资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*************************************************************************
- This software module was originally developed by
- Chuang Gu (chuanggu@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- (date: Augest, 1997)
- and also edited by
- David B. Shu (dbshu@hrl.com), Hughes Electronics/HRL Laboratories
- in the course of development of the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2).
- This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 Video tools
- as specified by the MPEG-4 Video.
- ISO/IEC gives users of the MPEG-4 Video free license to this software module or modifications
- thereof for use in hardware or software products claiming conformance to the MPEG-4 Video.
- Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software products are advised that its use may infringe existing patents.
- The original developer of this software module and his/her company,
- the subsequent editors and their companies,
- and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or modifications thereof in an implementation.
- Copyright is not released for non MPEG-4 Video conforming products.
- Microsoft retains full right to use the code for his/her own purpose,
- assign or donate the code to a third party and to inhibit third parties from using the code for non <MPEG standard> conforming products.
- This copyright notice must be included in all copies or derivative works.
- Copyright (c) 1996, 1997.
- Module Name:
- sptdec.cpp
- Abstract:
- Sprite decoder.
- Revision History:
- *************************************************************************/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <fstream.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "typeapi.h"
- #include "codehead.h"
- #include "entropy/bitstrm.hpp"
- #include "entropy/entropy.hpp"
- #include "entropy/huffman.hpp"
- #include "global.hpp"
- #include "mode.hpp"
- #include "vopses.hpp"
- #include "vopsedec.hpp"
- #ifdef __MFC_
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif // __MFC_
- #ifdef __PC_COMPILER_
- #define IOSBINARY ios::binary
- #else
- #define IOSBINARY ios::bin
- #endif // __PC_COMPILER_
- Int CVideoObjectDecoder::decodeSpt ()
- {
- //David Shu: please insert your stuff in this function
- assert (m_vopmd.vopPredType == SPRITE);
- if (m_iNumOfPnts > 0)
- decodeWarpPoints ();
- // Begin: modified by Hughes 4/9/98
- if (m_sptMode != BASIC_SPRITE)
- decodeSpritePieces ();
- // End: modified by Hughes 4/9/98
- if (m_iNumOfPnts > 0) {
- CRct rctWarp = (m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE)? m_rctCurrVOPY : CRct (0, 0, m_ivolWidth, m_ivolHeight);
- if(m_iNumOfPnts==2 || m_iNumOfPnts==3) {
- FastAffineWarp (rctWarp, rctWarp / 2, m_uiWarpingAccuracy, m_iNumOfPnts);
- }
- else {
- CPerspective2D perspYA (m_iNumOfPnts, m_rgstSrcQ, m_rgstDstQ, m_uiWarpingAccuracy);
