资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*************************************************************************
- This software module was originally developed by
- Wei-ge Chen (, Microsoft Corporation
- (April, 1997)
- and edited by
- Wei Wu ( Rockwell Science Center
- and also edited by
- Yoshihiro Kikuchi (TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
- Toshiaki Watanabe (TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
- Noboru Yamaguchi (TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
- in the course of development of the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2).
- This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 Video tools
- as specified by the MPEG-4 Video.
- ISO/IEC gives users of the MPEG-4 Video free license to this software module or modifications
- thereof for use in hardware or software products claiming conformance to the MPEG-4 Video.
- Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software products are advised that its use may infringe existing patents.
- The original developer of this software module and his/her company,
- the subsequent editors and their companies,
- and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or modifications thereof in an implementation.
- Copyright is not released for non MPEG-4 Video conforming products.
- Microsoft retains full right to use the code for his/her own purpose,
- assign or donate the code to a third party and to inhibit third parties from using the code for non <MPEG standard> conforming products.
- This copyright notice must be included in all copies or derivative works.
- Copyright (c) 1996, 1997.
- Module Name:
- shpenc.hpp
- Abstract:
- binary shape encoder with context-based arithmatic coder
- Revision History:
- *************************************************************************/
- #include "typeapi.h"
- #include "entropy/entropy.hpp"
- #include "entropy/huffman.hpp"
- #include "entropy/bitstrm.hpp"
- #include "global.hpp"
- #include "mode.hpp"
- #include "codehead.h"
- #include "cae.h"
- #include "vopses.hpp"
- #ifdef __MFC_
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif // __MFC_
- own Int* CVideoObject::computeShapeSubBlkIndex (Int iSubBlkSize, Int iSrcSize)
- {
- Int* rgiShapeSubBlkIndex = new Int [MB_SIZE * MB_SIZE / iSubBlkSize / iSubBlkSize];
- Int nBorderLine = (iSrcSize - MB_SIZE) / 2;
- CoordI iX, iY, i = 0;
- for (iY = nBorderLine; iY < (MB_SIZE + nBorderLine); iY += iSubBlkSize) {
- for (iX = nBorderLine; iX < (MB_SIZE + nBorderLine); iX += iSubBlkSize)
- rgiShapeSubBlkIndex [i++] = iY * iSrcSize + iX;
- }
- return rgiShapeSubBlkIndex;
- }
- Void CVideoObject::downSampleShapeMCPred(const PixelC*ppxlcSrc,
- PixelC* ppxlcDst,Int iRate)
- {
- assert(iRate==1 || iRate==2 || iRate==4);
- static Int rgiScan[16] = {0,1,MC_BAB_SIZE,MC_BAB_SIZE+1,
- static Int rgiThresh[5] = {0,0,MPEG4_OPAQUE,0,7*MPEG4_OPAQUE};
- Int iBdrThresh=0;
- if(iRate>2)
- iBdrThresh=MPEG4_OPAQUE;
- Int iThreshold = rgiThresh[iRate];
- #ifdef __TRACE_AND_STATS_
- //m_pbitstrmOut->trace ((PixelC*)ppxlcSrc, MC_BAB_SIZE, MC_BAB_SIZE, "MB_MC_BAB_ORIG");
