资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*************************************************************************
- This software module was originally developed by
- Ming-Chieh Lee (mingcl@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- Wei-ge Chen (wchen@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- Bruce Lin (blin@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- Chuang Gu (chuanggu@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- Simon Winder (swinder@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- (date: March, 1996)
- and edited by
- Wei Wu (weiwu@stallion.risc.rockwell.com) Rockwell Science Center
- and also edited by
- Yoshihiro Kikuchi (TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
- Toshiaki Watanabe (TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
- Noboru Yamaguchi (TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
- and also edited by
- David B. Shu (dbshu@hrl.com), Hughes Electronics/HRL Laboratories
- and also edited by
- Dick van Smirren (D.vanSmirren@research.kpn.com), KPN Research
- Cor Quist (C.P.Quist@research.kpn.com), KPN Research
- in the course of development of the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2).
- This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 Video tools
- as specified by the MPEG-4 Video.
- ISO/IEC gives users of the MPEG-4 Video free license to this software module or modifications
- thereof for use in hardware or software products claiming conformance to the MPEG-4 Video.
- Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software products are advised that its use may infringe existing patents.
- The original developer of this software module and his/her company,
- the subsequent editors and their companies,
- and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or modifications thereof in an implementation.
- Copyright is not released for non MPEG-4 Video conforming products.
- Microsoft retains full right to use the code for his/her own purpose,
- assign or donate the code to a third party and to inhibit third parties from using the code for non <MPEG standard> conforming products.
- This copyright notice must be included in all copies or derivative works.
- Copyright (c) 1996, 1997.
- Module Name:
- vopSeDec.cpp
- Abstract:
- Decoder for one Video Object.
- Revision History:
- Dec 20, 1997: Interlaced tools added by NextLevel Systems
- X. Chen (xchen@nlvl.com) B. Eifrig (beifrig@nlvl.com)
- *************************************************************************/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #ifdef __GNUC__
- #include <strstream.h>
- #else
- #include <strstrea.h>
- #endif
- #include <math.h>
- #include "typeapi.h"
- #include "codehead.h"
- #include "entropy/bitstrm.hpp"
- #include "entropy/entropy.hpp"
- #include "entropy/huffman.hpp"
- #include "global.hpp"
- #include "mode.hpp"
- #include "vopses.hpp"
- #include "cae.h" // Added for error resilient mode by Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- #include "tps_enhcbuf.hpp" // Added by Sharp(1998-02-10)
- #include "enhcbufdec.hpp" //
- #include "vopsedec.hpp"
- #ifdef __MFC_
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif // __MFC_
- #define _FOR_GSSP_
- #undef assert
- #define assert(a) if (!(a)) { printf("iso throw %dn", __LINE__);throw((int)0);}
- CVideoObjectDecoder::~CVideoObjectDecoder ()
- {
- // delete m_pistrm;
- if (m_pistrm >= 0) close(m_pistrm);
- delete m_pbitstrmIn;
- delete m_pentrdecSet;
- delete m_pvopcRightMB;
- }
- Int CVideoObjectDecoder::h263_decode ()
- {
- static Bool first_time = TRUE;
- if (!first_time)
- {
- {
- if(m_pbitstrmIn->eof()==EOF) // [FDS]
- return EOF;
- m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits(1);
- }
- m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits(22);
- video_plane_with_short_header();
- }
- else
- first_time = FALSE;
- m_bUseGOV=FALSE;
- m_bLinkisBroken=FALSE;
- m_vopmd.iRoundingControl=0;
- m_vopmd.iIntraDcSwitchThr=0;
- m_vopmd.bInterlace=FALSE;
- m_vopmd.bAlternateScan=FALSE;
- m_t=1;
- m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiFCode=1;
- m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiScaleFactor = 1 << (m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiFCode - 1);
- m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiRange = 16 << m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiFCode;
- // Added for error resilient mode by Toshiba(1998-1-16)
- m_vopmd.mvInfoBackward.uiFCode = 1;
- // End Toshiba(1998-1-16)
- m_vopmd.bShapeCodingType=1;
- // set time stamps for Base/Temporal-Enhc/Spatial-Enhc Layer Modified by Sharp(1998-02-10)
- if(m_volmd.volType == BASE_LAYER) {
- if(m_vopmd.vopPredType==IVOP || m_vopmd.vopPredType==PVOP) {
- m_tPastRef = m_tFutureRef;
- m_tFutureRef = m_t;
- m_iBCount = 0;
- }
- }
- // set time stamps for Base/Temporal-Enhc/Spatial-Enhc Layer End Sharp(1998-02-10)
- // select reference frames for Base/Temporal-Enhc/Spatial-Enhc Layer Modified by Sharp(1998-02-10)
- if(m_volmd.volType == BASE_LAYER) {
- updateAllRefVOPs (); // update all reconstructed VOP'sm_pvopcRefQ1->vdlDump ("c:\refq1.vdl");
- }
- // select reference frames for Base/Temporal-Enhc/Spatial-Enhc Layer End Sharp(1998-02-10)
- switch(m_vopmd.vopPredType)
- {
- case IVOP:
- cout << "tIVOP";
- #endif
- /*Added by SONY (98/03/30)*/
- if(m_bLinkisBroken == TRUE && m_bUseGOV == TRUE) m_bLinkisBroken = FALSE;
- /*Added by SONY (98/03/30) END*/
- break;
- case PVOP:
- cout << "tPVOP (reference: t=" << m_tPastRef <<")";
- #endif
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- cout << "n";
- cout.flush ();
- #endif
- /* Added by SONY (98/03/30)*/
- if(m_bLinkisBroken == TRUE && m_bUseGOV == TRUE)
- fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: broken_link = 1 --- Output image must be broken.n");
- /*Added by SONY (98/03/30) End*/
- decodeVOP ();
- CMBMode* pmbmdTmp = m_rgmbmd;
- m_rgmbmd = m_rgmbmdRef;
- m_rgmbmdRef = pmbmdTmp;
- CMotionVector* pmvTmp = m_rgmv;
- m_rgmv = m_rgmvRef;
- m_rgmvRef = pmvTmp;
- m_rgmvBackward = m_rgmv + BVOP_MV_PER_REF_PER_MB * m_iSessNumMB;
- // ? For Temporal Scalability End Sharp(1998-02-10)
- m_iBVOPOffsetForPadY = m_iOffsetForPadY;
- m_iBVOPOffsetForPadUV = m_iOffsetForPadUV;
- m_rctBVOPPrevNoExpandY = m_rctPrevNoExpandY;
- m_rctBVOPPrevNoExpandUV = m_rctPrevNoExpandUV;
- m_rctBVOPRefVOPY1 = m_rctRefVOPY1;
- m_rctBVOPRefVOPUV1 = m_rctRefVOPUV1;
- // For Temporal Scalability End Sharp(1998-02-10)
- repeatPadYOrA ((PixelC*) m_pvopcRefQ1->pixelsY () + m_iOffsetForPadY, m_pvopcRefQ1);
- repeatPadUV (m_pvopcRefQ1);
- //reset by in RefQ1 so that no left-over from last frame
- return TRUE;
- }
- Void CVideoObjectDecoder::video_plane_with_short_header()
- {
- /* UInt uiTemporalReference = wmay */ m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (8);
- m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits(5);
- UInt uiSourceFormat = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (3);
- if (uiSourceFormat==1) {
- //fprintf(stderr,"Sub-QCIF, 128x96, 8 macroblocks/gob, 6 gobs in vopn");
- uiNumGobsInVop=6;
- uiNumMacroblocksInGob=8;
- m_ivolWidth=128;
- m_ivolHeight=96;
- } else if (uiSourceFormat==2) {
- //fprintf(stderr,"QCIF, 176x144, 11 macroblocks/gob, 9 gobs in vopn");
- uiNumGobsInVop=9;
- uiNumMacroblocksInGob=11;
- m_ivolWidth=176;
- m_ivolHeight=144;
- } else if (uiSourceFormat==3) {
- //fprintf(stderr,"CIF, 352x288, 22 macroblocks/gob, 18 gobs in vopn");
- uiNumGobsInVop=18;
- uiNumMacroblocksInGob=22;
- m_ivolWidth=352;
- m_ivolHeight=288;
- } else if (uiSourceFormat==4) {
- //fprintf(stderr,"4CIF, 704x576, 88 macroblocks/gob, 18 gobs in vopn");
- uiNumGobsInVop=18;
- uiNumMacroblocksInGob=88;
- m_ivolWidth=704;
- m_ivolHeight=576;
- } else if (uiSourceFormat==5) {
- //fprintf(stderr,"16CIF, 1408x1152, 352 macroblocks/gob, 18 gobs in vopn");
- uiNumGobsInVop=18;
- uiNumMacroblocksInGob=352;
- m_ivolWidth=1408;
- m_ivolHeight=1152;
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr,"Wrong Source Format in video_plane_with_short_header()n");
- exit (0);
- }
- UInt uiPictureCodingType = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits(1);
- if (uiPictureCodingType==0)
- m_vopmd.vopPredType=IVOP;
- else
- m_vopmd.vopPredType=PVOP;
- m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits(4);
- UInt uiVopQuant = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits(5);
- //fprintf(stderr,"vop_quant (0..31) %dn",uiVopQuant);
- m_vopmd.intStepI=uiVopQuant;
- m_vopmd.intStep=uiVopQuant; // idem
- m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits(1);
- do {
- uiPei = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits(1);
- //fprintf(stderr,"pei gelezen %dn",uiPei);
- if (uiPei==1) {
- m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits(8);
- }
- // [bezig]
- } while (uiPei==1);
- m_uiVOId = 1;
- m_volmd.iClockRate = 30;
- m_iNumBitsTimeIncr = 4;
- m_volmd.bShapeOnly=FALSE;
- m_volmd.fAUsage = RECTANGLE;
- m_volmd.bAdvPredDisable = TRUE;
- m_uiSprite = FALSE;
- m_volmd.bNot8Bit=FALSE;
- m_volmd.uiQuantPrecision=5;
- m_volmd.nBits=8;
- m_volmd.fQuantizer=Q_H263;
- m_volmd.bDataPartitioning=FALSE;
- m_volmd.bReversibleVlc=FALSE;
- m_volmd.volType=BASE_LAYER;
- m_volmd.ihor_sampling_factor_n=1;
- m_volmd.ihor_sampling_factor_m=1;
- m_volmd.iver_sampling_factor_n=1;
- m_volmd.iver_sampling_factor_m=1;
- m_volmd.bDeblockFilterDisable=TRUE;
- }
- void CVideoObjectDecoder::decodeShortHeaderIntraMBDC(Int *rgiCoefQ)
- {
- UInt uiIntraDC;
- uiIntraDC=m_pbitstrmIn->getBits(8);
- if (uiIntraDC==128||uiIntraDC==0) fprintf(stderr,"IntraDC = 0 of 128, not allowed in H.263 moden");
- if (uiIntraDC==255) uiIntraDC=128;
- rgiCoefQ[0]=uiIntraDC;
- }
- CVideoObjectDecoder::CVideoObjectDecoder () : CVideoObject()
- {
- m_t = m_tPastRef = m_tFutureRef = 0;
- m_iBCount = 0;
- m_vopmd.iVopConstantAlphaValue = 255;
- short_video_header = FALSE;
- m_pbitstrmIn = new CInBitStream();
- m_pentrdecSet = new CEntropyDecoderSet (*m_pbitstrmIn);
- }
- CVideoObjectDecoder::CVideoObjectDecoder (
- const Char* pchStrFile,
- Int iDisplayWidth, Int iDisplayHeight,
- Bool *pbSpatialScalability,
- Bool *p_short_video_header//,
- //strstreambuf* pistrm
- ) : CVideoObject ()
- {
- #if 0
- if (pistrm == NULL) {
- #endif
- m_pistrm = open(pchStrFile, O_RDONLY);
- if(m_pistrm < 0)
- fatal_error("Can't open bitstream file");
- #if 0
- }
- else {
- m_pistrm = (ifstream *)new istream (pistrm);
- }
- #endif
- m_pbitstrmIn = new CInBitStream(m_pistrm);
- m_pentrdecSet = new CEntropyDecoderSet (*m_pbitstrmIn);
- m_t = m_tPastRef = m_tFutureRef = 0;
- m_iBCount = 0;
- m_vopmd.iVopConstantAlphaValue = 255;
- *p_short_video_header=FALSE; // Added by KPN for short headers
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "nBitstream with short header format detectedn");
- *p_short_video_header=TRUE;
- m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits(22);
