资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*************************************************************************
- This software module was originally developed by
- Ming-Chieh Lee (mingcl@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- Wei-ge Chen (wchen@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- Bruce Lin (blin@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- Chuang Gu (chuanggu@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- Simon Winder (swinder@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- (date: March, 1996)
- and edited by
- Wei Wu (weiwu@stallion.risc.rockwell.com) Rockwell Science Center
- and also edited by
- Yoshihiro Kikuchi (TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
- Toshiaki Watanabe (TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
- Noboru Yamaguchi (TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
- and also edited by
- David B. Shu (dbshu@hrl.com), Hughes Electronics/HRL Laboratories
- Marc Mongenet (Marc.Mongenet@epfl.ch), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL)
- and also edited by
- Yoshinori Suzuki (Hitachi, Ltd.)
- in the course of development of the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2).
- This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 Video tools
- as specified by the MPEG-4 Video.
- ISO/IEC gives users of the MPEG-4 Video free license to this software module or modifications
- thereof for use in hardware or software products claiming conformance to the MPEG-4 Video.
- Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software products are advised that its use may infringe existing patents.
- The original developer of this software module and his/her company,
- the subsequent editors and their companies,
- and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or modifications thereof in an implementation.
- Copyright is not released for non MPEG-4 Video conforming products.
- Microsoft retains full right to use the code for his/her own purpose,
- assign or donate the code to a third party and to inhibit third parties from using the code for non <MPEG standard> conforming products.
- This copyright notice must be included in all copies or derivative works.
- Copyright (c) 1996, 1997.
- Module Name:
- vopSeEnc.hpp
- Abstract:
- Encoder for one VO.
- Revision History:
- Sept. 30, 1997: Error resilient tools added by Toshiba
- Dec. 11, 1997: Interlaced tools added by NextLevel Systems
- X. Chen, xchen@nlvl.com B. Eifrig, beifrig@nlvl.com
- Jun. 16, 1998: add Complexity Estimation syntax support
- Marc Mongenet (Marc.Mongenet@epfl.ch) - EPFL
- Jan. 28, 1999: Rounding control parameters added by Hitachi, Ltd.
- May 9, 1999: tm5 rate control by DemoGraFX, duhoff@mediaone.net
- *************************************************************************/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <iostream.h>
- #include <fstream.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "typeapi.h"
- #include "codehead.h"
- #include "global.hpp"
- #include "entropy/bitstrm.hpp"
- #include "entropy/entropy.hpp"
- #include "entropy/huffman.hpp"
- #include "mode.hpp"
- #include "dct.hpp"
- #include "tps_enhcbuf.hpp" // added by Sharp (98/2/12)
- #include "vopses.hpp"
- #include "vopseenc.hpp"
- #include "enhcbufenc.hpp" // added by Sharp (98/2/12)
- #include "cae.h" // Added for error resilient mode by Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- #ifdef __MFC_
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif // __MFC_
- CVideoObjectEncoder::~CVideoObjectEncoder ()
- {
- delete m_pvopcOrig;
- delete m_pvopcRefOrig1;
- delete m_pvopcRefOrig0;
- delete m_puciRefQZoom0;
- delete m_puciRefQZoom1;
- delete m_pfdct;
- delete [] m_rgdSNR;
- // bitstream stuff
- delete [] m_pchBitsBuffer;
- delete m_pbitstrmOut;
- delete m_pentrencSet;
- delete [] m_pchShapeBitsBuffer;
- delete m_pbitstrmShape;
- // Added for data partitioning mode By Toshiba(1998-1-16:DP+RVLC)
- delete [] *m_pchShapeBitsBuffer_DP;
- delete [] *m_pbitstrmShape_DP;
- delete m_pchShapeBitsBuffer_DP;
- delete m_pbitstrmShape_DP;
- // End Toshiba(1998-1-16)
- // shape
- delete [] m_rgiSubBlkIndx16x16;
- delete [] m_rgiSSubBlkIndx16x16;
- delete [] m_rgiSubBlkIndx18x18;
- delete [] m_rgiSubBlkIndx20x20;
- delete [] m_rgiPxlIndx12x12;
- delete [] m_rgiPxlIndx8x8;
- // B-VOP MB buffer
- delete m_puciDirectPredMB;
- delete m_puciInterpPredMB;
- delete m_piiDirectErrorMB;
- delete m_piiInterpErrorMB;
- }
- CVideoObjectEncoder::CVideoObjectEncoder (
- UInt uiVOId,
- VOLMode& volmd,
- VOPMode& vopmd,
- UInt nFirstFrame,
- UInt nLastFrame,
- Int iSessionWidth,
- Int iSessionHeight,
- UInt uiRateControl,
- UInt uiBudget,
- ostream* pstrmTrace, // trace outstream
- UInt uiWarpingAccuracy, // for sprite warping
- Int iNumOfPnts, // for sprite warping
- CSiteD** rgstDest, // for sprite warping destination
- SptMode SpriteMode, // sprite reconstruction mode
- CRct rctFrame, // sprite warping source
- CRct rctSpt, // rct sprite
- Int iMVFileUsage,
- Char* pchMVFileName
- ) :
- CVideoObject (),
- m_nFirstFrame (nFirstFrame), m_nLastFrame (nLastFrame),
- m_iBufferSize (uiBudget), m_uiRateControl (uiRateControl),
- m_pvopcOrig (NULL),
- m_rgiSubBlkIndx16x16 (NULL),
- m_rgiSSubBlkIndx16x16 (NULL),
- m_rgiSubBlkIndx18x18 (NULL),
- m_rgiSubBlkIndx20x20 (NULL),
- m_rgiPxlIndx12x12 (NULL),
- m_rgiPxlIndx8x8 (NULL)
- {
- m_ivolWidth = iSessionWidth;
- m_ivolHeight = iSessionHeight;
- // sprite stuff
- if (iNumOfPnts >= 0) {
- m_uiSprite = 1;
- m_uiWarpingAccuracy = uiWarpingAccuracy;
- m_iNumOfPnts = iNumOfPnts;
- m_rgstSrcQ = new CSiteD [m_iNumOfPnts];
- m_rgstDstQ = new CSiteD [m_iNumOfPnts];
- m_rctSpt = rctSpt;
- //#ifdef __LOW_LATENCY_SPRITE_
- m_pprgstDest = rgstDest;
- m_sptMode = SpriteMode ;
- m_rctOrg = rctFrame;
- m_rctDisplayWindow = m_rctOrg; //only used for sprite, will be combined with Org later
- }
- else
- m_uiSprite = 0;
- m_pchBitsBuffer = new Char [iSessionWidth * iSessionHeight * 2]; //we think this is enof for 4:2:0; if crushes, increase the buffer
- m_pbitstrmOut = new COutBitStream (m_pchBitsBuffer, 0, pstrmTrace);
- m_pentrencSet = new CEntropyEncoderSet (*m_pbitstrmOut);
- // shape cache
- m_pchShapeBitsBuffer = new Char [MB_SIZE * MB_SIZE * 2]; // same as above
- m_pbitstrmShape = new COutBitStream (m_pchShapeBitsBuffer, 0, pstrmTrace);
- m_pbitstrmShapeMBOut = m_pbitstrmOut; // initially the output stream (only changes for inter)
- m_uiVOId = uiVOId;
- m_volmd = volmd;
- // NBIT: set right clip table
- setClipTab();
- Int iClockRate = m_volmd.iClockRate;
- assert (iClockRate >= 1 && iClockRate < 65536);
- for (m_iNumBitsTimeIncr = 1; m_iNumBitsTimeIncr < NUMBITS_TIME_RESOLUTION; m_iNumBitsTimeIncr++) {
- if (iClockRate == 1)
- break;
- iClockRate = (iClockRate >> 1);
- }
- m_vopmd = vopmd;
- // decideMVInfo (); // MV search radius now varys with GOP
- m_vopmd.iRoundingControlEncSwitch = m_volmd.iInitialRoundingType;
- if(!m_volmd.bRoundingControlDisable)
- m_vopmd.iRoundingControlEncSwitch ^= 0x00000001;
- m_vopmd.iRoundingControl = m_vopmd.iRoundingControlEncSwitch;
- Int iMod = iSessionWidth % MB_SIZE;
- Int iSessionWidthRound = (iMod > 0) ? iSessionWidth + MB_SIZE - iMod : iSessionWidth;
- iMod = iSessionHeight % MB_SIZE;
- Int iSessionHeightRound = (iMod > 0) ? iSessionHeight + MB_SIZE - iMod : iSessionHeight;
- // Added for data partitioning mode By Toshiba(1998-1-16:DP+RVLC)
- Int iMB;
- Int iMBN = (iSessionWidthRound/MB_SIZE)*(iSessionHeightRound/MB_SIZE);
- m_pchShapeBitsBuffer_DP = new Char* [iMBN];
- m_pbitstrmShape_DP = new COutBitStream* [iMBN];
- for (iMB = 0; iMB < iMBN; iMB++) {
- m_pchShapeBitsBuffer_DP[iMB] = new Char [MB_SIZE * MB_SIZE * 2]; // same as above
- m_pbitstrmShape_DP[iMB] = new COutBitStream (m_pchShapeBitsBuffer_DP[iMB], 0, pstrmTrace);
- }
- // End Toshiba(1998-1-16:DP+RVLC)
- m_rctRefFrameY = CRct (
- EXPANDY_REF_FRAME + iSessionWidthRound, EXPANDY_REF_FRAME + iSessionHeightRound
- );
- m_rctRefFrameUV = m_rctRefFrameY.downSampleBy2 ();
- m_pvopcOrig = new CVOPU8YUVBA (m_volmd.fAUsage, m_rctRefFrameY);
- m_pvopcRefOrig0 = new CVOPU8YUVBA (m_volmd.fAUsage, m_rctRefFrameY);
- m_pvopcRefOrig1 = new CVOPU8YUVBA (m_volmd.fAUsage, m_rctRefFrameY);
- allocateVOLMembers (iSessionWidthRound, iSessionHeightRound);
- //#ifdef __LOW_LATENCY_SPRITE_
- // identify initial sprite piece
- if ((m_uiSprite == 1) && (m_sptMode != BASIC_SPRITE) ){
- initialSpritePiece (iSessionWidthRound, iSessionHeightRound);
- }
- CRct rctFrameZoom = m_rctRefFrameY.upSampleBy2 ();
- m_puciRefQZoom0 = new CU8Image (rctFrameZoom);
- m_puciRefQZoom1 = new CU8Image (rctFrameZoom);
- m_pfdct = new CFwdBlockDCT(volmd.nBits);
- // B-VOP MB buffer
- m_puciDirectPredMB = new CU8Image (CRct (0, 0, MB_SIZE, MB_SIZE));
- m_puciInterpPredMB = new CU8Image (CRct (0, 0, MB_SIZE, MB_SIZE));
- m_ppxlcDirectPredMBY = (PixelC*) m_puciDirectPredMB->pixels ();
- m_ppxlcInterpPredMBY = (PixelC*) m_puciInterpPredMB->pixels ();
- m_piiDirectErrorMB = new CIntImage (CRct (0, 0, MB_SIZE, MB_SIZE));
- m_piiInterpErrorMB = new CIntImage (CRct (0, 0, MB_SIZE, MB_SIZE));
- m_ppxliDirectErrorMBY = (PixelI*) m_piiDirectErrorMB->pixels ();
- m_ppxliInterpErrorMBY = (PixelI*) m_piiInterpErrorMB->pixels ();
- // with shape
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE) {
- m_rgiSubBlkIndx16x16 = computeShapeSubBlkIndex (4, 16);
- m_rgiSSubBlkIndx16x16 = computeShapeSubBlkIndex (2, 16);
- m_rgiSubBlkIndx18x18 = computeShapeSubBlkIndex (4, 18);
- m_rgiSubBlkIndx20x20 = computeShapeSubBlkIndex (4, 20);
- m_rgiPxlIndx12x12 = new Int [8 * 8];
- Int* piPxl = m_rgiPxlIndx12x12;
- UInt i, j;
- for (i = 2; i < 10; i++)
- for (j = 2; j < 10; j++)
- *piPxl++ = i * 12 + j;
- m_rgiPxlIndx8x8 = new Int [4 * 4];
- piPxl = m_rgiPxlIndx8x8;
- for (i = 2; i < 6; i++)
- for (j = 2; j < 6; j++)
- *piPxl++ = i * 8 + j;
- }
- m_statsVOL.reset ();
- codeVOHead ();
- codeVOLHead (iSessionWidth, iSessionHeight);//, rctSprite);
- // Added for error resilient mode by Toshiba(1997-11-14): Moved (1998-1-16)
- g_iMaxHeading = MAXHEADING_ERR;
- g_iMaxMiddle = MAXMIDDLE_ERR;
- g_iMaxTrailing = MAXTRAILING_ERR;
- // End Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- m_statsVOL.nBitsStuffing += m_pbitstrmOut->flush ();
- m_statRC.resetSkipMode ();
- m_rgdSNR = (m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT) ? new Double [4] : new Double [3];
- // some fixed variables
- m_iFrameWidthZoomY = m_iFrameWidthY * 2;
- m_iFrameWidthZoomUV = m_iFrameWidthUV * 2;
- m_iFrameWidthZoomYx2Minus2MB = m_iFrameWidthY * 2 * 2 - 2 * MB_SIZE;
- m_iFrameWidthZoomYx2Minus2Blk = m_iFrameWidthY * 2 * 2 - 2 * BLOCK_SIZE;
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage == RECTANGLE) {
- m_rctCurrVOPY = CRct (0, 0, iSessionWidthRound, iSessionHeightRound);
- m_pvopcOrig->setBoundRct (m_rctCurrVOPY);
