资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*************************************************************************
- This software module was originally developed by
- Ming-Chieh Lee (mingcl@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- Wei-ge Chen (wchen@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- Bruce Lin (blin@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- Chuang Gu (chuanggu@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- (date: March, 1996)
- and edited by
- Yoshihiro Kikuchi (TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
- Toshiaki Watanabe (TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
- Noboru Yamaguchi (TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
- Marc Mongenet (Marc.Mongenet@epfl.ch), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL)
- in the course of development of the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2).
- This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 Video tools
- as specified by the MPEG-4 Video.
- ISO/IEC gives users of the MPEG-4 Video free license to this software module or modifications
- thereof for use in hardware or software products claiming conformance to the MPEG-4 Video.
- Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software products are advised that its use may infringe existing patents.
- The original developer of this software module and his/her company,
- the subsequent editors and their companies,
- and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or modifications thereof in an implementation.
- Copyright is not released for non MPEG-4 Video conforming products.
- Microsoft retains full right to use the code for his/her own purpose,
- assign or donate the code to a third party and to inhibit third parties from using the code for non <MPEG standard> conforming products.
- This copyright notice must be included in all copies or derivative works.
- Copyright (c) 1996, 1997.
- Module Name:
- vopSeEnc.hpp
- Abstract:
- Encoder for one VO.
- Revision History:
- Sept. 30, 1997: Error resilient tools added by Toshiba
- Nov. 27, 1997: Spatial Scalable tools added
- by Takefumi Nagumo(nagumo@av.crl.sony.co.jp) SONY corporation
- Dec 20, 1997: Interlaced tools added by NextLevel Systems
- X. Chen (xchen@nlvl.com) B. Eifrig (beifrig@nlvl.com)
- Jun 16, 1998: add Complexity Estimation syntax support
- Marc Mongenet (Marc.Mongenet@epfl.ch) - EPFL
- May 9, 1999: tm5 rate control by DemoGraFX, duhoff@mediaone.net
- *************************************************************************/
- #ifndef __VOPSEENC_HPP_
- #define __VOPSEENC_HPP_
- #ifndef SOURCE_FRAME_RATE //assuming input source is always 30f/s
- #define SOURCE_FRAME_RATE 30
- #endif
- #include "tm5rc.hpp"
- Class CFwdBlockDCT;
- Class CVideoObjectEncoder : public CVideoObject
- {
- friend class CSessionEncoder;
- // friend Class CSessionEncoderTPS; ///// 97/12/22 // deleted by Sharp (98/2/12)
- // friend Class CVideoObjectEncoderTPS; ///// 97/12/22 // deleted by Sharp (98/2/12)
- friend class CEnhcBufferEncoder; // added by Sharp (98/2/10)
- public:
- // Constructors
- ~CVideoObjectEncoder ();
- CVideoObjectEncoder () {}; // default constructor
- CVideoObjectEncoder (
- UInt uiVOId, // VO id
- VOLMode& volmd, // VOL mode
- VOPMode& vopmd, // VOP mode
- UInt nFirstFrame, // number of total frames
- UInt nLastFrame, // number of total frames
- Int iSessionWidth, // session width, in case it's needed
- Int iSessionHeight, // session height
- UInt uiRateControl, // rate control type
- UInt uiBudget, // bit budget for vop
- ostream* pstrmTrace, // trace outstream
- UInt uiWarpAccuracy, // for sprite warping
- Int iNumOfPnts, // for sprite warping
- CSiteD** rgstDest, // for sprite warping destination
- SptMode SpriteMode, // sprite reconstruction mode
- CRct rctFrame, // sprite warping source
