资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*************************************************************************
- This software module was originally developed by
- Ming-Chieh Lee (, Microsoft Corporation
- Wei-ge Chen (, Microsoft Corporation
- Bruce Lin (, Microsoft Corporation
- Chuang Gu (, Microsoft Corporation
- (date: July, 1997)
- and edited by
- Wei Wu ( Rockwell Science Center
- and also edited by
- Yoshihiro Kikuchi (TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
- Toshiaki Watanabe (TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
- Noboru Yamaguchi (TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
- and also edited by
- Dick van Smirren (, KPN Research
- Cor Quist (, KPN Research
- (date: July, 1998)
- in the course of development of the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2).
- This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 Video tools
- as specified by the MPEG-4 Video.
- ISO/IEC gives users of the MPEG-4 Video free license to this software module or modifications
- thereof for use in hardware or software products claiming conformance to the MPEG-4 Video.
- Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software products are advised that its use may infringe existing patents.
- The original developer of this software module and his/her company,
- the subsequent editors and their companies,
- and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or modifications thereof in an implementation.
- Copyright is not released for non MPEG-4 Video conforming products.
- Microsoft retains full right to use the code for his/her own purpose,
- assign or donate the code to a third party and to inhibit third parties from using the code for non <MPEG standard> conforming products.
- This copyright notice must be included in all copies or derivative works.
- Copyright (c) 1996, 1997.
- Module Name:
- blkdec.cpp
- Abstract:
- Block decoding functions
- Revision History
- Dec 20, 1977 Interlaced tools added by NextLevel Systems
- *************************************************************************/
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "typeapi.h"
- #include "codehead.h"
- #include "mode.hpp"
- #include "global.hpp"
- #include "entropy/bitstrm.hpp"
- #include "entropy/entropy.hpp"
- #include "entropy/huffman.hpp"
- #include "grayf.hpp"
- #include "dct.hpp"
- #include "vopses.hpp"
- #include "vopsedec.hpp"
- #ifdef __MFC_
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif // __MFC_
- Void CVideoObjectDecoder::decodeIntraBlockTexture (PixelC* rgpxlcBlkDst,
- Int iWidthDst,
- Int iQP,
- Int iDcScaler,
- Int iBlk,
- MacroBlockMemory* pmbmCurr,
- CMBMode* pmbmd,
- const BlockMemory blkmPred,
- Int iQpPred)
- {
- Int* rgiCoefQ = m_rgpiCoefQ [iBlk - 1];
- Int iCoefStart = 0; // intra-DC
- //UInt nBits = m_volmd.nBits; // NBIT
- // Added for short headers by KPN (1998-02-07, DS)
- if (short_video_header==1) // short_header
- {
- decodeShortHeaderIntraMBDC(rgiCoefQ); // 8 bits FLC & fixed quantizer op 8.
- iCoefStart++;
- }
- else
- {
- if (iBlk<=V_BLOCK && pmbmd->m_bCodeDcAsAc==FALSE
- || iBlk>=A_BLOCK1 && pmbmd->m_bCodeDcAsAcAlpha==FALSE) {
- rgiCoefQ [0] = decodeIntraDCmpeg (iBlk <= Y_BLOCK4 || iBlk >=A_BLOCK1);
- iCoefStart++;
- }
- }
- // Added for short headers by KPN - END
- if (pmbmd->getCodedBlockPattern ((BlockNum) iBlk)) {
- Int* rgiZigzag = grgiStandardZigzag;
