资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*************************************************************************
- This software module was originally developed by
- Yoshihiro Kikuchi (TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
- and edited by:
- Toshiaki Watanabe (TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
- in the course of development of the <MPEG-4 Video(ISO/IEC 14496-2)>. This
- software module is an implementation of a part of one or more <MPEG-4 Video
- (ISO/IEC 14496-2)> tools as specified by the <MPEG-4 Video(ISO/IEC 14496-2)
- >. ISO/IEC gives users of the <MPEG-4 Video(ISO/IEC 14496-2)> free license
- to this software module or modifications thereof for use in hardware or
- software products claiming conformance to the <MPEG-4 Video(ISO/IEC 14496-2
- )>. Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software
- products are advised that its use may infringe existing patents. The
- original developer of this software module and his/her company, the
- subsequent editors and their companies, and ISO/IEC have no liability for
- use of this software module or modifications thereof in an implementation.
- Copyright is not released for non <MPEG-4 Video(ISO/IEC 14496-2)>
- conforming products. TOSHIBA CORPORATION retains full right to use the code
- for his/her own purpose, assign or donate the code to a third party and to
- inhibit third parties from using the code for non <MPEG-4 Video(ISO/IEC
- 14496-2)> conforming products. This copyright notice must be included in
- all copies or derivative works.
- Copyright (c)1997.
- *************************************************************************/
- //#include <stdlib.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "typeapi.h"
- #include "codehead.h"
- #include "mode.hpp"
- #include "global.hpp"
- #include "entropy/bitstrm.hpp"
- #include "entropy/entropy.hpp"
- #include "entropy/huffman.hpp"
- #include "dct.hpp"
- #include "vopses.hpp"
- #include "vopsedec.hpp"
- #ifdef __MFC_
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif // __MFC_
- Void CVideoObjectDecoder::decodeIntraRVLCTCOEF (Int* rgiCoefQ, Int iCoefStart, Int* rgiZigzag)
- {
- Bool bIsLastRun = FALSE;
- Int iRun = 0;
- Int iLevel = 0;
- Int iCoef = iCoefStart;
- Long lIndex;
- while (!bIsLastRun) {
- lIndex = m_pentrdecSet->m_pentrdecDCTIntraRVLC->decodeSymbol();
- if (lIndex != TCOEF_RVLC_ESCAPE) { // if Huffman
- decodeIntraRVLCtableIndex (lIndex, iLevel, iRun, bIsLastRun);
- }
- else {
- decodeRVLCEscape (iLevel, iRun, bIsLastRun, g_rgiLMAXintra, g_rgiRMAXintra,
- m_pentrdecSet->m_pentrdecDCTIntraRVLC, &CVideoObjectDecoder::decodeIntraRVLCtableIndex);
- }
- for (Int i = 0; i < iRun; i++) {
- rgiCoefQ [rgiZigzag [iCoef]] = 0;
- iCoef++;
- }
- rgiCoefQ [rgiZigzag [iCoef]] = iLevel;
- iCoef++;
- }
- for (Int i = iCoef; i < BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE; i++) // fill the rest w/ zero
- rgiCoefQ [rgiZigzag [i]] = 0;
- }
- Void CVideoObjectDecoder::decodeRVLCEscape (Int& iLevel, Int& iRun, Int& bIsLastRun, const Int* rgiLMAX, const Int* rgiRMAX,
- CEntropyDecoder* pentrdec, DECODE_TABLE_INDEX decodeVLCtableIndex)
- {
- // for error resilience the code should check to see if escape coded tcoef can be
- // encoded using non-escape mode. if so, then it is an error case.
- Bool bFlagEscape = (Bool) m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (1);
- assert(bFlagEscape == TRUE);
- bIsLastRun = (Bool) m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (1);
- iRun = (Int) m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (NUMBITS_RVLC_ESC_RUN);
- assert (iRun < BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE);
- Int iLevelBits = 12; // = m_volmd.nBits;
- Int iMarker = m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (1);
- assert(iMarker == 1);
- iLevel = (Int) m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (iLevelBits - 1);
- iMarker = m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (1);
- assert(iMarker == 1);
- Long lIndex = m_pentrdecSet->m_pentrdecDCTIntraRVLC->decodeSymbol();
- assert (lIndex == TCOEF_RVLC_ESCAPE);
- if((Bool) m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (1) == TRUE){
- iLevel = - iLevel;
- }
- assert (iLevel != 0);
- }
- Void CVideoObjectDecoder::decodeInterRVLCTCOEF (Int* rgiCoefQ, Int iCoefStart, Int* rgiZigzag)
- {
- Bool bIsLastRun = FALSE;
- Int iRun = 0;
- Int iLevel = 0;
- Int iCoef = iCoefStart;
- Long lIndex;
- while (!bIsLastRun) {
- lIndex = m_pentrdecSet->m_pentrdecDCTRVLC->decodeSymbol();
- if (lIndex != TCOEF_RVLC_ESCAPE) { // if Huffman
- decodeInterRVLCtableIndex (lIndex, iLevel, iRun, bIsLastRun);
- assert (iRun < BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE);
- }
- else
- decodeRVLCEscape (iLevel, iRun, bIsLastRun, g_rgiLMAXinter, g_rgiRMAXinter,
- m_pentrdecSet->m_pentrdecDCTRVLC, &CVideoObjectDecoder::decodeInterRVLCtableIndex);
- for (Int i = 0; i < iRun; i++) {
- rgiCoefQ [rgiZigzag [iCoef]] = 0;
- iCoef++;
- }
- rgiCoefQ [rgiZigzag [iCoef]] = iLevel;
- iCoef++;
- }
- for (Int i = iCoef; i < BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE; i++) // fill the rest w/ zero
- rgiCoefQ [rgiZigzag [i]] = 0;
- }
- Void CVideoObjectDecoder::decodeIntraRVLCtableIndex (Int iIndex, Int& iLevel, Int& iRun, Int& bIsLastRun)
- {
- static Int iLevelMask = 0x0000001F;
- static Int iRunMask = 0x000007E0;
- static Int iLastRunMask = 0x00000800;
- iLevel = iLevelMask & grgiIntraRVLCYAVCLHashingTable [iIndex];
- iRun = (iRunMask & grgiIntraRVLCYAVCLHashingTable [iIndex]) >> 5;
- bIsLastRun = (iLastRunMask & grgiIntraRVLCYAVCLHashingTable [iIndex]) >> 11;
- if (m_pentrdecSet->m_pentrdecDCTIntraRVLC->bitstream()->getBits (1) == TRUE) // get signbit
- iLevel = -iLevel;
- assert (iRun < BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE);
- }
- Void CVideoObjectDecoder::decodeInterRVLCtableIndex (Int iIndex, Int& iLevel, // return islastrun, run and level
- Int& iRun, Bool& bIsLastRun)
- {
- static Int iLevelMask = 0x0000001F;
- static Int iRunMask = 0x000007E0;
- static Int iLastRunMask = 0x00000800;
- iLevel = iLevelMask & grgiInterRVLCYAVCLHashingTable [iIndex];
- iRun = (iRunMask & grgiInterRVLCYAVCLHashingTable [iIndex]) >> 5;
- bIsLastRun = (iLastRunMask & grgiInterRVLCYAVCLHashingTable [iIndex]) >> 11;
- if (m_pentrdecSet->m_pentrdecDCTRVLC->bitstream()->getBits (1) == TRUE) // get signbit
- iLevel = -iLevel;
- assert (iRun < BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE);
- }