- video_plane_with_short_header();
- }
- else {
- fprintf(stderr,"nBitstream without short headers detectedn");
- decodeVOHead ();
- printf ("VO %d...n", m_uiVOId);
- decodeVOLHead ();
- }
- short_video_header=*p_short_video_header;
- postVO_VOLHeadInit(iDisplayWidth, iDisplayHeight, pbSpatialScalability);
- }
- void CVideoObjectDecoder::postVO_VOLHeadInit (Int iDisplayWidth,
- Int iDisplayHeight,
- Bool *pbSpatialScalability)
- {
- /* (98/03/30 added by SONY)*/
- m_bLinkisBroken = FALSE;
- m_bUseGOV = FALSE;
- /* (98/03/30 added by SONY)*/
- // Added for error resilient mode by Toshiba(1997-11-14): Moved (1998-1-16)
- g_iMaxHeading = MAXHEADING_ERR;
- g_iMaxMiddle = MAXMIDDLE_ERR;
- g_iMaxTrailing = MAXTRAILING_ERR;
- // End Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- setClipTab(); // NBIT
- if(m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER){ // check scalability type
- if(pbSpatialScalability != NULL)
- if(m_volmd.iHierarchyType == 0)
- *pbSpatialScalability = TRUE;
- else
- *pbSpatialScalability = FALSE;
- }
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage == RECTANGLE) {
- if (m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER &&
- (m_volmd.ihor_sampling_factor_n != m_volmd.ihor_sampling_factor_m ||
- m_volmd.iver_sampling_factor_n != m_volmd.iver_sampling_factor_m )){
- iDisplayWidth = m_ivolWidth;
- iDisplayHeight= m_ivolHeight;
- }
- else if (iDisplayWidth == -1 && iDisplayHeight == -1) {
- iDisplayWidth = m_ivolWidth;
- iDisplayHeight = m_ivolHeight;
- }
- else if (iDisplayWidth != m_ivolWidth || iDisplayHeight != m_ivolHeight){
- fprintf(stderr, "nDecode aborted! This rectangular VOP stream requires displaynwidth and height to be set to %dx%d.n",
- m_ivolWidth, m_ivolHeight);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- m_rctDisplayWindow = CRct (0, 0, iDisplayWidth, iDisplayHeight); //same as m_rctOrg? will fixe later
- /*
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage == RECTANGLE) {
- if (m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER &&
- (m_volmd.ihor_sampling_factor_n/m_volmd.ihor_sampling_factor_m != 1||
- m_volmd.iver_sampling_factor_n/m_volmd.iver_sampling_factor_m != 1)){
- iDisplayWidth = m_ivolWidth;
- iDisplayHeight= m_ivolHeight;
- if(pbSpatialScalability!=NULL)
- *pbSpatialScalability = TRUE;
- fprintf(stderr,"display size %d %d n",iDisplayWidth, iDisplayHeight);
- }
- else if (iDisplayWidth != m_ivolWidth || iDisplayHeight != m_ivolHeight){
- fprintf(stderr, "nDecode aborted! This rectangular VOP stream requires displaynwidth and height to be set to %dx%d.n",
- m_ivolWidth, m_ivolHeight);
- exit(1);
- }
- else if(pbSpatialScalability!=NULL)
- *pbSpatialScalability = FALSE;
- }
- m_rctDisplayWindow = CRct (0, 0, iDisplayWidth, iDisplayHeight); //same as m_rctOrg? will fixe later
- */
- if (m_uiSprite == 1) { // change iDisplay size in order to get the first sprite piece
- iDisplayWidth = (Int) m_rctSpt.width;
- iDisplayHeight = (Int) m_rctSpt.height ();
- }
- Int iMod = iDisplayWidth % MB_SIZE;
- Int iDisplayWidthRound = (iMod > 0) ? iDisplayWidth + MB_SIZE - iMod : iDisplayWidth;
- iMod = iDisplayHeight % MB_SIZE;
- Int iDisplayHeightRound = (iMod > 0) ? iDisplayHeight + MB_SIZE - iMod : iDisplayHeight;
- m_rctRefFrameY = CRct (
- EXPANDY_REF_FRAME + iDisplayWidthRound, EXPANDY_REF_FRAME + iDisplayHeightRound
- );
- m_rctRefFrameUV = m_rctRefFrameY.downSampleBy2 ();
- allocateVOLMembers (iDisplayWidth, iDisplayHeight);
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage == RECTANGLE) {
- //wchen: if sprite; set it according to the initial piece instead
- m_rctCurrVOPY = (m_uiSprite == 0) ? CRct (0, 0, iDisplayWidthRound, iDisplayHeightRound) : m_rctSpt;
- m_rctCurrVOPUV = m_rctCurrVOPY.downSampleBy2 ();
- m_rctRefVOPY0 = m_rctCurrVOPY;
- m_rctRefVOPY0.expand (EXPANDY_REFVOP);
- m_rctRefVOPUV0 = m_rctRefVOPY0.downSampleBy2 ();
- m_rctRefVOPY1 = m_rctRefVOPY0;
- m_rctRefVOPUV1 = m_rctRefVOPUV0;
- computeVOLConstMembers (); // these VOP members are the same for all frames
- }
- // buffer for shape decoding
- m_pvopcRightMB = new CVOPU8YUVBA (m_volmd.fAUsage, CRct (0, 0, MB_SIZE, MB_SIZE));
- m_ppxlcRightMBBY = (PixelC*) m_pvopcRightMB->pixelsBY ();
- m_ppxlcRightMBBUV = (PixelC*) m_pvopcRightMB->pixelsBUV ();
- // buffers for Temporal Scalabe Decoding Added by Sharp(1998-02-10)
- if (m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER) {
- m_pBuffP1 = new CEnhcBufferDecoder (m_rctRefFrameY.width, m_rctRefFrameY.height ());
- m_pBuffP2 = new CEnhcBufferDecoder (m_rctRefFrameY.width, m_rctRefFrameY.height ());
- m_pBuffB1 = new CEnhcBufferDecoder (m_rctRefFrameY.width, m_rctRefFrameY.height ());
- m_pBuffB2 = new CEnhcBufferDecoder (m_rctRefFrameY.width, m_rctRefFrameY.height ());
- m_pBuffE = new CEnhcBufferDecoder (m_rctRefFrameY.width, m_rctRefFrameY.height ());
- }
- // buffers for Temporal Scalabe Decoding End Sharp(1998-02-10)
- m_iClockRateScale = 1; // added by Sharp (98/6/26)
- // Set sprite_transmit_mode to STOP for the duration of VOL if (fSptUsage () == 0),
- // and later set to PIECE by decode_init_sprite () if (fSptUsage () == 1)
- m_vopmd.SpriteXmitMode = STOP;
- }
- // for back/forward shape Added by Sharp(1998-02-10)
- CVideoObjectDecoder::CVideoObjectDecoder (
- Int iDisplayWidth, Int iDisplayHeight
- ) : CVideoObject ()
- {
- m_pistrm = -1;
- m_pbitstrmIn = NULL;
- m_pentrdecSet = NULL;
- m_uiVOId = 0;
- Void set_modes(VOLMode* volmd, VOPMode* vopmd);
- set_modes(&m_volmd, &m_vopmd); // set VOL modes, VOP modes
- m_vopmd.iVopConstantAlphaValue = 255;
- Int iMod = iDisplayWidth % MB_SIZE;
- Int iDisplayWidthRound = (iMod > 0) ? iDisplayWidth + MB_SIZE - iMod : iDisplayWidth;
- iMod = iDisplayHeight % MB_SIZE;
- Int iDisplayHeightRound = (iMod > 0) ? iDisplayHeight + MB_SIZE - iMod : iDisplayHeight;
- m_rctRefFrameY = CRct (
- EXPANDY_REF_FRAME + iDisplayWidthRound, EXPANDY_REF_FRAME + iDisplayHeightRound
- );
- m_rctRefFrameUV = m_rctRefFrameY.downSampleBy2 ();
- allocateVOLMembers (iDisplayWidth, iDisplayHeight);
- // buffer for shape decoding
- m_pvopcRightMB = new CVOPU8YUVBA (m_volmd.fAUsage, CRct (0, 0, MB_SIZE, MB_SIZE));
- m_ppxlcRightMBBY = (PixelC*) m_pvopcRightMB->pixelsBY ();
- m_ppxlcRightMBBUV = (PixelC*) m_pvopcRightMB->pixelsBUV ();
- }
- // for back/forward shape End Sharp(1998-02-10)
- Int CVideoObjectDecoder::decode (const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcBVOPQuant, /*strstreambuf* pistrm, */ Bool waitForI, Bool drop)
- {
- #if 0
- if (pistrm != NULL) {
- delete (istream *)m_pistrm;
- delete m_pbytestrmIn;
- delete m_pbitstrmIn;
- delete m_pentrdecSet;
- m_pistrm = (ifstream *)new istream (pistrm);
- m_pbytestrmIn = new CInByteStreamFile(*m_pistrm);
- m_pbitstrmIn = new CInBitStream (m_pbytestrmIn);
- m_pentrdecSet = new CEntropyDecoderSet (*m_pbitstrmIn);
- }
- #endif
- //sprite piece should not come here
- assert ((m_vopmd.SpriteXmitMode == STOP) || ( m_vopmd.SpriteXmitMode == PAUSE));
- if (findStartCode () == EOF)
- return EOF;
- Bool bCoded = decodeVOPHead (); // set the bounding box here
- if (waitForI &&
- !(m_vopmd.vopPredType == IVOP)) {
- cout << "tFrame is not IVOP " << m_vopmd.vopPredType << "n";
- cout.flush();
- #endif
- return -1;
- }
- if (drop && m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP) {
- return -1;
- }
- cout << "t" << "Time..." << m_t << " (" << m_t / (double)m_volmd.iClockRate << " sec)n";
- if(bCoded == FALSE)
- cout << "tNot coded.n";
- cout.flush ();
- #endif
- Bool bPrevRefVopWasCoded = m_bCodedFutureRef;
- if(m_vopmd.vopPredType==IVOP || m_vopmd.vopPredType==PVOP)
- m_bCodedFutureRef = bCoded; // flag used by bvop prediction
- if (m_vopmd.vopPredType == SPRITE) {
- decodeSpt ();
- return TRUE;
- }
- // set time stamps for Base/Temporal-Enhc/Spatial-Enhc Layer Modified by Sharp(1998-02-10)
- if(m_volmd.volType == BASE_LAYER) {
- if(m_vopmd.vopPredType==IVOP || m_vopmd.vopPredType==PVOP) {
- if(bPrevRefVopWasCoded)
- m_tPastRef = m_tFutureRef;
- m_tFutureRef = m_t;
- m_iBCount = 0;
- }
- // count B-VOPs
- if(m_vopmd.vopPredType==BVOP)
- m_iBCount++;
- }
- else if (pvopcBVOPQuant != NULL) { // Spatial Scalability Enhancement Layer
- /* (98/03/30) modified by SONY */
- if(m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP && m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 0) {
- if(bPrevRefVopWasCoded)
- m_tPastRef = m_tFutureRef;
- m_tFutureRef = m_t;
- m_iBCount = 0;
- } if(m_vopmd.vopPredType == PVOP && m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 3) {
- m_tPastRef = m_t;
- m_tFutureRef = m_t;
- m_iBCount = 0;
- }
- /* (98/03/30) modified by SONY */
- // count B-VOPs
- if(m_vopmd.vopPredType==BVOP)
- m_iBCount++;
- }
- // set time stamps for Base/Temporal-Enhc/Spatial-Enhc Layer End Sharp(1998-02-10)
- // select reference frames for Base/Temporal-Enhc/Spatial-Enhc Layer Modified by Sharp(1998-02-10)
- if(bPrevRefVopWasCoded)
- {
- if(m_volmd.volType == BASE_LAYER) {
- updateAllRefVOPs (); // update all reconstructed VOP's
- }
- else {
- if (pvopcBVOPQuant == NULL) // Temporal Scalability Enhancement Layer
- updateRefVOPsEnhc ();
- else { // Spatial Scalability Enhancement Layer
- updateAllRefVOPs (pvopcBVOPQuant);
- }
- }
- }
- // select reference frames for Base/Temporal-Enhc/Spatial-Enhc Layer End Sharp(1998-02-10)
- switch(m_vopmd.vopPredType)
- {
- case IVOP:
- cout << "tIVOP";
- #endif
- /*Added by SONY (98/03/30)*/
- if(m_bLinkisBroken == TRUE && m_bUseGOV == TRUE) m_bLinkisBroken = FALSE;
- /*Added by SONY (98/03/30) END*/
- break;
- case PVOP:
- cout << "tPVOP (reference: t=" << m_tPastRef <<")";
- #endif
- break;
- case BVOP:
- cout << "tBVOP (past ref: t=" << m_tPastRef
- << ", future ref: t=" << m_tFutureRef <<")";
- #endif
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- cout << "n";
- cout.flush ();
- #endif
- /* Added by SONY (98/03/30)*/
- if(m_bLinkisBroken == TRUE && m_bUseGOV == TRUE)
- fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: broken_link = 1 --- Output image must be broken.n");
- /*Added by SONY (98/03/30) End*/
- if(bCoded==FALSE)
- {
- if (m_vopmd.vopPredType != BVOP
- && m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE && bPrevRefVopWasCoded)
- {
- // give the current object a dummy size
- m_iNumMBX = m_iNumMBY = m_iNumMB = 1;
- saveShapeMode(); // save the previous reference vop shape mode
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE)
- resetBYPlane ();
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE) {
- setRefStartingPointers ();
- computeVOPMembers ();
- }
- decodeVOP ();
- //wchen: added by sony-probably not the best way
- if(m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER &&
- (m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP && m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 0))
- swapVOPU8Pointers(m_pvopcCurrQ,m_pvopcRefQ1);
- // store the direct mode data
- if (m_vopmd.vopPredType != BVOP ||