- m_rctCurrVOPUV = m_rctCurrVOPY.downSampleBy2 ();
- m_rctRefVOPY0 = m_rctCurrVOPY;
- m_rctRefVOPY0.expand (EXPANDY_REFVOP);
- m_rctRefVOPUV0 = m_rctRefVOPY0.downSampleBy2 ();
- m_rctRefVOPY1 = m_rctRefVOPY0;
- m_rctRefVOPUV1 = m_rctRefVOPUV0;
- m_rctRefVOPZoom0 = m_rctRefVOPY0.upSampleBy2 ();
- m_rctRefVOPZoom1 = m_rctRefVOPY1.upSampleBy2 ();
- m_pvopcRefOrig0->setBoundRct (m_rctRefVOPY0);
- m_pvopcRefOrig1->setBoundRct (m_rctRefVOPY1);
- // dshu: begin of modification
- if ((m_uiSprite == 0) || ((m_uiSprite == 1) && (m_sptMode == BASIC_SPRITE)) )
- // dshu: end of modification
- computeVOLConstMembers (); // these VOP members are the same for all frames
- }
- m_vopmd.SpriteXmitMode = STOP ;
- // tentative solution for indicating the first Sprite VOP
- tentativeFirstSpriteVop = 0;
- // Open motion vector file if used
- m_pchMVFileName = pchMVFileName;
- m_iMVFileUsage = iMVFileUsage;
- if (m_iMVFileUsage != 0) { // wmay - changed from =
- m_fMVFile = fopen(m_pchMVFileName, (m_iMVFileUsage == 1) ? "r" : "w");
- assert(m_fMVFile != NULL);
- m_iMVLineNo = 0;
- }
- }
- // for back/forward shape
- CVideoObjectEncoder::CVideoObjectEncoder (
- UInt uiVOId,
- VOLMode& volmd,
- VOPMode& vopmd,
- Int iSessionWidth,
- Int iSessionHeight
- ) :
- CVideoObject (),
- m_pvopcOrig (NULL),
- m_rgiSubBlkIndx16x16 (NULL),
- m_rgiSSubBlkIndx16x16 (NULL),
- m_rgiSubBlkIndx18x18 (NULL),
- m_rgiSubBlkIndx20x20 (NULL),
- m_rgiPxlIndx12x12 (NULL),
- m_rgiPxlIndx8x8 (NULL)
- {
- // sprite stuff
- m_uiSprite = 0; // sprite off
- m_pchBitsBuffer = NULL;
- m_pbitstrmOut = NULL;
- m_pentrencSet = NULL;
- // shape cache
- m_pchShapeBitsBuffer = NULL;
- m_pbitstrmShape = NULL;
- m_pbitstrmShapeMBOut = NULL;
- m_uiVOId = uiVOId;
- m_volmd = volmd;
- m_vopmd = vopmd;
- // decideMVInfo ();
- m_vopmd.iRoundingControl = 0;
- m_vopmd.iRoundingControlEncSwitch = 0;
- Int iMod = iSessionWidth % MB_SIZE;
- Int iSessionWidthRound = (iMod > 0) ? iSessionWidth + MB_SIZE - iMod : iSessionWidth;
- iMod = iSessionHeight % MB_SIZE;
- Int iSessionHeightRound = (iMod > 0) ? iSessionHeight + MB_SIZE - iMod : iSessionHeight;
- m_rctRefFrameY = CRct (
- EXPANDY_REF_FRAME + iSessionWidthRound, EXPANDY_REF_FRAME + iSessionHeightRound
- );
- m_rctRefFrameUV = m_rctRefFrameY.downSampleBy2 ();
- m_pvopcOrig = new CVOPU8YUVBA (m_volmd.fAUsage, m_rctRefFrameY);
- m_pvopcRefOrig0 = new CVOPU8YUVBA (m_volmd.fAUsage, m_rctRefFrameY);
- m_pvopcRefOrig1 = new CVOPU8YUVBA (m_volmd.fAUsage, m_rctRefFrameY);
- allocateVOLMembers (iSessionWidth, iSessionHeight);
- CRct rctFrameZoom = m_rctRefFrameY.upSampleBy2 ();
- m_puciRefQZoom0 = new CU8Image (rctFrameZoom);
- m_puciRefQZoom1 = new CU8Image (rctFrameZoom);
- m_pfdct = new CFwdBlockDCT;
- // B-VOP MB buffer
- m_puciDirectPredMB = new CU8Image (CRct (0, 0, MB_SIZE, MB_SIZE));
- m_puciInterpPredMB = new CU8Image (CRct (0, 0, MB_SIZE, MB_SIZE));
- m_ppxlcDirectPredMBY = (PixelC*) m_puciDirectPredMB->pixels ();
- m_ppxlcInterpPredMBY = (PixelC*) m_puciInterpPredMB->pixels ();
- m_piiDirectErrorMB = new CIntImage (CRct (0, 0, MB_SIZE, MB_SIZE));
- m_piiInterpErrorMB = new CIntImage (CRct (0, 0, MB_SIZE, MB_SIZE));
- m_ppxliDirectErrorMBY = (PixelI*) m_piiDirectErrorMB->pixels ();
- m_ppxliInterpErrorMBY = (PixelI*) m_piiInterpErrorMB->pixels ();
- // with shape
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE) {
- m_rgiSubBlkIndx16x16 = computeShapeSubBlkIndex (4, 16);
- m_rgiSSubBlkIndx16x16 = computeShapeSubBlkIndex (2, 16);
- m_rgiSubBlkIndx18x18 = computeShapeSubBlkIndex (4, 18);
- m_rgiSubBlkIndx20x20 = computeShapeSubBlkIndex (4, 20);
- m_rgiPxlIndx12x12 = new Int [8 * 8];
- Int* piPxl = m_rgiPxlIndx12x12;
- UInt i, j;
- for (i = 2; i < 10; i++)
- for (j = 2; j < 10; j++)
- *piPxl++ = i * 12 + j;
- m_rgiPxlIndx8x8 = new Int [4 * 4];
- piPxl = m_rgiPxlIndx8x8;
- for (i = 2; i < 6; i++)
- for (j = 2; j < 6; j++)
- *piPxl++ = i * 8 + j;
- }
- m_statRC.resetSkipMode ();
- m_rgdSNR = (m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT) ? new Double [4] : new Double [3];
- // some fixed variables
- m_iFrameWidthZoomY = m_iFrameWidthY * 2;
- m_iFrameWidthZoomUV = m_iFrameWidthUV * 2;
- m_iFrameWidthZoomYx2Minus2MB = m_iFrameWidthY * 2 * 2 - 2 * MB_SIZE;
- m_iFrameWidthZoomYx2Minus2Blk = m_iFrameWidthY * 2 * 2 - 2 * BLOCK_SIZE;
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage == RECTANGLE) {
- m_rctCurrVOPY = CRct (0, 0, iSessionWidthRound, iSessionHeightRound);
- m_pvopcOrig->setBoundRct (m_rctCurrVOPY);
- m_rctCurrVOPUV = m_rctCurrVOPY.downSampleBy2 ();
- m_rctRefVOPY0 = m_rctCurrVOPY;
- m_rctRefVOPY0.expand (EXPANDY_REFVOP);
- m_rctRefVOPUV0 = m_rctRefVOPY0.downSampleBy2 ();
- m_rctRefVOPY1 = m_rctRefVOPY0;
- m_rctRefVOPUV1 = m_rctRefVOPUV0;
- m_rctRefVOPZoom0 = m_rctRefVOPY0.upSampleBy2 ();
- m_pvopcRefOrig0->setBoundRct (m_rctRefVOPY0);
- m_pvopcRefOrig1->setBoundRct (m_rctRefVOPY1);
- computeVOLConstMembers (); // these VOP members are the same for all frames
- }
- }
- Bool CVideoObjectEncoder::skipTest(Time t,VOPpredType vopPredType)
- {
- if (m_uiRateControl==RC_MPEG4) {
- if (!m_statRC.firstFrame ()) {// test whether we should skip this frame
- if (m_statRC.skipThisFrame ())
- return TRUE;
- }
- else
- m_statRC.resetFirstFrame ();
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- Void CVideoObjectEncoder::encode (
- Bool bVOPVisible,
- Time t,
- VOPpredType vopPredType,
- const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopfRefBaseLayer)
- {
- m_t = t;
- m_vopmd.vopPredType = vopPredType;
- m_statsVOP.reset ();
- Bool bTemporalScalability = m_volmd.bTemporalScalability; // added by Sharp (98/2/10)
- Bool bPrevRefVopWasCoded = m_bCodedFutureRef;
- if (m_uiSprite == 1 && m_sptMode != BASIC_SPRITE && m_vopmd.SpriteXmitMode != STOP) {
- setRefStartingPointers (); // need to compute the starting pointers of the refVOP's (corresponding to the current Rct)
- computeVOPMembers ();
- m_iNumSptMB = 0;
- encodeVOP ();
- }
- else {
- if (m_uiSprite == 1 && m_t>=0)
- m_vopmd.vopPredType = SPRITE;
- m_pbitstrmOut->reset ();
- cout << "nVOP " << m_uiVOId << "n";
- cout << "tVOL " << (int)m_volmd.volType << "n"; // added by Sharp (98/2/10)
- if(m_vopmd.vopPredType==IVOP || m_vopmd.vopPredType==PVOP)
- m_bCodedFutureRef = bVOPVisible; // flag used by bvop prediction
- if(!bVOPVisible)
- {
- #ifdef __TRACE_AND_STATS_
- m_pbitstrmOut -> trace (m_t, "VOP_Time");
- #endif // __TRACE_AND_STATS_
- codeNonCodedVOPHead ();
- cout << "tTime..." << m_t << " (" << m_t/m_volmd.dFrameHz << " sec)"
- << "ntNot coded.nn";
- cout.flush ();
- m_statsVOP.nBitsStuffing += m_pbitstrmOut->flush ();
- #ifdef __TRACE_AND_STATS_
- m_statsVOP.dSNRY = m_statsVOP.dSNRU = m_statsVOP.dSNRV = 0;
- m_statsVOP.print (TRUE);
- m_statsVOL += m_statsVOP;
- #endif // __TRACE_AND_STATS_
- }
- if(bPrevRefVopWasCoded) // only swap references if previous vop was coded
- {
- if (m_volmd.volType == BASE_LAYER)
- updateAllRefVOPs (); // update all reconstructed VOP's
- else if (!bTemporalScalability) { // modified by Sharp (98/2/10)
- if(m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER && m_vopmd.vopPredType == PVOP)
- m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode = 3;
- else if(m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER && m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP)
- m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode = 0;
- updateAllRefVOPs (pvopfRefBaseLayer); // for spatial scalability
- }
- if (m_volmd.bOriginalForME) {
- if (m_vopmd.vopPredType == PVOP ||
- (m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER && m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP && m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 0))
- swapVOPU8Pointers (m_pvopcRefOrig0, m_pvopcRefOrig1);
- }
- }
- if (m_vopmd.vopPredType != BVOP) {
- if(bPrevRefVopWasCoded)
- {
- // swap zoomed ref images
- CU8Image *puciTmp = m_puciRefQZoom0;
- m_puciRefQZoom0 = m_puciRefQZoom1;
- m_puciRefQZoom1 = puciTmp;
- m_rctRefVOPZoom0 = m_rctRefVOPZoom1;
- }
- m_vopmd.iSearchRangeBackward = 0;
- if(bPrevRefVopWasCoded)
- if ( !bTemporalScalability || m_volmd.volType == BASE_LAYER ) // added by Sharp (99/1/28)
- m_tPastRef = m_tFutureRef;
- m_tDistanceBetwIPVOP = (m_t - m_tPastRef) / m_volmd.iTemporalRate;
- m_tFutureRef = m_t;
- m_iBCount = 0;
- if(m_vopmd.vopPredType == PVOP &&
- m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER && m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode ==3)
- m_tPastRef = m_t;
- if (m_vopmd.vopPredType == PVOP) {
- // swap rounding control 0 <-> 1 every coded PVOP
- if( bPrevRefVopWasCoded && !m_volmd.bRoundingControlDisable)
- m_vopmd.iRoundingControlEncSwitch ^= 0x00000001;
- m_vopmd.iRoundingControl = m_vopmd.iRoundingControlEncSwitch;
- m_rctRefVOPZoom0 = m_rctRefVOPY0.upSampleBy2 ();
- biInterpolateY (m_pvopcRefQ0, m_rctRefVOPY0, m_puciRefQZoom0,
- m_rctRefVOPZoom0, m_vopmd.iRoundingControl);
- m_vopmd.iSearchRangeForward =
- checkrange (m_volmd.iMVRadiusPerFrameAwayFromRef * (m_t - m_tPastRef) / m_volmd.iTemporalRate, 1, 1024);
- } else
- m_vopmd.iSearchRangeForward = 0;
- } else {
- // BVOP, set rounding control to zero
- m_vopmd.iRoundingControl = 0;
- if (m_volmd.volType==ENHN_LAYER && m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode==0){
- m_tPastRef = m_tFutureRef;
- m_tFutureRef = m_t;
- }
- m_iBCount++;
- if (m_iBCount == 1 || (m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER && m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode==0))
- {
- if(bPrevRefVopWasCoded)
- {
- m_rctRefVOPZoom1 = m_rctRefVOPY1.upSampleBy2 ();
- biInterpolateY (m_pvopcRefQ1,m_rctRefVOPY1,
- m_puciRefQZoom1, m_rctRefVOPZoom1, 0);
- }
- if (m_vopmd.iRoundingControlEncSwitch==1 // modified by Sharp (98/2/10) && // Need to re-compute because iRoundingControl was 1
- || (m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER && m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 0) || bTemporalScalability)
- {
- m_rctRefVOPZoom0 = m_rctRefVOPY0.upSampleBy2 ();
- biInterpolateY (m_pvopcRefQ0, m_rctRefVOPY0, m_puciRefQZoom0, m_rctRefVOPZoom0, 0);
- }
- }
- //m_vopmd.iSearchRangeForward = 15;
- //m_vopmd.iSearchRangeBackward = 15;
- m_vopmd.iSearchRangeForward =
- checkrange ((m_t - m_tPastRef) * m_volmd.iMVRadiusPerFrameAwayFromRef / m_volmd.iTemporalRate, 1, 1024);
- m_vopmd.iSearchRangeBackward =
- checkrange ((m_tFutureRef - m_t) * m_volmd.iMVRadiusPerFrameAwayFromRef / m_volmd.iTemporalRate, 1, 1024);
- }
- decideMVInfo();
- m_statsVOP.nVOPs = 1;
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE)
- resetBYPlane ();
- if(!bVOPVisible)
- {
- if (m_vopmd.vopPredType != BVOP
- && m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE && bPrevRefVopWasCoded)
- {
- // give the current object a dummy size
- m_iNumMBX = m_iNumMBY = m_iNumMB = 1;
