLOCK_SIZE;
- ppxlcPredMBV += BLOCK_SIZE;
- }
- }
- else { //bXSubPxl && !bYSubPxl
- for (iy = 0; iy < BLOCK_SIZE; iy++) {
- for (ix = 0; ix < BLOCK_SIZE; ix++) {
- ppxlcPredMBU [ix] = (ppxlcPrevU [ix + 1] + ppxlcPrevU [ix] + 1 - iRoundingControl) >> 1;
- ppxlcPredMBV [ix] = (ppxlcPrevV [ix + 1] + ppxlcPrevV [ix] + 1 - iRoundingControl) >> 1;
- }
- ppxlcPrevU += m_iFrameWidthUV;
- ppxlcPrevV += m_iFrameWidthUV;
- ppxlcPredMBU += BLOCK_SIZE;
- ppxlcPredMBV += BLOCK_SIZE;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- const PixelC* ppxlcPrevUBot;
- const PixelC* ppxlcPrevVBot;
- if (!(xRefUV & 1)) { //!bXSubPxl&& bYSubPxl
- for (iy = 0; iy < BLOCK_SIZE; iy++) {
- ppxlcPrevUBot = ppxlcPrevU + m_iFrameWidthUV; //UPln -> pixels (xInt,yInt+1);
- ppxlcPrevVBot = ppxlcPrevV + m_iFrameWidthUV; //VPln -> pixels (xInt,yInt+1);
- for (ix = 0; ix < BLOCK_SIZE; ix++) {
- // ppxlcPredMBU [ix] = (ppxlcPrevU [ix] + ppxlcPrevUBot [ix] + 1) >> 1;
- // ppxlcPredMBV [ix] = (ppxlcPrevV [ix] + ppxlcPrevVBot [ix] + 1) >> 1;
- ppxlcPredMBU [ix] = (ppxlcPrevU [ix] + ppxlcPrevUBot [ix] + 1 - iRoundingControl) >> 1;
- ppxlcPredMBV [ix] = (ppxlcPrevV [ix] + ppxlcPrevVBot [ix] + 1 - iRoundingControl) >> 1;
- }
- ppxlcPredMBU += BLOCK_SIZE;
- ppxlcPredMBV += BLOCK_SIZE;
- ppxlcPrevU = ppxlcPrevUBot;
- ppxlcPrevV = ppxlcPrevVBot;
- }
- }
- else { // bXSubPxl && bYSubPxl
- for (iy = 0; iy < BLOCK_SIZE; iy++){
- ppxlcPrevUBot = ppxlcPrevU + m_iFrameWidthUV; //UPln -> pixels (xInt,yInt+1);
- ppxlcPrevVBot = ppxlcPrevV + m_iFrameWidthUV; //VPln -> pixels (xInt,yInt+1);
- for (ix = 0; ix < BLOCK_SIZE; ix++){
- /*
- ppxlcPredMBU [ix] = (
- ppxlcPrevU [ix + 1] + ppxlcPrevU [ix] +
- ppxlcPrevUBot [ix + 1] + ppxlcPrevUBot [ix] + 2
- ) >> 2;
- ppxlcPredMBV [ix] = (
- ppxlcPrevV [ix + 1] + ppxlcPrevV [ix] +
- ppxlcPrevVBot [ix + 1] + ppxlcPrevVBot [ix] + 2
- ) >> 2;
- */
- ppxlcPredMBU [ix] = (
- ppxlcPrevU [ix + 1] + ppxlcPrevU [ix] +
- ppxlcPrevUBot [ix + 1] + ppxlcPrevUBot [ix] + 2 - iRoundingControl
- ) >> 2;
- ppxlcPredMBV [ix] = (
- ppxlcPrevV [ix + 1] + ppxlcPrevV [ix] +
- ppxlcPrevVBot [ix + 1] + ppxlcPrevVBot [ix] + 2 - iRoundingControl
- ) >> 2;
- }
- ppxlcPredMBU += BLOCK_SIZE;
- ppxlcPredMBV += BLOCK_SIZE;
- ppxlcPrevU = ppxlcPrevUBot;
- ppxlcPrevV = ppxlcPrevVBot;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- UInt gOvrlpPredY [64];
- Void CVideoObject::motionCompOverLap (
- PixelC* ppxlcPredMB,
- const PixelC* ppxlcRefLeftTop,
- const CMotionVector* pmv, // motion vector
- const CMBMode* pmbmd, // macroblk mode
- Int imbx, // current macroblk index
- Int imby, // current macroblk index
- CoordI x, // current coordinate system
- CoordI y, // current coordinate system
- CRct *prctMVLimit
- )
- {
- // Overlap Motion Comp use motion vector of current blk and motion vectors of neighboring blks.