- CRct rctSpt, // rct Sprite
- Int iMVFileUsage, // 0==>no usage, 1==>read from MV file, 2==>write to MV file
- Char* pchMVFileName // MV file name
- ); // VOP mode
- // for back/forward shape
- CVideoObjectEncoder (
- UInt uiVOId, // VO id
- VOLMode& volmd, // VOL mode
- VOPMode& vopmd, // VOP mode
- Int iSessionWidth, // session width, in case it's needed
- Int iSessionHeight //, // session height
- ); // VOP mode
- // Attributes
- const COutBitStream* pOutStream () const {return m_pbitstrmOut;} // output bitstream
- const CStatistics& statVOL () const {return m_statsVOL;}
- const CStatistics& statVOP () const {return m_statsVOP;}
- // Operations
- Bool skipTest(
- Time t,
- VOPpredType vopPredType
- );
- Void swapSpatialScalabilityBVOP ();
- Void encode (
- Bool bVOP_Visible, // whether the VOP at this time is encoded
- Time t, // relative frame number for the current encoding
- VOPpredType vopPredType,
- const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopfRefBaseLayer = NULL //Reference image frm the base layer for spatial scalability
- );
- // begin: added by Sharp (98/2/10)
- // for background composition
- Void BackgroundComposition (
- const Int width, Int height,
- const Int iFrame,
- const Int iPrev,
- const Int iNext,
- const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcBuffP1,
- const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcBuffP2,
- const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcBuffB1,
- const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcBuffB2,
- const Char* pchReconYUVDir, Int iobj, const Char* pchPrefix, // for output file name
- FILE *pchfYUV // added by Sharp (98/10/26)
- );
- Void set_LoadShape(
- Int* ieFramebShape, Int* ieFramefShape, // frame number for back/forward shape
- const Int iRate, // rate of enhancement layer
- const Int ieFrame, // current frame number
- const Int iFirstFrame, // first frame number of sequence
- const Int iFirstFrameLoop // first frame number of the enhancement loop
- );
- // end: added by Sharp (98/2/10)
- ///////////////// implementation /////////////////
- ///// 97/12/22 start
- public:
- CVideoObjectEncoder* rgpbfShape [2]; // 0 : backward, 1: forward
- ///// 97/12/22 end
- protected:
- //Time m_tIVOPCounter;
- //Time m_tEncodedVOPCounter; // for TPS only
- UInt m_nFirstFrame, m_nLastFrame, m_iBufferSize; //for rate control
- Int m_uiRateControl; // rate control type
- // bitstream stuff
- Char* m_pchBitsBuffer;
- COutBitStream* m_pbitstrmOut; // output bitstream
- Char* m_pchShapeBitsBuffer;
- COutBitStream* m_pbitstrmShape;
- COutBitStream* m_pbitstrmShapeMBOut;
- // Added for data partitioning mode By Toshiba(1998-1-16:DP+RVLC)
- Char** m_pchShapeBitsBuffer_DP;
- COutBitStream** m_pbitstrmShape_DP;
- // End Toshiba(1998-1-16:DP+RVLC)
- CEntropyEncoderSet* m_pentrencSet;
- // statistics
- CStatistics m_statsVOL, m_statsVOP, m_statsMB; // accumulated number of bits
- Double* m_rgdSNR;
- // for rate control
- CRCMode m_statRC; // Rate control mode status
- TM5rc m_tm5rc;
- // UInt m_uiTotalPrev;
- own CVOPU8YUVBA* m_pvopcOrig; // original reference VOP in a previous time
- own CVOPU8YUVBA* m_pvopcRefOrig0; // original reference VOP in a previous time
- own CVOPU8YUVBA* m_pvopcRefOrig1; // original reference VOP in a later time
- own CU8Image* m_puciRefQZoom0; // zoomed reference VOP in a previous time
- own CU8Image* m_puciRefQZoom1; // zoomed reference VOP in a later time
- // some fixed variables (VOL)
- Int m_iFrameWidthZoomYx2Minus2MB, m_iFrameWidthZoomYx2Minus2Blk;
- Int m_iFrameWidthZoomY, m_iFrameWidthZoomUV;
- // VOP variables
- CRct m_rctRefVOPZoom0, m_rctRefVOPZoom1;
- // for B-VOP
- // MB buffer data
- CU8Image *m_puciDirectPredMB, *m_puciInterpPredMB;
- PixelC *m_ppxlcDirectPredMBY, *m_ppxlcInterpPredMBY;
- CIntImage *m_piiDirectErrorMB, *m_piiInterpErrorMB;
