资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*************************************************************************
- This software module was originally developed by
- Ming-Chieh Lee (, Microsoft Corporation
- Wei-ge Chen (, Microsoft Corporation
- Bruce Lin (, Microsoft Corporation
- Chuang Gu (, Microsoft Corporation
- (date: March, 1996)
- and edited by
- Wei Wu ( Rockwell Science Center
- and also edited by
- Yoshihiro Kikuchi (TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
- Toshiaki Watanabe (TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
- Noboru Yamaguchi (TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
- Marc Mongenet (, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL)
- in the course of development of the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2).
- This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 Video tools
- as specified by the MPEG-4 Video.
- ISO/IEC gives users of the MPEG-4 Video free license to this software module or modifications
- thereof for use in hardware or software products claiming conformance to the MPEG-4 Video.
- Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software products are advised that its use may infringe existing patents.
- The original developer of this software module and his/her company,
- the subsequent editors and their companies,
- and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or modifications thereof in an implementation.
- Copyright is not released for non MPEG-4 Video conforming products.
- Microsoft retains full right to use the code for his/her own purpose,
- assign or donate the code to a third party and to inhibit third parties from using the code for non <MPEG standard> conforming products.
- This copyright notice must be included in all copies or derivative works.
- Copyright (c) 1996, 1997.
- Module Name:
- sesEnc.cpp
- Abstract:
- Encoder for one video session.
- Revision History:
- Sept. 30, 1997: Error resilient tools added by Toshiba
- Nov. 27, 1997: Spatial Scalable tools added, and modified for Spatial Scalable
- by Takefumi Nagumo( SONY
- Dec 11, 1997: Interlaced tools added by NextLevel Systems (GI)
- (B.Eifrig,, X.Chen,
- Jun 17, 1998: add Complexity Estimation syntax support
- Marc Mongenet (Marc.Mongenet@epfl) - EPFL
- May 9, 1999: tm5 rate control by DemoGraFX,
- *************************************************************************/
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "math.h"
- #include "fstream.h"
- #include "iostream.h"
- #include "typeapi.h"
- #include "codehead.h"
- #include "global.hpp"
- #include "entropy/bitstrm.hpp"
- #include "entropy/entropy.hpp"
- #include "entropy/huffman.hpp"
- #include "mode.hpp"
- #include "sesenc.hpp"
- #include "tps_enhcbuf.hpp" // added by Sharp (98/2/12)
- #include "vopses.hpp"
- #include "vopseenc.hpp"
- #include "enhcbufenc.hpp" // added by Sharp (98/2/12)
- #ifdef __MFC_
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif // __MFC_
- #ifdef __PC_COMPILER_ //OS specific stuff
- #define SUB_CMPFILE "%s\%2.2d\%s.cmp"
- #define SUB_TRCFILE "%s\%2.2d\%s.trc"
- #define SUB_YUVFILE "%s\%2.2d\%s.yuv"
- #define SUB_SEGFILE "%s\%2.2d\%s.seg"
- #define ENHN_SUB_CMPFILE "%s\%2.2d\%s_e.cmp"
- #define ENHN_SUB_TRCFILE "%s\%2.2d\%s_e.trc"
- #define ENHN_SUB_YUVFILE "%s\%2.2d\%s_e.yuv"
- #define ENHN_SUB_SEGFILE "%s\%2.2d\%s_e.seg"
- #define SUB_VDLFILE "%s\%2.2d\%s.spt" //for sprite i/o
- #define SUB_PNTFILE "%s\%2.2d\%s.pnt" //for sprite i/o
- #define ROOT_YUVFILE "%s\%s.yuv"
- #define ROOT_SEGFILE "%s\%s.seg"
- #define IOS_BINARY ios::binary
- #define MKDIR "mkdir %s\%2.2d"
- #else
- #define SUB_CMPFILE "%s/%2.2d/%s.cmp"
- #define SUB_TRCFILE "%s/%2.2d/%s.trc"
- #define SUB_YUVFILE "%s/%2.2d/%s.yuv"
- #define SUB_SEGFILE "%s/%2.2d/%s.seg"
- #define ENHN_SUB_CMPFILE "%s/%2.2d/%s_e.cmp"
- #define ENHN_SUB_TRCFILE "%s/%2.2d/%s_e.trc"
- #define ENHN_SUB_YUVFILE "%s/%2.2d/%s_e.yuv"
- #define ENHN_SUB_SEGFILE "%s/%2.2d/%s_e.seg"
- #define SUB_VDLFILE "%s/%2.2d/%s.vdl" //for sprite i/o
- #define SUB_PNTFILE "%s/%2.2d/%s.pnt" //for sprite i/o
- #define ROOT_YUVFILE "%s/%s.yuv"
- #define ROOT_SEGFILE "%s/%s.seg"
- #define IOS_BINARY ios::binary
- //#define IOS_BINARY 0
- #define MKDIR "mkdir %s/%2.2d"
- #endif
- #define BASE_LAYER 0
- #define ENHN_LAYER 1
- #define _FOR_GSSP_
- Bool fileExistence (const Char* pchFile)
- {
- Bool ret = 1;
- FILE* pf = fopen (pchFile, "r");
- if (pf == NULL)
- ret = 0;
- else
- fclose (pf);
- return ret;
- }
- Void CSessionEncoder::createReconDir (UInt idx) const
- {
- Char pchTmp [100];
- sprintf (pchTmp, SUB_YUVFILE, m_pchReconYUVDir, idx, m_pchPrefix);
- FILE* pf = fopen (pchTmp, "wb");
- if (pf == NULL) {
- sprintf (pchTmp, MKDIR, m_pchReconYUVDir, idx);
- system (pchTmp);
- }
- else
- fclose (pf);
- }
- Void CSessionEncoder::createCmpDir (UInt idx) const
- {
- Char pchTmp [100];
- sprintf (pchTmp, SUB_CMPFILE, m_pchOutStrFiles, idx, m_pchPrefix);
- FILE* pf = fopen (pchTmp, "wb");
- if (pf == NULL) {
- sprintf (pchTmp, MKDIR, m_pchOutStrFiles, idx);
- system (pchTmp);
- }
- else
- fclose (pf);
- }
- CSessionEncoder::~CSessionEncoder ()
- {
- delete [] m_rgvolmd [BASE_LAYER];
- delete [] m_rgvolmd [ENHN_LAYER];
- delete [] m_rgvopmd [BASE_LAYER];
- delete [] m_rgvopmd [ENHN_LAYER];
- // sprite
- for (Int iVO = 0; iVO < m_iNumVO; iVO++) {
- delete [] m_ppstSrc [iVO];
- for (Int ifr = 0; ifr < m_iNumFrame; ifr++)
- delete [] m_pppstDst [iVO] [ifr];
- delete [] m_pppstDst [iVO];
- }
- delete [] m_ppstSrc;
- delete [] m_pppstDst;
- }
- CSessionEncoder::CSessionEncoder (CSessionEncoderParams *param)
- {
- m_iFirstFrame = param->iFirstFrm;
- m_iLastFrame = param->iLastFrm;
- m_iFirstVO = param->uiFirstVO;
- m_iLastVO = param->iLastVO;
- m_rgbSpatialScalability = param->rgbSpatialScalability;
- m_rguiRateControl = param->rguiRateControl;
- m_rguiBudget = param->rguiBudget;
- m_pchPrefix = param->pchPrefix;
- m_pchBmpFiles = param->pchBmpFiles;
- m_rgfChrType = param->rgfChrType;
- m_pchReconYUVDir = param->pchOutBmpFiles;
- m_pchOutStrFiles = param->pchOutStrFiles;
- m_pchSptDir = param->pchSptDir;
- m_pchSptPntDir = param->pchSptPntDir;
- m_rguiSpriteUsage = param->rguiSpriteUsage;
- m_rguiWarpingAccuracy = param->rguiWarpingAccuracy;
- m_rgNumOfPnts = param->rgNumOfPnts;
- m_rgiTemporalScalabilityType = param->rgiTemporalScalabilityType;
- #define PARAM(abc) abc = param->abc
- UInt PARAM(uiFrmWidth);
- UInt PARAM(uiFrmHeight);
- Bool PARAM(bNot8Bit);
- UInt PARAM(uiQuantPrecision);
- UInt PARAM(nBits);
- const Int* PARAM(rgiEnhancementType);
- const AlphaUsage* PARAM(rgfAlphaUsage);
- const Bool* PARAM(rgbShapeOnly);
- const Int* PARAM(rgiBinaryAlphaTH);
- const Int* PARAM(rgiBinaryAlphaRR);
- const Bool* PARAM(rgbNoCrChange);
- UInt** PARAM(rguiSearchRange);
- Bool** PARAM(rgbOriginalForME);
- Bool** PARAM(rgbAdvPredDisable);
- Bool ** PARAM(rgbComplexityEstimationDisable);
- Bool ** PARAM(rgbOpaque);
- Bool ** PARAM(rgbTransparent);
- Bool ** PARAM(rgbIntraCAE);
- Bool ** PARAM(rgbInterCAE);
- Bool ** PARAM(rgbNoUpdate);
- Bool ** PARAM(rgbUpsampling);
- Bool ** PARAM(rgbIntraBlocks);
- Bool ** PARAM(rgbInterBlocks);
- Bool ** PARAM(rgbInter4vBlocks);
- Bool ** PARAM(rgbNotCodedBlocks);
- Bool ** PARAM(rgbDCTCoefs);
- Bool ** PARAM(rgbDCTLines);
- Bool ** PARAM(rgbVLCSymbols);
- Bool ** PARAM(rgbVLCBits);
- Bool ** PARAM(rgbAPM);
- Bool ** PARAM(rgbNPM);
- Bool ** PARAM(rgbInterpolateMCQ);
- Bool ** PARAM(rgbForwBackMCQ);
- Bool ** PARAM(rgbHalfpel2);
- Bool ** PARAM(rgbHalfpel4);
- UInt ** PARAM(rguiVolControlParameters);
- UInt ** PARAM(rguiChromaFormat);
- UInt ** PARAM(rguiLowDelay);
- UInt ** PARAM(rguiVBVParams);
- UInt ** PARAM(rguiBitRate);
- UInt ** PARAM(rguiVbvBufferSize);
- UInt ** PARAM(rguiVbvBufferOccupany);
- Double** PARAM(rgdFrameFrequency);
- Bool** PARAM(rgbInterlacedCoding);
- Bool** PARAM(rgbTopFieldFirst);
- Bool** PARAM(rgbAlternateScan);
- Int** PARAM(rgiDirectModeRadius);
- Int** PARAM(rgiMVFileUsage);
- Char*** PARAM(pchMVFileName);
- Int** PARAM(rgbVPBitTh);
- Bool** PARAM(rgbDataPartitioning);
- Bool** PARAM(rgbReversibleVlc);
- Quantizer** PARAM(rgfQuant);
- Bool** PARAM(rgbLoadIntraMatrix);
- Int*** PARAM(rgppiIntraQuantizerMatrix);
- Bool** PARAM(rgbLoadInterMatrix);
- Int*** PARAM(rgppiInterQuantizerMatrix);
- Int** PARAM(rgiIntraDCSwitchingThr);
- Int** PARAM(rgiStepI);
- Int** PARAM(rgiStepP);
- Bool** PARAM(rgbLoadIntraMatrixAlpha);
- Int*** PARAM(rgppiIntraQuantizerMatrixAlpha);
- Bool** PARAM(rgbLoadInterMatrixAlpha);
- Int*** PARAM(rgppiInterQuantizerMatrixAlpha);
- Int** PARAM(rgiStepIAlpha);
- Int** PARAM(rgiStepPAlpha);
- Int** PARAM(rgiStepBAlpha);
- Int** PARAM(rgbNoAlphaQuantUpdate);
- Int** PARAM(rgiStepB);
- const Int* PARAM(rgiNumOfBbetweenPVOP);
- const Int* PARAM(rgiNumOfPbetweenIVOP);
- const Int* PARAM(rgiGOVperiod);
- const Bool* PARAM(rgbDeblockFilterDisable);
- const Bool *PARAM(rgbAllowSkippedPMBs);
- const Int* PARAM(rgiTemporalRate);
- const Int* PARAM(rgiEnhnTemporalRate);
- const Bool* PARAM(rgbDumpMB);
- const Bool* PARAM(rgbTrace);
- const Bool* PARAM(rgbRoundingControlDisable);
- const Int* PARAM(rgiInitialRoundingType);
- SptMode *PARAM(pSpriteMode);
- Int PARAM(iSpatialOption);
- UInt PARAM(uiFrmWidth_SS);
- UInt PARAM(uiFrmHeight_SS);
- UInt PARAM(uiHor_sampling_n);
- UInt PARAM(uiHor_sampling_m);
- UInt PARAM(uiVer_sampling_n);
- UInt PARAM(uiVer_sampling_m);
- #undef PARAM
- // data preparation
- m_iNumFrame = m_iLastFrame - m_iFirstFrame + 1;
- assert (m_iNumFrame > 0);
- m_rctOrg = CRct (0, 0, uiFrmWidth, uiFrmHeight);
- if( uiFrmWidth_SS !=0 && uiFrmHeight_SS!=0)
- m_rctOrgSpatialEnhn = CRct(0, 0, uiFrmWidth_SS, uiFrmHeight_SS);
- assert (uiFrmWidth <= 8192 && uiFrmHeight <= 8192); //2^13 maximum size
- m_iNumVO = m_iLastVO - m_iFirstVO + 1;
- assert (m_iNumVO > 0);
- m_rgvolmd [BASE_LAYER] = new VOLMode [m_iNumVO];
- m_rgvolmd [ENHN_LAYER] = new VOLMode [m_iNumVO];
- m_rgvopmd [BASE_LAYER] = new VOPMode [m_iNumVO];
- m_rgvopmd [ENHN_LAYER] = new VOPMode [m_iNumVO];
- Int iVO;
- for (iVO = 0; iVO < m_iNumVO; iVO++) {
- // set VOL and VOP mode values