- warpYA (perspYA, rctWarp, m_uiWarpingAccuracy);
- CSiteD rgstSrcQUV [4], rgstDstQUV [4];
- for (Int i = 0; i < m_iNumOfPnts; i++) {
- rgstSrcQUV [i] = (m_rgstSrcQ [i] - CSiteD (0.5, 0.5)) / 2;
- rgstDstQUV [i] = (m_rgstDstQ [i] - CSiteD (0.5, 0.5)) / 2;
- }
- CPerspective2D perspUV (m_iNumOfPnts, rgstSrcQUV, rgstDstQUV, m_uiWarpingAccuracy);
- warpUV (perspUV, rctWarp / 2, m_uiWarpingAccuracy);
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- Void CVideoObjectDecoder::decodeWarpPoints ()
- {
- assert (m_iNumOfPnts > 0);
- // Dest corner points MV decoding
- Int rgiU [4], rgiV [4], rgiDU [4], rgiDV [4];
- Int rgiWrpPnt0Del [2];
- CInBitStream* pibstrmWrpPt0 = m_pentrdecSet->m_pentrdecWrpPnt -> bitstream ();
- Int j;
- for (j = 0; j < m_iNumOfPnts; j++) {
- for (UInt iXorY = 0; iXorY < 2; iXorY++) {
- Long lSz = m_pentrdecSet->m_pentrdecWrpPnt->decodeSymbol();
- Int iSign = pibstrmWrpPt0->peekBits (1); //get the sign
- if (iSign == 1)
- rgiWrpPnt0Del[iXorY] = pibstrmWrpPt0->getBits (lSz);
- else {
- Int iAbsWrpPnt0Del = ~(pibstrmWrpPt0->getBits (lSz)); //get the magnitude
- Int iMask = ~(0xFFFFFFFF << lSz); //mask out the irrelavent bits
- rgiWrpPnt0Del[iXorY] = -1 * (iAbsWrpPnt0Del & iMask); //masking and signing
- }
- assert (rgiWrpPnt0Del[iXorY] >= -16383 && rgiWrpPnt0Del[iXorY] <= 16383);
- Int iMarker = pibstrmWrpPt0->getBits(1);
- assert(iMarker==1);
- }
- rgiDU [j] = rgiWrpPnt0Del[0];
- rgiDV [j] = rgiWrpPnt0Del[1];
- }
- // create Src VOP bounding box
- switch (m_iNumOfPnts) {
- case 1:
- m_rgstSrcQ [0] = CSiteD (m_rctCurrVOPY.left, m_rctCurrVOPY.top);
- break;
- case 2:
- m_rgstSrcQ [0] = CSiteD (m_rctCurrVOPY.left, m_rctCurrVOPY.top);
- m_rgstSrcQ [1] = CSiteD (m_rctCurrVOPY.right, m_rctCurrVOPY.top);
- break;
- case 3:
- m_rgstSrcQ [0] = CSiteD (m_rctCurrVOPY.left, m_rctCurrVOPY.top);
- m_rgstSrcQ [1] = CSiteD (m_rctCurrVOPY.right, m_rctCurrVOPY.top);
- m_rgstSrcQ [2] = CSiteD (m_rctCurrVOPY.left, m_rctCurrVOPY.bottom);
- break;
- case 4:
- m_rgstSrcQ [0] = CSiteD (m_rctCurrVOPY.left, m_rctCurrVOPY.top);
- m_rgstSrcQ [1] = CSiteD (m_rctCurrVOPY.right, m_rctCurrVOPY.top);
- m_rgstSrcQ [2] = CSiteD (m_rctCurrVOPY.left, m_rctCurrVOPY.bottom);
- m_rgstSrcQ [3] = CSiteD (m_rctCurrVOPY.right, m_rctCurrVOPY.bottom);
- break;
- }
- // Dest corner points reconstruction
- rgiU [0] = rgiDU [0]; rgiV [0] = rgiDV [0];
- rgiU [1] = rgiDU [1] + rgiU [0]; rgiV [1] = rgiDV [1] + rgiV [0];
- rgiU [2] = rgiDU [2] + rgiU [0]; rgiV [2] = rgiDV [2] + rgiV [0];
- rgiU [3] = rgiDU [3] + rgiU [2] + rgiU [1] - rgiU [0]; rgiV [3] = rgiDV [3] + rgiV [2] + rgiV [1] - rgiV [0];
- for (j = 0; j < m_iNumOfPnts; j++) {
- m_rgstDstQ [j].x = (rgiU [j] + 2 * m_rgstSrcQ [j].x) / 2.0;
- m_rgstDstQ [j].y = (rgiV [j] + 2 * m_rgstSrcQ [j].y) / 2.0;
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObjectDecoder::decodeInitSprite ()