- saveShapeMode(); // save the previous reference vop shape mode
- }
- return; // return if not coded
- }
- // prepare for the current original data
- // extend the currVOP size to multiples of MBSize, will put zero on extended pixels
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE) {
- if (m_uiSprite != 1) { // add by cgu to deal with vop-mc-left-top 12/5
- findTightBoundingBox ();
- findBestBoundingBox ();
- } else if (m_sptMode == BASIC_SPRITE) {
- Int iSpriteWidth = m_rctSpt.right - m_rctSpt.left;
- if(iSpriteWidth%16)
- iSpriteWidth += 16 - (iSpriteWidth%16);
- Int iSpriteHeight = m_rctSpt.bottom - m_rctSpt.top;
- if(iSpriteHeight%16)
- iSpriteHeight += 16 - (iSpriteHeight%16);
- m_pvopcOrig->setBoundRct (CRct (0, 0, iSpriteWidth, iSpriteHeight));
- }
- m_rctCurrVOPY = m_pvopcOrig->whereBoundY ();
- m_rctCurrVOPUV = m_pvopcOrig->whereBoundUV ();
- setRefStartingPointers (); // need to compute the starting pointers of the refVOP's (corresponding to the current Rct)
- computeVOPMembers ();
- // Modified for error resilient mode by Toshiba(1998-1-16)
- if (m_volmd.bVPBitTh < 0 || m_volmd.bShapeOnly==TRUE) {
- m_vopmd.bShapeCodingType = (m_vopmd.vopPredType == IVOP) ? 0 : 1;
- } else {
- m_vopmd.bShapeCodingType = (m_volmd.iBinaryAlphaRR<0)?1:((m_t % m_volmd.iBinaryAlphaRR)==0) ? 0 : 1;
- }
- // printf("vop_shape_coding_type=%dn",m_vopmd.bShapeCodingType);
- // End Toshiba(1998-1-16)
- }
- #ifdef __TRACE_AND_STATS_
- m_pbitstrmOut -> trace (m_t, "VOP_Time");
- #endif // __TRACE_AND_STATS_
- codeVOPHead ();
- cout << "t" << "Time..." << m_t << " (" << m_t/m_volmd.dFrameHz << " sec)";
- switch(vopPredType)
- {
- case IVOP:
- cout << "tIVOP";
- break;
- case PVOP:
- cout << "tPVOP (reference: t=" << m_tPastRef <<")";
- break;
- case BVOP:
- cout << "tBVOP (past ref: t=" << m_tPastRef
- << ", future ref: t=" << m_tFutureRef <<")";
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- cout << "n";
- cout.flush ();
- encodeVOP ();
- m_statsVOP.nBitsStuffing += m_pbitstrmOut->flush ();
- }
- #ifdef __TRACE_AND_STATS_
- if (m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP)
- computeSNRs (m_pvopcCurrQ);
- else
- computeSNRs (m_pvopcRefQ1);
- m_statsVOP.dSNRY = m_rgdSNR [0];
- m_statsVOP.dSNRU = m_rgdSNR [1];
- m_statsVOP.dSNRV = m_rgdSNR [2];
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT)
- m_statsVOP.dSNRA = m_rgdSNR [3];
- m_statsVOP.print (TRUE);
- m_statsVOL += m_statsVOP;
- #endif // __TRACE_AND_STATS_
- // rate control
- if (m_uiRateControl==RC_MPEG4) {
- assert (m_volmd.volType == BASE_LAYER); //don't no know to do RC for scalability yet
- #ifndef __TRACE_AND_STATS_
- cerr << "Compile flag __TRACE_AND_STATS_ required for stats for rate control." << endl;
- exit(1);
- #endif // __TRACE_AND_STATS_
- if (m_vopmd.vopPredType == IVOP) { // !!!! check whether CRct has been expanded
- Double dMad =
- (m_pvopcOrig->getPlane (Y_PLANE)->sumAbs (m_rctCurrVOPY)) /
- (Double) (m_rctCurrVOPY.area ());
- m_statRC.reset (
- m_nFirstFrame,
- m_nLastFrame,
- m_volmd.iTemporalRate,
- m_iBufferSize,
- dMad,
- m_statsVOL.nBitsTotal,
- m_volmd.dFrameHz
- );
- }
- else if (m_vopmd.vopPredType == PVOP)
- m_statRC.updateRCModel (m_statsVOP.total (), m_statsVOP.head ());
- }
- // store the direct mode data (by swaping pointers)
- if (m_vopmd.vopPredType != BVOP) {
- if(m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE && bPrevRefVopWasCoded)
- saveShapeMode();
- CMBMode* pmbmdTmp = m_rgmbmd;
- m_rgmbmd = m_rgmbmdRef;
- m_rgmbmdRef = pmbmdTmp;
- CMotionVector* pmvTmp = m_rgmv;
- m_rgmv = m_rgmvRef;
- m_rgmvRef = pmvTmp;
- //wchen: should not only for pvop
- //if (m_vopmd.vopPredType == PVOP)
- m_rgmvBackward = m_rgmv + BVOP_MV_PER_REF_PER_MB * m_iSessNumMB;
- #if 0 // Debugging .. use the same anchor VOPs as reference implementation
- static FILE *pfRefPicInputFile = NULL;
- if (pfRefPicInputFile == NULL) {
- pfRefPicInputFile = fopen("ref.yuv", "rb");
- assert(pfRefPicInputFile != NULL);
- }
- Int iLeadingPixels = m_t * m_rctPrevNoExpandY.area ();
- fseek (pfRefPicInputFile, iLeadingPixels + iLeadingPixels / 2, SEEK_SET); //4:2:0
- static Int iYDataHeight = m_rctPrevNoExpandY.height ();
- static Int iUVDataHeight = m_rctPrevNoExpandY.height () / 2;
- static Int iYFrmWidth = m_pvopcRefQ1->whereY ().width;
- static Int iUvFrmWidth = m_pvopcRefQ1->whereUV ().width;
- static Int nSkipYPixel = iYFrmWidth * EXPANDY_REF_FRAME + EXPANDY_REF_FRAME;
- static Int nSkipUvPixel = iUvFrmWidth * EXPANDUV_REF_FRAME + EXPANDUV_REF_FRAME;
- PixelC* ppxlcY = (PixelC*) m_pvopcRefQ1->pixelsY () + nSkipYPixel;
- PixelC* ppxlcU = (PixelC*) m_pvopcRefQ1->pixelsU () + nSkipUvPixel;
- PixelC* ppxlcV = (PixelC*) m_pvopcRefQ1->pixelsV () + nSkipUvPixel;
- for (CoordI y = 0; y < iYDataHeight; y++) {
- Int size = (Int) fread (ppxlcY, sizeof (U8), m_rctPrevNoExpandY.width, pfRefPicInputFile);
- if (size == 0)
- fprintf (stderr, "Unexpected end of filen");
- ppxlcY += iYFrmWidth;
- }
- for (y = 0; y < iUVDataHeight; y++) {
- Int size = (Int) fread (ppxlcU, sizeof (U8), m_rctPrevNoExpandY.width / 2, pfRefPicInputFile);
- if (size == 0)
- fprintf (stderr, "Unexpected end of filen");
- ppxlcU += iUvFrmWidth;
- }
- for (y = 0; y < iUVDataHeight; y++) {
- Int size = (Int) fread (ppxlcV, sizeof (U8), m_rctPrevNoExpandY.width / 2, pfRefPicInputFile);
- if (size == 0)
- fprintf (stderr, "Unexpected end of filen");
- ppxlcV += iUvFrmWidth;
- }
- #endif
- }
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE) {
- if (m_vopmd.vopPredType != BVOP) {
- m_iNumMBRef = m_iNumMB;
- m_iNumMBXRef = m_iNumMBX;
- m_iNumMBYRef = m_iNumMBY;
- m_iOffsetForPadY = m_rctRefFrameY.offset (m_rctCurrVOPY.left, m_rctCurrVOPY.top);
- m_iOffsetForPadUV = m_rctRefFrameUV.offset (m_rctCurrVOPUV.left, m_rctCurrVOPUV.top);
- m_rctPrevNoExpandY = m_rctCurrVOPY;
- m_rctPrevNoExpandUV = m_rctCurrVOPUV;
- m_rctRefVOPY1 = m_rctCurrVOPY;
- m_rctRefVOPY1.expand (EXPANDY_REFVOP);
- m_rctRefVOPUV1 = m_rctCurrVOPUV;
- m_rctRefVOPUV1.expand (EXPANDUV_REFVOP);
- m_pvopcRefQ1->setBoundRct (m_rctRefVOPY1);
- }
- // begin: added by by Sharp (98/2/10)
- if ( bTemporalScalability && m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP ) {
- m_iBVOPOffsetForPadY = m_rctRefFrameY.offset (m_rctCurrVOPY.left, m_rctCurrVOPY.top);
- m_iBVOPOffsetForPadUV = m_rctRefFrameUV.offset (m_rctCurrVOPUV.left, m_rctCurrVOPUV.top);
- m_rctBVOPPrevNoExpandY = m_rctCurrVOPY;
- m_rctBVOPPrevNoExpandUV = m_rctCurrVOPUV;
- m_rctBVOPRefVOPY1 = m_rctCurrVOPY;
- m_rctBVOPRefVOPY1.expand (EXPANDY_REFVOP);
- m_rctBVOPRefVOPUV1 = m_rctCurrVOPUV;
- }
- // end: added by Sharp (98/2/10)
- //this is ac/dc pred stuff; clean the memory
- Int nBlk = (m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT) ? 10 : 6;
- delete [] m_rgblkmCurrMB;
- for (Int iMB = 0; iMB < m_iNumMBX; iMB++) {
- for (Int iBlk = 0; iBlk < nBlk; iBlk++) {
- delete [] (m_rgpmbmAbove [iMB]->rgblkm) [iBlk];
- delete [] (m_rgpmbmCurr [iMB]->rgblkm) [iBlk];
- }
- delete [] m_rgpmbmAbove [iMB]->rgblkm;
- delete m_rgpmbmAbove [iMB];
- delete [] m_rgpmbmCurr [iMB]->rgblkm;
- delete m_rgpmbmCurr [iMB];
- }
- delete [] m_rgpmbmAbove;
- delete [] m_rgpmbmCurr;
- }
- // begin: added by Sharp (98/2/10)
- if ( bTemporalScalability && m_volmd.fAUsage == RECTANGLE ) {
- m_iBVOPOffsetForPadY = m_iOffsetForPadY;
- m_iBVOPOffsetForPadUV = m_iOffsetForPadUV;
- m_rctBVOPPrevNoExpandY = m_rctPrevNoExpandY;
- m_rctBVOPPrevNoExpandUV = m_rctPrevNoExpandUV;
- m_rctBVOPRefVOPY1 = m_rctRefVOPY1;
- m_rctBVOPRefVOPUV1 = m_rctRefVOPUV1;
- }
- // end: added by Sharp (98/2/10)
- if (m_uiSprite == 1 && m_sptMode != BASIC_SPRITE && m_vopmd.SpriteXmitMode != STOP)
- return;
- if (m_vopmd.vopPredType != BVOP || m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER) {
- repeatPadYOrA ((PixelC*) m_pvopcRefQ1->pixelsY () + m_iOffsetForPadY, m_pvopcRefQ1);
- repeatPadUV (m_pvopcRefQ1);
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE) {
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT)
- repeatPadYOrA ((PixelC*) m_pvopcRefQ1->pixelsA () + m_iOffsetForPadY, m_pvopcRefQ1);
- }
- }
- if( m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER &&
- m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP &&
- m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 0){
- repeatPadYOrA ((PixelC*) m_pvopcCurrQ->pixelsY () + m_iOffsetForPadY, m_pvopcCurrQ);
- repeatPadUV (m_pvopcCurrQ);
- }
- if (m_volmd.bOriginalForME) {
- if (m_vopmd.vopPredType == IVOP || m_vopmd.vopPredType == PVOP ||
- (m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER && m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP && m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 0))
- updateAllOrigRefVOPs (); // update all original reference (MotionEsti) VOP's
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObjectEncoder::codeVOHead ()
- {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (START_CODE_PREFIX, NUMBITS_START_CODE_PREFIX, "VOSH_Start_Code");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (SESSION_START_CODE, 8, "VOSH_Start_Code");
- // Just signal Advanced Simple Profile @ L2 for now
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (0xF3, 8, "VOSH_Start_Code");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (START_CODE_PREFIX, NUMBITS_START_CODE_PREFIX, "VO_Start_Code");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (VISUAL_OBJ_START_CODE, 8, "Visual_Obj_Start_Code");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (0x09, 8, "Visual_Object_Id");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (START_CODE_PREFIX, NUMBITS_START_CODE_PREFIX, "VO_Start_Code");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (VO_START_CODE, NUMBITS_VO_START_CODE, "VO_Start_Code"); //plus 3 bits
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_uiVOId, NUMBITS_VO_ID, "VO_Id");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead += uiNumBits;
- cout << "VO Overhead" << "tt" << uiNumBits << "nn";
- cout.flush ();
- }
- Void CVideoObjectEncoder::codeVOLHead (Int iSessionWidth, Int iSessionHeight)
- {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (START_CODE_PREFIX, NUMBITS_START_CODE_PREFIX, "VOL_Start_Code");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (VOL_START_CODE, NUMBITS_VOL_START_CODE, "VOL_Start_Code"); //plus 4 bits
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits ((Int) (m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER), NUMBITS_VOL_ID, "VOL_Id"); // by katata
- // Begin: modified by Hughes 4/9/98 per clause 2.1.7. in N2171 document
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits ((Int) 0, 1, "VOL_Random_Access"); //isn't this a system level flg?
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead++;
- // End: modified by Hughes 4/9/98
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits ((Int) 4, 8, "VOL_Type_Indicator"); // Set to indicate MAIN profile.