- #endif //__TRACE_AND_STATS_
- const PixelC *ppxlcSrcScan = ppxlcSrc+(MC_BAB_SIZE+1)*MC_BAB_BORDER;
- PixelC *ppxlcDstScan = ppxlcDst+(iDstSize+1)*MC_BAB_BORDER;
- Int iX,iY,i,iSum,iSum1,iSum2,iSum3,iSum4;
- Int iRateSqd=iRate*iRate;
- const PixelC *ppxlcSrcBdr1 = ppxlcSrc+MC_BAB_SIZE*MC_BAB_BORDER;
- const PixelC *ppxlcSrcBdr2 = ppxlcSrc+2*MC_BAB_SIZE-1;
- const PixelC *ppxlcSrcBdr3 = ppxlcSrc+MC_BAB_BORDER;
- const PixelC *ppxlcSrcBdr4 = ppxlcSrc+MC_BAB_SIZE*(MC_BAB_SIZE-1)+MC_BAB_BORDER;
- PixelC *ppxlcDstBdr1 = ppxlcDst+iDstSize*MC_BAB_BORDER;
- PixelC *ppxlcDstBdr2 = ppxlcDst+2*iDstSize-1;
- PixelC *ppxlcDstBdr3 = ppxlcDst+MC_BAB_BORDER;
- PixelC *ppxlcDstBdr4 = ppxlcDst+iDstSize*(iDstSize-1)+MC_BAB_BORDER;
- for(iY=MC_BAB_BORDER;iY<iDstSize-MC_BAB_BORDER;iY++)
- {
- for(iX=MC_BAB_BORDER;iX<iDstSize-MC_BAB_BORDER;iX++,ppxlcDstScan++)
- {
- iSum=0;
- for(i=0;i<iRateSqd;i++)
- iSum+=ppxlcSrcScan[rgiScan[i]];
- *ppxlcDstScan=(iSum>iThreshold)?MPEG4_OPAQUE:MPEG4_TRANSPARENT;
- ppxlcSrcScan+=iRate;
- }
- ppxlcDstScan+=2*MC_BAB_BORDER;
- // border
- iSum1=iSum2=iSum3=iSum4=0;
- for(i=0;i<iRate;i++)
- {
- iSum1+=ppxlcSrcBdr1[i*MC_BAB_SIZE];
- iSum2+=ppxlcSrcBdr2[i*MC_BAB_SIZE];
- iSum3+=ppxlcSrcBdr3[i];
- iSum4+=ppxlcSrcBdr4[i];
- }
- *ppxlcDstBdr1=(iSum1>iBdrThresh)?MPEG4_OPAQUE:MPEG4_TRANSPARENT;
- *ppxlcDstBdr2=(iSum2>iBdrThresh)?MPEG4_OPAQUE:MPEG4_TRANSPARENT;
- *ppxlcDstBdr3++=(iSum3>iBdrThresh)?MPEG4_OPAQUE:MPEG4_TRANSPARENT;
- *ppxlcDstBdr4++=(iSum4>iBdrThresh)?MPEG4_OPAQUE:MPEG4_TRANSPARENT;
- ppxlcDstBdr1+=iDstSize;
- ppxlcDstBdr2+=iDstSize;
- ppxlcSrcBdr1+=MC_BAB_SIZE*iRate;
- ppxlcSrcBdr2+=MC_BAB_SIZE*iRate;
- ppxlcSrcBdr3+=iRate;
- ppxlcSrcBdr4+=iRate;
- }
- // corners
- ppxlcDst[0]=ppxlcSrc[0];
- ppxlcDst[iDstSize-1]=ppxlcSrc[MC_BAB_SIZE-1];
- ppxlcDst[(iDstSize-1)*iDstSize]=ppxlcSrc[(MC_BAB_SIZE-1)*MC_BAB_SIZE];
- ppxlcDst[iDstSize*iDstSize-1]=ppxlcSrc[MC_BAB_SIZE*MC_BAB_SIZE-1];
- #ifdef __TRACE_AND_STATS_
- //m_pbitstrmOut->trace ((PixelC*)ppxlcDst, iDstSize, iDstSize, "MB_MC_BAB_DOWN");
- #endif // __TRACE_AND_STATS_
- }
- Void CVideoObject::upSampleShape(PixelC*ppxlcBYFrm,const PixelC* rgpxlcSrc, PixelC* rgpxlcDst)
- {
- if(m_iInverseCR==2)
- adaptiveUpSampleShape(rgpxlcSrc, rgpxlcDst,8,8);
- else
- {
- static PixelC rgpxlcTmp[12*12];
- assert(m_iInverseCR==4);
- adaptiveUpSampleShape(rgpxlcSrc, rgpxlcTmp,4,4);
- Int iSizeTmp=12;
- Int iSizeSrc=8;
- Int i,j;
- // top left corner
- rgpxlcTmp[0]=rgpxlcSrc[0];
- rgpxlcTmp[1]=rgpxlcSrc[1];
- rgpxlcTmp[iSizeTmp]=rgpxlcSrc[iSizeSrc];
- rgpxlcTmp[iSizeTmp+1]=rgpxlcSrc[iSizeSrc+1];
- // top right corner
- rgpxlcTmp[iSizeTmp-2]=rgpxlcSrc[iSizeSrc-2];
- rgpxlcTmp[iSizeTmp-1]=rgpxlcSrc[iSizeSrc-1];
- rgpxlcTmp[(iSizeTmp<<1)-2]=rgpxlcSrc[(iSizeSrc<<1)-2];
- rgpxlcTmp[(iSizeTmp<<1)-1]=rgpxlcSrc[(iSizeSrc<<1)-1];
- // top border
- for(j=0;j<2;j++)
- for(i=BAB_BORDER;i<iSizeTmp-BAB_BORDER;i++)
- rgpxlcTmp[j*iSizeTmp+i]=rgpxlcSrc[j*iSizeSrc+i/2+1];
- // left border
- for(i=0;i<2;i++)
- for(j=BAB_BORDER;j<iSizeTmp-BAB_BORDER;j++)
- rgpxlcTmp[j*iSizeTmp+i]=rgpxlcSrc[(j/2+1)*iSizeSrc+i];
- /*Int iTmp = m_iWidthCurrBAB;