- // decode initial sprite piece and initialize MB status array
- {
- Int iMod = m_rctSpt.width % MB_SIZE;
- Int iSptWidth = (iMod > 0) ? m_rctSpt.width + MB_SIZE - iMod : m_rctSpt.width;
- iMod = m_rctSpt.height () % MB_SIZE;
- Int iSptHeight = (iMod > 0) ? m_rctSpt.height () + MB_SIZE - iMod : m_rctSpt.height ();
- // Begin: modified by Hughes 4/9/98
- // m_rctSptExp = m_pvopcRefQ1->whereY();
- if (m_sptMode == BASIC_SPRITE)
- {
- m_rctCurrVOPY = CRct (0, 0, iSptWidth, iSptHeight);
- m_rctCurrVOPUV = m_rctCurrVOPY.downSampleBy2 ();
- decode ();
- if (m_iNumOfPnts > 0) {
- swapRefQ1toSpt ();
- changeSizeofCurrQ (m_rctDisplayWindow);
- }
- m_pbitstrmIn->flush (8);
- return ;
- }
- // end: modified by Hughes 4/9/98
- m_rctSptQ = CRct (0, 0, iSptWidth, iSptHeight) ; // save sprite object information
- Int iNumMBX = iSptWidth / MB_SIZE; //for the whole sprite
- Int iNumMBY = iSptHeight / MB_SIZE;//for the whole sprite
- m_ppPieceMBstatus = new SptMBstatus* [iNumMBY];
- m_ppUpdateMBstatus = new SptMBstatus* [iNumMBY];
- // dshu: [v071] Begin of modification
- Int iNumMB = iNumMBX * iNumMBY;
- m_rgmbmdSprite = new CMBMode [iNumMB];
- // dshu: [v071] end of modification
- m_rgmbmdSpt = new CMBMode* [iNumMBY];
- m_rgpmbmCurr_Spt = new MacroBlockMemory** [iNumMBY];
- // Begin: modified by Hughes 4/9/98
- Int iMBY;
- // Int iMBX, iMBY;
- // end: modified by Hughes 4/9/98
- Int iMB, iBlk;
- Int nBlk = (m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT) ? 10 : 6;
- // Allocate MB hole status array and reconstructed MB array
- for (iMBY = 0; iMBY < iNumMBY; iMBY++) {
- m_ppPieceMBstatus[iMBY] = new SptMBstatus [iNumMBX];
- m_ppUpdateMBstatus[iMBY] = new SptMBstatus [iNumMBX];
- m_rgmbmdSpt[iMBY] = new CMBMode [iNumMBX];
- m_rgpmbmCurr_Spt[iMBY] = new MacroBlockMemory* [iNumMBX];
- for (iMB = 0; iMB < iNumMBX; iMB++) {
- m_rgpmbmCurr_Spt[iMBY][iMB] = new MacroBlockMemory;
- m_rgpmbmCurr_Spt[iMBY][iMB]->rgblkm = new BlockMemory [nBlk];
- for (iBlk = 0; iBlk < nBlk; iBlk++) {
- (m_rgpmbmCurr_Spt[iMBY][iMB]->rgblkm) [iBlk] = new Int [(BLOCK_SIZE << 1) - 1];
- }
- // Begin: modified by Hughes 4/9/98
- m_ppPieceMBstatus[iMBY][iMB] = NOT_DONE;
- m_ppUpdateMBstatus[iMBY][iMB] = NOT_DONE;
- // end: modified by Hughes 4/9/98
- }
- }
- // Begin: modified by Hughes 4/9/98
- CRct rctSptQ48 = m_pvopcRefQ1->whereY();
- m_pvopcSptQ = new CVOPU8YUVBA (m_volmd.fAUsage, rctSptQ48);
- m_pvopcSptQ -> shift (m_rctSpt.left, m_rctSpt.top); // change to absolute value in sprite coordinates
- m_pbitstrmIn->flush ();
- m_tPiece = 0;
- m_rctCurrVOPY = m_rctSptQ;
- m_rctCurrVOPUV = m_rctCurrVOPY.downSampleBy2 ();
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE) {
- m_iNumMBRef = iNumMB;
- m_iNumMBXRef = iNumMBX;
- m_iNumMBYRef = iNumMBY;
- m_iOffsetForPadY = m_rctRefFrameY.offset (m_rctCurrVOPY.left, m_rctCurrVOPY.top);