- for (Int iLayer = BASE_LAYER; iLayer <= m_rgbSpatialScalability [iVO] * ENHN_LAYER; iLayer++) {
- // NBIT
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bNot8Bit = bNot8Bit;
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].uiQuantPrecision = uiQuantPrecision;
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].nBits = nBits;
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].volType = (VOLtype) iLayer;
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].fAUsage = rgfAlphaUsage [iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bShapeOnly = rgbShapeOnly [iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].iBinaryAlphaTH = rgiBinaryAlphaTH [iVO] * 16; //magic no. from the vm
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].iBinaryAlphaRR = (rgiBinaryAlphaRR [iVO]<0)?-1:(rgiBinaryAlphaRR [iVO] +1)*(rgiNumOfBbetweenPVOP [iVO] +1)*rgiTemporalRate [iVO]; // Binary shape refresh rate: Added for error resilient mode by Toshiba(1997-11-14): Modified (1998-1-16)
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bNoCrChange = rgbNoCrChange [iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bOriginalForME = rgbOriginalForME [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bAdvPredDisable = rgbAdvPredDisable [iLayer][iVO];
- // START: Complexity Estimation syntax support - Marc Mongenet (EPFL) - 17 Jun 1998
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bComplexityEstimationDisable = rgbComplexityEstimationDisable [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bOpaque = rgbOpaque [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bTransparent = rgbTransparent [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bIntraCAE = rgbIntraCAE [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bInterCAE = rgbInterCAE [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bNoUpdate = rgbNoUpdate [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bUpsampling = rgbUpsampling [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bIntraBlocks = rgbIntraBlocks [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bInterBlocks = rgbInterBlocks [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bInter4vBlocks = rgbInter4vBlocks [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bNotCodedBlocks = rgbNotCodedBlocks [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bDCTCoefs = rgbDCTCoefs [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bDCTLines = rgbDCTLines [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bVLCSymbols = rgbVLCSymbols [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bVLCBits = rgbVLCBits [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bAPM = rgbAPM [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bNPM = rgbNPM [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bInterpolateMCQ = rgbInterpolateMCQ [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bForwBackMCQ = rgbForwBackMCQ [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bHalfpel2 = rgbHalfpel2 [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bHalfpel4 = rgbHalfpel4 [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bAllowSkippedPMBs = rgbAllowSkippedPMBs [iVO];
- // END: Complexity Estimation syntax support
- // START: Vol Control Parameters
- if(rguiVolControlParameters[0]!=NULL)
- {
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].uiVolControlParameters = rguiVolControlParameters [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].uiChromaFormat = rguiChromaFormat [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].uiLowDelay = rguiLowDelay [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].uiVBVParams = rguiVBVParams [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].uiBitRate = rguiBitRate [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].uiVbvBufferSize = rguiVbvBufferSize [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].uiVbvBufferOccupany = rguiVbvBufferOccupany [iLayer][iVO];
- }
- else
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].uiVolControlParameters = 0;
- // END: Vol Control Parameters
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bRoundingControlDisable = (iLayer== BASE_LAYER) ? rgbRoundingControlDisable[iVO] : 0;
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].iInitialRoundingType = (iLayer== BASE_LAYER) ? rgiInitialRoundingType[iVO] : 0;
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bVPBitTh = rgbVPBitTh[iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bDataPartitioning = rgbDataPartitioning [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bReversibleVlc = rgbReversibleVlc [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].fQuantizer = rgfQuant [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bNoGrayQuantUpdate
- = rgbNoAlphaQuantUpdate [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].dFrameHz = rgdFrameFrequency [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].iMVRadiusPerFrameAwayFromRef = rguiSearchRange [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvopmd [iLayer][iVO].iSearchRangeForward = rguiSearchRange [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvopmd [iLayer][iVO].iSearchRangeBackward= rguiSearchRange [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvopmd [iLayer][iVO].intStepI = rgiStepI [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvopmd [iLayer][iVO].intStep = rgiStepP [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvopmd [iLayer][iVO].intStepB = rgiStepB [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvopmd [iLayer][iVO].intStepIAlpha = rgiStepIAlpha [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvopmd [iLayer][iVO].intStepPAlpha = rgiStepPAlpha [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvopmd [iLayer][iVO].intStepBAlpha = rgiStepBAlpha [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvopmd [iLayer][iVO].iIntraDcSwitchThr
- = rgiIntraDCSwitchingThr [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvopmd [iLayer][iVO].bInterlace = rgbInterlacedCoding [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvopmd [iLayer][iVO].bTopFieldFirst = rgbTopFieldFirst [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvopmd [iLayer][iVO].bAlternateScan = rgbAlternateScan [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvopmd [iLayer][iVO].iDirectModeRadius = rgiDirectModeRadius [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bLoadIntraMatrix= rgbLoadIntraMatrix [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bLoadInterMatrix= rgbLoadInterMatrix [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bLoadIntraMatrixAlpha
- = rgbLoadIntraMatrixAlpha [iLayer][iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bLoadInterMatrixAlpha
- = rgbLoadInterMatrixAlpha [iLayer][iVO];
- memcpy (m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].rgiIntraQuantizerMatrix, rgppiIntraQuantizerMatrix [iLayer][iVO], BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE * sizeof (Int));
- memcpy (m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].rgiInterQuantizerMatrix, rgppiInterQuantizerMatrix [iLayer][iVO], BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE * sizeof (Int));
- memcpy (m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].rgiIntraQuantizerMatrixAlpha, rgppiIntraQuantizerMatrixAlpha [iLayer][iVO], BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE * sizeof (Int));
- memcpy (m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].rgiInterQuantizerMatrixAlpha, rgppiInterQuantizerMatrixAlpha [iLayer][iVO], BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE * sizeof (Int));
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bDeblockFilterDisable
- = rgbDeblockFilterDisable [iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].iBbetweenP = rgiNumOfBbetweenPVOP [iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].iPbetweenI = rgiNumOfPbetweenIVOP [iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].iGOVperiod = rgiGOVperiod [iVO]; // count of o/p frames between govs
- // set up temporal sampling rate and clock rate from source frame rate.
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].iTemporalRate = rgiTemporalRate [iVO]; // frames to skip
- Double dFrameHz = m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].dFrameHz;
- // this code copes with e.g. 12.5 fps and 29.97 fps by multiplying up the ticks per second
- // count appropriately
- Int iClockRate = (int)dFrameHz;
- if(dFrameHz != (double)iClockRate)
- {
- iClockRate = (int)(dFrameHz * 10.0);
- if(dFrameHz * 10.0 != (double)iClockRate)
- iClockRate = (int)(dFrameHz * 100.0); // not much point going to 1000*
- }
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].iClockRate = iClockRate;
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bDumpMB = rgbDumpMB [iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bTrace = rgbTrace [iVO];
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bTemporalScalability = FALSE;
- if(m_rgvolmd[iLayer][iVO].volType == ENHN_LAYER && m_rgbSpatialScalability [iVO] && rgiTemporalRate[iVO] == rgiEnhnTemporalRate[iVO]){
- // modified by Sharp (98/02/09)
- //#ifdef _Scalable_SONY_
- m_rgvolmd[iLayer][iVO].iHierarchyType = 0; //iHierarchyType 0 means spatial scalability
- //#endif _Scalable_SONY_
- m_rgvolmd[iLayer][iVO].iEnhnType = 0; // Spatial Scalable Enhancement layer shuold be set to Rectangular shape
- m_rgvolmd[iLayer][iVO].iSpatialOption = iSpatialOption; // This Option is for Spatial Scalable
- m_rgvolmd[iLayer][iVO].iver_sampling_factor_n = uiVer_sampling_n;
- m_rgvolmd[iLayer][iVO].iver_sampling_factor_m = uiVer_sampling_m;
- m_rgvolmd[iLayer][iVO].ihor_sampling_factor_n = uiHor_sampling_n;
- m_rgvolmd[iLayer][iVO].ihor_sampling_factor_m = uiHor_sampling_m;
- }
- // begin: added by Sharp (98/2/12)
- else if (m_rgbSpatialScalability [iVO] && rgiTemporalRate[iVO] != rgiEnhnTemporalRate[iVO]){
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].bTemporalScalability = TRUE;
- //#ifdef _Scalable_SONY_
- m_rgvolmd[iLayer][iVO].iHierarchyType = 1; //iHierarchyType 1 means temporal scalability
- //#endif _Scalable_SONY_
- m_rgvolmd [iLayer][iVO].iEnhnType = rgiEnhancementType [iVO];