- m_iInverseCR = 2;
- m_iWidthCurrBAB = 12;
- subsampleLeftTopBorderFromVOP (ppxlcBYFrm, rgpxlcTmp);
- m_iInverseCR = 4;
- m_iWidthCurrBAB = iTmp;*/
- adaptiveUpSampleShape(rgpxlcTmp, rgpxlcDst,8,8);
- }
- }
- Int CVideoObject::getContextUS( PixelC a,
- PixelC b,
- PixelC c,
- PixelC d,
- PixelC e,
- PixelC f,
- PixelC g,
- PixelC h)
- {
- Int ret =(Int)(a+(b<<1)+(c<<2)+(d<<3)+(e<<4)+(f<<5)+(g<<6)+(h<<7));
- return ret;
- }
- PixelC CVideoObject::getRefValue(const PixelC* ppxlcRow,
- Int x_adr, Int y_adr,
- Int h_size, Int v_size)
- {
- assert ((x_adr>=-2) && (x_adr<=h_size+1) && (y_adr>=-2) && (y_adr<=v_size+1));
- Int x_lim, y_lim;
- PixelC ret;
- if(x_adr>=0 && x_adr<h_size && y_adr>=0 && y_adr<v_size) {
- ret=(ppxlcRow[y_adr*(h_size+BAB_BORDER_BOTH)+x_adr]>0) ? 1 : 0;
- } else {
- if(y_adr<0 || (x_adr<0 && y_adr<v_size)) {
- ret=(ppxlcRow[y_adr*(h_size+BAB_BORDER_BOTH)+x_adr]>0) ? 1 : 0;
- } else {
- x_lim=(x_adr<0)? 0: (x_adr>=h_size)? h_size-1 :x_adr;
- y_lim=(y_adr<0)? 0: (y_adr>=v_size)? v_size-1 :y_adr;
- ret=(ppxlcRow[y_lim*(h_size+BAB_BORDER_BOTH)+x_lim]>0) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }
- Void CVideoObject::adaptiveUpSampleShape (const PixelC* rgpxlcSrc,
- PixelC* rgpxlcDst,
- Int h_size, Int v_size)
- {
- Int x[12], y[12], other_total, context, rvalue, th, m;
- Int width_up = h_size << 1;
- Int width_up_border = width_up + BAB_BORDER_BOTH;
- Int j, i, py, px, py_st, py_en, px_st, px_en, py_p;
- PixelC val[12];
- const PixelC* ppxlcRow = rgpxlcSrc + BAB_BORDER+BAB_BORDER * (h_size + BAB_BORDER_BOTH);
- /* -- 4 5 -- */
- /* 6 0 1 7 */
- /* 8 2 3 9 */
- /* -- 10 11 -- */
- for (j = -1; j < v_size; j++) {
- y[0] = y[1] = y[6] =y[7] = j;
- y[2] = y[3] = y[8] =y[9] = j + 1;
- y[4] = y[5] = j - 1;
- y[10]= y[11]= j + 2;
- if (j > -1)
- py_st = 0;
- else
- py_st = 1;
- if (j < v_size - 1)
- py_en = 2;
- else
- py_en = 1;
- for(i = -1; i < h_size; i++) {
- x[0] = x[2] = x[4] = x[10] = i;
- x[1] = x[3] = x[5] = x[11] = i+1;
- x[6] = x[8] = i - 1;
- x[7] = x[9] = i + 2;
- for(m = 0; m < 12; m++)
- val[m] = getRefValue (ppxlcRow, x[m], y[m], h_size, v_size);
- if (i > -1)
- px_st = 0;
- else
- px_st = 1;
- if (i < h_size-1)
- px_en = 2;
- else
- px_en=1;
- other_total = val[4] + val[5] + val[6] + val[7] + val[8] + val[9] + val[10] + val[11];
- for (py = py_st; py < py_en; py++) {
- py_p = ((j << 1) + 1 + py + BAB_BORDER) * width_up_border + (i << 1) + 1;
- for (px = px_st; px < px_en; px++) {
- if(px < 1 && py < 1) {
- context = getContextUS (val[5], val[4], val[6], val[8], val[10], val[11], val[9], val[7]);
- th = grgchInterpolationFilterTh[context];
- rvalue = (val[0] << 2) + ((val[1] + val[2] + val[3]) << 1) + other_total;
- }
- else if (py < 1) {
- context = getContextUS(val[9], val[7], val[5], val[4], val[6], val[8], val[10], val[11]);
- th = grgchInterpolationFilterTh [context];
- rvalue = (val[1] << 2) + ((val[0] + val[2] + val[3]) << 1) + other_total;
- }
- else if (px < 1) {
- context = getContextUS(val[6], val[8], val[10], val[11], val[9], val[7], val[5], val[4]);
- th = grgchInterpolationFilterTh [context];