- const CMotionVector *pmvC,*pmvT = NULL,*pmvB = NULL,*pmvR = NULL,*pmvL = NULL; // MVs of Cur, Top, Bot, Right and Left Blocks.
- const CMotionVector *pmvCurrMb,*pmvTopMb = NULL;
- const CMotionVector *pmvRightMb = NULL,*pmvLeftMb = NULL; // MVs of Cur, Top, Right and Left MacroBlocks.
- const CMBMode *pmbmdTopMb = NULL, *pmbmdRightMb = NULL, *pmbmdLeftMb = NULL;
- // MVs of Cur, Top, Right and Left MacroBlocks.
- Bool bIntraT = FALSE, bIntraR = FALSE, bIntraL = FALSE; // flags of 4MV for Cur, Top, Right and Left MacroBlocks.
- Bool bLeftBndry, bRightBndry, bTopBndry;
- bLeftBndry = (imbx == 0);
- bRightBndry = (imbx == m_iNumMBX - 1);
- bTopBndry = (imby == 0);
- pmvCurrMb = pmv;
- // assign the neighboring blk's MVs to pmv[TBRLC]
- if (!bTopBndry) {
- pmbmdTopMb = pmbmd - m_iNumMBX;
- bIntraT = (pmbmdTopMb->m_dctMd == INTRA || pmbmdTopMb->m_dctMd == INTRAQ);
- pmvTopMb = pmv - m_iNumOfTotalMVPerRow;
- }
- if (!bLeftBndry) {
- pmbmdLeftMb = pmbmd - 1;
- bIntraL = (pmbmdLeftMb->m_dctMd == INTRA || pmbmdLeftMb->m_dctMd == INTRAQ);
- pmvLeftMb = pmv - PVOP_MV_PER_REF_PER_MB;
- }
- if (!bRightBndry) {
- pmbmdRightMb = pmbmd + 1;
- bIntraR = (pmbmdRightMb->m_dctMd == INTRA || pmbmdRightMb->m_dctMd == INTRAQ);
- pmvRightMb = pmv + PVOP_MV_PER_REF_PER_MB;
- }
- UInt i;
- // assign the neighboring blk's MVs to pmv[TBRLC]
- for (i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
- if (pmbmd->m_rgTranspStatus [i] == ALL)
- continue;
- pmvC = pmvCurrMb + i;
- switch (i) {
- case 1:
- if (pmbmd->m_rgTranspStatus [3] == ALL)
- pmvB = pmvCurrMb + 1;
- else
- pmvB = pmvCurrMb + 3;
- if (pmbmd->m_rgTranspStatus [2] == ALL)
- pmvR = pmvCurrMb + 1;
- else
- pmvR = pmvCurrMb + 2;
- if (bTopBndry || bIntraT || pmbmdTopMb->m_rgTranspStatus [3] == ALL)
- pmvT = pmvCurrMb + 1;
- else
- pmvT = pmvTopMb + 3;
- if (bLeftBndry || bIntraL || pmbmdLeftMb->m_rgTranspStatus [2] == ALL)
- pmvL = pmvCurrMb + 1;
- else
- pmvL = pmvLeftMb + 2;
- break;
- case 2:
- if (pmbmd->m_rgTranspStatus [4] == ALL)
- pmvB = pmvCurrMb + 2;
- else
- pmvB = pmvCurrMb + 4;
- if (pmbmd->m_rgTranspStatus [1] == ALL)
- pmvL = pmvCurrMb + 2;
- else
- pmvL = pmvCurrMb + 1;
- if (bTopBndry || bIntraT || pmbmdTopMb->m_rgTranspStatus [4] == ALL)
- pmvT = pmvCurrMb + 2;
- else
- pmvT = pmvTopMb + 4;
- if (bRightBndry || bIntraR || pmbmdRightMb->m_rgTranspStatus [1] == ALL)
- pmvR = pmvCurrMb + 2;
- else
- pmvR = pmvRightMb + 1;
- break;
- case 3:
- if (pmbmd->m_rgTranspStatus [1] == ALL)
- pmvT = pmvCurrMb + 3;
- else
- pmvT = pmvCurrMb + 1;
- pmvB = pmvCurrMb + 3; // use the current mv
- if (pmbmd->m_rgTranspStatus [4] == ALL)
- pmvR = pmvCurrMb + 3;
- else
- pmvR = pmvCurrMb + 4;
- if (bLeftBndry || bIntraL || pmbmdLeftMb->m_rgTranspStatus [4] == ALL)
- pmvL = pmvCurrMb + 3;
- else
- pmvL = pmvLeftMb + 4;
- break;
- case 4:
- if (pmbmd->m_rgTranspStatus [2] == ALL)
- pmvT = pmvCurrMb + 4;
- else
- pmvT = pmvCurrMb + 2;
- pmvB = pmvCurrMb + 4;
- if (pmbmd->m_rgTranspStatus [3] == ALL)
- pmvL = pmvCurrMb + 4;
- else
- pmvL = pmvCurrMb + 3;
- if (bRightBndry || bIntraR || pmbmdRightMb->m_rgTranspStatus [3] == ALL)
- pmvR = pmvCurrMb + 4;
- else
- pmvR = pmvRightMb + 3;
- break;
- default:
- assert (FALSE);
- }
- // Compute the top left corner's x,y coordinates of current block.
