资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*************************************************************************
- This software module was originally developed by
- Simon Winder (, Microsoft Corporation
- in the course of development of the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2).
- This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 Video tools
- as specified by the MPEG-4 Video.
- ISO/IEC gives users of the MPEG-4 Video free license to this software module or modifications
- thereof for use in hardware or software products claiming conformance to the MPEG-4 Video.
- Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software products are advised that
- its use may infringe existing patents. The original developer of this software module and his/her
- company, the subsequent editors and their companies, and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of
- this software module or modifications thereof in an implementation. Copyright is not released
- for non MPEG-4 Video conforming products. Microsoft retains full right to use the code for
- his/her own purpose, assign or donate the code to a third party and to inhibit third parties
- from using the code for non MPEG-4 Video conforming products. This copyright notice must be
- included in all copies or derivative works.
- Copyright (c) 1996, 1997.
- *************************************************************************/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include "paramset.h"
- #ifdef __MFC_
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif // __MFC_
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CxParamSet
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CxParamSet::CxParamSet()
- : m_pCurrentEnum(NULL), m_pCreateListTail(NULL)
- {
- Int i;
- for(i=0; i<PAR_HASHSIZE; i++)
- m_rgpHashList[i] = NULL;
- }
- CxParamSet::~CxParamSet()
- {
- DeleteAll();
- }
- Int CxParamSet::GetParam(const char *pchName, Int iIndex, TxParamValue *ptValueRtn)
- {
- if(pchName==NULL)
- return ERES_PARAMS;
- if(iIndex<-1)
- iIndex = -1;
- Int iHash;
- TxParamEntry *pEntry = FindHashEntry(pchName, iIndex, &iHash);
- if(pEntry==NULL)
- return ERES_NOOBJ;
- if(ptValueRtn!=NULL)
- *ptValueRtn = pEntry->tValue;
- return ERES_OK;
- }
- Int CxParamSet::SetParam(const char *pchName, Int iIndex, const TxParamValue *ptValue)
- {
- if(pchName==NULL || ptValue==NULL)
- return ERES_PARAMS;
- if(ptValue->tType==PS_STRING && ptValue->pchData==NULL)
- return ERES_PARAMS;
- if(ptValue->tType==PS_ARRAY && ptValue->pdData==NULL)
- return ERES_PARAMS;
- if(iIndex<-1)
- iIndex = -1;
- Int iHash;
- TxParamEntry *pEntry = FindHashEntry(pchName, iIndex, &iHash);
- if(pEntry==NULL)
- {
- // validate new name
- Int i, iL;
- iL = strlen(pchName);
- for(i=0; i<iL; i++)
- if(isspace(pchName[i]) || pchName[i]=='/' || pchName[i]=='['
- || pchName[i]=='=')
- return ERES_PARAMS;
- // create new entry at iHash
- pEntry = new TxParamEntry;
- if(pEntry==NULL)
- return ERES_MEMORY;
- pEntry->pchName = new char [strlen(pchName) + 1];
- if(pEntry->pchName==NULL)
- {
- delete pEntry;
- return ERES_MEMORY;
- }
- strcpy(pEntry->pchName, pchName);
- pEntry->iIndex = iIndex;
- // copy data
- pEntry->tValue = *ptValue;
- if(pEntry->tValue.tType==PS_STRING)
- {
- pEntry->tValue.pchData = new char [strlen(ptValue->pchData) + 1];
- if(pEntry->tValue.pchData==NULL)
- {