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead+=8;
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits ((Int) 0, 1, "VOL_Is_Object_Layer_Identifier"); //useless flag for now
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead++;
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits ((Int) 1, 4, "aspect_ratio_info"); // square pix
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead+=4;
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.uiVolControlParameters, 1, "VOL_Control_Parameters"); //useless flag for now
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead++;
- if(m_volmd.uiVolControlParameters)
- {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.uiChromaFormat, 2, "Chroma_Format");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.uiLowDelay, 1, "Low_Delay");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.uiVBVParams, 1, "VBV_Params");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead += 2 + 1 + 1;
- if(m_volmd.uiVBVParams)
- {
- UInt uiFirstHalfBitRate = (m_volmd.uiBitRate >> 15);
- UInt uiLatterHalfBitRate = (m_volmd.uiBitRate & 0x7fff);
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (uiFirstHalfBitRate, 15, "FirstHalf_BitRate");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (1, 1, "Marker");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (uiLatterHalfBitRate, 15, "LatterHalf_BitRate");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (1, 1, "Marker");
- UInt uiFirstHalfVbvBufferSize = (m_volmd.uiVbvBufferSize >> 3);
- UInt uiLatterHalfVbvBufferSize = (m_volmd.uiVbvBufferSize & 7);
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (uiFirstHalfVbvBufferSize, 15, "FirstHalf_VbvBufferSize");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (1, 1, "Marker");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (uiLatterHalfVbvBufferSize, 3, "LatterHalf_VbvBufferSize");
- UInt uiFirstHalfVbvBufferOccupany = (m_volmd.uiVbvBufferOccupany >> 15);
- UInt uiLatterHalfVbvBufferOccupany = (m_volmd.uiVbvBufferOccupany & 0x7fff);
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (uiFirstHalfVbvBufferOccupany, 11, "FirstHalf_VbvBufferOccupany");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (1, 1, "Marker");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (uiLatterHalfVbvBufferOccupany, 15, "LatterHalf_VbvBufferOccupany");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (1, 1, "Marker");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead += 15 + 15 + 15 + 3 + 11 + 15;
- m_statsVOL.nBitsStuffing += 5;
- }
- }
- if(m_volmd.bShapeOnly==TRUE)
- {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits ((Int) 2, NUMBITS_VOL_SHAPE, "VOL_Shape_Type");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (1, 1, "Marker");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.iClockRate, NUMBITS_TIME_RESOLUTION, "VOL_Time_Increment_Resolution");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (1, 1, "Marker");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (0, 1, "VOL_Fixed_Vop_Rate");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (0, 1, "VOL_resync_marker_disable");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsStuffing +=2;
- cout << "VOL Overhead" << "tt" << m_statsVOL.nBitsHead << "nn";
- cout.flush ();
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- Int iAUsage = (Int)m_volmd.fAUsage;
- if(iAUsage==2) // CD: 0 = rect, 1 = binary, 2 = shape only, 3 = grey alpha
- iAUsage = 3;
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (iAUsage, NUMBITS_VOL_SHAPE, "VOL_Shape_Type");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (1, 1, "Marker");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.iClockRate, NUMBITS_TIME_RESOLUTION, "VOL_Time_Increment_Resolution");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (1, 1, "Marker");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (0, 1, "VOL_Fixed_Vop_Rate");
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage == RECTANGLE) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (MARKER_BIT, 1, "Marker_Bit");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsStuffing ++;
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (iSessionWidth, NUMBITS_VOP_WIDTH, "VOL_Width");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (MARKER_BIT, 1, "Marker_Bit");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsStuffing ++;
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (iSessionHeight, NUMBITS_VOP_HEIGHT, "VOL_Height");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (MARKER_BIT, 1, "Marker_Bit");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsStuffing ++;
- }
- }
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_vopmd.bInterlace, (UInt) 1, "VOL_interlace");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead++;
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bAdvPredDisable, (UInt) 1, "VOL_OBMC_Disable");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead++;
- // code sprite info
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_uiSprite, NUMBITS_SPRITE_USAGE, "VOL_Sprite_Usage");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead += NUMBITS_SPRITE_USAGE;
- if (m_uiSprite == 1) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_rctSpt.width, NUMBITS_SPRITE_HDIM, "SPRT_hdim");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead += NUMBITS_SPRITE_HDIM;
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (MARKER_BIT, 1, "Marker_Bit");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsStuffing ++;
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_rctSpt.height (), NUMBITS_SPRITE_VDIM, "SPRT_vdim");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead += NUMBITS_SPRITE_VDIM;
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (MARKER_BIT, 1, "Marker_Bit");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsStuffing ++;
- if (m_rctSpt.left >= 0) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_rctSpt.left, NUMBITS_SPRITE_LEFT_EDGE, "SPRT_Left_Edge");
- } else {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_rctSpt.left & 0x00001FFFF, NUMBITS_SPRITE_LEFT_EDGE, "SPRT_Left_Edge");
- }
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (MARKER_BIT, 1, "Marker_Bit");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsStuffing += 1;
- if (m_rctSpt.top >= 0) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_rctSpt.top, NUMBITS_SPRITE_TOP_EDGE, "SPRT_Top_Edge");
- } else {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_rctSpt.top & 0x00001FFFF, NUMBITS_SPRITE_TOP_EDGE, "SPRT_Top_Edge");
- }
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead += NUMBITS_SPRITE_TOP_EDGE;
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (MARKER_BIT, 1, "Marker_Bit");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsStuffing += 1;
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_iNumOfPnts, NUMBITS_NUM_SPRITE_POINTS, "SPRT_Num_Pnt");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_uiWarpingAccuracy, NUMBITS_WARPING_ACCURACY, "SPRT_Warping_Accuracy");
- Bool bLightChange = 0;
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (bLightChange, 1, "SPRT_Brightness_Change");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead++;
- // Begin: modified by Hughes 4/9/98
- if (m_sptMode == BASIC_SPRITE)
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (FALSE, 1, "Low_latency_sprite_enable");
- else
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (TRUE, 1, "Low_latency_sprite_enable");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead++;
- // End: modified by Hughes 4/9/98
- }
- // NBIT
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits ((Int) m_volmd.bNot8Bit, 1, "VOL_NOT_8_BIT_VIDEO");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead++;
- if (m_volmd.bNot8Bit) {
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits ((Int) m_volmd.uiQuantPrecision, 4, "QUANT_PRECISION");
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits ((Int) m_volmd.nBits, 4, "BITS_PER_PIXEL");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead+=8;
- }
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bNoGrayQuantUpdate, 1, "VOL_Disable_Gray_Q_Update");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (0, 1, "Composition_Method");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (1, 1, "Linear_Composition");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead+=3;
- }
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits ((Int) m_volmd.fQuantizer, 1, "VOL_Quant_Type");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead++;
- if (m_volmd.fQuantizer == Q_MPEG) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bLoadIntraMatrix, 1, "VOL_Load_Q_Matrix (intra)");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead++;
- if (m_volmd.bLoadIntraMatrix) {
- UInt i = 0;
- do {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.rgiIntraQuantizerMatrix [grgiStandardZigzag[i]], NUMBITS_QMATRIX, "VOL_Quant_Matrix(intra)");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead += NUMBITS_QMATRIX;
- } while (m_volmd.rgiIntraQuantizerMatrix [grgiStandardZigzag[i]] != 0 && ++i < BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE);
- for (UInt j = i; j < BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE; j++) {
- m_volmd.rgiIntraQuantizerMatrix [grgiStandardZigzag[j]] = m_volmd.rgiIntraQuantizerMatrix [grgiStandardZigzag[i - 1]];
- }
- }
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bLoadInterMatrix, 1, "VOL_Load_Q_Matrix (inter)");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead++;
- if (m_volmd.bLoadInterMatrix) {
- UInt i = 0;
- do {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.rgiInterQuantizerMatrix [grgiStandardZigzag[i]], NUMBITS_QMATRIX, "VOL_Quant_Matrix(intra)");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead += NUMBITS_QMATRIX;
- } while (m_volmd.rgiInterQuantizerMatrix [grgiStandardZigzag[i]] != 0 && ++i < BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE);
- for (UInt j = i; j < BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE; j++) {
- m_volmd.rgiInterQuantizerMatrix [grgiStandardZigzag[j]] = m_volmd.rgiInterQuantizerMatrix [grgiStandardZigzag[i - 1]];
- }
- }
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bLoadIntraMatrixAlpha, 1, "VOL_Load_Alpha_Q_Matrix (intra)");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead++;
- if (m_volmd.bLoadIntraMatrixAlpha) {
- for (UInt i = 0; i < BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE; i++) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.rgiIntraQuantizerMatrixAlpha [grgiStandardZigzag[i]], NUMBITS_QMATRIX, "VOL_Alpha_Quant_Matrix(intra)");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead += NUMBITS_QMATRIX;
- }
- }
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bLoadInterMatrixAlpha, 1, "VOL_Load_Alpha_Q_Matrix (inter)");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead++;
- if (m_volmd.bLoadInterMatrixAlpha) {
- for (UInt i = 0; i < BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE; i++) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.rgiInterQuantizerMatrixAlpha [grgiStandardZigzag[i]], NUMBITS_QMATRIX, "VOL_Alpha_Quant_Matrix(inter)");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead += NUMBITS_QMATRIX;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // START: Complexity Estimation syntax support - Marc Mongenet (EPFL) - 16 Jun 1998
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bComplexityEstimationDisable,
- 1, "complexity_estimation_disable");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead += 1;
- if (! m_volmd.bComplexityEstimationDisable) {
- m_volmd.iEstimationMethod = 0; // only known estimation method at now (18 Jun 1998)
- m_volmd.bShapeComplexityEstimationDisable =
- !(m_volmd.bOpaque ||
- m_volmd.bTransparent ||
- m_volmd.bIntraCAE ||
- m_volmd.bInterCAE ||
- m_volmd.bNoUpdate ||
- m_volmd.bUpsampling);
- m_volmd.bTextureComplexityEstimationSet1Disable =
- !(m_volmd.bIntraBlocks ||
- m_volmd.bInterBlocks ||
- m_volmd.bInter4vBlocks ||
- m_volmd.bNotCodedBlocks);
- m_volmd.bTextureComplexityEstimationSet2Disable =
- !(m_volmd.bDCTCoefs ||
- m_volmd.bDCTLines ||
- m_volmd.bVLCSymbols ||
- m_volmd.bVLCBits);
- m_volmd.bMotionCompensationComplexityDisable =
- !(m_volmd.bAPM ||
- m_volmd.bNPM ||
- m_volmd.bInterpolateMCQ ||
- m_volmd.bForwBackMCQ ||
- m_volmd.bHalfpel2 ||
- m_volmd.bHalfpel4);
- assert (m_volmd.iEstimationMethod == 0);
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.iEstimationMethod, 2, "estimation_method");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead += 2;
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bShapeComplexityEstimationDisable,
- 1, "shape_complexity_estimation_disable");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead += 1;
- if (! m_volmd.bShapeComplexityEstimationDisable) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bOpaque, 1, "opaque");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bTransparent, 1, "transparent");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bIntraCAE, 1, "intra_cae");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bInterCAE, 1, "inter_cae");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bNoUpdate, 1, "no_update");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bUpsampling, 1, "upsampling");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead += 6;
- }
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bTextureComplexityEstimationSet1Disable,
- 1, "texture_complexity_estimation_set_1_disable");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead += 1;
- if (! m_volmd.bTextureComplexityEstimationSet1Disable) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bIntraBlocks, 1, "intra_blocks");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bInterBlocks, 1, "inter_blocks");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bInter4vBlocks, 1, "inter4v_blocks");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bNotCodedBlocks, 1, "not_coded_blocks");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead += 4;
- }
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (1, 1, "Marker_Bit");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsStuffing ++;
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bTextureComplexityEstimationSet2Disable,
- 1, "texture_complexity_estimation_set_2_disable");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead += 1;
- if (! m_volmd.bTextureComplexityEstimationSet2Disable) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bDCTCoefs, 1, "dct_coefs");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bDCTLines, 1, "dct_lines");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bVLCSymbols, 1, "vlc_symbols");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bVLCBits, 1, "vlc_bits");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead += 4;
- }
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bMotionCompensationComplexityDisable,
- 1, "motion_compensation_complexity_disable");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead += 1;
- if (! m_volmd.bMotionCompensationComplexityDisable) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bAPM, 1, "apm");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bNPM, 1, "npm");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bInterpolateMCQ, 1, "interpolate_mc_q");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bForwBackMCQ, 1, "forw_back_mc_q");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bHalfpel2, 1, "halfpel2");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bHalfpel4, 1, "halfpel4");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead += 6;
- }
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (1, 1, "Marker_Bit");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsStuffing ++;
- }
- // END: Complexity Estimation syntax support
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (0, 1, "VOL_resync_marker_disable");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead ++;
- // Modified by Toshiba(1998-4-7)
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bDataPartitioning, 1, "VOL_data_partitioning");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead ++;
- if( m_volmd.bDataPartitioning )
- {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.bReversibleVlc, 1, "VOL_reversible_vlc");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead ++;
- }
- // End Toshiba
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER, 1, "VOL_Scalability");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead++;
- if (m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER) {
- //#ifdef _Scalable_SONY_
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.iHierarchyType, 1, "VOL_Hierarchy_Type");
- //#endif _Scalable_SONY_
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (0, 4, "VOL_Ref_Layer_Id");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (0, 1, "VOL_Ref_Layer_Sampling_Dir");
- /*Added*/
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.ihor_sampling_factor_n, 5, "VOL_Horizontal_Sampling_Factor"); //The vm is not very clear about this.
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.ihor_sampling_factor_m, 5, "VOL_Horizontal_Sampling_Factor_Ref"); //Always 1
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.iver_sampling_factor_n, 5, "VOL_Vertical_Sampling_Factor"); //The vm is not very clear about this.
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.iver_sampling_factor_m, 5, "VOL_Vertical_Sampling_Factor_Ref"); //Always 1
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_volmd.iEnhnType!=0?1:0, 1, "VOL_Ehnancement_Type"); // enhancement_type for scalability // modified by Sharp (98/3/24)
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead += 26;
- }
- // Begin: modified by Hughes 4/9/98 per clause 2.1.7. in N2171 document
- // m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits ((Int) 0, 1, "VOL_Random_Access"); //isn't this a system level flg?
- // m_statsVOL.nBitsHead++;
- // End: modified by Hughes 4/9/98
- cout << "VOL Overhead" << "tt" << m_statsVOL.nBitsHead << "nn";
- cout.flush ();
- }
- //encode GOV header, modified by SONY 980212
- Void CVideoObjectEncoder::codeGOVHead (Time t)
- {
- cout << "GOV Header (t=" << t << ")nn";
- m_pbitstrmOut->reset ();
- // Start code
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (START_CODE_PREFIX, NUMBITS_START_CODE_PREFIX, "GOV_Start_Code");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (GOV_START_CODE, NUMBITS_GOV_START_CODE, "GOV_Start_Code");
- // Time code
- /*modified by SONY (98/03/30) */
- /* Time tGOVCode = ((Int)(t * m_volmd.iClockRate / m_volmd.dFrameHz)) / m_volmd.iClockRate;*/
- /*modified by SONY (98/03/30) End*/
- Time tGOVCode = ((Int)(t * m_volmd.iClockRate / m_volmd.dFrameHz) - m_volmd.iBbetweenP) / m_volmd.iClockRate;
- */
- // modified by swinder 980511
- Time tGOVCode = (Time)(t / m_volmd.dFrameHz);
- // this is because t is the source frame count and dFrameHz is the source frame rate,
- // tGOVCode is therefore in seconds rounded down. I see no reason for clock rate to be
- // used here - swinder
- if(tGOVCode<0) tGOVCode=0;
- Time tCodeHou = (tGOVCode / 3600)%24;
- Time tCodeMin = (tGOVCode / 60) % 60;
- Time tCodeSec = tGOVCode % 60;
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (tCodeHou, NUMBITS_GOV_TIMECODE_HOUR, "GOV_Time_Code_Hour");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (tCodeMin, NUMBITS_GOV_TIMECODE_MIN, "GOV_Time_Code_Min");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (MARKER_BIT, 1, "Marker_Bit");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsStuffing += 1;
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (tCodeSec, NUMBITS_GOV_TIMECODE_SEC, "GOV_Time_Code_Sec");
- Int iClosedGOV;
- if ((m_vopmd.vopPredType==IVOP)&&(m_volmd.iBbetweenP==0))
- iClosedGOV=1;
- else
- iClosedGOV=0;
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (iClosedGOV, 1, "GOV_Closed");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead += 1;
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (0, 1, "GOV_Broken_Link");
- m_statsVOL.nBitsHead += 1;
- m_statsVOL.nBitsStuffing += m_pbitstrmOut->flush ();
- //m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (15, 4, "byte_align");
- //m_statsVOL.nBitsHead += 4;
- m_tModuloBaseDisp = tGOVCode;
- m_tModuloBaseDecd = tGOVCode;
- }
- //980212
- Void CVideoObjectEncoder::codeVOPHeadInitial()
- {
- // Start code
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (START_CODE_PREFIX, NUMBITS_START_CODE_PREFIX, "VOP_Start_Code");
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (VOP_START_CODE, NUMBITS_VOP_START_CODE, "VOP_Start_Code");
- // prediction type
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_vopmd.vopPredType, NUMBITS_VOP_PRED_TYPE, "VOP_Pred_Type");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += NUMBITS_VOP_PRED_TYPE;
- // Time reference
- Time tCurrSec = (Int)(m_t / m_volmd.dFrameHz); // current time in seconds
- // Time tCurrSec = m_t / SOURCE_FRAME_RATE; // current time in seconds
- m_nBitsModuloBase = tCurrSec - (((m_vopmd.vopPredType != BVOP) ||
- (m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP && m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER )) ?
