资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*************************************************************************
- This software module was originally developed by
- Ming-Chieh Lee (mingcl@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- Wei-ge Chen (wchen@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- Bruce Lin (blin@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- Chuang Gu (chuanggu@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- (date: March, 1996)
- and edited by
- Yoshihiro Kikuchi (TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
- Toshiaki Watanabe (TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
- Noboru Yamaguchi (TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
- and also edited by
- Dick van Smirren (D.vanSmirren@research.kpn.com), KPN Research
- Cor Quist (C.P.Quist@research.kpn.com), KPN Research
- (date: July, 1998)
- in the course of development of the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2).
- This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 Video tools
- as specified by the MPEG-4 Video.
- ISO/IEC gives users of the MPEG-4 Video free license to this software module or modifications
- thereof for use in hardware or software products claiming conformance to the MPEG-4 Video.
- Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software products are advised that its use may infringe existing patents.
- The original developer of this software module and his/her company,
- the subsequent editors and their companies,
- and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or modifications thereof in an implementation.
- Copyright is not released for non MPEG-4 Video conforming products.
- Microsoft retains full right to use the code for his/her own purpose,
- assign or donate the code to a third party and to inhibit third parties from using the code for non <MPEG standard> conforming products.
- This copyright notice must be included in all copies or derivative works.
- Copyright (c) 1996, 1997.
- Module Name:
- vopSeDec.hpp
- Abstract:
- Decoder for one Video Object.
- Revision History:
- 09-30-97: merge error resilient changes from Toshiba by wchen@microsoft.com
- 11-30-97: added Spatial tools by Takefumi Nagumo(nagumo@av.crl.sony.co.jp) SONY corporation
- 12-20-97: Interlaced tools added by NextLevel Systems
- X. Chen (xchen@nlvl.com), B. Eifrig (beifrig@nlvl.com)
- *************************************************************************/
- #ifndef __VOPSEDEC_HPP_
- #define __VOPSEDEC_HPP_
- class CVideoObject;
- class istream;
- class strstreambuf;
- class CInByteStream;
- class CInBitStream;
- class CEntropyDecoderSet;
- class CEntropyDecoder;
- class CVOPU8YUVBA;
- class CEnhcBufferDecoder;
- Class CVideoObjectDecoder : public CVideoObject
- {
- friend class CVideoObjectDecoderTPS; ///// 97/12/22
- friend class CEnhcBufferDecoder;
- public:
- // Constructors
- ~CVideoObjectDecoder ();
- CVideoObjectDecoder ();
- CVideoObjectDecoder (
- const Char* pchStrFile, // bitstream file
- Int iDisplayWidth, Int iDisplayHeight,
- Bool *pbSpatialScalability = NULL,
- Bool *p_short_video_header=FALSE //,
- // strstreambuf* pistrm = NULL
- );
- CVideoObjectDecoder ( // for back/forward shape