- m_iOffsetForPadUV = m_rctRefFrameUV.offset (m_rctCurrVOPUV.left, m_rctCurrVOPUV.top);
- m_rctRefVOPY1 = m_rctCurrVOPY;
- m_rctRefVOPY1.expand (EXPANDY_REFVOP);
- m_rctRefVOPUV1 = m_rctCurrVOPUV;
- m_rctRefVOPUV1.expand (EXPANDUV_REFVOP);
- m_pvopcRefQ1->setBoundRct (m_rctRefVOPY1);
- }
- /*
- m_tPiece = -1;
- decode ();
- // dshu: begin of modification
- // delete the following statement
- // m_rctSptPieceY = m_rctCurrVOPY; //for non-rectangular only becomes known now
- // dshu: end of modification
- m_tPiece = 0;
- m_iStepI = m_vopmd.intStepI ;
- // ensure byte alignment; 9/16/97
- m_pbitstrmIn->flush (8);
- // dshu: begin of modification
- // m_pvopcSptQ = new CVOPU8YUVBA (*m_pvopcRefQ1);
- // m_pvopcSptQ -> shift (m_rctSptPieceY.left, m_rctSptPieceY.top);
- m_pvopcSptQ = new CVOPU8YUVBA (m_volmd.fAUsage, m_rctSptExp);
- m_pvopcSptQ -> shift (m_rctSpt.left, m_rctSpt.top); // change to absolute value in sprite coordinates
- PiecePut(*m_pvopcRefQ1, *m_pvopcSptQ, m_rctSptPieceY);
- // dshu: end of modification
- //m_pvopcSptQ->vdlDump("c:\SptQ.vdl");
- //wchen: temporally out due to memory problem
- CMBMode* pmbmd = m_rgmbmdRef;
- IntraPredDirection* Spreddir;
- IntraPredDirection* preddir;
- // initialize MB hole status array
- // dshu: begin of modification
- // Int iMB_left = m_rctSptPieceY.left / MB_SIZE;
- // Int iMB_right = m_rctSptPieceY.right / MB_SIZE;
- // Int iMB_top = m_rctSptPieceY.top / MB_SIZE;
- // Int iMB_bottom = m_rctSptPieceY.bottom / MB_SIZE;
- // MBs are based on vector, not on absolute value in sprite coordinates
- Int iMB_left = m_iPieceXoffset;
- Int iMB_right = m_iPieceXoffset + m_iPieceWidth;
- Int iMB_top = m_iPieceYoffset;
- Int iMB_bottom = m_iPieceYoffset + m_iPieceHeight;
- // dshu: end of modification
- for (iMBY = 0; iMBY < iNumMBY; iMBY++)
- for (iMBX = 0; iMBX < iNumMBX; iMBX++) {
- if ((iMBX >= iMB_left && iMBX < iMB_right) && (iMBY >= iMB_top && iMBY < iMB_bottom))
- {
- m_ppPieceMBstatus[iMBY][iMBX] = PIECE_DONE;
- m_rgmbmdSpt[iMBY][iMBX] = CMBMode (*pmbmd);
- m_rgmbmdSprite[iMBX + iNumMBX * iMBY] = CMBMode (*pmbmd); // dshu: [v071] added to store mbmd array for sprite
- Spreddir = m_rgmbmdSpt[iMBY][iMBX].m_preddir;
- preddir = (*pmbmd).m_preddir;
- memcpy (Spreddir, preddir, 10 * sizeof (IntraPredDirection));
- pmbmd++;
- }
- else
- m_ppPieceMBstatus[iMBY][iMBX] = NOT_DONE;
- m_ppUpdateMBstatus[iMBY][iMBX] = NOT_DONE;
- }
- */
- // End: modified by Hughes 4/9/98
- m_oldSptXmitMode = PIECE;
- m_vopmd.SpriteXmitMode = PAUSE;
- }
- Void CVideoObjectDecoder::decodeSpritePieces ()
- // decode sprite pieces
- {
- if ( m_vopmd.SpriteXmitMode == STOP)
- return;
- m_vopmd.SpriteXmitMode = m_oldSptXmitMode;
- CRct rctCurrVOPY = m_rctCurrVOPY; //caching for warping
- do {
- decodeOneSpritePiece ();
- } while (( m_vopmd.SpriteXmitMode != STOP) && ( m_vopmd.SpriteXmitMode != PAUSE));