- m_tModuloBaseDecd : m_tModuloBaseDisp);
- assert(m_nBitsModuloBase<=31);
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits ((Int) 0xFFFFFFFE, (UInt) m_nBitsModuloBase + 1, "VOP_Modulo_Time_Base");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += m_nBitsModuloBase + 1;
- m_iVopTimeIncr = (Int)(m_t * m_volmd.iClockRate / m_volmd.dFrameHz - tCurrSec * m_volmd.iClockRate);
- // m_iVopTimeIncr = m_t * m_volmd.iClockRate / SOURCE_FRAME_RATE - tCurrSec * m_volmd.iClockRate;
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits ((Int) 1, 1, "Marker"); // marker bit Added for error resilient mode by Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- m_statsVOP.nBitsStuffing ++;
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_iVopTimeIncr, m_iNumBitsTimeIncr, "VOP_Time_Incr");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += m_iNumBitsTimeIncr;// Modified for error resilient mode by Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits ((Int) 1, 1, "Marker"); // marker bit
- m_statsVOP.nBitsStuffing ++;
- if ( m_vopmd.vopPredType != BVOP ||
- (m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP && m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER ))
- { //update modulo time base
- m_tModuloBaseDisp = m_tModuloBaseDecd; //of the most recently displayed I/Pvop
- m_tModuloBaseDecd = tCurrSec; //of the most recently decoded I/Pvop
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObjectEncoder::codeNonCodedVOPHead ()
- {
- codeVOPHeadInitial();
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (0, 1, "VOP_Coded");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead++;
- }
- Void CVideoObjectEncoder::codeVOPHead ()
- {
- codeVOPHeadInitial();
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (1, 1, "VOP_Coded");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead++;
- if(m_volmd.bShapeOnly==FALSE)
- {
- if (m_vopmd.vopPredType == PVOP) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_vopmd.iRoundingControl, 1, "VOP_Rounding_Type");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead++;
- }
- }
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE) {
- if (!(m_uiSprite == 1 && m_vopmd.vopPredType == IVOP)) {
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits (m_rctCurrVOPY.width, NUMBITS_VOP_WIDTH, "VOP_Width");
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits ((Int) 1, 1, "Marker"); // marker bit
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits (m_rctCurrVOPY.height (), NUMBITS_VOP_HEIGHT, "VOP_Height");
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits ((Int) 1, 1, "Marker"); // marker bit
- m_statsVOP.nBitsStuffing += 2;
- if (m_rctCurrVOPY.left >= 0) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_rctCurrVOPY.left, NUMBITS_VOP_HORIZONTAL_SPA_REF, "VOP_Hori_Ref");
- } else {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_rctCurrVOPY.left & 0x00001FFFF, NUMBITS_VOP_HORIZONTAL_SPA_REF, "VOP_Hori_Ref");
- }
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits ((Int) 1, 1, "Marker"); // marker bit
- if (m_rctCurrVOPY.top >= 0) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_rctCurrVOPY.top, NUMBITS_VOP_VERTICAL_SPA_REF, "VOP_Vert_Ref");
- } else {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_rctCurrVOPY.top & 0x00001FFFF, NUMBITS_VOP_VERTICAL_SPA_REF, "VOP_Vert_Ref");
- }
- m_statsVOP.nBitsStuffing += 1;
- }
- if ( m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER && m_volmd.iEnhnType == 1 ) {
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits (1, 1, "Background Composition");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead++;
- }
- // begin: added by Sharp (98/3/24)
- else if ( m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER && m_volmd.iEnhnType == 2 ) {
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits (0, 1, "Background Composition");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead++;
- }
- // end: added by Sharp (98/3/24)
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits (m_volmd.bNoCrChange, 1, "VOP_CR_Change_Disable");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead++;
- // tentative solution for normal sprite bitstream exchange
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits (0, 1, "VOP_Constant_Alpha");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead++;
- }
- // START: Complexity Estimation syntax support - Marc Mongenet (EPFL) - 15 Jun 1998
- if (! m_volmd.bComplexityEstimationDisable) {
- assert (m_volmd.iEstimationMethod == 0);
- // In real life the following values should be estimated by the encoder,
- // but this is only a syntax support so arbitrary complexity values are assigned.
- m_vopmd.iOpaque = 77;
- m_vopmd.iTransparent = 97;
- m_vopmd.iIntraCAE = 114;
- m_vopmd.iInterCAE = 99;
- m_vopmd.iNoUpdate = 32;
- m_vopmd.iUpsampling = 32;
- m_vopmd.iIntraBlocks = 171;
- m_vopmd.iNotCodedBlocks = 171;
- m_vopmd.iDCTCoefs = 215;
- m_vopmd.iDCTLines = 187;
- m_vopmd.iVLCSymbols = 187;
- m_vopmd.iVLCBits = 10;
- m_vopmd.iInterBlocks = 77;
- m_vopmd.iInter4vBlocks = 111;
- m_vopmd.iAPM = 110;
- m_vopmd.iNPM = 103;
- m_vopmd.iForwBackMCQ = 101;
- m_vopmd.iHalfpel2 = 110;
- m_vopmd.iHalfpel4 = 101;
- m_vopmd.iInterpolateMCQ = 116;
- if (m_vopmd.vopPredType == IVOP ||
- m_vopmd.vopPredType == PVOP ||
- m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP)
- {
- if (m_volmd.bOpaque) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (codedDCECS (m_vopmd.iOpaque, 8), 8, "dcecs_opaque");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += 8;
- }
- if (m_volmd.bTransparent) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (codedDCECS (m_vopmd.iTransparent, 8), 8, "dcecs_transparent");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += 8;
- }
- if (m_volmd.bIntraCAE) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (codedDCECS (m_vopmd.iIntraCAE, 8), 8 , "dcecs_intra_cae");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += 8;
- }
- if (m_volmd.bInterCAE) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (codedDCECS (m_vopmd.iInterCAE, 8), 8 , "dcecs_inter_cae");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += 8;
- }
- if (m_volmd.bNoUpdate) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (codedDCECS (m_vopmd.iNoUpdate, 8), 8 , "dcecs_no_update");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += 8;
- }
- if (m_volmd.bUpsampling) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (codedDCECS (m_vopmd.iUpsampling, 8), 8 , "dcecs_upsampling");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += 8;
- }
- }
- if (m_volmd.bIntraBlocks) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (codedDCECS (m_vopmd.iIntraBlocks, 8), 8 , "dcecs_intra_blocks");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += 8;
- }
- if (m_volmd.bNotCodedBlocks) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (codedDCECS (m_vopmd.iNotCodedBlocks, 8), 8 , "dcecs_not_coded_blocks");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += 8;
- }
- if (m_volmd.bDCTCoefs) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (codedDCECS (m_vopmd.iDCTCoefs, 8), 8 , "dcecs_dct_coefs");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += 8;
- }
- if (m_volmd.bDCTLines) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (codedDCECS (m_vopmd.iDCTLines, 8), 8 , "dcecs_dct_lines");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += 8;
- }
- if (m_volmd.bVLCSymbols) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (codedDCECS (m_vopmd.iVLCSymbols, 8), 8 , "dcecs_vlc_symbols");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += 8;
- }
- if (m_volmd.bVLCBits) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (codedDCECS (m_vopmd.iVLCBits, 4), 4, "dcecs_vlc_bits");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += 4;
- }
- if (m_vopmd.vopPredType == PVOP ||
- m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP ||
- m_vopmd.vopPredType == SPRITE)
- {
- if (m_volmd.bInterBlocks) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (codedDCECS (m_vopmd.iInterBlocks, 8), 8 , "dcecs_inter_blocks");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += 8;
- }
- if (m_volmd.bInter4vBlocks) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (codedDCECS (m_vopmd.iInter4vBlocks, 8), 8 , "dcecs_inter4v_blocks");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += 8;
- }
- if (m_volmd.bAPM) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (codedDCECS (m_vopmd.iAPM, 8), 8 , "dcecs_apm");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += 8;
- }
- if (m_volmd.bNPM) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (codedDCECS (m_vopmd.iNPM, 8), 8 , "dcecs_npm");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += 8;
- }
- if (m_volmd.bForwBackMCQ) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (codedDCECS (m_vopmd.iForwBackMCQ, 8), 8 , "dcecs_forw_back_mc_q");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += 8;
- }
- if (m_volmd.bHalfpel2) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (codedDCECS (m_vopmd.iHalfpel2, 8), 8 , "dcecs_halfpel2");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += 8;
- }
- if (m_volmd.bHalfpel4) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (codedDCECS (m_vopmd.iHalfpel4, 8), 8 , "dcecs_halfpel4");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += 8;
- }
- }
- if (m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP ||
- m_vopmd.vopPredType == SPRITE)
- {
- if (m_volmd.bInterpolateMCQ) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (codedDCECS (m_vopmd.iInterpolateMCQ, 8), 8 , "dcecs_interpolate_mc_q");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += 8;
- }
- }
- }
- // END: Complexity Estimation syntax support
- // Modified for error resilient mode by Toshiba(1998-1-16)
- if(m_volmd.bShapeOnly==TRUE) {
- VideoPacketResetVOP();
- return;
- }
- // End Toshiba(1998-1-16)
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits (m_vopmd.iIntraDcSwitchThr, 3, "IntraDCSwitchThr");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead+=3;
- //m_pbitstrmOut->putBits (m_vopmd.bInterlace, 1, "InterlaceEnable");
- //m_statsVOP.nBitsHead++;
- if (m_vopmd.bInterlace == TRUE) {
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits (m_vopmd.bTopFieldFirst, 1, "Top_Field_First");
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits (m_vopmd.bAlternateScan, 1, "Alternate_Scan");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += 2;
- } else
- m_vopmd.bAlternateScan = FALSE;
- if (m_vopmd.vopPredType == IVOP) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_vopmd.intStepI, m_volmd.uiQuantPrecision, "VOP_QUANT");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += m_volmd.uiQuantPrecision;
- if(m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT)
- {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_vopmd.intStepIAlpha, NUMBITS_VOP_ALPHA_QUANTIZER, "VOP_GREY_QUANT");
- }
- }
- else if (m_vopmd.vopPredType == PVOP) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_vopmd.intStep, m_volmd.uiQuantPrecision, "VOP_QUANT");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += m_volmd.uiQuantPrecision;
- if(m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT)
- {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_vopmd.intStepPAlpha, NUMBITS_VOP_ALPHA_QUANTIZER, "VOP_GREY_QUANT");
- }
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiFCode, NUMBITS_VOP_FCODE, "VOP_Fcode_Forward");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += NUMBITS_VOP_FCODE;
- }
- else if (m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP) {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_vopmd.intStepB, m_volmd.uiQuantPrecision, "VOP_QUANT");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += m_volmd.uiQuantPrecision;
- if(m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT)
- {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_vopmd.intStepBAlpha, NUMBITS_VOP_ALPHA_QUANTIZER, "VOP_GREY_QUANT");
- }
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiFCode, NUMBITS_VOP_FCODE, "VOP_Fcode_Forward");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += NUMBITS_VOP_FCODE;
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_vopmd.mvInfoBackward.uiFCode, NUMBITS_VOP_FCODE, "VOP_Fcode_Backward");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead += NUMBITS_VOP_FCODE;
- }
- // Added for error resilient mode by Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- if(m_volmd.volType != ENHN_LAYER){