- UInt dxc = (((i - 1) & 1) << 3);
- UInt dyc = (((i - 1) & 2) << 2);
- UInt nxcY = (x + dxc) << 1;
- UInt nycY = (y + dyc) << 1;
- // Compute the corresponding positions on Ref frm, using 5 MVs.
- CoordI xRefC = nxcY + pmvC->m_vctTrueHalfPel.x, yRefC = nycY + pmvC->m_vctTrueHalfPel.y;
- CoordI xRefT = nxcY + pmvT->m_vctTrueHalfPel.x, yRefT = nycY + pmvT->m_vctTrueHalfPel.y;
- CoordI xRefB = nxcY + pmvB->m_vctTrueHalfPel.x, yRefB = nycY + pmvB->m_vctTrueHalfPel.y;
- CoordI xRefR = nxcY + pmvR->m_vctTrueHalfPel.x, yRefR = nycY + pmvR->m_vctTrueHalfPel.y;
- CoordI xRefL = nxcY + pmvL->m_vctTrueHalfPel.x, yRefL = nycY + pmvL->m_vctTrueHalfPel.y;
- // UInt nxcY = x + dxc;
- // UInt nycY = y + dyc;
- // // Compute the corresponding positions on Ref frm, using 5 MVs.
- // CoordI xRefC = ((nxcY + pmvC -> iMVX) << 1) + pmvC -> iHalfX, yRefC = ((nycY + pmvC -> iMVY) << 1) + pmvC -> iHalfY;
- // CoordI xRefT = ((nxcY + pmvT -> iMVX) << 1) + pmvT -> iHalfX, yRefT = ((nycY + pmvT -> iMVY) << 1) + pmvT -> iHalfY;
- // CoordI xRefB = ((nxcY + pmvB -> iMVX) << 1) + pmvB -> iHalfX, yRefB = ((nycY + pmvB -> iMVY) << 1) + pmvB -> iHalfY;
- // CoordI xRefR = ((nxcY + pmvR -> iMVX) << 1) + pmvR -> iHalfX, yRefR = ((nycY + pmvR -> iMVY) << 1) + pmvR -> iHalfY;
- // CoordI xRefL = ((nxcY + pmvL -> iMVX) << 1) + pmvL -> iHalfX, yRefL = ((nycY + pmvL -> iMVY) << 1) + pmvL -> iHalfY;
- limitMVRangeToExtendedBBHalfPel (xRefC,yRefC,prctMVLimit,BLOCK_SIZE);
- limitMVRangeToExtendedBBHalfPel (xRefT,yRefT,prctMVLimit,BLOCK_SIZE);
- limitMVRangeToExtendedBBHalfPel (xRefB,yRefB,prctMVLimit,BLOCK_SIZE);
- limitMVRangeToExtendedBBHalfPel (xRefR,yRefR,prctMVLimit,BLOCK_SIZE);
- limitMVRangeToExtendedBBHalfPel (xRefL,yRefL,prctMVLimit,BLOCK_SIZE);
- Bool bXSubPxlC = (xRefC & 1), bYSubPxlC = (yRefC & 1),
- bXSubPxlT = (xRefT & 1), bYSubPxlT = (yRefT & 1),
- bXSubPxlB = (xRefB & 1), bYSubPxlB = (yRefB & 1),
- bXSubPxlR = (xRefR & 1), bYSubPxlR = (yRefR & 1),
- bXSubPxlL = (xRefL & 1), bYSubPxlL = (yRefL & 1);
- // 5 starting pos. in Zoomed Ref. Frames
- const PixelC* ppxliPrevYC = ppxlcRefLeftTop + ((yRefC >> 1) + EXPANDY_REF_FRAME) * m_iFrameWidthY + (xRefC >> 1) + EXPANDY_REF_FRAME;
- const PixelC* ppxliPrevYT = ppxlcRefLeftTop + ((yRefT >> 1) + EXPANDY_REF_FRAME) * m_iFrameWidthY + (xRefT >> 1) + EXPANDY_REF_FRAME;
- const PixelC* ppxliPrevYB = ppxlcRefLeftTop + ((yRefB >> 1) + EXPANDY_REF_FRAME) * m_iFrameWidthY + (xRefB >> 1) + EXPANDY_REF_FRAME;
- const PixelC* ppxliPrevYR = ppxlcRefLeftTop + ((yRefR >> 1) + EXPANDY_REF_FRAME) * m_iFrameWidthY + (xRefR >> 1) + EXPANDY_REF_FRAME;