- // dshu: [v071] Begin of modification
- m_rctCurrVOPY = rctCurrVOPY; // restore for warping
- if (m_volmd.fAUsage != RECTANGLE)
- padSprite() ; // final padding just before warping
- // dshu: [v071] end of modification
- if ( m_vopmd.SpriteXmitMode == STOP) {
- // dshu: begin of modification
- Int iNumMBX = m_rctSptQ.width / MB_SIZE;
- Int iNumMBY = m_rctSptQ.height () / MB_SIZE;
- Int nBlk = (m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT) ? 10 : 6;
- for (Int iMBY = 0; iMBY < iNumMBY; iMBY++){
- for (Int iMB = 0; iMB < iNumMBX; iMB++) {
- for (Int iBlk = 0; iBlk < nBlk; iBlk++)
- delete [] (m_rgpmbmCurr_Spt[iMBY][iMB]->rgblkm) [iBlk];
- delete [] m_rgpmbmCurr_Spt [iMBY][iMB]->rgblkm;
- delete [] m_rgpmbmCurr_Spt [iMBY][iMB];
- }
- delete [] m_ppPieceMBstatus[iMBY] ;
- delete [] m_ppUpdateMBstatus[iMBY] ;
- delete [] m_rgmbmdSpt[iMBY] ;
- delete [] m_rgpmbmCurr_Spt[iMBY];
- }
- delete [] m_ppPieceMBstatus ;
- delete [] m_ppUpdateMBstatus ;
- delete [] m_rgmbmdSpt ;
- delete [] m_rgpmbmCurr_Spt;
- delete [] m_rgmbmdSprite ; // dshu: [v071]
- // dshu: end of modification
- //wchen: can you just delete double points like this?
- //temporarilly removed
- // delete [] m_ppPieceMBstatus ;
- // delete [] m_ppUpdateMBstatus ;
- }
- //restore since it was changed during decoding to I/P
- m_vopmd.vopPredType = SPRITE;
- //restore for warping
- // m_rctCurrVOPY = rctCurrVOPY; // dshu: [v071]; move to location of one statement before padSprite()
- // ensure byte alignment
- m_pbitstrmIn->flush (8);
- }
- //wchen: moved decode piece part from vopsedec.cpp -- decode ()
- Int CVideoObjectDecoder::decodeOneSpritePiece ()
- {
- //wchen: the part deals with stop and pause stay in decode ()
- assert (m_vopmd.SpriteXmitMode != STOP && m_vopmd.SpriteXmitMode != PAUSE);
- m_rctSptPieceY = decodeVOSHead ();
- if (m_vopmd.SpriteXmitMode == STOP || m_vopmd.SpriteXmitMode == PAUSE)
- return TRUE;
- else if (m_vopmd.SpriteXmitMode == PIECE ) //faking the paramters to fool vopmbdec
- m_vopmd.vopPredType = IVOP;
- else
- m_vopmd.vopPredType = PVOP;
- // dshu: begin of modification
- // m_pvopcRefQ1 -> shift (m_rctSptPieceY.left, m_rctSptPieceY.top);
- // PieceOverlay(*m_pvopcSptQ, *m_pvopcRefQ1, m_rctSptPieceY); // extract reference
- // m_pvopcRefQ1 -> shift (-m_rctSptPieceY.left, -m_rctSptPieceY.top); // restore the m_pvopcRefQ1 to zero offset
- // dshu: end of modification
- // dshu: begin of modification
- //copy to Q0 via SptP
- // CVOPU8YUVBA* pvopcSptP = new CVOPU8YUVBA (*m_pvopcSptQ, m_volmd.fAUsage, m_rctSptPieceY); // extract reference
- // m_pvopcRefQ0->overlay (*pvopcSptP);
- // delete pvopcSptP;
- PieceGet(*m_pvopcRefQ1, *m_pvopcSptQ, m_rctSptPieceY);
- // dshu: end of modification
- //always to that since the rect keeps changing
- //internally, every piece starts from (0, 0)
- m_rctCurrVOPY = CRct(0,0, m_rctSptPieceY.width, m_rctSptPieceY.height());