- if (m_vopmd.bAlternateScan && iBlk<=V_BLOCK) // 12.22.98 Changes
- rgiZigzag = grgiVerticalZigzag;
- else if (iBlk<=V_BLOCK && pmbmd->m_bACPrediction
- || iBlk >= A_BLOCK1 && pmbmd->m_bACPredictionAlpha)
- rgiZigzag = (pmbmd->m_preddir [iBlk - 1] == HORIZONTAL) ? grgiVerticalZigzag : grgiHorizontalZigzag;
- // Added for data partitioning mode By Toshiba(1998-1-16:DP+RVLC)
- if(m_volmd.bDataPartitioning && m_volmd.bReversibleVlc && m_vopmd.vopPredType != BVOP)
- decodeIntraRVLCTCOEF (rgiCoefQ, iCoefStart, rgiZigzag);
- else
- // End Toshiba(1998-1-16:DP+RVLC)
- decodeIntraTCOEF (rgiCoefQ, iCoefStart, rgiZigzag);
- }
- else
- memset (rgiCoefQ + iCoefStart, 0, sizeof (Int) * (BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE - iCoefStart));
- inverseDCACPred (pmbmd, iBlk - 1, rgiCoefQ, iQP, iDcScaler, blkmPred, iQpPred);
- // Added for short headers by KPN (1998-02-07, DS)
- if (short_video_header) inverseQuantizeIntraDc(rgiCoefQ,8);
- else inverseQuantizeIntraDc (rgiCoefQ, iDcScaler);
- // Added for short headers by KPN - END
- if (m_volmd.fQuantizer == Q_H263)
- inverseQuantizeDCTcoefH263 (rgiCoefQ, 1, iQP);
- else
- inverseQuantizeIntraDCTcoefMPEG (rgiCoefQ, 1, iQP, iBlk>=A_BLOCK1);
- Int i, j; //save coefQ (ac) for intra pred
- pmbmCurr->rgblkm [iBlk - 1] [0] = m_rgiDCTcoef [0]; //save recon value of DC for intra pred //save Qcoef in memory
- for (i = 1, j = 8; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++, j += BLOCK_SIZE) {
- pmbmCurr->rgblkm [iBlk - 1] [i] = rgiCoefQ [i];
- pmbmCurr->rgblkm [iBlk - 1] [i + BLOCK_SIZE - 1] = rgiCoefQ [j];
- }
- // this idct includes output clipping 0 -> (2**nbits-1)
- m_pidct->apply (m_rgiDCTcoef, BLOCK_SIZE, rgpxlcBlkDst, iWidthDst);
- }
- Void CVideoObjectDecoder::decideIntraPred (const BlockMemory& blkmRet,
- CMBMode* pmbmdCurr,
- Int& iQPpred,
- BlockNum blkn,
- const MacroBlockMemory* pmbmLeft,
- const MacroBlockMemory* pmbmTop,
- const MacroBlockMemory* pmbmLeftTop,
- const MacroBlockMemory* pmbmCurr,
- const CMBMode* pmbmdLeft,
- const CMBMode* pmbmdTop,
- const CMBMode* pmbmdLeftTop)
- {
- Int iQPpredTop, iQPpredLeftTop, iQPpredLeft;
- const BlockMemory blkmTop = findPredictorBlock (blkn, VERTICAL, pmbmLeft, pmbmTop, pmbmLeftTop, pmbmCurr, pmbmdLeft, pmbmdTop, pmbmdLeftTop, pmbmdCurr, iQPpredTop);
- const BlockMemory blkmLeftTop = findPredictorBlock (blkn, DIAGONAL, pmbmLeft, pmbmTop, pmbmLeftTop, pmbmCurr, pmbmdLeft, pmbmdTop, pmbmdLeftTop, pmbmdCurr, iQPpredLeftTop);
- const BlockMemory blkmLeft = findPredictorBlock (blkn, HORIZONTAL, pmbmLeft, pmbmTop, pmbmLeftTop, pmbmCurr, pmbmdLeft, pmbmdTop, pmbmdLeftTop, pmbmdCurr, iQPpredLeft);
- Int iDefVal = 1<<(m_volmd.nBits+2); // NBIT
- Int iPredLeftTop = (blkmLeftTop == NULL) ? iDefVal : blkmLeftTop [0];
- Int iHorizontalGrad = ((blkmTop == NULL) ? iDefVal : blkmTop [0]) - iPredLeftTop;
- Int iVerticalGrad = ((blkmLeft == NULL) ? iDefVal : blkmLeft [0]) - iPredLeftTop;
- blkmRet = NULL;
- if (abs(iVerticalGrad) < abs (iHorizontalGrad)) {
- pmbmdCurr->m_preddir [blkn - 1] = VERTICAL;
- if (blkmTop != NULL) {
- blkmRet = blkmTop;
- iQPpred = iQPpredTop;
- }
- }
- else {
- pmbmdCurr->m_preddir [blkn - 1] = HORIZONTAL;
- if (blkmLeft != NULL) {
- blkmRet = blkmLeft;
- iQPpred = iQPpredLeft;
- }
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObjectDecoder::decodeTextureInterBlock (Int* rgiBlkCurrQ, Int iWidthDst, Int iQP, Bool bAlphaBlock)