- rvalue = (val[2] << 2) + ((val[1] + val[0] + val[3]) << 1) + other_total;
- }
- else {
- context = getContextUS(val[10], val[11], val[9], val[7], val[5], val[4], val[6], val[8]);
- th = grgchInterpolationFilterTh [context];
- rvalue = (val[3] << 2) + ((val[1] + val[2] + val[0]) << 1) + other_total;
- }
- rgpxlcDst [py_p+(px+BAB_BORDER)] = (rvalue > th) ? opaqueValue: transpValue;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObject::copyLeftTopBorderFromVOP (PixelC* ppxlcSrc, PixelC* ppxlcDst)
- {
- PixelC* ppxlcSrcTop1 = ppxlcSrc - BAB_BORDER * m_iFrameWidthY - BAB_BORDER;
- PixelC* ppxlcSrcTop2 = ppxlcSrcTop1 + m_iFrameWidthY;
- PixelC* ppxlcSrcLeft1 = ppxlcSrcTop1;
- PixelC* ppxlcSrcLeft2 = ppxlcSrcLeft1 + 1;
- PixelC* ppxlcDstTop1 = ppxlcDst;
- PixelC* ppxlcDstTop2 = ppxlcDst + TOTAL_BAB_SIZE;
- PixelC* ppxlcDstLeft = ppxlcDst;
- CoordI iPixel;
- // Modified for error resilient mode by Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- for (iPixel = 0; iPixel < BAB_BORDER; iPixel++) {
- if (!m_bVPNoLeftTop) {
- ppxlcDstTop1 [iPixel] = *ppxlcSrcTop1;
- //src pixel never out of bound due to padding of Ref1
- ppxlcDstTop2 [iPixel] = *ppxlcSrcTop2;
- //BY should be intialized as zero outside of VOP
- }
- else {
- ppxlcDstTop1 [iPixel] = (PixelC) 0;
- ppxlcDstTop2 [iPixel] = (PixelC) 0;
- }
- ppxlcSrcTop1++;
- ppxlcSrcTop2++;
- }
- for (iPixel = BAB_BORDER; iPixel < TOTAL_BAB_SIZE-BAB_BORDER; iPixel++) {
- if (!m_bVPNoTop) {
- ppxlcDstTop1 [iPixel] = *ppxlcSrcTop1;
- //src pixel never out of bound due to padding of Ref1
- ppxlcDstTop2 [iPixel] = *ppxlcSrcTop2;
- //BY should be intialized as zero outside of VOP
- }
- else {
- ppxlcDstTop1 [iPixel] = (PixelC) 0;
- ppxlcDstTop2 [iPixel] = (PixelC) 0;
- }
- ppxlcSrcTop1++;
- ppxlcSrcTop2++;
- }
- for (iPixel = TOTAL_BAB_SIZE-BAB_BORDER; iPixel < TOTAL_BAB_SIZE; iPixel++) {
- if (!m_bVPNoRightTop) {
- ppxlcDstTop1 [iPixel] = *ppxlcSrcTop1;
- //src pixel never out of bound due to padding of Ref1
- ppxlcDstTop2 [iPixel] = *ppxlcSrcTop2;
- //BY should be intialized as zero outside of VOP
- }
- else {
- ppxlcDstTop1 [iPixel] = (PixelC) 0;
- ppxlcDstTop2 [iPixel] = (PixelC) 0;
- }
- ppxlcSrcTop1++;
- ppxlcSrcTop2++;
- }
- ppxlcSrcLeft1 += BAB_BORDER*m_iFrameWidthY;
- ppxlcSrcLeft2 += BAB_BORDER*m_iFrameWidthY;
- for (iPixel = BAB_BORDER; iPixel < TOTAL_BAB_SIZE; iPixel++) {
- if (!m_bVPNoLeft) {
- *ppxlcDstLeft = *ppxlcSrcLeft1;
- *(ppxlcDstLeft + 1) = *ppxlcSrcLeft2;
- }
- else {
- *ppxlcDstLeft = (PixelC) 0;
- *(ppxlcDstLeft + 1) = (PixelC) 0;
- }
- ppxlcSrcLeft1 += m_iFrameWidthY;
- ppxlcSrcLeft2 += m_iFrameWidthY;
- ppxlcDstLeft += TOTAL_BAB_SIZE; //last two values of left border will be over written after the loop
- }
- //repeat pad the left border (this will be done again in right bottom border; improve in the future)
- if (!m_bVPNoLeft) {
- Int iLastValidSrcLeft1 = *(ppxlcSrcLeft1 - (BAB_BORDER+1) * m_iFrameWidthY);
- Int iLastValidSrcLeft2 = *(ppxlcSrcLeft2 - (BAB_BORDER+1) * m_iFrameWidthY);
- for (iPixel = 0; iPixel < BAB_BORDER; iPixel++) {
- ppxlcDstLeft -= TOTAL_BAB_SIZE;
- *ppxlcDstLeft = iLastValidSrcLeft1;