- const PixelC* ppxliPrevYL = ppxlcRefLeftTop + ((yRefL >> 1) + EXPANDY_REF_FRAME) * m_iFrameWidthY + (xRefL >> 1) + EXPANDY_REF_FRAME;
- UInt *pWghtC, *pWghtT, *pWghtB, *pWghtR, *pWghtL;
- pWghtC = (UInt*) gWghtC;
- pWghtT = (UInt*) gWghtT;
- pWghtB = (UInt*) gWghtB + 32;
- pWghtR = (UInt*) gWghtR;
- pWghtL = (UInt*) gWghtL;
- UInt* uiOvrlpPredY = gOvrlpPredY;
- if (bXSubPxlC && bYSubPxlC)
- bilnrMCVH (uiOvrlpPredY, ppxliPrevYC, pWghtC, 0, 8, 0, 8, FALSE);
- else if (bXSubPxlC && !bYSubPxlC)
- bilnrMCH (uiOvrlpPredY, ppxliPrevYC, pWghtC, 0, 8, 0, 8, FALSE);
- else if (!bXSubPxlC && bYSubPxlC)
- bilnrMCV (uiOvrlpPredY, ppxliPrevYC, pWghtC, 0, 8, 0, 8, FALSE);
- else // (!bXSubPxlC && !bYSubPxlC)
- bilnrMC (uiOvrlpPredY, ppxliPrevYC, pWghtC, 0, 8, 0, 8, FALSE);
- if (bXSubPxlT && bYSubPxlT)
- bilnrMCVH (uiOvrlpPredY, ppxliPrevYT, pWghtT, 0, 8, 0, 4, TRUE);
- else if (bXSubPxlT && !bYSubPxlT)
- bilnrMCH (uiOvrlpPredY, ppxliPrevYT, pWghtT, 0, 8, 0, 4, TRUE);
- else if (!bXSubPxlT && bYSubPxlT)
- bilnrMCV (uiOvrlpPredY, ppxliPrevYT, pWghtT, 0, 8, 0, 4, TRUE);
- else // (!bXSubPxlT && !bYSubPxlT)
- bilnrMC (uiOvrlpPredY, ppxliPrevYT, pWghtT, 0, 8, 0, 4, TRUE);
- if (bXSubPxlB && bYSubPxlB)
- bilnrMCVH (&uiOvrlpPredY [32], ppxliPrevYB + (m_iFrameWidthY << 2), pWghtB, 0, 8, 4, 8, TRUE);
- else if (bXSubPxlB && !bYSubPxlB)
- bilnrMCH (&uiOvrlpPredY [32], ppxliPrevYB + (m_iFrameWidthY << 2), pWghtB, 0, 8, 4, 8, TRUE);
- else if (!bXSubPxlB && bYSubPxlB)
- bilnrMCV (&uiOvrlpPredY [32], ppxliPrevYB + (m_iFrameWidthY << 2), pWghtB, 0, 8, 4, 8, TRUE);
- else // (!bXSubPxlB && !bYSubPxlB)
- bilnrMC (&uiOvrlpPredY [32], ppxliPrevYB + (m_iFrameWidthY << 2), pWghtB, 0, 8, 4, 8, TRUE);
- if (bXSubPxlR && bYSubPxlR)
- bilnrMCVH (uiOvrlpPredY, ppxliPrevYR, pWghtR, 4, 8, 0, 8, TRUE);
- else if (bXSubPxlR && !bYSubPxlR)
- bilnrMCH (uiOvrlpPredY, ppxliPrevYR, pWghtR, 4, 8, 0, 8, TRUE);
- else if (!bXSubPxlR && bYSubPxlR)
- bilnrMCV (uiOvrlpPredY, ppxliPrevYR, pWghtR, 4, 8, 0, 8, TRUE);
- else // (!bXSubPxlR && !bYSubPxlR)
- bilnrMC (uiOvrlpPredY, ppxliPrevYR, pWghtR, 4, 8, 0, 8, TRUE);
- if (bXSubPxlL && bYSubPxlL)
- bilnrMCVH (uiOvrlpPredY, ppxliPrevYL, pWghtL, 0, 4, 0, 8, TRUE);
- else if (bXSubPxlL && !bYSubPxlL)
- bilnrMCH (uiOvrlpPredY, ppxliPrevYL, pWghtL, 0, 4, 0, 8, TRUE);
- else if (!bXSubPxlL && bYSubPxlL)
- bilnrMCV (uiOvrlpPredY, ppxliPrevYL, pWghtL, 0, 4, 0, 8, TRUE);
- else // (!bXSubPxlL && !bYSubPxlL)
- bilnrMC (uiOvrlpPredY, ppxliPrevYL, pWghtL, 0, 4, 0, 8, TRUE);
- PixelC* ppxliPredY = ppxlcPredMB + dxc + dyc * MB_SIZE; // Starting of Pred. Frame