- {
- Int* rgiCoefQ = m_rgpiCoefQ [0]; //doesn't matter which one to use
- // Added for data partitioning mode By Toshiba(1998-1-16:DP+RVLC)
- if(m_volmd.bDataPartitioning && m_volmd.bReversibleVlc && m_vopmd.vopPredType != BVOP)
- decodeInterRVLCTCOEF (rgiCoefQ, 0, grgiStandardZigzag);
- else
- // End Toshiba(1998-1-16:DP+RVLC)
- // 12.22.98 begin of changes
- decodeInterTCOEF (rgiCoefQ, 0, //else don't add error signal
- (m_vopmd.bAlternateScan&&!bAlphaBlock) ? grgiVerticalZigzag : grgiStandardZigzag);
- // 12.22.98 end of changes
- if (m_volmd.fQuantizer == Q_H263)
- inverseQuantizeDCTcoefH263 (rgiCoefQ, 0, iQP);
- else
- inverseQuantizeInterDCTcoefMPEG (rgiCoefQ, 0, iQP, bAlphaBlock);
- // this idct does not include clipping, but clipping is performed
- // in addErrorAndPredToCurrQ to range 0 -> (2**nbits-1)
- m_pidct->apply (m_rgiDCTcoef, BLOCK_SIZE, rgiBlkCurrQ, iWidthDst);
- }
- Void CVideoObjectDecoder::decodeIntraTCOEF (Int* rgiCoefQ, Int iCoefStart, Int* rgiZigzag)
- {
- Bool bIsLastRun = FALSE;
- Int iRun = 0;
- Int iLevel = 0;
- Int iCoef = iCoefStart;
- Long lIndex;
- while (!bIsLastRun) {
- // Added for short headers by KPN (1998-02-07, DS)
- if (short_video_header)
- { // H.263
- lIndex = m_pentrdecSet->m_pentrdecDCT->decodeSymbol();
- }
- else
- { // MPEG-4
- lIndex = m_pentrdecSet->m_pentrdecDCTIntra->decodeSymbol();
- }
- // Added for short headers by KPN - END
- if (lIndex != TCOEF_ESCAPE) {
- if (short_video_header) // Added by KPN [FDS]
- { // short header
- Bool tempBool = (Bool) bIsLastRun;
- decodeInterVLCtableIndex (lIndex, iLevel, iRun, tempBool);
- bIsLastRun = (Int) tempBool;
- }
- else
- { // MPEG-4
- decodeIntraVLCtableIndex (lIndex, iLevel, iRun, bIsLastRun);
- }
- }
- else {
- decodeEscape (iLevel, iRun, bIsLastRun, g_rgiLMAXintra, g_rgiRMAXintra,
- m_pentrdecSet->m_pentrdecDCTIntra, &CVideoObjectDecoder::decodeIntraVLCtableIndex);
- }
- //fprintf(stderr,"%d %d %d %dn", lIndex,iLevel,iRun,bIsLastRun);
- for (Int i = 0; i < iRun; i++) {
- rgiCoefQ [rgiZigzag [iCoef]] = 0;
- iCoef++;
- }
- rgiCoefQ [rgiZigzag [iCoef]] = iLevel;
- iCoef++;
- }
- for (Int i = iCoef; i < BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE; i++) // fill the rest w/ zero
- rgiCoefQ [rgiZigzag [i]] = 0;
- }
- Void CVideoObjectDecoder::decodeEscape (Int& iLevel, Int& iRun, Int& bIsLastRun, const Int* rgiLMAX, const Int* rgiRMAX,
- CEntropyDecoder* pentrdec, DECODE_TABLE_INDEX decodeVLCtableIndex)
- {
- // Modified by Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- if (!short_video_header) { // Added bij KPN [FDS]
- if (m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (1) == 0) { //vlc; Level+
- //if (m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (1) == 1) { //vlc; Level+
- // End Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- Int iIndex = pentrdec->decodeSymbol();
- (this->*decodeVLCtableIndex) (iIndex, iLevel, iRun, bIsLastRun);
- //get level back
- Int iLevelPlusAbs = abs (iLevel);
- Int iLevelAbs = iLevelPlusAbs + rgiLMAX [(iRun & 0x0000003F) + (bIsLastRun << 6)]; //hashing the table
- iLevel = sign(iLevel) * iLevelAbs;
- }
- // Modified Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- else if (m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (1) == 0) { //vlc; Run+
- //else if (m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (1) == 1) { //vlc; Run+