- *(ppxlcDstLeft + 1) = iLastValidSrcLeft2;
- }
- }
- // End Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- }
- Void CVideoObject::subsampleLeftTopBorderFromVOP (PixelC* ppxlcSrc, PixelC* ppxlcDst)
- {
- PixelC* ppxlcSrcTop1 = ppxlcSrc - BAB_BORDER * m_iFrameWidthY - BAB_BORDER;
- PixelC* ppxlcSrcTop2 = ppxlcSrcTop1 + m_iFrameWidthY;
- PixelC* ppxlcSrcLft1 = ppxlcSrcTop1;
- PixelC* ppxlcSrcLft2 = ppxlcSrcLft1 + 1;
- PixelC* ppxlcDstTop1 = ppxlcDst;
- PixelC* ppxlcDstTop2 = ppxlcDst + m_iWidthCurrBAB;
- PixelC* ppxlcDstLft1 = ppxlcDst;
- PixelC* ppxlcDstLft2 = ppxlcDst + 1;
- Int iThresh = (m_iInverseCR == 2) ? 0 : opaqueValue;
- CoordI iPixel, iPixelSub, iSampleInterval;
- // Modified for error resilient mode by Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- for (iPixelSub = BAB_BORDER, iSampleInterval = BAB_BORDER;
- iPixelSub < m_iWidthCurrBAB - BAB_BORDER;
- iPixelSub++, iSampleInterval += m_iInverseCR) { //get each subsample
- Int iTempSumTop1 = 0, iTempSumTop2 = 0;
- Int iTempSumLft1 = 0, iTempSumLft2 = 0;
- for (iPixel = 0; iPixel < m_iInverseCR; iPixel++) {
- iTempSumTop1 += ppxlcSrcTop1 [iSampleInterval + iPixel];
- iTempSumTop2 += ppxlcSrcTop2 [iSampleInterval + iPixel];
- iTempSumLft1 += ppxlcSrcLft1 [(iSampleInterval + iPixel) * m_iFrameWidthY];
- iTempSumLft2 += ppxlcSrcLft2 [(iSampleInterval + iPixel) * m_iFrameWidthY];
- }
- if (!m_bVPNoTop) {
- ppxlcDstTop1 [iPixelSub] = (iTempSumTop1 > iThresh) ? opaqueValue : transpValue;
- ppxlcDstTop2 [iPixelSub] = (iTempSumTop2 > iThresh) ? opaqueValue : transpValue;
- }
- else {
- ppxlcDstTop1 [iPixelSub] = 0;
- ppxlcDstTop2 [iPixelSub] = 0;
- }
- if (!m_bVPNoLeft) {
- ppxlcDstLft1 [iPixelSub * m_iWidthCurrBAB] = (iTempSumLft1 > iThresh) ? opaqueValue : transpValue;
- ppxlcDstLft2 [iPixelSub * m_iWidthCurrBAB] = (iTempSumLft2 > iThresh) ? opaqueValue : transpValue;
- }
- else {
- ppxlcDstLft1 [iPixelSub * m_iWidthCurrBAB] = 0;
- ppxlcDstLft2 [iPixelSub * m_iWidthCurrBAB] = 0;
- }
- }
- //boundary conditions 0, 1, 18, 19
- CoordI iBorder;
- for (iBorder = 0; iBorder < BAB_BORDER; iBorder++) {
- if (!m_bVPNoLeftTop) {
- ppxlcDstTop1 [iBorder] = ppxlcSrcTop1 [iBorder];
- ppxlcDstTop2 [iBorder] = ppxlcSrcTop2 [iBorder];
- }
- else {
- ppxlcDstTop1 [iBorder] = 0;
- ppxlcDstTop2 [iBorder] = 0;
- }
- if (!m_bVPNoRightTop) {
- ppxlcDstTop1 [m_iWidthCurrBAB - 1 - iBorder] = ppxlcSrcTop1 [TOTAL_BAB_SIZE - 1 - iBorder];
- ppxlcDstTop2 [m_iWidthCurrBAB - 1 - iBorder] = ppxlcSrcTop2 [TOTAL_BAB_SIZE - 1 - iBorder];
- }
- else {
- ppxlcDstTop1 [m_iWidthCurrBAB - 1 - iBorder] = 0;
- ppxlcDstTop2 [m_iWidthCurrBAB - 1 - iBorder] = 0;
- }
- }
- // End Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- //repeat pad left-bottom corner
- ppxlcDstLft1 [(m_iWidthCurrBAB - 1) * m_iWidthCurrBAB] =
- ppxlcDstLft1 [(m_iWidthCurrBAB - 2) * m_iWidthCurrBAB] =
- ppxlcDstLft1 [(m_iWidthCurrBAB - 3) * m_iWidthCurrBAB];
- ppxlcDstLft2 [(m_iWidthCurrBAB - 1) * m_iWidthCurrBAB] =
- ppxlcDstLft2 [(m_iWidthCurrBAB - 2) * m_iWidthCurrBAB] =
- ppxlcDstLft2 [(m_iWidthCurrBAB - 3) * m_iWidthCurrBAB];
- }
- Void CVideoObject::makeRightBottomBorder (PixelC* ppxlcSrc, Int iWidth)
