资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*************************************************************************
- This software module was originally developed by
- Ming-Chieh Lee (, Microsoft Corporation
- Wei-ge Chen (, Microsoft Corporation
- Bruce Lin (, Microsoft Corporation
- Chuang Gu (, Microsoft Corporation
- Simon Winder (, Microsoft Corporation
- (date: March, 1996)
- and edited by
- Wei Wu ( Rockwell Science Center
- and also edited by
- Yoshihiro Kikuchi (TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
- Toshiaki Watanabe (TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
- Noboru Yamaguchi (TOSHIBA CORPORATION)
- Marc Mongenet (, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL)
- in the course of development of the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2).
- This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 Video tools
- as specified by the MPEG-4 Video.
- ISO/IEC gives users of the MPEG-4 Video free license to this software module or modifications
- thereof for use in hardware or software products claiming conformance to the MPEG-4 Video.
- Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software products are advised that its use may infringe existing patents.
- The original developer of this software module and his/her company,
- the subsequent editors and their companies,
- and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or modifications thereof in an implementation.
- Copyright is not released for non MPEG-4 Video conforming products.
- Microsoft retains full right to use the code for his/her own purpose,
- assign or donate the code to a third party and to inhibit third parties from using the code for non <MPEG standard> conforming products.
- This copyright notice must be included in all copies or derivative works.
- Copyright (c) 1996, 1997.
- Module Name:
- mode.h
- Abstract:
- basic coding modes for VO, VOL, VOP, MB and RD
- Revision History:
- Sept. 29, 1997: add Video Packet, data partition, RVLC by Toshiba
- Nov. 27, 1997: add horizontal & vertical sampling factor by Takefumi Nagumo
- ( SONY
- Dec.12 1997 : add interlace tools by NextLevel Systems (General Instrucment),
- X. Chen ( and B. Eifrig (
- May. 9 1998 : add boundary by Hyundai Electronics
- Cheol-Soo Park (
- May. 9 1998 : add field based MC padding by Hyundai Electronics
- Cheol-Soo Park (
- Jun.15 1998 : add Complexity Estimation syntax support
- Marc Mongenet ( - EPFL
- May 9, 1999 : tm5 rate control by DemoGraFX,
- *************************************************************************/
- #ifndef __MODE_H_
- #define __MODE_H_
- Class CMBMode;
- Class CDirectModeData;
- Class CStatistics;
- typedef enum {BASE_LAYER, ENHN_LAYER} VOLtype; // will be generlized later
- typedef enum {INTRA, INTRAQ, INTER, INTERQ} DCTMode; // define pixel component
- typedef enum {DIRECT, INTERPOLATE, BACKWARD, FORWARD} MBType; // define MB type
- typedef enum {UNTRANSMITTED, TRANSMITTED, UPDATED, FINISHED} MBSptMode; // MB sprite mode
- typedef Direction IntraPredDirection; //for readability
- typedef Direction CAEScanDirection; //for readability
- #ifndef NOT_IN_TABLE
- #define NOT_IN_TABLE -1
- #endif
- #ifndef TCOEF_ESCAPE
- #define TCOEF_ESCAPE 102 // see table.13/H.263
- #endif
- // Added for error resilience mode By Toshiba(1998-1-16:DP+RVLC)
- #define TCOEF_RVLC_ESCAPE 169 // see table.
- // End Toshiba(1998-1-16:DP+RVLC)
- // VM 5.1 Rate Control
- #define RC_PAST_PERCENT 0.05
- #define RC_SAFETY_MARGIN 0.10
- #define RC_SKIP_MARGIN 80
- #define RC_MAX_Q_INCREASE 0.25
- #define RC_MAX_QUANT 31
- #define RC_MIN_QUANT 1
- typedef struct MVInfo // for motion vector coding
- {
- UInt uiRange; // search range
- UInt uiFCode; // f-code
- UInt uiScaleFactor; // scale factor
- } MVInfo;
- #define PVOP_MV_PER_REF_PER_MB 9
- #define BVOP_MV_PER_REF_PER_MB 5
- typedef struct VOLMode // VideoObjectLayer Mode
- {
- // type of VOL
- VOLtype volType; // what type of VOL
- // NBIT: nbit information
- Bool bNot8Bit;
- UInt uiQuantPrecision;
- UInt nBits;
- // time info
- Int iClockRate; //rate of clock used to count vops in Hz
- Double dFrameHz; // Frame frequency (Hz), (floating point in case of 29.97 Hz)
- // shape info
- AlphaUsage fAUsage; //binary or gray level alpha; or no alpha (rectangle VO)
- Bool bShapeOnly; // code only the shape
- Int iBinaryAlphaTH; //binary shaperounding parameter
- Int iBinaryAlphaRR; //binary shaperounding refresh rate: for Added error resilient mode by Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- Bool bNoCrChange; //nobinary shape size conversion
- // motion info
- Bool bOriginalForME; // flag indicating whether use the original previous VOP for ME
- UInt uiWarpingAccuracy; // indicates the quantization accuracy of motion vector for sprite warping
- Bool bAdvPredDisable; // No OBMC, (8x8 in the future).