- int iDisplayWidth, int iDisplayHeight
- );
- Void SetUpBitstreamBuffer(unsigned char *bptr,
- uint32_t blen) {
- m_pbitstrmIn->set_buffer(bptr, blen);
- };
- int get_used_bytes(void) { return m_pbitstrmIn->get_used_bytes(); };
- Void FakeOutVOVOLHead(int h, int w, int fr, Bool *pbSpatialScalability);
- void postVO_VOLHeadInit(Int iDisplayWidth, Int iDisplayHeight,Bool *pbSpatialScalability);
- // Operations
- Int decode (const CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcBVOPQuant = NULL, /* strstreambuf* pistrm = NULL, */ Bool waitForI = FALSE, Bool drop = FALSE);
- Int ReadNextVopPredType (); //for Spatial Scalable Coding
- Int h263_decode(); // [FDS]
- Void decodeInitSprite ();
- Void decodeSpritePieces ();
- Int decodeOneSpritePiece ();
- CRct decodeVOSHead ();
- SptXmitMode m_oldSptXmitMode ;
- ///////////////// implementation /////////////////
- ///// 97/12/22 start
- public:
- CVideoObjectDecoder* rgpbfShape [2]; // 0 : backward, 1: forward
- ///// 97/12/22 end
- // Added by KPN for short headers
- void video_plane_with_short_header();
- void gob_layer();
- void decodeShortHeaderIntraMBDC(Int *rgiCoefQ);
- //Added by KPN for short headers - END
- //protected:
- public:
- own int m_pistrm;
- own CInBitStream* m_pbitstrmIn; //bitstream
- own CEntropyDecoderSet* m_pentrdecSet; //huffman decoder set
- //used for video packet header decoding by Toshiba
- //they are basically cached values of not update after the header decoding
- Time m_tOldModuloBaseDisp; //of the most recently displayed I/Pvop
- Time m_tOldModuloBaseDecd; //of the most recently decoded I/Pvop
- // buffer data
- CVOPU8YUVBA* m_pvopcRightMB;
- PixelC *m_ppxlcRightMBBY, *m_ppxlcRightMBBUV;
- // buffers for temporal scalability Added by Sharp(1998-02-10)
- CEnhcBufferDecoder* m_pBuffP1;
- CEnhcBufferDecoder* m_pBuffP2;
- CEnhcBufferDecoder* m_pBuffB1;
- CEnhcBufferDecoder* m_pBuffB2;
- CEnhcBufferDecoder* m_pBuffE;
- int m_coded;
- // buffers for temporal scalability End Sharp(1998-02-10)
- // Added for short headers by KPN (1998-02-07, DS)
- Bool short_video_header;
- UInt uiPei; // [FDS]
- UInt uiGobNumber;
- UInt uiNumGobsInVop;
- UInt uiNumMacroblocksInGob;
- UInt uiGobHeaderEmpty;
- // Added for short headers by KPN - END
- int m_iClockRateScale; // added by Sharp (98/6/26)
- // Added for error resilience mode By Toshiba(1998-1-16:DP+RVLC)
- Int* m_piMCBPC;
- Int* m_piIntraDC;
- // End Toshiba(1998-1-16:DP+RVLC)
- // error handling
- Void errorInBitstream (Char* rgchErorrMsg);
- Int findStartCode(int dontloop = 0);
- // VO and VOL routines
- Void decodeVOHead ();
- Void decodeVOBody();
- Void decodeVOLHead ();
- Void decodeVOLBody();
- // VOP routines
- Bool decodeVOPHead ();
- Void decodeVOP ();
- Void decodeIVOP ();
- Void decodePVOP ();
- Void decodeBVOP ();
- Void decodeIVOP_WithShape ();
- Void decodePVOP_WithShape ();
- Void decodeBVOP_WithShape ();
- // Void computeMVInfo ();
- // Added for error resilience mode By Toshiba(1998-1-16:DP+RVLC)
- Void decodeIVOP_DataPartitioning ();
- Void decodePVOP_DataPartitioning ();
- Void decodeIVOP_WithShape_DataPartitioning ();
- Void decodePVOP_WithShape_DataPartitioning ();
- // End Toshiba(1998-1-16:DP+RVLC)
- // MB routines : texture and overhead
- // I-VOP