- {
- Int i;
- PixelC* ppxlcDst = ppxlcSrc + BAB_BORDER * iWidth + iWidth - BAB_BORDER; //make right border
- for (i = 0; i < iWidth - 2*BAB_BORDER; i++) {
- *ppxlcDst = *(ppxlcDst - 1);
- *(ppxlcDst + 1) = *ppxlcDst;
- ppxlcDst += iWidth;
- }
- ppxlcDst = ppxlcSrc + (iWidth - BAB_BORDER) * iWidth; //make bottom border
- for (i = 0; i < iWidth; i++) {
- *ppxlcDst = *(ppxlcDst - iWidth);
- *(ppxlcDst + iWidth) = *ppxlcDst;
- ppxlcDst++;
- }
- }
- Int CVideoObject::contextIntra (const PixelC* ppxlcSrc)
- {
- Int iContext = 0, i;
- static Int rgiNeighbourIndx [10];
- rgiNeighbourIndx [0] = -1;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [1] = -2;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [2] = -m_iWidthCurrBAB + 2;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [3] = -m_iWidthCurrBAB + 1;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [4] = -m_iWidthCurrBAB;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [5] = -m_iWidthCurrBAB - 1;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [6] = -m_iWidthCurrBAB - 2;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [7] = -2 * m_iWidthCurrBAB + 1;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [8] = -2 * m_iWidthCurrBAB;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [9] = -2 * m_iWidthCurrBAB - 1;
- for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
- iContext += (ppxlcSrc [rgiNeighbourIndx [i]] == MPEG4_OPAQUE) << i;
- assert (iContext >= 0 && iContext < 1024);
- return iContext;
- }
- Int CVideoObject::contextIntraTranspose (const PixelC* ppxlcSrc)
- {
- Int iContext = 0, i;
- static Int rgiNeighbourIndx [10];
- rgiNeighbourIndx [0] = -m_iWidthCurrBAB;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [1] = -2 * m_iWidthCurrBAB;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [2] = -1 + 2 * m_iWidthCurrBAB;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [3] = -1 + m_iWidthCurrBAB;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [4] = -1;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [5] = -m_iWidthCurrBAB - 1;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [6] = -1 - 2 * m_iWidthCurrBAB;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [7] = -2 + m_iWidthCurrBAB;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [8] = -2;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [9] = -2 - m_iWidthCurrBAB;
- for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
- iContext += (ppxlcSrc [rgiNeighbourIndx [i]] == MPEG4_OPAQUE) << i;
- assert (iContext >= 0 && iContext < 1024);
- return iContext;
- }
- Int CVideoObject::contextInter (const PixelC* ppxlcSrc, const PixelC* ppxlcPred)
- {
- Int i, iContext = 0;
- static Int rgiNeighbourIndx [9];