- if ( rgiEnhancementType[iVO] != 0 ) // modified by Sharp (98/3/24)
- m_rgvolmd [BASE_LAYER][iVO].fAUsage = RECTANGLE;
- if ( iLayer == ENHN_LAYER ) {
- m_rgvolmd [ENHN_LAYER][iVO].iTemporalRate = rgiEnhnTemporalRate [iVO];
- Double dFrameHz = m_rgvolmd [ENHN_LAYER][iVO].dFrameHz;
- // this code copes with e.g. 12.5 fps and 29.97 fps by multiplying up the ticks per second
- // count appropriately
- Int iClockRate = (int)dFrameHz;
- if(dFrameHz != (double)iClockRate)
- {
- iClockRate = (int)(dFrameHz * 10.0);
- if(dFrameHz * 10.0 != (double)iClockRate)
- iClockRate = (int)(dFrameHz * 100.0); // not much point going to 1000*
- }
- m_rgvolmd [ENHN_LAYER][iVO].iClockRate = iClockRate;
- }
- m_rgvolmd[iLayer][iVO].iver_sampling_factor_n = 1;
- m_rgvolmd[iLayer][iVO].iver_sampling_factor_m = 1;
- m_rgvolmd[iLayer][iVO].ihor_sampling_factor_n = 1;
- m_rgvolmd[iLayer][iVO].ihor_sampling_factor_m = 1;
- }
- // end: added by Sharp (98/2/12)
- else {
- m_rgvolmd[iLayer][iVO].iver_sampling_factor_n = 1;
- m_rgvolmd[iLayer][iVO].iver_sampling_factor_m = 1;
- m_rgvolmd[iLayer][iVO].ihor_sampling_factor_n = 1;
- m_rgvolmd[iLayer][iVO].ihor_sampling_factor_m = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- static Char pchYUV [100], pchSeg [100];
- // check whether there are data for separate layers
- sprintf (pchYUV, ROOT_YUVFILE, m_pchBmpFiles, m_pchPrefix);
- sprintf (pchSeg, ROOT_SEGFILE, m_pchBmpFiles, m_pchPrefix);
- m_bTexturePerVOP = !fileExistence (pchYUV);
- m_bAlphaPerVOP = !fileExistence (pchSeg);
- m_bPrevObjectExists = FALSE; // added by Sharp (98/2/13)
- // sprite info
- m_ppstSrc = new CSiteD* [m_iNumVO];
- m_pppstDst = new CSiteD** [m_iNumVO];
- for (iVO = 0; iVO < m_iNumVO; iVO++) {
- m_ppstSrc [iVO] = (m_rgNumOfPnts [iVO] > 0) ? new CSiteD [m_rgNumOfPnts [iVO]] : NULL;
- m_pppstDst [iVO] = new CSiteD* [m_iNumFrame];
- for (Int ifr = 0; ifr < m_iNumFrame; ifr++) {
- m_pppstDst [iVO] [ifr] =
- (m_rgNumOfPnts [iVO] > 0) ? new CSiteD [m_rgNumOfPnts [iVO]] :
- }
- }
- for (iVO = m_iFirstVO; iVO <= m_iLastVO; iVO++)
- if (m_rgNumOfPnts [iVO - m_iFirstVO] > 0)
- readPntFile (iVO);
- m_SptMode = pSpriteMode[0];
- m_rgiMVFileUsage = rgiMVFileUsage;
- m_pchMVFileName = pchMVFileName;
- }
- Void CSessionEncoder::encode ()
- {
- FILE* pfYuvSrc = NULL;
- FILE* pfYuvSrcSpatialEnhn = NULL;
- FILE* pfSegSrc = NULL;
- FILE* rgpfReconYUV [2];
- FILE* rgpfReconSeg [2];
- Int iVO;
- UInt iVOrelative = 0;
- // begin: added by Sharp (98/2/12)
- Bool bTemporalScalability = m_rgvolmd[BASE_LAYER][0].bTemporalScalability;
- // Bool bTemporalScalability = TRUE;
- // for a buffer management of temporal scalability
- CEnhcBufferEncoder* pBufP1 = NULL;
- CEnhcBufferEncoder* pBufP2 = NULL;
- CEnhcBufferEncoder* pBufB1 = NULL;
- CEnhcBufferEncoder* pBufB2 = NULL;
- CEnhcBufferEncoder* pBufE = NULL;
- // for backward/forward shape
- Void set_modes(VOLMode* volmd, VOPMode* vopmd);
- VOLMode* volmd_backShape = NULL;
- VOLMode* volmd_forwShape = NULL;
- VOPMode* vopmd_backShape = NULL;
- VOPMode* vopmd_forwShape = NULL;
- if ( bTemporalScalability ){
- pBufP1 = new CEnhcBufferEncoder(m_rctOrg.width, m_rctOrg.height());
- pBufP2 = new CEnhcBufferEncoder(m_rctOrg.width, m_rctOrg.height());
- pBufB1 = new CEnhcBufferEncoder(m_rctOrg.width, m_rctOrg.height());
- pBufB2 = new CEnhcBufferEncoder(m_rctOrg.width, m_rctOrg.height());
- pBufE = new CEnhcBufferEncoder(m_rctOrg.width, m_rctOrg.height());
- volmd_backShape = new VOLMode;
- volmd_forwShape = new VOLMode;
- vopmd_backShape = new VOPMode;
- vopmd_forwShape = new VOPMode;
- set_modes(volmd_backShape, vopmd_backShape);
- set_modes(volmd_forwShape, vopmd_forwShape);
- }
- // end: added by Sharp (98/2/12)
- for (iVO = m_iFirstVO; iVO <= (Int) m_iLastVO; iVO++, iVOrelative++) {
- ofstream* rgpostrm [2];
- ofstream* rgpostrmTrace [2];
- PixelC pxlcObjColor;
- VOLMode volmd = m_rgvolmd [BASE_LAYER] [iVOrelative];
- VOLMode volmd_enhn = m_rgvolmd [ENHN_LAYER] [iVOrelative]; // added by Sharp (98/2/10)
- getInputFiles ( pfYuvSrc, pfSegSrc, pfYuvSrcSpatialEnhn,
- rgpfReconYUV, rgpfReconSeg,
- rgpostrm, rgpostrmTrace, pxlcObjColor, iVO, volmd, volmd_enhn); // modified by Sharp(98/2/10)
- CRct rctOrg;
- CVideoObjectEncoder* rgpvoenc [2];
- if (m_rguiSpriteUsage [iVOrelative] == 1) {
- // change m_rctOrg to sprite size
- rctOrg = m_rctOrg;
- m_rctFrame = m_rctOrg;
- m_rctOrg = findSptRct (iVO);
- }
- initVOEncoder (rgpvoenc, iVO, rgpostrmTrace);
- #undef write
- rgpostrm [BASE_LAYER]->write (rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER]->pOutStream ()->str (), //VO and VOL header
- rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER]->pOutStream ()->pcount ());
- if(m_rgbSpatialScalability[iVOrelative]){
- rgpostrm[ENHN_LAYER]->write(rgpvoenc [ENHN_LAYER]->pOutStream () ->str(),
- rgpvoenc [ENHN_LAYER]->pOutStream () ->pcount ());
- }
- // begin: added by Sharp (98/2/12)
- // for back/forward shape
- if ( bTemporalScalability ){
- initVObfShape (rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER]->rgpbfShape, iVO, *volmd_backShape, *vopmd_backShape, *volmd_forwShape, *vopmd_forwShape);
- // copy pointers
- rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER]->rgpbfShape[0]->m_pchBitsBuffer = rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER]->m_pchBitsBuffer;
- rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER]->rgpbfShape[0]->m_pbitstrmOut = rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER]->m_pbitstrmOut;
- rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER]->rgpbfShape[0]->m_pentrencSet = rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER]->m_pentrencSet;
- rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER]->rgpbfShape[0]->m_pchShapeBitsBuffer = rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER]->m_pchShapeBitsBuffer; // Oct 8
- rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER]->rgpbfShape[0]->m_pbitstrmShape = rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER]->m_pbitstrmShape; //
- rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER]->rgpbfShape[0]->m_pbitstrmShapeMBOut = rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER]->m_pbitstrmShapeMBOut; //
- rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER]->rgpbfShape[1]->m_pchBitsBuffer = rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER]->m_pchBitsBuffer;
- rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER]->rgpbfShape[1]->m_pbitstrmOut = rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER]->m_pbitstrmOut;
- rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER]->rgpbfShape[1]->m_pentrencSet = rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER]->m_pentrencSet;
- rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER]->rgpbfShape[1]->m_pchShapeBitsBuffer = rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER]->m_pchShapeBitsBuffer; // Oct 8
- rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER]->rgpbfShape[1]->m_pbitstrmShape = rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER]->m_pbitstrmShape; //
- rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER]->rgpbfShape[1]->m_pbitstrmShapeMBOut = rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER]->m_pbitstrmShapeMBOut; //
- }
- // end: added by Sharp (98/2/12)
- if (m_rguiSpriteUsage [iVO - m_iFirstVO] == 1) {
- // load sprite data into m_pvopcOrig
- loadSpt (iVO, rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER] -> m_pvopcOrig);
- // encode the initial sprite
- if (m_SptMode == BASIC_SPRITE)
- rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER] -> encode (TRUE, -1, IVOP);
- else
- rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER] -> encodeInitSprite (rctOrg);
- if (m_rgNumOfPnts [iVOrelative] > 0) {
- // change m_pvopcRefQ1 to m_pvopcSptQ for warping
- rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER] -> swapRefQ1toSpt ();
- // restore m_pvopcCurrQ size to the normal one
- m_rctOrg = rctOrg;
- rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER] -> changeSizeofCurrQ (rctOrg);
- }
- rgpostrm [BASE_LAYER]->write (rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER]->pOutStream ()->str (), //write sprite unit
- rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER]->pOutStream ()->pcount ());
- }
- assert (!m_rctOrg.empty ());
- if (rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER]->m_uiRateControl>=RC_TM5) {
- assert (!m_rgbSpatialScalability [iVOrelative]);
- assert (!bTemporalScalability);
- assert (volmd.iTemporalRate==1);
- #ifndef __TRACE_AND_STATS_
- cerr << "Compile flag __TRACE_AND_STATS_ required for stats for TM5 rate control." << endl;
- exit(1);
- #endif // __TRACE_AND_STATS_
- char pchQname[100];
- pchQname[0] = 0;
- //if( m_bRGBfiles ) {
- // if( m_pchOutStrFiles && m_pchOutStrFiles[0]) sprintf (pchQname, m_pchOutStrFiles, "q", iVO);
- //} else {
- if( m_pchOutStrFiles && m_pchOutStrFiles[0]) {
- sprintf (pchQname, SUB_CMPFILE, m_pchOutStrFiles, iVO, m_pchPrefix);
- }
- //}
- rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER]->m_tm5rc.tm5rc_init_seq ( pchQname,
- rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER]->m_uiRateControl,
- m_rgvolmd [BASE_LAYER] [iVOrelative].fAUsage,
- m_rctOrg.width,
- m_rctOrg.height(),
- (UInt)((m_rguiBudget [BASE_LAYER] [iVOrelative] * m_rgvolmd [BASE_LAYER][iVOrelative].dFrameHz)
- / (m_iLastFrame - m_iFirstFrame + 1)),
- m_rgvolmd [BASE_LAYER][iVOrelative].dFrameHz
- );
- }
- // algorithm for generation of IPB sequences with arbitrary shape
- // (transparency allows for possible skipped frames)
- // P prediction across skips is not allowed
- #define DUMP_CURR 0
- #define DUMP_PREV 1
- #define DUMP_NONE 2
- Int iRefFrame;
- Int iDT = volmd.iTemporalRate;
- Int iDT_enhn = volmd_enhn.iTemporalRate; // added by Sharp (98/2/12)
- Int iRefInterval = volmd.iBbetweenP + 1;
- Int iPCount;
- Bool bObjectExists;
- const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcBaseQuant = NULL;
- Int iEcount = 0; // added by Sharp (98/2/12)
- Bool bCachedRefDump = FALSE;
- Bool bCachedRefCoded = TRUE;
- Bool bPrevObjectExists = FALSE; // added by Sharp (99/1/27)