- Bool bRoundingControlDisable;
- Int iInitialRoundingType;
- Bool bVPBitTh; // Bit threshold for video packet spacing control
- Bool bDataPartitioning; // data partitioning
- Bool bReversibleVlc; // reversible VLC
- // texture coding info
- Quantizer fQuantizer; // either H.263 or MPEG
- Bool bLoadIntraMatrix; // flag indicating whether to load intra Q-matrix
- Int rgiIntraQuantizerMatrix [BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE]; // Intra Q-Matrix
- Bool bLoadInterMatrix; // flag indicating whether to load inter Q-matrix
- Int rgiInterQuantizerMatrix [BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE]; // Inter Q-Matrix
- Bool bLoadIntraMatrixAlpha; // flag indicating whether to load intra Q-matrix
- Int rgiIntraQuantizerMatrixAlpha [BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE];
- Bool bLoadInterMatrixAlpha; // flag indicating whether to load inter Q-matrix
- Int rgiInterQuantizerMatrixAlpha [BLOCK_SQUARE_SIZE];
- Bool bDeblockFilterDisable; // apply deblocking filter or not.
- Bool bNoGrayQuantUpdate; // decouple gray quant and dquant
- EntropyCodeType fEntropyType; // Entropy code type
- // Complexity Estimation syntax support - Marc Mongenet (EPFL) - 15 Jun 1998
- Bool bComplexityEstimationDisable;
- Int iEstimationMethod;
- Bool bShapeComplexityEstimationDisable;
- Bool bOpaque;
- Bool bTransparent;
- Bool bIntraCAE;
- Bool bInterCAE;
- Bool bNoUpdate;
- Bool bUpsampling;
- Bool bTextureComplexityEstimationSet1Disable;
- Bool bIntraBlocks;
- Bool bInterBlocks;
- Bool bInter4vBlocks;
- Bool bNotCodedBlocks;
- Bool bTextureComplexityEstimationSet2Disable;
- Bool bDCTCoefs;
- Bool bDCTLines;
- Bool bVLCSymbols;
- Bool bVLCBits;
- Bool bMotionCompensationComplexityDisable;
- Bool bAPM;
- Bool bNPM;
- Bool bInterpolateMCQ;
- Bool bForwBackMCQ;
- Bool bHalfpel2;
- Bool bHalfpel4;
- // START: Vol Control Parameters
- UInt uiVolControlParameters;
- UInt uiChromaFormat;
- UInt uiLowDelay;
- UInt uiVBVParams;
- UInt uiBitRate;
- UInt uiVbvBufferSize;
- UInt uiVbvBufferOccupany;
- // END: Vol Control Parameters
- // frame rate info
- Int iTemporalRate; //no. of input frames between two encoded VOP's assuming 30Hz input
- Int iPbetweenI;
- Int iBbetweenP;
- Int iGOVperiod; //number of VOP from GOV header to next GOV header
- //added by SONY 980212
- Bool bAllowSkippedPMBs;
- // scalability info
- //#ifdef _Scalable_SONY_
- Int iHierarchyType;
- //#endif _Scalable_SONY_
- Int iEnhnType; //enhancement type
- Int iSpatialOption;
- Int ihor_sampling_factor_m ;
- Int ihor_sampling_factor_n ;
- Int iver_sampling_factor_m ;
- Int iver_sampling_factor_n ;
- // temporal scalability // added by Sharp (98/2/10)
- Bool bTemporalScalability;
- // statistics dumping options
- Bool bDumpMB; // dump statitstics at MB level
- Bool bTrace; // dumping trace file
- Int iMVRadiusPerFrameAwayFromRef; // MV serach radius per frame away from reference VOP
- } VOLMode;
- typedef struct VOPMode // VideoObjectPlane Mode
- {
- // user specify, per VOP
- Int intStepI; // I-VOP stepsize for DCT
- Int intStep; // P-VOP stepsize for DCT
- Int intStepB; // B-VOP stepsize for DCT
- Int intStepIAlpha; // I-VOP stepsize for DCT alpha
- Int intStepPAlpha; // P-VOP stepsize for DCT alpha
- Int intStepBAlpha; // B-VOP stepsize for DCT alpha
- Int intStepDiff; // stepsize difference for updating for DCT (DQUANT)
- // Int intDBQuant;
- VOPpredType vopPredType; //whether IVOP, PVOP, BVOP, or Sprite