- // End Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- Int iIndex = pentrdec->decodeSymbol();
- (this->*decodeVLCtableIndex) (iIndex, iLevel, iRun, bIsLastRun);
- iRun = iRun + rgiRMAX [(abs(iLevel) & 0x0000001F) + (bIsLastRun << 5)]; //get run back; RMAX tabl incl. + 1 already
- }
- else { //flc
- bIsLastRun = (Bool) m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (1);
- iRun = (Int) m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (NUMBITS_ESC_RUN);
- assert (iRun < BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE);
- Int iLevelBits = 12; // = m_volmd.nBits;
- Int iMarker = m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (1);
- assert(iMarker== 1);
- iLevel = (Int) m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (iLevelBits);
- iMarker = m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (1);
- assert(iMarker ==1);
- Int iMaxAC = (1<<(iLevelBits-1)) - 1;
- assert(iLevel!=iMaxAC+1);
- if (iLevel > iMaxAC)
- iLevel -= (1<<iLevelBits);
- assert(iLevel != 0);
- }
- } // Escape coding short headers. Added by KPN
- else
- {
- bIsLastRun = (Bool) m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (1);
- iRun = (Int) m_pbitstrmIn->getBits (6);
- int iLevelIndex = (Int) m_pbitstrmIn->getBits(8);
- if (iLevelIndex==0||iLevelIndex==128)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Short header mode. Levels 0 and 128 are not allowedn");
- exit(2);
- }
- if (iLevelIndex >=0 && iLevelIndex <128)
- {
- iLevel=iLevelIndex;
- } else
- {
- iLevel=iLevelIndex-256;
- }
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObjectDecoder::decodeInterTCOEF (Int* rgiCoefQ, Int iCoefStart, Int* rgiZigzag)
- {
- Bool bIsLastRun = FALSE;
- Int iRun = 0;
- Int iLevel = 0;
- Int iCoef = iCoefStart;
- Long lIndex;
- while (!bIsLastRun) {
- lIndex = m_pentrdecSet->m_pentrdecDCT->decodeSymbol();
- if (lIndex != TCOEF_ESCAPE) { // if Huffman
- decodeInterVLCtableIndex (lIndex, iLevel, iRun, bIsLastRun);
- assert (iRun < BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE);
- }
- else
- decodeEscape (iLevel, iRun, bIsLastRun, g_rgiLMAXinter, g_rgiRMAXinter,
- m_pentrdecSet->m_pentrdecDCT, &CVideoObjectDecoder::decodeInterVLCtableIndex);
- for (Int i = 0; i < iRun; i++) {
- rgiCoefQ [rgiZigzag [iCoef]] = 0;
- iCoef++;
- }
- rgiCoefQ [rgiZigzag [iCoef]] = iLevel;
- iCoef++;
- }
- for (Int i = iCoef; i < BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE; i++) // fill the rest w/ zero
- rgiCoefQ [rgiZigzag [i]] = 0;
- }
- Void CVideoObjectDecoder::decodeIntraVLCtableIndex (Int iIndex, Int& iLevel, Int& iRun, Int& bIsLastRun)
- {
- static Int iLevelMask = 0x0000001F;
- static Int iRunMask = 0x000003E0;
- static Int iLastRunMask = 0x00000400;
- iLevel = iLevelMask & grgiIntraYAVCLHashingTable [iIndex];
- iRun = (iRunMask & grgiIntraYAVCLHashingTable [iIndex]) >> 5;
- bIsLastRun = (iLastRunMask & grgiIntraYAVCLHashingTable [iIndex]) >> 10;
- if (m_pentrdecSet->m_pentrdecDCT->bitstream()->getBits (1) == TRUE) // get signbit
- iLevel = -iLevel;
- assert (iRun < BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE);
- }
- Void CVideoObjectDecoder::decodeInterVLCtableIndex (Int iIndex, Int& iLevel, // return islastrun, run and level
- Int& iRun, Bool& bIsLastRun)
- {
- assert (iIndex >= 0 && iIndex < 102);
- bIsLastRun = FALSE;
- Int iIndexLeft = (Int) iIndex;
- if (iIndex >= 58) {
- iIndexLeft -= 58;
- bIsLastRun = TRUE;
- }
- iRun = 0;