- PixelI *m_ppxliDirectErrorMBY, *m_ppxliInterpErrorMBY;
- //moved to vopses.hpp
- //CVector m_vctDirectDeltaMV; //MVDB for current MB
- // block data
- CFwdBlockDCT* m_pfdct;
- // error resilient variables
- Int m_iVopTimeIncr;
- UInt m_nBitsModuloBase;
- Int m_iVPCounter;// Added for error resilient mode by Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- // Added for data partitioning mode by Toshiba(1998-1-16)
- Int m_numBitsVPMBnum;
- Int m_numVideoPacket;
- // End Toshiba(1998-1-16)
- // VO and VOL routines
- Void codeVOHead ();
- Void codeVOLHead (Int iSessionWidth, Int iSessionHeight);//, constt CRct& rctSprite);
- Void codeGOVHead (Time t);
- // VOP routines
- // Void codeVOPHead (const CSiteD* rgstDest = NULL, CRct rctWarp = NULL);
- Int m_iMAD; // for Rate Control
- Void codeVOPHead ();
- Void codeNonCodedVOPHead ();
- Void codeVOPHeadInitial();
- //Void decidePredType ();
- Void findTightBoundingBox ();
- Void findBestBoundingBox ();
- Void copyCurrToRefOrig1Y ();
- Void updateAllOrigRefVOPs ();
- Void biInterpolateY (
- const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcRefQ, const CRct& rctRefVOP, // reference VOP
- CU8Image* puciRefQZoom, const CRct& rctRefVOPZoom, Int iRoundingControl // reference zoomed VOP
- );
- Void encodeVOP ();
- Void encodeNSForIVOP ();
- Void encodeNSForIVOP_WithShape ();
- Void encodeNSForPVOP ();
- Void encodeNSForPVOP_WithShape ();
- Void encodeNSForBVOP ();
- Void encodeNSForBVOP_WithShape ();
- //classical sprite stuff
- Void encodeSptTrajectory (Time t, const CSiteD* rgstDest, const CRct& rctWarp); // code sprite info
- Void quantizeSptTrajectory (const CSiteD* rgstDest, CRct rctWarp);
- UInt codeWarpPoints ();
- //low latency sprite stuff
- #define AVGPIECEMB 0
- #define AVGUPDATEMB 1
- own CVOPU8YUVBA* m_pvopcSpt; // original sprite object
- //SptMode m_sptMode; // sprite reconstruction mode : 0 -- basic sprite , 1 -- Object piece only, 2 -- Update piece only, 3 -- intermingled
- CSiteD** m_pprgstDest; // destination sites
- Bool m_bSptZoom; // the type of sprite warping(zoom/pan)
- Bool m_bSptHvPan; // the type of sprite warping(Horizontal or vertical panning)
- Bool m_bSptRightPiece;
- Int m_pSptmbBits[2]; // bits used by a sprite macroblock
- Int m_iNumSptMB; // bits used by a sprite macroblock
- CRct findTightBoundingBox (CVOPU8YUVBA* vopuc);
- CRct PieceExpand (const CRct& rctOrg);
- Void encodeInitSprite (const CRct& rctOrg) ;
- Void initialSpritePiece (Int iSessionWidth, Int iSessionHeight) ;
- CRct InitialPieceRect (Time ts);
- CRct CornerWarp (const CSiteD* rgstDest, const CSiteD* rgstSrcQ);
- Void encodeSpritePiece (Time t) ; // code sprite pieces
- Void codeVOSHead () ; // code sprite piece overhead
- Void encSptPiece (CRct rctSptQ, UInt uiSptPieceSize);
- Void encodeP (Bool bVOPVisible, Time t) ;
- CRct PieceSize (Bool rightpiece, UInt uiSptPieceSize);
- CRct encPiece (CRct rctpiece);
- CRct ZoomOrPan ();
- // motion estimation
- Void motionEstPVOP ();
- Void motionEstPVOP_WithShape ();
- virtual Void motionEstBVOP ();
- virtual Void motionEstBVOP_WithShape ();
- //
- // MB routines
- //
- UInt sumAbsCurrMB (); // for Rate Control
- Void copyToCurrBuff (
- const PixelC* ppxlcCurrY, const PixelC* ppxlcCurrU, const PixelC* ppxlcCurrV,
- Int iWidthY, Int iWidthUV
- );
- Void copyToCurrBuffWithShape (
- const PixelC* ppxlcCurrY, const PixelC* ppxlcCurrU, const PixelC* ppxlcCurrV,
- const PixelC* ppxlcCurrBY, const PixelC* ppxlcCurrA,
- Int iWidthY, Int iWidthUV
- );
- Void copyToCurrBuffJustShape(const PixelC* ppxlcCurrBY,Int iWidthY);
- Void LPEPadding (const CMBMode* pmbmd);
- Void LPEPaddingBlk (
- PixelC* ppxlcBlk, const PixelC* ppxlcBlkB,
- UInt uiSize
- );
- /*Void encodePVOPMBWithShape (
- PixelC* ppxlcRefMBY, PixelC* ppxlcRefMBU, PixelC* ppxlcRefMBV, PixelC* ppxlcRefMBA, PixelC* ppxlcRefBY,