- Int iSizePredBAB = m_iWidthCurrBAB - 2*BAB_BORDER + 2*MC_BAB_BORDER;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [0] = -1;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [1] = -m_iWidthCurrBAB + 1;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [2] = -m_iWidthCurrBAB;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [3] = -m_iWidthCurrBAB - 1;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [4] = iSizePredBAB;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [5] = 1;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [6] = 0;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [7] = -1;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [8] = -iSizePredBAB;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- iContext += (ppxlcSrc [rgiNeighbourIndx [i]] == MPEG4_OPAQUE) << i;
- }
- for (i = 4; i < 9; i++) {
- iContext += (ppxlcPred [rgiNeighbourIndx [i]] == MPEG4_OPAQUE) << i;
- }
- assert (iContext >= 0 && iContext < 1024);
- return iContext;
- }
- Int CVideoObject::contextInterTranspose (const PixelC* ppxlcSrc, const PixelC* ppxlcPred)
- {
- Int i, iContext = 0;
- static Int rgiNeighbourIndx [9];
- Int iSizePredBAB = m_iWidthCurrBAB - 2*BAB_BORDER + 2*MC_BAB_BORDER;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [0] = -m_iWidthCurrBAB;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [1] = m_iWidthCurrBAB - 1;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [2] = -1;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [3] = -m_iWidthCurrBAB - 1;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [4] = 1;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [5] = iSizePredBAB;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [6] = 0;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [7] = -iSizePredBAB;
- rgiNeighbourIndx [8] = -1;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- iContext += (ppxlcSrc [rgiNeighbourIndx [i]] == MPEG4_OPAQUE) << i;
- for (i = 4; i < 9; i++)
- iContext += (ppxlcPred [rgiNeighbourIndx [i]] == MPEG4_OPAQUE) << i;
- assert (iContext >= 0 && iContext < 1024);
- return iContext;
- }
- Void CVideoObject::copyReconShapeToMbAndRef (
- PixelC* ppxlcDstMB,
- PixelC* ppxlcRefFrm, PixelC pxlcSrc
- )
- {
- pxlcmemset (ppxlcDstMB, pxlcSrc, MB_SQUARE_SIZE); // Modified by swinder
- for (Int i = 0; i < MB_SIZE; i++) {
- pxlcmemset (ppxlcRefFrm, pxlcSrc, MB_SIZE);
- ppxlcRefFrm += m_iFrameWidthY;
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObject::copyReconShapeUVToRef (
- PixelC* ppxlcRefFrm, const PixelC* ppxlcSrc)
- {
- for (Int i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++) {
- memcpy (ppxlcRefFrm, ppxlcSrc, BLOCK_SIZE*sizeof(PixelC));
- ppxlcRefFrm += m_iFrameWidthUV;
- ppxlcSrc += BLOCK_SIZE;
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObject::copyReconShapeToMbAndRef (
- PixelC* ppxlcDstMB,
- PixelC* ppxlcRefFrm,
- const PixelC* ppxlcSrc, Int iSrcWidth, Int iBorder
- )
- {
- Int iUnit = sizeof(PixelC); // NBIT: for memcpy
- ppxlcSrc += iSrcWidth * iBorder + iBorder;
- for (Int i = 0; i < MB_SIZE; i++) {
- memcpy (ppxlcDstMB, ppxlcSrc, MB_SIZE*iUnit);
- memcpy (ppxlcRefFrm, ppxlcSrc, MB_SIZE*iUnit);
- ppxlcRefFrm += m_iFrameWidthY;
- ppxlcDstMB += MB_SIZE;
- ppxlcSrc += iSrcWidth;
- }
- }
- CMotionVector CVideoObject::findShapeMVP (
- const CMotionVector* pmv, const CMotionVector* pmvBY,
- const CMBMode* pmbmd,
- Int iMBX, Int iMBY
- ) const
- {
- CMotionVector mvRet;
- // try shape vector first
- Bool bLeftBndry, bRightBndry, bTopBndry;