- for (UInt iy = 0; iy < BLOCK_SIZE; iy++){
- for (UInt ix = 0; ix < BLOCK_SIZE; ix++)
- *ppxliPredY++= (*uiOvrlpPredY++ + 4) >> 3;
- ppxliPredY += BLOCK_SIZE;
- }
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObject::bilnrMCVH (UInt* PredY, const PixelC* ppxliPrevYC, UInt* pMWght, UInt xlow, UInt xhigh, UInt ylow, UInt yhigh, Bool bAdd)
- {
- const PixelC* ppxliPrevYCBot = ppxliPrevYC + m_iFrameWidthY;
- if (bAdd)
- for (UInt iy = ylow; iy < yhigh; iy++) {
- for (UInt ix = xlow; ix < xhigh; ix++)
- // PredY [ix] += ((UInt) (ppxliPrevYC [ix] + ppxliPrevYC [ix + 1] + ppxliPrevYCBot [ix] + ppxliPrevYCBot[ix+1] + 2) >> 2) * pMWght [ix];
- PredY [ix] += ((UInt) (ppxliPrevYC [ix] + ppxliPrevYC [ix + 1] + ppxliPrevYCBot [ix] + ppxliPrevYCBot[ix+1] + 2 - m_vopmd.iRoundingControl) >> 2) * pMWght [ix];
- ppxliPrevYC += m_iFrameWidthY;
- ppxliPrevYCBot += m_iFrameWidthY;
- PredY += BLOCK_SIZE;
- pMWght += BLOCK_SIZE;
- }
- else
- for (UInt iy = ylow; iy < yhigh; iy++) {
- for (UInt ix = xlow; ix < xhigh; ix++)
- // PredY [ix] = ((UInt) (ppxliPrevYC [ix] + ppxliPrevYC [ix + 1] + ppxliPrevYCBot [ix] + ppxliPrevYCBot[ix+1] + 2) >> 2) * pMWght [ix];
- PredY [ix] = ((UInt) (ppxliPrevYC [ix] + ppxliPrevYC [ix + 1] + ppxliPrevYCBot [ix] + ppxliPrevYCBot[ix+1] + 2 - m_vopmd.iRoundingControl) >> 2) * pMWght [ix];
- ppxliPrevYC += m_iFrameWidthY;
- ppxliPrevYCBot += m_iFrameWidthY;
- PredY += BLOCK_SIZE;
- pMWght += BLOCK_SIZE;
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObject::bilnrMCV (UInt* PredY, const PixelC* ppxliPrevYC, UInt* pMWght, UInt xlow, UInt xhigh, UInt ylow, UInt yhigh, Bool bAdd)
- {
- const PixelC* ppxliPrevYCBot = ppxliPrevYC + m_iFrameWidthY;
- if (bAdd)
- for (UInt iy = ylow; iy < yhigh; iy++) {
- for (UInt ix = xlow; ix < xhigh; ix++)
- // PredY [ix] += ((UInt) (ppxliPrevYC [ix] + ppxliPrevYCBot [ix] + 1) >> 1) * pMWght [ix];
- PredY [ix] += ((UInt) (ppxliPrevYC [ix] + ppxliPrevYCBot [ix] + 1 - m_vopmd.iRoundingControl) >> 1) * pMWght [ix];
- ppxliPrevYC += m_iFrameWidthY;
- ppxliPrevYCBot += m_iFrameWidthY;
- PredY += BLOCK_SIZE;
- pMWght += BLOCK_SIZE;
- }
- else
- for (UInt iy = ylow; iy < yhigh; iy++) {
- for (UInt ix = xlow; ix < xhigh; ix++)
- // PredY [ix] = ((UInt) (ppxliPrevYC [ix] + ppxliPrevYCBot [ix] + 1) >> 1) * pMWght [ix];
- PredY [ix] = ((UInt) (ppxliPrevYC [ix] + ppxliPrevYCBot [ix] + 1 - m_vopmd.iRoundingControl) >> 1) * pMWght [ix];
- ppxliPrevYC += m_iFrameWidthY;
- ppxliPrevYCBot += m_iFrameWidthY;
- PredY += BLOCK_SIZE;
- pMWght += BLOCK_SIZE;