- (m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER && m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP && m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 0)) {
- if(m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE && bPrevRefVopWasCoded)
- saveShapeMode();
- CMBMode* pmbmdTmp = m_rgmbmd;
- m_rgmbmd = m_rgmbmdRef;
- m_rgmbmdRef = pmbmdTmp;
- CMotionVector* pmvTmp = m_rgmv;
- m_rgmv = m_rgmvRef;
- m_rgmvRef = pmvTmp;
- m_rgmvBackward = m_rgmv + BVOP_MV_PER_REF_PER_MB * m_iSessNumMB;
- }
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE) {
- if (m_vopmd.vopPredType != BVOP ||
- (m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER && m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP && m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 0)) {
- m_iNumMBRef = m_iNumMB;
- m_iNumMBXRef = m_iNumMBX;
- m_iNumMBYRef = m_iNumMBY;
- m_iOffsetForPadY = m_rctRefFrameY.offset (m_rctCurrVOPY.left, m_rctCurrVOPY.top);
- m_iOffsetForPadUV = m_rctRefFrameUV.offset (m_rctCurrVOPUV.left, m_rctCurrVOPUV.top);
- m_rctPrevNoExpandY = m_rctCurrVOPY;
- m_rctPrevNoExpandUV = m_rctCurrVOPUV;
- m_rctRefVOPY1 = m_rctCurrVOPY;
- m_rctRefVOPY1.expand (EXPANDY_REFVOP);
- m_rctRefVOPUV1 = m_rctCurrVOPUV;
- m_rctRefVOPUV1.expand (EXPANDUV_REFVOP);
- m_pvopcRefQ1->setBoundRct (m_rctRefVOPY1);
- }
- else { // For Temporal Scalability Added by Sharp(1998-02-10)
- m_iBVOPOffsetForPadY = m_rctRefFrameY.offset (m_rctCurrVOPY.left, m_rctCurrVOPY.top);
- m_iBVOPOffsetForPadUV = m_rctRefFrameUV.offset (m_rctCurrVOPUV.left, m_rctCurrVOPUV.top);
- m_rctBVOPPrevNoExpandY = m_rctCurrVOPY;
- m_rctBVOPPrevNoExpandUV = m_rctCurrVOPUV;
- m_rctBVOPRefVOPY1 = m_rctCurrVOPY;
- m_rctBVOPRefVOPY1.expand (EXPANDY_REFVOP);
- m_rctBVOPRefVOPUV1 = m_rctCurrVOPUV;
- } // For Temporal Scalability End Sharp(1998-02-10)
- //give a comment that this is ac/dc pred stuff
- Int nBlk = (m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT) ? 10 : 6;
- delete [] m_rgblkmCurrMB;
- for (Int iMB = 0; iMB < m_iNumMBX; iMB++) {
- for (Int iBlk = 0; iBlk < nBlk; iBlk++) {
- delete [] (m_rgpmbmAbove [iMB]->rgblkm) [iBlk];
- delete [] (m_rgpmbmCurr [iMB]->rgblkm) [iBlk];
- }
- delete [] m_rgpmbmAbove [iMB]->rgblkm;
- delete m_rgpmbmAbove [iMB];
- delete [] m_rgpmbmCurr [iMB]->rgblkm;
- delete m_rgpmbmCurr [iMB];
- }
- delete [] m_rgpmbmAbove;
- delete [] m_rgpmbmCurr;
- }
- else { // For Temporal Scalability Added by Sharp(1998-02-10)
- m_iBVOPOffsetForPadY = m_iOffsetForPadY;
- m_iBVOPOffsetForPadUV = m_iOffsetForPadUV;
- m_rctBVOPPrevNoExpandY = m_rctPrevNoExpandY;
- m_rctBVOPPrevNoExpandUV = m_rctPrevNoExpandUV;
- m_rctBVOPRefVOPY1 = m_rctRefVOPY1;
- m_rctBVOPRefVOPUV1 = m_rctRefVOPUV1;
- } // For Temporal Scalability End Sharp(1998-02-10)
- if (m_vopmd.vopPredType != BVOP ||
- (m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER && m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP && m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 0)) {
- repeatPadYOrA ((PixelC*) m_pvopcRefQ1->pixelsY () + m_iOffsetForPadY, m_pvopcRefQ1);
- repeatPadUV (m_pvopcRefQ1);
- //reset by in RefQ1 so that no left-over from last frame
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE) {
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT)
- repeatPadYOrA ((PixelC*) m_pvopcRefQ1->pixelsA () + m_iOffsetForPadY, m_pvopcRefQ1);
- }
- }
- // update buffers for temporal scalability Added by Sharp(1998-02-10)
- if(m_volmd.volType != BASE_LAYER) updateBuffVOPsEnhc ();
- return TRUE;
- }
- Int CVideoObjectDecoder::findStartCode(int dontloop)
- {
- // ensure byte alignment
- m_pbitstrmIn->flush ();
- Int bUserData;
- do {
- bUserData = 0;
- {
- m_pbitstrmIn->getBits(8);
- if(m_pbitstrmIn->eof()==EOF || dontloop != 0)
- return EOF;
- }
- m_pbitstrmIn->getBits(NUMBITS_START_CODE_PREFIX);
- bUserData = 1;
- } while(bUserData);
- return 0;
- }
- Void CVideoObjectDecoder::decodeVOHead ()
- {
- findStartCode();
- // Added for data partitioning mode By Toshiba(1998-1-16:DP+RVLC)(for Skip Session_Start_Code)
- m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_START_CODE_SUFFIX);
- if (findStartCode () == EOF)
- assert(FALSE);
- }
- // End Toshiba(1998-1-16:DP+RVLC)
- UInt uiVoStartCode = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VO_START_CODE);
- assert(uiVoStartCode == VO_START_CODE);
- decodeVOBody();
- }
- Void CVideoObjectDecoder::decodeVOBody ()
- {
- m_uiVOId = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VO_ID);
- }
- Void CVideoObjectDecoder::decodeVOLHead ()
- {
- findStartCode();
- UInt uiVolStartCode = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOL_START_CODE);
- assert(uiVolStartCode == VOL_START_CODE);
- decodeVOLBody();
- }
- Void CVideoObjectDecoder::decodeVOLBody()
- {
- int ver_id;
- /* UInt uiVOLId = wmay */m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOL_ID);
- // Begin: modified by Hughes 4/9/98 per clause 2.1.7. in N2171 document
- /* Bool bRandom = wmay */m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (1); //VOL_Random_Access
- // End: modified by Hughes 4/9/98
- /* UInt uiOLType = wmay*/m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits(8); // VOL_type_indication
- UInt uiOLI = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1); //VOL_Is_Object_Layer_Identifier, useless flag for now
- if(uiOLI)
- {
- ver_id = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (4); // video_oject_layer_verid
- m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (3); // video_oject_layer_priority
- } else {
- ver_id = 1;
- }
- //assert(uiOLI == 0);
- UInt uiAspect = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (4);
- if(uiAspect==15) // extended PAR
- {
- /* UInt iParWidth = wmay */ m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (8);
- /* UInt iParHeight = wmay */ m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (8);
- }
- UInt uiMark;
- UInt uiCTP = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1); //VOL_Control_Parameter, useless flag for now
- if(uiCTP)
- {
- /* UInt uiChromaFormat = wmay */ m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (2);
- /* UInt uiLowDelay = wmay */m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- UInt uiVBVParams = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- if(uiVBVParams)
- {
- /* UInt uiFirstHalfBitRate = wmay */m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (15);
- uiMark = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- assert(uiMark==1);
- /* UInt uiLatterHalfBitRate = wmay */ m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (15);
- uiMark = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- assert(uiMark==1);
- /* UInt uiFirstHalfVbvBufferSize = wmay */m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (15);
- uiMark = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- assert(uiMark==1);
- /* UInt uiLatterHalfVbvBufferSize = wmay */m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (3);
- /* UInt uiFirstHalfVbvBufferOccupany = wmay */m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (11);
- uiMark = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- assert(uiMark==1);
- /* UInt uiLatterHalfVbvBufferOccupany = wmay */m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (15);
- uiMark = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- assert(uiMark==1);
- }
- }
- //assert(uiCTP == 0);
- UInt uiAUsage = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOL_SHAPE);
- uiMark = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- assert(uiMark==1);
- m_volmd.iClockRate = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_TIME_RESOLUTION);
- cout << m_volmd.iClockRate << "n";
- #endif
- uiMark = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- assert(uiMark==1);
- Int iClockRate = m_volmd.iClockRate;
- assert (iClockRate >= 1 && iClockRate < 65536);
- for (m_iNumBitsTimeIncr = 1; m_iNumBitsTimeIncr < NUMBITS_TIME_RESOLUTION; m_iNumBitsTimeIncr++) {
- if (iClockRate == 1)
- break;
- iClockRate = (iClockRate >> 1);
- }
- Bool bFixFrameRate = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- //assert (bFixFrameRate == FALSE);
- if(bFixFrameRate)
- {
- UInt uiFixedVOPTimeIncrement = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (m_iNumBitsTimeIncr);
- m_volmd.iClockRate = m_volmd.iClockRate / uiFixedVOPTimeIncrement;
- // not used
- //
- //
- }
- if(uiAUsage==2) // shape-only mode
- {
- /* UInt uiResyncMarkerDisable = wmay */m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- // default to some values - probably not all needed
- m_volmd.bShapeOnly=TRUE;
- m_volmd.fAUsage=ONE_BIT;
- m_volmd.bAdvPredDisable = 0;
- m_volmd.fQuantizer = Q_H263;
- m_volmd.volType = BASE_LAYER;
- m_volmd.bDeblockFilterDisable = TRUE;
- m_uiSprite = 0;
- m_volmd.bNot8Bit = 0;
- m_volmd.bComplexityEstimationDisable = 1;
- m_volmd.bDataPartitioning = 0;
- m_volmd.bReversibleVlc = FALSE;
- m_volmd.bDeblockFilterDisable = TRUE;
- return;
- }
- m_volmd.bShapeOnly=FALSE;
- if(uiAUsage==3)
- uiAUsage=2;
- m_volmd.fAUsage = (AlphaUsage) uiAUsage;
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage == RECTANGLE) {
- UInt uiMarker = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- //wmay for divx assert(uiMarker==1);
- m_ivolWidth = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_WIDTH);
- uiMarker = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- // wmay for divx assert(uiMarker==1);
- m_ivolHeight = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_HEIGHT);
- uiMarker = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- // wmay for dixv assert(uiMarker==1);
- }
- m_vopmd.bInterlace = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1); // interlace (was vop flag)
- m_volmd.bAdvPredDisable = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1); //VOL_obmc_Disable
- // decode sprite info
- // wmay m_uiSprite = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_SPRITE_USAGE);
- m_uiSprite = m_pbitstrmIn->getBits(ver_id == 1 ? 1 : 2);
- if (m_uiSprite == 1) { // sprite information
- Int isprite_hdim = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_SPRITE_HDIM);
- Int iMarker = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (MARKER_BIT);
- assert (iMarker == 1);
- Int isprite_vdim = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_SPRITE_VDIM);
- iMarker = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (MARKER_BIT);
- assert (iMarker == 1);
- Int isprite_left_edge = (m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1) == 0) ?
- m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (NUMBITS_SPRITE_LEFT_EDGE - 1) : ((Int)m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (NUMBITS_SPRITE_LEFT_EDGE - 1) - (1 << 12));
- assert(isprite_left_edge%2 == 0);
- iMarker = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (MARKER_BIT);
- assert (iMarker == 1);
- Int isprite_top_edge = (m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1) == 0) ?