- Void decodeMBTextureHeadOfIVOP (CMBMode* pmbmd, Int& iCurrQP,
- Bool &bUseNewQPForVlcThr);
- Void decodeTextureIntraMB (CMBMode* pmbmd, CoordI iMBX, CoordI iMBY,
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrFrmQY, PixelC* ppxlcCurrFrmQU, PixelC* ppxlcCurrFrmQV);
- Void decodeMBAlphaHeadOfIVOP (CMBMode* pmbmd, Int iCurrQP, Int iCurrQPA, Int iVopQP, Int iVopQPA);
- Void decodeAlphaIntraMB (CMBMode* pmbmd, Int iMBX, Int iMBY, PixelC* ppxlcRefMBA);
- // P-VOP
- Void decodeMBTextureHeadOfPVOP (CMBMode* pmbmd, Int& iCurrQP,
- Bool &bUseNewQPForVlcThr);
- Void decodeMBAlphaHeadOfPVOP (CMBMode* pmbmd, Int iCurrQP, Int iCurrQPA);
- Void decodeTextureInterMB (CMBMode* pmbmd);
- Void decodeAlphaInterMB (CMBMode* pmbmd, PixelC *ppxlcRefMBA);
- // B-VOP
- Void decodeMBTextureHeadOfBVOP (CMBMode* pmbmd, Int& iCurrQP);
- Void decodeMBAlphaHeadOfBVOP (CMBMode* pmbmd, Int iCurrQP, Int iCurrQPA);
- Void setCBPYandC (CMBMode* pmbmd, Int iCBPC, Int iCBPY, Int cNonTrnspBlk);
- // motion compensation
- Void motionCompTexture (
- const CMotionVector* pmv, const CMBMode* pmbmd,
- Int imbX, Int imbY,
- CoordI x, CoordI y
- );
- Void motionCompAlpha (
- const CMotionVector* pmv, const CMBMode* pmbmd,
- Int imbX, Int imbY,
- CoordI x, CoordI y
- );
- // B-VOP
- Void motionCompAndAddErrorMB_BVOP (
- const CMotionVector* pmvForward, const CMotionVector* pmvBackward,
- CMBMode* pmbmd, // new change 02-19-99
- Int iMBX, Int iMBY,
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBY, PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBU, PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBV,
- CRct *prctMVLimitForward,CRct *prctMVLimitBackward
- );
- Void motionCompAlphaMB_BVOP(
- const CMotionVector* pmvForward, const CMotionVector* pmvBackward,
- CMBMode* pmbmd, // new change 02-19-99
- Int iMBX, Int iMBY,
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBA,
- CRct *prctMVLimitForward,CRct *prctMVLimitBackward
- );
- Void copyFromRefToCurrQ_BVOP (
- const CMBMode* pmbmd,
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBY, PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBU, PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBV,
- CRct *prctMVLimitForward, CRct *prctMVLimitBackward
- );
- Void motionCompSkipMB_BVOP (
- const CMBMode* pmbmd, const CMotionVector* pmvForward, const CMotionVector* pmvBackward,
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBY, PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBU, PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBV,
- CRct *prctMVLimitForward,CRct *prctMVLimitBackward
- );
- Void copyFromPredForYAndRefForCToCurrQ (
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBY, PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBU, PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBV,
- CRct *prctMVLimit
- ); // for obmc mode
- Void copyAlphaFromPredToCurrQ (
- CoordI x, CoordI y,
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBA
- );
- // error signal for B-VOP MB
- Void averagePredAndAddErrorToCurrQ (
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBY, PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBU, PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBV
- );
- Void averagePredAndAssignToCurrQ (