- Int iIntraDcSwitchThr; //threshold to code intraDC as with AC VLCs
- Int iRoundingControl; //rounding control
- Int iRoundingControlEncSwitch;
- ShapeBPredDir fShapeBPredDir; // shape prediction direction BVOP
- Int iVopConstantAlphaValue; // for binary or grayscale shape pk val
- // Complexity Estimation syntax support - Marc Mongenet (EPFL) - 15 Jun 1998
- Int iOpaque;
- Int iTransparent;
- Int iIntraCAE;
- Int iInterCAE;
- Int iNoUpdate;
- Int iUpsampling;
- Int iIntraBlocks;
- Int iInterBlocks;
- Int iInter4vBlocks;
- Int iNotCodedBlocks;
- Int iDCTCoefs;
- Int iDCTLines;
- Int iVLCSymbols;
- Int iVLCBits;
- Int iAPM;
- Int iNPM;
- Int iInterpolateMCQ;
- Int iForwBackMCQ;
- Int iHalfpel2;
- Int iHalfpel4;
- // motion search info
- MVInfo mvInfoForward; // motion search info
- MVInfo mvInfoBackward; // motion search info
- Int iSearchRangeForward; // maximum search range for motion estimation
- Int iSearchRangeBackward; // maximum search range for motion estimation
- Bool bInterlace; // interlace coding flag
- Bool bTopFieldFirst; // Top field first
- Bool bAlternateScan; // Alternate Scan
- Int iDirectModeRadius; // Direct mode search radius (half luma pels)
- // for scalability
- Int iRefSelectCode;
- Int iLoadForShape; // load_forward_shape
- Int iLoadBakShape; // load_backward_shape
- Bool bShapeCodingType; // vop_shape_coding_type (0:intra, 1:inter): Added for error resilient mode by Toshiba(1997-11-14)
- SptXmitMode SpriteXmitMode; // sprite transmit mode
- } VOPMode;
- Class CMBMode // MacroBlock Mode
- {
- public:
- // Constructors
- ~CMBMode ();
- CMBMode ();
- CMBMode (const CMBMode& md);
- // Operations
- Void setCodedBlockPattern (BlockNum blkn, Bool bisCoded)
- {m_rgbCodedBlockPattern[(UInt) blkn - 1] = bisCoded;}
- Void setCodedBlockPattern (const Bool* rgbblockNum);
- Void setMinError (BlockNum blkn, Int iminError)
- {m_rgfltMinErrors[(UInt) blkn - 1] = (Float) iminError;}
- Void setMinError (const Float* pfltminError);
- Void operator = (const CMBMode& md);
- // Attributes
- Bool getCodedBlockPattern (BlockNum blkn) const
- {return m_rgbCodedBlockPattern[(UInt) blkn - 1];};
- Bool* getCodedBlockPattern () const {return m_rgbCodedBlockPattern;}
- Float getMinError (BlockNum blkn) const
- {return m_rgfltMinErrors[(UInt) blkn - 1];};
- Float* getMinError () const {return m_rgfltMinErrors;}
- // Some extra data member
- TransparentStatus m_rgTranspStatus [11];
- // indicating the transparency status of the MB, either ALL, PARTIAL, or NONE transparent
- // 0: 16x16, 1-4: 8x8
- Int m_rgNumNonTranspPixels [11]; // number of non-transparent pixels
- /*BBM// Added for Boundary by Hyundai(1998-5-9)
- TransparentStatus m_rgTranspStatusBBM [11];
- Bool m_bMerged [7];
- // End of Hyundai(1998-5-9)*/
- // Added for field based MC padding by Hyundai(1998-5-9)
- TransparentStatus m_rgFieldTranspStatus [5];
- Bool m_rgbFieldPadded[5];
- // End of Hyundai(1998-5-9)
- Bool m_bPadded; // to see whether this all-transparent has been padded
- Bool m_bSkip; // is the Macroblock skiped. = COD in H.263
- CODAlpha m_CODAlpha; // alpha Macroblock coded status
- MBType m_mbType; // macroblock type, DIRECT, FORWARD, BACKWARD, or INTERPOLATE
- DCTMode m_dctMd; // is the Macroblock inter- or intra- coded
- ShapeMode m_shpmd; //different context for the first MMR code
- Int m_intStepDelta; // change of quantization stepsize = DQUANT in h.263
- Bool m_bhas4MVForward; //whether the MB has four motion vectors (for forward vectors)