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE && m_vopmd.vopPredType != IVOP
- && m_uiSprite != 1)
- {
- m_pbitstrmOut -> putBits (m_vopmd.bShapeCodingType, 1, "VOP_shape_coding_type");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead++;
- }
- VideoPacketResetVOP();
- }
- else
- {
- ///// 97/12/22 start
- if( m_volmd.iEnhnType != 0 ){ // modified by Sharp (98/3/24)
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits (m_vopmd.iLoadBakShape, 1, "load_backward_shape");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead ++;
- if(m_vopmd.iLoadBakShape){
- delete rgpbfShape [1]->m_pvopcRefQ1;
- // previous backward shape is saved to current forward shape
- rgpbfShape [1]->m_pvopcRefQ1 = new CVOPU8YUVBA (*(rgpbfShape [0]->pvopcReconCurr()));
- rgpbfShape [1]->m_rctCurrVOPY.left = rgpbfShape [0]->m_rctCurrVOPY.left;
- rgpbfShape [1]->m_rctCurrVOPY.right = rgpbfShape [0]->m_rctCurrVOPY.right;
- rgpbfShape [1]->m_rctCurrVOPY.top = rgpbfShape [0]->m_rctCurrVOPY.top;
- rgpbfShape [1]->m_rctCurrVOPY.bottom = rgpbfShape [0]->m_rctCurrVOPY.bottom;
- rgpbfShape [0]->findTightBoundingBox ();
- rgpbfShape [0]->findBestBoundingBox ();
- rgpbfShape [0]->m_rctCurrVOPY = rgpbfShape [0]->m_pvopcOrig->whereBoundY();
- rgpbfShape [0]->m_rctCurrVOPUV = rgpbfShape [0]->m_pvopcOrig->whereBoundUV ();
- rgpbfShape [0]->setRefStartingPointers ();
- rgpbfShape [0]->compute_bfShapeMembers ();
- // backward shape width/height, hori/vert reference
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits (rgpbfShape [0]->m_rctCurrVOPY.width, NUMBITS_VOP_WIDTH, "back_Width");
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits ((Int) 1, 1, "Marker"); // marker bit
- m_statsVOP.nBitsStuffing ++;
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits (rgpbfShape [0]->m_rctCurrVOPY.height (), NUMBITS_VOP_HEIGHT, "back_Height");
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits ((Int) 1, 1, "Marker"); // marker bit
- m_statsVOP.nBitsStuffing ++;
- Int iSign = (rgpbfShape [0]->m_rctCurrVOPY.left < 0) ? 1 : 0;
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits (iSign, 1, "back_Hori_Ref_Sgn");
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits (abs (rgpbfShape [0]->m_rctCurrVOPY.left), NUMBITS_VOP_HORIZONTAL_SPA_REF - 1, "back_Hori_Ref");
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits ((Int) 1, 1, "Marker"); // marker bit
- m_statsVOP.nBitsStuffing++;
- iSign = (rgpbfShape [0]->m_rctCurrVOPY.top < 0) ? 1 : 0;
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits (iSign, 1, "back_Vert_Ref_Sgn");
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits (abs (rgpbfShape [0]->m_rctCurrVOPY.top), NUMBITS_VOP_VERTICAL_SPA_REF - 1, "back_Vert_Ref");
- rgpbfShape [0]->resetBYPlane ();
- printf("================ backward shape codingn");
- rgpbfShape [0]->m_volmd.bShapeOnly = TRUE;
- rgpbfShape [0]->encodeNSForIVOP_WithShape ();
- // backward shape coding
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits (m_vopmd.iLoadForShape, 1, "load_forward_shape");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead++;
- if(m_vopmd.iLoadForShape){
- rgpbfShape [1]->findTightBoundingBox ();
- rgpbfShape [1]->findBestBoundingBox ();
- rgpbfShape [1]->m_rctCurrVOPY = rgpbfShape [1]->m_pvopcOrig->whereBoundY ();
- rgpbfShape [1]->m_rctCurrVOPUV = rgpbfShape [1]->m_pvopcOrig->whereBoundUV ();
- rgpbfShape [1]->setRefStartingPointers ();
- rgpbfShape [1]->compute_bfShapeMembers ();
- // forward shape width/height, hori/vert reference
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits (rgpbfShape [1]->m_rctCurrVOPY.width, NUMBITS_VOP_WIDTH, "for_Width");
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits ((Int) 1, 1, "Marker"); // marker bit
- m_statsVOP.nBitsStuffing ++;
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits (rgpbfShape [1]->m_rctCurrVOPY.height (), NUMBITS_VOP_HEIGHT, "for_Height");
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits ((Int) 1, 1, "Marker"); // marker bit
- m_statsVOP.nBitsStuffing ++;
- Int iSign = (rgpbfShape [1]->m_rctCurrVOPY.left < 0) ? 1 : 0;
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits (iSign, 1, "for_Hori_Ref_Sgn");
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits (abs (rgpbfShape [1]->m_rctCurrVOPY.left), NUMBITS_VOP_HORIZONTAL_SPA_REF - 1, "for_Hori_Ref");
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits ((Int) 1, 1, "Marker"); // marker bit
- m_statsVOP.nBitsStuffing++;
- iSign = (rgpbfShape [1]->m_rctCurrVOPY.top < 0) ? 1 : 0;
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits (iSign, 1, "for_Vert_Ref_Sgn");
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits (abs (rgpbfShape [1]->m_rctCurrVOPY.top), NUMBITS_VOP_VERTICAL_SPA_REF - 1, "for_Vert_Ref");
- rgpbfShape [1]->resetBYPlane ();
- printf("================ forward shape codingn");
- rgpbfShape [1]->m_volmd.bShapeOnly = TRUE;
- rgpbfShape [1]->encodeNSForIVOP_WithShape ();
- // forward shape coding
- }
- } // end of "if (m_vopmd.iLoadBakShape)"
- } // end of "if (iEnhnType == 1)"
- ///// 97/12/22 end
- m_pbitstrmOut->putBits(m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode, 2, "RefSelectCode");
- m_statsVOP.nBitsHead +=2;
- }
- // End Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- }
- Void CVideoObjectEncoder::decideMVInfo ()
- {
- assert (m_vopmd.iSearchRangeForward <= 1024); //seems a reasonable constraint
- assert (m_vopmd.iSearchRangeBackward <= 1024); //seems a reasonable constraint
- if(m_vopmd.iSearchRangeForward <= 16)
- m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiFCode = 1;
- else if(m_vopmd.iSearchRangeForward <= 32)
- m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiFCode = 2;
- else if(m_vopmd.iSearchRangeForward <= 64)
- m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiFCode = 3;
- else if(m_vopmd.iSearchRangeForward <= 128)
- m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiFCode = 4;
- else if(m_vopmd.iSearchRangeForward <= 256)
- m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiFCode = 5;
- else if(m_vopmd.iSearchRangeForward <= 512)
- m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiFCode = 6;
- else // 1024
- m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiFCode = 7;
- m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiRange = 1 << (m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiFCode + 4);
- m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiScaleFactor = 1 << (m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiFCode - 1);
- if ((UInt)m_vopmd.iSearchRangeForward == (m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiRange >> 1))
- m_vopmd.iSearchRangeForward--; // avoid out of range half pel
- if(m_vopmd.iSearchRangeBackward <= 16)
- m_vopmd.mvInfoBackward.uiFCode = 1;
- else if(m_vopmd.iSearchRangeBackward <= 32)
- m_vopmd.mvInfoBackward.uiFCode = 2;
- else if(m_vopmd.iSearchRangeBackward <= 64)
- m_vopmd.mvInfoBackward.uiFCode = 3;
- else if(m_vopmd.iSearchRangeBackward <= 128)
- m_vopmd.mvInfoBackward.uiFCode = 4;
- else if(m_vopmd.iSearchRangeBackward <= 256)
- m_vopmd.mvInfoBackward.uiFCode = 5;
- else if(m_vopmd.iSearchRangeBackward <= 512)
- m_vopmd.mvInfoBackward.uiFCode = 6;
- else // 1024
- m_vopmd.mvInfoBackward.uiFCode = 7;
- m_vopmd.mvInfoBackward.uiRange = 1 << (m_vopmd.mvInfoBackward.uiFCode + 4);
- m_vopmd.mvInfoBackward.uiScaleFactor = 1 << (m_vopmd.mvInfoBackward.uiFCode - 1);
- if ((UInt)m_vopmd.iSearchRangeBackward == (m_vopmd.mvInfoBackward.uiRange >> 1))
- m_vopmd.iSearchRangeBackward--; // avoid out of range half pel
- }
- // START: Complexity Estimation syntax support - Marc Mongenet (EPFL) - 19 Jun 1998
- Int CVideoObjectEncoder::codedDCECS (Int ioriginal, UInt uinb_bits)
- {
- ioriginal &= (1 << uinb_bits) - 1; // mask raw data
- return ioriginal != 0 ? ioriginal : 1;
- }
- // END: Complexity Estimation syntax support
- Void CVideoObjectEncoder::updateAllOrigRefVOPs ()
- {
- assert (m_vopmd.vopPredType != BVOP||(
- m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP && m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER && m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 0));
- swapVOPU8Pointers (m_pvopcOrig, m_pvopcRefOrig1);
- m_pvopcRefOrig1->setBoundRct (m_rctRefVOPY1);
- m_pvopcOrig->setBoundRct (m_rctCurrVOPY);
- repeatPadYOrA ((PixelC*) m_pvopcRefOrig1->pixelsY () + m_iOffsetForPadY, m_pvopcRefOrig1);
- }
- Void CVideoObjectEncoder::copyCurrToRefOrig1Y ()
- {
- m_pvopcRefOrig0->setAndExpandBoundRctOnly (m_pvopcOrig->whereBoundY (), EXPANDY_REFVOP); // will adjust the starting pixel pointer too
- const PixelC* ppxlcOrigY = m_pvopcOrig->pixelsBoundY ();
- PixelC* ppxlcRefOrig0Y = (PixelC*) m_pvopcRefOrig0->pixelsBoundY ();
- for (CoordI y = 0; y < m_pvopcOrig->whereBoundY ().height (); y++) {
- memcpy (ppxlcRefOrig0Y, ppxlcOrigY, m_pvopcOrig->whereBoundY ().width*sizeof(PixelC)); // NBIT: add sizeof(PixelC)
- ppxlcOrigY += m_pvopcOrig->whereBoundY ().width;
- ppxlcRefOrig0Y += m_pvopcRefOrig0->whereBoundY ().width;
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObjectEncoder::findTightBoundingBox ()
- {
- const CRct& rctOrig = m_pvopcOrig->whereY ();
- CoordI left = rctOrig.right - 1;
- CoordI top = rctOrig.bottom - 1;
- CoordI right = rctOrig.left;
- CoordI bottom = rctOrig.top;
- const PixelC* ppxlcBY = m_pvopcOrig->pixelsBY ();
- for (CoordI y = rctOrig.top; y < rctOrig.bottom; y++) {
- for (CoordI x = rctOrig.left; x < rctOrig.right; x++) {
- if (*ppxlcBY != transpValue) {
- left = min (left, x);
- top = min (top, y);
- right = max (right, x);
- bottom = max (bottom, y);
- }
- ppxlcBY++;
- }
- }
- right++;
- bottom++;
- if (left % 2 != 0)
- left--;
- if (top % 2 != 0)
- top--;
- m_pvopcOrig->setBoundRct (CRct (left, top, right, bottom));
- }
- Void CVideoObjectEncoder::findBestBoundingBox ()
- {
- CoordI iLeftCurr = m_pvopcOrig->whereBoundY ().left;
- CoordI iTopCurr = m_pvopcOrig->whereBoundY ().top;
- // Added for Chroma Subsampling by Hyundai(1998-5-9)
- if (m_vopmd.bInterlace) iTopCurr -= iTopCurr%4;
- // End of Hyundai(1998-5-9)
- CoordI iRightCurr = m_pvopcOrig->whereBoundY ().right;
- CoordI iBottomCurr = m_pvopcOrig->whereBoundY ().bottom;
- CoordI iLeftMost = max (iLeftCurr - MB_SIZE + 2, 0);
- // Added for Chroma Subsampling by Hyundai(1998-5-9)
- Int iTopSkip = (m_vopmd.bInterlace) ? 4 : 2;
- CoordI iTopMost = max (iTopCurr - MB_SIZE + iTopSkip, 0);
- // End of Hyundai(1998-5-9)
- // CoordI iTopMost = max (iTopCurr - MB_SIZE + 2, 0); // delete by Hyundai //can't be negative
- Int nNonTransparentMBMin = m_pvopcOrig->whereBoundY ().area (); //abitrary large number
- Int iLeftOfBBox, iTopOfBBox; //control postions
- Int iLeftBest = iLeftMost;
- Int iTopBest = iTopMost;
- for (iLeftOfBBox = iLeftMost; iLeftOfBBox <= iLeftCurr; iLeftOfBBox += 2) {
- // for (iTopOfBBox = iTopMost; iTopOfBBox <= iTopCurr; iTopOfBBox += 2) { // delete by Hyundai
- // Added for Chroma Subsampling by Hyundai(1998-5-9)
- for (iTopOfBBox = iTopMost; iTopOfBBox <= iTopCurr; iTopOfBBox += iTopSkip) {
- // End of Hyundai(1998-5-9)
- // counting for each control position
- const PixelC* ppxlcBYMBRow = m_pvopcOrig->getPlane(BY_PLANE)->pixels (iLeftOfBBox, iTopOfBBox);
- Int nNonTransparentMB = 0;
- Bool bKeepCounting = TRUE;
- Int iLeftOfMB, iTopOfMB;
- for (iTopOfMB = iTopOfBBox; iTopOfMB < iBottomCurr; iTopOfMB += MB_SIZE) {
- const PixelC* ppxlcBYMB = ppxlcBYMBRow;
- for (iLeftOfMB = iLeftOfBBox; iLeftOfMB < iRightCurr; iLeftOfMB += MB_SIZE) {
- const PixelC* ppxlcBY = ppxlcBYMB;
- UInt nOpaquePixel = 0;
- for (UInt iY = 0; iY < MB_SIZE; iY++) {
- for (UInt iX = 0; iX < MB_SIZE; iX++) {
- nOpaquePixel += *ppxlcBY++;
- }
- ppxlcBY += m_iFrameWidthY - MB_SIZE;
- }
- if (nOpaquePixel != 0)
- nNonTransparentMB++;
- if (nNonTransparentMB > nNonTransparentMBMin) {
- bKeepCounting = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- ppxlcBYMB += MB_SIZE;
- }
- if (!bKeepCounting)
- break;
- ppxlcBYMBRow += m_iFrameWidthYxMBSize;
- }
- if (nNonTransparentMB <= nNonTransparentMBMin) {
- nNonTransparentMBMin = nNonTransparentMB;
- iLeftBest = iLeftOfBBox;
- iTopBest = iTopOfBBox;
- }
- }
- }
- m_pvopcOrig->setBoundRct (CRct (
- iLeftBest,
- iTopBest,
- iLeftBest + ((iRightCurr - iLeftBest - 1) / MB_SIZE + 1) * MB_SIZE,
- iTopBest + ((iBottomCurr - iTopBest - 1) / MB_SIZE + 1) * MB_SIZE
- ));
- }
- Void CVideoObjectEncoder::computeSNRs (const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcCurrQ)