- delete pEntry->pchName;
- delete pEntry;
- return ERES_MEMORY;
- }
- strcpy(pEntry->tValue.pchData, ptValue->pchData);
- }
- else if(pEntry->tValue.tType==PS_ARRAY)
- {
- pEntry->tValue.pdData = new Double [pEntry->tValue.iSize + 1]; // add one in case size is zero
- if(pEntry->tValue.pdData==NULL)
- {
- delete pEntry->pchName;
- delete pEntry;
- return ERES_MEMORY;
- }
- memcpy(pEntry->tValue.pdData, ptValue->pdData, pEntry->tValue.iSize * sizeof(Double));
- }
- // add to hash list at head
- pEntry->pNextHash = m_rgpHashList[iHash];
- pEntry->pPrevHash = NULL;
- m_rgpHashList[iHash] = pEntry;
- if(pEntry->pNextHash)
- pEntry->pNextHash->pPrevHash = pEntry;
- // add to create list at tail
- pEntry->pPrevCreate = m_pCreateListTail;
- pEntry->pNextCreate = NULL;
- m_pCreateListTail = pEntry;
- if(pEntry->pPrevCreate)
- pEntry->pPrevCreate->pNextCreate = pEntry;
- }
- else // already exists
- {
- // make copy of string or array if necessary
- char *pchTmp = NULL;
- Double *pdTmp = NULL;
- if(ptValue->tType==PS_STRING)
- {
- pchTmp = new char [strlen(ptValue->pchData) + 1];
- if(pchTmp==NULL)
- return ERES_MEMORY;
- strcpy(pchTmp, ptValue->pchData);
- }
- else if(pEntry->tValue.tType==PS_ARRAY)
- {
- pdTmp = new Double [ptValue->iSize + 1];
- if(pdTmp==NULL)
- return ERES_MEMORY;
- memcpy(pdTmp, ptValue->pdData, ptValue->iSize * sizeof(Double));
- }
- // delete old string or array if present
- if(pEntry->tValue.tType==PS_STRING)
- delete pEntry->tValue.pchData;
- else if(pEntry->tValue.tType==PS_ARRAY)
- delete pEntry->tValue.pdData;
- // copy data
- pEntry->tValue = *ptValue;
- // assign string or array pointer
- if(ptValue->tType==PS_STRING)
- pEntry->tValue.pchData = pchTmp;
- else if(ptValue->tType==PS_ARRAY)
- pEntry->tValue.pdData = pdTmp;
- }
- return ERES_OK;
- }
- Int CxParamSet::DeleteParam(const char *pchName, Int iIndex)
- {
- if(pchName==NULL)
- return ERES_PARAMS;
- if(iIndex<-1)
- iIndex = -1;
- Int iHash;
- TxParamEntry *pEntry = FindHashEntry(pchName, iIndex, &iHash);
- if(pEntry==NULL)
- return ERES_NOOBJ;
- if(pEntry==m_pCurrentEnum)
- m_pCurrentEnum = pEntry->pNextCreate;
- DeleteHashEntry(pEntry, iHash);
- return ERES_OK;
- }
- void CxParamSet::StartEnum()
- {
- // set current enum to head of create list
- if(m_pCreateListTail==NULL)
- return;
- m_pCurrentEnum = m_pCreateListTail;
- while(m_pCurrentEnum->pPrevCreate)
- m_pCurrentEnum = m_pCurrentEnum->pPrevCreate;
- }
- Bool CxParamSet::NextEnum(char **ppchNameRtn, Int *piIndexRtn, TxParamValue *ptValueRtn)
- {
- if(m_pCurrentEnum==NULL)
- return FALSE;
- if(ppchNameRtn)
- *ppchNameRtn = m_pCurrentEnum->pchName;
- if(piIndexRtn)
- *piIndexRtn = m_pCurrentEnum->iIndex;
- if(ptValueRtn)
- *ptValueRtn = m_pCurrentEnum->tValue;
- m_pCurrentEnum = m_pCurrentEnum->pNextCreate;
- return TRUE;
- }
- void CxParamSet::DeleteAll()
- {
- Int i;
- for(i=0; i<PAR_HASHSIZE; i++)
- {
- TxParamEntry *pEntry;
- while((pEntry = m_rgpHashList[i])!=NULL)
- DeleteHashEntry(pEntry, i);
- }
- m_pCurrentEnum = NULL;
- }
- void CxParamSet::DeleteHashEntry(TxParamEntry *pEntry, Int iHash)
- {
- // unlink from hash chain
- if(pEntry->pPrevHash)
- pEntry->pPrevHash->pNextHash = pEntry->pNextHash;
- else
- m_rgpHashList[iHash] = pEntry->pNextHash;
- if(pEntry->pNextHash)
- pEntry->pNextHash->pPrevHash = pEntry->pPrevHash;
- // unlink from create chain
- if(pEntry->pPrevCreate)
- pEntry->pPrevCreate->pNextCreate = pEntry->pNextCreate;