- Bool m_bhas4MVBackward; //whether the MB has four motion vectors (for backward vectors)
- Bool m_bFieldMV; // whether the MB is compensated by field motion vectors (for forward vectors) : yes=1
- Bool m_bForwardTop; // TRUE iff Current Forward Top field MV references the BOTTOM field
- Bool m_bForwardBottom; // TRUE iff Current Forward Bottom field MV references the BOTTOM field
- Bool m_bBackwardTop; // TRUE iff Current Backward Top field MV references the BOTTOM field
- Bool m_bBackwardBottom; // TRUE iff Current Backward Bottom field MV references the BOTTOM field
- Bool m_bFieldDCT; // use field DCT or not : yes=1
- Bool m_bPerspectiveForward; //whether the MB uses forward perspective motion
- Bool m_bPerspectiveBackward;//whether the MB uses backward perspective motion
- Int m_stepSize; //qp for texture
- Int m_stepSizeDelayed; //qp delayed by 1 MB for intra_vlc_dc_thr switch
- Int m_stepSizeAlpha; //qp for alpha
- IntraPredDirection m_preddir [10]; // horizonal or vertical
- Bool m_bACPrediction; // use AC prediction or not
- Bool m_bACPredictionAlpha; // alpha version of above
- Bool m_bInterShapeCoding; //use predicted binary shape
- Bool m_bCodeDcAsAc; //code Intra DC with Ac VLC
- Bool m_bCodeDcAsAcAlpha; // alpha version of above
- Bool m_bColocatedMBSkip; // for B-VOP, colocated MB skipped or not
- Int m_iVideoPacketNumber; // Video Packet Number; added by Toshiba
- CVector m_vctDirectDeltaMV; // delta vector for direct mode
- private:
- Bool* m_rgbCodedBlockPattern; //for each block, 1 = some non-DC components are coded
- Float* m_rgfltMinErrors; //mininal prediction errors for each luminance block
- };
- Class CDirectModeData // to handle data for direct mode in B-VOP
- {
- public:
- // Constructor
- ~CDirectModeData ();
- CDirectModeData ();
- // Attributes
- UInt numMB () const {return m_uiNumMB;}
- UInt numMBX () const {return m_uiNumMBX;}
- UInt numMBY () const {return m_uiNumMBY;}
- Bool inBound (UInt iMbIdx) const; // check whether the index is inbound
- Bool inBound (UInt idX, UInt idY) const; // check whether the index is inbound
- CMBMode** mbMode () const {return m_ppmbmd;}
- const CMBMode* mbMode (UInt iMbIdx) const
- {assert (inBound (iMbIdx)); return m_ppmbmd [iMbIdx];}
- const CMBMode* mbMode (UInt idX, UInt idY) const
- {assert (inBound (idX, idY)); return m_ppmbmd [idX + idY * m_uiNumMBX];}
- CMotionVector** mv () const {return m_prgmv;}
- const CMotionVector* mv (UInt iMbIdx) const
- {assert (inBound (iMbIdx)); return m_prgmv [iMbIdx];}
- const CMotionVector* mv (UInt idX, UInt idY) const
- {assert (inBound (idX, idY)); return m_prgmv [idX + idY * m_uiNumMBX];}
- // Operations
- Void reassign (UInt numMBX, UInt numMBY);
- Void assign (UInt imb, const CMBMode& mbmd, const CMotionVector* rgmv);
- ///////////////// implementation /////////////////
- private:
- own CMBMode** m_ppmbmd;
- own CMotionVector** m_prgmv; // [m_uiNumMB][5]
- UInt m_uiNumMB, m_uiNumMBX, m_uiNumMBY;
- Void destroyMem ();
- };
- Class CStatistics
- {
- public:
- //constructor
- CStatistics ();
- ~CStatistics () {};
- //resultant
- Void print (Bool bVOPPrint = FALSE);
- CStatistics& operator = (const CStatistics& statSrc);
- //Operation
- Void operator += (const CStatistics& statSrc);
- Void reset ();
- UInt total ();
- UInt head ();
- //data members
- UInt nBitsHead;
- UInt nBitsY;
- UInt nBitsCr;
- UInt nBitsCb;
- UInt nBitsA;
- UInt nBitsShapeMode;