- {
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage == RECTANGLE) {
- SNRYorA (m_pvopcOrig->pixelsBoundY (), pvopcCurrQ->pixelsY () + m_iStartInRefToCurrRctY, m_rgdSNR [0]);
- SNRUV (pvopcCurrQ);
- }
- else {
- SNRYorAWithShape (m_pvopcOrig->pixelsBoundY (), pvopcCurrQ->pixelsY () + m_iStartInRefToCurrRctY, m_rgdSNR [0]);
- SNRUVWithShape (pvopcCurrQ);
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT)
- SNRYorAWithShape (m_pvopcOrig->pixelsBoundA (), pvopcCurrQ->pixelsA () + m_iStartInRefToCurrRctY, m_rgdSNR [3]);
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObjectEncoder::SNRYorA (
- const PixelC* ppxlcOrig, const PixelC* ppxlcRef1, // these two should point to the left-top of the rctOrig's bounding box
- Double& dSNR
- )
- {
- CoordI x, y;
- Int iSqrDiff = 0;
- Double dMaxVal = (Double) ((1<<m_volmd.nBits)-1); // NBIT
- for (y = 0; y < m_pvopcOrig->whereBoundY ().height (); y++) {
- for (x = 0; x < m_pvopcOrig->whereBoundY ().width; x++) {
- Int iDiff = ppxlcOrig [x] - ppxlcRef1 [x];
- iSqrDiff += iDiff * iDiff;
- }
- ppxlcOrig += m_pvopcOrig->whereY ().width;
- ppxlcRef1 += m_pvopcRefQ1->whereY ().width;
- }
- if (iSqrDiff == 0)
- dSNR = 1000000.0;
- else
- /* NBIT: change 255.0 to dMaxVal
- dSNR = (log10 ((255.0 * 255.0 * m_pvopcOrig->whereBoundY ().area ()) / (Double) iSqrDiff) * 10.0);
- */
- dSNR = (log10 ((dMaxVal * dMaxVal * m_pvopcOrig->whereBoundY ().area ()) / (Double) iSqrDiff) * 10.0);
- }
- Void CVideoObjectEncoder::SNRUV (const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcCurrQ)
- {
- CoordI x, y;
- Int iSqrDiffU = 0, iSqrDiffV = 0, iDiff;
- Double dMaxVal = (Double) ((1<<m_volmd.nBits)-1); // NBIT
- const PixelC* ppxlcOrigU = m_pvopcOrig->pixelsBoundU ();
- const PixelC* ppxlcOrigV = m_pvopcOrig->pixelsBoundV ();
- const PixelC* ppxlcRef1U = pvopcCurrQ->pixelsU () + m_iStartInRefToCurrRctUV;
- const PixelC* ppxlcRef1V = pvopcCurrQ->pixelsV () + m_iStartInRefToCurrRctUV;
- for (y = 0; y < m_pvopcOrig->whereBoundUV ().height (); y++) {
- for (x = 0; x < m_pvopcOrig->whereBoundUV ().width; x++) {
- iDiff = ppxlcOrigU [x] - ppxlcRef1U [x];
- iSqrDiffU += iDiff * iDiff;
- iDiff = ppxlcOrigV [x] - ppxlcRef1V [x];
- iSqrDiffV += iDiff * iDiff;
- }
- ppxlcOrigU += m_pvopcOrig->whereUV ().width;
- ppxlcRef1U += m_pvopcRefQ1->whereUV ().width;
- ppxlcOrigV += m_pvopcOrig->whereUV ().width;
- ppxlcRef1V += m_pvopcRefQ1->whereUV ().width;
- }
- if (iSqrDiffU == 0)
- m_rgdSNR [1] = 1000000.0;
- else
- /* NBIT: change 255.0 to dMaxVal
- m_rgdSNR [1] = (log10 ((Double) (255.0 * 255.0 * m_pvopcOrig->whereBoundUV ().area ()) / (Double) iSqrDiffU) * 10.0);
- */
- m_rgdSNR [1] = (log10 ((Double) (dMaxVal * dMaxVal * m_pvopcOrig->whereBoundUV ().area ()) / (Double) iSqrDiffU) * 10.0);
- if (iSqrDiffV == 0)
- m_rgdSNR [2] = 1000000.0;
- else
- /* NBIT: change 255.0 to dMaxVal
- m_rgdSNR [2] = (log10 ((Double) (255.0 * 255.0 * m_pvopcOrig->whereBoundUV ().area ()) / (Double) iSqrDiffV) * 10.0);
- */
- m_rgdSNR [2] = (log10 ((Double) (dMaxVal * dMaxVal * m_pvopcOrig->whereBoundUV ().area ()) / (Double) iSqrDiffV) * 10.0);
- }
- Void CVideoObjectEncoder::SNRYorAWithShape (
- const PixelC* ppxlcOrig, const PixelC* ppxlcRef1, // these two should point to the left-top of the rctOrig's bounding box
- Double& dSNR
- )
- {
- CoordI x, y;
- Int iSqrDiff = 0, iNumNonTransp = 0;
- Double dMaxVal = (Double) ((1<<m_volmd.nBits)-1); // NBIT
- const PixelC* ppxlcOrigBY = m_pvopcOrig->pixelsBoundBY ();
- for (y = 0; y < m_pvopcOrig->whereBoundY ().height (); y++) {
- for (x = 0; x < m_pvopcOrig->whereBoundY ().width; x++) {
- if (ppxlcOrigBY [x] != transpValue) {
- Int iDiff = ppxlcOrig [x] - ppxlcRef1 [x];
- iSqrDiff += iDiff * iDiff;
- iNumNonTransp++;
- }
- }
- ppxlcOrig += m_pvopcOrig->whereY ().width;
- ppxlcOrigBY += m_pvopcOrig->whereY ().width;
- ppxlcRef1 += m_pvopcRefQ1->whereY ().width;
- }
- if (iSqrDiff == 0)
- dSNR = 1000000.0;
- else
- /* NBIT: change 255.0 to dMaxVal
- dSNR = (log10 ((Double) (255.0 * 255.0 * iNumNonTransp) / (Double) iSqrDiff) * 10.0);
- */
- dSNR = (log10 ((Double) (dMaxVal * dMaxVal * iNumNonTransp) / (Double) iSqrDiff) * 10.0);
- }
- Void CVideoObjectEncoder::SNRUVWithShape (const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcCurrQ)
- {
- CoordI x, y;
- Int iSqrDiffU = 0, iSqrDiffV = 0, iNumNonTransp = 0, iDiff;
- Double dMaxVal = (Double) ((1<<m_volmd.nBits)-1); // NBIT
- const PixelC* ppxlcOrigU = m_pvopcOrig->pixelsBoundU ();
- const PixelC* ppxlcOrigV = m_pvopcOrig->pixelsBoundV ();
- const PixelC* ppxlcRef1U = pvopcCurrQ->pixelsU () + m_iStartInRefToCurrRctUV;
- const PixelC* ppxlcRef1V = pvopcCurrQ->pixelsV () + m_iStartInRefToCurrRctUV;
- const PixelC* ppxlcOrigBUV = m_pvopcOrig->pixelsBoundBUV ();
- for (y = 0; y < m_pvopcOrig->whereBoundUV ().height (); y++) {
- for (x = 0; x < m_pvopcOrig->whereBoundUV ().width; x++) {
- if (ppxlcOrigBUV [x] != transpValue) {
- iDiff = ppxlcOrigU [x] - ppxlcRef1U [x];
- iSqrDiffU += iDiff * iDiff;
- iDiff = ppxlcOrigV [x] - ppxlcRef1V [x];
- iSqrDiffV += iDiff * iDiff;
- iNumNonTransp++;
- }
- }
- ppxlcOrigBUV += m_pvopcOrig->whereUV ().width;
- ppxlcOrigU += m_pvopcOrig->whereUV ().width;
- ppxlcRef1U += m_pvopcRefQ1->whereUV ().width;
- ppxlcOrigV += m_pvopcOrig->whereUV ().width;
- ppxlcRef1V += m_pvopcRefQ1->whereUV ().width;
- }
- if (iSqrDiffU == 0)
- m_rgdSNR [1] = 1000000.0;
- else
- /* NBIT: change 255.0 to dMaxVal
- m_rgdSNR [1] = (log10 ((Double) (255.0 * 255.0 * iNumNonTransp) / (Double) iSqrDiffU) * 10.0);
- */
- m_rgdSNR [1] = (log10 ((Double) (dMaxVal * dMaxVal * iNumNonTransp) / (Double) iSqrDiffU) * 10.0);
- if (iSqrDiffV == 0)
- m_rgdSNR [2] = 1000000.0;
- else
- /* NBIT: change 255.0 to dMaxVal
- m_rgdSNR [2] = (log10 ((Double) (255.0 * 255.0 * iNumNonTransp) / (Double) iSqrDiffV) * 10.0);
- */
- m_rgdSNR [2] = (log10 ((Double) (dMaxVal * dMaxVal * iNumNonTransp) / (Double) iSqrDiffV) * 10.0);
- }
- Void CVideoObjectEncoder::biInterpolateY (
- const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcRefQ, const CRct& rctRefVOP,
- CU8Image* puciRefQZoom, const CRct& rctRefVOPZoom, Int iRoundingControl
- )
- {
- const PixelC* ppxliOrg = pvopcRefQ->pixelsBoundY ();
- const PixelC* ppxliOrgBot;
- PixelC* ppxliZoom = (PixelC*) puciRefQZoom->pixels (rctRefVOPZoom.left, rctRefVOPZoom.top);
- PixelC* ppxliZoomBot;
- ppxliOrgBot = ppxliOrg + m_iFrameWidthY;
- ppxliZoomBot = ppxliZoom + m_iFrameWidthZoomY;
- Int iHeightPrevMinus1 = rctRefVOP.height () - 1;
- Int iWidthPrevMinus1 = rctRefVOP.width - 1;
- CoordI x, y;
- for (y = 0; y < iHeightPrevMinus1; y++) {
- const PixelC* ppxliOrgRow = ppxliOrg;
- const PixelC* ppxliOrgBotRow = ppxliOrgBot;
- PixelC* ppxliZoomRow = ppxliZoom;
- PixelC* ppxliZoomBotRow = ppxliZoomBot;
- for (x = 0; x < iWidthPrevMinus1; x++, ppxliZoomRow += 2, ppxliZoomBotRow += 2) {
- *ppxliZoomRow = *ppxliOrgRow;
- *(ppxliZoomRow + 1) = (*ppxliOrgRow + *(ppxliOrgRow + 1) + 1 - iRoundingControl) >> 1;
- *ppxliZoomBotRow = (*ppxliOrgRow + *ppxliOrgBotRow + 1 - iRoundingControl) >> 1;
- *(ppxliZoomBotRow + 1) =
- (*ppxliOrgRow + *ppxliOrgBotRow +
- *(ppxliOrgRow++ + 1) + *(ppxliOrgBotRow++ + 1) + 2 - iRoundingControl
- ) >> 2;
- }
- *ppxliZoomRow = *(ppxliZoomRow + 1) = *ppxliOrgRow;
- *ppxliZoomBotRow = *(ppxliZoomBotRow + 1) = (*ppxliOrgRow++ + *ppxliOrgBotRow++ + 1 - iRoundingControl) / 2; // the last pixels of every row do not need average
- ppxliOrg += m_iFrameWidthY;
- ppxliOrgBot += m_iFrameWidthY;
- ppxliZoom += m_iFrameWidthZoomY * 2;
- ppxliZoomBot += m_iFrameWidthZoomY * 2;
- }
- PixelC* ppxliZoomLastLnToSec = ppxliZoom;
- for (x = 0; x < iWidthPrevMinus1; x++, ppxliZoomLastLnToSec += 2) {
- *ppxliZoomLastLnToSec = *ppxliOrg;
- *(ppxliZoomLastLnToSec + 1) = (*ppxliOrg + *(ppxliOrg++ + 1) + 1 - iRoundingControl) >> 1;
- }
- *ppxliZoomLastLnToSec = *(ppxliZoomLastLnToSec + 1) = *ppxliOrg;
- // NBIT: add sizeof(PixelC)
- memcpy (ppxliZoomBot, ppxliZoom, rctRefVOPZoom.width*sizeof(PixelC));
- }
- Void CVideoObjectEncoder::swapSpatialScalabilityBVOP () //for Rectangular shape only
- {
- if (m_volmd.volType == BASE_LAYER ||
- !(m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER && m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP && m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 0))
- return;
- swapVOPU8Pointers(m_pvopcCurrQ,m_pvopcRefQ1);
- repeatPadYOrA ((PixelC*) m_pvopcRefQ1->pixelsY () + m_iOffsetForPadY, m_pvopcRefQ1);
- repeatPadUV (m_pvopcRefQ1);
- }
- // begin: added by Sharp (98/2/10)
- Void CVideoObjectEncoder::setPredType(VOPpredType vopPredType)
- {
- m_vopmd.vopPredType = vopPredType;
- }
- Void CVideoObjectEncoder::setRefSelectCode(Int refSelectCode)
- {
- m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode = refSelectCode;
- }
- /******************************************
- *** class CEnhcBufferEncoder ***
- ******************************************/
- CEnhcBufferEncoder::CEnhcBufferEncoder (Int iSessionWidth, Int iSessionHeight)
- : CEnhcBuffer (iSessionWidth, iSessionHeight)
- {
- }
- Void CEnhcBufferEncoder::copyBuf (const CEnhcBufferEncoder& srcBuf)
- {
- m_iNumMBRef = srcBuf.m_iNumMBRef;
- m_iNumMBXRef = srcBuf.m_iNumMBXRef;
- m_iNumMBYRef = srcBuf.m_iNumMBYRef;
- m_iOffsetForPadY = srcBuf.m_iOffsetForPadY;
- m_iOffsetForPadUV = srcBuf.m_iOffsetForPadUV;
- m_rctPrevNoExpandY = srcBuf.m_rctPrevNoExpandY;
- m_rctPrevNoExpandUV = srcBuf.m_rctPrevNoExpandUV;
- m_rctRefVOPY0 = srcBuf.m_rctRefVOPY0;
- m_rctRefVOPUV0 = srcBuf.m_rctRefVOPUV0;
- m_rctRefVOPY1 = srcBuf.m_rctRefVOPY1;
- m_rctRefVOPUV1 = srcBuf.m_rctRefVOPUV1;
- m_rctRefVOPZoom = srcBuf.m_rctRefVOPZoom; // 9/26 by Norio
- m_bCodedFutureRef = srcBuf.m_bCodedFutureRef; // added by Sharp (99/1/26)
- CMBMode* pmbmdRefSrc = srcBuf.m_rgmbmdRef;
- CMBMode* pmbmdRef = m_rgmbmdRef;
- CMotionVector* pmvRefSrc = srcBuf.m_rgmvRef;
- CMotionVector* pmvRef = m_rgmvRef;
- // TPS FIX
- for (Int iMB=0; iMB<m_iNumMBRef; iMB++){
- *pmbmdRef = *pmbmdRefSrc;
- pmbmdRef++;
- pmbmdRefSrc++;
- // TPS FIX
- for (Int iVecIndex=0; iVecIndex<iMaxIndex; iVecIndex++ ){
- *pmvRef = *pmvRefSrc;
- pmvRef++;
- pmvRefSrc++;
- }
- }
- CVOPU8YUVBA* pvop = srcBuf.m_pvopcBuf;
- delete m_pvopcBuf;
- m_pvopcBuf = NULL;
- m_pvopcBuf = new CVOPU8YUVBA( *pvop );
- m_t = srcBuf.m_t;
- }
- Void CEnhcBufferEncoder::getBuf(const CVideoObjectEncoder* pvopc) // get params from Base layer
- {
- // assert(pvopc->m_volmd.volType == BASE_LAYER);
- CMBMode* pmbmdRef;
- CMBMode* pmbmdRefSrc;
- CMotionVector* pmvRef;
- CMotionVector* pmvRefSrc;
- m_bCodedFutureRef = pvopc->m_bCodedFutureRef; // added by Sharp (99/1/26)
- if ( pvopc->m_vopmd.vopPredType != BVOP ){
- pmbmdRef = m_rgmbmdRef;
- pmbmdRefSrc = pvopc->m_rgmbmdRef;
- pmvRef = m_rgmvRef;
- pmvRefSrc = pvopc->m_rgmvRef;
- // This part is stored in CVideoObjectEncoder::encode()
- m_iNumMBRef = pvopc->m_iNumMBRef;
- m_iNumMBXRef = pvopc->m_iNumMBXRef;
- m_iNumMBYRef = pvopc->m_iNumMBYRef;
- } else {
- pmbmdRef = m_rgmbmdRef;
- pmbmdRefSrc = pvopc->m_rgmbmd;
- pmvRef = m_rgmvRef;
- pmvRefSrc = pvopc->m_rgmv;
- m_iNumMBRef = pvopc->m_iNumMB;
- m_iNumMBXRef = pvopc->m_iNumMBX;
- m_iNumMBYRef = pvopc->m_iNumMBY;
- }
- // TPS FIX
- for (Int iMB=0; iMB<m_iNumMBRef; iMB++ ) {
- *pmbmdRef = *pmbmdRefSrc;
- pmbmdRef++;
- pmbmdRefSrc++;
- // TPS FIX
- for (Int iVecIndex=0; iVecIndex<iMaxIndex; iVecIndex++ ){
- *pmvRef = *pmvRefSrc;
- pmvRef++;
- pmvRefSrc++;
- }
- }
- m_t = pvopc->m_t;
- delete m_pvopcBuf;
- m_pvopcBuf = NULL;
- m_pvopcBuf = new CVOPU8YUVBA( *(pvopc->pvopcReconCurr()) );
- if ( pvopc->m_vopmd.vopPredType != BVOP ) {
- m_iOffsetForPadY = pvopc->m_iOffsetForPadY;
- m_iOffsetForPadUV = pvopc->m_iOffsetForPadUV;
- m_rctPrevNoExpandY = pvopc->m_rctPrevNoExpandY;
- m_rctPrevNoExpandUV = pvopc->m_rctPrevNoExpandUV;
- m_rctRefVOPY1 = pvopc->m_rctRefVOPY1;
- m_rctRefVOPUV1 = pvopc->m_rctRefVOPUV1;
- }
- else {
- m_iOffsetForPadY = pvopc->m_iBVOPOffsetForPadY;
- m_iOffsetForPadUV = pvopc->m_iBVOPOffsetForPadUV;
- m_rctPrevNoExpandY = pvopc->m_rctBVOPPrevNoExpandY;
- m_rctPrevNoExpandUV = pvopc->m_rctBVOPPrevNoExpandUV;
- m_rctRefVOPY1 = pvopc->m_rctBVOPRefVOPY1;
- m_rctRefVOPUV1 = pvopc->m_rctBVOPRefVOPUV1;
- }
- }
- Void CEnhcBufferEncoder::putBufToQ0(CVideoObjectEncoder* pvopc) // store params to Enhancement layer pvopcRefQ0
- {
- assert(pvopc->m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER);