- m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (NUMBITS_SPRITE_TOP_EDGE - 1) : ((Int)m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (NUMBITS_SPRITE_LEFT_EDGE - 1) - (1 << 12));
- assert(isprite_top_edge%2 == 0);
- iMarker = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (MARKER_BIT);
- assert (iMarker == 1);
- m_rctSpt.left = isprite_left_edge;
- m_rctSpt.right = isprite_left_edge + isprite_hdim;
- m_rctSpt.top = isprite_top_edge;
- m_rctSpt.bottom = isprite_top_edge + isprite_vdim;
- m_rctSpt.width = isprite_hdim;
- m_rctSptPieceY = m_rctSpt; //initialization; will be overwritten by first vop header
- m_iNumOfPnts = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_NUM_SPRITE_POINTS);
- m_rgstSrcQ = new CSiteD [m_iNumOfPnts];
- m_rgstDstQ = new CSiteD [m_iNumOfPnts];
- m_uiWarpingAccuracy = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_WARPING_ACCURACY);
- /* Bool bLightChange = wmay */m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- // Begin: modified by Hughes 4/9/98
- Bool bsptMode = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1); // Low_latency_sprite_enable
- if ( bsptMode)
- m_sptMode = LOW_LATENCY ;
- else
- m_sptMode = BASIC_SPRITE ;
- // End: modified by Hughes 4/9/98
- }
- m_volmd.bNot8Bit = (Bool) m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits(1);
- if (m_volmd.bNot8Bit) {
- m_volmd.uiQuantPrecision = (UInt) m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (4);
- m_volmd.nBits = (UInt) m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (4);
- assert(m_volmd.nBits>3);
- } else {
- m_volmd.uiQuantPrecision = 5;
- m_volmd.nBits = 8;
- }
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT)
- {
- m_volmd.bNoGrayQuantUpdate = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- /* UInt uiCompMethod = wmay */m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- /* UInt uiLinearComp = wmay */m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- }
- m_volmd.fQuantizer = (Quantizer) m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- if (m_volmd.fQuantizer == Q_MPEG) {
- m_volmd.bLoadIntraMatrix = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- if (m_volmd.bLoadIntraMatrix) {
- UInt i = 0;
- Int iElem;
- do {
- iElem = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_QMATRIX);
- m_volmd.rgiIntraQuantizerMatrix [grgiStandardZigzag[i]] = iElem;
- } while (iElem != 0 && ++i < BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE);
- for (UInt j = i; j < BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE; j++) {
- m_volmd.rgiIntraQuantizerMatrix [grgiStandardZigzag[j]] = m_volmd.rgiIntraQuantizerMatrix [grgiStandardZigzag[i - 1]];
- }
- }
- else {
- memcpy (m_volmd.rgiIntraQuantizerMatrix, rgiDefaultIntraQMatrix, BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE * sizeof (Int));
- }
- m_volmd.bLoadInterMatrix = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- if (m_volmd.bLoadInterMatrix) {
- UInt i = 0;
- Int iElem;
- do {
- iElem = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_QMATRIX);
- m_volmd.rgiInterQuantizerMatrix [grgiStandardZigzag[i]] = iElem;
- } while (iElem != 0 && ++i < BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE);
- for (UInt j = i; j < BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE; j++) {
- m_volmd.rgiInterQuantizerMatrix [grgiStandardZigzag[j]] = m_volmd.rgiInterQuantizerMatrix [grgiStandardZigzag[i - 1]];
- }
- }
- else {
- memcpy (m_volmd.rgiInterQuantizerMatrix, rgiDefaultInterQMatrix, BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE * sizeof (Int));
- }
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT) {
- m_volmd.bLoadIntraMatrixAlpha = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- if (m_volmd.bLoadIntraMatrixAlpha) {
- for (UInt i = 0; i < BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE; i++) {
- Int iElem = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_QMATRIX);
- if (iElem != 0)
- m_volmd.rgiIntraQuantizerMatrixAlpha [grgiStandardZigzag[i]] = iElem;
- else
- m_volmd.rgiIntraQuantizerMatrixAlpha [i] = m_volmd.rgiIntraQuantizerMatrixAlpha [grgiStandardZigzag[i - 1]];
- }
- }
- else {
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- memcpy (m_volmd.rgiIntraQuantizerMatrixAlpha, rgiDefaultIntraQMatrix, BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE * sizeof (Int));
- #else
- for (UInt i = 0; i < BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE; i++)
- m_volmd.rgiIntraQuantizerMatrixAlpha [i] = 16;
- #endif
- }
- m_volmd.bLoadInterMatrixAlpha = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- if (m_volmd.bLoadInterMatrixAlpha) {
- for (UInt i = 0; i < BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE; i++) {
- Int iElem = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_QMATRIX);
- if (iElem != 0)
- m_volmd.rgiInterQuantizerMatrixAlpha [grgiStandardZigzag[i]] = iElem;
- else
- m_volmd.rgiInterQuantizerMatrixAlpha [i] = m_volmd.rgiInterQuantizerMatrixAlpha [grgiStandardZigzag[i - 1]];
- }
- }
- else {
- #ifdef _FOR_GSSP_
- memcpy (m_volmd.rgiInterQuantizerMatrixAlpha, rgiDefaultInterQMatrix, BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE * sizeof (Int));
- #else
- for (UInt i = 0; i < BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE; i++)
- m_volmd.rgiInterQuantizerMatrixAlpha [i] = 16;
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- if (ver_id != 1) // wmay
- m_pbitstrmIn->getBits(1); // wmay vol quarter pixel
- // Bool bComplxityEsti = m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (1); //Complexity estimation; don't know how to use it
- // START: Complexity Estimation syntax support - Marc Mongenet (EPFL) - 15 Jun 1998
- m_volmd.bComplexityEstimationDisable = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- if (! m_volmd.bComplexityEstimationDisable) {
- m_volmd.iEstimationMethod = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (2);
- if (m_volmd.iEstimationMethod != 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Unknown complexity estimation method number %d.n", m_volmd.iEstimationMethod);
- exit (1);
- }
- m_volmd.bShapeComplexityEstimationDisable = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- if (! m_volmd.bShapeComplexityEstimationDisable) {
- m_volmd.bOpaque = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- m_volmd.bTransparent = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- m_volmd.bIntraCAE = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- m_volmd.bInterCAE = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- m_volmd.bNoUpdate = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- m_volmd.bUpsampling = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- if (!(m_volmd.bOpaque ||
- m_volmd.bTransparent ||
- m_volmd.bIntraCAE ||
- m_volmd.bInterCAE ||
- m_volmd.bNoUpdate ||
- m_volmd.bUpsampling)) {
- fatal_error("Shape complexity estimation is enabled,nbut no correponding flag is enabled.");
- }
- }
- else
- m_volmd.bOpaque =
- m_volmd.bTransparent =
- m_volmd.bIntraCAE =
- m_volmd.bInterCAE =
- m_volmd.bNoUpdate =
- m_volmd.bUpsampling = false;
- m_volmd.bTextureComplexityEstimationSet1Disable = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- if (! m_volmd.bTextureComplexityEstimationSet1Disable) {
- m_volmd.bIntraBlocks = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- m_volmd.bInterBlocks = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- m_volmd.bInter4vBlocks = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- m_volmd.bNotCodedBlocks = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- if (!(m_volmd.bIntraBlocks ||
- m_volmd.bInterBlocks ||
- m_volmd.bInter4vBlocks ||
- m_volmd.bNotCodedBlocks)) {
- fatal_error("Texture complexity estimation set 1 is enabled,nbut no correponding flag is enabled.");
- }
- }
- else
- m_volmd.bIntraBlocks =
- m_volmd.bInterBlocks =
- m_volmd.bInter4vBlocks =
- m_volmd.bNotCodedBlocks = false;
- uiMark = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- assert (uiMark == 1);
- m_volmd.bTextureComplexityEstimationSet2Disable = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- if (! m_volmd.bTextureComplexityEstimationSet2Disable) {
- m_volmd.bDCTCoefs = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- m_volmd.bDCTLines = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- m_volmd.bVLCSymbols = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- m_volmd.bVLCBits = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- if (!(m_volmd.bDCTCoefs ||
- m_volmd.bDCTLines ||
- m_volmd.bVLCSymbols ||
- m_volmd.bVLCBits)) {
- fatal_error("Texture complexity estimation set 2 is enabled,nbut no correponding flag is enabled.");
- }
- }
- else
- m_volmd.bDCTCoefs =
- m_volmd.bDCTLines =
- m_volmd.bVLCSymbols =
- m_volmd.bVLCBits = false;
- m_volmd.bMotionCompensationComplexityDisable = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- if (! m_volmd.bMotionCompensationComplexityDisable) {
- m_volmd.bAPM = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- m_volmd.bNPM = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- m_volmd.bInterpolateMCQ = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- m_volmd.bForwBackMCQ = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- m_volmd.bHalfpel2 = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- m_volmd.bHalfpel4 = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- if (!(m_volmd.bAPM ||
- m_volmd.bNPM ||
- m_volmd.bInterpolateMCQ ||
- m_volmd.bForwBackMCQ ||
- m_volmd.bHalfpel2 ||
- m_volmd.bHalfpel4)) {
- fatal_error("Motion complexity estimation is enabled,nbut no correponding flag is enabled.");
- }
- }
- else
- m_volmd.bAPM =
- m_volmd.bNPM =
- m_volmd.bInterpolateMCQ =
- m_volmd.bForwBackMCQ =
- m_volmd.bHalfpel2 =
- m_volmd.bHalfpel4 = false;
- uiMark = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- assert (uiMark == 1);
- }
- // END: Complexity Estimation syntax support
- /* UInt uiResyncMarkerDisable = wmay */m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- // Modified by Toshiba(1998-4-7)
- m_volmd.bDataPartitioning = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- if( m_volmd.bDataPartitioning )
- m_volmd.bReversibleVlc = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- else
- m_volmd.bReversibleVlc = FALSE;
- // End Toshiba
- //wchen: wd changes
- m_volmd.volType = (m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1) == 0) ? BASE_LAYER : ENHN_LAYER;
- m_volmd.ihor_sampling_factor_n = 1;
- m_volmd.ihor_sampling_factor_m = 1;
- m_volmd.iver_sampling_factor_n = 1;
- m_volmd.iver_sampling_factor_m = 1;
- if (m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER) {
- //#ifdef _Scalable_SONY_
- m_volmd.iHierarchyType = m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (1); //
- if(m_volmd.iHierarchyType == 0)
- fprintf(stdout,"Hierarchy_Type == 0 (Spatial scalability)n");
- else if(m_volmd.iHierarchyType == 1)
- fprintf(stdout,"Hierarchy_type == 1 (Temporal scalability)n");
- //#endif _Scalable_SONY_
- m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (4); // ref_layer_id
- m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (1); // ref_layer_samping_director
- m_volmd.ihor_sampling_factor_n = m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (5);
- m_volmd.ihor_sampling_factor_m = m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (5);
- m_volmd.iver_sampling_factor_n = m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (5);
- m_volmd.iver_sampling_factor_m = m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (5);
- m_volmd.iEnhnType = m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (1); //enhancement_type
- }
- m_volmd.bDeblockFilterDisable = TRUE; //no deblocking filter
- }
- Void CVideoObjectDecoder::FakeOutVOVOLHead (int h, int w, int fr, Bool *pbSpatialScalability)
- {
- m_volmd.iClockRate = fr;
- Int iClockRate = m_volmd.iClockRate;
- assert (iClockRate >= 1 && iClockRate < 65536);
- for (m_iNumBitsTimeIncr = 1; m_iNumBitsTimeIncr < NUMBITS_TIME_RESOLUTION; m_iNumBitsTimeIncr++) {
- if (iClockRate == 1)
- break;
- iClockRate = (iClockRate >> 1);
- }
- m_volmd.bShapeOnly = FALSE;
- m_volmd.fAUsage = RECTANGLE;
- m_ivolWidth = w;
- m_ivolHeight = h;
- m_vopmd.bInterlace = 0;
- m_volmd.bAdvPredDisable = 1;
- m_uiSprite = 0;
- m_volmd.bNot8Bit = 0;
- m_volmd.uiQuantPrecision = 5;
- m_volmd.nBits = 8;
- m_volmd.fQuantizer = Q_H263;
- #if 0
- m_volmd.bLoadIntraMatrix = 0;
- memcpy (m_volmd.rgiIntraQuantizerMatrix, rgiDefaultIntraQMatrix, BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE * sizeof (Int));
- m_volmd.bLoadInterMatrix = 0;
- memcpy (m_volmd.rgiInterQuantizerMatrix, rgiDefaultInterQMatrix, BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE * sizeof (Int));
- #endif
- m_volmd.bComplexityEstimationDisable = 1; // huh ?
- m_volmd.bDataPartitioning = 0;
- m_volmd.bReversibleVlc = FALSE;
- m_volmd.volType = BASE_LAYER;
- m_volmd.ihor_sampling_factor_n = 1;
- m_volmd.ihor_sampling_factor_m = 1;
- m_volmd.iver_sampling_factor_n = 1;
- m_volmd.iver_sampling_factor_m = 1;
- m_volmd.bDeblockFilterDisable = TRUE;
- postVO_VOLHeadInit(w, h, pbSpatialScalability);
- }
- Int BGComposition; // added by Sharp (98/3/24)
- Bool CVideoObjectDecoder::decodeVOPHead ()
- {
- // Start code
- UInt uiVopStartCode = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_START_CODE);
- while (uiVopStartCode == GOV_START_CODE ||
- (uiVopStartCode >= 0 && uiVopStartCode <= 0x1f) ||
- uiVopStartCode == SESSION_START_CODE ||
- uiVopStartCode == VISUAL_OBJ_START_CODE ||
- (uiVopStartCode >= 0x20 && uiVopStartCode <= 0x2f)) {
- if (uiVopStartCode >= 0 && uiVopStartCode <= 0x1f) {
- decodeVOBody();
- } else if (uiVopStartCode >= 0x20 && uiVopStartCode <= 0x2f) {
- decodeVOLBody();
- } else
- switch (uiVopStartCode) {
- case GOV_START_CODE: {
- /*Added by SONY (98/03/30)*/
- m_bUseGOV = TRUE;
- m_bLinkisBroken = FALSE;
- /*Added by SONY (98/03/30) End */
- Int timecode;
- timecode = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (5) * 3600;
- timecode += m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (6) * 60;
- m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- timecode += m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (6);
- m_tModuloBaseDecd = timecode;
- m_tModuloBaseDisp = timecode;
- cout << "GOV Header (t=" << timecode << ")nn";
- #endif
- Int closed_gov = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- Int broken_link = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- /*modified by SONY (98/03/30)*/
- if ((closed_gov == 0)&&(broken_link == 1))
- m_bLinkisBroken = TRUE;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- /*modified by SONY (98/03/30) End*/
- Int err = findStartCode();
- if (err == EOF) return FALSE;
- uiVopStartCode = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_START_CODE);
- }
- //980212
- if (uiVopStartCode != VOP_START_CODE) {
- printf("Illegal VOP start code %x found in header", uiVopStartCode);
- }
- assert(uiVopStartCode == VOP_START_CODE);
- if (m_pbitstrmIn->peekBits(NUMBITS_START_CODE_PREFIX) == START_CODE_PREFIX) {
- return decodeVOPHead();
- }
- m_vopmd.vopPredType = (VOPpredType) m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_PRED_TYPE);
- // Time reference and VOP_pred_type
- Int iModuloInc = 0;
- while (m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1) != 0)
- iModuloInc++;
- Time tCurrSec = iModuloInc + ((m_vopmd.vopPredType != BVOP ||
- (m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP && m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER ))?