- UInt nBitsCOD;
- UInt nBitsCBPY;
- UInt nBitsMCBPC;
- UInt nBitsDQUANT;
- UInt nBitsMODB;
- UInt nBitsCBPB;
- UInt nBitsMBTYPE;
- UInt nBitsIntraPred; //intra ac/dc switch
- UInt nBitsNoDCT; //no. of DCT in sepr m-s-t mode
- UInt nBitsCODA;
- UInt nBitsCBPA;
- UInt nBitsMODBA;
- UInt nBitsCBPBA;
- UInt nBitsStuffing;
- UInt nSkipMB;
- UInt nInterMB;
- UInt nInter4VMB;
- UInt nIntraMB;
- UInt nDirectMB;
- UInt nForwardMB;
- UInt nBackwardMB;
- UInt nInterpolateMB;
- UInt nBitsInterlace; // incl all interlaced info in MB header
- UInt nFieldForwardMB;
- UInt nFieldBackwardMB;
- UInt nFieldInterpolateMB;
- UInt nFieldDirectMB;
- UInt nFieldDCTMB;
- UInt nVOPs; // VOP counter for normalizing statistics
- UInt nBitsMV;
- UInt nBitsShape;
- UInt nBitsTotal;
- Double dSNRY;
- Double dSNRU;
- Double dSNRV;
- Double dSNRA;
- UInt nQMB;
- UInt nQp;
- private:
- UInt nBitsTexture;
- };
- Class CRCMode
- {
- public:
- //constructor
- CRCMode () {};
- ~CRCMode () {};
- //resultant
- UInt updateQuanStepsize (); // Target bits and quantization level calculation
- Bool skipNextFrame () const {return m_skipNextFrame;}
- Bool firstFrame () const {return m_bfirstFrame;}
- UInt noCodedFrame () const {return m_Nc;} // return the coded P frames
- //Operation
- Void resetSkipMode () {m_skipNextFrame = FALSE; m_bfirstFrame = TRUE;}
- Void resetFirstFrame () {m_bfirstFrame = FALSE;}
- Bool skipThisFrame ();
- Void reset (UInt uiFirstFrame, UInt uiLastFrame, UInt uiTemporalRate,
- UInt uiBufferSize, Double mad, UInt uiBitsFirstFrame, Double dFrameHz);
- Void setMad (Double mad) {m_Ep = m_Ec; m_Ec = mad;}
- Void setQc (UInt QStep) {m_Qc = QStep;}
- Void updateRCModel (UInt uiBitsTotalCurr, UInt uiBitsHeadCurr); // Update RD model
- private:
- Void RCModelEstimator (UInt nWindowSize); // Rate Control: RD model estimator
- Double m_X1;// 1st order coefficient
- Double m_X2;// 2nd order coefficient
- UInt m_Rs; // bit rate for sequence. e.g. 24000 bits/sec
- UInt m_Rf; // bits used for the first frame, e.g. 10000 bits
- UInt m_Rc; // bits used for the current frame after encoding
- UInt m_Rp; // bits to be removed from the buffer per picture
- Double m_Ts;// number of seconds for the sequence, e.g. 10 sec
- Double m_Ec;// mean absolute difference for the current frame after motion compensation
- Double m_Ep;// mean absolute difference for the previous frame after motion compensation
- UInt m_Qc; // quantization level used for the current frame
- UInt m_Qp; // quantization level used for the previous frame
- UInt m_Nr; // number of P frames remaining for encoding
- UInt m_Nc; // number of P frames coded
- UInt m_Ns; // distance between encoded frames
- Int m_Rr; // number of bits remaining for encoding this sequence
- UInt m_T; // target bit to be used for the current frame
- UInt m_S; // number of bits used for encoding the previous frame
- UInt m_Hc; // header and motion vector bits used in the current frame
- UInt m_Hp; // header and motion vector bits used in the previous frame
- UInt m_Bs; // buffer size
- Int m_B; // current buffer level
- Bool m_skipNextFrame; // TRUE if buffer is full
- Bool m_bfirstFrame; // TRUE if this is the first frame
- UInt m_rgQp[RC_MAX_SLIDING_WINDOW]; // quantization levels for the past frames
- Double m_rgRp[RC_MAX_SLIDING_WINDOW]; // scaled encoding complexity used for the past frames;
- Bool m_rgRejected[RC_MAX_SLIDING_WINDOW]; // outliers
- };
- #endif //__MODE_H