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObject::bilnrMCH (UInt* PredY, const PixelC* ppxliPrevYC, UInt* pMWght, UInt xlow, UInt xhigh, UInt ylow, UInt yhigh, Bool bAdd)
- {
- //PixelC* ppxliPrevYCBot = ppxliPrevYC + m_iFrameWidthY;
- if (bAdd)
- for (UInt iy = ylow; iy < yhigh; iy++) {
- for (UInt ix = xlow; ix < xhigh; ix++)
- // PredY [ix] += ((UInt) (ppxliPrevYC [ix] + ppxliPrevYC [ix + 1] + 1) >> 1) * pMWght [ix];
- PredY [ix] += ((UInt) (ppxliPrevYC [ix] + ppxliPrevYC [ix + 1] + 1 - m_vopmd.iRoundingControl) >> 1) * pMWght [ix];
- ppxliPrevYC += m_iFrameWidthY;
- PredY += BLOCK_SIZE;
- pMWght += BLOCK_SIZE;
- }
- else
- for (UInt iy = ylow; iy < yhigh; iy++) {
- for (UInt ix = xlow; ix < xhigh; ix++)
- // PredY [ix] = ((UInt) (ppxliPrevYC [ix] + ppxliPrevYC [ix + 1] + 1) >> 1) * pMWght [ix];
- PredY [ix] = ((UInt) (ppxliPrevYC [ix] + ppxliPrevYC [ix + 1] + 1 - m_vopmd.iRoundingControl) >> 1) * pMWght [ix];
- ppxliPrevYC += m_iFrameWidthY;
- PredY += BLOCK_SIZE;
- pMWght += BLOCK_SIZE;
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObject::bilnrMC (UInt* PredY, const PixelC* ppxliPrevYC, UInt* pMWght, UInt xlow, UInt xhigh, UInt ylow, UInt yhigh, Bool bAdd)
- {
- //PixelC* ppxliPrevYCBot = ppxliPrevYC + m_iFrameWidthY;
- if (bAdd)
- for (UInt iy = ylow; iy < yhigh; iy++) {
- for (UInt ix = xlow; ix < xhigh; ix++)
- PredY [ix] += (UInt) ppxliPrevYC [ix] * pMWght[ix];
- ppxliPrevYC += m_iFrameWidthY;
- PredY += BLOCK_SIZE;
- pMWght += BLOCK_SIZE;
- }
- else
- for (UInt iy = ylow; iy < yhigh; iy++) {
- for (UInt ix = xlow; ix < xhigh; ix++)
- PredY [ix] = (UInt) ppxliPrevYC [ix] * pMWght [ix];
- ppxliPrevYC += m_iFrameWidthY;
- PredY += BLOCK_SIZE;
- pMWght += BLOCK_SIZE;
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObject::motionCompBY (
- PixelC* ppxlcPred, // can be either Y or A
- const PixelC* ppxlcRefLeftTop,
- CoordI iXRef, CoordI iYRef // x + mvX in full pel unit
- )
- {
- CoordI iY;
- const PixelC* ppxlcRef = ppxlcRefLeftTop +
- (iYRef + EXPANDY_REF_FRAME) * m_iFrameWidthY + iXRef + EXPANDY_REF_FRAME;
- // bugfix: use the proper bounding rect (!), 981028 mwi
- Int iLeftBound;
- Int iRightBound;
- Int iTopBound;
- Int iBottomBound;
- if (m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP && m_vopmd.fShapeBPredDir == B_BACKWARD) {
- iLeftBound = max(0,m_rctRefVOPY1.left - iXRef);
- iRightBound = max(0,m_rctRefVOPY1.right - iXRef);
- iTopBound = max(0, - iYRef);
- iBottomBound = max(0,m_rctRefVOPY1.bottom - iYRef);
- }
- else {
- iLeftBound = max(0,m_rctRefVOPY0.left - iXRef);
- iRightBound = max(0,m_rctRefVOPY0.right - iXRef);