- for(iRefFrame = m_iFirstFrame; iRefFrame <= m_iLastFrame; iRefFrame += iDT)
- {
- // encode initial I frame or non-coded sequence
- if(rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER] -> skipTest(iRefFrame,IVOP)) // rate control
- continue;
- //encode GOV header added by SONY 980212
- // moved down slightly by swinder 980219
- //CAUTION:I don't know how GOV header is encoded in sprite mode
- // re-done by swinder 980511
- // gov header is output every n output frames, where n is iGOVperiod
- if (volmd.iGOVperiod != 0
- && ((iRefFrame-m_iFirstFrame) % (volmd.iGOVperiod * volmd.iTemporalRate)) == 0)
- {
- rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER] -> codeGOVHead (iRefFrame - m_iFirstFrame);
- rgpostrm [BASE_LAYER]->write (rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER]->pOutStream ()->str (),
- rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER]->pOutStream ()->pcount ());
- }
- //980211
- // first dump any cached frames, otherwise a non coded frame will be out of order
- if(bCachedRefDump && m_rguiSpriteUsage [iVOrelative] == 0)
- {
- bCachedRefDump = FALSE;
- // last ref frame needs to be output
- #ifndef __OUT_ONE_FRAME_
- if ( bCachedRefCoded )
- dumpData (rgpfReconYUV [BASE_LAYER], rgpfReconSeg [BASE_LAYER], rgpvoenc[BASE_LAYER] ->pvopcRefQLater(), m_rctOrg, volmd);
- else
- dumpNonCodedFrame(rgpfReconYUV [BASE_LAYER], rgpfReconSeg [BASE_LAYER], m_rctOrg, volmd.nBits);
- if (m_rgbSpatialScalability [iVOrelative] && !bTemporalScalability)
- dumpData (rgpfReconYUV [ENHN_LAYER], rgpfReconSeg [ENHN_LAYER], rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER] ->pvopcRefQLater(), m_rctOrgSpatialEnhn, volmd);
- // begin: deleted by Sharp (98/11/11)
- // #else
- // dumpDataOneFrame (iFrame, iVO, rgpvoenc[BASE_LAYER] ->pvopcRefQLater(), volmd); // save one frame
- // if (m_rgbSpatialScalability [iVOrelative] && !bTemporalScalability)
- // dumpDataOneFrame (iFrame, iVO, rgpvoenc[BASE_LAYER] ->pvopcRefQLater(), volmd); // save one frame
- // end: deleted by Sharp (98/11/11)
- #endif
- }
- int iGOPperiod = (volmd.iPbetweenI + 1) * (volmd.iBbetweenP + 1);
- if (rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER]->m_uiRateControl >= RC_TM5 && iGOPperiod != 0
- && ((iRefFrame-m_iFirstFrame) % (iGOPperiod * volmd.iTemporalRate)) == 0)
- {
- Int nppic, npic = (m_iLastFrame - iRefFrame + 1) / volmd.iTemporalRate;
- if (iRefFrame == m_iFirstFrame) {
- if (npic > (iGOPperiod - volmd.iBbetweenP))
- npic = iGOPperiod - volmd.iBbetweenP;
- } else {
- npic += volmd.iBbetweenP;
- if (npic > iGOPperiod)
- npic = iGOPperiod;
- }
- nppic = (npic + volmd.iBbetweenP) / (volmd.iBbetweenP + 1) - 1;
- rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER] -> m_tm5rc.tm5rc_init_GOP(nppic, npic - nppic - 1); // np, nb remain
- }
- // encode non-coded frames or initial IVOPs
- // we always dump these out
- bObjectExists = loadDataSpriteCheck (iVOrelative,iRefFrame, pfYuvSrc, pfSegSrc, pxlcObjColor, rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER]->m_pvopcOrig, volmd);
- encodeVideoObject(bObjectExists, bObjectExists, iRefFrame, IVOP, DUMP_CURR,
- iVO, iVOrelative, BASE_LAYER,
- pfYuvSrc,pfSegSrc,rgpfReconYUV,rgpfReconSeg,
- pxlcObjColor, rgpvoenc, volmd, rgpostrm);
- if (m_rgbSpatialScalability [iVOrelative] && !bTemporalScalability ) { // modified by Sharp (98/2/12)
- pvopcBaseQuant = rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER]->pvopcReconCurr ();
- encodeVideoObject (bObjectExists, bObjectExists, iRefFrame, PVOP, DUMP_CURR,
- iVO, iVOrelative, ENHN_LAYER,
- pfYuvSrcSpatialEnhn, pfSegSrc, rgpfReconYUV, rgpfReconSeg,
- pxlcObjColor, rgpvoenc, volmd, rgpostrm,
- pvopcBaseQuant);
- }
- // begin: added by Sharp (98/2/12)
- else if (m_rgbSpatialScalability [iVOrelative] && bTemporalScalability)
- pBufP2->getBuf( rgpvoenc[BASE_LAYER] );
- // end: added by Sharp (98/2/12)
- // go to next frame if this was not coded or we are just coding sprites
- if(!bObjectExists)
- continue;
- // we dumped first frame so rest must be delayed by one for re-order
- iPCount = volmd.iPbetweenI;
- Int iWaitInterval = 0;
- while (TRUE) {
- // search for next reference frame
- Int iSearchFrame;
- for(iSearchFrame = iRefFrame + iDT * iRefInterval + iWaitInterval;
- iSearchFrame > iRefFrame; iSearchFrame -= iDT)
- if(iSearchFrame <= m_iLastFrame)
- {
- bObjectExists = loadDataSpriteCheck(iVOrelative,iSearchFrame, pfYuvSrc, pfSegSrc, pxlcObjColor, rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER]->m_pvopcOrig, volmd);
- break; // found a suitable reference frame
- // may not be coded
- }
- if(iSearchFrame==iRefFrame)
- break;
- if (rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER] -> skipTest(iSearchFrame,iPCount ? PVOP : IVOP)) // rate control
- {
- // too early! need to wait a frame
- iWaitInterval += iDT;
- continue;
- }
- iWaitInterval = 0;
- CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcBasePVOPQuant = NULL;
- // begin: added by Sharp (98/2/12)
- if ( bTemporalScalability )
- if ( pBufP2 -> m_bCodedFutureRef == 1 ) // added by Sharp (99/1/28)
- pBufP1->copyBuf ( *pBufP2 );
- // end: added by Sharp (98/2/12)
- // encode the next reference frame
- //Bool bCachedRefDumpSaveForSpatialScalability = bCachedRefDump;
- if(iPCount==0)
- {
- //added to encode GOV header by SONY 980212
- // moved to here by swinder 980219
- //CAUTION:I don't know how GOV header is encoded in sprite mode - SONY
- // update by swinder 980511
- if (volmd.iGOVperiod != 0
- && ((iSearchFrame-m_iFirstFrame) % (volmd.iGOVperiod * volmd.iTemporalRate)) == 0)
- {
- //modified by SONY (98/03/30)
- rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER] -> codeGOVHead (iRefFrame - m_iFirstFrame + iDT);
- //modified by SONY (98/03/30) End
- /* rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER] -> codeGOVHead (iSearchFrame - m_iFirstFrame);
- Original*/ // why was this changed? - swinder
- rgpostrm [BASE_LAYER]->write (rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER]->pOutStream ()->str (),
- rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER]->pOutStream ()->pcount ());
- }
- //980212
- int iGOPperiod = (volmd.iPbetweenI + 1) * (volmd.iBbetweenP + 1);
- if (rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER]->m_uiRateControl >= RC_TM5 && iGOPperiod != 0
- && ((iSearchFrame-m_iFirstFrame) % (iGOPperiod * volmd.iTemporalRate)) == 0)
- {
- Int nppic, npic = (m_iLastFrame - iSearchFrame + 1) / volmd.iTemporalRate;
- if (iRefFrame == m_iFirstFrame) {
- if (npic > (iGOPperiod - volmd.iBbetweenP))
- npic = iGOPperiod - volmd.iBbetweenP;
- } else {
- npic += volmd.iBbetweenP;
- if (npic > iGOPperiod)
- npic = iGOPperiod;
- }
- nppic = (npic + volmd.iBbetweenP) / (volmd.iBbetweenP + 1) - 1;
- rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER] -> m_tm5rc.tm5rc_init_GOP(nppic, npic - nppic - 1); // np, nb remain
- }
- // encode IVOP
- encodeVideoObject(bObjectExists, bPrevObjectExists, iSearchFrame, IVOP, bCachedRefDump ? DUMP_PREV : DUMP_NONE, // modified by Sharp (99/1/27)
- iVO, iVOrelative, BASE_LAYER,
- pfYuvSrc, pfSegSrc, rgpfReconYUV, rgpfReconSeg,
- pxlcObjColor, rgpvoenc, volmd, rgpostrm);
- bCachedRefDump = TRUE; // need to output this frame later
- bCachedRefCoded = bObjectExists;
- iPCount = volmd.iPbetweenI;
- if (m_rgbSpatialScalability [iVOrelative] && !bTemporalScalability ) // modified by Sharp
- pvopcBasePVOPQuant = new CVOPU8YUVBA (*(rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER]->pvopcReconCurr ()),
- rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER]->pvopcReconCurr ()->whereY());
- // begin: added by Sharp (98/2/12)
- else if (m_rgbSpatialScalability [iVOrelative] && bTemporalScalability)
- pBufP2->getBuf( rgpvoenc[BASE_LAYER] );
- // end: added by Sharp (98/2/12)
- }
- else
- {
- // encoder PVOP
- encodeVideoObject(bObjectExists, bPrevObjectExists, iSearchFrame, PVOP, bCachedRefDump ? DUMP_PREV : DUMP_NONE, // modified by Sharp (99/1/27)
- iVO, iVOrelative, BASE_LAYER,
- pfYuvSrcSpatialEnhn, pfSegSrc, rgpfReconYUV, rgpfReconSeg,
- pxlcObjColor, rgpvoenc, volmd, rgpostrm);
- bCachedRefDump = TRUE; // need to output this frame later
- bCachedRefCoded = bObjectExists;
- if (m_rgbSpatialScalability [iVOrelative] && !bTemporalScalability ) // modified by Sharp (98/2/12)
- pvopcBasePVOPQuant = new CVOPU8YUVBA (*(rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER]->pvopcReconCurr ()),
- rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER]->pvopcReconCurr ()->whereY());
- // begin: added by Sharp (98/2/12)
- else if (m_rgbSpatialScalability [iVOrelative] && bTemporalScalability)
- pBufP2->getBuf( rgpvoenc[BASE_LAYER] );
- // end: added by Sharp (98/2/12)
- if (iPCount>0) // needed to handle iPCount = -1
- iPCount--;
- }
- bPrevObjectExists = bObjectExists;
- // encode B frames if needed
- Int iBFrame = iRefFrame + iDT; // added by Sharp (98/2/12)
- if(iRefInterval>1)
- {
- Bool bCachedBVOP = FALSE; // added by Sharp (98/11/11)
- // Int iBFrame; // deleted by Sharp (98/2/12)
- for(iBFrame = iRefFrame + iDT; iBFrame < iSearchFrame; iBFrame += iDT)
- {
- if(rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER] -> skipTest(iBFrame,BVOP))
- continue;
- bObjectExists = loadDataSpriteCheck(iVOrelative,iBFrame, pfYuvSrc, pfSegSrc, pxlcObjColor, rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER]->m_pvopcOrig, volmd);
- encodeVideoObject (bObjectExists, bObjectExists, iBFrame, BVOP, bTemporalScalability ? DUMP_NONE: DUMP_CURR, // modified by Sharp (98/11/11)
- iVO, iVOrelative, BASE_LAYER,
- pfYuvSrc,pfSegSrc,rgpfReconYUV,rgpfReconSeg,
- pxlcObjColor,rgpvoenc,volmd,rgpostrm);
- bCachedBVOP = bTemporalScalability ? TRUE : FALSE; // added by Sharp (98/11/11)
- if (m_rgbSpatialScalability [iVOrelative] && !bTemporalScalability) { // modified by Sharp (98/2/12)
- pvopcBaseQuant = rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER]->pvopcReconCurr ();
- // Spatial Scalabe BVOP
- encodeVideoObject (bObjectExists, bObjectExists, iBFrame, BVOP, DUMP_CURR,
- iVO, iVOrelative, ENHN_LAYER,
- pfYuvSrcSpatialEnhn, pfSegSrc, rgpfReconYUV, rgpfReconSeg,
- pxlcObjColor, rgpvoenc, volmd, rgpostrm,