- m_tModuloBaseDecd : m_tModuloBaseDisp);
- // Added for error resilient mode by Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- UInt uiMarker = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- assert(uiMarker== 1);
- // End Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- Time tVopIncr = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (m_iNumBitsTimeIncr);
- uiMarker = m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (1); // marker bit
- assert(uiMarker ==1);
- m_tOldModuloBaseDecd = m_tModuloBaseDecd;
- m_tOldModuloBaseDisp = m_tModuloBaseDisp;
- if (m_vopmd.vopPredType != BVOP ||
- (m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP && m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER ))
- {
- m_tModuloBaseDisp = m_tModuloBaseDecd; //update most recently displayed time base
- m_tModuloBaseDecd = tCurrSec;
- }
- m_t = tCurrSec * m_volmd.iClockRate*m_iClockRateScale + tVopIncr*m_iClockRateScale;
- if (m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (1) == 0) { //vop_coded == false
- m_vopmd.bInterlace = FALSE; //wchen: temporary solution
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (m_vopmd.vopPredType == PVOP && m_volmd.bShapeOnly==FALSE)
- m_vopmd.iRoundingControl = m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (1); //"VOP_Rounding_Type"
- else
- m_vopmd.iRoundingControl = 0;
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE) {
- // Begin: modified by Hughes 4/9/98
- if (!(m_uiSprite == 1 && m_vopmd.vopPredType == IVOP)) {
- // End: modified by Hughes 4/9/98
- Int width = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_WIDTH);
- // spt VOP assert (width % MB_SIZE == 0); // for sprite, may not be multiple of MB_SIZE
- Int marker;
- marker = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1); // marker bit
- assert(marker==1);
- Int height = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_HEIGHT);
- // spt VOP assert (height % MB_SIZE == 0); // for sprite, may not be multiple of MB_SIZE
- marker = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1); // marker bit
- assert(marker==1);
- //wchen: cd changed to 2s complement
- Int left = (m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1) == 0) ?
- m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_HORIZONTAL_SPA_REF - 1) :
- ((Int)m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_HORIZONTAL_SPA_REF - 1) - (1 << (NUMBITS_VOP_HORIZONTAL_SPA_REF - 1)));
- marker = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1); // marker bit
- assert(marker==1);
- Int top = (m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1) == 0) ?
- m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_VERTICAL_SPA_REF - 1) :
- ((Int)m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_VERTICAL_SPA_REF - 1) - (1 << (NUMBITS_VOP_VERTICAL_SPA_REF - 1)));
- assert(((left | top)&1)==0); // must be even pix unit
- m_rctCurrVOPY = CRct (left, top, left + width, top + height);
- m_rctCurrVOPUV = m_rctCurrVOPY.downSampleBy2 ();
- }
- if ( m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER && m_volmd.iEnhnType == 1 ){
- BGComposition = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1); // modified by Sharp (98/3/24)
- // assert(BackgroundComposition==1); // modified by Sharp (98/3/24)
- }
- m_volmd.bNoCrChange = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1); //VOP_CR_Change_Disable
- Int iVopConstantAlpha = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- if(iVopConstantAlpha==1)
- m_vopmd.iVopConstantAlphaValue = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (8);
- else
- m_vopmd.iVopConstantAlphaValue = 255;
- m_vopmd.bShapeCodingType = (m_vopmd.vopPredType == IVOP) ? 0 : 1; // Added error resilient mode by Toshiba(1998-1-16)
- }
- // START: Complexity Estimation syntax support - Marc Mongenet (EPFL) - 15 Jun 1998
- if (! m_volmd.bComplexityEstimationDisable) {
- if (m_volmd.iEstimationMethod != 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Unknown estimation method number %d.n", m_volmd.iEstimationMethod);
- exit (1);
- }
- if (m_vopmd.vopPredType == IVOP ||
- m_vopmd.vopPredType == PVOP ||
- m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP) {
- if (m_volmd.bOpaque) {
- printf ("dcecs_opaque = %dn", m_vopmd.iOpaque = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (8));
- if (m_vopmd.iOpaque == 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Illegal null value for 'opaque' complexity estimation.n");
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- if (m_volmd.bTransparent) {
- printf ("dcecs_transparent = %dn", m_vopmd.iTransparent = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (8));
- if (m_vopmd.iTransparent == 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Illegal null value for 'transparent' complexity estimation.n");
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- if (m_volmd.bIntraCAE) {
- printf ("dcecs_intra_cae = %dn", m_vopmd.iIntraCAE = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (8));
- if (m_vopmd.iIntraCAE == 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Illegal null value for 'intra_cae' complexity estimation.n");
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- if (m_volmd.bInterCAE) {
- printf ("dcecs_inter_cae = %dn", m_vopmd.iInterCAE = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (8));
- if (m_vopmd.iInterCAE == 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Illegal null value for 'inter_cae' complexity estimation.n");
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- if (m_volmd.bNoUpdate) {
- printf ("dcecs_no_update = %dn", m_vopmd.iNoUpdate = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (8));
- if (m_vopmd.iNoUpdate == 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Illegal null value for 'no_update' complexity estimation.n");
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- if (m_volmd.bUpsampling) {
- printf ("dcecs_upsampling = %dn", m_vopmd.iUpsampling = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (8));
- if (m_vopmd.iUpsampling == 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Illegal null value for 'upsampling' complexity estimation.n");
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- }
- if (m_volmd.bIntraBlocks) {
- printf ("dcecs_intra_blocks = %dn", m_vopmd.iIntraBlocks = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (8));
- if (m_vopmd.iIntraBlocks == 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Illegal null value for 'intra_blocks' complexity estimation.n");
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- if (m_volmd.bNotCodedBlocks) {
- printf ("dcecs_not_coded_blocks = %dn", m_vopmd.iNotCodedBlocks = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (8));
- if (m_vopmd.iNotCodedBlocks == 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Illegal null value for 'not_coded_blocks' complexity estimation.n");
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- if (m_volmd.bDCTCoefs) {
- printf ("dcecs_dct_coefs = %dn", m_vopmd.iDCTCoefs = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (8));
- if (m_vopmd.iDCTCoefs == 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Illegal null value for 'dct_coefs' complexity estimation.n");
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- if (m_volmd.bDCTLines) {
- printf ("dcecs_dct_lines = %dn", m_vopmd.iDCTLines = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (8));
- if (m_vopmd.iDCTLines == 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Illegal null value for 'dct_lines' complexity estimation.n");
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- if (m_volmd.bVLCSymbols) {
- printf ("dcecs_vlc_symbols = %dn", m_vopmd.iVLCSymbols = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (8));
- if (m_vopmd.iVLCSymbols == 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Illegal null value for 'vlc_symbols' complexity estimation.n");
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- if (m_volmd.bVLCBits) {
- printf ("dcecs_vlc_bits = %dn", m_vopmd.iVLCBits = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (4));
- if (m_vopmd.iVLCBits == 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Illegal null value for 'vlc_bits' complexity estimation.n");
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- if (m_vopmd.vopPredType == PVOP ||
- m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP ||
- m_vopmd.vopPredType == SPRITE) {
- if (m_volmd.bInterBlocks) {
- printf ("dcecs_inter_blocks = %dn", m_vopmd.iInterBlocks = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (8));
- if (m_vopmd.iInterBlocks == 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Illegal null value for 'inter_blocks' complexity estimation.n");
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- if (m_volmd.bInter4vBlocks) {
- printf ("dcecs_inter4v_blocks = %dn", m_vopmd.iInter4vBlocks = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (8));
- if (m_vopmd.iInter4vBlocks == 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Illegal null value for 'inter4v_blocks' complexity estimation.n");
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- if (m_volmd.bAPM) {
- printf ("dcecs_apm = %dn", m_vopmd.iAPM = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (8));
- if (m_vopmd.iAPM == 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Illegal null value for 'apm' complexity estimation.n");
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- if (m_volmd.bNPM) {
- printf ("dcecs_npm = %dn", m_vopmd.iNPM = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (8));
- if (m_vopmd.iNPM == 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Illegal null value for 'npm' complexity estimation.n");
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- if (m_volmd.bForwBackMCQ) {
- printf ("dcecs_forw_back_mc_q = %dn", m_vopmd.iForwBackMCQ = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (8));
- if (m_vopmd.iForwBackMCQ == 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Illegal null value for 'forw_back_mc_q' complexity estimation.n");
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- if (m_volmd.bHalfpel2) {
- printf ("dcecs_halfpel2 = %dn", m_vopmd.iHalfpel2 = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (8));
- if (m_vopmd.iHalfpel2 == 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Illegal null value for 'halfpel2' complexity estimation.n");
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- if (m_volmd.bHalfpel4) {
- printf ("dcecs_halfpel4 = %dn", m_vopmd.iHalfpel4 = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (8));
- if (m_vopmd.iHalfpel4 == 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Illegal null value for 'halfpel4' complexity estimation.n");
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- }
- if (m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP ||
- m_vopmd.vopPredType == SPRITE) {
- if (m_volmd.bInterpolateMCQ) {
- printf ("dcecs_interpolate_mc_q = %dn", m_vopmd.iInterpolateMCQ = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (8));
- if (m_vopmd.iInterpolateMCQ == 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Illegal null value for 'interpolate_mc_q' complexity estimation.n");
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // END: Complexity Estimation syntax support
- if(m_volmd.bShapeOnly==TRUE)
- {
- m_vopmd.intStep = 10; // probably not needed
- m_vopmd.intStepI = 10;
- m_vopmd.intStepB = 10;
- m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiFCode = m_vopmd.mvInfoBackward.uiFCode = 1; // Modified error resilient mode by Toshiba (1998-1-16)
- m_vopmd.bInterlace = FALSE; //wchen: temporary solution
- return TRUE;
- }
- m_vopmd.iIntraDcSwitchThr = m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (3);
- if (m_vopmd.bInterlace) {
- m_vopmd.bTopFieldFirst = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- m_vopmd.bAlternateScan = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- assert(m_volmd.volType == BASE_LAYER);
- } else
- {
- m_vopmd.bAlternateScan = FALSE;
- }
- if (m_vopmd.vopPredType == IVOP) {
- m_vopmd.intStepI = m_vopmd.intStep = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (m_volmd.uiQuantPrecision); //also assign intStep to be safe
- m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiFCode = m_vopmd.mvInfoBackward.uiFCode = 1; // Modified error resilient mode by Toshiba(1998-1-16)
- if(m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT)
- m_vopmd.intStepIAlpha = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_ALPHA_QUANTIZER);
- }
- else if (m_vopmd.vopPredType == PVOP) {
- m_vopmd.intStep = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (m_volmd.uiQuantPrecision);
- if(m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT)
- m_vopmd.intStepPAlpha = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_ALPHA_QUANTIZER);
- m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiFCode = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_FCODE);
- m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiScaleFactor = 1 << (m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiFCode - 1);
- m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiRange = 16 << m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiFCode;
- // Added for error resilient mode by Toshiba(1998-1-16)
- m_vopmd.mvInfoBackward.uiFCode = 1;
- // End Toshiba(1998-1-16)
- }
- else if (m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP) {
- m_vopmd.intStepB = m_vopmd.intStep = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (m_volmd.uiQuantPrecision); //also assign intStep to be safe
- if(m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT)