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBY, PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBU, PixelC* ppxlcCurrQMBV
- );
- // motion vector
- Void decodeMV (const CMBMode* pmbmd, CMotionVector* pmv, Bool bLeftBndry, Bool bRightBndry, Bool bTopBndry, Bool bZeroMV, Int iMBX, Int iMBY);
- Void decodeMVWithShape (const CMBMode* pmbmd, CoordI iMBX, CoordI iMBY, CMotionVector* pmv);
- Void getDiffMV (CVector& vctDiffMV, MVInfo mvinfo); //get half pel
- Int deScaleMV (Int iVLC, Int iResidual, Int iScaleFactor);
- Void fitMvInRange (CVector& vctSrc, MVInfo mvinfo);
- Void decodeMVofBVOP (CMotionVector* pmvForward, CMotionVector* pmvBackward, CMBMode* pmbmd,
- Int iMBX, Int iMBY, const CMotionVector* pmvRef, const CMBMode* pmbmdRef);
- Void computeDirectForwardMV (CVector vctDiff, CMotionVector* pmv, const CMotionVector* pmvRef, const CMBMode* pmbmdRef);
- // shape decoding functions
- Void swapCurrAndRightMBForShape ();
- Void decodeIntraShape (CMBMode* pmbmd, Int iMBX, Int iMBY, PixelC* ppxlcCurrMBBY, PixelC* ppxlcCurrMBBYFrm);
- Void decodeInterShape (CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcRefQ,CMBMode* pmbmd, CoordI iMBX, CoordI iMBY, CoordI iX, CoordI iY, CMotionVector* pmv, CMotionVector* pmvBY,
- PixelC* ppxlcMBBY, PixelC* ppxlcMBBYFrm, const ShapeMode& shpmdColocatedMB);
- Int shpMdTableIndex (const CMBMode* pmbmd, Int iMBX, Int iMBY);
- Void decodeIntraCaeBAB (PixelC* ppxlcCurrMBBY, PixelC* ppxlcCurrMBBYFrm);
- Void decodeIntraCAEH ();
- Void decodeIntraCAEV ();
- Void decodeInterCAEH (const PixelC *);
- Void decodeInterCAEV (const PixelC *);
- Void decodeMVDS (CMotionVector& mvDiff);
- //for temporal scalability Added by Sharp(1998-02-10)
- void updateBuffVOPsBase (CVideoObjectDecoder* pvodecEnhc);
- void updateRefVOPsEnhc ();
- void updateBuffVOPsEnhc ();
- void copyRefQ1ToQ0 ();
- void copyTobfShape ();
- Void decode_IShape (); // for back/forward shape
- // Void compute_bfShapeMembers ();
- Void BackgroundComposition(char* argv[], Bool bScalability, Int width, Int height, FILE *pfYUV); // for background composition // modified by Sharp (98/10/26)
- Void dumpDataOneFrame(char* argv[], Bool bScalability, CRct& rctDisplay); // write pvopcReconCurr () with Sharp's format
- Void dumpDataAllFrame(FILE* pfReconYUV, FILE* pfReconSeg, CRct& rctDisplay);
- // I/O
- Time senseTime ();
- Time getTime ();
- int getPredType ();
- // bufferControl
- void set_enh_display_size(CRct rctDisplay, CRct *rctDisplay_SSenh);
- void bufferP1flush ();
- void bufferB1flush ();
- void bufferB2flush ();
- void copyBufP2ToB1 ();
- //for temporal scalability End Sharp(1998-02-10)
- void setClockRateScale ( CVideoObjectDecoder *pvopdec ); // added by Sharp (98/6/26)
- Void fieldDCTtoFrameC(PixelC* ppxlcRefMBY);
- Void fieldDCTtoFrameI(PixelI* ppxlcCurrMBY);
- // Block decoding functions
- Void decodeIntraBlockTexture (PixelC* rgchBlkDst,
- Int iWidthDst,
- Int iQP,
- Int iDcScaler,
- Bool bIsYBlock,
- MacroBlockMemory* pmbmCurr,
- CMBMode* pmbmd,
- const BlockMemory blkmPred,
- Int iQPPred);
- Void decideIntraPred (const BlockMemory& blkmRet,
- CMBMode* pmbmdCurr,
- Int& iQPpred,
- BlockNum blkn,
- const MacroBlockMemory* pmbmLeft,
- const MacroBlockMemory* pmbmTop,
- const MacroBlockMemory* pmbmLeftTop,