- pvopcBaseQuant);
- }
- // begin: added by Sharp (98/2/12)
- else if (m_rgbSpatialScalability [iVOrelative] && bTemporalScalability)
- pBufB2->getBuf( rgpvoenc[BASE_LAYER] );
- if ( m_rgbSpatialScalability [iVOrelative] && bTemporalScalability ) { // for TPS enhancement layer
- rgpvoenc [ENHN_LAYER] -> m_iBCount = 0;
- for (Int iEFrame = iBFrame - iDT + iDT_enhn; iEFrame < iBFrame; iEFrame += iDT_enhn ) {
- updateRefForTPS( rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER], pBufP1, pBufP2, pBufB1, pBufB2, pBufE,
- 0, iVOrelative, iEcount, iBFrame-iDT+iDT_enhn, iEFrame, 0 );
- iEcount++;
- encodeEnhanceVideoObject(bObjectExists, iEFrame, rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER]->m_vopmd.vopPredType, DUMP_CURR,
- iVO,iVOrelative, pfYuvSrc,pfSegSrc,rgpfReconYUV,rgpfReconSeg,
- pxlcObjColor,rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER],volmd, volmd_enhn, iBFrame - iDT + iDT_enhn, rgpostrm,
- *pBufP1, *pBufP2, *pBufB1, *pBufB2, *pBufE
- );
- if ( !pBufB2->empty() ){
- if ( pBufB2 -> m_bCodedFutureRef == 1 ) // added by Sharp (99/1/28)
- pBufB1->copyBuf( *pBufB2 );
- pBufB2->dispose();
- }
- }
- }
- // end: added by Sharp (98/2/12)
- // begin: added by Sharp (98/11/11)
- if(bCachedBVOP && m_rguiSpriteUsage [iVOrelative] == 0)
- {
- // only for temporal scalability
- #ifndef __OUT_ONE_FRAME_
- // last ref frame needs to be output
- dumpData (rgpfReconYUV [BASE_LAYER], rgpfReconSeg [BASE_LAYER],
- rgpvoenc[BASE_LAYER] ->pvopcReconCurr(), m_rctOrg, volmd);
- if (m_rgbSpatialScalability [iVOrelative] && !bTemporalScalability)
- dumpData (rgpfReconYUV [BASE_LAYER], rgpfReconSeg [BASE_LAYER],
- rgpvoenc[BASE_LAYER] ->pvopcReconCurr(), m_rctOrgSpatialEnhn, volmd);
- #endif
- bCachedBVOP = FALSE;
- }
- // end: added by Sharp (98/11/11)
- }
- }
- if (m_rgbSpatialScalability [iVOrelative] && !bTemporalScalability) { // modified by Sharp (98/2/12)
- /* (98/3/30) modified by SONY*/
- if (iPCount == volmd.iPbetweenI) {
- /* (98/3/20) modified by SONY(end)*/
- if (iPCount == 0) {
- */
- encodeVideoObject(TRUE, TRUE, iSearchFrame, PVOP,
- DUMP_CURR, // sony
- iVO, iVOrelative, ENHN_LAYER,
- pfYuvSrcSpatialEnhn, pfSegSrc, rgpfReconYUV, rgpfReconSeg,
- pxlcObjColor,rgpvoenc,volmd,rgpostrm,
- pvopcBasePVOPQuant);
- }
- else {
- VOPpredType PrevType = (rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER]->m_volmd.iSpatialOption == 0 )? BVOP: PVOP;
- encodeVideoObject (bObjectExists, bObjectExists, iSearchFrame, PrevType,
- DUMP_CURR, // sony
- iVO, iVOrelative, ENHN_LAYER,
- pfYuvSrcSpatialEnhn, pfSegSrc, rgpfReconYUV, rgpfReconSeg,
- pxlcObjColor, rgpvoenc, volmd, rgpostrm,
- pvopcBasePVOPQuant);
- }
- delete pvopcBasePVOPQuant;
- }
- // begin: added by Sharp (98/2/12)
- else if ( m_rgbSpatialScalability [iVOrelative] && bTemporalScalability ){ // loop for TPS enhancement layer
- rgpvoenc [ENHN_LAYER] -> m_iBCount = 0;
- for (Int iEFrame = iSearchFrame - iDT + iDT_enhn; iEFrame < iSearchFrame; iEFrame += iDT_enhn ) {
- updateRefForTPS( rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER], pBufP1, pBufP2, pBufB1, pBufB2, pBufE,
- 0, iVOrelative, iEcount, iBFrame-iDT+iDT_enhn, iEFrame, 0 );
- iEcount++;
- encodeEnhanceVideoObject(bObjectExists, iEFrame, rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER]->m_vopmd.vopPredType, DUMP_CURR,
- iVO,iVOrelative,pfYuvSrc,pfSegSrc,rgpfReconYUV,rgpfReconSeg,
- pxlcObjColor,rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER],volmd, volmd_enhn, iSearchFrame - iDT + iDT_enhn, rgpostrm,
- *pBufP1, *pBufP2, *pBufB1, *pBufB2, *pBufE
- );
- }
- pBufB1->dispose();
- }
- // end: added by Sharp (98/2/12)
- // move onwards
- iRefFrame = iSearchFrame;
- }
- }
- if(bCachedRefDump && m_rguiSpriteUsage [iVOrelative] == 0)
- {
- // last ref frame needs to be output
- #ifndef __OUT_ONE_FRAME_
- if ( bCachedRefCoded )
- dumpData (rgpfReconYUV [BASE_LAYER], rgpfReconSeg [BASE_LAYER], rgpvoenc[BASE_LAYER] ->pvopcRefQLater(), m_rctOrg, volmd);
- else
- dumpNonCodedFrame(rgpfReconYUV [BASE_LAYER], rgpfReconSeg [BASE_LAYER], m_rctOrg, volmd.nBits);
- // begin deleted by sony
- // if (m_rgbSpatialScalability [iVOrelative] && !bTemporalScalability)
- // dumpData (rgpfReconYUV [BASE_LAYER], rgpfReconSeg [BASE_LAYER], rgpvoenc[BASE_LAYER] ->pvopcRefQLater(), m_rctOrgSpatialEnhn, volmd);
- // end deleted by sony
- bCachedRefDump = FALSE; // added by Sharp (98/11/11)
- // begin: deleted by Sharp (98/11/11)
- //#else
- // dumpDataOneFrame (iFrame, iVO, rgpvoenc[BASE_LAYER] ->pvopcRefQLater(), volmd); // save one frame
- // if (m_rgbSpatialScalability [iVOrelative] && !bTemporalScalability)
- // dumpDataOneFrame (iFrame, iVO, rgpvoenc[ENHN_LAYER] ->pvopcRefQLater(), volmd); // save one frame
- // end: deleted by Sharp (98/11/11)
- #endif
- }
- cout << "nBASE VOL " << iVO << "n";
- CStatistics sts = rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER] -> statVOL ();
- #ifdef __TRACE_AND_STATS_
- sts.print (TRUE); // dumping statistics
- #endif // __TRACE_AND_STATS_
- delete rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER];
- fclose (rgpfReconYUV [BASE_LAYER]);
- if (m_rgvolmd [BASE_LAYER] [iVOrelative].fAUsage != RECTANGLE) {
- fclose (rgpfReconSeg [BASE_LAYER]);
- }
- delete rgpostrm [BASE_LAYER];
- delete rgpostrmTrace [BASE_LAYER];
- if (m_rgbSpatialScalability [iVOrelative] == TRUE) {
- cout << "nEHNANCED VOL " << iVO << "n";
- sts = rgpvoenc [ENHN_LAYER] -> statVOL ();
- #ifdef __TRACE_AND_STATS_
- sts.print (TRUE); // dumping statistics
- #endif // __TRACE_AND_STATS_
- delete rgpvoenc [ENHN_LAYER];
- fclose (rgpfReconYUV [ENHN_LAYER]);
- if (m_rgvolmd [BASE_LAYER] [iVOrelative].fAUsage != RECTANGLE) {
- fclose (rgpfReconSeg [ENHN_LAYER]);
- }
- delete rgpostrm [ENHN_LAYER];
- delete rgpostrmTrace [ENHN_LAYER];
- }
- }
- }
- Bool CSessionEncoder::loadDataSpriteCheck(UInt iVOrelative,UInt iFrame, FILE* pfYuvSrc, FILE* pfSegSrc, PixelC pxlcObjColor, CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcDst, const VOLMode& volmd)
- {
- Bool bObjectExists = TRUE;
- if(m_rguiSpriteUsage [iVOrelative] == 0)
- bObjectExists = loadData (iFrame,pfYuvSrc,pfSegSrc, pxlcObjColor, pvopcDst, m_rctOrg, volmd);
- return bObjectExists;
- }
- Void CSessionEncoder::encodeVideoObject(Bool bObjectExists,
- Bool bPrevObjectExists,
- Int iFrame,
- VOPpredType predType,
- Int iDumpMode,
- Int iVO,
- Int iVOrelative,
- Int iLayer,
- FILE* pfYuvSrc,
- FILE* pfSegSrc,
- FILE* rgpfReconYUV[],
- FILE* rgpfReconSeg[],
- PixelC pxlcObjColor,
- CVideoObjectEncoder** rgpvoenc,
- const VOLMode& volmd,
- ofstream* rgpostrm[],
- const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcBaseQuant)
- {
- CRct rctOrg;
- if (m_rguiSpriteUsage [iVOrelative] == 0) {
- rctOrg = m_rctOrg;
- if (iLayer == ENHN_LAYER) {
- rctOrg = m_rctOrgSpatialEnhn;
- if((rgpvoenc [iLayer] -> skipTest((Time)iFrame,predType))) // rate control
- return;
- bObjectExists = loadData(iFrame, pfYuvSrc, pfSegSrc, pxlcObjColor, rgpvoenc [iLayer]->m_pvopcOrig, rctOrg, volmd);
- }
- rgpvoenc [iLayer] -> encode (bObjectExists, (Time) (iFrame - m_iFirstFrame), predType, pvopcBaseQuant);
- if (iLayer == ENHN_LAYER)
- rgpvoenc [iLayer]-> swapSpatialScalabilityBVOP ();
- }
- else {
- rctOrg = m_rctFrame;
- CRct rctWarp = (m_rgNumOfPnts [iVO - m_iFirstVO] > 0)?
- findBoundBoxInAlpha (iFrame, iVO) : m_rctOrg;
- rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER]->encodeSptTrajectory (iFrame, m_pppstDst [iVO - m_iFirstVO] [iFrame - m_iFirstFrame], rctWarp);
- bObjectExists = TRUE;
- }
- //dump the output
- // begin: added by Sharp (99/1/28)
- #ifndef __OUT_ONE_FRAME_
- if(iDumpMode==DUMP_CURR || m_rguiSpriteUsage [iVOrelative] != 0)
- {
- if (bObjectExists)
- dumpData (rgpfReconYUV [iLayer], rgpfReconSeg [iLayer], rgpvoenc[iLayer] ->pvopcReconCurr(), rctOrg, volmd);
- else
- dumpNonCodedFrame(rgpfReconYUV [iLayer], rgpfReconSeg [iLayer], rctOrg, volmd.nBits);
- }
- else if(iDumpMode==DUMP_PREV){ // dump previous reference frame
- if ( bPrevObjectExists )
- dumpData (rgpfReconYUV [iLayer], rgpfReconSeg [iLayer], rgpvoenc[iLayer] ->pvopcRefQPrev(), rctOrg, volmd);
- else
- dumpNonCodedFrame(rgpfReconYUV [iLayer], rgpfReconSeg [iLayer], rctOrg, volmd.nBits);
- }
- #else
- if (bObjectExists)
- dumpDataOneFrame (iFrame, iVO, rgpvoenc[iLayer] ->pvopcReconCurr(), volmd); // save one frame
- else
- dumpNonCodedFrame(rgpfReconYUV [iLayer], rgpfReconSeg [iLayer], rctOrg, volmd.nBits);
- #endif
- // end: added by Sharp (99/1/28)
- // begin: deleted by Sharp (99/1/28)
- /*
- if (bObjectExists) {
- // begin: modified by Sharp (98/11/11)
- // begin: modification by Sharp (98/2/12)
- #ifndef __OUT_ONE_FRAME_
- if(iDumpMode==DUMP_CURR || m_rguiSpriteUsage [iVOrelative] != 0)
- {
- // dump current reconstructed frame
- dumpData (rgpfReconYUV [iLayer], rgpfReconSeg [iLayer], rgpvoenc[iLayer] ->pvopcReconCurr(), rctOrg, volmd);
- }
- else if(iDumpMode==DUMP_PREV) // dump previous reference frame
- {
- dumpData (rgpfReconYUV [iLayer], rgpfReconSeg [iLayer], rgpvoenc[iLayer] ->pvopcRefQPrev(), rctOrg, volmd);
- }
- // end: modification by Sharp (98/2/12)
- #else
- dumpDataOneFrame (iFrame, iVO, rgpvoenc[iLayer] ->pvopcReconCurr(), volmd); // save one frame
- #endif
- // end: modified by Sharp (98/11/11)
- }
- #ifndef __OUT_ONE_FRAME_ // added by Sharp (98/11/11)
- else
- dumpNonCodedFrame(rgpfReconYUV [iLayer], rgpfReconSeg [iLayer], rctOrg, volmd.nBits);
- #endif // added by Sharp (98/11/11)
- */
- // end: deleted by Sharp (99/1/28)
- rgpostrm [iLayer]->write (rgpvoenc [iLayer]->pOutStream ()->str (),
- rgpvoenc [iLayer]->pOutStream ()->pcount ());
- }
- Void CSessionEncoder::readPntFile (UInt iobj)
- {
- Char pchtmp [100];
- sprintf (pchtmp, SUB_PNTFILE, m_pchSptPntDir, iobj, m_pchPrefix);
- FILE* pfPnt = fopen (pchtmp, "r");
- if(pfPnt==NULL)
- fatal_error("Can't open sprite point file");
- Int numPnt;
- Int iVOidx = iobj - m_iFirstVO;
- fscanf (pfPnt, "%d", &numPnt);
- assert (numPnt == m_rgNumOfPnts [iVOidx]);
- Int ifrF;
- Double dblX, dblY;
- for (Int ip = 0; ip < numPnt; ip++)
- fscanf (pfPnt, "%lf%lf", &m_ppstSrc [iVOidx] [ip].x, &m_ppstSrc [iVOidx] [ip].y); // not used