- CMBMode* pmbmd, const CMotionVector* pmv, CMotionVector* pmvBY, ShapeMode shpmdColocatedMB,
- Int imbX, Int imbY,
- CoordI x, CoordI y, Int& iQPPrev
- );*/
- Void encodePVOPMBTextureWithShape(
- PixelC* ppxlcRefMBY, PixelC* ppxlcRefMBU, PixelC* ppxlcRefMBV,
- PixelC* ppxlcRefMBA, CMBMode* pmbmd, const CMotionVector* pmv,
- Int imbX, Int imbY, CoordI x, CoordI y,
- Int& iQPPrev, Int &iQPPrevAlpha, Bool &bUseNewQPForVlcThr
- );
- Void encodePVOPMBJustShape(
- PixelC* ppxlcRefBY, CMBMode* pmbmd, ShapeMode shpmdColocatedMB,
- const CMotionVector* pmv, CMotionVector* pmvBY,
- CoordI x, CoordI y, Int imbX, Int imbY
- );
- Void dumpCachedShapeBits();
- Int dumpCachedShapeBits_DP(Int iMBnum); // Added for data partitioning mode By Toshiba(1998-1-16:DP+RVLC)
- Void encodePVOPMB (
- PixelC* ppxlcRefMBY, PixelC* ppxlcRefMBU, PixelC* ppxlcRefMBV,
- CMBMode* pmbmd, const CMotionVector* pmv,
- Int imbX, Int imbY,
- CoordI x, CoordI y
- );
- // B-VOP MB encoding
- Void encodeBVOPMB (
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBY, PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBU, PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBV,
- CMBMode* pmbmd,
- const CMotionVector* pmv, const CMotionVector* pmvBackward,
- const CMBMode* pmbmdRef, const CMotionVector* pmvRef,
- Int imbX, Int imbY,
- CoordI x, CoordI y
- );
- Void encodeBVOPMB_WithShape (
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBY, PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBU, PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBV, PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBA, PixelC* ppxlcCurrQBY,
- CMBMode* pmbmd, const CMotionVector* pmv, const CMotionVector* pmvBackward,
- CMotionVector* pmvBY, ShapeMode shpmdColocatedMB,
- const CMBMode* pmbmdRef, const CMotionVector* pmvRef,
- Int imbX, Int imbY,
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- Int &iQPPrev, Int &iQPPrevAlpha
- );
- // texture coding
- Void quantizeTextureIntraMB (
- Int imbX, Int imbY,
- CMBMode* pmbmd,
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBY, PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBU, PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBV,
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBA
- );
- Void quantizeTextureInterMB (CMBMode* pmbmd, const CMotionVector* pmv,
- PixelC *ppxlcCurrQMBA, Bool bSkipAllowed = TRUE); // decide COD here
- Void codeMBTextureHeadOfIVOP (const CMBMode* pmbmd);
- Void codeMBTextureHeadOfPVOP (const CMBMode* pmbmd);
- // Added for data partitioning mode By Toshiba(1998-1-16:DP+RVLC)
- Void codeMBTextureHeadOfIVOP_DP (const CMBMode* pmbmd);
- Void codeMBTextureHeadOfPVOP_DP (const CMBMode* pmbmd);
- // End Toshiba(1998-1-16:DP+RVLC)
- Void codeMBTextureHeadOfBVOP (const CMBMode* pmbmd);
- Void sendDCTCoefOfIntraMBTexture (const CMBMode* pmbmd);
- Void sendDCTCoefOfInterMBTexture (const CMBMode* pmbmd);
- Bool FrameFieldDCTDecideC(PixelC* m_ppxlcCurrMBY);
- Void fieldDCTtoFrameC(PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBY);
- Bool FrameFieldDCTDecideI(PixelI* m_ppxliErrorMBY);
- Void fieldDCTtoFrameI(PixelI* m_ppxliErrorMBY);
- Void averagePredAndComputeErrorY();
- Void averagePredAndComputeErrorY_WithShape(); // new chnages
- Int interpolateAndDiffYField(
- const CMotionVector* pmvFwdTop,
- const CMotionVector* pmvFwdBot,
- const CMotionVector* pmvBakTop,
- const CMotionVector* pmvBakBot,
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- CMBMode *pmbmd
- );
- Int directSAD(
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- CMBMode *pmbmd,
- const CMBMode *pmbmdRef,
- const CMotionVector *pmvRef
- );
- Int directSADField(
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- CMBMode *pmbmd,
- const CMBMode *pmbmdRef,
- const CMotionVector *pmvRef,
- const PixelC* ppxlcRef0MBY,
- const PixelC* ppxlcRef1MBY
- );