- if(pEntry->pNextCreate)
- pEntry->pNextCreate->pPrevCreate = pEntry->pPrevCreate;
- else
- m_pCreateListTail = pEntry->pPrevCreate;
- // delete
- if(pEntry->tValue.tType==PS_STRING)
- delete pEntry->tValue.pchData;
- else if(pEntry->tValue.tType==PS_ARRAY)
- delete pEntry->tValue.pdData;
- delete pEntry->pchName;
- delete pEntry;
- }
- TxParamEntry *CxParamSet::FindHashEntry(const char *pchName, Int iIndex, Int *piHashRtn)
- {
- const char *pchPtr;
- Int iHash = (iIndex + 2) % PAR_HASHSIZE;
- for(pchPtr = pchName; *pchPtr!=' '; pchPtr++)
- iHash = (iHash * 17 + *pchPtr) % PAR_HASHSIZE;
- *piHashRtn = iHash;
- TxParamEntry *pEntry = m_rgpHashList[iHash];
- for(; pEntry!=NULL; pEntry = pEntry->pNextHash)
- if(iIndex==pEntry->iIndex && strcmp(pchName, pEntry->pchName)==0)
- break;
- return pEntry;
- }
- Int CxParamSet::GetC()
- {
- Int ch = getc(m_fp);
- if(ch=='n')
- (*m_piErrLine)++;
- return ch;
- }
- void CxParamSet::UnGetC(Int ch)
- {
- ungetc(ch, m_fp);
- if(ch=='n')
- (*m_piErrLine)--;
- }
- Int CxParamSet::GetToken(char *pchBuf)
- {
- SkipSpace();
- Int ch = GetC();
- if(ch==EOF)
- return ERES_EOF;
- if(ch=='/')
- {
- SkipComment();
- ch = GetC();
- if(ch==EOF)
- return ERES_EOF;
- }
- if(ch=='[' || ch==']' || ch=='=' || ch=='{' || ch=='}' || ch==','
- || ch=='"')
- {
- pchBuf[0] = (char)ch;
- pchBuf[1] = ' ';
- return ERES_OK;
- }
- pchBuf[0] = (char)ch;
- Int i;
- for(i=1;i<TOKEN_SIZE - 1;i++)
- {
- ch = GetC();
- if(ch==EOF)
- {
- pchBuf[i] = ' ';
- return ERES_EOF;
- }
- if(isspace(ch) || ch=='[' || ch==']' || ch=='=' || ch=='{'
- || ch=='}' || ch==',' || ch=='"')
- {
- pchBuf[i] = ' ';
- UnGetC(ch);
- return ERES_OK;
- }
- if(ch=='/' && SkipComment()!=ERES_NOOBJ)
- {
- pchBuf[i] = ' ';
- return ERES_OK;
- }
- pchBuf[i] = (char)ch;
- }
- pchBuf[i] = ' ';
- return ERES_OK;
- }
- Int CxParamSet::SkipSpace()
- {
- Int ch;
- do {
- ch = GetC();
- if(ch==EOF)
- return ERES_EOF;
- } while(isspace(ch));
- UnGetC(ch);
- return ERES_OK;
- }
- Int CxParamSet::SkipComment()
- {
- // assumes we already read a '/'
- // space is skipped at end
- Int ch;
- do {
- ch = GetC();
- if(ch==EOF)
- return ERES_EOF;
- if(ch!='/' && ch!='*')
- {
- UnGetC(ch);
- return ERES_NOOBJ;
- }
- if(ch=='/')
- {
- do {
- ch = GetC();
- if(ch==EOF)
- return ERES_EOF;
- } while(ch!='n');
- }
- else if(ch=='*')
- {
- Int iState = 0;
- do {
- ch = GetC();
- if(ch==EOF)
- return ERES_EOF;
- if(iState==0 && ch=='*')
- iState = 1;
- else if(iState==1)
- {
- if(ch=='/')
- iState = 2;
- else if(ch!='*')
- iState = 0;
- }
- } while(iState!=2);
- }
- if(SkipSpace()==ERES_EOF)
- return ERES_EOF;
- ch = GetC();
- if(ch==EOF)
- return ERES_EOF;
- } while(ch=='/');
- UnGetC(ch);
- return ERES_OK;
- }
- Int CxParamSet::ReadValue(char *pchBuf, TxParamValue *ptVal)
- {
- if(pchBuf[0]=='"')
- {
- // string value
- Int i, ch;
- for(i=0; i<TOKEN_SIZE - 2; i++)
- {
- ch = GetC();
- if(ch=='"')
- {
- pchBuf[i] = ' ';
- //printf(""%s"n", pchBuf);
- SetPVString(*ptVal, pchBuf);
- return ERES_OK;
- }
- if(ch==EOF)
- return ERES_FORMAT;
- pchBuf[i] = (char)ch;
- }
- return ERES_FORMAT;
- }
- else
- {
- char *pchEnd;
- Double dVal = strtod(pchBuf, &pchEnd);
- if(*pchEnd != ' ')
- return ERES_FORMAT;
- //printf("%gn", dVal);
- SetPVDouble(*ptVal, dVal);
- return ERES_OK;
- }
- }
- Int CxParamSet::Load(FILE *fp, Int *piErrLine)
- {
- char pchBuf[TOKEN_SIZE], pchName[TOKEN_SIZE];