- while (fscanf (pfPnt, "%d", &ifrF) != EOF) {
- if ((ifrF >= m_iFirstFrame) && (ifrF <= m_iLastFrame)) {
- for (Int ip = 0; ip < numPnt; ip++) {
- fscanf (pfPnt, "%lf %lf", &dblX, &dblY);
- Int iFrmIndex = ifrF - m_iFirstFrame;
- if (iFrmIndex % (m_rgvolmd [BASE_LAYER] [iVOidx].iTemporalRate) == 0) {
- m_pppstDst [iVOidx] [iFrmIndex] [ip].x = dblX;
- m_pppstDst [iVOidx] [iFrmIndex] [ip].y = dblY;
- }
- }
- } else {
- for (Int ip = 0; ip < numPnt; ip++) {
- fscanf (pfPnt, "%lf %lf", &dblX, &dblY);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Void CSessionEncoder::loadSpt (UInt iobj, CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcDst)
- {
- Char pchSpt [100];
- sprintf (pchSpt, SUB_VDLFILE, m_pchSptDir, iobj, m_pchPrefix);
- FILE* pf = fopen (pchSpt, "rb");
- // read overhead
- Int c0 = getc (pf);
- Int c1 = getc (pf);
- Int c2 = getc (pf);
- assert (c0 == 'S' && (c1 == 'P' || c2 == 'T') );
- CRct rctSpt;
- Bool bAUsage;
- fread (&rctSpt.left, sizeof (CoordI), 1, pf);
- fread (&, sizeof (CoordI), 1, pf);
- fread (&rctSpt.right, sizeof (CoordI), 1, pf);
- fread (&rctSpt.bottom, sizeof (CoordI), 1, pf);
- fread (&bAUsage, sizeof (Int), 1, pf);
- #ifndef _FOR_GSSP_
- assert (bAUsage != EIGHT_BIT); // sprite with Alpha channel is not supported at this moment
- #endif
- Int iYDataHeight = m_rctOrg.height ();
- Int iUVDataHeight = m_rctOrg.height () / 2;
- Int iYFrmWidth = pvopcDst->whereY ().width;
- Int iUvFrmWidth = pvopcDst->whereUV ().width;
- PixelC* ppxlcY = (PixelC*) pvopcDst->pixelsY () + nSkipYPixel;
- PixelC* ppxlcU = (PixelC*) pvopcDst->pixelsU () + nSkipUvPixel;
- PixelC* ppxlcV = (PixelC*) pvopcDst->pixelsV () + nSkipUvPixel;
- CoordI y;
- for (y = 0; y < iYDataHeight; y++) {
- Int size = (Int) fread (ppxlcY, sizeof (U8), m_rctOrg.width, pf);
- if (size == 0)
- fprintf (stderr, "Unexpected end of filen");
- ppxlcY += iYFrmWidth;
- }
- for (y = 0; y < iUVDataHeight; y++) {
- Int size = (Int) fread (ppxlcU, sizeof (U8), m_rctOrg.width / 2, pf);
- if (size == 0)
- fprintf (stderr, "Unexpected end of filen");
- ppxlcU += iUvFrmWidth;
- }
- for (y = 0; y < iUVDataHeight; y++) {
- Int size = (Int) fread (ppxlcV, sizeof (U8), m_rctOrg.width / 2, pf);
- if (size == 0)
- fprintf (stderr, "Unexpected end of filen");
- ppxlcV += iUvFrmWidth;
- }
- PixelC* ppxlcBY = (PixelC*) pvopcDst->pixelsBY () + nSkipYPixel;
- //Int iObjectExist = 0;
- if ((bAUsage == ONE_BIT) && (pvopcDst -> fAUsage () == ONE_BIT)) { // load Alpha
- //binary
- for (CoordI y = 0; y < iYDataHeight; y++) {
- Int size = (Int) fread (ppxlcBY, sizeof (U8), m_rctOrg.width, pf);
- if (size == 0)
- fprintf (stderr, "Unexpected end of filen");
- ppxlcBY += iYFrmWidth;
- }
- ((CU8Image*) pvopcDst->getPlane (BUV_PLANE))->decimateBinaryShapeFrom (*(pvopcDst->getPlane (BY_PLANE)));
- }
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- else if ((bAUsage == EIGHT_BIT) && (pvopcDst -> fAUsage () == EIGHT_BIT)) { // load Alpha
- //grayscale alpha
- PixelC* ppxlcA = (PixelC*) pvopcDst->pixelsA () + nSkipYPixel;
- for (CoordI y = 0; y < iYDataHeight; y++) {
- for (CoordI x = 0; x < m_rctOrg.width; x++) {
- PixelC pxlcCurr = getc (pf);
- ppxlcA [x] = (pxlcCurr >= GRAY_ALPHA_THRESHOLD) ? pxlcCurr : transpValue;
- ppxlcBY [x] = (pxlcCurr >= GRAY_ALPHA_THRESHOLD) ? opaqueValue : transpValue;
- }
- ppxlcBY += iYFrmWidth;
- ppxlcA += iYFrmWidth;
- }
- ((CU8Image*) pvopcDst->getPlane (BUV_PLANE))->decimateBinaryShapeFrom (*(pvopcDst->getPlane (BY_PLANE)));
- }
- #endif
- }
- Void CSessionEncoder::getInputFiles (FILE*& pfYuvSrc, FILE*& pfAlpSrc, FILE*& pfYuvSrcSpatialEnhn,
- FILE* rgpfReconYUV [], FILE* rgpfReconSeg [],
- ofstream* rgpostrm [], ofstream* rgpostrmTrace [],
- PixelC& pxlcObjColor, Int iobj, const VOLMode& volmd, const VOLMode& volmd_enhn)
- {
- static Char pchYUV [100], pchSeg [100], pchCmp [100], pchTrace [100];
- //output files
- createCmpDir (iobj);
- sprintf (pchCmp, SUB_CMPFILE, m_pchOutStrFiles, iobj, m_pchPrefix);
- sprintf (pchTrace, SUB_TRCFILE, m_pchOutStrFiles, iobj, m_pchPrefix);
- rgpostrm [BASE_LAYER] = new ofstream (pchCmp, IOS_BINARY | ios::out);
- rgpostrmTrace [BASE_LAYER] = NULL;
- if (volmd.bTrace)
- rgpostrmTrace [BASE_LAYER] = new ofstream (pchTrace);
- // prepare for the reconstructed files
- createReconDir (iobj); // create a directory for the reconstructed YUV in case it doesn't exist
- sprintf (pchYUV, SUB_YUVFILE, m_pchReconYUVDir, iobj, m_pchPrefix);
- sprintf (pchSeg, SUB_SEGFILE, m_pchReconYUVDir, iobj, m_pchPrefix);
- rgpfReconSeg [BASE_LAYER] = NULL;
- rgpfReconSeg [ENHN_LAYER] = NULL;
- rgpfReconYUV [BASE_LAYER] = fopen (pchYUV, "wb"); // reconstructed YUV file
- assert (rgpfReconYUV [BASE_LAYER] != NULL);
- if (volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE) {
- rgpfReconSeg [BASE_LAYER] = fopen (pchSeg, "wb"); // reconstructed seg file
- assert (rgpfReconSeg [BASE_LAYER] != NULL);
- }
- /*
- if (m_rgbSpatialScalability [iobj - m_iFirstVO] == TRUE) {
- sprintf (pchCmp, ENHN_SUB_CMPFILE, m_pchOutStrFiles, iobj, m_pchPrefix);
- sprintf (pchTrace, ENHN_SUB_TRCFILE, m_pchOutStrFiles, iobj, m_pchPrefix);
- rgpostrm [ENHN_LAYER] = new ofstream (pchCmp, IOS_BINARY | ios::out);
- rgpostrmTrace [ENHN_LAYER] = NULL;
- if (volmd.bTrace)
- rgpostrmTrace [ENHN_LAYER] = new ofstream (pchTrace);
- sprintf (pchYUV, ENHN_SUB_YUVFILE, m_pchReconYUVDir, iobj, m_pchPrefix);
- sprintf (pchSeg, ENHN_SUB_SEGFILE, m_pchReconYUVDir, iobj, m_pchPrefix);
- rgpfReconYUV [ENHN_LAYER] = fopen (pchYUV, "wb"); // reconstructed YUV file
- if (volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE) {
- rgpfReconSeg [ENHN_LAYER] = fopen (pchSeg, "wb"); // reconstructed seg file
- assert (FALSE); // no spatial scalability for shape
- }
- }
- */ //wchen: moved down
- if (!m_bTexturePerVOP)
- sprintf (pchYUV, ROOT_YUVFILE, m_pchBmpFiles, m_pchPrefix);
- else
- sprintf (pchYUV, SUB_YUVFILE, m_pchBmpFiles, iobj, m_pchPrefix);
- pfYuvSrc = fopen (pchYUV, "rb");
- if (pfYuvSrc == NULL) {
- fprintf (stderr, "can't open %sn", pchYUV);
- exit (1);
- }
- if (m_rgbSpatialScalability [iobj - m_iFirstVO] == TRUE) {
- sprintf (pchCmp, ENHN_SUB_CMPFILE, m_pchOutStrFiles, iobj, m_pchPrefix);
- sprintf (pchTrace, ENHN_SUB_TRCFILE, m_pchOutStrFiles, iobj, m_pchPrefix);
- rgpostrm [ENHN_LAYER] = new ofstream (pchCmp, IOS_BINARY | ios::out);
- rgpostrmTrace [ENHN_LAYER] = NULL;
- if (volmd_enhn.bTrace) // modified by Sharp (98/2/12)
- rgpostrmTrace [ENHN_LAYER] = new ofstream (pchTrace);
- // begin: added by Sharp (98/10/26)
- if ( volmd_enhn.bTemporalScalability == TRUE ){
- rgpfReconYUV [ENHN_LAYER] = rgpfReconYUV[BASE_LAYER];
- if (volmd_enhn.fAUsage != RECTANGLE) {
- if ( volmd_enhn.iEnhnType == 0 )
- rgpfReconSeg [ENHN_LAYER] = rgpfReconSeg[BASE_LAYER];
- else{
- sprintf (pchSeg, ENHN_SUB_SEGFILE, m_pchReconYUVDir, iobj, m_pchPrefix);
- rgpfReconSeg [ENHN_LAYER] = fopen (pchSeg, "wb"); // reconstructed seg file
- }
- }
- } else {
- // end: added by Sharp (98/10/26)
- sprintf (pchYUV, ENHN_SUB_YUVFILE, m_pchReconYUVDir, iobj, m_pchPrefix);
- sprintf (pchSeg, ENHN_SUB_SEGFILE, m_pchReconYUVDir, iobj, m_pchPrefix);
- rgpfReconYUV [ENHN_LAYER] = fopen (pchYUV, "wb"); // reconstructed YUV file
- if (volmd_enhn.fAUsage != RECTANGLE) { // modified by Sharp (98/2/12)
- rgpfReconSeg [ENHN_LAYER] = fopen (pchSeg, "wb"); // reconstructed seg file
- // deleted by Sharp (98/10/26)
- // begin: added by Sharp (98/2/10)
- // if ( volmd.bTemporalScalability == TRUE )
- // assert (rgpfReconSeg [ENHN_LAYER] != NULL);
- // else
- // end: added by Sharp (98/2/10)
- // end: deleted by Sharp (98/10/26)
- assert (FALSE); // no spatial scalability for shape
- }
- } // added by Sharp (98/10/26)
- if ( volmd_enhn.bTemporalScalability == FALSE ){ // added by Sharp (98/2/10)
- if (!m_bTexturePerVOP) {
- fprintf (stderr,"m_bTexturePerVOP != 0 is not applyed for spatial scalable codingn");
- }
- else
- sprintf (pchYUV, ENHN_SUB_YUVFILE, m_pchBmpFiles, iobj, m_pchPrefix);
- pfYuvSrcSpatialEnhn = fopen (pchYUV, "rb");
- if (pfYuvSrcSpatialEnhn == NULL){
- fprintf (stderr,"can't open %sn", pchYUV);
- exit(1);
- }
- } // added by Sharp (98/2/10)
- }
- if (volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE ||
- m_rgbSpatialScalability [iobj - m_iFirstVO] == TRUE && volmd_enhn.fAUsage != RECTANGLE) { // load Alpha // modified by Sharp (98/2/12)
- if (!m_bAlphaPerVOP) {
- pxlcObjColor = iobj;
- sprintf (pchSeg, ROOT_SEGFILE, m_pchBmpFiles, m_pchPrefix);
- }
- else {
- pxlcObjColor = opaqueValue; // out data notation
- sprintf (pchSeg, SUB_SEGFILE, m_pchBmpFiles, iobj, m_pchPrefix);
- }
- pfAlpSrc = fopen (pchSeg, "rb");
- if (pfAlpSrc == NULL) {
- fprintf (stderr, "can't open %sn", pchSeg);
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- // begin: deleted by Sharp (98/10/26)
- // begin: added by Sharp (98/2/10)
- // #ifndef __OUT_ONE_FRAME_
- // if (m_rgbSpatialScalability [iobj - m_iFirstVO] == TRUE && volmd_enhn.bTemporalScalability == TRUE && volmd_enhn.iEnhnType != 0) { // modified by Sharp (98/3/24)
- // FILE *pfTemp;
- // sprintf (pchYUV, "%s/%2.2d/%s_bgc.yuv", m_pchReconYUVDir, iobj, m_pchPrefix);
- // pfTemp = fopen (pchYUV, "wb"); // clear file pointer for background composition
- // fclose(pfTemp);
- // }
- // #endif
- // end: added by Sharp (98/2/10)
- // end: deleted by Sharp (98/10/26)
- }
- Void CSessionEncoder::initVOEncoder (CVideoObjectEncoder** rgpvoenc, Int iobj, ofstream* rgpostrmTrace [])
- {
- Int iVOidx = iobj - m_iFirstVO;
- Bool bTemporalScalability = m_rgvolmd[BASE_LAYER][iVOidx].bTemporalScalability; // added by Sharp (98/2/10)
- // Bool bTemporalScalability = TRUE; // added by Sharp (98/2/10)
- if (m_rgbSpatialScalability [iVOidx] == TRUE) {
- rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER] = new CVideoObjectEncoder (
- iobj,
- m_rgvolmd [BASE_LAYER] [iVOidx],
- m_rgvopmd [BASE_LAYER] [iVOidx],
- m_iFirstFrame,
- m_iLastFrame,
- m_rctOrg.width,
- m_rctOrg.height(),
- m_rguiRateControl [BASE_LAYER] [iVOidx],
- m_rguiBudget [BASE_LAYER] [iVOidx],
- rgpostrmTrace [BASE_LAYER],
- m_rguiWarpingAccuracy [iVOidx],
- m_rgNumOfPnts [iVOidx],
- m_pppstDst [iVOidx],