- iTopBound = max(0, - iYRef);
- iBottomBound = max(0,m_rctRefVOPY0.bottom - iYRef);
- }
- // ~bugfix: use the proper bounding rect
- iLeftBound = min(MC_BAB_SIZE,iLeftBound);
- iRightBound = min(MC_BAB_SIZE,iRightBound);
- iTopBound = min(MC_BAB_SIZE,iTopBound);
- iBottomBound = min(MC_BAB_SIZE,iBottomBound);
- Int iHeightMax = iBottomBound-iTopBound;
- Int iWidthMax = iRightBound-iLeftBound;
- if (iHeightMax == MC_BAB_SIZE && iWidthMax == MC_BAB_SIZE) {
- for (iY = 0; iY < MC_BAB_SIZE; iY++) {
- memcpy (ppxlcPred, ppxlcRef, MC_BAB_SIZE*sizeof(PixelC));
- ppxlcRef += m_iFrameWidthY;
- ppxlcPred += MC_BAB_SIZE;
- }
- } else if(iWidthMax == 0 || iHeightMax==0)
- for (iY = 0; iY < MC_BAB_SIZE; iY++) {
- memset (ppxlcPred, 0, MC_BAB_SIZE*sizeof(PixelC));
- ppxlcPred += MC_BAB_SIZE;
- }
- else {
- for (iY = 0; iY < MC_BAB_SIZE; iY++) {
- if(iY<iTopBound || iY>=iBottomBound)
- memset (ppxlcPred, 0, MC_BAB_SIZE*sizeof(PixelC)); // clear row
- else
- {
- if(iLeftBound>0)
- memset (ppxlcPred, 0, iLeftBound*sizeof(PixelC)); // clear left hand span
- if(iRightBound<MC_BAB_SIZE)
- memset (ppxlcPred+iRightBound, 0, (MC_BAB_SIZE-iRightBound)*sizeof(PixelC)); // right span
- memcpy (ppxlcPred+iLeftBound, ppxlcRef+iLeftBound, iWidthMax*sizeof(PixelC)); // copy middle region
- }
- ppxlcRef += m_iFrameWidthY;
- ppxlcPred += MC_BAB_SIZE;
- }
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObject::copyFromRefToCurrQ (
- const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcRef, // reference VOP
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBY, PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBU, PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBV,
- CRct *prctMVLimit
- )
- {
- // needs limiting to reference area bounding box
- limitMVRangeToExtendedBBFullPel(x,y,prctMVLimit,MB_SIZE);
- Int iOffsetY = (y + EXPANDY_REF_FRAME) * m_iFrameWidthY + x + EXPANDY_REF_FRAME;
- Int iOffsetUV = (y / 2 + EXPANDUV_REF_FRAME) * m_iFrameWidthUV + x / 2 + EXPANDUV_REF_FRAME;
- const PixelC* ppxlcRefMBY = pvopcRef->pixelsY () + iOffsetY;
- const PixelC* ppxlcRefMBU = pvopcRef->pixelsU () + iOffsetUV;
- const PixelC* ppxlcRefMBV = pvopcRef->pixelsV () + iOffsetUV;
- CoordI iY;
- for (iY = 0; iY < BLOCK_SIZE; iY++) {
- memcpy (ppxlcCurrQMBY, ppxlcRefMBY, MB_SIZE*sizeof(PixelC));
- memcpy (ppxlcCurrQMBU, ppxlcRefMBU, BLOCK_SIZE*sizeof(PixelC));
- memcpy (ppxlcCurrQMBV, ppxlcRefMBV, BLOCK_SIZE*sizeof(PixelC));
- ppxlcCurrQMBY += m_iFrameWidthY; ppxlcRefMBY += m_iFrameWidthY;
- ppxlcCurrQMBU += m_iFrameWidthUV; ppxlcRefMBU += m_iFrameWidthUV;