- delete pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ0;
- pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ0 = NULL;
- pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ0 = new CVOPU8YUVBA ( *m_pvopcBuf );
- pvopc->m_tPastRef = m_t;
- pvopc->m_bCodedFutureRef = m_bCodedFutureRef; // added by Sharp (99/1/26)
- if ( pvopc->m_volmd.iEnhnType != 0 && //modified by Sharp (98/3/24)
- (((pvopc->m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 1 || pvopc->m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 2) && pvopc->m_vopmd.vopPredType == PVOP) ||
- (pvopc->m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 3 && pvopc->m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP))
- )
- // if ( pvopc->m_volmd.iEnhnType == 1 )
- {
- CRct rctRefFrameYTemp = pvopc->m_rctRefFrameY;
- CRct rctRefFrameUVTemp = pvopc->m_rctRefFrameUV;
- rctRefFrameYTemp.expand(-EXPANDY_REF_FRAME);
- rctRefFrameUVTemp.expand(-EXPANDY_REF_FRAME/2);
- pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ0->addBYPlain(rctRefFrameYTemp, rctRefFrameUVTemp);
- }
- CMBMode* pmbmdRefSrc = m_rgmbmdRef;
- CMBMode* pmbmdRef = pvopc->m_rgmbmdRef;
- CMotionVector* pmvRefSrc = m_rgmvRef;
- CMotionVector* pmvRef = pvopc->m_rgmvRef;
- // This part is stored in CVideoObjectEncoder::encode()
- pvopc->m_iNumMBRef = m_iNumMBRef;
- pvopc->m_iNumMBXRef = m_iNumMBXRef;
- pvopc->m_iNumMBYRef = m_iNumMBYRef;
- // TPS FIX
- for (Int iMB=0; iMB<m_iNumMBRef; iMB++ ) {
- *pmbmdRef = *pmbmdRefSrc;
- if ( pvopc->m_volmd.iEnhnType != 0 && // modified by Sharp (98/3/24)
- (((pvopc->m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 1 || pvopc->m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 2) && pvopc->m_vopmd.vopPredType == PVOP) ||
- (pvopc->m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 3 && pvopc->m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP))
- ) {
- pmbmdRef->m_shpmd = ALL_OPAQUE;
- }
- pmbmdRef++;
- pmbmdRefSrc++;
- // TPS FIX
- for (Int iVecIndex=0; iVecIndex<iMaxIndex; iVecIndex++ ){
- *pmvRef = *pmvRefSrc;
- pmvRef ++;
- pmvRefSrc ++;
- }
- }
- pvopc->saveShapeMode ();
- // for padding operation
- pvopc->m_iOffsetForPadY = m_iOffsetForPadY;
- pvopc->m_iOffsetForPadUV = m_iOffsetForPadUV;
- pvopc->m_rctPrevNoExpandY = m_rctPrevNoExpandY;
- pvopc->m_rctPrevNoExpandUV = m_rctPrevNoExpandUV;
- // This part is needed for storing RefQ0
- pvopc->m_rctRefVOPY0 = m_rctRefVOPY1;
- pvopc->m_rctRefVOPUV0 = m_rctRefVOPUV1;
- pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ0->setBoundRct(m_rctRefVOPY1);
- pvopc->repeatPadYOrA ((PixelC*) pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ0->pixelsY () + m_iOffsetForPadY, pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ0);
- pvopc->repeatPadUV(pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ0);
- if ( pvopc->m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE ){
- if ( pvopc->m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT )
- pvopc->repeatPadYOrA ((PixelC*) pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ0->pixelsA () + m_iOffsetForPadY, pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ0);
- }
- }
- Void CEnhcBufferEncoder::putBufToQ1(CVideoObjectEncoder* pvopc) // store params to Enhancement layer pvopcRefQ1
- {
- assert(pvopc->m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER);
- delete pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ1;
- pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ1 = NULL;
- pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ1 = new CVOPU8YUVBA ( *m_pvopcBuf );
- pvopc->m_tFutureRef = m_t;
- pvopc->m_bCodedFutureRef = m_bCodedFutureRef; // added by Sharp (99/1/26)
- if ( pvopc->m_volmd.iEnhnType != 0 && // modified by Sharp (98/3/24)
- (((pvopc->m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 1 || pvopc->m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 2) && pvopc->m_vopmd.vopPredType == PVOP) ||
- ((pvopc->m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 1 || pvopc->m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 3) && pvopc->m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP)) // modified by Sharp (98/5/25)
- )
- // if ( pvopc->m_volmd.iEnhnType == 1 )
- {
- CRct rctRefFrameYTemp = pvopc->m_rctRefFrameY;
- CRct rctRefFrameUVTemp = pvopc->m_rctRefFrameUV;
- rctRefFrameYTemp.expand(-EXPANDY_REF_FRAME);
- rctRefFrameUVTemp.expand(-EXPANDY_REF_FRAME/2);
- pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ1->addBYPlain(rctRefFrameYTemp, rctRefFrameUVTemp);
- }
- // if ( pvopc->m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE ){
- CMBMode* pmbmdRefSrc = m_rgmbmdRef;
- CMBMode* pmbmdRef = pvopc->m_rgmbmdRef;
- CMotionVector* pmvRefSrc = m_rgmvRef;
- CMotionVector* pmvRef = pvopc->m_rgmvRef;
- // This part is stored in CVideoObjectEncoder::encode()
- pvopc->m_iNumMBRef = m_iNumMBRef;
- pvopc->m_iNumMBXRef = m_iNumMBXRef;
- pvopc->m_iNumMBYRef = m_iNumMBYRef;
- // TPS FIX
- for (Int iMB=0; iMB<m_iNumMBRef; iMB++ ) {
- *pmbmdRef = *pmbmdRefSrc;
- if ( pvopc->m_volmd.iEnhnType != 0 ) { // modified by Sharp (98/3/24)
- pmbmdRef->m_shpmd = ALL_OPAQUE;
- }
- pmbmdRef++;
- pmbmdRefSrc++;
- // TPS FIX
- for (Int iVecIndex=0; iVecIndex<iMaxIndex; iVecIndex++ ){
- *pmvRef = *pmvRefSrc;
- pmvRef ++;
- pmvRefSrc++;
- }
- }
- // for padding operation
- pvopc->m_iOffsetForPadY = m_iOffsetForPadY;
- pvopc->m_iOffsetForPadUV = m_iOffsetForPadUV;
- pvopc->m_rctPrevNoExpandY = m_rctPrevNoExpandY;
- pvopc->m_rctPrevNoExpandUV = m_rctPrevNoExpandUV;
- // This part is needed for storing RefQ0
- pvopc->m_rctRefVOPY1 = m_rctRefVOPY1;
- pvopc->m_rctRefVOPUV1 = m_rctRefVOPUV1;
- pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ1->setBoundRct(m_rctRefVOPY1);
- // }
- pvopc->repeatPadYOrA ((PixelC*) pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ1->pixelsY () + m_iOffsetForPadY, pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ1);
- pvopc->repeatPadUV(pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ1);
- if ( pvopc->m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE ){
- if ( pvopc->m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT )
- pvopc->repeatPadYOrA ((PixelC*) pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ1->pixelsA () + m_iOffsetForPadY, pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ1);
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObjectEncoder::set_LoadShape(
- Int* ieFramebShape, Int* ieFramefShape, // frame number for back/forward shape
- const Int iRate, // rate of base layer
- const Int ieFrame, // current frame number
- const Int iFirstFrame, // first frame number of sequence
- const Int iFirstFrameLoop // first frame number of the enhancement loop
- )
- {
- if(m_volmd.iEnhnType==0){
- m_vopmd.iLoadBakShape = 0;
- m_vopmd.iLoadForShape = 0; // do not care
- return;
- }
- if(ieFrame == iFirstFrameLoop){
- *ieFramefShape = ((ieFrame-iFirstFrame)/iRate)*iRate + iFirstFrame;
- *ieFramebShape = *ieFramefShape + iRate;
- // if(*ieFramefShape != iFirstFrame){
- m_vopmd.iLoadBakShape = 1;
- m_vopmd.iLoadForShape = 0;
- // } else {
- // m_vopmd.iLoadBakShape = 1;
- // m_vopmd.iLoadForShape = 1;
- // }
- }
- else{
- m_vopmd.iLoadBakShape = 0;
- m_vopmd.iLoadForShape = 0; // do not care
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObjectEncoder::BackgroundComposition(
- const Int width, Int height,
- const Int iFrame, // current frame number
- const Int iPrev, // previous base frame
- const Int iNext, // next base frame
- const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcBuffP1,
- const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcBuffP2,
- const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcBuffB1,
- const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcBuffB2,
- const Char* pchReconYUVDir, Int iobj, const Char* pchPrefix, // for output file name // modified by Sharp (98/10/26)
- FILE *pchfYUV // added by Sharp (98/10/26)
- )
- {
- Void convertYuv(const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcSrc, PixelC* destY, PixelC* destU, PixelC* destV, Int width, Int height);
- Void convertSeg(const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcSrc, PixelC* destBY,PixelC* destBUV, Int width, Int height,
- Int left, Int right, Int top, Int bottom
- );
- Void bg_comp_each(PixelC* curr, PixelC* prev, PixelC* next, PixelC* mask_curr, PixelC* mask_prev, PixelC* mask_next,
- Int curr_t, Int prev_t, Int next_t, Int width, Int height, Int CoreMode); // modified by Sharp (98/3/24)
- Void inv_convertYuv(const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcSrc, PixelC* destY, PixelC* destU, PixelC* destV, Int width, Int height);
- Void write420_sep(Int num, char *name, PixelC* destY, PixelC* destU, PixelC* destV, Int width, Int height); // modified by Sharp (98/10/26)
- Void write420_jnt(FILE *pchfYUV, PixelC* destY, PixelC* destU, PixelC* destV, Int width, Int height); // added by Sharp (98/10/26)
- Void write_seg_test(Int num, char *name, PixelC* destY, Int width, Int height);
- PixelC* currY = new PixelC [width*height];
- PixelC* currU = new PixelC [width*height/4];
- PixelC* currV = new PixelC [width*height/4];
- PixelC* currBY = new PixelC [width*height];
- PixelC* currBUV = new PixelC [width*height/4];
- PixelC* prevY = new PixelC [width*height];
- PixelC* prevU = new PixelC [width*height/4];
- PixelC* prevV = new PixelC [width*height/4];
- PixelC* prevBY = new PixelC [width*height];
- PixelC* prevBUV = new PixelC [width*height/4];
- PixelC* nextY = new PixelC [width*height];
- PixelC* nextU = new PixelC [width*height/4];
- PixelC* nextV = new PixelC [width*height/4];
- PixelC* nextBY = new PixelC [width*height];
- PixelC* nextBUV = new PixelC [width*height/4];
- // current frame
- convertYuv(pvopcReconCurr(), currY, currU, currV, width, height);
- if(pvopcReconCurr ()->pixelsBY () != NULL)
- convertSeg(pvopcReconCurr(), currBY, currBUV, width, height,
- m_rctCurrVOPY.left,
- m_rctCurrVOPY.right,
- m_rctCurrVOPY.top,
- m_rctCurrVOPY.bottom); /* forward shape */
- // previouse frame
- if(pvopcBuffB1 != NULL)
- convertYuv(pvopcBuffB1, prevY, prevU, prevV, width, height);
- else
- convertYuv(pvopcBuffP1, prevY, prevU, prevV, width, height);
- convertSeg(rgpbfShape [1]->pvopcReconCurr (), prevBY, prevBUV, width, height,
- rgpbfShape [1]->m_rctCurrVOPY.left,
- rgpbfShape [1]->m_rctCurrVOPY.right,
- rgpbfShape [1]->m_rctCurrVOPY.top,
- rgpbfShape [1]->m_rctCurrVOPY.bottom); /* forward shape */
- // write_test(iPrev, "aaa", prevY, prevU, prevV, width, height);
- // write_seg_test(iPrev, "aaa", prevBY, width, height);
- // next frame
- if(pvopcBuffB2 != NULL)
- convertYuv(pvopcBuffB2, nextY, nextU, nextV, width, height);
- else
- convertYuv(pvopcBuffP2, nextY, nextU, nextV, width, height);
- convertSeg(rgpbfShape [0]->pvopcReconCurr (), nextBY, nextBUV, width, height,
- rgpbfShape [0]->m_rctCurrVOPY.left,
- rgpbfShape [0]->m_rctCurrVOPY.right,
- rgpbfShape [0]->m_rctCurrVOPY.top,
- rgpbfShape [0]->m_rctCurrVOPY.bottom); /* backward shape */
- // write_test(iNext, "aaa", nextY, nextU, nextV, width, height);
- // write_seg_test(iNext, "aaa", nextBY, width, height);
- // begin: modified by Sharp (98/3/24)
- bg_comp_each(currY, prevY, nextY, currBY, prevBY, nextBY, iFrame, iPrev, iNext, width, height, m_volmd.iEnhnType == 2);
- bg_comp_each(currU, prevU, nextU, currBUV, prevBUV, nextBUV, iFrame, iPrev, iNext, width/2, height/2, m_volmd.iEnhnType == 2);
- bg_comp_each(currV, prevV, nextV, currBUV, prevBUV, nextBUV, iFrame, iPrev, iNext, width/2, height/2, m_volmd.iEnhnType == 2);
- // end: modified by Sharp (98/3/24)
- // inv_convertYuv(pvopcReconCurr(), currY, currU, currV, width, height);
- #ifdef __OUT_ONE_FRAME_ // added by Sharp (98/10/26)
- // write background compsition image
- static Char pchYUV [100];
- sprintf (pchYUV, "%s/%2.2d/%s.yuv", pchReconYUVDir, iobj, pchPrefix); // modified by Sharp (98/10/26)
- write420_sep(iFrame, pchYUV, currY, currU, currV, width, height); // modified by Sharp (98/10/26)
- // begin: added by Sharp (98/9/27)
- #else
- write420_jnt(pchfYUV, currY, currU, currV, width, height);
- #endif
- // end: added by Sharp (98/9/27)
- delete currY;
- delete currU;
- delete currV;
- delete currBY;
- delete currBUV;
- delete prevY;
- delete prevU;
- delete prevV;
- delete prevBY;
- delete prevBUV;
- delete nextY;
- delete nextU;
- delete nextV;
- delete nextBY;
- delete nextBUV;
- }
- // end: added by Sharp (98/2/10)