- m_SptMode,
- m_rctFrame,
- m_rctOrg,
- m_rgiMVFileUsage [BASE_LAYER][iVOidx],
- m_pchMVFileName [BASE_LAYER][iVOidx]);
- // begin: added by Sharp (98/2/10)
- if ( bTemporalScalability )
- rgpvoenc [ENHN_LAYER] = new CVideoObjectEncoder (
- iobj,
- m_rgvolmd [ENHN_LAYER] [iVOidx],
- m_rgvopmd [ENHN_LAYER] [iVOidx],
- m_iFirstFrame,
- m_iLastFrame,
- m_rctOrg.width,
- m_rctOrg.height(),
- m_rguiRateControl [ENHN_LAYER] [iVOidx],
- m_rguiBudget [ENHN_LAYER] [iVOidx],
- rgpostrmTrace [ENHN_LAYER],
- 0,
- -1,
- m_pppstDst [iVOidx],
- m_SptMode,
- m_rctFrame,
- m_rctOrgSpatialEnhn,
- m_rgiMVFileUsage [ENHN_LAYER][iVOidx],
- m_pchMVFileName [ENHN_LAYER][iVOidx]);
- else
- // end: added by Sharp (98/2/10)
- rgpvoenc [ENHN_LAYER] = new CVideoObjectEncoder (
- iobj,
- m_rgvolmd [ENHN_LAYER] [iVOidx],
- m_rgvopmd [ENHN_LAYER] [iVOidx],
- m_iFirstFrame,
- m_iLastFrame,
- m_rctOrgSpatialEnhn.width,
- m_rctOrgSpatialEnhn.height (),
- m_rguiRateControl [ENHN_LAYER] [iVOidx],
- m_rguiBudget [ENHN_LAYER] [iVOidx],
- rgpostrmTrace [ENHN_LAYER],
- 0,
- -1,
- m_pppstDst [iVOidx],
- m_SptMode,
- m_rctFrame,
- m_rctOrgSpatialEnhn,
- m_rgiMVFileUsage [ENHN_LAYER][iVOidx],
- m_pchMVFileName [ENHN_LAYER][iVOidx]);
- }
- else {
- rgpvoenc [BASE_LAYER] = new CVideoObjectEncoder (
- iobj,
- m_rgvolmd [BASE_LAYER] [iVOidx],
- m_rgvopmd [BASE_LAYER] [iVOidx],
- m_iFirstFrame,
- m_iLastFrame,
- m_rctOrg.width,
- m_rctOrg.height (),
- m_rguiRateControl [BASE_LAYER] [iVOidx],
- m_rguiBudget [BASE_LAYER] [iVOidx],
- rgpostrmTrace [BASE_LAYER],
- m_rguiWarpingAccuracy [iVOidx],
- m_rgNumOfPnts [iVOidx],
- m_pppstDst [iVOidx],
- m_SptMode,
- m_rctFrame,
- m_rctOrg,
- m_rgiMVFileUsage [BASE_LAYER][iVOidx],
- m_pchMVFileName [BASE_LAYER][iVOidx]);
- }
- }
- Bool CSessionEncoder::loadData (UInt iFrame, FILE* pfYuvSrc, FILE* pfSegSrc, PixelC pxlcObjColor, CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcDst, CRct& rctOrg, const VOLMode& volmd)
- {
- Int iLeadingPixels = iFrame * rctOrg.area ();
- if (volmd.nBits<=8) {
- fseek (pfYuvSrc, iLeadingPixels + iLeadingPixels / 2, SEEK_SET); //4:2:0
- } else { // NBIT: 2 bytes per pixel, Y component plus UV
- fseek (pfYuvSrc, iLeadingPixels * 3, SEEK_SET);
- }
- if (volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE)
- fseek (pfSegSrc, iLeadingPixels, SEEK_SET);
- Int iYDataHeight = rctOrg.height ();
- Int iUVDataHeight = rctOrg.height () / 2;
- Int iYFrmWidth = pvopcDst->whereY ().width;
- Int iUvFrmWidth = pvopcDst->whereUV ().width;
- PixelC* ppxlcY = (PixelC*) pvopcDst->pixelsY () + nSkipYPixel;
- PixelC* ppxlcU = (PixelC*) pvopcDst->pixelsU () + nSkipUvPixel;
- PixelC* ppxlcV = (PixelC*) pvopcDst->pixelsV () + nSkipUvPixel;
- CoordI y,x;
- for (y = 0; y < iYDataHeight; y++) {
- Int size = (Int) fread (ppxlcY, sizeof (PixelC), rctOrg.width, pfYuvSrc);
- if (size == 0)
- fprintf (stderr, "Unexpected end of filen");
- ppxlcY += iYFrmWidth;
- }
- /* modified by Rockwell (98/05/08)
- if (volmd.nBits<=8) {*/
- for (y = 0; y < iUVDataHeight; y++) {
- Int size = (Int) fread (ppxlcU, sizeof (PixelC), rctOrg.width / 2, pfYuvSrc);
- if (size == 0)
- fprintf (stderr, "Unexpected end of filen");
- ppxlcU += iUvFrmWidth;
- }
- for (y = 0; y < iUVDataHeight; y++) {
- Int size = (Int) fread (ppxlcV, sizeof (PixelC), rctOrg.width / 2, pfYuvSrc);
- if (size == 0)
- fprintf (stderr, "Unexpected end of filen");
- ppxlcV += iUvFrmWidth;
- }
- /* modified by Rockwell (98/05/08)
- } else { // NBIT: fill UV space with default pixel value
- Int iDefval = 1<<(volmd.nBits-1);
- Int iUVDataWidth = rctOrg.width / 2;
- for (y = 0; y < iUVDataHeight; y++) {
- for (x = 0; x < iUVDataWidth; x++) {
- ppxlcU[x] = iDefval;
- ppxlcV[x] = iDefval;
- }
- ppxlcU += iUvFrmWidth;
- ppxlcV += iUvFrmWidth;
- }
- }
- */
- PixelC* ppxlcBY = (PixelC*) pvopcDst->pixelsBY () + nSkipYPixel;
- Int iObjectExist = 0;
- if (volmd.fAUsage == ONE_BIT) { // load Alpha
- //binary
- for (y = 0; y < iYDataHeight; y++) {
- for (x = 0; x < rctOrg.width; x++) {
- PixelC pxlcCurr = getc (pfSegSrc);
- ppxlcBY [x] = (pxlcCurr == pxlcObjColor) ? opaqueValue : transpValue;
- iObjectExist += ppxlcBY [x];
- }
- ppxlcBY += iYFrmWidth;
- }
- ((CU8Image*) pvopcDst->getPlane (BUV_PLANE))->decimateBinaryShapeFrom (*(pvopcDst->getPlane (BY_PLANE)));
- }
- else if (volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT) { // load Alpha
- //gray
- PixelC* ppxlcA = (PixelC*) pvopcDst->pixelsA () + nSkipYPixel;
- for (y = 0; y < iYDataHeight; y++) {
- for (x = 0; x < rctOrg.width; x++) {
- PixelC pxlcCurr = getc (pfSegSrc);
- ppxlcA [x] = (pxlcCurr >= GRAY_ALPHA_THRESHOLD) ? pxlcCurr : transpValue;
- ppxlcBY [x] = (pxlcCurr >= GRAY_ALPHA_THRESHOLD) ? opaqueValue : transpValue;
- iObjectExist += ppxlcBY [x];
- }
- ppxlcBY += iYFrmWidth;
- ppxlcA += iYFrmWidth;
- }
- ((CU8Image*) pvopcDst->getPlane (BUV_PLANE))->decimateBinaryShapeFrom (*(pvopcDst->getPlane (BY_PLANE)));
- }
- else //rectangle
- iObjectExist = 1;
- /* static int ini = 0;
- if(ini = 0)
- {
- srand(123421);
- ini = 1;
- }
- int k = rand();
- if((k%4)==0)
- iObjectExist = 0;*/
- return (iObjectExist != 0);
- }
- CRct CSessionEncoder::findBoundBoxInAlpha (UInt ifr, UInt iobj)
- {
- CIntImage* pfiARet = NULL;
- Char pchSeg [100];
- if (m_rgvolmd [BASE_LAYER] [iobj].fAUsage != RECTANGLE) { // load Alpha
- if (!m_bAlphaPerVOP) {
- sprintf (pchSeg, ROOT_SEGFILE, m_pchBmpFiles, m_pchPrefix);
- pfiARet = alphaFromCompFile (pchSeg, ifr, iobj, m_rctOrg);
- }
- else {
- sprintf (pchSeg, SUB_SEGFILE, m_pchBmpFiles, iobj, m_pchPrefix);
- pfiARet = new CIntImage (pchSeg, ifr, m_rctOrg);
- pfiARet -> threshold (64);
- }
- CRct rctBoundingBox = pfiARet -> whereVisible ();
- if (rctBoundingBox.left % 2 != 0)
- rctBoundingBox.left--;
- if ( % 2 != 0)
- if (rctBoundingBox.right % 2 != 0)
- rctBoundingBox.right++;
- if (rctBoundingBox.bottom % 2 != 0)
- rctBoundingBox.bottom++;
- rctBoundingBox.width = rctBoundingBox.right - rctBoundingBox.left;
- delete pfiARet;
- return rctBoundingBox;
- }
- else
- return m_rctOrg;
- }
- CRct CSessionEncoder::findSptRct (UInt iobj)
- {
- CRct rctSpt;
- Char pchSpt [100];
- sprintf (pchSpt, SUB_VDLFILE, m_pchSptDir, iobj, m_pchPrefix);
- FILE* pf = fopen (pchSpt, "rb");
- // read overhead
- Int c0 = getc (pf);
- Int c1 = getc (pf);
- Int c2 = getc (pf);
- assert (c0 == 'S' && (c1 == 'P' || c2 == 'T') );
- fread (&rctSpt.left, sizeof (CoordI), 1, pf);
- fread (&, sizeof (CoordI), 1, pf);
- fread (&rctSpt.right, sizeof (CoordI), 1, pf);
- fread (&rctSpt.bottom, sizeof (CoordI), 1, pf);
- assert (rctSpt.left % 2 == 0);
- assert ( % 2 == 0);
- rctSpt.width = rctSpt.right - rctSpt.left;
- fclose (pf);
- return rctSpt;
- }
- Void CSessionEncoder::dumpData (FILE* pfYuvDst, FILE* pfSegDst,
- const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcSrc,
- const CRct& rctOrg, const VOLMode& volmd)
- {
- Int iYDataHeight = rctOrg.height ();
- Int iUVDataHeight = rctOrg.height () / 2;
- Int iYFrmWidth = pvopcSrc->whereY ().width;
- Int iUvFrmWidth = pvopcSrc->whereUV ().width;
- const PixelC* ppxlcY = pvopcSrc->pixelsY () + nSkipYPixel;
- const PixelC* ppxlcU = pvopcSrc->pixelsU () + nSkipUvPixel;
- const PixelC* ppxlcV = pvopcSrc->pixelsV () + nSkipUvPixel;
- if ( volmd.iEnhnType == 0 || volmd.volType == BASE_LAYER ){ // added by Sharp (99/1/20)
- CoordI y;
- for (y = 0; y < iYDataHeight; y++) {
- Int size = (Int) fwrite (ppxlcY, sizeof (PixelC), rctOrg.width, pfYuvDst);
- if (size == 0)
- exit(fprintf (stderr, "Can't write to filen"));
- ppxlcY += iYFrmWidth;
- }
- // NBIT: now there is a UV component when nBits>8
- for (y = 0; y < iUVDataHeight; y++) {
- Int size = (Int) fwrite (ppxlcU, sizeof (PixelC), rctOrg.width / 2, pfYuvDst);
- if (size == 0)
- exit(fprintf (stderr, "Can't write to filen"));
- ppxlcU += iUvFrmWidth;
- }
- for (y = 0; y < iUVDataHeight; y++) {
- Int size = (Int) fwrite (ppxlcV, sizeof (PixelC), rctOrg.width / 2, pfYuvDst);
- if (size == 0)
- exit(fprintf (stderr, "Can't write to filen"));
- ppxlcV += iUvFrmWidth;
- }
- } // added by Sharp (99/1/20)
- // if ( volmd.iEnhnType == 0) { // added by Sharp (98/10/26)
- if (volmd.fAUsage == ONE_BIT) {
- const PixelC* ppxlcBY = pvopcSrc->pixelsBY () + nSkipYPixel;
- for (CoordI y = 0; y < iYDataHeight; y++) {
- if (volmd.bNot8Bit==0) {
- /* Int size = (Int)*/ fwrite (ppxlcBY, sizeof (PixelC), m_rctOrg.width, pfSegDst);
- } else { // NBIT: here PixelC is unsigned short
- const PixelC* ppxlcBYAux = ppxlcBY;
- for (CoordI x = 0; x < m_rctOrg.width; x++, ppxlcBYAux++) {
- fwrite(ppxlcBYAux, sizeof(PixelC), 1, pfSegDst);
- }
- }
- ppxlcBY += iYFrmWidth;
- }
- } else if (volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT) {
- const PixelC* ppxlcBY = pvopcSrc->pixelsBY () + nSkipYPixel;
- const PixelC* ppxlcA = pvopcSrc->pixelsA () + nSkipYPixel;
- const PixelC pxlcZero = 0;
- for (CoordI y = 0; y < iYDataHeight; y++) {
- const PixelC* ppxlcBYAux = ppxlcBY;
- const PixelC* ppxlcAAux = ppxlcA;
- CoordI x;
- for( x = 0; x < m_rctOrg.width; x++, ppxlcBYAux++, ppxlcAAux++)
- if(*ppxlcBYAux)
- fwrite(ppxlcAAux, sizeof(PixelC), 1, pfSegDst);
- else
- fwrite(&pxlcZero, sizeof(PixelC), 1, pfSegDst);
- ppxlcA += iYFrmWidth;
- ppxlcBY += iYFrmWidth;
- }
- }
- // } // added by Sharp (98/10/26)
- }
- Void CSessionEncoder::updateRefForTPS (
- CVideoObjectEncoder* pvopc,
- CEnhcBufferEncoder* BufP1,
- CEnhcBufferEncoder* BufP2,
- CEnhcBufferEncoder* BufB1,
- CEnhcBufferEncoder* BufB2,
- CEnhcBufferEncoder* BufE,
- Int bNoNextVOP,
- Int iVOrelative,
- Int iEcount,
- Int ibFrameWithRate,
- Int ieFrame,
- Bool bupdateForLastLoop
- )
- {
- if ( (m_rgiTemporalScalabilityType[iVOrelative] == 2 && iEcount == 0) ||
- (m_rgiTemporalScalabilityType[iVOrelative] == 0 && ieFrame == ibFrameWithRate) ){
- if ( BufP1 -> m_bCodedFutureRef == 1 ){ // added by Sharp (99/1/26)
- pvopc -> setPredType(PVOP);
- pvopc -> setRefSelectCode(1);
- if ( BufB1 -> empty() )
- BufP1 -> putBufToQ0 ( pvopc );
- else
- BufB1 -> putBufToQ0 ( pvopc );
- } else // added by Sharp (99/1/26)
- pvopc -> setPredType(IVOP); // added by Sharp (99/1/26)
- } else if ( m_rgiTemporalScalabilityType[iVOrelative] == 2 ){