- m_vopmd.intStepBAlpha = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_ALPHA_QUANTIZER);
- m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiFCode = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_FCODE);
- m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiScaleFactor = 1 << (m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiFCode - 1);
- m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiRange = 16 << m_vopmd.mvInfoForward.uiFCode;
- m_vopmd.mvInfoBackward.uiFCode = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_FCODE);
- m_vopmd.mvInfoBackward.uiScaleFactor = 1 << (m_vopmd.mvInfoBackward.uiFCode - 1);
- m_vopmd.mvInfoBackward.uiRange = 16 << m_vopmd.mvInfoBackward.uiFCode;
- }
- // Added for error resilient mode by Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- m_vopmd.bShapeCodingType = 1;
- if ( m_volmd.volType == BASE_LAYER ) // added by Sharp (98/4/13)
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE && m_vopmd.vopPredType != IVOP
- && m_uiSprite != 1)
- {
- m_vopmd.bShapeCodingType = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- }
- // End Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- if(m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER) { //sony
- if( m_volmd.iEnhnType == 1 ){
- m_vopmd.iLoadBakShape = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1); // load_backward_shape
- if(m_vopmd.iLoadBakShape){
- CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcCurr = new CVOPU8YUVBA (*(rgpbfShape [0]->pvopcReconCurr()));
- copyVOPU8YUVBA(rgpbfShape [1]->m_pvopcRefQ1, pvopcCurr);
- // previous backward shape is saved to current forward shape
- rgpbfShape [1]->m_rctCurrVOPY.left = rgpbfShape [0]->m_rctCurrVOPY.left;
- rgpbfShape [1]->m_rctCurrVOPY.right = rgpbfShape [0]->m_rctCurrVOPY.right;
- rgpbfShape [1]->m_rctCurrVOPY.top = rgpbfShape [0]->m_rctCurrVOPY.top;
- rgpbfShape [1]->m_rctCurrVOPY.bottom = rgpbfShape [0]->m_rctCurrVOPY.bottom;
- Int width = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_WIDTH); assert (width % MB_SIZE == 0); // has to be multiples of MB_SIZE
- UInt uiMark = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- assert (uiMark == 1);
- Int height = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_HEIGHT); assert (height % MB_SIZE == 0); // has to be multiples of MB_SIZE
- uiMark = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- assert (uiMark == 1);
- width = ((width+15)>>4)<<4; // not needed if the asserts are present
- height = ((height+15)>>4)<<4;
- Int iSign = (m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1) == 1)? -1 : 1;
- Int left = iSign * m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_HORIZONTAL_SPA_REF - 1);
- Int marker = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1); // marker bit
- iSign = (m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1) == 1)? -1 : 1;
- Int top = iSign * m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_VERTICAL_SPA_REF - 1);
- rgpbfShape[0]->m_rctCurrVOPY = CRct (left, top, left + width, top + height);
- rgpbfShape[0]->m_rctCurrVOPUV = rgpbfShape[0]->m_rctCurrVOPY.downSampleBy2 ();
- // decode backward shape
- rgpbfShape[0]->setRefStartingPointers ();
- rgpbfShape[0]->compute_bfShapeMembers (); // clear m_pvopcRefQ1
- rgpbfShape[0]->resetBYPlane ();// clear BY of RefQ1 (katata)
- rgpbfShape[0]->m_volmd.bShapeOnly = TRUE;
- rgpbfShape[0]->m_volmd.bNoCrChange = m_volmd.bNoCrChange; // set CR change disable(Oct. 9 1997)
- rgpbfShape[0]->m_vopmd.bInterlace = FALSE;
- rgpbfShape[0]->decodeIVOP_WithShape ();
- m_vopmd.iLoadForShape = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1); // load_forward_shape
- if(m_vopmd.iLoadForShape){
- width = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_WIDTH); assert (width % MB_SIZE == 0); // has to be multiples of MB_SIZE
- uiMark = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- assert (uiMark == 1);
- height = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_HEIGHT); assert (height % MB_SIZE == 0); // has to be multiples of MB_SIZE
- uiMark = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- assert (uiMark == 1);
- width = ((width+15)>>4)<<4; // not needed if the asserts are present
- height = ((height+15)>>4)<<4;
- iSign = (m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1) == 1)? -1 : 1;
- left = iSign * m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_HORIZONTAL_SPA_REF - 1);
- marker = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1); // marker bit
- iSign = (m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1) == 1)? -1 : 1;
- top = iSign * m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_VERTICAL_SPA_REF - 1);
- rgpbfShape[1]->m_rctCurrVOPY = CRct (left, top, left + width, top + height);
- rgpbfShape[1]->m_rctCurrVOPUV = rgpbfShape[1]->m_rctCurrVOPY.downSampleBy2 ();
- // decode forward shape
- rgpbfShape[1]->setRefStartingPointers ();
- rgpbfShape[1]->compute_bfShapeMembers (); // clear m_pvopcRefQ1
- rgpbfShape[1]->resetBYPlane ();// clear BY of RefQ1 (katata)
- rgpbfShape[1]->m_volmd.bShapeOnly = TRUE;
- rgpbfShape[1]->m_volmd.bNoCrChange = m_volmd.bNoCrChange; // set CR change disable(Oct. 9 1997)
- rgpbfShape[1]->m_vopmd.bInterlace = FALSE;
- rgpbfShape[1]->decodeIVOP_WithShape ();
- }
- } // end of "if(m_vopmd.iLoadBakShape)"
- else
- m_vopmd.iLoadForShape = 0; // no forward shape when backward shape is not decoded
- }
- else {
- m_vopmd.iLoadForShape = 0;
- m_vopmd.iLoadBakShape = 0;
- }
- m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode = m_pbitstrmIn ->getBits (2) ;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- //added by sony for spatial scalability decoding loop
- Int CVideoObjectDecoder::ReadNextVopPredType ()
- {
- m_pbitstrmIn -> setBookmark ();
- if (findStartCode () == EOF) {
- m_pbitstrmIn -> gotoBookmark ();
- return EOF;
- }
- // Start code
- UInt uiVopStartCode = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_START_CODE);
- assert(uiVopStartCode == VOP_START_CODE);
- Int vopPredType = (VOPpredType) m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_PRED_TYPE);
- // Time reference and VOP_pred_type
- m_pbitstrmIn -> gotoBookmark ();
- return(vopPredType);
- }
- Void CVideoObjectDecoder::errorInBitstream (Char* rgchErorrMsg)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "%s at %dn", rgchErorrMsg, 0);
- assert (FALSE);
- exit (1);
- }
- // Added by Sharp(1998-02-10)
- void CVideoObjectDecoder::updateBuffVOPsBase (
- CVideoObjectDecoder* pvodecEnhc
- )
- {
- switch(m_vopmd.vopPredType) {
- case IVOP:
- if (!pvodecEnhc -> m_pBuffP2 -> empty ()) // added by Sharp (98/3/11)
- if ( pvodecEnhc -> m_pBuffP2 -> m_bCodedFutureRef == 1 ) // added by Sharp (99/1/28)
- pvodecEnhc -> m_pBuffP1 -> copyBuf (*(pvodecEnhc -> m_pBuffP2)); // added by Sharp (98/3/11)
- pvodecEnhc -> m_pBuffP2 -> getBuf (this);
- break;
- case PVOP:
- if ( pvodecEnhc -> m_pBuffP2 -> m_bCodedFutureRef == 1 ) // added by Sharp (99/1/28)
- pvodecEnhc -> m_pBuffP1 -> copyBuf (*(pvodecEnhc -> m_pBuffP2));
- pvodecEnhc -> m_pBuffP2 -> getBuf (this);
- break;
- case BVOP:
- if(!(pvodecEnhc -> m_pBuffB2 -> empty ())) {
- if ( pvodecEnhc -> m_pBuffB2 -> m_bCodedFutureRef == 1 ) // added by Sharp (99/1/28)
- pvodecEnhc -> m_pBuffB1 -> copyBuf (*(pvodecEnhc -> m_pBuffB2));
- }
- pvodecEnhc -> m_pBuffB2 -> getBuf (this);
- break;
- default: exit(1);
- }
- }
- void CVideoObjectDecoder::updateRefVOPsEnhc ()
- {
- Int tQ0 = 0, tQ1 = 0;
- switch(m_vopmd.vopPredType) {
- case IVOP: // printf(" Not defined in updateRefVOPsEnhc. n"); exit(1); // deleted by Sharp (99/1/25)
- break; // added by Sharp (99/1/25)
- case PVOP:
- switch(m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode) {
- case 0: m_pBuffE -> putBufToQ0 (this); tQ0 = m_pBuffE -> m_t;
- break;
- case 1: if(!(m_pBuffB1 -> empty ())) { m_pBuffB1 -> putBufToQ0 (this); tQ0 = m_pBuffB1 -> m_t; }
- else { m_pBuffP1 -> putBufToQ0 (this); tQ0 = m_pBuffP1 -> m_t; }
- break;
- case 2: if(!(m_pBuffB2 -> empty ())) { m_pBuffB2 -> putBufToQ0 (this); tQ0 = m_pBuffB2 -> m_t; }
- else { m_pBuffP2 -> putBufToQ0 (this); tQ0 = m_pBuffP2 -> m_t; }
- break;
- case 3: // printf(" For Spatial Scalability -- Not definedn"); exit(1);
- if(!(m_pBuffB1 -> empty ())) { m_pBuffB1 -> putBufToQ0 (this); tQ0 = m_pBuffB1 -> m_t; }
- else { m_pBuffP1 -> putBufToQ0 (this); tQ0 = m_pBuffP1 -> m_t; }
- break;
- }
- m_tPastRef = tQ0;
- break;
- case BVOP:
- switch(m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode) {
- case 0: // printf(" For Spatial Scalability -- Not definedn"); exit(1);
- m_pBuffE -> putBufToQ0 (this); tQ0 = m_pBuffE -> m_t;
- if(!(m_pBuffB1 -> empty ())) { m_pBuffB1 -> putBufToQ1 (this); tQ1 = m_pBuffB1 -> m_t; }
- else { m_pBuffP1 -> putBufToQ1 (this); tQ1 = m_pBuffP1 -> m_t; }
- break;
- case 1: m_pBuffE -> putBufToQ0 (this); tQ0 = m_pBuffE -> m_t;
- if(!(m_pBuffB1 -> empty ())) { m_pBuffB1 -> putBufToQ1 (this); tQ1 = m_pBuffB1 -> m_t; }
- else { m_pBuffP1 -> putBufToQ1 (this); tQ1 = m_pBuffP1 -> m_t; }
- break;
- case 2: m_pBuffE -> putBufToQ0 (this); tQ0 = m_pBuffE -> m_t;
- if(!(m_pBuffB2 -> empty ())) { m_pBuffB2 -> putBufToQ1 (this); tQ1 = m_pBuffB2 -> m_t; }
- else { m_pBuffP2 -> putBufToQ1 (this); tQ1 = m_pBuffP2 -> m_t; }
- break;
- case 3: if(!(m_pBuffB1 -> empty ())) { m_pBuffB1 -> putBufToQ0 (this); tQ0 = m_pBuffB1 -> m_t; }
- else { m_pBuffP1 -> putBufToQ0 (this); tQ0 = m_pBuffP1 -> m_t; }
- if(!(m_pBuffB2 -> empty ())) { m_pBuffB2 -> putBufToQ1 (this); tQ1 = m_pBuffB2 -> m_t; }
- else { m_pBuffP2 -> putBufToQ1 (this); tQ1 = m_pBuffP2 -> m_t; }
- m_iBCount = (getTime () - tQ0);
- break;
- }
- m_tPastRef = tQ0;
- m_tFutureRef = tQ1;
- break;
- default: exit(1);
- }
- }
- void CVideoObjectDecoder::updateBuffVOPsEnhc ()
- {
- if ( this -> m_bCodedFutureRef == 1 ){ // added by Sharp (99/1/28)
- switch(m_vopmd.vopPredType) {
- case IVOP: // printf(" Not defined in updateBuffVOPsEnhc. n"); exit(1); // deleted by Sharp (99/1/25)
- m_pBuffE -> getBuf (this); // added by Sharp (99/1/22)
- break; //added by Sharp (99/1/25)
- case PVOP: m_pBuffE -> getBuf (this);
- break;
- case BVOP: m_pBuffE -> getBuf (this);
- break;
- default: exit(1);
- }
- } // added by Sharp (99/1/28)
- }
- void CVideoObjectDecoder::bufferB2flush ()
- {
- if (!(m_pBuffB2 -> empty ())) {
- if ( m_pBuffB2 -> m_bCodedFutureRef == 1 ) // added by Sharp (99/1/28)
- m_pBuffB1 -> copyBuf (*m_pBuffB2);
- m_pBuffB2 -> dispose ();
- }
- }
- /* Added */
- void CVideoObjectDecoder::set_enh_display_size(CRct rctDisplay, CRct *rctDisplay_SSenh)
- {
- float tmp_right,tmp_left,tmp_top,tmp_bottom,tmp_width;
- tmp_right = (float) rctDisplay.right * ((float) m_volmd.ihor_sampling_factor_n / m_volmd.ihor_sampling_factor_m);
- tmp_left = (float) rctDisplay.left * ((float) m_volmd.ihor_sampling_factor_n / m_volmd.ihor_sampling_factor_m);
- tmp_width = (float) rctDisplay.width * ((float) m_volmd.ihor_sampling_factor_n / m_volmd.ihor_sampling_factor_m);
- tmp_top = (float) rctDisplay.top * ((float) m_volmd.iver_sampling_factor_n / m_volmd.iver_sampling_factor_m);
- tmp_bottom = (float) rctDisplay.bottom * ((float) m_volmd.iver_sampling_factor_n / m_volmd.iver_sampling_factor_m);
- rctDisplay_SSenh->right = (Int) tmp_right;
- rctDisplay_SSenh->left = (Int) tmp_left;
- rctDisplay_SSenh->width = (Int) tmp_width;
- rctDisplay_SSenh->top = (Int) tmp_top;
- rctDisplay_SSenh->bottom = (Int) tmp_bottom;
- }
- void CVideoObjectDecoder::bufferB1flush ()
- {
- m_pBuffB1 -> dispose ();
- }
- void CVideoObjectDecoder::bufferP1flush ()
- {
- m_pBuffP1 -> dispose ();
- }
- void CVideoObjectDecoder::copyBufP2ToB1 ()
- {
- if ( m_pBuffP2 -> m_bCodedFutureRef == 1 ) // added by Sharp (99/1/28)
- m_pBuffB1 -> copyBuf (*m_pBuffP2);
- }
- void CVideoObjectDecoder::copyRefQ1ToQ0 ()
- {
- copyVOPU8YUVBA(m_pvopcRefQ0, m_pvopcRefQ1);
- }
- Time CVideoObjectDecoder::senseTime ()
- {
- m_pbitstrmIn -> setBookmark ();
- if (findStartCode () == EOF) {
- m_pbitstrmIn -> gotoBookmark ();
- return EOF;
- }
- // Start code
- UInt uiVopStartCode = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_START_CODE);
- if (uiVopStartCode == GOV_START_CODE) {
- m_bUseGOV = TRUE;
- m_bLinkisBroken = FALSE;
- Int timecode;
- timecode = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (5) * 3600;
- timecode += m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (6) * 60;
- m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- timecode += m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (6);
- m_tModuloBaseDecd = timecode;
- m_tModuloBaseDisp = timecode;
- Int closed_gov = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- Int broken_link = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- if ((closed_gov == 0)&&(broken_link == 1))
- m_bLinkisBroken = TRUE;
- findStartCode();
- /*
- m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (4);
- Int uiPrefix = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_START_CODE_PREFIX);
- assert(uiPrefix == START_CODE_PREFIX);
- */
- uiVopStartCode = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_START_CODE);
- }
- assert(uiVopStartCode == VOP_START_CODE);
- m_vopmd.vopPredType = (VOPpredType) m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_PRED_TYPE);
- // Time reference and VOP_pred_type
- Int iModuloInc = 0;
- while (m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1) != 0)
- iModuloInc++;
- Time tCurrSec = iModuloInc + ((m_vopmd.vopPredType != BVOP ||
- (m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP && m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER )) ?