- // block level encoding
- Int quantizeIntraBlockTexture (
- PixelC* ppxlcBlkSrc,
- Int iWidthSrc,
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrQBlock,
- Int iWidthCurrQ,
- Int* rgiCoefQ,
- Int iQP,
- Int iDcScaler,
- Int iBlk,
- MacroBlockMemory* pmbmLeft,
- MacroBlockMemory* pmbmTop,
- MacroBlockMemory* pmbmLeftTop,
- MacroBlockMemory* pmbmCurr,
- CMBMode* pmbmdLeft,
- CMBMode* pmbmdTop,
- CMBMode* pmbmdLeftTop,
- CMBMode* pmbmdCurr
- );
- Void quantizeTextureInterBlock (
- PixelI* ppxliCurrQBlock,
- Int iWidthCurrQ,
- Int* rgiCoefQ,
- Int iQP,
- Bool bUseAlphaMatrix
- );
- Void quantizeIntraDCcoef (Int* rgiCoefQ, Float fltDcScaler);
- Void quantizeIntraDCTcoefH263 (Int* rgiCoefQ, Int iStart, Int iQP);
- Void quantizeInterDCTcoefH263 (Int* rgiCoefQ, Int iStart, Int iQP);
- Void quantizeIntraDCTcoefMPEG (Int* rgiCoefQ, Int iStart, Int iQP, Bool bUseAlphaMatrix);
- Void quantizeInterDCTcoefMPEG (Int* rgiCoefQ, Int iStart, Int iQP, Bool bUseAlphaMatrix);
- Int findVLCtableIndexOfNonLastEvent (Bool bIsLastRun, UInt uiRun, UInt uiLevel);
- Int findVLCtableIndexOfLastEvent (Bool bIsLastRun,UInt uiRun, UInt uiLevel);
- Int findVLCtableIndexOfIntra (Bool bIsLastRun, UInt uiRun, UInt uiLevel);
- UInt sendIntraDC (const Int* rgiCoefQ, BlockNum blkn);
- UInt sendTCOEFIntra (const Int* rgiCoefQ, Int iStart, Int* rgiZigzag);
- UInt sendTCOEFInter (const Int* rgiCoefQ, Int iStart, Int* rgiZigzag);
- UInt putBitsOfTCOEFIntra (UInt uiRun, Int iLevel, Bool bIsLastRun);
- UInt putBitsOfTCOEFInter (UInt uiRun, Int iLevel, Bool bIsLastRun);
- typedef Int (CVideoObjectEncoder::*FIND_TABLE_INDEX)(Bool bIsLastRun, UInt uiRun, UInt uiLevel); //func ptr code escp. coding
- UInt escapeEncode (UInt uiRun, Int iLevel, Bool bIsLastRun, Int* rgiLMAX, Int* rgiRMAX, FIND_TABLE_INDEX findVLCtableIndex);
- UInt fixLengthCode (UInt uiRun, Int iLevel, Bool bIsLastRun);
- Void intraPred (
- BlockNum blkn, const CMBMode* pmbmd,
- Int* rgiCoefQ, Int iQPcurr, Int iDcScaler,
- const BlockMemory pblkmPred, Int iQPpred
- );
- // gray-scale alpha coding
- Void quantizeAlphaInterMB (CMBMode* pmbmd);
- Void codeMBAlphaHeadOfIVOP (const CMBMode* pmbmd);
- Void codeMBAlphaHeadOfPVOP (const CMBMode* pmbmd);
- Void codeMBAlphaHeadOfBVOP (const CMBMode* pmbmd);
- Void sendDCTCoefOfIntraMBAlpha (const CMBMode* pmbmd);
- Void sendDCTCoefOfInterMBAlpha (const CMBMode* pmbmd);
- // MB shape coding
- Int codeIntraShape (PixelC* ppxlcSrcFrm, CMBMode* pmbmd, Int iMBX, Int iMBY);
- Int codeInterShape (
- PixelC* ppxlcSrc, CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcRefQ, CMBMode* pmbmd,
- const ShapeMode& shpmdColocatedMB,
- const CMotionVector* pmv, CMotionVector* pmvBY,
- CoordI iX, CoordI iY, Int iMBX, Int IMBY
- );
- UInt codeShapeModeIntra (ShapeMode shpmd, const CMBMode* pmbmd, Int iMBX, Int iMBY);
- UInt codeShapeModeInter (const ShapeMode& shpmd, const ShapeMode& shpmdColocatedMB);
- ShapeMode round (PixelC* ppxlcSrcFrm, const CMBMode* pmbmd);
- Int downSampleShape (const PixelC* ppxlcSrc, Int* rgiSrcSubBlk,
- PixelC* ppxlcDst, Int* piDstPxl, Int iRate, Int iThreshold, Int nSubBlk);
- Bool isErrorLarge (const PixelC* rgppxlcSrc, const Int* rgiSubBlkIndx, Int iWidthSrc, PixelC pxlcRecon, const CMBMode* pmbmd);
- Bool isErrorLarge (const PixelC* rgppxlcSrc, const Int* rgiSubBlkIndxSrc, const Int iSizeSrc,
- const PixelC* rgppxlcDst, const Int* rgiSubBlkIndxDst, const Int iSizeDst, const CMBMode* pmbmd);
- UInt encodeCAEIntra (ShapeMode shpmd, CAEScanDirection m_shpdir);
- UInt encodeCAEInter (ShapeMode shpmd, CAEScanDirection m_shpdir);
- UInt encodeMVDS (CMotionVector mvBYD);
- Bool sameBlockTranspStatus (const CMBMode* pmbmd, PixelC pxlcRecon);
- Bool sameBlockTranspStatus (const CMBMode* pmbmd, const PixelC* pxlcRecon, Int iSizeRecon);
- UInt codeCrAndSt (CAEScanDirection shpdir, Int iInverseCR);