- while (iIndexLeft >= 0) {
- if (!bIsLastRun)
- iIndexLeft -= grgIfNotLastNumOfLevelAtRun [iRun];
- else
- iIndexLeft -= grgIfLastNumOfLevelAtRun [iRun];
- iRun++;
- }
- assert (iRun > 0);
- iRun--;
- if (!bIsLastRun)
- iLevel = iIndexLeft + grgIfNotLastNumOfLevelAtRun [iRun] + 1;
- else
- iLevel = iIndexLeft + grgIfLastNumOfLevelAtRun [iRun] + 1;
- assert (iRun >= 0);
- if (m_pentrdecSet->m_pentrdecDCT->bitstream()->getBits (1) == TRUE) // get signbit
- iLevel = -iLevel;
- }
- Int CVideoObjectDecoder::decodeIntraDCmpeg (Bool bIsYBlk)
- {
- Long lSzDiffIntraDC;
- if (bIsYBlk)
- lSzDiffIntraDC = m_pentrdecSet->m_pentrdecIntraDCy->decodeSymbol();
- else
- lSzDiffIntraDC = m_pentrdecSet->m_pentrdecIntraDCc->decodeSymbol();
- Int iDiffIntraDC = 0;
- if (lSzDiffIntraDC !=0 ) {
- if (lSzDiffIntraDC<=8) { // NBIT
- U8 chDiffIntraDC =
- (U8) m_pentrdecSet->m_pentrdecIntraDCy->bitstream()->getBits (lSzDiffIntraDC);
- if (!((1 << (lSzDiffIntraDC - 1)) & chDiffIntraDC))
- iDiffIntraDC = -1 * ((0x00FF >> (8 - lSzDiffIntraDC)) & (~chDiffIntraDC));
- else
- iDiffIntraDC = (Int) chDiffIntraDC;
- } else { // NBIT - marker bit inserted after 8 bits
- /*
- UInt uiDiffIntraDC =
- (UInt) m_pentrdecSet->m_pentrdecIntraDCy->bitstream()->getBits (lSzDiffIntraDC+1);
- Int iOffset = lSzDiffIntraDC-8;
- uiDiffIntraDC = ( uiDiffIntraDC>>(iOffset+1)<<iOffset )
- + ( uiDiffIntraDC & ((1<<iOffset)-1) );
- */
- UInt uiDiffIntraDC =
- (UInt) m_pentrdecSet->m_pentrdecIntraDCy->bitstream()->getBits (lSzDiffIntraDC);
- if (!((1 << (lSzDiffIntraDC - 1)) & uiDiffIntraDC))
- iDiffIntraDC = -1 * ((0xFFFF >> (16 - lSzDiffIntraDC)) & (~uiDiffIntraDC));
- else
- iDiffIntraDC = (Int) uiDiffIntraDC;
- m_pentrdecSet->m_pentrdecIntraDCy->bitstream()->getBits (1);
- }
- }
- return iDiffIntraDC;
- }
- Void CVideoObjectDecoder::inverseDCACPred (const CMBMode* pmbmd, Int iBlkIdx,
- Int* rgiCoefQ, Int iQP,
- Int iDcScaler,
- const BlockMemory blkmPred,
- Int iQpPred)
- {
- UInt nBits = m_volmd.nBits; // NBIT
- Int iDefVal = 1<<(nBits+2); // NBIT
- //do DC prediction
- if (!short_video_header)
- { // Added by KPN for short video headers
- if (blkmPred == NULL)
- rgiCoefQ [0] += divroundnearest(iDefVal, iDcScaler);
- else {
- rgiCoefQ [0] += divroundnearest(blkmPred [0], iDcScaler);
- // clip range after inverse pred
- rgiCoefQ [0] = rgiCoefQ[0] < -2048 ? -2048 : (rgiCoefQ[0] > 2047 ? 2047 : rgiCoefQ[0]);
- if (iBlkIdx<(A_BLOCK1 - 1) && pmbmd->m_bACPrediction
- || iBlkIdx>=(A_BLOCK1 - 1) && pmbmd->m_bACPredictionAlpha) {
- Int i, j;
- //do AC prediction
- if (pmbmd->m_preddir [iBlkIdx] == HORIZONTAL) {
- for (i = 8, j = 8; j < 2 * BLOCK_SIZE - 1; i += 8, j++)
- {
- rgiCoefQ [i] += (blkmPred == NULL) ? 0 : (iQP == iQpPred) ?
- blkmPred [j] : divroundnearest(blkmPred [j] * iQpPred, iQP);
- // clip range after inverse pred
- rgiCoefQ [i] = rgiCoefQ[i] < -2048 ? -2048 : (rgiCoefQ[i] > 2047 ? 2047 : rgiCoefQ[i]);
- }
- }
- else if (pmbmd->m_preddir [iBlkIdx] == VERTICAL) {
- //horizontal zigzag scan
- for (i = 1; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++)
- {
- rgiCoefQ [i] += (blkmPred == NULL) ? 0 : (iQP == iQpPred) ?
- blkmPred [i] : divroundnearest(blkmPred [i] * iQpPred, iQP);
- // clip range after inverse pred
- rgiCoefQ [i] = rgiCoefQ[i] < -2048 ? -2048 : (rgiCoefQ[i] > 2047 ? 2047 : rgiCoefQ[i]);
- }
- }
- else
- assert (FALSE);
- }
- }
- }// End short video headers
- }