- Int iInd;
- TxParamValue tVal;
- m_piErrLine = piErrLine;
- m_fp = fp;
- *m_piErrLine = 1;
- while(!(GetToken(pchBuf)==ERES_EOF))
- {
- strcpy(pchName, pchBuf);
- if(GetToken(pchBuf)==ERES_EOF)
- goto close_on_format;
- if(pchBuf[0]=='[')
- {
- if(GetToken(pchBuf)==ERES_EOF)
- goto close_on_format;
- char *pchEnd;
- iInd = strtol(pchBuf, &pchEnd, 10);
- if(*pchEnd != ' ')
- goto close_on_format;
- if(GetToken(pchBuf)==ERES_EOF)
- goto close_on_format;
- if(pchBuf[0]!=']')
- goto close_on_format;
- if(GetToken(pchBuf)==ERES_EOF)
- goto close_on_format;
- }
- else
- iInd = -1;
- if(pchBuf[0]!='=')
- goto close_on_format;
- if(GetToken(pchBuf)==ERES_EOF)
- goto close_on_format;
- if(pchBuf[0]=='{')
- {
- Int iCount = 0;
- Double rgdTemp[256];
- do {
- //printf("%s[%d] = (%d)", pchName, iInd, iCount);
- if(GetToken(pchBuf)==ERES_EOF)
- goto close_on_format;
- if(pchBuf[0]=='}')
- break;
- Int er = ReadValue(pchBuf, &tVal);
- if(er==ERES_OK)
- {
- if(tVal.tType==PS_DOUBLE)
- rgdTemp[iCount] = tVal.dData;
- else
- rgdTemp[iCount] = 0.0;
- }
- else
- return er;
- if(iCount<255)
- iCount++;
- if(GetToken(pchBuf)==ERES_EOF)
- goto close_on_format;
- } while(pchBuf[0]==',');
- if(pchBuf[0]!='}')
- goto close_on_format;
- SetPVArray(tVal, rgdTemp, iCount);
- Int er = SetParam(pchName, iInd, &tVal);
- if(er!=ERES_OK)
- return er;
- }
- else
- {
- //printf("%s[%d] = ", pchName, iInd);
- TxParamValue tVal;
- Int er = ReadValue(pchBuf, &tVal);
- if(er==ERES_OK)
- er = SetParam(pchName, iInd, &tVal);
- if(er!=ERES_OK)
- return er;
- }
- }
- return ERES_OK;
- close_on_format:
- return ERES_FORMAT;
- }
- Int CxParamSet::GetDouble(char *pchName, Int iIndex, Double *pdValue)
- {
- TxParamValue v;
- Int er = GetParam(pchName, iIndex, &v);
- if(er==ERES_OK)
- {
- if(v.tType==PS_DOUBLE)
- *pdValue = v.dData;
- else
- return ERES_PARAMS;
- }
- return er;
- }
- Int CxParamSet::GetString(char *pchName, Int iIndex, char **ppchVal)
- {
- TxParamValue v;
- Int er = GetParam(pchName, iIndex, &v);
- if(er==ERES_OK)
- {
- if(v.tType==PS_STRING)
- {
- char *pchBuf = new char [strlen(v.pchData)+1];
- if(pchBuf==NULL)
- return ERES_MEMORY;
- strcpy(pchBuf, v.pchData);
- *ppchVal = pchBuf;
- }
- else
- return ERES_PARAMS;
- }
- return er;
- }
- Int CxParamSet::GetArray(char *pchName, Int iIndex, Double **ppdVal, Int *piSize)
- {
- TxParamValue v;
- Int er = GetParam(pchName, iIndex, &v);
- if(er==ERES_OK)
- {
- if(v.tType==PS_ARRAY)
- {
- Double *pdBuf = NULL;
- if(v.iSize>0)
- {
- pdBuf = new Double [v.iSize];
- if(pdBuf==NULL)
- return ERES_MEMORY;
- memcpy(pdBuf, v.pdData, v.iSize * sizeof(Double));
- }
- *ppdVal = pdBuf;
- *piSize = v.iSize;
- }
- else
- return ERES_PARAMS;
- }
- return er;
- }
- void CxParamSet::Dump(FILE *fp)
- {
- StartEnum();
- char *pchName;
- int iInd, iCount;
- TxParamValue tVal;
- iCount = 0;
- while(NextEnum(&pchName, &iInd, &tVal))
- {
- iCount++;
- if(iInd<0)
- fprintf(fp, "%s = ", pchName);
- else
- fprintf(fp, "%s[%d] = ", pchName, iInd);
- if(tVal.tType==PS_DOUBLE)
- fprintf(fp, "%g", tVal.dData);
- else if(tVal.tType==PS_STRING)
- fprintf(fp, ""%s"", tVal.pchData);
- else
- {
- fprintf(fp, "{");
- int i;
- for(i = 0; i<tVal.iSize; i++)
- {
- fprintf(fp, "%g", tVal.pdData[i]);
- if(i+1<tVal.iSize)
- fprintf(fp, ", ");
- }
- fprintf(fp, "}");
- }
- fprintf(fp, "n");
- }
- fprintf(fp,"n// Total: %d parameters.nn", iCount);
- }