- Void copyReconShapeToRef (PixelC* ppxlcRef, PixelC pxlcSrc); //no need to reset MB buffer
- Void copyReconShapeToRef (PixelC* ppxlcDstMB, const PixelC* ppxlcSrc, Int iSrcWidth, Int iBorder);
- Int sadForShape (const PixelC* ppxlcRefBY) const;
- Void blkmatchForShape (CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcRefQ,CMotionVector* pmv, const CVector& mvPredHalfPel, CoordI iX, CoordI iY);
- Bool m_bNoShapeChg;
- Int *m_rgiSubBlkIndx16x16, *m_rgiSSubBlkIndx16x16, *m_rgiSubBlkIndx18x18, *m_rgiSubBlkIndx20x20;
- Int *m_rgiPxlIndx12x12, *m_rgiPxlIndx8x8;
- // motion estimation
- Void copyToCurrBuffWithShapeY (
- const PixelC* ppxlcCurrY,
- const PixelC* ppxlcCurrBY
- );
- Void copyToCurrBuffY (const PixelC* ppxlcCurrY);
- Void motionEstMB_PVOP (CoordI x, CoordI y,
- CMotionVector* pmv, CMBMode* pmbmd); //for spatial scalablity only
- Int motionEstMB_PVOP (
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- CMotionVector* pmv, CMBMode* pmbmd,
- const PixelC* ppxliRefMBY
- );
- Int motionEstMB_PVOP_WithShape (
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- CMotionVector* pmv, CMBMode* pmbmd,
- const PixelC* ppxliRefMBY
- );
- Int motionEstMB_BVOP_Interlaced (
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- CMotionVector* pmvForward, CMotionVector* pmvBackward,
- CMBMode* pmbmd,
- const CMBMode* pmbmdRef, const CMotionVector* pmvRef,
- const PixelC* ppxlcRef0MBY, const PixelC* ppxlcRef1MBY,
- Bool bColocatedMBExist
- );
- Int motionEstMB_BVOP (
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- CMotionVector* pmvForward, CMotionVector* pmvBackward,
- CMBMode* pmbmd,
- const CMBMode* pmbmdRef, const CMotionVector* pmvRef,
- const PixelC* ppxlcRef0MBY, const PixelC* ppxlcRef1MBY,
- Bool bColocatedMBExist
- );
- // for spatial scalability only
- Int CVideoObjectEncoder::motionEstMB_BVOP(
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- CMotionVector* pmvForward, CMotionVector* pmvBackward,
- CMBMode* pmbmd,
- const PixelC* ppxlcRef0MBY, const PixelC* ppxlcRef1MBY
- );
- Int motionEstMB_BVOP_WithShape (
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- CMotionVector* pmvForward, CMotionVector* pmvBackward,
- CMBMode* pmbmd,
- const CMBMode* pmbmdRef, const CMotionVector* pmvRef,
- const PixelC* ppxlcRef0MBY, const PixelC* ppxlcRef1MBY,
- Bool bColocatedMBExist
- );
- // new changes
- Int motionEstMB_BVOP_InterlacedWithShape (
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- CMotionVector* pmvForward, CMotionVector* pmvBackward,
- CMBMode* pmbmd,
- const CMBMode* pmbmdRef, const CMotionVector* pmvRef,
- const PixelC* ppxlcRef0MBY, const PixelC* ppxlcRef1MBY,
- Bool bColocatedMBExist
- );
- Int blkmatch16 (
- CMotionVector* pmv,
- CoordI iXRef, CoordI iYRef,
- CoordI iXCurr, CoordI iYCurr,
- Int iMinSAD,
- const PixelC* ppxlcRefMBY,
- const CU8Image* puciRefQZoomY,
- Int iSearchRange
- );
- Int blkmatch16WithShape (
- CMotionVector* pmv,
- CoordI iXRef, CoordI iYRef,
- CoordI iXCurr, CoordI iYCurr,
- Int iMinSAD,
- const PixelC* ppxlcRefMBY,
- const CU8Image* puciRefQZoomY,
- const CMBMode* pmbmd,
- Int iSearchRange,
- Int iDirection
- );
- Int blockmatch8 (
- const PixelC* ppxlcCodedBlkY,
- CMotionVector* pmv8,
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- const CMotionVector* pmvPred,
- Int iSearchRange
- );
- Int blockmatch8WithShape (
- const PixelC* ppxlcCodedBlkY,
- const PixelC* ppxlcCodedBlkBY,
- CMotionVector* pmv8,
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- const CMotionVector* pmvPred,
- Int iSearchRange,
- Int iDirection
- );
- Int blkmatch16x8 (
- CMotionVector* pmv,
- CoordI iXMB, CoordI iYMB,
- Int iFeildSelect,
- const PixelC* ppxlcRefMBY,
- const PixelC* ppxlcRefHalfPel,
- Int iSearchRange
- );
- // new chnages
- Int blkmatch16x8WithShape (
- CMotionVector* pmv,
- CoordI iXMB, CoordI iYMB,
- Int iFeildSelect,