- const MacroBlockMemory* pmbmCurr,
- const CMBMode* pmbmdLeft,
- const CMBMode* pmbmdTop,
- const CMBMode* pmbmdLeftTop);
- Void decodeTextureInterBlock (Int* rgiBlkCurrQ, Int iWidthCurrQ, Int iQP, Bool bAlphaBlock);
- Void decodeIntraTCOEF (Int* rgiCoefQ, Int iCoefStart, Int* rgiZigzag);
- Void decodeInterTCOEF (Int* rgiCoefQ, Int iCoefStart, Int* rgiZigzag);
- Int decodeIntraDCmpeg (Bool bIsYBlk); //decode the intra-dc: mpeg2 method
- Void decodeInterVLCtableIndex (Int iIndex, Int& iLevel, Int& iRun, Bool& bIsLastRun); // return islastrun, run and level
- Void decodeIntraVLCtableIndex (Int iIndex, Int& iLevel, Int& iRun, Bool& bIsLastRun); // return islastrun, run and level
- typedef Void (CVideoObjectDecoder::*DECODE_TABLE_INDEX)(Int iIndex, Bool& bIsLastRun, Int& iRun, Int& iLevel); //func ptr code escp. decoding
- Void decodeEscape (Int& iLevel, Int& iRun, Int& bIsLastRun, const Int* rgiLMAX, const Int* rgiRMAX,
- CEntropyDecoder* pentrdec, DECODE_TABLE_INDEX decodeVLCtableIndex);
- Void inverseDCACPred (const CMBMode* pmbmd, Int iBlkIdx, Int* rgiCoefQ, Int iQP, Int iDcScaler, const BlockMemory blkmPred, Int iQpPred);
- // sprite decoding
- Int decodeSpt ();
- Void decodeWarpPoints ();
- // added for error resilience mode By Toshiba
- Int checkResyncMarker();
- Bool decodeVideoPacketHeader(Int& iCurrentQP);
- // added for error resilience mode(DP+RVLC) By Toshiba(1998-1-16:DP+RVLC)
- Int checkMotionMarker();
- Int checkDCMarker();
- // I-VOP
- Void decodeMBTextureDCOfIVOP_DataPartitioning (CMBMode* pmbmd, Int& iCurrentQP,
- Int* piIntraDC, Bool &bUseNewQPForVlcThr);
- Void decodeMBTextureHeadOfIVOP_DataPartitioning (CMBMode* pmbmd, Int* piMCBPC);
- Void decodeTextureIntraMB_DataPartitioning (CMBMode* pmbmd, CoordI iMBX, CoordI iMBY,
- PixelC* ppxlcCurrFrmQY, PixelC* ppxlcCurrFrmQU, PixelC* ppxlcCurrFrmQV, Int* piIntraDC);
- // P-VOP
- Void decodeMBTextureHeadOfPVOP_DataPartitioning (CMBMode* pmbmd, Int& iCurrentQP, Int* piMCBPC,
- Int* piIntraDC, Bool &bUseNewQPForVlcThr);
- Void decodeTextureInterMB_DataPartitioning (CMBMode* pmbmd);
- // B-VOP
- Void decodeMBTextureHeadOfBVOP_DataPartitioning (CMBMode* pmbmd, Int& iCurrQP);
- Void setCBPYandC_DataPartitioning (CMBMode* pmbmd, Int iCBPC, Int iCBPY, Int cNonTrnspBlk);
- Void decodeIntraBlockTexture_DataPartitioning (Int iBlk, CMBMode* pmbmd, Int* piINtraDC);
- Void decodeIntraBlockTextureTcoef_DataPartitioning (PixelC* rgchBlkDst,
- Int iWidthDst,
- Int iQP,
- Int iDcScaler,
- Bool bIsYBlock,
- MacroBlockMemory* pmbmCurr,
- CMBMode* pmbmd,
- const BlockMemory blkmPred,
- Int iQPPred,
- Int* piIntraDC);
- Void decodeIntraRVLCTCOEF (Int* rgiCoefQ, Int iCoefStart, Int* rgiZigzag);
- Void decodeInterRVLCTCOEF (Int* rgiCoefQ, Int iCoefStart, Int* rgiZigzag);
- Void decodeInterRVLCtableIndex (Int iIndex, Int& iLevel, Int& iRun, Int& bIsLastRun); // return islastrun, run and level
- Void decodeIntraRVLCtableIndex (Int iIndex, Int& iLevel, Int& iRun, Bool& bIsLastRun); // return islastrun, run and level
- Void decodeRVLCEscape (Int& iLevel, Int& iRun, Int& bIsLastRun, const Int* rgiLMAX, const Int* rgiRMAX,
- CEntropyDecoder* pentrdec, DECODE_TABLE_INDEX decodeVLCtableIndex);
- // End Toshiba(DP+RVLC)(1998-1-16:DP+RVLC)
- };
- #endif // __VOPSEDEC_HPP_