- ppxlcCurrQMBV += m_iFrameWidthUV; ppxlcRefMBV += m_iFrameWidthUV;
- memcpy (ppxlcCurrQMBY, ppxlcRefMBY, MB_SIZE*sizeof(PixelC));
- ppxlcCurrQMBY += m_iFrameWidthY; ppxlcRefMBY += m_iFrameWidthY;
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObject::copyFromRefToCurrQ_WithShape (
- const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcRef, // reference VOP
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBY, PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBU, PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBV, PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBBY
- )
- {
- Int iOffsetY = (y + EXPANDY_REF_FRAME) * m_iFrameWidthY + x + EXPANDY_REF_FRAME;
- Int iOffsetUV = (y / 2 + EXPANDUV_REF_FRAME) * m_iFrameWidthUV + x / 2 + EXPANDUV_REF_FRAME;
- const PixelC* ppxlcRefMBY = pvopcRef->pixelsY () + iOffsetY;
- const PixelC* ppxlcRefMBBY = pvopcRef->pixelsBY () + iOffsetY;
- const PixelC* ppxlcRefMBU = pvopcRef->pixelsU () + iOffsetUV;
- const PixelC* ppxlcRefMBV = pvopcRef->pixelsV () + iOffsetUV;
- CoordI iY;
- for (iY = 0; iY < BLOCK_SIZE; iY++) {
- memcpy (ppxlcCurrQMBY, ppxlcRefMBY, MB_SIZE*sizeof(PixelC));
- memcpy (ppxlcCurrQMBBY, ppxlcRefMBBY, MB_SIZE*sizeof(PixelC));
- memcpy (ppxlcCurrQMBU, ppxlcRefMBU, BLOCK_SIZE*sizeof(PixelC));
- memcpy (ppxlcCurrQMBV, ppxlcRefMBV, BLOCK_SIZE*sizeof(PixelC));
- ppxlcCurrQMBY += m_iFrameWidthY; ppxlcRefMBY += m_iFrameWidthY;
- ppxlcCurrQMBBY += m_iFrameWidthY; ppxlcRefMBBY += m_iFrameWidthY;
- ppxlcCurrQMBU += m_iFrameWidthUV; ppxlcRefMBU += m_iFrameWidthUV;
- ppxlcCurrQMBV += m_iFrameWidthUV; ppxlcRefMBV += m_iFrameWidthUV;
- memcpy (ppxlcCurrQMBY, ppxlcRefMBY, MB_SIZE*sizeof(PixelC));
- ppxlcCurrQMBY += m_iFrameWidthY; ppxlcRefMBY += m_iFrameWidthY;
- memcpy (ppxlcCurrQMBBY, ppxlcRefMBBY, MB_SIZE*sizeof(PixelC));
- ppxlcCurrQMBBY += m_iFrameWidthY; ppxlcRefMBBY += m_iFrameWidthY;
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObject::copyAlphaFromRefToCurrQ (
- const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcRef, // reference VOP
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBA,
- CRct *prctMVLimit
- )
- {
- // needs limiting to reference area bounding box
- limitMVRangeToExtendedBBFullPel(x,y,prctMVLimit,MB_SIZE);
- Int iOffsetY = (y + EXPANDY_REF_FRAME) * m_iFrameWidthY + x + EXPANDY_REF_FRAME;
- const PixelC* ppxlcRefMBA = pvopcRef->pixelsA () + iOffsetY;
- CoordI iY;
- for (iY = 0; iY < MB_SIZE; iY++) {
- memcpy (ppxlcCurrQMBA, ppxlcRefMBA, MB_SIZE*sizeof(PixelC));
- ppxlcCurrQMBA += m_iFrameWidthY;
- ppxlcRefMBA += m_iFrameWidthY;
- }
- }