- m_rctCurrVOPUV = m_rctCurrVOPY.downSampleBy2 ();
- setRefStartingPointers ();
- computeVOPMembers ();
- decodeVOP ();
- //delete ac/dc pred stuff
- Int nBlk = (m_volmd.fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT) ? 10 : 6;
- delete [] m_rgblkmCurrMB;
- m_rgblkmCurrMB = NULL;
- for (Int iMB = 0; iMB < m_iNumMBX; iMB++) {
- for (Int iBlk = 0; iBlk < nBlk; iBlk++) {
- delete [] (m_rgpmbmAbove [iMB]->rgblkm) [iBlk];
- delete [] (m_rgpmbmCurr [iMB]->rgblkm) [iBlk];
- }
- delete [] m_rgpmbmAbove [iMB]->rgblkm;
- delete m_rgpmbmAbove [iMB];
- delete [] m_rgpmbmCurr [iMB]->rgblkm;
- delete m_rgpmbmCurr [iMB];
- }
- delete [] m_rgpmbmAbove;
- m_rgpmbmAbove = NULL;
- delete [] m_rgpmbmCurr;
- m_rgpmbmCurr = NULL;
- // Place the decoded sprite piece into sprite buffer.
- // Please notice that initial piece is offset by a vector like any VOP;
- // the rest of sprite pieces have zero offset, thus require shifting to be placed into buffer.
- // shift back to absolutes in sprite coordinates for overlaying
- // dshu: begin of modification
- // m_pvopcRefQ1 -> shift (m_rctSptPieceY.left, m_rctSptPieceY.top);
- // m_pvopcSptQ -> overlay (*m_pvopcRefQ1, m_rctSptPieceY);
- PiecePut(*m_pvopcRefQ1, *m_pvopcSptQ, m_rctSptPieceY);
- // PieceOverlay(*m_pvopcRefQ1, *m_pvopcSptQ, m_rctSptPieceY);
- // restore the m_pvopcRefQ1 to zero offset
- // m_pvopcRefQ1 -> shift (-m_rctSptPieceY.left, -m_rctSptPieceY.top);
- // dshu: end of modification
- return TRUE;
- }
- CRct CVideoObjectDecoder::decodeVOSHead ()
- {
- m_oldSptXmitMode = m_vopmd.SpriteXmitMode;
- m_vopmd.SpriteXmitMode = (SptXmitMode) m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_SPRITE_XMIT_MODE);
- if (( m_vopmd.SpriteXmitMode != STOP) &&( m_vopmd.SpriteXmitMode != PAUSE)) {
- Int stepToBeDeCoded = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_VOP_QUANTIZER);
- if (m_vopmd.SpriteXmitMode == UPDATE)
- m_vopmd.intStep = stepToBeDeCoded;
- else
- m_vopmd.intStepI = stepToBeDeCoded;
- m_iPieceWidth = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_SPRITE_MB_OFFSET);
- m_iPieceHeight = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_SPRITE_MB_OFFSET);
- // Begin: modified by Hughes 4/9/98
- /* Int iMarker = wmay */ m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (MARKER_BIT);
- // End: modified by Hughes 4/9/98
- m_iPieceXoffset = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_SPRITE_MB_OFFSET);
- m_iPieceYoffset = m_pbitstrmIn -> getBits (NUMBITS_SPRITE_MB_OFFSET);
- //wchen: changed to absolute value in sprite coordinates
- Int left = (m_iPieceXoffset * MB_SIZE) + m_rctSpt.left;
- Int top = (m_iPieceYoffset * MB_SIZE) + m_rctSpt.top;
- Int right = left + m_iPieceWidth * MB_SIZE ;
- Int bottom = top + m_iPieceHeight * MB_SIZE ;
- return CRct (left, top, right, bottom);
- }
- else
- return CRct();
- }