- Int iMBnum = VPMBnum(iMBX, iMBY);
- bLeftBndry = bVPNoLeft(iMBnum, iMBX);
- bTopBndry = bVPNoTop(iMBnum);
- bRightBndry = bVPNoRightTop(iMBnum, iMBX);
- mvRet = *(pmvBY - 1);
- // Modified for error resilient mode by Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- // if ((iMBX > 0) && ((pmbmd - 1)->m_shpmd == INTER_CAE_MVDZ ||
- if (!bLeftBndry && ((pmbmd - 1)->m_shpmd == INTER_CAE_MVDZ ||
- (pmbmd - 1)->m_shpmd == INTER_CAE_MVDNZ ||
- (pmbmd - 1)->m_shpmd == MVDZ_NOUPDT ||
- (pmbmd - 1)->m_shpmd == MVDNZ_NOUPDT))
- return mvRet;
- if (iMBY > 0) {
- mvRet = *(pmvBY - m_iNumMBX);
- // Modified for error resilient mode by Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- // if ((pmbmd - m_iNumMBX)->m_shpmd == INTER_CAE_MVDZ ||
- if (!bTopBndry && ((pmbmd - m_iNumMBX)->m_shpmd == INTER_CAE_MVDZ ||
- (pmbmd - m_iNumMBX)->m_shpmd == INTER_CAE_MVDNZ ||
- (pmbmd - m_iNumMBX)->m_shpmd == MVDZ_NOUPDT ||
- (pmbmd - m_iNumMBX)->m_shpmd == MVDNZ_NOUPDT
- // Modified for error resilient mode by Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- // )
- ))
- return mvRet;
- mvRet = *(pmvBY - m_iNumMBX + 1);
- // Modified for error resilient mode by Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- // if ((iMBX < m_iNumMBX - 1) && ((pmbmd - m_iNumMBX + 1)->m_shpmd == INTER_CAE_MVDZ ||
- if (!bRightBndry && ((pmbmd - m_iNumMBX + 1)->m_shpmd == INTER_CAE_MVDZ ||
- (pmbmd - m_iNumMBX + 1)->m_shpmd == INTER_CAE_MVDNZ ||
- (pmbmd - m_iNumMBX + 1)->m_shpmd == MVDZ_NOUPDT ||
- (pmbmd - m_iNumMBX + 1)->m_shpmd == MVDNZ_NOUPDT)
- )
- return mvRet;
- }
- // try texture vector then; truncate half pel
- if(m_volmd.bShapeOnly==FALSE && m_vopmd.vopPredType==PVOP)
- {
- // Modified for error resilient mode by Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- // if (iMBX != 0 && validBlock (pmbmd - 1, gIndexOfCandBlk [1] [0]))
- if (!bLeftBndry && validBlock (pmbmd, pmbmd - 1, gIndexOfCandBlk [1] [0]))
- return CMotionVector ((pmv - PVOP_MV_PER_REF_PER_MB + gIndexOfCandBlk [1] [0])->m_vctTrueHalfPel.x / 2,
- (pmv - PVOP_MV_PER_REF_PER_MB + gIndexOfCandBlk [1] [0])->m_vctTrueHalfPel.y / 2);
- if (iMBY != 0) {
- // Modified for error resilient mode by Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- // if (validBlock (pmbmd - m_iNumMBX, gIndexOfCandBlk [1] [1]))
- if (!bTopBndry && validBlock (pmbmd, pmbmd - m_iNumMBX, gIndexOfCandBlk [1] [1]))
- return CMotionVector ((pmv - m_iNumOfTotalMVPerRow + gIndexOfCandBlk [1] [1])->m_vctTrueHalfPel.x / 2,
- (pmv - m_iNumOfTotalMVPerRow + gIndexOfCandBlk [1] [1])->m_vctTrueHalfPel.y / 2);
- // Modified for error resilient mode by Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- // if (iMBX < m_iNumMBX - 1 && validBlock (pmbmd - m_iNumMBX + 1, gIndexOfCandBlk [1] [2]))
- if (!bRightBndry && validBlock (pmbmd, pmbmd - m_iNumMBX + 1, gIndexOfCandBlk [1] [2]))
- return CMotionVector ((pmv - m_iNumOfTotalMVPerRow + PVOP_MV_PER_REF_PER_MB + gIndexOfCandBlk [1] [2])->m_vctTrueHalfPel.x / 2,
- (pmv - m_iNumOfTotalMVPerRow + PVOP_MV_PER_REF_PER_MB + gIndexOfCandBlk [1] [2])->m_vctTrueHalfPel.y / 2);
- }
- }
- return CMotionVector ();
- }