- const PixelC* ppxlcRefMBY,
- const PixelC* ppxlcRefHalfPel,
- Int iSearchRange,
- Int iDirection
- );
- Int sumDev () const; // compute sum of deviation of an MB
- Int sumDevWithShape (UInt uiNumTranspPels) const; // compute sum of deviation of an MB
- Int sad16x16At0 (const PixelC* ppxliRef0Y) const;
- Int sad16x16At0WithShape (const PixelC* ppxliRefY, const CMBMode* pmbmd) const;
- Int sad8x8At0 (const PixelC* ppxlcCurrY, const PixelC* ppxliRef0Y) const; // 0: predictor
- Int sad8x8At0WithShape (const PixelC* ppxlcCurrY, const PixelC* ppxlcCurrBY, const PixelC* ppxlcRefY) const;
- // motion compensation
- Void motionCompMBYEnc (
- const CMotionVector* pmv, const CMBMode* pmbmd,
- Int imbX, Int imbY,
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- CRct *prctMVLimit
- );
- Void motionCompMBAEnc (
- const CMotionVector* pmv, const CMBMode* pmbmd,
- PixelC * ppxlcPredMBA,
- CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcRefQ,
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- Int iRoundingControl,
- CRct *prctMVLimit,
- Int direction //12.22.98
- );
- Void motionCompEncY (
- const PixelC* ppxlcRef, const PixelC* ppxlcRefZoom,
- PixelC* ppxlcPred, // can be either Y or A
- Int iSize, // either MB or BLOCK size
- const CMotionVector* pmv, // motion vector
- CoordI x, CoordI y, // current coordinate system
- CRct *prctMVLimit
- );
- Void motionCompOverLapEncY (
- const CMotionVector* pmv, // motion vector
- const CMBMode* pmbmd, // macroblk mode
- Bool bLeftBndry, Bool bRightBndry, Bool bTopBndry,
- CoordI x, // current coordinate system
- CoordI y, // current coordinate system
- CRct *prctMVLimit
- );
- Void motionComp8Y (PixelC* ppxlcPredBlk, const CMotionVector* pmv, CoordI x, CoordI y);
- Void motionComp8A (PixelC* ppxlcPredBlk, const CMotionVector* pmv, CoordI x, CoordI y);
- // B-VOP MC
- Void motionCompAndDiff_BVOP_MB (
- const CMotionVector* pmvForward, const CMotionVector* pmvBackward,
- CMBMode* pmbmd, // new change 02-19-99
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- CRct *prctMVLimitForward,CRct *prctMVLimitBackward
- );
- Void motionCompAndDiff_BVOP_MB_WithShape (
- const CMotionVector* pmvForward, const CMotionVector* pmvBackward,
- CMBMode* pmbmd, // new change 02-19-99
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- CRct *prctMVLimitForward,CRct *prctMVLimitBackward
- );
- Void motionCompAndDiffAlpha_BVOP_MB (
- const CMotionVector* pmvForward, const CMotionVector* pmvBackward,
- const CMBMode* pmbmd,
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- CRct *prctMVLimitForward,CRct *prctMVLimitBackward
- );
- Void motionCompInterpAndError (
- const CMotionVector* pmvForward, const CMotionVector* pmvBackward,
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- CRct *prctMVLimitForward,CRct *prctMVLimitBackward
- );
- Void motionCompInterpAndError_WithShape (
- const CMotionVector* pmvForward, const CMotionVector* pmvBackward,
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- CRct *prctMVLimitForward,CRct *prctMVLimitBackward
- );
- // error signal
- Void computeTextureErrorWithShape ();
- Void computeTextureError ();
- Void computeAlphaError ();
- // B-VOP stuff
- Int interpolateAndDiffY (
- const CMotionVector* pmvForward, const CMotionVector* pmvBackward,
- CoordI x, CoordI y, // the coordinate of the MB
- CRct *prctMVLimitForward,CRct *prctMVLimitBackward
- );
- Int interpolateAndDiffY_WithShape (
- const CMotionVector* pmvForward, const CMotionVector* pmvBackward,
- CoordI x, CoordI y, // the coordinate of the MB
- CRct *prctMVLimitForward,CRct *prctMVLimitBackward
- );
- Void averagePredAndComputeErrorUV ();
- Void averagePredAndComputeErrorUV_WithShape ();
- // MV
- UInt encodeMV (
- const CMotionVector* pmv,
- const CMBMode* pmbmd,
- Bool bLeftMB, Bool bRightMB, Bool bTopMB,Int iMBX, Int iMBY);