- m_tModuloBaseDecd : m_tModuloBaseDisp);
- UInt uiMarker = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (1);
- assert(uiMarker == 1);
- Time tVopIncr = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (m_iNumBitsTimeIncr);
- m_pbitstrmIn -> gotoBookmark ();
- Time t = tCurrSec * m_volmd.iClockRate*m_iClockRateScale + tVopIncr*m_iClockRateScale;
- return(t);
- }
- Time CVideoObjectDecoder::getTime ()
- {
- return m_t;
- }
- int CVideoObjectDecoder::getPredType ()
- {
- return m_vopmd.vopPredType;
- }
- Void CVideoObjectDecoder::BackgroundComposition(char* argv[], Bool bScalability, Int width, Int height, FILE *pfYUV) // modified by Sharp (98/10/26)
- {
- Int iFrame = getTime (); // current frame nubmer
- Int iPrev; // previous base frame
- Int iNext; // next base frame
- if(!(m_pBuffB1 -> empty ())) iPrev = m_pBuffB1 -> m_t;
- else iPrev = m_pBuffP1 -> m_t;
- if(!(m_pBuffB2 -> empty ())) iNext = m_pBuffB2 -> m_t;
- else iNext = m_pBuffP2 -> m_t;
- Void convertYuv(const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcSrc, PixelC* destY, PixelC* destU, PixelC* destV, Int width, Int height);
- Void convertSeg(const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcSrc, PixelC* destBY,PixelC* destBUV, Int width, Int height,
- Int left, Int right, Int top, Int bottom
- );
- Void bg_comp_each(PixelC* curr, PixelC* prev, PixelC* next, PixelC* mask_curr, PixelC* mask_prev, PixelC* mask_next,
- Int curr_t, Int prev_t, Int next_t, Int width, Int height, Int CoreMode); // modified by Sharp (98/3/24)
- Void inv_convertYuv(const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcSrc, PixelC* destY, PixelC* destU, PixelC* destV, Int width, Int height);
- //Void write420(Int num, char *name, PixelC* destY, PixelC* destU, PixelC* destV, Int width, Int height);
- Void write420_sep(Int num, char *name, PixelC* destY, PixelC* destU, PixelC* destV, Int width, Int height); // modified by Sharp (98/10/26)
- Void write420_jnt(FILE *pfYUV, PixelC* destY, PixelC* destU, PixelC* destV, Int width, Int height); // added by Sharp (98/10/26)
- Void write_seg_test(Int num, char *name, PixelC* destY, Int width, Int height);
- PixelC* currY = new PixelC [width*height];
- PixelC* currU = new PixelC [width*height/4];
- PixelC* currV = new PixelC [width*height/4];
- PixelC* currBY = new PixelC [width*height];
- PixelC* currBUV = new PixelC [width*height/4];
- PixelC* prevY = new PixelC [width*height];
- PixelC* prevU = new PixelC [width*height/4];
- PixelC* prevV = new PixelC [width*height/4];
- PixelC* prevBY = new PixelC [width*height];
- PixelC* prevBUV = new PixelC [width*height/4];
- PixelC* nextY = new PixelC [width*height];
- PixelC* nextU = new PixelC [width*height/4];
- PixelC* nextV = new PixelC [width*height/4];
- PixelC* nextBY = new PixelC [width*height];
- PixelC* nextBUV = new PixelC [width*height/4];
- // current frame
- convertYuv(pvopcReconCurr(), currY, currU, currV, width, height);
- if(pvopcReconCurr ()->pixelsBY () != NULL)
- convertSeg(pvopcReconCurr(), currBY, currBUV, width, height,
- m_rctCurrVOPY.left,
- m_rctCurrVOPY.right,
- m_rctCurrVOPY.top,
- m_rctCurrVOPY.bottom); /* forward shape */
- // previouse frame
- if(!(m_pBuffB1 -> empty ()))
- convertYuv(m_pBuffB1->m_pvopcBuf, prevY, prevU, prevV, width, height);
- else
- convertYuv(m_pBuffP1->m_pvopcBuf, prevY, prevU, prevV, width, height);
- convertSeg(rgpbfShape [1]->pvopcReconCurr (), prevBY, prevBUV, width, height,
- rgpbfShape [1]->m_rctCurrVOPY.left,
- rgpbfShape [1]->m_rctCurrVOPY.right,
- rgpbfShape [1]->m_rctCurrVOPY.top,
- rgpbfShape [1]->m_rctCurrVOPY.bottom); // forward shape
- // write_test(iPrev, "bbb", prevY, prevU, prevV, width, height);
- // write_seg_test(iPrev, "bbb", prevBY, width, height);
- // next frame
- if(!(m_pBuffB2 -> empty ()))
- convertYuv(m_pBuffB2->m_pvopcBuf, nextY, nextU, nextV, width, height);
- else
- convertYuv(m_pBuffP2->m_pvopcBuf, nextY, nextU, nextV, width, height);
- convertSeg(rgpbfShape [0]->pvopcReconCurr (), nextBY, nextBUV, width, height,
- rgpbfShape [0]->m_rctCurrVOPY.left,
- rgpbfShape [0]->m_rctCurrVOPY.right,
- rgpbfShape [0]->m_rctCurrVOPY.top,
- rgpbfShape [0]->m_rctCurrVOPY.bottom); // backward shape
- // write_test(iNext, "bbb", nextY, nextU, nextV, width, height);
- // write_seg_test(iNext, "bbb", nextBY, width, height);
- // begin: modified by Sharp (98/3/24)
- bg_comp_each(currY, prevY, nextY, currBY, prevBY, nextBY, iFrame, iPrev, iNext, width, height, BGComposition == 0);
- bg_comp_each(currU, prevU, nextU, currBUV, prevBUV, nextBUV, iFrame, iPrev, iNext, width/2, height/2, BGComposition == 0);
- bg_comp_each(currV, prevV, nextV, currBUV, prevBUV, nextBUV, iFrame, iPrev, iNext, width/2, height/2, BGComposition == 0);
- // end: modified by Sharp (98/3/24)
- // inv_convertYuv(pvopcReconCurr(), currY, currU, currV, width, height);
- // write background compsition image
- #ifdef __OUT_ONE_FRAME_ // added by Sharp (98/10/26)
- static Char pchYUV [100];
- sprintf (pchYUV, "%s.yuv", argv [2 + bScalability]); // modified by Sharp (98/10/26)
- write420_sep(iFrame, pchYUV, currY, currU, currV, width, height);
- // begin: added by Sharp (98/10/26)
- #else
- write420_jnt(pfYUV, currY, currU, currV, width, height);
- #endif
- // end: added by Sharp (98/10/26)
- delete currY;
- delete currU;
- delete currV;
- delete currBY;
- delete currBUV;
- delete prevY;
- delete prevU;
- delete prevV;
- delete prevBY;
- delete prevBUV;
- delete nextY;
- delete nextU;
- delete nextV;
- delete nextBY;
- delete nextBUV;
- }
- Void CVideoObjectDecoder::dumpDataOneFrame(char* argv[], Bool bScalability, CRct& rctDisplay)
- {
- Int iFrame = getTime ();
- // cout << "n=== write with Sharp's format : frame no. = " << iFrame << "n";
- static Char pchYUV [100], pchSeg [100];
- // if(m_volmd.volType == BASE_LAYER) { // deleted by Sharp (98/11/11)
- sprintf (pchYUV, "%s.yuv", argv [2 + bScalability]);
- // begin: added by Sharp (99/1/25)
- if ( m_volmd.iEnhnType == 1 && m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER )
- sprintf (pchSeg, "%s_e.seg", argv [2 + bScalability]);
- else
- // end: added by Sharp (99/1/25)
- sprintf (pchSeg, "%s.seg", argv [2 + bScalability]);
- // begin: deleted by Sharp (98/11/11)
- // }
- // else {
- // sprintf (pchYUV, "%s_e.yuv", argv [2 + bScalability]);
- // sprintf (pchSeg, "%s_e.seg", argv [2 + bScalability]);
- // }
- // end: deleted by Sharp (98/11/11)
- sprintf (pchYUV, "%s%d", pchYUV, iFrame);
- sprintf (pchSeg, "%s%d", pchSeg, iFrame);
- FILE* pfYuvDst = fopen(pchYUV, "wb");
- const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcQuant = pvopcReconCurr ();
- if ( m_volmd.iEnhnType != 1 ){ // added by Sharp (99/1/18)
- pvopcQuant->getPlane (Y_PLANE)->dump (pfYuvDst, rctDisplay);
- pvopcQuant->getPlane (U_PLANE)->dump (pfYuvDst, rctDisplay / 2);
- pvopcQuant->getPlane (V_PLANE)->dump (pfYuvDst, rctDisplay / 2);
- } // added by Sharp (99/1/18)
- fclose(pfYuvDst);
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE) {
- FILE* pfSegDst = fopen(pchSeg, "wb");
- pvopcQuant->getPlane (BY_PLANE)->dump (pfSegDst, rctDisplay, m_vopmd.iVopConstantAlphaValue);
- fclose(pfSegDst);
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObjectDecoder::dumpDataAllFrame(FILE* pfReconYUV, FILE* pfReconSeg, CRct& rctDisplay)
- {
- const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcQuant = pvopcReconCurr ();
- if ( m_volmd.iEnhnType != 1 ){ // added by Sharp (99/1/18)
- pvopcQuant->getPlane (Y_PLANE)->dump (pfReconYUV, rctDisplay);
- pvopcQuant->getPlane (U_PLANE)->dump (pfReconYUV, rctDisplay / 2);
- pvopcQuant->getPlane (V_PLANE)->dump (pfReconYUV, rctDisplay / 2);
- } // added by Sharp (99/1/18)
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE)
- pvopcQuant->getPlane (BY_PLANE)->dump (pfReconSeg, rctDisplay, m_vopmd.iVopConstantAlphaValue);
- }
- void CVideoObjectDecoder::copyTobfShape ()
- {
- rgpbfShape[0]->m_pistrm = m_pistrm;
- rgpbfShape[0]->m_pbitstrmIn = m_pbitstrmIn;
- rgpbfShape[0]->m_pentrdecSet = m_pentrdecSet;
- rgpbfShape[1]->m_pistrm = m_pistrm;
- rgpbfShape[1]->m_pbitstrmIn = m_pbitstrmIn;
- rgpbfShape[1]->m_pentrdecSet = m_pentrdecSet;
- }
- // begin: added by Sharp (98/6/26)
- void CVideoObjectDecoder::setClockRateScale ( CVideoObjectDecoder *pvopdec )
- {
- m_iClockRateScale = pvopdec->m_volmd.iClockRate / m_volmd.iClockRate;
- }
- // end: added by Sharp (98/6/26)
- /******************************************
- *** class CEnhcBufferDecoder ***
- ******************************************/
- CEnhcBufferDecoder::CEnhcBufferDecoder (Int iSessionWidth, Int iSessionHeight)
- : CEnhcBuffer (iSessionWidth, iSessionHeight)
- {
- }
- Void CEnhcBufferDecoder::copyBuf (const CEnhcBufferDecoder& srcBuf)
- {
- m_iNumMBRef = srcBuf.m_iNumMBRef;
- m_iNumMBXRef = srcBuf.m_iNumMBXRef;
- m_iNumMBYRef = srcBuf.m_iNumMBYRef;
- m_iOffsetForPadY = srcBuf.m_iOffsetForPadY;
- m_iOffsetForPadUV = srcBuf.m_iOffsetForPadUV;