- pvopc -> setPredType(BVOP);
- pvopc -> setRefSelectCode(1);
- BufE -> putBufToQ0 ( pvopc );
- if ( BufB1 -> empty() )
- BufP1 -> putBufToQ1( pvopc );
- else
- BufB1 -> putBufToQ1( pvopc );
- } else if ( m_rgiTemporalScalabilityType[iVOrelative] == 1 ){
- if ( bNoNextVOP && !bupdateForLastLoop ) {
- pvopc -> setPredType(BVOP);
- pvopc -> setRefSelectCode(3);
- if ( BufB1 -> empty() )
- BufP1 -> putBufToQ0( pvopc );
- else
- BufB1 -> putBufToQ0( pvopc );
- if ( BufB2 -> empty() )
- BufP2 -> putBufToQ1( pvopc );
- else
- BufB2 -> putBufToQ1( pvopc );
- }
- else if ( bNoNextVOP && bupdateForLastLoop ) {
- if ( BufP1 -> m_bCodedFutureRef == 1 ){ // added by Sharp (99/1/26)
- pvopc -> setPredType(PVOP);
- pvopc -> setRefSelectCode(1);
- if ( BufB1 -> empty() )
- BufP1 -> putBufToQ0 ( pvopc );
- else
- BufB1 -> putBufToQ0 ( pvopc );
- } else // added by Sharp (99/1/26)
- pvopc -> setPredType(IVOP); // added by Sharp (99/1/26)
- }
- else {
- Time prevTime;
- Time nextTime;
- pvopc -> setPredType(BVOP);
- pvopc -> setRefSelectCode(3);
- if ( BufB1 -> empty() ){
- BufP1 -> putBufToQ0( pvopc );
- // cout << "Time of Q0:" << BufP1 -> m_t << "n";
- prevTime = BufP1 -> m_t;
- }
- else{
- BufB1 -> putBufToQ0( pvopc );
- // cout << "Time of Q0:" << BufB1 -> m_t << "n";
- prevTime = BufB1 -> m_t;
- }
- if ( BufB2 -> empty() ){
- BufP2 -> putBufToQ1( pvopc );
- // cout << "Time of Q1:" << BufP2 -> m_t << "n";
- nextTime = BufP2 -> m_t;
- }
- else{
- BufB2 -> putBufToQ1( pvopc );
- // cout << "Time of Q1:" << BufB2 -> m_t << "n";
- nextTime = BufB2 -> m_t;
- }
- pvopc -> m_tPastRef = prevTime;
- pvopc -> m_tFutureRef = nextTime;
- }
- }
- // begin: added by Sharp (99/1/25)
- else if ( m_rgiTemporalScalabilityType[iVOrelative] == 3 && iEcount == 0) {
- if ( BufP1 -> m_bCodedFutureRef == 1 ){
- pvopc -> setPredType(PVOP);
- pvopc -> setRefSelectCode(2);
- if ( BufB2 -> empty() )
- BufP2 -> putBufToQ1 ( pvopc );
- else
- BufB2 -> putBufToQ1 ( pvopc );
- } else {
- pvopc -> setPredType(IVOP);
- }
- } else if ( m_rgiTemporalScalabilityType[iVOrelative] == 3 ){
- pvopc -> setPredType(BVOP);
- pvopc -> setRefSelectCode(2);
- BufE -> putBufToQ0 ( pvopc );
- if ( BufB2 -> empty() )
- BufP2 -> putBufToQ1( pvopc );
- else
- BufB2 -> putBufToQ1( pvopc );
- } else if (m_rgiTemporalScalabilityType[iVOrelative] == 4 ){
- pvopc -> setPredType(PVOP);
- pvopc -> setRefSelectCode(2);
- if ( BufB2 -> empty() )
- BufP2 -> putBufToQ1 ( pvopc );
- else
- BufB2 -> putBufToQ1 ( pvopc );
- }
- // end: added by Sharp (99/1/25)
- else {
- if ( BufE -> m_bCodedFutureRef == 1 ){ // added by Sharp (99/1/26)
- pvopc -> setPredType(PVOP);
- pvopc -> setRefSelectCode(0);
- BufE -> putBufToQ0 ( pvopc );
- } else // added by Sharp (99/1/26)
- pvopc -> setPredType(IVOP); // added by Sharp (99/1/26)
- }
- }
- // for back/foward shape
- Void CSessionEncoder::initVObfShape (CVideoObjectEncoder** rgpbfShape,
- Int iobj, // ofstream* rgpostrmTrace [],
- VOLMode& volmd_back,
- VOPMode& vopmd_back,
- VOLMode& volmd_forw,
- VOPMode& vopmd_forw
- ) // made from initVOEncoder()
- {
- rgpbfShape [0] = new CVideoObjectEncoder ( iobj,
- volmd_back,
- vopmd_back,
- m_rctOrg.width,
- m_rctOrg.height () //,
- );
- rgpbfShape [1] = new CVideoObjectEncoder ( iobj,
- volmd_forw,
- vopmd_forw,
- m_rctOrg.width,
- m_rctOrg.height () //,
- );
- }
- Void CSessionEncoder::dumpDataOneFrame (UInt iFrame, Int iobj, const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcSrc, const VOLMode& volmd)
- {
- static Int iYDataHeight = m_rctOrg.height ();
- static Int iUVDataHeight = m_rctOrg.height () / 2;
- static Int iYFrmWidth = pvopcSrc->whereY ().width;
- static Int iUvFrmWidth = pvopcSrc->whereUV ().width;
- static Int nSkipYPixel = iYFrmWidth * EXPANDY_REF_FRAME + EXPANDY_REF_FRAME;
- static Int nSkipUvPixel = iUvFrmWidth * EXPANDUV_REF_FRAME + EXPANDUV_REF_FRAME;
- const PixelC* ppxlcY = pvopcSrc->pixelsY () + nSkipYPixel;
- const PixelC* ppxlcU = pvopcSrc->pixelsU () + nSkipUvPixel;
- const PixelC* ppxlcV = pvopcSrc->pixelsV () + nSkipUvPixel;
- // cout << "n=== write in separate format : frame no. =" << iFrame << "n";
- static Char pchYUV [100], pchSeg [100];
- CoordI y;
- // if(volmd.volType == BASE_LAYER) { // deleted by Sharp (98/11/11)
- sprintf (pchYUV, SUB_YUVFILE, m_pchReconYUVDir, iobj, m_pchPrefix);
- sprintf (pchSeg, SUB_SEGFILE, m_pchReconYUVDir, iobj, m_pchPrefix);
- // } // deleted by Sharp (98/11/11)
- // begin: deleted by Sharp (98/11/11)
- // else {
- // sprintf (pchYUV, ENHN_SUB_YUVFILE, m_pchReconYUVDir, iobj, m_pchPrefix);
- // sprintf (pchSeg, ENHN_SUB_SEGFILE, m_pchReconYUVDir, iobj, m_pchPrefix);
- // }
- // end: deleted by Sharp (98/11/11)
- sprintf (pchYUV, "%s%d", pchYUV, iFrame);
- sprintf (pchSeg, "%s%d", pchSeg, iFrame);
- FILE* pfYuvDst = fopen(pchYUV, "wb");
- for (y = 0; y < iYDataHeight; y++) {
- Int size = (Int) fwrite (ppxlcY, sizeof (PixelC), m_rctOrg.width, pfYuvDst);
- if (size == 0)
- exit(fprintf (stderr, "Can't write to file(Y)n"));
- ppxlcY += iYFrmWidth;
- }
- for (y = 0; y < iUVDataHeight; y++) {
- Int size = (Int) fwrite (ppxlcU, sizeof (PixelC), m_rctOrg.width / 2, pfYuvDst);
- if (size == 0)
- exit(fprintf (stderr, "Can't write to file(U)n"));
- ppxlcU += iUvFrmWidth;
- }
- for (y = 0; y < iUVDataHeight; y++) {
- Int size = (Int) fwrite (ppxlcV, sizeof (PixelC), m_rctOrg.width / 2, pfYuvDst);
- if (size == 0)
- exit(fprintf (stderr, "Can't write to file(V)n"));
- ppxlcV += iUvFrmWidth;
- }
- fclose(pfYuvDst);
- if (volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE) {
- FILE* pfSegDst = fopen(pchSeg, "wb");
- const PixelC* ppxlcA = (volmd.fAUsage == ONE_BIT) ? pvopcSrc->pixelsBY () + nSkipYPixel
- : pvopcSrc->pixelsA () + nSkipYPixel;
- for (y = 0; y < iYDataHeight; y++) {
- Int size = (Int) fwrite (ppxlcA, sizeof (PixelC), m_rctOrg.width, pfSegDst);
- if (size == 0)
- exit(fprintf (stderr, "Can't write to file(B)n"));
- ppxlcA += iYFrmWidth;
- }
- fclose(pfSegDst);
- }
- }
- Void CSessionEncoder::encodeEnhanceVideoObject(Bool bObjectExists,
- Int iFrame,
- VOPpredType predType,
- Int iDumpMode,
- Int iVO,Int iVOrelative,
- FILE* pfYuvSrc,
- FILE* pfSegSrc,
- FILE* rgpfReconYUV[],
- FILE* rgpfReconSeg[],
- PixelC pxlcObjColor,
- CVideoObjectEncoder* rgpvoenc,
- const VOLMode& volmd,
- const VOLMode& volmd_enhn,
- Int iEnhnFirstFrame,
- ofstream* rgpostrm[],
- CEnhcBufferEncoder& BufP1,
- CEnhcBufferEncoder& BufP2,
- CEnhcBufferEncoder& BufB1,
- CEnhcBufferEncoder& BufB2,
- CEnhcBufferEncoder& BufE
- )
- {
- Int ieFramebShape; // for back/forward shape : frame number of backward shape
- Int ieFramefShape; // for back/forward shape : frame number of forward shape
- // m_bPrevObjectExists = FALSE; // added by Sharp (98/2/10)
- Int iLayer = 1;
- if (m_rguiSpriteUsage [iVOrelative] == 0) {
- bObjectExists = loadData (iFrame, pfYuvSrc, pfSegSrc, pxlcObjColor, rgpvoenc ->m_pvopcOrig, m_rctOrg, volmd_enhn);
- if ( rgpvoenc -> m_volmd.iEnhnType == 1) {
- rgpvoenc -> set_LoadShape(&ieFramebShape, &ieFramefShape, volmd.iTemporalRate,
- iFrame, m_iFirstFrame, iEnhnFirstFrame );
- if ( bObjectExists && !m_bPrevObjectExists && rgpvoenc -> m_volmd.iEnhnType == 1 )
- { // bVOPVisible reflect a value of VOP_CODED
- rgpvoenc -> m_vopmd.iLoadBakShape = 1;
- rgpvoenc -> m_vopmd.iLoadForShape = 1;
- }
- m_bPrevObjectExists = bObjectExists;
- // printf("FLAG: %d, %dn", rgpvoenc -> m_vopmd.iLoadBakShape, rgpvoenc -> m_vopmd.iLoadForShape );
- if(rgpvoenc -> m_vopmd.iLoadBakShape) {
- rgpvoenc -> m_vopmd.iLoadBakShape = loadData (ieFramebShape, pfYuvSrc, pfSegSrc, pxlcObjColor,
- rgpvoenc ->rgpbfShape [0]->m_pvopcOrig, m_rctOrg, rgpvoenc ->rgpbfShape[0]->m_volmd);
- if ( !rgpvoenc -> m_vopmd.iLoadBakShape )
- cout << "Load_backward_shape was ON, but turned off because of no shapen";
- }
- if(rgpvoenc -> m_vopmd.iLoadForShape) {
- rgpvoenc -> m_vopmd.iLoadForShape = loadData (ieFramefShape, pfYuvSrc, pfSegSrc, pxlcObjColor,
- rgpvoenc ->rgpbfShape [1]->m_pvopcOrig, m_rctOrg, rgpvoenc ->rgpbfShape[1]->m_volmd);
- if ( !rgpvoenc -> m_vopmd.iLoadForShape )
- cout << "Load_forward_shape was ON, but turned off because of no shapen";
- }
- }
- // begin: added by Sharp (98/3/24)
- else if ( rgpvoenc -> m_volmd.iEnhnType == 2 ) {
- rgpvoenc -> m_vopmd.iLoadBakShape = 0;
- rgpvoenc -> m_vopmd.iLoadForShape = 0;
- }
- // end: added by Sharp (98/3/24)
- rgpvoenc -> encode (bObjectExists, (Time) (iFrame - m_iFirstFrame), predType); //, pvopcBaseQuant
- // for background composition
- if(rgpvoenc -> m_volmd.iEnhnType != 0) {
- // should be changed to background_composition flag later. // modified by Sharp (98/3/24)
- // printf("Performing B.C. ... Time = (%d, %d, %d)n", iFrame, ieFramefShape, ieFramebShape);
- rgpvoenc -> BackgroundComposition(m_rctOrg.width, m_rctOrg.height (),
- iFrame, ieFramefShape, ieFramebShape,
- BufP1.m_pvopcBuf,
- BufP2.m_pvopcBuf,
- BufB1.m_pvopcBuf,
- BufB2.m_pvopcBuf,
- m_pchReconYUVDir, iVO, m_pchPrefix,
- rgpfReconYUV[iLayer]); // modified by Sharp (98/10/26)
- }
- } // sprite
- //dump the output
- if (bObjectExists) {
- // if ( rgpvoenc -> m_volmd.iEnhnType == 0 ){ // added by Sharp (98/10/26) // deleted by Sharp (99/1/25)
- // begin: modified by Sharp (98/11/11)
- #ifndef __OUT_ONE_FRAME_
- if(iDumpMode==DUMP_CURR)
- {
- dumpData (rgpfReconYUV [iLayer], rgpfReconSeg [iLayer], rgpvoenc ->pvopcReconCurr (), m_rctOrg, volmd_enhn);
- }
- else if(iDumpMode==DUMP_PREV)
- {
- dumpData (rgpfReconYUV [iLayer], rgpfReconSeg [iLayer], rgpvoenc ->pvopcRefQPrev (), m_rctOrg, volmd_enhn);
- }
- #else
- dumpDataOneFrame (iFrame, iVO, rgpvoenc ->pvopcReconCurr(), volmd_enhn); // save one frame
- #endif
- // end: modified by Sharp (98/11/11)
- // } // added by Sharp (98/10/26) // deleted by Sharp (99/1/25)
- }
- #ifndef __OUT_ONE_FRAME_ // added by Sharp (98/11/11)
- else
- dumpNonCodedFrame(rgpfReconYUV [iLayer], rgpfReconSeg [iLayer], m_rctOrg, volmd_enhn.nBits);
- #endif // added by Sharp (98/11/11)
- rgpostrm[ENHN_LAYER] ->write (rgpvoenc ->pOutStream ()->str (), rgpvoenc ->pOutStream ()->pcount ());
- if ( rgpvoenc -> m_bCodedFutureRef == 1 ) // added by Sharp (99/1/28)
- BufE.getBuf( rgpvoenc );
- }