- UInt encodeMVWithShape (const CMotionVector* pmv, const CMBMode* pmbmd, Int iXMB, Int iYMB);
- UInt encodeMVofBVOP (const CMotionVector* pmvForward, const CMotionVector* pmvBackward,
- const CMBMode* pmbmd, Int iMBX, Int iMBY, const CMotionVector* pmvRef,
- const CMBMode* pmbmdRef); // encode motion vectors for b-vop
- UInt sendDiffMV (const CVector& vctDiffMVHalfPel, const MVInfo *pmviDir);
- Void scaleMV (Int& iVLC, UInt& uiResidual, Int iDiffMVcomponent, const MVInfo *pmviDir);
- // direct mode
- Void computeDirectDeltaMV (CVector& vctDiff, const CMotionVector* pmv, const CMotionVector* pmvRef,
- const CMBMode* pmbmdRef); //for (progressive) B-VOP only
- // Statistics routines
- Void computeSNRs (const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcCurrQ);
- Void SNRYorA (
- const PixelC* ppxlcOrig, const PixelC* ppxlcRef1, // these two should point to the left-top of the rctOrig's bounding box
- Double& dSNR
- );
- Void SNRUV (const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcCurrQ);
- Void SNRYorAWithShape (
- const PixelC* ppxlcOrig, const PixelC* ppxlcRef1, // these two should point to the left-top of the rctOrig's bounding box
- Double& dSNR
- );
- Void SNRUVWithShape (const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcCurrQ);
- // Motion Vector I/O
- Int m_iMVLineNo, m_iMVFileUsage;
- FILE *m_fMVFile;
- Char *m_pchMVFileName;
- Void readPVOPMVs(), writePVOPMVs(), readBVOPMVs(), writeBVOPMVs();
- Void decideMVInfo ();
- // Complexity Estimation syntax support - Marc Mongenet (EPFL) - 16 Jun 1998
- Int codedDCECS (Int, // complexity estimation data to code before writing it into bitstream
- UInt); // number of bitstream bits for this data
- // error resilient tools added by Toshiba
- // Modified for error resilient mode by Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- // Bool bVPNoLeft(Int iMBnum, Int iMBX);
- // Bool bVPNoRightTop(Int iMBnum, Int iMBX);
- // Bool bVPNoTop(Int iMBnum);
- // Bool bVPNoLeftTop(Int iMBnum, Int iMBX);
- // End Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- Void codeVideoPacketHeader (Int iMBX, Int iMBY, Int iQuantScale);
- Int codeVideoPacketHeader (Int iQuantScale); // Added by Toshiba(1998-1-16)
- Void VideoPacketResetVOP ();//UInt nBitsModuloBase, Int iVopTimeIncr);
- UInt encodeMVVP (const CMotionVector* pmv, const CMBMode* pmbmd, Int iMBX, Int iMBY);
- // Added for Data partitioning mode by Toshiba(1998-1-16)
- Void encodeNSForPVOP_DP ();
- Void encodeNSForIVOP_DP ();
- Void encodeNSForIVOP_WithShape_DP ();
- Void encodeNSForPVOP_WithShape_DP ();
- Void DataPartitioningMotionCoding(Int iVPMBnum, Int iVPlastMBnum, CStatistics* m_statsVP, Int*** iCoefQ_DP);
- Void DataPartitioningTextureCoding(Int iVPMBnum, Int iVPlastMBnum, CStatistics* m_statsVP, Int*** iCoefQ_DP);
- // Added for RVLC by Toshiba
- UInt sendTCOEFIntraRVLC (const Int* rgiCoefQ, Int iStart, Int* rgiZigzag, Bool bDontSendBits);
- UInt putBitsOfTCOEFIntraRVLC (UInt uiRun, Int iLevel, Bool bIsLastRun, Bool bDontSendBits);
- Int findVLCtableIndexOfNonLastEventIntraRVLC (Bool bIsLastRun, UInt uiRun, UInt uiLevel);
- Int findVLCtableIndexOfLastEventIntraRVLC (Bool bIsLastRun, UInt uiRun, UInt uiLevel);
- UInt sendTCOEFInterRVLC (const Int* rgiCoefQ, Int iStart, Int* rgiZigzag, Bool bDontSendBits);
- UInt putBitsOfTCOEFInterRVLC (UInt uiRun, Int iLevel, Bool bIsLastRun, Bool bDontSendBits);
- Int findVLCtableIndexOfNonLastEventInterRVLC (Bool bIsLastRun, UInt uiRun, UInt uiLevel);
- Int findVLCtableIndexOfLastEventInterRVLC (Bool bIsLastRun, UInt uiRun, UInt uiLevel);
- UInt escapeEncodeRVLC (UInt uiRun, Int iLevel, Bool bIsLastRun, Bool bDontSendBits);
- // End Toshiba(1998-1-16)
- // begin: added by Sharp (98/2/10)
- Void setPredType(VOPpredType vopPredType);
- Void setRefSelectCode(Int refSelectCode);
- // end: added by Sharp (98/2/10)
- };
- #endif // __VOPSEENC_HPP_