- m_rctPrevNoExpandY = srcBuf.m_rctPrevNoExpandY;
- m_rctPrevNoExpandUV = srcBuf.m_rctPrevNoExpandUV;
- m_rctRefVOPY0 = srcBuf.m_rctRefVOPY0;
- m_rctRefVOPUV0 = srcBuf.m_rctRefVOPUV0;
- m_rctRefVOPY1 = srcBuf.m_rctRefVOPY1;
- m_rctRefVOPUV1 = srcBuf.m_rctRefVOPUV1;
- m_bCodedFutureRef = srcBuf.m_bCodedFutureRef; // added by Sharp (99/1/26)
- CMBMode* pmbmdRefSrc = srcBuf.m_rgmbmdRef;
- CMBMode* pmbmdRef = m_rgmbmdRef;
- CMotionVector* pmvRefSrc = srcBuf.m_rgmvRef;
- CMotionVector* pmvRef = m_rgmvRef;
- // TPS FIX
- for (Int iMB=0; iMB<m_iNumMBRef; iMB++){
- *pmbmdRef = *pmbmdRefSrc;
- pmbmdRef++;
- pmbmdRefSrc++;
- // TPS FIX
- for (Int iVecIndex=0; iVecIndex<iMaxIndex; iVecIndex++ ){
- *pmvRef = *pmvRefSrc;
- pmvRef++;
- pmvRefSrc++;
- }
- }
- CVOPU8YUVBA* pvop = srcBuf.m_pvopcBuf;
- delete m_pvopcBuf;
- m_pvopcBuf = NULL;
- m_pvopcBuf = new CVOPU8YUVBA( *pvop );
- m_t = srcBuf.m_t;
- }
- Void CEnhcBufferDecoder::getBuf(CVideoObjectDecoder* pvopc) // get params from Base layer
- {
- // assert(pvopc->m_volmd.volType == BASE_LAYER);
- CMBMode* pmbmdRef;
- CMBMode* pmbmdRefSrc;
- CMotionVector* pmvRef;
- CMotionVector* pmvRefSrc;
- m_bCodedFutureRef = pvopc->m_bCodedFutureRef; // added by Sharp (99/1/26)
- if ( pvopc->m_vopmd.vopPredType != BVOP ){
- pmbmdRef = m_rgmbmdRef;
- pmbmdRefSrc = pvopc->m_rgmbmdRef;
- pmvRef = m_rgmvRef;
- pmvRefSrc = pvopc->m_rgmvRef;
- m_iNumMBRef = pvopc->m_iNumMBRef;
- m_iNumMBXRef = pvopc->m_iNumMBXRef;
- m_iNumMBYRef = pvopc->m_iNumMBYRef;
- }
- else {
- pmbmdRef = m_rgmbmdRef;
- pmbmdRefSrc = pvopc->m_rgmbmd;
- pmvRef = m_rgmvRef;
- pmvRefSrc = pvopc->m_rgmv;
- m_iNumMBRef = pvopc->m_iNumMB;
- m_iNumMBXRef = pvopc->m_iNumMBX;
- m_iNumMBYRef = pvopc->m_iNumMBY;
- }
- // TPS FIX
- for (Int iMB=0; iMB<m_iNumMBRef; iMB++ ) {
- *pmbmdRef = *pmbmdRefSrc;
- pmbmdRef++;
- pmbmdRefSrc++;
- // TPS FIX
- for (Int iVecIndex=0; iVecIndex<iMaxIndex; iVecIndex++ ){
- *pmvRef = *pmvRefSrc;
- pmvRef++;
- pmvRefSrc++;
- }
- }
- ///// 97/12/22 start
- m_t = pvopc->m_t;
- delete m_pvopcBuf;
- m_pvopcBuf = NULL;
- m_pvopcBuf = new CVOPU8YUVBA( *(pvopc->pvopcReconCurr()) );
- if ( pvopc->m_vopmd.vopPredType != BVOP ) {
- m_iOffsetForPadY = pvopc->m_iOffsetForPadY;
- m_iOffsetForPadUV = pvopc->m_iOffsetForPadUV;
- m_rctPrevNoExpandY = pvopc->m_rctPrevNoExpandY;
- m_rctPrevNoExpandUV = pvopc->m_rctPrevNoExpandUV;
- m_rctRefVOPY1 = pvopc->m_rctRefVOPY1;
- m_rctRefVOPUV1 = pvopc->m_rctRefVOPUV1;
- }
- else {
- m_iOffsetForPadY = pvopc->m_iBVOPOffsetForPadY;
- m_iOffsetForPadUV = pvopc->m_iBVOPOffsetForPadUV;
- m_rctPrevNoExpandY = pvopc->m_rctBVOPPrevNoExpandY;
- m_rctPrevNoExpandUV = pvopc->m_rctBVOPPrevNoExpandUV;
- m_rctRefVOPY1 = pvopc->m_rctBVOPRefVOPY1;
- m_rctRefVOPUV1 = pvopc->m_rctBVOPRefVOPUV1;
- }
- ///// 97/12/22 end
- }
- Void CEnhcBufferDecoder::putBufToQ0(CVideoObjectDecoder* pvopc) // store params to Enhancement layer pvopcRefQ0
- {
- assert(pvopc->m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER);
- delete pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ0;
- pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ0 = NULL;
- pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ0 = new CVOPU8YUVBA ( *m_pvopcBuf );
- pvopc->m_bCodedFutureRef = m_bCodedFutureRef; // added by Sharp (99/1/26)
- if ( pvopc->m_volmd.iEnhnType == 1 &&
- (((pvopc->m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 1 || pvopc->m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 2) && pvopc->m_vopmd.vopPredType == PVOP) ||
- (pvopc->m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 3 && pvopc->m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP))
- )
- {
- CRct rctRefFrameYTemp = pvopc->m_rctRefFrameY;
- CRct rctRefFrameUVTemp = pvopc->m_rctRefFrameUV;
- rctRefFrameYTemp.expand(-EXPANDY_REF_FRAME);
- rctRefFrameUVTemp.expand(-EXPANDY_REF_FRAME/2);
- pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ0->addBYPlain(rctRefFrameYTemp, rctRefFrameUVTemp);
- }
- // if ( pvopc->m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE ){
- CMBMode* pmbmdRefSrc = m_rgmbmdRef;
- CMBMode* pmbmdRef = pvopc->m_rgmbmdRef;
- CMotionVector* pmvRefSrc = m_rgmvRef;
- CMotionVector* pmvRef = pvopc->m_rgmvRef;
- pvopc->m_iNumMBRef = m_iNumMBRef;
- pvopc->m_iNumMBXRef = m_iNumMBXRef;
- pvopc->m_iNumMBYRef = m_iNumMBYRef;
- // TPS FIX
- for (Int iMB=0; iMB<m_iNumMBRef; iMB++ ) {
- *pmbmdRef = *pmbmdRefSrc;
- if ( pvopc->m_volmd.iEnhnType == 1 &&
- (((pvopc->m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 1 || pvopc->m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 2) && pvopc->m_vopmd.vopPredType == PVOP) ||
- (pvopc->m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 3 && pvopc->m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP))
- ) {
- pmbmdRef->m_shpmd = ALL_OPAQUE;
- }
- pmbmdRef++;
- pmbmdRefSrc++;
- // TPS FIX
- for (Int iVecIndex=0; iVecIndex<iMaxIndex; iVecIndex++ ){
- *pmvRef = *pmvRefSrc;
- pmvRef ++;
- pmvRefSrc ++;
- }
- }
- pvopc->saveShapeMode ();
- // for padding operation
- pvopc->m_iOffsetForPadY = m_iOffsetForPadY;
- pvopc->m_iOffsetForPadUV = m_iOffsetForPadUV;
- pvopc->m_rctPrevNoExpandY = m_rctPrevNoExpandY;
- pvopc->m_rctPrevNoExpandUV = m_rctPrevNoExpandUV;
- // This part is needed for storing RefQ0
- pvopc->m_rctRefVOPY0 = m_rctRefVOPY1;
- pvopc->m_rctRefVOPUV0 = m_rctRefVOPUV1;
- pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ0->setBoundRct(m_rctRefVOPY1);
- // }
- pvopc->repeatPadYOrA ((PixelC*) pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ0->pixelsY () + m_iOffsetForPadY, pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ0);
- pvopc->repeatPadUV(pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ0);
- if ( pvopc->m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE ){
- if ( pvopc->m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT )
- pvopc->repeatPadYOrA ((PixelC*) pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ0->pixelsA () + m_iOffsetForPadY, pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ0);
- }
- }
- Void CEnhcBufferDecoder::putBufToQ1(CVideoObjectDecoder* pvopc) // store params to Enhancement layer pvopcRefQ1
- {
- assert(pvopc->m_volmd.volType == ENHN_LAYER);
- delete pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ1;
- pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ1 = NULL;
- pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ1 = new CVOPU8YUVBA ( *m_pvopcBuf );
- pvopc->m_bCodedFutureRef = m_bCodedFutureRef; // added by Sharp (99/1/26)
- if ( pvopc->m_volmd.iEnhnType == 1 &&
- (((pvopc->m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 1 || pvopc->m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 2) && pvopc->m_vopmd.vopPredType == PVOP) ||
- ((pvopc->m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 1 || pvopc->m_vopmd.iRefSelectCode == 3) && pvopc->m_vopmd.vopPredType == BVOP)) // modified by Sharp (98/5/25)
- )
- {
- CRct rctRefFrameYTemp = pvopc->m_rctRefFrameY;
- CRct rctRefFrameUVTemp = pvopc->m_rctRefFrameUV;
- rctRefFrameYTemp.expand(-EXPANDY_REF_FRAME);
- rctRefFrameUVTemp.expand(-EXPANDY_REF_FRAME/2);
- pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ1->addBYPlain(rctRefFrameYTemp, rctRefFrameUVTemp); // modified by Sharp (98/5/25)
- }
- // if ( pvopc->m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE ){
- CMBMode* pmbmdRefSrc = m_rgmbmdRef;
- CMBMode* pmbmdRef = pvopc->m_rgmbmdRef;
- CMotionVector* pmvRefSrc = m_rgmvRef;
- CMotionVector* pmvRef = pvopc->m_rgmvRef;
- // This part is stored in CVideoObjectDecoder::decode()
- pvopc->m_iNumMBRef = m_iNumMBRef;
- pvopc->m_iNumMBXRef = m_iNumMBXRef;
- pvopc->m_iNumMBYRef = m_iNumMBYRef;
- // TPS FIX
- for (Int iMB=0; iMB<m_iNumMBRef; iMB++ ) {
- *pmbmdRef = *pmbmdRefSrc;
- if ( pvopc->m_volmd.iEnhnType == 1 ) {
- pmbmdRef->m_shpmd = ALL_OPAQUE;
- }
- pmbmdRef++;
- pmbmdRefSrc++;
- // TPS FIX
- for (Int iVecIndex=0; iVecIndex<iMaxIndex; iVecIndex++ ){
- *pmvRef = *pmvRefSrc;
- pmvRef ++;
- pmvRefSrc++;
- }
- }
- // for padding operation
- pvopc->m_iOffsetForPadY = m_iOffsetForPadY;
- pvopc->m_iOffsetForPadUV = m_iOffsetForPadUV;
- pvopc->m_rctPrevNoExpandY = m_rctPrevNoExpandY;
- pvopc->m_rctPrevNoExpandUV = m_rctPrevNoExpandUV;
- // This part is needed for storing RefQ0
- pvopc->m_rctRefVOPY1 = m_rctRefVOPY1;
- pvopc->m_rctRefVOPUV1 = m_rctRefVOPUV1;
- pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ1->setBoundRct(m_rctRefVOPY1);
- // }
- pvopc->repeatPadYOrA ((PixelC*) pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ1->pixelsY () + m_iOffsetForPadY, pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ1);
- pvopc->repeatPadUV(pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ1);
- if ( pvopc->m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE ){
- if ( pvopc->m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT )
- pvopc->repeatPadYOrA ((PixelC*) pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ1->pixelsA () + m_iOffsetForPadY, pvopc->m_pvopcRefQ1);
- }
- }